/** * Simple Machines Forum (SMF) * * @package SMF * @author Simple Machines https://www.simplemachines.org * @copyright 2022 Simple Machines and individual contributors * @license https://www.simplemachines.org/about/smf/license.php BSD * * @version 2.1.0 */ (function ($) { var extensionMethods = { insertQuoteFast: function (messageid) { var self = this; getXMLDocument( smf_prepareScriptUrl(smf_scripturl) + 'action=quotefast;quote=' + messageid + ';xml', function(XMLDoc) { var text = ''; for (var i = 0, n = XMLDoc.getElementsByTagName('quote')[0].childNodes.length; i < n; i++) text += XMLDoc.getElementsByTagName('quote')[0].childNodes[i].nodeValue; self.insert(text); // Manually move cursor to after the quote. var rangeHelper = self.getRangeHelper(), parent = rangeHelper.parentNode(); if (parent && parent.nodeName === 'BLOCKQUOTE') { var range = rangeHelper.selectedRange(); range.setStartAfter(parent); rangeHelper.selectRange(range); } ajax_indicator(false); } ); }, InsertText: function (text, bClear) { if (bClear) this.val(''); this.insert(text); }, getText: function (filter) { var current_value = ''; if (this.inSourceMode()) current_value = this.getSourceEditorValue(false); else current_value = this.getWysiwygEditorValue(filter); return current_value; }, appendEmoticon: function (code, emoticon, description) { if (emoticon == '') line.append($('
')); else line.append($('') .attr({ src: emoticon, alt: code, title: description, }) .click(function (e) { var start = '', end = ''; if (base.opts.emoticonsCompat) { start = ' '; end = ' '; } if (base.inSourceMode()) base.sourceEditorInsertText(' ' + $(this).attr('alt') + ' '); else base.wysiwygEditorInsertHtml(start + '' + end); e.preventDefault(); }) ); }, storeLastState: function (){ this.wasSource = this.inSourceMode(); }, setTextMode: function () { if (!this.inSourceMode()) this.toggleSourceMode(); }, createPermanentDropDown: function () { var emoticons = $.extend({}, this.opts.emoticons.dropdown); var popup_exists = false; content = $('
'); line = $('
'); base = this; for (smiley_popup in this.opts.emoticons.popup) { popup_exists = true; break; } if (popup_exists) { base.opts.emoticons.more = base.opts.emoticons.popup; moreButton = $('
').text(this._('More')).click(function () { if ($(".sceditor-smileyPopup").length > 0) { $(".sceditor-smileyPopup").fadeIn('fast'); } else { var emoticons = $.extend({}, base.opts.emoticons.popup); var popup_position; var titlebar = $('
'); popupContent = $('
'); allowHide = true; line = $('
'); adjheight = 0; popupContent.append(titlebar); closeButton = $('').text(base._('Close')).click(function () { $(".sceditor-smileyPopup").fadeOut('fast'); }); // Modif pour fermer lorsqu'on clique autour. Source : https://www.simplemachines.org/community/index.php?topic=583896.0 $(document).mouseup(function (e) { if (allowHide && !popupContent.is(e.target) && popupContent.has(e.target).length === 0) $(".sceditor-smileyPopup").fadeOut('fast'); }).keyup(function (e) { if (e.keyCode === 27) $(".sceditor-smileyPopup").fadeOut('fast'); }); $.each(emoticons, function( code, emoticon ) { base.appendEmoticon(code, emoticon, base.opts.emoticonsDescriptions[code]); }); if (line.children().length > 0) popupContent.append(line); if (typeof closeButton !== "undefined") popupContent.append(closeButton); // IE needs unselectable attr to stop it from unselecting the text in the editor. // The editor can cope if IE does unselect the text it's just not nice. if (base.ieUnselectable !== false) { content = $(content); content.find(':not(input,textarea)').filter(function () { return this.nodeType===1; }).attr('unselectable', 'on'); } dropdownIgnoreLastClick = true; adjheight = closeButton.height() + titlebar.height(); $dropdown = $('
') .append(popupContent) .appendTo($('.sceditor-container')); $('.sceditor-smileyPopup').animaDrag({ speed: 150, interval: 120, during: function (e) { $(this).height(this.startheight); $(this).width(this.startwidth); }, before: function (e) { this.startheight = $(this).innerHeight(); this.startwidth = $(this).innerWidth(); }, grip: '.sceditor-popup-grip' }); // stop clicks within the dropdown from being handled $dropdown.click(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); } }); } $.each(emoticons, function( code, emoticon ) { base.appendEmoticon(code, emoticon, base.opts.emoticonsDescriptions[code]); }); if (line.children().length > 0) content.append(line); $(".sceditor-toolbar").append(content); if (typeof moreButton !== "undefined") content.append($('
').append(moreButton)); } }; var createFn = sceditor.create; var isPatched = false; sceditor.create = function (textarea, options) { // Call the original create function createFn(textarea, options); // Constructor isn't exposed so get reference to it when // creating the first instance and extend it then var instance = sceditor.instance(textarea); if (!isPatched && instance) { sceditor.utils.extend(instance.constructor.prototype, extensionMethods); window.addEventListener('beforeunload', instance.updateOriginal, false); /* * Stop SCEditor from resizing the entire container. Long * toolbars and tons of smilies play havoc with this. * Only resize the text areas instead. */ document.querySelector(".sceditor-container").removeAttribute("style"); document.querySelector(".sceditor-container textarea").style.height = options.height; document.querySelector(".sceditor-container textarea").style.flexBasis = options.height; isPatched = true; } }; })(jQuery); sceditor.command.set( 'pre', { txtExec: ["[pre]", "[/pre]"], exec: function () { this.wysiwygEditorInsertHtml('
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', format: function (element, content) { if ($(element).css('list-style-type') == 'disc') return '[list]' + content + '[/list]'; else return '[list type=' + $(element).css('list-style-type') + ']' + content + '[/list]'; } } ); sceditor.formats.bbcode.set( 'ol', { tags: { ol: null }, breakStart: true, isInline: false, html: '
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  • {0}
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element.style[name] : null; }, index; attribs += " id=" + element.attr('data-attachment'); if (element.attr('width') || style('width')) attribs += " width=" + element.attr('width'); if (element.attr('height') || style('height')) attribs += " height=" + element.attr('height'); if (element.attr('alt')) attribs += " alt=" + element.attr('alt'); if (typeof current_attachments !== "undefined") for (index = 0; index < current_attachments.length; ++index) { if (current_attachments[index]['attachID'] == element.attr('data-attachment')) { attach_type = current_attachments[index]['type']; break; } } if (element.attr('title') && attach_type.indexOf("image") === 0) content = element.attr('title'); return '[attach' + attribs + ']' + content + '[/attach]'; }, html: function (token, attrs, content) { var parts, attribs = '', attach_type, index; // Handles SMF 2.1 final format if (typeof attrs.id !== "undefined") var id = attrs.id; // Handles format from SMF 2.1 betas else { var id = content; if (typeof attrs.name !== "undefined") content = attrs.name; } if (typeof current_attachments !== "undefined") for (index = 0; index < current_attachments.length; ++index) { if (current_attachments[index]['attachID'] == id) { attach_type = current_attachments[index]['type']; break; } } // If id is not an integer, bail out if (!$.isNumeric(id) || Math.floor(id) != +id || +id <= 0) { attribs += ' id=' + id; if (typeof attrs.width !== "undefined") attribs += ' width=' + attrs.width; if (typeof attrs.height !== "undefined") attribs += ' height=' + attrs.height; if (typeof attrs.alt !== "undefined") attribs += ' alt=' + attrs.alt; return '[attach' + attribs + ']' + content + '[/attach]'; } attribs += ' data-attachment="' + id + '"' if (typeof attrs.alt !== "undefined") attribs += ' alt="' + attrs.alt + '"'; // Is this an image? if ((typeof attach_type !== "undefined" && attach_type.indexOf("image") === 0)) { attribs += ' title="' + content + '"'; if (typeof attrs.width !== "undefined") attribs += ' width="' + attrs.width + '"'; if (typeof attrs.height !== "undefined") attribs += ' height="' + attrs.height + '"'; var contentUrl = smf_scripturl +'?action=dlattach;attach='+ id + ';type=preview;thumb'; contentIMG = new Image(); contentIMG.src = contentUrl; } // If not an image, show a boring ol' link if (typeof contentUrl === "undefined" || contentIMG.getAttribute('width') == 0) return '' + content + ''; // Show our purdy li'l picture else return ''; } } ); sceditor.formats.bbcode.set( 'email', { allowsEmpty: true, quoteType: sceditor.BBCodeParser.QuoteType.never, tags: { a: { 'data-type': ['email'] } }, format: function (element, content) { return '[email=' + element.href.substr(7) + ']' + content + '[/email]'; }, html: function (token, attrs, content) { return '' + content + ''; } } ); sceditor.formats.bbcode.set( 'url', { allowsEmpty: true, quoteType: sceditor.BBCodeParser.QuoteType.always, tags: { a: { 'data-type': ['url'] } }, format: function (element, content) { return '[url=' + decodeURI(element.href) + ']' + content + '[/url]'; }, html: function (token, attrs, content) { return '' + content + ''; } } ); sceditor.formats.bbcode.set( 'iurl', { allowsEmpty: true, quoteType: sceditor.BBCodeParser.QuoteType.always, tags: { a: { 'data-type': ['iurl'] } }, format: function (element, content) { return '[iurl=' + decodeURI(element.href) + ']' + content + '[/iurl]'; }, html: function (token, attrs, content) { return '' + content + ''; } } ); sceditor.formats.bbcode.set( 'pre', { tags: { pre: null }, isBlock: true, format: "[pre]{0}[/pre]", html: "
    \n" } ); sceditor.formats.bbcode.set( 'php', { isInline: false, format: "[php]{0}[/php]", html: '{0}' } ); sceditor.formats.bbcode.set( 'code', { tags: { code: null }, isInline: false, allowedChildren: ['#', '#newline'], format: function (element, content) { if ($(element).hasClass('php')) return '[php]' + content.replace('[', '[') + '[/php]'; var dom = sceditor.dom, attr = dom.attr, title = attr(element, 'data-title'), from = title ?' =' + title : ''; return '[code' + from + ']' + content.replace('[', '[') + '[/code]'; }, html: function (element, attrs, content) { var from = attrs.defaultattr ? ' data-title="' + attrs.defaultattr + '"' : ''; return '' + content.replace('[', '[') + '' } } ); sceditor.formats.bbcode.set( 'quote', { tags: { blockquote: null, cite: null }, quoteType: sceditor.BBCodeParser.QuoteType.never, breakBefore: false, isInline: false, format: function (element, content) { var attrs = ''; var author = element.getAttribute('data-author'); var date = element.getAttribute('data-date'); var link = element.getAttribute('data-link'); // The contains only the graphic for the quote, so we can skip it if (element.tagName === 'CITE') return ''; if (author) attrs += ' author=' + author.php_unhtmlspecialchars(); if (link) attrs += ' link=' + link; if (date) attrs += ' date=' + date; return '[quote' + attrs + ']' + content + '[/quote]'; }, html: function (element, attrs, content) { var attr_author = '', author = ''; var attr_date = '', sDate = ''; var attr_link = '', link = ''; if (attrs.author || attrs.defaultattr) { attr_author = attrs.author || attrs.defaultattr; author = bbc_quote_from + ': ' + attr_author; } if (attrs.link) { attr_link = attrs.link; link = attr_link.substr(0, 7) == 'http://' ? attr_link : smf_prepareScriptUrl(smf_scripturl) + attr_link; author = '' + (author || bbc_quote_from + ': ' + link) + ''; } if (attrs.date) { attr_date = attrs.date; sDate = '' + new Date(attr_date * 1000).toLocaleString() + ''; if (author !== '') author += ' ' + bbc_search_on; } return '
    ' + (author || bbc_quote) + ' ' + sDate + '' + content + '
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    ' + content + '
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