'quoted' => array(),
'watching' => array(),
// These ones just contain member IDs.
'all' => array(),
'emailed' => array(),
'alerted' => array(),
'done' => array(),
* @var array Alerts to be inserted into the alerts table.
private $alert_rows = array();
* @var array Members' notification and alert preferences.
private $prefs = array();
* @var int Timestamp after which email notifications should be sent about
* mentions and quotes in unwatched and/or edited posts.
private $mention_mail_time = 0;
* This executes the task: loads up the info, puts the email in the queue
* and inserts any alerts as needed.
* @return bool Always returns true
* @throws Exception
public function execute()
global $smcFunc, $sourcedir, $scripturl, $language, $modSettings, $user_info, $txt;
require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Post.php');
require_once($sourcedir . '/Mentions.php');
require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Notify.php');
require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs.php');
require_once($sourcedir . '/ScheduledTasks.php');
$msgOptions = &$this->_details['msgOptions'];
$topicOptions = &$this->_details['topicOptions'];
$posterOptions = &$this->_details['posterOptions'];
$type = &$this->_details['type'];
// Board id is required; if missing, log an error and return
if (!isset($topicOptions['board']))
require_once($sourcedir . '/Errors.php');
log_error($txt['missing_board_id'], 'general', __FILE__, __LINE__);
return true;
// poster_time not always supplied, but used throughout
if (empty($msgOptions['poster_time']))
$msgOptions['poster_time'] = 0;
$this->mention_mail_time = $msgOptions['poster_time'] + self::MENTION_DELAY * 60;
// We need some more info about the quoted and mentioned members.
if (!empty($msgOptions['quoted_members']))
$this->members['quoted'] = Mentions::getMentionsByContent('quote', $msgOptions['id'], array_keys($msgOptions['quoted_members']));
if (!empty($msgOptions['mentioned_members']))
$this->members['mentioned'] = Mentions::getMentionsByContent('msg', $msgOptions['id'], array_keys($msgOptions['mentioned_members']));
// Find the people interested in receiving notifications for this topic
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
ln.id_member, ln.id_board, ln.id_topic, ln.sent,
mem.email_address, mem.lngfile, mem.pm_ignore_list,
mem.id_group, mem.id_post_group, mem.additional_groups,
mem.time_format, mem.time_offset, mem.timezone,
b.member_groups, t.id_member_started, t.id_member_updated
FROM {db_prefix}log_notify AS ln
INNER JOIN {db_prefix}members AS mem ON (ln.id_member = mem.id_member)
LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}topics AS t ON (t.id_topic = ln.id_topic)
LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}boards AS b ON (b.id_board = ln.id_board OR b.id_board = t.id_board)
WHERE ln.id_member != {int:member}
AND (ln.id_topic = {int:topic} OR ln.id_board = {int:board})',
'member' => $posterOptions['id'],
'topic' => $topicOptions['id'],
'board' => $topicOptions['board'],
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
// Skip members who aren't allowed to see this board
$groups = array_merge(array($row['id_group'], $row['id_post_group']), (empty($row['additional_groups']) ? array() : explode(',', $row['additional_groups'])));
$allowed_groups = explode(',', $row['member_groups']);
if (!in_array(1, $groups) && count(array_intersect($groups, $allowed_groups)) == 0)
$row['groups'] = $groups;
unset($row['id_group'], $row['id_post_group'], $row['additional_groups']);
$this->members['watching'][$row['id_member']] = $row;
// Filter out mentioned and quoted members who can't see this board.
if (!empty($this->members['mentioned']) || !empty($this->members['quoted']))
// This won't be set yet if no one is watching this board or topic.
if (!isset($allowed_groups))
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT member_groups
FROM {db_prefix}boards
WHERE id_board = {int:board}',
'board' => $topicOptions['board'],
list($allowed_groups) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($request);
$allowed_groups = explode(',', $allowed_groups);
foreach (array('mentioned', 'quoted') as $member_type)
foreach ($this->members[$member_type] as $member_id => $member_data)
if (!in_array(1, $member_data['groups']) && count(array_intersect($member_data['groups'], $allowed_groups)) == 0)
unset($this->members[$member_type][$member_id], $msgOptions[$member_type . '_members'][$member_id]);
$unnotified = array_filter($this->members['watching'], function ($member) {
return empty($member['sent']);
// Modified post, or dealing with delayed mention and quote notifications.
if ($type == 'edit' || !empty($this->_details['respawns']))
// Notifications about modified posts only go to members who were mentioned or quoted
$this->members['watching'] = $type == 'edit' ? array(): $unnotified;
// If this post has no quotes or mentions, just delete any obsolete alerts and bail out.
if (empty($this->members['quoted']) && empty($this->members['mentioned']))
return true;
// Never notify about edits to ancient posts.
if (!empty($modSettings['oldTopicDays']) && time() > $msgOptions['poster_time'] + $modSettings['oldTopicDays'] * 86400)
return true;
// If editing is only allowed for a brief time, send after editing becomes disabled.
if (!empty($modSettings['edit_disable_time']) && $modSettings['edit_disable_time'] <= self::MENTION_DELAY)
$this->mention_mail_time = $msgOptions['poster_time'] + $modSettings['edit_disable_time'] * 60;
// Otherwise, impose a delay before sending notifications about edited posts.
if (!empty($this->_details['respawns']))
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT modified_time
FROM {db_prefix}messages
WHERE id_msg = {int:msg}
'msg' => $msgOptions['id'],
list($real_modified_time) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($request);
// If it was modified again while we weren't looking, bail out.
// A future instance of this task will take care of it instead.
if ((!empty($msgOptions['modify_time']) ? $msgOptions['modify_time'] : $msgOptions['poster_time']) < $real_modified_time)
return true;
$this->mention_mail_time = (!empty($msgOptions['modify_time']) ? $msgOptions['modify_time'] : $msgOptions['poster_time']) + self::MENTION_DELAY * 60;
$this->members['all'] = array_unique(array_merge(array_keys($this->members['watching']), array_keys($this->members['quoted']), array_keys($this->members['mentioned'])));
if (empty($this->members['all']))
return true;
$this->prefs = getNotifyPrefs($this->members['all'], '', true);
// May as well disable these, since they'll be stripped out anyway.
$disable = array('attach', 'img', 'iurl', 'url', 'youtube');
if (!empty($modSettings['disabledBBC']))
$disabledBBC = $modSettings['disabledBBC'];
$disable = array_unique(array_merge($disable, explode(',', $modSettings['disabledBBC'])));
$modSettings['disabledBBC'] = implode(',', $disable);
// Notify any members who were mentioned.
if (!empty($this->members['mentioned']))
// Notify any members who were quoted.
if (!empty($this->members['quoted']))
// Handle rest of the notifications for watched topics and boards
if (!empty($this->members['watching']))
// Put this back the way we found it.
if (!empty($disabledBBC))
$modSettings['disabledBBC'] = $disabledBBC;
// Track what we sent.
$members_to_log = array_intersect($this->members['emailed'], array_keys($this->members['watching']));
if (!empty($members_to_log))
$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
UPDATE {db_prefix}log_notify
SET sent = {int:is_sent}
WHERE ' . ($type == 'topic' ? 'id_board = {int:board}' : 'id_topic = {int:topic}') . '
AND id_member IN ({array_int:members})',
'topic' => $topicOptions['id'],
'board' => $topicOptions['board'],
// 'members' => $this->members['emailed'],
'members' => $members_to_log,
'is_sent' => 1,
// Insert it into the digest for daily/weekly notifications
if ($type != 'edit' && empty($this->_details['respawns']))
'id_topic' => 'int', 'id_msg' => 'int', 'note_type' => 'string', 'exclude' => 'int',
array($topicOptions['id'], $msgOptions['id'], $type, $posterOptions['id']),
// Insert the alerts if any
// If there is anyone still to notify via email, create a new task later.
$unnotified = array_diff_key($unnotified, array_flip($this->members['emailed']));
if (!empty($unnotified) || !empty($msgOptions['mentioned_members']) || !empty($msgOptions['quoted_members']))
$new_details = $this->_details;
if (empty($new_details['respawns']))
$new_details['respawns'] = 0;
if ($new_details['respawns']++ < 10)
'task_file' => 'string',
'task_class' => 'string',
'task_data' => 'string',
'claimed_time' => 'int',
max(0, $this->mention_mail_time - MAX_CLAIM_THRESHOLD),
return true;
private function updateAlerts($msg_id)
global $smcFunc;
// We send alerts only on the first iteration of this task.
if (!empty($this->_details['respawns']))
// Delete alerts about any mentions and quotes that no longer exist.
if ($this->_details['type'] == 'edit')
$old_alerts = array();
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT content_action, id_member
FROM {db_prefix}user_alerts
WHERE content_id = {int:msg_id}
AND content_type = {literal:msg}
AND (content_action = {literal:quote} OR content_action = {literal:mention})',
'msg_id' => $msg_id,
if ($smcFunc['db_num_rows']($request) != 0)
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
$old_alerts[$row['content_action']][$row['id_member']] = $row['id_member'];
if (!empty($old_alerts))
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT content_type, id_mentioned
FROM {db_prefix}mentions
WHERE content_id = {int:msg_id}
AND (content_type = {literal:quote} OR content_type = {literal:msg})',
'msg_id' => $msg_id,
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
$content_action = $row['content_type'] == 'quote' ? 'quote' : 'mention';
$conditions = array();
if (!empty($old_alerts['quote']))
$conditions[] = '(content_action = {literal:quote} AND id_member IN ({array_int:members_not_quoted}))';
if (!empty($old_alerts['mention']))
$conditions[] = '(content_action = {literal:mention} AND id_member IN ({array_int:members_not_mentioned}))';
if (!empty($conditions))
$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
DELETE FROM {db_prefix}user_alerts
WHERE content_id = {int:msg_id}
AND content_type = {literal:msg}
AND (' . implode(' OR ', $conditions) . ')',
'msg_id' => $msg_id,
'members_not_quoted' => empty($old_alerts['quote']) ? array(0) : $old_alerts['quote'],
'members_not_mentioned' => empty($old_alerts['mention']) ? array(0) : $old_alerts['mention'],
foreach ($old_alerts as $member_ids)
updateMemberData($member_ids, array('alerts' => '-'));
// Insert the new alerts.
if (!empty($this->alert_rows))
'alert_time' => 'int',
'id_member' => 'int',
'id_member_started' => 'int',
'member_name' => 'string',
'content_type' => 'string',
'content_id' => 'int',
'content_action' => 'string',
'is_read' => 'int',
'extra' => 'string',
updateMemberData(array_column($this->alert_rows, 'id_member'), array('alerts' => '+'));
* Notifies members about new posts in topics they are watching
* and new topics in boards they are watching.
protected function handleWatchedNotifications()
global $smcFunc, $scripturl, $modSettings, $user_info;
$msgOptions = &$this->_details['msgOptions'];
$topicOptions = &$this->_details['topicOptions'];
$posterOptions = &$this->_details['posterOptions'];
$type = &$this->_details['type'];
$user_ids = array_keys($this->members['watching']);
if (!in_array($posterOptions['id'], $user_ids))
$user_ids[] = $posterOptions['id'];
$members_info = $this->getMinUserInfo($user_ids);
$parsed_message = array();
foreach ($this->members['watching'] as $member_id => $member_data)
if (in_array($member_id, $this->members['done']))
$frequency = isset($this->prefs[$member_id]['msg_notify_pref']) ? $this->prefs[$member_id]['msg_notify_pref'] : self::FREQUENCY_NOTHING;
$notify_types = !empty($this->prefs[$member_id]['msg_notify_type']) ? $this->prefs[$member_id]['msg_notify_type'] : self::NOTIFY_TYPE_REPLIES_AND_MODERATION;
// Don't send a notification if:
// 1. The watching member ignored the member who did the action.
if (!empty($member_data['pm_ignore_list']) && in_array($member_data['id_member_updated'], explode(',', $member_data['pm_ignore_list'])))
// 2. The watching member is not interested in moderation on this topic.
if (!in_array($type, array('reply', 'topic')) && ($notify_types == self::NOTIFY_TYPE_ONLY_REPLIES || ($notify_types == self::NOTIFY_TYPE_REPLIES_AND_OWN_TOPIC_MODERATION && $member_id != $member_data['id_member_started'])))
// 3. This is the watching member's own post.
if (in_array($type, array('reply', 'topic')) && $member_id == $posterOptions['id'])
// 4. The watching member doesn't want any notifications at all.
if ($notify_types == self::NOTIFY_TYPE_NOTHING)
// 5. The watching member doesn't want notifications until later.
if (in_array($frequency, array(
// 6. We already sent one and the watching member doesn't want more.
if ($frequency == self::FREQUENCY_FIRST_UNREAD_MSG && $member_data['sent'])
// 7. The watching member isn't on club security's VIP list.
if (!empty($this->_details['members_only']) && !in_array($member_id, $this->_details['members_only']))
// Watched topic?
if (!empty($member_data['id_topic']) && $type != 'topic' && !empty($this->prefs[$member_id]))
$pref = !empty($this->prefs[$member_id]['topic_notify_' . $topicOptions['id']]) ?
$this->prefs[$member_id]['topic_notify_' . $topicOptions['id']] :
(!empty($this->prefs[$member_id]['topic_notify']) ? $this->prefs[$member_id]['topic_notify'] : 0);
$message_type = 'notification_' . $type;
if ($type == 'reply')
if (empty($modSettings['disallow_sendBody']) && !empty($this->prefs[$member_id]['msg_receive_body']))
$message_type .= '_body';
if (!empty($frequency))
$message_type .= '_once';
$content_type = 'topic';
// A new topic in a watched board then?
elseif ($type == 'topic')
$pref = !empty($this->prefs[$member_id]['board_notify_' . $topicOptions['board']]) ?
$this->prefs[$member_id]['board_notify_' . $topicOptions['board']] :
(!empty($this->prefs[$member_id]['board_notify']) ? $this->prefs[$member_id]['board_notify'] : 0);
$content_type = 'board';
$message_type = !empty($frequency) ? 'notify_boards_once' : 'notify_boards';
if (empty($modSettings['disallow_sendBody']) && !empty($this->prefs[$member_id]['msg_receive_body']))
$message_type .= '_body';
// If neither of the above, this might be a redundant row due to the OR clause in our SQL query, skip
// We need to fake some of $user_info to make BBC parsing work correctly.
if (isset($user_info))
$real_user_info = $user_info;
$user_info = $members_info[$member_id];
loadLanguage('index+Modifications', $member_data['lngfile'], false);
// Censor and parse BBC in the receiver's localization. Don't repeat unnecessarily.
$localization = implode('|', array($member_data['lngfile'], $user_info['time_offset'], $user_info['time_format']));
if (empty($parsed_message[$localization]))
$parsed_message[$localization]['subject'] = $msgOptions['subject'];
$parsed_message[$localization]['body'] = $msgOptions['body'];
$parsed_message[$localization]['subject'] = un_htmlspecialchars($parsed_message[$localization]['subject']);
$parsed_message[$localization]['body'] = trim(un_htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(strtr(parse_bbc($parsed_message[$localization]['body'], false), array('
' => "\n", '' => "\n", '' => "\n", '[' => '[', ']' => ']', ''' => '\'', '' => "\n", '' => "\t", '