=')) require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Compat.php'); // Make absolutely sure the cache directory is defined and writable. if (empty($cachedir) || !is_dir($cachedir) || !is_writable($cachedir)) { if (is_dir($boarddir . '/cache') && is_writable($boarddir . '/cache')) $cachedir = $boarddir . '/cache'; else { $cachedir = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/smf_cache_' . md5($boarddir); @mkdir($cachedir, 0750); } } // Turn off all error reporting; any extra junk makes for an invalid image. error_reporting(0); $this->enabled = (bool) $image_proxy_enabled; $this->maxSize = (int) $image_proxy_maxsize; $this->secret = (string) $image_proxy_secret; $this->cache = $cachedir . '/images'; $this->maxDays = 5; } /** * Checks whether the request is valid or not * * @access public * @return bool Whether the request is valid */ public function checkRequest() { if (!$this->enabled) return false; // Try to create the image cache directory if it doesn't exist if (!file_exists($this->cache)) if (!mkdir($this->cache) || !copy(dirname($this->cache) . '/index.php', $this->cache . '/index.php')) return false; // Basic sanity check $_GET['request'] = validate_iri($_GET['request']); // We aren't going anywhere without these if (empty($_GET['hash']) || empty($_GET['request'])) return false; $hash = $_GET['hash']; $request = $_GET['request']; if (hash_hmac('sha1', $request, $this->secret) != $hash) return false; // Ensure any non-ASCII characters in the URL are encoded correctly $request = iri_to_url($request); // Attempt to cache the request if it doesn't exist if (!$this->isCached($request)) return $this->cacheImage($request); return true; } /** * Serves the request * * @access public */ public function serve() { $request = $_GET['request']; // Did we get an error when trying to fetch the image $response = $this->checkRequest(); if (!$response) { // Throw a 404 send_http_status(404); exit; } // We should have a cached image at this point $cached_file = $this->getCachedPath($request); // Read from cache if you need to... if ($this->cachedbody === null) { $cached = json_decode(file_get_contents($cached_file), true); $this->cachedtime = $cached['time']; $this->cachedtype = $cached['content_type']; $this->cachedsize = $cached['size']; $this->cachedbody = $cached['body']; } $time = time(); // Is the cache expired? Delete and reload. if ($time - $this->cachedtime > ($this->maxDays * 86400)) { @unlink($cached_file); if ($this->checkRequest()) $this->serve(); $this->redirectexit($request); } $eTag = '"' . substr(sha1($request) . $this->cachedtime, 0, 64) . '"'; if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'], $eTag) !== false) { send_http_status(304); exit; } // Make sure we're serving an image $contentParts = explode('/', !empty($this->cachedtype) ? $this->cachedtype : ''); if ($contentParts[0] != 'image') exit; $max_age = $time - $this->cachedtime + (5 * 86400); header('content-type: ' . $this->cachedtype); header('content-length: ' . $this->cachedsize); header('cache-control: public, max-age=' . $max_age); header('last-modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $this->cachedtime) . ' GMT'); header('etag: ' . $eTag); echo base64_decode($this->cachedbody); } /** * Returns the request's hashed filepath * * @access public * @param string $request The request to get the path for * @return string The hashed filepath for the specified request */ protected function getCachedPath($request) { return $this->cache . '/' . sha1($request . $this->secret); } /** * Check whether the image exists in local cache or not * * @access protected * @param string $request The image to check for in the cache * @return bool Whether or not the requested image is cached */ protected function isCached($request) { return file_exists($this->getCachedPath($request)); } /** * Attempts to cache the image while validating it * * Redirects to the origin if * - the image couldn't be fetched * - the MIME type doesn't indicate an image * - the image is too large * * @access protected * @param string $request The image to cache/validate * @return bool Whether the specified image was cached */ protected function cacheImage($request) { $dest = $this->getCachedPath($request); $ext = strtolower(pathinfo(parse_iri($request, PHP_URL_PATH), PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); $image = fetch_web_data($request); // Looks like nobody was home if (empty($image)) $this->redirectexit($request); // What kind of file did they give us? $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); $mime_type = finfo_buffer($finfo, $image); // SVG needs a little extra care if ($ext == 'svg' && in_array($mime_type, array('text/plain', 'text/xml')) && strpos($image, '') !== false) $mime_type = 'image/svg+xml'; // Make sure the url is returning an image if (strpos($mime_type, 'image/') !== 0) $this->redirectexit($request); // Validate the filesize $size = strlen($image); if ($size > ($this->maxSize * 1024)) $this->redirectexit($request); // Populate object for current serve execution (so you don't have to read it again...) $this->cachedtime = time(); $this->cachedtype = $mime_type; $this->cachedsize = $size; $this->cachedbody = base64_encode($image); // Cache it for later return file_put_contents($dest, json_encode(array( 'content_type' => $this->cachedtype, 'size' => $this->cachedsize, 'time' => $this->cachedtime, 'body' => $this->cachedbody, ))) !== false; } /** * A helper function to redirect a request * * @access private * @param string $request */ private function redirectexit($request) { header('Location: ' . un_htmlspecialchars($request), false, 301); exit; } /** * Delete all old entries * * @access public */ public function housekeeping() { $path = $this->cache . '/'; if ($handle = opendir($path)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (is_file($path . $file) && !in_array($file, array('index.php', '.htaccess')) && time() - filemtime($path . $file) > $this->maxDays * 86400) unlink($path . $file); } closedir($handle); } } } if (SMF == 'PROXY') { $proxy = new ProxyServer(); $proxy->serve(); } ?>