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2024-07-22 14:45:07 +00:00
// Version: 2.1.3; Alerts
// Load Alerts strings
$txt['topic_na'] = '(private topic)';
$txt['board_na'] = '(private board)';
$txt['all_alerts'] = 'All alerts';
$txt['mark_alerts_read'] = 'Mark read';
$txt['alert_settings'] = 'Settings';
$txt['alerts_no_unread'] = 'No unread alerts.';
$txt['alert_topic_reply'] = '{member_link} replied to the topic {topic_msg}';
$txt['alert_topic_move'] = 'The topic {topic_msg} has been moved to {board_msg}';
$txt['alert_topic_remove'] = 'The topic {topic_msg} has been deleted';
$txt['alert_topic_unlock'] = 'The topic {topic_msg} has been unlocked';
$txt['alert_topic_lock'] = 'The topic {topic_msg} has been locked';
$txt['alert_topic_split'] = 'The topic {topic_msg} has been split';
$txt['alert_topic_merge'] = 'One or more topics have been merged into {topic_msg}';
$txt['alert_topic_sticky'] = 'The topic {topic_msg} has been stickied';
$txt['alert_board_topic'] = '{member_link} started a new topic, {topic_msg}, in {board_msg}';
$txt['alert_msg_unapproved_attachment'] = '{member_link} added a new unapproved attachment to {msg_msg} in {board_msg}';
$txt['alert_topic_unapproved_topic'] = '{member_link} started a new unapproved topic, {topic_msg}, in {board_msg}';
$txt['alert_msg_unapproved_post'] = '{member_link} made a new unapproved reply to {topic_msg} in {board_msg}';
$txt['alert_topic_unapproved_reply'] = '{member_link} replied to your unapproved topic, {topic_msg}, in {board_msg}';
$txt['alert_msg_quote'] = '{member_link} quoted you in {msg_msg}';
$txt['alert_msg_mention'] = '{member_link} mentioned you in {msg_msg}';
$txt['alert_msg_like'] = '{member_link} liked your post, {msg_msg}';
$txt['alert_msg_report'] = '{member_link} reported the post {msg_msg}';
$txt['alert_msg_report_reply'] = '{member_link} replied to the report about {msg_msg}';
$txt['alert_member_report'] = '{member_link} reported the profile of {profile_msg}';
$txt['alert_member_report_reply'] = '{member_link} replied to the report about the profile of {profile_msg}';
$txt['alert_member_register_standard'] = '{member_link} just signed up';
$txt['alert_member_register_approval'] = '{member_link} just signed up (account requires approval)';
$txt['alert_member_register_activation'] = '{member_link} just signed up (account requires activation)';
$txt['alert_member_group_request'] = '{member_link} has requested to join {group_name}';
$txt['alert_groupr_approved'] = 'Your request to join {group_name} has been approved';
$txt['alert_groupr_rejected'] = 'Your request to join {group_name} has been rejected{reason}';
$txt['alert_event_new_guest'] = 'A new event, {event_title}, was added to the calendar';
$txt['alert_event_new'] = '{member_link} added a new event, {event_title}, to the calendar';
$txt['alert_paidsubs_expiring'] = 'Your {subscription_name} subscription will expire {end_time}';
$txt['alert_paidsubs_expired'] = 'Your {subscription_name} subscription expired {end_time}';
$txt['alert_member_buddy_request'] = '{member_link} added you as their buddy';
$txt['alert_birthday_msg'] = '{happy_birthday}';
$txt['alerts_none'] = 'You have no alerts.';