If you want to delete this topic, click on the Remove Topic link, or ask a moderator/administrator to do it for you.

'; $txt['parent_error'] = 'Unable to create board!'; $txt['login_cookie_error'] = 'You were unable to login. Please check your cookie settings.'; $txt['login_ssl_required'] = 'You can only login via HTTPS'; $txt['register_ssl_required'] = 'You can only register via HTTPS'; $txt['incorrect_answer'] = 'Sorry, but you did not answer your question correctly. Please click back to try again, or click back twice to use the default method of obtaining your password.'; $txt['no_mods'] = 'No moderators found!'; $txt['parent_not_found'] = 'Board structure corrupt: unable to find parent board'; $txt['modify_post_time_passed'] = 'You may not modify this post, as the time limit for edits has passed.'; $txt['calendar_off'] = 'You cannot access the calendar right now because it is disabled.'; $txt['calendar_export_off'] = 'You cannot export calendar events because that feature is currently disabled.'; $txt['invalid_month'] = 'Invalid month value.'; $txt['invalid_year'] = 'Invalid year value.'; $txt['invalid_day'] = 'Invalid day value.'; $txt['event_month_missing'] = 'Event month is missing.'; $txt['event_year_missing'] = 'Event year is missing.'; $txt['event_day_missing'] = 'Event day is missing.'; $txt['event_title_missing'] = 'Event title is missing.'; $txt['invalid_date'] = 'Invalid date.'; $txt['no_event_title'] = 'No event title was entered.'; $txt['missing_event_id'] = 'Missing event ID.'; $txt['cant_edit_event'] = 'You do not have permission to edit this event.'; $txt['missing_board_id'] = 'Board ID is missing.'; $txt['missing_topic_id'] = 'Topic ID is missing.'; $txt['topic_doesnt_exist'] = 'Topic doesn\'t exist.'; $txt['not_your_topic'] = 'You are not the owner of this topic.'; $txt['board_doesnt_exist'] = 'The board does not exist.'; $txt['invalid_days_numb'] = 'Invalid number of days to span.'; $txt['moveto_noboards'] = 'There are no boards to move this topic to!'; $txt['topic_already_moved'] = 'This topic %1$s has been moved to the board %2$s, please check its new location before moving it again.'; $txt['already_activated'] = 'Your account has already been activated.'; $txt['still_awaiting_approval'] = 'Your account is still awaiting admin approval.'; $txt['invalid_email'] = 'Invalid email address / email address range.
Example of a valid email address: evil.user@badsite.com.
Example of a valid email address range: *@*.badsite.com'; $txt['invalid_expiration_date'] = 'Expiration date is not valid'; $txt['invalid_hostname'] = 'Invalid host name / host name range.
Example of a valid host name: proxy4.badhost.com
Example of a valid host name range: *.badhost.com'; $txt['invalid_ip'] = 'Invalid IP / IP range.
Example of a valid IP address:
Example of a valid IP range: 127.0.0-20.*'; $txt['invalid_tracking_ip'] = 'Invalid IP / IP range.
Example of a valid IP address:
Example of a valid IP range: 127.0.0.*'; $txt['invalid_username'] = 'Member name not found'; $txt['no_user_selected'] = 'Member not found'; $txt['no_ban_admin'] = 'You may not ban an admin - you must demote them first!'; $txt['no_bantype_selected'] = 'No ban type was selected'; $txt['ban_not_found'] = 'Ban not found'; $txt['ban_unknown_restriction_type'] = 'Restriction type unknown'; $txt['ban_name_empty'] = 'The name of the ban was left empty'; $txt['ban_id_empty'] = 'Ban id not found'; $txt['ban_no_triggers'] = 'No ban triggers specified'; $txt['ban_ban_item_empty'] = 'Ban trigger not found'; $txt['impossible_insert_new_bangroup'] = 'An error occurred while inserting the new ban'; $txt['ban_name_exists'] = 'The name of this ban already exists. Please choose a different name.'; $txt['ban_trigger_already_exists'] = 'This ban trigger (%1$s) already exists in %2$s.'; $txt['recycle_no_valid_board'] = 'No valid board selected for recycled topics'; $txt['post_already_deleted'] = 'The topic or message has already been moved to the recycle board. Are you sure you want to delete it completely?
If so follow this link'; $txt['login_threshold_fail'] = 'Sorry, you are out of login chances. Please come back and try again later.'; $txt['login_threshold_brute_fail'] = 'Sorry, but you\'ve reached your login attempts threshold for account %1$s. Please wait 30 seconds and try again later.'; $txt['who_off'] = 'You cannot access Who\'s Online right now because it is disabled.'; $txt['merge_create_topic_failed'] = 'Error creating a new topic.'; $txt['merge_need_more_topics'] = 'Merge topics requires at least two topics to merge.'; $txt['post_WaitTime_broken'] = 'The last posting from your IP was less than %1$d seconds ago. Please try again later.'; $txt['register_WaitTime_broken'] = 'You already registered just %1$d seconds ago!'; $txt['login_WaitTime_broken'] = 'You will have to wait about %1$d seconds to login again, sorry.'; $txt['pm_WaitTime_broken'] = 'The last personal message from your IP was less than %1$d seconds ago. Please try again later.'; $txt['reporttm_WaitTime_broken'] = 'The last topic report from your IP was less than %1$d seconds ago. Please try again later.'; $txt['sendmail_WaitTime_broken'] = 'The last email sent from your IP was less than %1$d seconds ago. Please try again later.'; $txt['search_WaitTime_broken'] = 'Your last search was less than %1$d seconds ago. Please try again later.'; $txt['remind_WaitTime_broken'] = 'Your last reminder was less than %1$d seconds ago. Please try again later.'; $txt['email_missing_data'] = 'You must enter something in both the subject and message boxes.'; $txt['topic_gone'] = 'The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you.'; $txt['theme_edit_missing'] = 'The file you are trying to edit cannot be found.'; $txt['pm_not_yours'] = 'The personal message you are trying to quote is not your own or does not exist, please go back and try again.'; $txt['mangled_post'] = 'Mangled form data - please go back and try again.'; $txt['too_many_groups'] = 'Sorry, you selected too many groups, please remove some from your selection.'; $txt['post_upload_error'] = 'The post data is missing. This error can be caused by trying to submit a file larger than allowed by the server. Please contact your administrator if this problem continues.'; $txt['quoted_post_deleted'] = 'The post you are trying to quote either does not exist, was deleted, or is no longer viewable by you.'; $txt['pm_too_many_per_hour'] = 'You have exceeded the limit of %1$d personal messages per hour.'; $txt['register_only_once'] = 'Sorry, but you are not allowed to register multiple accounts at the same time from the same computer.'; $txt['admin_setting_coppa_require_contact'] = 'You must enter either a postal or fax contact if parent/guardian approval is required.'; $txt['error_long_name'] = 'The name you tried to use was too long.'; $txt['error_no_name'] = 'No name was provided.'; $txt['error_bad_name'] = 'The name you submitted cannot be used, because it is, or contains, a reserved name.'; $txt['error_no_email'] = 'No email address was provided.'; $txt['error_bad_email'] = 'An invalid email address was given.'; $txt['error_no_event'] = 'No event name has been given.'; $txt['error_no_subject'] = 'No subject was filled in.'; $txt['error_no_question'] = 'No question was filled in for this poll.'; $txt['error_no_message'] = 'The message body was left empty.'; $txt['error_long_message'] = 'The message exceeds the maximum allowed length (%1$d characters).'; $txt['error_no_comment'] = 'The comment field was left empty.'; // duplicate of post_too_long in Post.{language}.php $txt['error_post_too_long'] = 'Your message is too long. Please go back and shorten it, then try again.'; $txt['error_session_timeout'] = 'Your session timed out while posting. Please try to re-submit your message.'; $txt['error_no_to'] = 'No recipients specified.'; $txt['error_bad_to'] = 'One or more \'to\'-recipients could not be found.'; $txt['error_bad_bcc'] = 'One or more \'bcc\'-recipients could not be found.'; $txt['error_form_already_submitted'] = 'You have already submitted this post! You might have accidentally double clicked or tried to refresh the page.'; $txt['error_poll_few'] = 'You must have at least two choices!'; $txt['error_poll_many'] = 'You must have no more than 256 choices.'; $txt['error_need_qr_verification'] = 'Please complete the verification section below to complete your post.'; $txt['error_wrong_verification_code'] = 'The letters you typed do not match the letters that were shown in the picture.'; $txt['error_wrong_verification_recaptcha'] = 'Verification failed, invalid captcha value.'; $txt['error_wrong_verification_answer'] = 'You did not answer the verification questions correctly.'; $txt['error_need_verification_code'] = 'Please enter the verification code below to continue to the results.'; $txt['error_bad_file'] = 'Sorry but the file specified could not be opened: %1$s'; $txt['error_bad_line'] = 'The line you specified is invalid.'; $txt['error_draft_not_saved'] = 'There was an error saving the draft'; $txt['error_topic_locked_already'] = 'This topic has already been locked by another moderator action.'; $txt['error_topic_unlocked_already'] = 'This topic has already been unlocked by another moderator action.'; $txt['error_topic_sticky_already'] = 'This topic has already been stickied by another moderator action.'; $txt['error_topic_nonsticky_already'] = 'This topic has already been unstickied by another moderator action.'; $txt['smiley_not_found'] = 'Smiley not found.'; $txt['smiley_has_no_code'] = 'No code for this smiley was given.'; $txt['smiley_has_no_filename'] = 'No filename for this smiley was given.'; $txt['smiley_not_unique'] = 'A smiley with that code already exists.'; $txt['smiley_set_already_exists'] = 'A smiley set with that URL already exists'; $txt['smiley_set_not_found'] = 'Smiley set not found'; $txt['smiley_set_dir_not_found'] = 'The directory of the smiley set %1$s is either invalid or cannot be accessed'; $txt['smiley_set_path_already_used'] = 'The URL of the smiley set is already being used by another smiley set.'; $txt['smiley_set_unable_to_import'] = 'Unable to import smiley set. Either the directory is invalid or cannot be accessed.'; $txt['smileys_upload_error'] = 'Failed to upload file.'; $txt['smileys_upload_error_blank'] = 'All smiley sets must have an image.'; $txt['smileys_upload_error_name'] = 'All smileys must have the same filename.'; $txt['smileys_upload_error_illegal'] = 'Illegal image type.'; $txt['search_invalid_weights'] = 'Search weights are not properly configured. At least one weight should be configured to be non-zero. Please report this error to an administrator.'; $txt['unable_to_create_temporary'] = 'The search function was unable to create temporary tables. Please try again.'; $txt['package_no_file'] = 'Unable to find package file!'; $txt['packageget_unable'] = 'Unable to connect to the server. Please try using this URL instead.'; $txt['not_on_simplemachines'] = 'Sorry, packages can only be downloaded like this from the simplemachines.org server.'; $txt['package_cant_uninstall'] = 'This package was either never installed or was already uninstalled - you cannot uninstall it now.'; $txt['package_cant_download'] = 'You cannot download or install new packages because the Packages directory, or one of the files in it, is not writable!'; $txt['package_upload_error_nofile'] = 'You did not select a package to upload.'; $txt['package_upload_error_failed'] = 'Could not upload package, please check directory permissions!'; $txt['package_upload_error_exists'] = 'The file you are uploading already exists on the server. Please delete it first then try again.'; $txt['package_upload_error_supports'] = 'The package manager currently allows only these file types: %1$s.'; $txt['package_upload_error_broken'] = 'Package upload failed due to the following error:
"%1$s"'; $txt['package_theme_upload_error_broken'] = 'Theme upload failed due to the following error:
"%1$s"'; $txt['package_get_error_not_found'] = 'The package you are trying to install cannot be located. You may want to manually upload the package to your Packages directory.'; $txt['package_get_error_missing_xml'] = 'The package you are attempting to install is missing the package-info.xml that must be in the root package directory.'; $txt['package_get_error_is_zero'] = 'Although the package was downloaded to the server it appears to be empty. Please check the Packages directory and the "temp" sub-directory are both writable. If you continue to experience this problem you should try extracting the package on your PC and uploading the extracted files into a subdirectory in your Packages directory and try again. For example, if the package was called shout.tar.gz you should:
1) Download the package to your local PC and extract it into files.
2) Using an FTP client create a new directory in your "Packages" folder, in this example you may call it "shout".
3) Upload all the files from the extracted package to this directory.
4) Go back to the package manager browse page and the package will be automatically found by SMF.'; $txt['package_get_error_packageinfo_corrupt'] = 'SMF was unable to find any valid information within the package-info.xml file included within the Package. There may be an error with the modification, or the package may be corrupt.'; $txt['package_get_error_is_theme'] = 'You cannot install a Theme from this section, please use the Themes and Layout management page to upload it'; $txt['package_get_error_is_mod'] = 'You cannot install a mod from this section, please use the Package manager page to upload it'; $txt['package_get_error_theme_not_compatible'] = 'Your theme does not show it has compatibility with %1$s. Please contact the theme author.'; $txt['package_get_error_theme_no_based_on_found'] = 'The theme you are trying to install depends on another theme: %1$s. You need to install that theme first.'; $txt['package_get_error_theme_no_new_version'] = 'The theme you are trying to install is already installed or is an outdated version of it. The version already installed is: %2$s and the version you\'re trying to install is: %1$s.'; $txt['no_membergroup_selected'] = 'No membergroup selected'; $txt['membergroup_does_not_exist'] = 'The membergroup does not exist or is invalid.'; $txt['at_least_one_admin'] = 'There must be at least one administrator on a forum!'; $txt['error_functionality_not_windows'] = 'Sorry, this functionality is currently not available for servers running Windows.'; // Don't use entities in the below string. $txt['attachment_not_found'] = 'Attachment not found'; $txt['error_no_boards_selected'] = 'No valid boards were selected.'; $txt['error_no_boards_available'] = 'Sorry, there are no boards available to you at this time.'; $txt['error_invalid_search_string'] = 'Did you forget to put something to search for?'; $txt['error_invalid_search_string_blacklist'] = 'Your search query contained too many trivial words. Please try again with a different query.'; $txt['error_search_string_small_words'] = 'Each word must be at least two characters long.'; $txt['error_query_not_specific_enough'] = 'Your search query did not return any matches.'; $txt['error_no_messages_in_time_frame'] = 'No posts found in selected time frame.'; $txt['error_no_labels_selected'] = 'No labels were selected.'; $txt['error_no_search_daemon'] = 'Unable to access the search daemon'; $txt['profile_errors_occurred'] = 'The following errors occurred when trying to save your profile'; $txt['profile_error_bad_offset'] = 'The time offset is out of range'; $txt['profile_error_bad_timezone'] = 'The timezone specified is invalid'; $txt['profile_error_no_name'] = 'The name field was left blank'; $txt['profile_error_digits_only'] = 'The \'number of posts\' box can only contain digits.'; $txt['profile_error_name_taken'] = 'The selected username/display name has already been taken'; $txt['profile_error_name_too_long'] = 'The selected name is too long. It should be no greater than 60 characters in length'; $txt['profile_error_no_email'] = 'The email field was left blank'; $txt['profile_error_bad_email'] = 'You have not entered a valid email address'; $txt['profile_error_email_taken'] = 'Another user is already registered with that email address'; $txt['profile_error_no_password'] = 'You did not enter your password'; $txt['profile_error_bad_new_password'] = 'The new passwords you entered do not match'; $txt['profile_error_bad_password'] = 'The password you entered was not correct'; $txt['profile_error_bad_avatar'] = 'The avatar you have selected is not a valid image'; $txt['profile_error_bad_avatar_invalid_url'] = 'The URL you specified is invalid, please check it.'; $txt['profile_error_bad_avatar_url_too_long'] = 'The avatar URL you specified is too long, please use a shorter URL.'; $txt['profile_error_bad_avatar_too_large'] = 'The image you are trying to use surpasses the max width/height settings, please use a smaller one.'; $txt['profile_error_bad_avatar_fail_reencode'] = 'The image you uploaded was corrupted and the attempt to recover it failed.'; // argument(s): the minimum length of user passwords as stored in the settings $txt['profile_error_password_short'] = 'Your password must be at least %1$s characters long.'; $txt['profile_error_password_restricted_words'] = 'Your password must not contain your username, email address or other commonly used words.'; $txt['profile_error_password_chars'] = 'Your password must contain a mix of upper and lower case letters, as well as digits.'; $txt['profile_error_already_requested_group'] = 'You already have an outstanding request for this group!'; $txt['profile_error_signature_not_yet_saved'] = 'The signature has not been saved.'; $txt['profile_error_personal_text_too_long'] = 'The personal text is too long.'; $txt['profile_error_user_title_too_long'] = 'The custom title is too long.'; $txt['profile_error_website_title_too_long'] = 'The website title is too long.'; $txt['profile_error_custom_field_mail_fail'] = 'The mail validation check returned an error, you need to enter an email in a valid format (user@domain).'; $txt['profile_error_custom_field_regex_fail'] = 'The regex verification returned an error. If you are unsure about what to type here, please contact the forum administrator.'; $txt['profile_error_custom_field_nohtml_fail'] = 'HTML tags are not allowed.'; $txt['profile_error_posts_out_of_range'] = 'The number of posts is out of range'; // Registration form. $txt['under_age_registration_prohibited'] = 'Sorry, but users under the age of %1$d are not allowed to register on this forum.'; $txt['error_too_quickly'] = 'You went through registration a bit too quickly, faster than should normally be possible. Please give it a moment and try again.'; $txt['mysql_error_space'] = ' - check database storage space or contact the server administrator.'; $txt['icon_not_found'] = 'The icon image could not be found in the default theme - please ensure the image has been uploaded and try again.'; $txt['icon_after_itself'] = 'The icon cannot be positioned after itself.'; $txt['icon_name_too_long'] = 'Icon filenames cannot be more than 16 characters long'; $txt['name_censored'] = 'Sorry, the name you tried to use, %1$s, contains words which have been censored. Please try another name.'; $txt['poll_already_exists'] = 'A topic can only have one poll associated with it.'; $txt['poll_not_found'] = 'There is no poll associated with this topic!'; $txt['error_while_adding_poll'] = 'The following error or errors occurred while adding this poll'; $txt['error_while_editing_poll'] = 'The following error or errors occurred while editing this poll'; $txt['loadavg_search_disabled'] = 'Due to high stress on the server, the search function has been automatically and temporarily disabled. Please try again in a short while.'; $txt['loadavg_generic_disabled'] = 'Sorry, because of high stress on the server, this feature is currently unavailable.'; $txt['loadavg_allunread_disabled'] = 'The server\'s resources are temporarily under too high a demand to find all the topics you have not read.'; $txt['loadavg_unreadreplies_disabled'] = 'The server is currently under high stress. Please try again shortly.'; $txt['loadavg_show_posts_disabled'] = 'Please try again later. This member\'s posts are not currently available due to high load on the server.'; $txt['loadavg_unread_disabled'] = 'The server\'s resources are temporarily under too high a demand to list out the topics you have not read.'; $txt['loadavg_userstats_disabled'] = 'This member\'s statistics are not currently available due to high load on the server. Please try again later.'; $txt['cannot_edit_permissions_inherited'] = 'You cannot edit inherited permissions directly, you must either edit the parent group or edit the membergroup inheritance.'; $txt['mc_no_modreport_specified'] = 'You need to specify which report you wish to view.'; $txt['mc_no_modreport_found'] = 'The specified report either does not exist or is off limits to you'; $txt['st_cannot_retrieve_file'] = 'Could not retrieve the file %1$s.'; $txt['admin_file_not_found'] = 'Could not load the requested file: %1$s.'; $txt['themes_none_selectable'] = 'At least one theme must be selectable.'; $txt['themes_default_selectable'] = 'The overall forum default theme must be a selectable theme.'; $txt['ignoreboards_disallowed'] = 'The option to ignore boards has not been enabled.'; $txt['mboards_delete_error'] = 'No category selected.'; $txt['mboards_delete_board_error'] = 'No board selected.'; $txt['mboards_parent_own_child_error'] = 'You cannot make a board into a sub-board of itself.'; $txt['mboards_board_own_child_error'] = 'You cannot make a board into its own sub-board.'; $txt['smileys_upload_error_notwritable'] = 'The following smiley directories are not writable: %1$s'; $txt['smileys_upload_error_types'] = 'Smiley images can only have the following extensions: %1$s.'; $txt['change_email_success'] = 'Your email address has been changed, and a new activation email has been sent to it.'; $txt['resend_email_success'] = 'A new activation email has successfully been sent.'; $txt['custom_option_need_name'] = 'The profile option must have a name.'; $txt['custom_option_not_unique'] = 'Field name is not unique.'; $txt['custom_option_regex_error'] = 'The regex you entered is not valid'; $txt['warning_no_reason'] = 'You must enter a reason for altering the warning level of a member'; $txt['warning_notify_blank'] = 'You selected to notify the user but did not fill in the subject/message fields'; $txt['cannot_connect_doc_site'] = 'Could not connect to the Simple Machines Online Manual. Please check that your server configuration allows external internet connections and try again later.'; $txt['movetopic_no_reason'] = 'You must enter a reason for moving the topic, or uncheck the option to \'post a redirection topic\'.'; $txt['error_custom_field_too_long'] = 'The "%1$s" field cannot be greater than %2$d characters in length.'; $txt['error_custom_field_invalid_email'] = 'The "%1$s" field must be a valid email address.'; $txt['error_custom_field_not_number'] = 'The "%1$s" field must be numeric.'; $txt['error_custom_field_inproper_format'] = 'The "%1$s" field is an invalid format.'; $txt['error_custom_field_empty'] = 'The "%1$s" field cannot be left blank.'; $txt['email_no_template'] = 'The email template "%1$s" could not be found.'; $txt['search_api_missing'] = 'The search API could not be found. Please contact the admin to check they have uploaded the correct files.'; $txt['search_api_not_compatible'] = 'The selected search API the forum is using is out of date - falling back to standard search. Please check file %1$s.'; // Registration Agreement $txt['error_no_agreement'] = 'There is no registration agreement to display!'; $txt['error_no_privacy_policy'] = 'A privacy policy has not been created for this forum.'; // Unsubscribe $txt['unsubscribe_invalid'] = 'The unsubscribe link that brought you here does not appear to be valid.'; // Handling hook calls $txt['hook_fail_loading_file'] = 'Hook call: The file at path: %s could not be loaded.'; $txt['hook_fail_call_to'] = 'Hook call: function "%1$s" in file %2$s could not be called.'; $txt['file_not_created'] = 'The file at "%1$s" could not be created. Please make sure the parent directory has the appropriate permissions.'; $txt['file_minimize_fail'] = 'The file "%1$s" could not be located on the current or the default theme and, therefore, it was not included in the minified file.'; $txt['unlink_minimized_fail'] = 'The following files could not be deleted. Please check the file permissions of the files themselves and the parent directory.
%1$s'; // SubActions failed attempt. $txt['sub_action_fail'] = 'The callable %s could not be called.'; // Restore topic/posts $txt['cannot_restore_first_post'] = 'You cannot restore the first post in a topic.'; $txt['parent_topic_missing'] = 'The parent topic of the post you are trying to restore has been deleted.'; $txt['restored_disabled'] = 'The restoration of topics has been disabled.'; $txt['restore_not_found'] = 'The following messages could not be restored; the original topic may have been removed:You will need to move these manually.'; $txt['error_invalid_dir'] = 'The directory you entered is invalid.'; // json errors. $txt['json_JSON_ERROR_DEPTH'] = 'JSON decode error: The maximum stack depth has been exceeded'; $txt['json_JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH'] = 'JSON decode error: Invalid or malformed JSON'; $txt['json_JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR'] = 'JSON decode error: Control character error, possibly incorrectly encoded'; $txt['json_JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX'] = 'JSON decode error: Syntax error, malformed JSON'; $txt['json_JSON_ERROR_UTF8'] = 'JSON decode error: Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded'; $txt['json_JSON_ERROR_RECURSION'] = 'JSON decode error: One or more recursive references in the value to be encoded'; $txt['json_JSON_ERROR_INF_OR_NAN'] = 'JSON decode error: One or more NAN or INF values in the value to be encoded'; $txt['json_JSON_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE'] = 'JSON decode error: A value of a type that cannot be encoded was given'; $txt['json_unknown'] = 'Unknown error'; // The following strings are used with various trigger_error calls. Most include the function that they're called from. // Board errors $txt['create_board_missing_options'] = 'createBoard(): One or more of the required options is not set'; $txt['move_board_no_target'] = 'createBoard(): Target board is not set'; $txt['modify_board_move_to_incorrect'] = 'modifyBoard(): the move_to value \'%s\' is incorrect'; // Category errors $txt['create_category_no_name'] = 'createCategory(): A category name is required'; $txt['cannot_move_to_deleted_category'] = 'deleteCategories(): You cannot move the boards to a category that\'s being deleted'; // Package manager error $txt['undefined_xml_attribute'] = 'Undefined XML attribute: %s'; $txt['undefined_xml_element'] = 'Undefined XML element: %s'; // loadMemberData() error $txt['invalid_member_data_set'] = 'loadMemberData(): Invalid member set: \'%s\''; // loadMemberContext() error $txt['user_not_loaded'] = 'loadMemberContext(): member id \'%d\' not previously loaded by loadMemberData()'; // logActions() errors $txt['logActions_not_array'] = 'logActions(): data is not an array with action \'%s\''; $txt['logActions_topic_not_numeric'] = 'logActions(): data\'s topic is not a number'; $txt['logActions_message_not_numeric'] = 'logActions(): data\'s message is not a number'; $txt['logActions_member_not_numeric'] = 'logActions(): data\'s member is not a number'; $txt['logActions_board_not_numeric'] = 'logActions(): data\'s board is not a number'; $txt['logActions_board_to_not_numeric'] = 'logActions(): data\'s board_to is not a number'; // Login error $txt['login_no_session_cookie'] = 'Login2(): Cannot be logged in without a session or cookie'; // PM error (see isAccessiblePM function) $txt['pm_invalid_validation_type'] = 'Undefined validation type given'; $txt['check_submit_once_invalid_action'] = 'checkSubmitOnce(): Invalid action \'%s\''; $txt['get_server_versions_no_database'] = 'getServerVersions(): you need to be connected to the database in order to get its server version'; // Subs-Db-postgresql.php line 801 $txt['postgres_id_not_int'] = 'Trying to return an ID field which is not an Int'; $txt['add_members_to_group_invalid_type'] = 'addMembersToGroup(): Unknown type \'%s\''; $txt['get_members_online_stats_invalid_sort'] = 'Sort method for getMembersOnlineStats() function is not allowed'; $txt['get_board_list_cannot_include_and_exclude'] = 'getBoardList(): Setting both excluded_boards and included_boards is not allowed.'; $txt['parse_path_filename_required'] = 'parse_path(): There should never be an empty filename'; $txt['parse_modification_filename_not_full_path'] = 'parseModification(): The filename \'%s\' is not a full path!'; $txt['parse_boardmod_filename_not_full_path'] = 'parseBoardMod(): The filename \'%s\' is not a full path!'; $txt['package_flush_cache_not_writable'] = 'package_flush_cache(): some files are still not writable'; $txt['create_post_invalid_member_id'] = 'createPost(): invalid member id \'%d\''; $txt['invalid_statistic_type'] = 'updateStats(): invalid statistic type \'%s\''; $txt['fetch_web_data_bad_url'] = 'fetch_web_data(): Bad URL'; ?>