array( 'label' => null, 'total' => 0, 'latest' => 1, // Instructions to pass to ExportProfileData background task: 'XML' => array( 'func' => 'getXmlProfile', 'langfile' => 'Profile', ), 'HTML' => array( 'func' => 'getXmlProfile', 'langfile' => 'Profile', ), 'XML_XSLT' => array( 'func' => 'getXmlProfile', 'langfile' => 'Profile', ), // 'CSV' => array(), // 'JSON' => array(), ), 'posts' => array( 'label' => $txt['export_include_posts'], 'total' => $context['member']['real_posts'], 'latest' => function($uid) { global $smcFunc, $modSettings; static $latest_post; if (isset($latest_post)) return $latest_post; $query_this_board = !empty($modSettings['recycle_enable']) && $modSettings['recycle_board'] > 0 ? 'b.id_board != ' . $modSettings['recycle_board'] : '1=1'; $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT m.id_msg FROM {db_prefix}messages as m INNER JOIN {db_prefix}boards AS b ON (b.id_board = m.id_board) WHERE id_member = {int:uid} AND ' . $query_this_board . ' ORDER BY id_msg DESC LIMIT {int:limit}', array( 'limit' => 1, 'uid' => $uid, ) ); list($latest_post) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($request); $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); return $latest_post; }, // Instructions to pass to ExportProfileData background task: 'XML' => array( 'func' => 'getXmlPosts', 'langfile' => 'Post', ), 'HTML' => array( 'func' => 'getXmlPosts', 'langfile' => 'Post', ), 'XML_XSLT' => array( 'func' => 'getXmlPosts', 'langfile' => 'Post', ), // 'CSV' => array(), // 'JSON' => array(), ), 'personal_messages' => array( 'label' => $txt['export_include_personal_messages'], 'total' => function($uid) { global $smcFunc; static $total_pms; if (isset($total_pms)) return $total_pms; $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {db_prefix}personal_messages AS pm INNER JOIN {db_prefix}pm_recipients AS pmr ON (pm.id_pm = pmr.id_pm) WHERE (pm.id_member_from = {int:uid} AND pm.deleted_by_sender = {int:not_deleted}) OR (pmr.id_member = {int:uid} AND pmr.deleted = {int:not_deleted})', array( 'uid' => $uid, 'not_deleted' => 0, ) ); list($total_pms) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($request); $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); return $total_pms; }, 'latest' => function($uid) { global $smcFunc; static $latest_pm; if (isset($latest_pm)) return $latest_pm; $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT pm.id_pm FROM {db_prefix}personal_messages AS pm INNER JOIN {db_prefix}pm_recipients AS pmr ON (pm.id_pm = pmr.id_pm) WHERE (pm.id_member_from = {int:uid} AND pm.deleted_by_sender = {int:not_deleted}) OR (pmr.id_member = {int:uid} AND pmr.deleted = {int:not_deleted}) ORDER BY pm.id_pm DESC LIMIT {int:limit}', array( 'limit' => 1, 'uid' => $uid, 'not_deleted' => 0, ) ); list($latest_pm) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($request); $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); return $latest_pm; }, // Instructions to pass to ExportProfileData background task: 'XML' => array( 'func' => 'getXmlPMs', 'langfile' => 'PersonalMessage', ), 'HTML' => array( 'func' => 'getXmlPMs', 'langfile' => 'PersonalMessage', ), 'XML_XSLT' => array( 'func' => 'getXmlPMs', 'langfile' => 'PersonalMessage', ), // 'CSV' => array(), // 'JSON' => array(), ), ); if (empty($modSettings['export_dir']) || !is_dir($modSettings['export_dir']) || !smf_chmod($modSettings['export_dir'])) create_export_dir(); $export_dir_slash = $modSettings['export_dir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $idhash = hash_hmac('sha1', $uid, get_auth_secret()); $dltoken = hash_hmac('sha1', $idhash, get_auth_secret()); $query_this_board = !empty($modSettings['recycle_enable']) && $modSettings['recycle_board'] > 0 ? 'b.id_board != ' . $modSettings['recycle_board'] : '1=1'; $context['completed_exports'] = array(); $context['active_exports'] = array(); $existing_export_formats = array(); $latest = array(); foreach ($context['export_formats'] as $format => $format_settings) { $idhash_ext = $idhash . '.' . $format_settings['extension']; $done = null; $context['outdated_exports'][$idhash_ext] = array(); // $realfile needs to be the highest numbered one, or 1_*** if none exist. $filenum = 1; $realfile = $export_dir_slash . $filenum . '_' . $idhash_ext; while (file_exists($export_dir_slash . ($filenum + 1) . '_' . $idhash_ext)) $realfile = $export_dir_slash . ++$filenum . '_' . $idhash_ext; $tempfile = $export_dir_slash . $idhash_ext . '.tmp'; $progressfile = $export_dir_slash . $idhash_ext . '.progress.json'; // If requested by the user, delete any existing export files and background tasks. if (isset($_POST['delete']) && isset($_POST['format']) && $_POST['format'] === $format && isset($_POST['t']) && $_POST['t'] === $dltoken) { $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' DELETE FROM {db_prefix}background_tasks WHERE task_class = {string:class} AND task_data LIKE {string:details}', array( 'class' => 'ExportProfileData_Background', 'details' => substr($smcFunc['json_encode'](array('format' => $format, 'uid' => $uid)), 0, -1) . ',%', ) ); foreach (glob($export_dir_slash . '*' . $idhash_ext . '*') as $fpath) @unlink($fpath); if (empty($_POST['export_begin'])) redirectexit('action=profile;area=getprofiledata;u=' . $uid); } $progress = file_exists($progressfile) ? $smcFunc['json_decode'](file_get_contents($progressfile), true) : array(); if (!empty($progress)) $included = array_keys($progress); else $included = array_intersect(array_keys($context['export_datatypes']), array_keys($_POST)); // If we're starting a new export in this format, we're done here. if (!empty($_POST['export_begin']) && isset($_POST['format']) && $_POST['format'] === $format) break; // The rest of this loop deals with current exports, if any. $included_desc = array(); foreach ($included as $datatype) $included_desc[] = $txt[$datatype]; $dlfilename = array_merge(array($context['forum_name'], $context['member']['username']), $included_desc); $dlfilename = preg_replace('/[^\p{L}\p{M}\p{N}_]+/u', '-', str_replace('"', '', un_htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(implode('_', $dlfilename))))); if (file_exists($tempfile) && file_exists($progressfile)) { $done = false; } elseif (file_exists($realfile)) { // It looks like we're done. $done = true; // But let's check whether it's outdated. foreach ($context['export_datatypes'] as $datatype => $datatype_settings) { if (!isset($progress[$datatype])) continue; if (!isset($latest[$datatype])) $latest[$datatype] = is_callable($datatype_settings['latest']) ? $datatype_settings['latest']($uid) : $datatype_settings['latest']; if ($latest[$datatype] > $progress[$datatype]) $context['outdated_exports'][$idhash_ext][] = $datatype; } } if ($done === true) { $exportfilepaths = glob($export_dir_slash . '*_' . $idhash_ext); foreach ($exportfilepaths as $exportfilepath) { $exportbasename = basename($exportfilepath); $part = substr($exportbasename, 0, strcspn($exportbasename, '_')); $suffix = count($exportfilepaths) == 1 ? '' : '_' . $part; $size = filesize($exportfilepath) / 1024; $units = array('KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'); $unitkey = 0; while ($size > 1024) { $size = $size / 1024; $unitkey++; } $size = round($size, 2) . $units[$unitkey]; $context['completed_exports'][$idhash_ext][$part] = array( 'realname' => $exportbasename, 'dlbasename' => $dlfilename . $suffix . '.' . $format_settings['extension'], 'dltoken' => $dltoken, 'included' => $included, 'included_desc' => sentence_list($included_desc), 'format' => $format, 'mtime' => timeformat(filemtime($exportfilepath)), 'size' => $size, ); } ksort($context['completed_exports'][$idhash_ext], SORT_NUMERIC); $existing_export_formats[] = $format; } elseif ($done === false) { $context['active_exports'][$idhash_ext] = array( 'dltoken' => $dltoken, 'included' => $included, 'included_desc' => sentence_list($included_desc), 'format' => $format, ); $existing_export_formats[] = $format; } } if (!empty($_POST['export_begin'])) { checkSession(); validateToken($context['token_check'], 'post'); $format = isset($_POST['format']) && isset($context['export_formats'][$_POST['format']]) ? $_POST['format'] : 'XML'; $included = array(); $included_desc = array(); foreach ($context['export_datatypes'] as $datatype => $datatype_settings) { if ($datatype == 'profile' || !empty($_POST[$datatype])) { $included[$datatype] = $datatype_settings[$format]; $included_desc[] = $txt[$datatype]; $start[$datatype] = !empty($start[$datatype]) ? $start[$datatype] : 0; if (!isset($latest[$datatype])) $latest[$datatype] = is_callable($datatype_settings['latest']) ? $datatype_settings['latest']($uid) : $datatype_settings['latest']; if (!isset($total[$datatype])) $total[$datatype] = is_callable($datatype_settings['total']) ? $datatype_settings['total']($uid) : $datatype_settings['total']; } } $dlfilename = array_merge(array($context['forum_name'], $context['member']['username']), $included_desc); $dlfilename = preg_replace('/[^\p{L}\p{M}\p{N}_]+/u', '-', str_replace('"', '', un_htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(implode('_', $dlfilename))))); $last_page = ceil(array_sum($total) / $context['export_formats'][$format]['per_page']); $data = $smcFunc['json_encode'](array( 'format' => $format, 'uid' => $uid, 'lang' => $context['member']['language'], 'included' => $included, 'start' => $start, 'latest' => $latest, 'datatype' => isset($current_datatype) ? $current_datatype : key($included), 'format_settings' => $context['export_formats'][$format], 'last_page' => $last_page, 'dlfilename' => $dlfilename, )); $smcFunc['db_insert']('insert', '{db_prefix}background_tasks', array('task_file' => 'string-255', 'task_class' => 'string-255', 'task_data' => 'string', 'claimed_time' => 'int'), array('$sourcedir/tasks/ExportProfileData.php', 'ExportProfileData_Background', $data, 0), array() ); // So the user can see that we've started. if (!file_exists($tempfile)) touch($tempfile); if (!file_exists($progressfile)) file_put_contents($progressfile, $smcFunc['json_encode'](array_fill_keys(array_keys($included), 0))); redirectexit('action=profile;area=getprofiledata;u=' . $uid); } createToken($context['token_check'], 'post'); $context['page_title'] = $txt['export_profile_data']; if (empty($modSettings['export_expiry'])) unset($txt['export_profile_data_desc_list']['expiry']); else $txt['export_profile_data_desc_list']['expiry'] = sprintf($txt['export_profile_data_desc_list']['expiry'], $modSettings['export_expiry']); $context['export_profile_data_desc'] = sprintf($txt['export_profile_data_desc'], '
  • ' . implode('
  • ', $txt['export_profile_data_desc_list']) . '
  • '); addJavaScriptVar('completed_formats', '[\'' . implode('\', \'', array_unique($existing_export_formats)) . '\']', false); } /** * Downloads exported profile data file. * * @param int $uid The ID of the member whose data we're exporting. */ function download_export_file($uid) { global $modSettings, $maintenance, $context, $txt, $smcFunc; $export_formats = get_export_formats(); // This is done to clear any output that was made before now. ob_end_clean(); if (!empty($modSettings['enableCompressedOutput']) && !headers_sent() && ob_get_length() == 0) { if (@ini_get('zlib.output_compression') == '1' || @ini_get('output_handler') == 'ob_gzhandler') $modSettings['enableCompressedOutput'] = 0; else ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); } if (empty($modSettings['enableCompressedOutput'])) { ob_start(); header('content-encoding: none'); } // No access in strict maintenance mode. if (!empty($maintenance) && $maintenance == 2) { send_http_status(404); exit; } // We can't give them anything without these. if (empty($_GET['t']) || empty($_GET['format']) || !isset($export_formats[$_GET['format']])) { send_http_status(400); exit; } $export_dir_slash = $modSettings['export_dir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $idhash = hash_hmac('sha1', $uid, get_auth_secret()); $part = isset($_GET['part']) ? (int) $_GET['part'] : 1; $extension = $export_formats[$_GET['format']]['extension']; $filepath = $export_dir_slash . $part . '_' . $idhash . '.' . $extension; $progressfile = $export_dir_slash . $idhash . '.' . $extension . '.progress.json'; // Make sure they gave the correct authentication token. // We use these tokens so the user can download without logging in, as required by the GDPR. $dltoken = hash_hmac('sha1', $idhash, get_auth_secret()); if ($_GET['t'] !== $dltoken) { send_http_status(403); exit; } // Obviously we can't give what we don't have. if (empty($modSettings['export_dir']) || !file_exists($filepath)) { send_http_status(404); exit; } // Figure out the filename we'll tell the browser. $datatypes = file_exists($progressfile) ? array_keys($smcFunc['json_decode'](file_get_contents($progressfile), true)) : array('profile'); $included_desc = array_map( function ($datatype) use ($txt) { return $txt[$datatype]; }, $datatypes ); $dlfilename = array_merge(array($context['forum_name'], $context['member']['username']), $included_desc); $dlfilename = preg_replace('/[^\p{L}\p{M}\p{N}_]+/u', '-', str_replace('"', '', un_htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(implode('_', $dlfilename))))); $suffix = ($part > 1 || file_exists($export_dir_slash . '2_' . $idhash . '.' . $extension)) ? '_' . $part : ''; $dlbasename = $dlfilename . $suffix . '.' . $extension; $mtime = filemtime($filepath); $size = filesize($filepath); // If it hasn't been modified since the last time it was retrieved, there's no need to serve it again. if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'])) { list($modified_since) = explode(';', $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']); if (strtotime($modified_since) >= $mtime) { ob_end_clean(); header_remove('content-encoding'); // Answer the question - no, it hasn't been modified ;). send_http_status(304); exit; } } // Check whether the ETag was sent back, and cache based on that... $eTag = md5(implode(' ', array($dlbasename, $size, $mtime))); if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'], $eTag) !== false) { ob_end_clean(); header_remove('content-encoding'); send_http_status(304); exit; } // If this is a partial download, we need to determine what data range to send $range = 0; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'])) { list($a, $range) = explode("=", $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'], 2); list($range) = explode(",", $range, 2); list($range, $range_end) = explode("-", $range); $range = intval($range); $range_end = !$range_end ? $size - 1 : intval($range_end); $new_length = $range_end - $range + 1; } header('pragma: '); if (!isBrowser('gecko')) header('content-transfer-encoding: binary'); header('expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + 525600 * 60) . ' GMT'); header('last-modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $mtime) . ' GMT'); header('accept-ranges: bytes'); header('connection: close'); header('etag: ' . $eTag); header('content-type: ' . $export_formats[$_GET['format']]['mime']); // Convert the file to UTF-8, cuz most browsers dig that. $utf8name = !$context['utf8'] && function_exists('iconv') ? iconv($context['character_set'], 'UTF-8', $dlbasename) : (!$context['utf8'] && function_exists('mb_convert_encoding') ? mb_convert_encoding($dlbasename, 'UTF-8', $context['character_set']) : $dlbasename); // Different browsers like different standards... if (isBrowser('firefox')) header('content-disposition: attachment; filename*=UTF-8\'\'' . rawurlencode(preg_replace_callback('~&#(\d{3,8});~', 'fixchar__callback', $utf8name))); elseif (isBrowser('opera')) header('content-disposition: attachment; filename="' . preg_replace_callback('~&#(\d{3,8});~', 'fixchar__callback', $utf8name) . '"'); elseif (isBrowser('ie')) header('content-disposition: attachment; filename="' . urlencode(preg_replace_callback('~&#(\d{3,8});~', 'fixchar__callback', $utf8name)) . '"'); else header('content-disposition: attachment; filename="' . $utf8name . '"'); header('cache-control: max-age=' . (525600 * 60) . ', private'); // Multipart and resuming support if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'])) { send_http_status(206); header("content-length: $new_length"); header("content-range: bytes $range-$range_end/$size"); } else header("content-length: $size"); // Try to buy some time... @set_time_limit(600); // For multipart/resumable downloads, send the requested chunk(s) of the file if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'])) { while (@ob_get_level() > 0) @ob_end_clean(); header_remove('content-encoding'); // 40 kilobytes is a good-ish amount $chunksize = 40 * 1024; $bytes_sent = 0; $fp = fopen($filepath, 'rb'); fseek($fp, $range); while (!feof($fp) && (!connection_aborted()) && ($bytes_sent < $new_length)) { $buffer = fread($fp, $chunksize); echo($buffer); flush(); $bytes_sent += strlen($buffer); } fclose($fp); } // Since we don't do output compression for files this large... elseif ($size > 4194304) { // Forcibly end any output buffering going on. while (@ob_get_level() > 0) @ob_end_clean(); header_remove('content-encoding'); $fp = fopen($filepath, 'rb'); while (!feof($fp)) { echo fread($fp, 8192); flush(); } fclose($fp); } // On some of the less-bright hosts, readfile() is disabled. It's just a faster, more byte safe, version of what's in the if. elseif (@readfile($filepath) === null) echo file_get_contents($filepath); exit; } /** * Allows a member to export their attachments. * Mostly just a wrapper for showAttachment() but with a few tweaks. * * @param int $uid The ID of the member whose data we're exporting. */ function export_attachment($uid) { global $sourcedir, $context, $smcFunc; $idhash = hash_hmac('sha1', $uid, get_auth_secret()); $dltoken = hash_hmac('sha1', $idhash, get_auth_secret()); if (!isset($_GET['t']) || $_GET['t'] !== $dltoken) { send_http_status(403); exit; } $attachId = isset($_REQUEST['attach']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['attach'] : 0; if (empty($attachId)) { send_http_status(404, 'File Not Found'); die('404 File Not Found'); } // Does this attachment belong to this member? $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT m.id_topic FROM {db_prefix}messages AS m INNER JOIN {db_prefix}attachments AS a ON (m.id_msg = a.id_msg) WHERE m.id_member = {int:uid} AND a.id_attach = {int:attachId}', array( 'uid' => $uid, 'attachId' => $attachId, ) ); if ($smcFunc['db_num_rows']($request) == 0) { $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); send_http_status(403); exit; } $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); // This doesn't count as a normal download. $context['skip_downloads_increment'] = true; // Try to avoid collisons when attachment names are not unique. $context['prepend_attachment_id'] = true; // Allow access to their attachments even if they can't see the board. // This is just like what we do with posts during export. $context['attachment_allow_hidden_boards'] = true; // We should now have what we need to serve the file. require_once($sourcedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'ShowAttachments.php'); showAttachment(); } /** * Helper function that defines data export formats in a single location. * * @return array Information about supported data formats for profile exports. */ function get_export_formats() { global $txt; $export_formats = array( 'XML_XSLT' => array( 'extension' => 'styled.xml', 'mime' => 'text/xml', 'description' => $txt['export_format_xml_xslt'], 'per_page' => 500, ), 'HTML' => array( 'extension' => 'html', 'mime' => 'text/html', 'description' => $txt['export_format_html'], 'per_page' => 500, ), 'XML' => array( 'extension' => 'xml', 'mime' => 'text/xml', 'description' => $txt['export_format_xml'], 'per_page' => 2000, ), // 'CSV' => array( // 'extension' => 'csv', // 'mime' => 'text/csv', // 'description' => $txt['export_format_csv'], // 'per_page' => 2000, // ), // 'JSON' => array( // 'extension' => 'json', // 'mime' => 'application/json', // 'description' => $txt['export_format_json'], // 'per_page' => 2000, // ), ); // If these are missing, we can't transform the XML on the server. if (!class_exists('DOMDocument') || !class_exists('XSLTProcessor')) unset($export_formats['HTML']); return $export_formats; } /** * Returns the path to a secure directory for storing exported profile data. * * The directory is created if it does not yet exist, and is secured using the * same method that we use to secure attachment directories. Files in this * directory can only be downloaded via the download_export_file() function. * * @return string|bool The path to the directory, or false on error. */ function create_export_dir($fallback = '') { global $boarddir, $modSettings, $txt; // No supplied fallback, so use the default location. if (empty($fallback)) $fallback = $boarddir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'exports'; // Automatically set it to the fallback if it is missing. if (empty($modSettings['export_dir'])) updateSettings(array('export_dir' => $fallback)); // Make sure the directory exists. if (!file_exists($modSettings['export_dir'])) @mkdir($modSettings['export_dir'], null, true); // Make sure the directory has the correct permissions. if (!is_dir($modSettings['export_dir']) || !smf_chmod($modSettings['export_dir'])) { loadLanguage('Errors'); // Try again at the fallback location. if ($modSettings['export_dir'] != $fallback) { log_error(sprintf($txt['export_dir_forced_change'], $modSettings['export_dir'], $fallback)); updateSettings(array('export_dir' => $fallback)); // Secondary fallback will be the default location, so no parameter this time. create_export_dir(); } // Uh-oh. Even the default location failed. else { log_error($txt['export_dir_not_writable']); return false; } } return secureDirectory(array($modSettings['export_dir']), true); } /** * Provides an XSLT stylesheet to transform an XML-based profile export file * into the desired output format. * * @param string $format The desired output format. Currently accepts 'HTML' and 'XML_XSLT'. * @param int $uid The ID of the member whose data we're exporting. * @return array The XSLT stylesheet and a (possibly empty) DTD to insert into the XML document. */ function get_xslt_stylesheet($format, $uid) { global $context, $txt, $settings, $modSettings, $sourcedir, $forum_copyright, $scripturl, $smcFunc; static $xslts = array(); $doctype = ''; $stylesheet = array(); $xslt_variables = array(); // Do not change any of these to HTTPS URLs. For explanation, see comments in the buildXmlFeed() function. $smf_ns = 'htt'.'p:/'.'/ww'.'w.simple'.'machines.o'.'rg/xml/profile'; $xslt_ns = 'htt'.'p:/'.'/ww'.'w.w3.o'.'rg/1999/XSL/Transform'; $html_ns = 'htt'.'p:/'.'/ww'.'w.w3.o'.'rg/1999/xhtml'; require_once($sourcedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'News.php'); if (in_array($format, array('HTML', 'XML_XSLT'))) { if (!class_exists('DOMDocument') || !class_exists('XSLTProcessor')) $format = 'XML_XSLT'; $export_formats = get_export_formats(); /* Notes: * 1. The 'value' can be one of the following: * - an integer or string * - an XPath expression * - raw XML, which may or not not include other XSLT statements. * * 2. Always set 'no_cdata_parse' to true when the value is raw XML. * * 3. Set 'xpath' to true if the value is an XPath expression. When this * is true, the value will be placed in the 'select' attribute of the * element rather than in a child node. * * 4. Set 'param' to true in order to create an instead * of an . * * A word to PHP coders: Do not let the term "variable" mislead you. * XSLT variables are roughly equivalent to PHP constants rather * than PHP variables; once the value has been set, it is immutable. * Keeping this in mind may spare you from some confusion and * frustration while working with XSLT. */ $xslt_variables = array( 'scripturl' => array( 'value' => $scripturl, ), 'themeurl' => array( 'value' => $settings['default_theme_url'], ), 'member_id' => array( 'value' => $uid, ), 'last_page' => array( 'param' => true, 'value' => !empty($context['export_last_page']) ? $context['export_last_page'] : 1, 'xpath' => true, ), 'dlfilename' => array( 'param' => true, 'value' => !empty($context['export_dlfilename']) ? $context['export_dlfilename'] : '', ), 'ext' => array( 'value' => $export_formats[$format]['extension'], ), 'forum_copyright' => array( 'value' => sprintf($forum_copyright, SMF_FULL_VERSION, SMF_SOFTWARE_YEAR, $scripturl), ), 'txt_summary_heading' => array( 'value' => $txt['summary'], ), 'txt_posts_heading' => array( 'value' => $txt['posts'], ), 'txt_personal_messages_heading' => array( 'value' => $txt['personal_messages'], ), 'txt_view_source_button' => array( 'value' => $txt['export_view_source_button'], ), 'txt_download_original' => array( 'value' => $txt['export_download_original'], ), 'txt_help' => array( 'value' => $txt['help'], ), 'txt_terms_rules' => array( 'value' => $txt['terms_and_rules'], ), 'txt_go_up' => array( 'value' => $txt['go_up'], ), 'txt_pages' => array( 'value' => $txt['pages'], ), ); // Let mods adjust the XSLT variables. call_integration_hook('integrate_export_xslt_variables', array(&$xslt_variables, $format)); $idhash = hash_hmac('sha1', $uid, get_auth_secret()); $xslt_variables['dltoken'] = array( 'value' => hash_hmac('sha1', $idhash, get_auth_secret()) ); // Efficiency = good. $xslt_key = $smcFunc['json_encode'](array($format, $uid, $xslt_variables)); if (isset($xslts[$xslt_key])) return $xslts[$xslt_key]; if ($format == 'XML_XSLT') { $doctype = implode("\n", array( '', '', '', ']>', )); $stylesheet['header'] = "\n" . implode("\n", array( '', "\t" . '', '', "\t\t" . '', "\t\t" . '', )); } else { $doctype = ''; $stylesheet['header'] = implode("\n", array( '', '', )); } // Output control settings. $stylesheet['output_control'] = ' '; // Insert the XSLT variables. $stylesheet['variables'] = ''; foreach ($xslt_variables as $name => $var) { $element = !empty($var['param']) ? 'param' : 'variable'; $stylesheet['variables'] .= "\n\t\t" . ''; else $stylesheet['variables'] .= '>' . (!empty($var['no_cdata_parse']) ? $var['value'] : cdata_parse($var['value'])) . ''; } // The top-level template. Creates the shell of the HTML document. $stylesheet['html'] = ' <!DOCTYPE html> <xsl:value-of select="@title"/> '; // Template to show the content of the export file. $stylesheet['content_section'] = '

    '; // Template for user profile summary $stylesheet['summary'] = '
    '; // Some helper templates for details inside the summary. $stylesheet['detail_default'] = '
    '; $stylesheet['detail_email'] = '
    '; $stylesheet['detail_website'] = '
    '; $stylesheet['detail_ip'] = '
  • ()
  • '; $stylesheet['detail_not_included'] = ' '; // Template for printing a single post $stylesheet['member_post'] = '
    windowbg approvebg
    : . : .
    '; // Template for printing a single PM $stylesheet['personal_message'] = ' '; // A couple of templates to handle attachments $stylesheet['attachments'] = '
    ( )
    '; // Helper template for printing the user's own info next to the post or personal message. $stylesheet['own_user_info'] = '
  • '; // Helper template for printing the quickbuttons $stylesheet['quickbuttons'] = ' '; // Helper template for printing a signature $stylesheet['signature'] = '
    '; // Helper template for printing a list of PM recipients $stylesheet['recipient'] = ' , . '; // Helper template for special handling of the contents of the [html] BBCode $stylesheet['bbc_html'] = ' [html] [/html] '; // Helper templates to build a page index $stylesheet['page_index'] = ' ... '; // Template to insert CSS and JavaScript $stylesheet['css_js'] = ' '; export_load_css_js(); if (!empty($context['export_css_files'])) { foreach ($context['export_css_files'] as $css_file) { $stylesheet['css_js'] .= ' ' . $css_file['fileUrl'] . ' '; if (!empty($css_file['options']['attributes'])) { foreach ($css_file['options']['attributes'] as $key => $value) $stylesheet['css_js'] .= ' ' . (is_bool($value) ? $key : $value) . ' '; } $stylesheet['css_js'] .= ' '; } } if (!empty($context['export_css_header'])) { $stylesheet['css_js'] .= ' '; } if (!empty($context['export_javascript_vars'])) { $stylesheet['css_js'] .= ' '; } if (!empty($context['export_javascript_files'])) { foreach ($context['export_javascript_files'] as $js_file) { $stylesheet['css_js'] .= ' '; } } if (!empty($context['export_javascript_inline']['standard'])) { $stylesheet['css_js'] .= ' '; } if (!empty($context['export_javascript_inline']['defer'])) { $stylesheet['css_js'] .= ' '; } $stylesheet['css_js'] .= ' '; // End of the XSLT stylesheet $stylesheet['footer'] = ($format == 'XML_XSLT' ? "\t" : '') . '
    '; } // Let mods adjust the XSLT stylesheet. call_integration_hook('integrate_export_xslt_stylesheet', array(&$stylesheet, $format)); // Remember for later. $xslt_key = isset($xslt_key) ? $xslt_key : $smcFunc['json_encode'](array($format, $uid, $xslt_variables)); $xslts[$xslt_key] = array('stylesheet' => implode("\n", (array) $stylesheet), 'doctype' => $doctype); return $xslts[$xslt_key]; } /** * Loads and prepares CSS and JavaScript for insertion into an XSLT stylesheet. */ function export_load_css_js() { global $context, $modSettings, $sourcedir, $smcFunc, $user_info; // If we're not running a background task, we need to preserve any existing CSS and JavaScript. if (SMF != 'BACKGROUND') { foreach (array('css_files', 'css_header', 'javascript_vars', 'javascript_files', 'javascript_inline') as $var) { if (isset($context[$var])) $context['real_' . $var] = $context[$var]; if ($var == 'javascript_inline') { foreach ($context[$var] as $key => $value) $context[$var][$key] = array(); } else $context[$var] = array(); } } // Autoloading is unavailable for background tasks, so we have to do things the hard way... else { if (!empty($modSettings['minimize_files']) && (!class_exists('MatthiasMullie\\Minify\\CSS') || !class_exists('MatthiasMullie\\Minify\\JS'))) { // Include, not require, because minimization is nice to have but not vital here. include_once(implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($sourcedir, 'minify', 'src', 'Exception.php'))); include_once(implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($sourcedir, 'minify', 'src', 'Exceptions', 'BasicException.php'))); include_once(implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($sourcedir, 'minify', 'src', 'Exceptions', 'FileImportException.php'))); include_once(implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($sourcedir, 'minify', 'src', 'Exceptions', 'IOException.php'))); include_once(implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($sourcedir, 'minify', 'src', 'Minify.php'))); include_once(implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($sourcedir, 'minify', 'path-converter', 'src', 'Converter.php'))); include_once(implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($sourcedir, 'minify', 'src', 'CSS.php'))); include_once(implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($sourcedir, 'minify', 'src', 'JS.php'))); if (!class_exists('MatthiasMullie\\Minify\\CSS') || !class_exists('MatthiasMullie\\Minify\\JS')) $modSettings['minimize_files'] = false; } } // Load our standard CSS files. loadCSSFile('index.css', array('minimize' => true, 'order_pos' => 1), 'smf_index'); loadCSSFile('responsive.css', array('force_current' => false, 'validate' => true, 'minimize' => true, 'order_pos' => 9000), 'smf_responsive'); if ($context['right_to_left']) loadCSSFile('rtl.css', array('order_pos' => 4000), 'smf_rtl'); // In case any mods added relevant CSS. call_integration_hook('integrate_pre_css_output'); // This next chunk mimics some of template_css() $css_to_minify = array(); $normal_css_files = array(); usort( $context['css_files'], function ($a, $b) { return $a['options']['order_pos'] < $b['options']['order_pos'] ? -1 : ($a['options']['order_pos'] > $b['options']['order_pos'] ? 1 : 0); } ); foreach ($context['css_files'] as $css_file) { if (!isset($css_file['options']['minimize'])) $css_file['options']['minimize'] = true; if (!empty($css_file['options']['minimize']) && !empty($modSettings['minimize_files'])) $css_to_minify[] = $css_file; else $normal_css_files[] = $css_file; } $minified_css_files = !empty($css_to_minify) ? custMinify($css_to_minify, 'css') : array(); $context['css_files'] = array(); foreach (array_merge($minified_css_files, $normal_css_files) as $css_file) { // Embed the CSS in a