
1036 lines
33 KiB

* This file has all the main functions in it that relate to the database.
* Simple Machines Forum (SMF)
* @package SMF
* @author Simple Machines
* @copyright 2023 Simple Machines and individual contributors
* @license BSD
* @version 2.1.4
if (!defined('SMF'))
die('No direct access...');
* Maps the implementations in this file (smf_db_function_name)
* to the $smcFunc['db_function_name'] variable.
* @see Subs-Db-mysql.php#smf_db_initiate
* @param string $db_server The database server
* @param string $db_name The name of the database
* @param string $db_user The database username
* @param string $db_passwd The database password
* @param string $db_prefix The table prefix
* @param array $db_options An array of database options
* @return null|resource Returns null on failure if $db_options['non_fatal'] is true or a PostgreSQL connection resource handle if the connection was successful.
function smf_db_initiate($db_server, $db_name, $db_user, $db_passwd, &$db_prefix, $db_options = array())
global $smcFunc, $pg_connect_error, $pg_connect_errno;
// Map some database specific functions, only do this once.
if (!isset($smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']))
$smcFunc += array(
'db_query' => 'smf_db_query',
'db_quote' => 'smf_db_quote',
'db_insert' => 'smf_db_insert',
'db_insert_id' => 'smf_db_insert_id',
'db_fetch_assoc' => 'pg_fetch_assoc',
'db_fetch_row' => 'pg_fetch_row',
'db_free_result' => 'pg_free_result',
'db_num_rows' => 'pg_num_rows',
'db_data_seek' => 'pg_result_seek',
'db_num_fields' => 'pg_num_fields',
'db_escape_string' => 'smf_db_escape_string',
'db_unescape_string' => 'stripslashes',
'db_server_info' => 'smf_db_version',
'db_affected_rows' => 'smf_db_affected_rows',
'db_transaction' => 'smf_db_transaction',
'db_error' => 'pg_last_error',
'db_select_db' => 'smf_db_select_db',
'db_title' => POSTGRE_TITLE,
'db_sybase' => true,
'db_case_sensitive' => true,
'db_escape_wildcard_string' => 'smf_db_escape_wildcard_string',
'db_is_resource' => 'is_resource',
'db_mb4' => true,
'db_ping' => 'pg_ping',
'db_fetch_all' => 'smf_db_fetch_all',
'db_error_insert' => 'smf_db_error_insert',
'db_custom_order' => 'smf_db_custom_order',
'db_native_replace' => 'smf_db_native_replace',
'db_cte_support' => 'smf_db_cte_support',
'db_connect_error' => 'smf_db_connect_error',
'db_connect_errno' => 'smf_db_connect_errno',
// We are not going to make it very far without these.
if (!function_exists('pg_pconnect'))
// We need to escape ' and \
$db_passwd = str_replace(array('\\','\''), array('\\\\','\\\''), $db_passwd);
// Since pg_connect doesn't feed error info to pg_last_error, we have to catch issues with a try/catch.
function($errno, $errstr)
throw new ErrorException($errstr, $errno);
if (!empty($db_options['persist']))
$connection = @pg_pconnect((empty($db_server) ? '' : 'host=' . $db_server . ' ') . 'dbname=' . $db_name . ' user=\'' . $db_user . '\' password=\'' . $db_passwd . '\'' . (empty($db_options['port']) ? '' : ' port=\'' . $db_options['port'] . '\''));
$connection = @pg_connect((empty($db_server) ? '' : 'host=' . $db_server . ' ') . 'dbname=' . $db_name . ' user=\'' . $db_user . '\' password=\'' . $db_passwd . '\'' . (empty($db_options['port']) ? '' : ' port=\'' . $db_options['port'] . '\''));
catch (Exception $e)
// Make error info available to calling processes
$pg_connect_error = $e->getMessage();
$pg_connect_errno = $e->getCode();
$connection = false;
// Something's wrong, show an error if its fatal (which we assume it is)
if (!$connection)
if (!empty($db_options['non_fatal']))
return null;
if (!empty($db_options['db_mb4']))
$smcFunc['db_mb4'] = (bool) $db_options['db_mb4'];
return $connection;
* Extend the database functionality. It calls the respective file's init
* to add the implementations in that file to $smcFunc array.
* @param string $type Indicates which additional file to load. ('extra', 'packages')
function db_extend($type = 'extra')
global $sourcedir, $db_type;
require_once($sourcedir . '/Db' . strtoupper($type[0]) . substr($type, 1) . '-' . $db_type . '.php');
$initFunc = 'db_' . $type . '_init';
* Fix the database prefix if necessary.
* Does nothing on PostgreSQL
* @param string $db_prefix The database prefix
* @param string $db_name The database name
function db_fix_prefix(&$db_prefix, $db_name)
* Callback for preg_replace_callback on the query.
* It allows to replace on the fly a few pre-defined strings, for convenience ('query_see_board', 'query_wanna_see_board', etc), with
* their current values from $user_info.
* In addition, it performs checks and sanitization on the values sent to the database.
* @param array $matches The matches from preg_replace_callback
* @return string The appropriate string depending on $matches[1]
function smf_db_replacement__callback($matches)
global $db_callback, $user_info, $db_prefix, $smcFunc;
list ($values, $connection) = $db_callback;
if ($matches[1] === 'db_prefix')
return $db_prefix;
if (isset($user_info[$matches[1]]) && strpos($matches[1], 'query_') !== false)
return $user_info[$matches[1]];
if ($matches[1] === 'empty')
return '\'\'';
if (!isset($matches[2]))
smf_db_error_backtrace('Invalid value inserted or no type specified.', '', E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if ($matches[1] === 'literal')
return '\'' . pg_escape_string($connection, $matches[2]) . '\'';
if (!isset($values[$matches[2]]))
smf_db_error_backtrace('The database value you\'re trying to insert does not exist: ' . (isset($smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']) ? $smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($matches[2]) : htmlspecialchars($matches[2])), '', E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
$replacement = $values[$matches[2]];
switch ($matches[1])
case 'int':
if (!is_numeric($replacement) || (string) $replacement !== (string) (int) $replacement)
smf_db_error_backtrace('Wrong value type sent to the database. Integer expected. (' . $matches[2] . ')', '', E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
return (string) (int) $replacement;
case 'string':
case 'text':
return sprintf('\'%1$s\'', pg_escape_string($connection, $replacement));
case 'array_int':
if (is_array($replacement))
if (empty($replacement))
smf_db_error_backtrace('Database error, given array of integer values is empty. (' . $matches[2] . ')', '', E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
foreach ($replacement as $key => $value)
if (!is_numeric($value) || (string) $value !== (string) (int) $value)
smf_db_error_backtrace('Wrong value type sent to the database. Array of integers expected. (' . $matches[2] . ')', '', E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
$replacement[$key] = (string) (int) $value;
return implode(', ', $replacement);
smf_db_error_backtrace('Wrong value type sent to the database. Array of integers expected. (' . $matches[2] . ')', '', E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
case 'array_string':
if (is_array($replacement))
if (empty($replacement))
smf_db_error_backtrace('Database error, given array of string values is empty. (' . $matches[2] . ')', '', E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
foreach ($replacement as $key => $value)
$replacement[$key] = sprintf('\'%1$s\'', pg_escape_string($connection, $value));
return implode(', ', $replacement);
smf_db_error_backtrace('Wrong value type sent to the database. Array of strings expected. (' . $matches[2] . ')', '', E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
case 'date':
if (preg_match('~^(\d{4})-([0-1]?\d)-([0-3]?\d)$~', $replacement, $date_matches) === 1)
return sprintf('\'%04d-%02d-%02d\'', $date_matches[1], $date_matches[2], $date_matches[3]) . '::date';
smf_db_error_backtrace('Wrong value type sent to the database. Date expected. (' . $matches[2] . ')', '', E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
case 'time':
if (preg_match('~^([0-1]?\d|2[0-3]):([0-5]\d):([0-5]\d)$~', $replacement, $time_matches) === 1)
return sprintf('\'%02d:%02d:%02d\'', $time_matches[1], $time_matches[2], $time_matches[3]) . '::time';
smf_db_error_backtrace('Wrong value type sent to the database. Time expected. (' . $matches[2] . ')', '', E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
case 'datetime':
if (preg_match('~^(\d{4})-([0-1]?\d)-([0-3]?\d) ([0-1]?\d|2[0-3]):([0-5]\d):([0-5]\d)$~', $replacement, $datetime_matches) === 1)
return 'to_timestamp(' .
sprintf('\'%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\'', $datetime_matches[1], $datetime_matches[2], $datetime_matches[3], $datetime_matches[4], $datetime_matches[5], $datetime_matches[6]) .
',\'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS\')';
smf_db_error_backtrace('Wrong value type sent to the database. Datetime expected. (' . $matches[2] . ')', '', E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
case 'float':
if (!is_numeric($replacement))
smf_db_error_backtrace('Wrong value type sent to the database. Floating point number expected. (' . $matches[2] . ')', '', E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
return (string) (float) $replacement;
case 'identifier':
return '"' . implode('"."', array_filter(explode('.', strtr($replacement, array('`' => ''))), 'strlen')) . '"';
case 'raw':
return $replacement;
case 'inet':
if ($replacement == 'null' || $replacement == '')
return 'null';
if (inet_pton($replacement) === false)
smf_db_error_backtrace('Wrong value type sent to the database. IPv4 or IPv6 expected.(' . $matches[2] . ')', '', E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
return sprintf('\'%1$s\'::inet', pg_escape_string($connection, $replacement));
case 'array_inet':
if (is_array($replacement))
if (empty($replacement))
smf_db_error_backtrace('Database error, given array of IPv4 or IPv6 values is empty. (' . $matches[2] . ')', '', E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
foreach ($replacement as $key => $value)
if ($replacement == 'null' || $replacement == '')
$replacement[$key] = 'null';
if (!isValidIP($value))
smf_db_error_backtrace('Wrong value type sent to the database. IPv4 or IPv6 expected.(' . $matches[2] . ')', '', E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
$replacement[$key] = sprintf('\'%1$s\'::inet', pg_escape_string($connection, $value));
return implode(', ', $replacement);
smf_db_error_backtrace('Wrong value type sent to the database. Array of IPv4 or IPv6 expected. (' . $matches[2] . ')', '', E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
smf_db_error_backtrace('Undefined type used in the database query. (' . $matches[1] . ':' . $matches[2] . ')', '', false, __FILE__, __LINE__);
* Just like the db_query, escape and quote a string, but not executing the query.
* @param string $db_string The database string
* @param array $db_values An array of values to be injected into the string
* @param resource $connection = null The connection to use (null to use $db_connection)
* @return string The string with the values inserted
function smf_db_quote($db_string, $db_values, $connection = null)
global $db_callback, $db_connection;
// Only bother if there's something to replace.
if (strpos($db_string, '{') !== false)
// This is needed by the callback function.
$db_callback = array($db_values, $connection === null ? $db_connection : $connection);
// Do the quoting and escaping
$db_string = preg_replace_callback('~{([a-z_]+)(?::([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+))?}~', 'smf_db_replacement__callback', $db_string);
// Clear this global variable.
$db_callback = array();
return $db_string;
* Do a query. Takes care of errors too.
* Special queries may need additional replacements to be appropriate
* for PostgreSQL.
* @param string $identifier An identifier. Only used in Postgres when we need to do things differently...
* @param string $db_string The database string
* @param array $db_values = array() The values to be inserted into the string
* @param resource $connection = null The connection to use (null to use $db_connection)
* @return resource|bool Returns a MySQL result resource (for SELECT queries), true (for UPDATE queries) or false if the query failed
function smf_db_query($identifier, $db_string, $db_values = array(), $connection = null)
global $db_cache, $db_count, $db_connection, $db_show_debug;
global $db_callback, $db_last_result, $db_replace_result, $modSettings;
// Decide which connection to use.
$connection = $connection === null ? $db_connection : $connection;
// Special queries that need processing.
$replacements = array(
'profile_board_stats' => array(
'~COUNT\(\*\) \/ MAX\(b.num_posts\)~' => 'CAST(COUNT(*) AS DECIMAL) / CAST(b.num_posts AS DECIMAL)',
// Special optimizer Hints
$query_opt = array(
'load_board_info' => array(
'join_collapse_limit' => 1,
'calendar_get_events' => array(
'enable_seqscan' => 'off',
if (isset($replacements[$identifier]))
$db_string = preg_replace(array_keys($replacements[$identifier]), array_values($replacements[$identifier]), $db_string);
// Limits need to be a little different.
$db_string = preg_replace('~\sLIMIT\s(\d+|{int:.+}),\s*(\d+|{int:.+})\s*$~i', 'LIMIT $2 OFFSET $1', $db_string);
if (trim($db_string) == '')
return false;
// Comments that are allowed in a query are preg_removed.
static $allowed_comments_from = array(
'~/\*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE \*/~',
'~/\*!40000 USE INDEX \([A-Za-z\_]+?\) \*/~',
'~/\*!40100 ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id_msg = \d+ \*/~',
static $allowed_comments_to = array(
' ',
// One more query....
$db_count = !isset($db_count) ? 1 : $db_count + 1;
$db_replace_result = 0;
if (empty($modSettings['disableQueryCheck']) && strpos($db_string, '\'') !== false && empty($db_values['security_override']))
smf_db_error_backtrace('No direct access...', 'Illegal character (\') used in query...', true, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (empty($db_values['security_override']) && (!empty($db_values) || strpos($db_string, '{db_prefix}') !== false))
// Pass some values to the global space for use in the callback function.
$db_callback = array($db_values, $connection);
// Inject the values passed to this function.
$db_string = preg_replace_callback('~{([a-z_]+)(?::([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+))?}~', 'smf_db_replacement__callback', $db_string);
// This shouldn't be residing in global space any longer.
$db_callback = array();
// First, we clean strings out of the query, reduce whitespace, lowercase, and trim - so we can check it over.
if (empty($modSettings['disableQueryCheck']))
$clean = '';
$old_pos = 0;
$pos = -1;
// Remove the string escape for better runtime
$db_string_1 = str_replace('\'\'', '', $db_string);
while (true)
$pos = strpos($db_string_1, '\'', $pos + 1);
if ($pos === false)
$clean .= substr($db_string_1, $old_pos, $pos - $old_pos);
while (true)
$pos1 = strpos($db_string_1, '\'', $pos + 1);
$pos2 = strpos($db_string_1, '\\', $pos + 1);
if ($pos1 === false)
elseif ($pos2 === false || $pos2 > $pos1)
$pos = $pos1;
$pos = $pos2 + 1;
$clean .= ' %s ';
$old_pos = $pos + 1;
$clean .= substr($db_string_1, $old_pos);
$clean = trim(strtolower(preg_replace($allowed_comments_from, $allowed_comments_to, $clean)));
// Comments? We don't use comments in our queries, we leave 'em outside!
if (strpos($clean, '/*') > 2 || strpos($clean, '--') !== false || strpos($clean, ';') !== false)
$fail = true;
// Trying to change passwords, slow us down, or something?
elseif (strpos($clean, 'sleep') !== false && preg_match('~(^|[^a-z])sleep($|[^[_a-z])~s', $clean) != 0)
$fail = true;
elseif (strpos($clean, 'benchmark') !== false && preg_match('~(^|[^a-z])benchmark($|[^[a-z])~s', $clean) != 0)
$fail = true;
if (!empty($fail) && function_exists('log_error'))
smf_db_error_backtrace('No direct access...', 'No direct access...' . "\n" . $db_string, E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Set optimize stuff
if (isset($query_opt[$identifier]))
$query_hints = $query_opt[$identifier];
$query_hints_set = '';
if (isset($query_hints['join_collapse_limit']))
$query_hints_set .= 'SET LOCAL join_collapse_limit = ' . $query_hints['join_collapse_limit'] . ';';
if (isset($query_hints['enable_seqscan']))
$query_hints_set .= 'SET LOCAL enable_seqscan = ' . $query_hints['enable_seqscan'] . ';';
$db_string = $query_hints_set . $db_string;
// Debugging.
if (isset($db_show_debug) && $db_show_debug === true)
// Get the file and line number this function was called.
list ($file, $line) = smf_db_error_backtrace('', '', 'return', __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Initialize $db_cache if not already initialized.
if (!isset($db_cache))
$db_cache = array();
if (!empty($_SESSION['debug_redirect']))
$db_cache = array_merge($_SESSION['debug_redirect'], $db_cache);
$db_count = count($db_cache) + 1;
$_SESSION['debug_redirect'] = array();
// Don't overload it.
$db_cache[$db_count]['q'] = $db_count < 50 ? $db_string : '...';
$db_cache[$db_count]['f'] = $file;
$db_cache[$db_count]['l'] = $line;
$db_cache[$db_count]['s'] = ($st = microtime(true)) - TIME_START;
$db_last_result = @pg_query($connection, $db_string);
if ($db_last_result === false && empty($db_values['db_error_skip']))
$db_last_result = smf_db_error($db_string, $connection);
// Debugging.
if (isset($db_show_debug) && $db_show_debug === true)
$db_cache[$db_count]['t'] = microtime(true) - $st;
return $db_last_result;
* Returns the amount of affected rows for a query.
* @param mixed $result
* @return int
function smf_db_affected_rows($result = null)
global $db_last_result, $db_replace_result;
if ($db_replace_result)
return $db_replace_result;
elseif ($result === null && !$db_last_result)
return 0;
return pg_affected_rows($result === null ? $db_last_result : $result);
* Gets the ID of the most recently inserted row.
* @param string $table The table (only used for Postgres)
* @param string $field = null The specific field (not used here)
* @param resource $connection = null The connection (if null, $db_connection is used) (not used here)
* @return int The ID of the most recently inserted row
function smf_db_insert_id($table, $field = null, $connection = null)
global $smcFunc, $db_prefix;
$table = str_replace('{db_prefix}', $db_prefix, $table);
// Try get the last ID for the auto increment field.
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', 'SELECT CURRVAL(\'' . $table . '_seq\') AS insertID',
if (!$request)
return false;
list ($lastID) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($request);
return $lastID;
* Do a transaction.
* @param string $type The step to perform (i.e. 'begin', 'commit', 'rollback')
* @param resource $connection The connection to use (if null, $db_connection is used)
* @return bool True if successful, false otherwise
function smf_db_transaction($type = 'commit', $connection = null)
global $db_connection, $inTransaction;
// Decide which connection to use
$connection = $connection === null ? $db_connection : $connection;
if ($type == 'begin')
$inTransaction = true;
return @pg_query($connection, 'BEGIN');
elseif ($type == 'rollback')
$inTransaction = false;
return @pg_query($connection, 'ROLLBACK');
elseif ($type == 'commit')
$inTransaction = false;
return @pg_query($connection, 'COMMIT');
return false;
* Database error!
* Backtrace, log, try to fix.
* @param string $db_string The DB string
* @param resource $connection The connection to use (if null, $db_connection is used)
function smf_db_error($db_string, $connection = null)
global $txt, $context, $modSettings;
global $db_connection;
global $db_show_debug;
// We'll try recovering the file and line number the original db query was called from.
list ($file, $line) = smf_db_error_backtrace('', '', 'return', __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Decide which connection to use
$connection = $connection === null ? $db_connection : $connection;
// This is the error message...
$query_error = @pg_last_error($connection);
// Log the error.
if (function_exists('log_error'))
log_error($txt['database_error'] . ': ' . $query_error . (!empty($modSettings['enableErrorQueryLogging']) ? "\n\n" . $db_string : ''), 'database', $file, $line);
// Nothing's defined yet... just die with it.
if (empty($context) || empty($txt))
// Show an error message, if possible.
$context['error_title'] = $txt['database_error'];
if (allowedTo('admin_forum'))
$context['error_message'] = nl2br($query_error) . '<br>' . $txt['file'] . ': ' . $file . '<br>' . $txt['line'] . ': ' . $line;
$context['error_message'] = $txt['try_again'];
if (allowedTo('admin_forum') && isset($db_show_debug) && $db_show_debug === true)
$context['error_message'] .= '<br><br>' . nl2br($db_string);
// It's already been logged... don't log it again.
fatal_error($context['error_message'], false);
* Inserts data into a table
* @param string $method The insert method - can be 'replace', 'ignore' or 'insert'
* @param string $table The table we're inserting the data into
* @param array $columns An array of the columns we're inserting the data into. Should contain 'column' => 'datatype' pairs
* @param array $data The data to insert
* @param array $keys The keys for the table, needs to be not empty on replace mode
* @param int returnmode 0 = nothing(default), 1 = last row id, 2 = all rows id as array; every mode runs only with method != 'ignore'
* @param resource $connection The connection to use (if null, $db_connection is used)
* @return mixed value of the first key, behavior based on returnmode. null if no data.
function smf_db_insert($method, $table, $columns, $data, $keys, $returnmode = 0, $connection = null)
global $smcFunc, $db_connection, $db_prefix, $txt;
$connection = $connection === null ? $db_connection : $connection;
$replace = '';
if (empty($table) || empty($data))
// Force method to lower case
$method = strtolower($method);
if (!is_array($data[array_rand($data)]))
$data = array($data);
// Replace the prefix holder with the actual prefix.
$table = str_replace('{db_prefix}', $db_prefix, $table);
// Sanity check for replace is key part of the columns array
if ($method == 'replace')
if (empty($keys))
smf_db_error_backtrace('When using the replace mode, the key column is a required entry.',
'Change the method of db insert to insert or add the pk field to the key array', E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (count(array_intersect_key($columns, array_flip($keys))) !== count($keys))
smf_db_error_backtrace('Primary Key field missing in insert call',
'Change the method of db insert to insert or add the pk field to the columns array', E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
// PostgreSQL doesn't support replace: we implement a MySQL-compatible behavior instead
if ($method == 'replace' || $method == 'ignore')
$key_str = '';
$col_str = '';
$count = 0;
$count_pk = 0;
foreach ($columns as $columnName => $type)
//check pk fiel
IF (in_array($columnName, $keys))
$key_str .= ($count_pk > 0 ? ',' : '');
$key_str .= $columnName;
elseif ($method == 'replace') //normal field
$col_str .= ($count > 0 ? ',' : '');
$col_str .= $columnName . ' = EXCLUDED.' . $columnName;
if ($method == 'replace')
$replace = ' ON CONFLICT (' . $key_str . ') DO UPDATE SET ' . $col_str;
$replace = ' ON CONFLICT (' . $key_str . ') DO NOTHING';
$returning = '';
$with_returning = false;
// lets build the returning string, mysql allow only in normal mode
if (!empty($keys) && (count($keys) > 0) && $returnmode > 0)
// we only take the first key
$returning = ' RETURNING ' . $keys[0];
$with_returning = true;
if (!empty($data))
// Create the mold for a single row insert.
$insertData = '(';
foreach ($columns as $columnName => $type)
// Are we restricting the length?
if (strpos($type, 'string-') !== false)
$insertData .= sprintf('SUBSTRING({string:%1$s}, 1, ' . substr($type, 7) . '), ', $columnName);
$insertData .= sprintf('{%1$s:%2$s}, ', $type, $columnName);
$insertData = substr($insertData, 0, -2) . ')';
// Create an array consisting of only the columns.
$indexed_columns = array_keys($columns);
// Here's where the variables are injected to the query.
$insertRows = array();
foreach ($data as $dataRow)
$insertRows[] = smf_db_quote($insertData, array_combine($indexed_columns, $dataRow), $connection);
// Do the insert.
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
INSERT INTO ' . $table . '("' . implode('", "', $indexed_columns) . '")
' . implode(',
', $insertRows) . $replace . $returning,
'security_override' => true,
'db_error_skip' => $method == 'ignore' || $table === $db_prefix . 'log_errors',
if ($with_returning && $request !== false)
if ($returnmode === 2)
$return_var = array();
while (($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($request)) && $with_returning)
if (is_numeric($row[0])) // try to emulate mysql limitation
if ($returnmode === 1)
$return_var = $row[0];
elseif ($returnmode === 2)
$return_var[] = $row[0];
$with_returning = false;
trigger_error($txt['postgres_id_not_int'], E_USER_ERROR);
if ($with_returning && !empty($return_var))
return $return_var;
* Dummy function really. Doesn't do anything on PostgreSQL.
* @param string $db_name The database name
* @param resource $db_connection The database connection
* @return true Always returns true
function smf_db_select_db($db_name, $db_connection)
return true;
* Get the current version.
* @return string The client version
function smf_db_version()
$version = pg_version();
return $version['client'];
* This function tries to work out additional error information from a back trace.
* @param string $error_message The error message
* @param string $log_message The message to log
* @param string|bool $error_type What type of error this is
* @param string $file The file the error occurred in
* @param int $line What line of $file the code which generated the error is on
* @return void|array Returns an array with the file and line if $error_type is 'return'
function smf_db_error_backtrace($error_message, $log_message = '', $error_type = false, $file = null, $line = null)
if (empty($log_message))
$log_message = $error_message;
foreach (debug_backtrace() as $step)
// Found it?
if (strpos($step['function'], 'query') === false && !in_array(substr($step['function'], 0, 7), array('smf_db_', 'preg_re', 'db_erro', 'call_us')) && strpos($step['function'], '__') !== 0)
$log_message .= '<br>Function: ' . $step['function'];
if (isset($step['line']))
$file = $step['file'];
$line = $step['line'];
// A special case - we want the file and line numbers for debugging.
if ($error_type == 'return')
return array($file, $line);
// Is always a critical error.
if (function_exists('log_error'))
log_error($log_message, 'critical', $file, $line);
if (function_exists('fatal_error'))
fatal_error($error_message, $error_type);
// Cannot continue...
elseif ($error_type)
trigger_error($error_message . ($line !== null ? '<em>(' . basename($file) . '-' . $line . ')</em>' : ''), $error_type);
trigger_error($error_message . ($line !== null ? '<em>(' . basename($file) . '-' . $line . ')</em>' : ''));
* Escape the LIKE wildcards so that they match the character and not the wildcard.
* @param string $string The string to escape
* @param bool $translate_human_wildcards If true, turns human readable wildcards into SQL wildcards.
* @return string The escaped string
function smf_db_escape_wildcard_string($string, $translate_human_wildcards = false)
$replacements = array(
'%' => '\%',
'_' => '\_',
'\\' => '\\\\',
if ($translate_human_wildcards)
$replacements += array(
'*' => '%',
return strtr($string, $replacements);
* Fetches all rows from a result as an array
* @param resource $request A PostgreSQL result resource
* @return array An array that contains all rows (records) in the result resource
function smf_db_fetch_all($request)
// Return the right row.
$return = @pg_fetch_all($request);
return !empty($return) ? $return : array();
* Function to save errors in database in a safe way
* @param array with keys in this order id_member, log_time, ip, url, message, session, error_type, file, line
* @return void
function smf_db_error_insert($error_array)
global $db_prefix, $db_connection, $db_persist, $smcFunc, $inTransaction;
static $pg_error_data_prep;
// without database we can't do anything
if (empty($db_connection))
if (filter_var($error_array[2], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) === false)
$error_array[2] = null;
// If we are in a transaction, abort.
if (!empty($inTransaction))
{ // without pooling
if (empty($pg_error_data_prep))
$pg_error_data_prep = pg_prepare($db_connection, 'smf_log_errors',
'INSERT INTO ' . $db_prefix . 'log_errors
(id_member, log_time, ip, url, message, session, error_type, file, line, backtrace)
VALUES( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10)'
pg_execute($db_connection, 'smf_log_errors', $error_array);
{ //with pooling
$pg_error_data_prep = pg_prepare($db_connection, '',
'INSERT INTO ' . $db_prefix . 'log_errors
(id_member, log_time, ip, url, message, session, error_type, file, line, backtrace)
VALUES( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10)'
pg_execute($db_connection, '', $error_array);
* Function which constructs an optimize custom order string
* as an improved alternative to find_in_set()
* @param string $field name
* @param array $array_values Field values sequenced in array via order priority. Must cast to int.
* @param boolean $desc default false
* @return string case field when ... then ... end
function smf_db_custom_order($field, $array_values, $desc = false)
$return = 'CASE ' . $field . ' ';
$count = count($array_values);
$then = ($desc ? ' THEN -' : ' THEN ');
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
$return .= 'WHEN ' . (int) $array_values[$i] . $then . $i . ' ';
$return .= 'END';
return $return;
* Function which return the information if the database supports native replace inserts
* @return boolean true or false
function smf_db_native_replace()
return true;
* Function which return the information if the database supports cte with recursive
* @return boolean true or false
function smf_db_cte_support()
return true;
* Function which return the escaped string
* @param string the unescaped text
* @param resource $connection = null The connection to use (null to use $db_connection)
* @return string escaped string
function smf_db_escape_string($string, $connection = null)
global $db_connection;
return pg_escape_string($connection === null ? $db_connection : $connection, $string);
* Function to return the pg connection error message.
* Emulating mysqli_connect_error.
* Since pg_connect() doesn't feed info to pg_last_error, we need to
* use a try/catch & preserve error info.
* @return string connection error message
function smf_db_connect_error()
global $pg_connect_error;
if (empty($pg_connect_error))
$pg_connect_error = '';
return $pg_connect_error;
* Function to return the pg connection error number.
* Emulating mysqli_connect_errno.
* Since pg_connect() doesn't feed info to pg_last_error, we need to
* use a try/catch & preserve error info.
* @return string connection error number
function smf_db_connect_errno()
global $pg_connect_errno;
if (empty($pg_connect_errno))
$pg_connect_errno = '';
return $pg_connect_errno;