Here you can change the name and location of each smiley set - remember, however, that all sets share the same smileys.'; $txt['smiley_editsmileys_explain'] = 'Change your smileys here by clicking on the smiley you want to modify. Remember that these smileys all have to exist in all the sets or some smileys won\'t show up. Don\'t forget to save after you are done editing.'; $txt['smiley_setorder_explain'] = 'Change the order of the smileys here.'; $txt['smiley_addsmiley_explain'] = 'Here you can add a new smiley - either from an existing file or by uploading new ones.'; $txt['smiley_set_select_default'] = 'Default Smiley set'; $txt['smiley_set_new'] = 'Create new Smiley set'; $txt['smiley_set_modify_existing'] = 'Modify existing Smiley set'; $txt['smiley_set_modify'] = 'Modify'; $txt['smiley_set_import_info'] = 'Smiley files whose names match with one of the existing smileys will be imported automatically.'; $txt['smiley_set_unused'] = 'There are unused smiley images in the folder for this smiley set. To use these files, do one of the following: '; $txt['smileys_location'] = 'Location'; $txt['smileys_location_form'] = 'Post form'; $txt['smileys_location_hidden'] = 'Hidden'; $txt['smileys_location_popup'] = 'More'; $txt['smileys_modify'] = 'Modify'; $txt['smileys_not_found_in_set'] = 'Smiley not found in set(s)'; $txt['smileys_default_description'] = '(Insert a description)'; $txt['smiley_new'] = 'Add new smiley'; $txt['smiley_modify_existing'] = 'Modify smiley'; $txt['smiley_preview'] = 'Preview'; $txt['smiley_preview_using_set'] = 'Preview using smiley set'; $txt['smileys_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove these smileys?\\nNote: This won\\\'t remove the images, just the choices.'; $txt['smileys_location_form_description'] = 'These smileys will appear above the text area, when posting a new forum message or Personal Message.'; $txt['smileys_location_popup_description'] = 'These smileys will be shown in a popup, that is shown after a user has clicked \'more\' button.'; $txt['smileys_move_select_destination'] = 'Select smiley destination'; $txt['smileys_move_select_smiley'] = 'Select smiley to move'; $txt['smileys_move_here'] = 'Move smiley to this location'; $txt['smileys_no_entries'] = 'There are currently no smileys configured.'; $txt['icons_edit_icons_explain'] = 'From here you can change which message icons are available throughout your board. You can add, edit and remove icons, as well as limit their use to certain boards.'; $txt['icons_edit_icons_all_boards'] = 'Available in all boards'; $txt['icons_board'] = 'Board'; $txt['icons_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you wish to remove these icons?\\n\\nNote this will only stop new posters from using the icons, the images will remain.'; $txt['icons_add_new'] = 'Add new icon'; $txt['icons_edit_icon'] = 'Edit message icon'; $txt['icons_new_icon'] = 'New message icon'; $txt['icons_location_first_icon'] = 'As first icon'; $txt['icons_location_after'] = 'After'; // argument(s): the supported file extension $txt['icons_extension_must_be'] = 'File extension must be "%1$s"'; $txt['icons_no_entries'] = 'There are currently no message icons configured.'; ?>