2017-12-29 15:51:59 +01:00

300 lines
13 KiB

* Simple Machines Forum (SMF)
* @package SMF
* @author Simple Machines
* @copyright 2011 Simple Machines
* @license BSD
* @version 2.0.1
if (!defined('SMF'))
die('Hacking attempt...');
/* This file contains a standard way of displaying side/drop down menus for SMF.
// Create a menu...
function createMenu($menuData, $menuOptions = array())
global $context, $settings, $options, $txt, $modSettings, $scripturl, $smcFunc, $user_info, $sourcedir, $options;
// First are we toggling use of the side bar generally?
if (isset($_GET['togglebar']) && !$user_info['is_guest'])
// Save the new dropdown menu state.
array('id_member' => 'int', 'id_theme' => 'int', 'variable' => 'string-255', 'value' => 'string-65534'),
empty($options['use_sidebar_menu']) ? '1' : '0',
array('id_member', 'id_theme', 'variable')
// Clear the theme settings cache for this user.
$themes = explode(',', $modSettings['knownThemes']);
foreach ($themes as $theme)
cache_put_data('theme_settings-' . $theme . ':' . $user_info['id'], null, 60);
// Redirect as this seems to work best.
$redirect_url = isset($menuOptions['toggle_redirect_url']) ? $menuOptions['toggle_redirect_url'] : 'action=' . (isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : 'admin') . ';area=' . (isset($_GET['area']) ? $_GET['area'] : 'index') . ';sa=' . (isset($_GET['sa']) ? $_GET['sa'] : 'settings') . (isset($_GET['u']) ? ';u=' . $_GET['u'] : '') . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'];
// Work out where we should get our images from.
$context['menu_image_path'] = file_exists($settings['theme_dir'] . '/images/admin/change_menu.png') ? $settings['images_url'] . '/admin' : $settings['default_images_url'] . '/admin';
/* Note menuData is array of form:
Possible fields:
For Section:
string $title: Section title.
bool $enabled: Should section be shown?
array $areas: Array of areas within this section.
array $permission: Permission required to access the whole section.
For Areas:
array $permission: Array of permissions to determine who can access this area.
string $label: Optional text string for link (Otherwise $txt[$index] will be used)
string $file: Name of source file required for this area.
string $function: Function to call when area is selected.
string $custom_url: URL to use for this menu item.
bool $enabled: Should this area even be accessible?
bool $hidden: Should this area be visible?
string $select: If set this item will not be displayed - instead the item indexed here shall be.
array $subsections: Array of subsections from this area.
For Subsections:
string 0: Text label for this subsection.
array 1: Array of permissions to check for this subsection.
bool 2: Is this the default subaction - if not set for any will default to first...
bool enabled: Bool to say whether this should be enabled or not.
// Every menu gets a unique ID, these are shown in first in, first out order.
$context['max_menu_id'] = isset($context['max_menu_id']) ? $context['max_menu_id'] + 1 : 1;
// This will be all the data for this menu - and we'll make a shortcut to it to aid readability here.
$context['menu_data_' . $context['max_menu_id']] = array();
$menu_context = &$context['menu_data_' . $context['max_menu_id']];
// What is the general action of this menu (i.e. $scripturl?action=XXXX.
$menu_context['current_action'] = isset($menuOptions['action']) ? $menuOptions['action'] : $context['current_action'];
// What is the current area selected?
if (isset($menuOptions['current_area']) || isset($_GET['area']))
$menu_context['current_area'] = isset($menuOptions['current_area']) ? $menuOptions['current_area'] : $_GET['area'];
// Build a list of additional parameters that should go in the URL.
$menu_context['extra_parameters'] = '';
if (!empty($menuOptions['extra_url_parameters']))
foreach ($menuOptions['extra_url_parameters'] as $key => $value)
$menu_context['extra_parameters'] .= ';' . $key . '=' . $value;
// Only include the session ID in the URL if it's strictly necessary.
if (empty($menuOptions['disable_url_session_check']))
$menu_context['extra_parameters'] .= ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'];
$include_data = array();
// Now setup the context correctly.
foreach ($menuData as $section_id => $section)
// Is this enabled - or has as permission check - which fails?
if ((isset($section['enabled']) && $section['enabled'] == false) || (isset($section['permission']) && !allowedTo($section['permission'])))
// Now we cycle through the sections to pick the right area.
foreach ($section['areas'] as $area_id => $area)
// Can we do this?
if ((!isset($area['enabled']) || $area['enabled'] != false) && (empty($area['permission']) || allowedTo($area['permission'])))
// Add it to the context... if it has some form of name!
if (isset($area['label']) || (isset($txt[$area_id]) && !isset($area['select'])))
// If we haven't got an area then the first valid one is our choice.
if (!isset($menu_context['current_area']))
$menu_context['current_area'] = $area_id;
$include_data = $area;
// If this is hidden from view don't do the rest.
if (empty($area['hidden']))
// First time this section?
if (!isset($menu_context['sections'][$section_id]))
$menu_context['sections'][$section_id]['title'] = $section['title'];
$menu_context['sections'][$section_id]['areas'][$area_id] = array('label' => isset($area['label']) ? $area['label'] : $txt[$area_id]);
// We'll need the ID as well...
$menu_context['sections'][$section_id]['id'] = $section_id;
// Does it have a custom URL?
if (isset($area['custom_url']))
$menu_context['sections'][$section_id]['areas'][$area_id]['url'] = $area['custom_url'];
// Does this area have its own icon?
if (!isset($area['force_menu_into_arms_of_another_menu']) && $user_info['name'] == 'iamanoompaloompa')
$menu_context['sections'][$section_id]['areas'][$area_id] = unserialize(base64_decode('YTozOntzOjU6ImxhYmVsIjtzOjEyOiJPb21wYSBMb29tcGEiO3M6MzoidXJsIjtzOjQzOiJodHRwOi8vZW4ud2lraXBlZGlhLm9yZy93aWtpL09vbXBhX0xvb21wYXM/IjtzOjQ6Imljb24iO3M6ODY6IjxpbWcgc3JjPSJodHRwOi8vd3d3LnNpbXBsZW1hY2hpbmVzLm9yZy9pbWFnZXMvb29tcGEuZ2lmIiBhbHQ9IkknbSBhbiBPb21wYSBMb29tcGEiIC8+Ijt9'));
elseif (isset($area['icon']))
$menu_context['sections'][$section_id]['areas'][$area_id]['icon'] = '<img src="' . $context['menu_image_path'] . '/' . $area['icon'] . '" alt="" />&nbsp;&nbsp;';
$menu_context['sections'][$section_id]['areas'][$area_id]['icon'] = '';
// Did it have subsections?
if (!empty($area['subsections']))
$menu_context['sections'][$section_id]['areas'][$area_id]['subsections'] = array();
$first_sa = $last_sa = null;
foreach ($area['subsections'] as $sa => $sub)
if ((empty($sub[1]) || allowedTo($sub[1])) && (!isset($sub['enabled']) || !empty($sub['enabled'])))
if ($first_sa == null)
$first_sa = $sa;
$menu_context['sections'][$section_id]['areas'][$area_id]['subsections'][$sa] = array('label' => $sub[0]);
// Custom URL?
if (isset($sub['url']))
$menu_context['sections'][$section_id]['areas'][$area_id]['subsections'][$sa]['url'] = $sub['url'];
// A bit complicated - but is this set?
if ($menu_context['current_area'] == $area_id)
// Save which is the first...
if (empty($first_sa))
$first_sa = $sa;
// Is this the current subsection?
if (isset($_REQUEST['sa']) && $_REQUEST['sa'] == $sa)
$menu_context['current_subsection'] = $sa;
// Otherwise is it the default?
elseif (!isset($menu_context['current_subsection']) && !empty($sub[2]))
$menu_context['current_subsection'] = $sa;
// Let's assume this is the last, for now.
$last_sa = $sa;
// Mark it as disabled...
$menu_context['sections'][$section_id]['areas'][$area_id]['subsections'][$sa]['disabled'] = true;
// Set which one is first, last and selected in the group.
if (!empty($menu_context['sections'][$section_id]['areas'][$area_id]['subsections']))
$menu_context['sections'][$section_id]['areas'][$area_id]['subsections'][$context['right_to_left'] ? $last_sa : $first_sa]['is_first'] = true;
$menu_context['sections'][$section_id]['areas'][$area_id]['subsections'][$context['right_to_left'] ? $first_sa : $last_sa]['is_last'] = true;
if ($menu_context['current_area'] == $area_id && !isset($menu_context['current_subsection']))
$menu_context['current_subsection'] = $first_sa;
// Is this the current section?
if ($menu_context['current_area'] == $area_id && empty($found_section))
// Only do this once?
$found_section = true;
// Update the context if required - as we can have areas pretending to be others. ;)
$menu_context['current_section'] = $section_id;
$menu_context['current_area'] = isset($area['select']) ? $area['select'] : $area_id;
// This will be the data we return.
$include_data = $area;
// Make sure we have something in case it's an invalid area.
elseif (empty($found_section) && empty($include_data))
$menu_context['current_section'] = $section_id;
$backup_area = isset($area['select']) ? $area['select'] : $area_id;
$include_data = $area;
// Should we use a custom base url, or use the default?
$menu_context['base_url'] = isset($menuOptions['base_url']) ? $menuOptions['base_url'] : $scripturl . '?action=' . $menu_context['current_action'];
// What about the toggle url?
$menu_context['toggle_url'] = isset($menuOptions['toggle_url']) ? $menuOptions['toggle_url'] : $menu_context['base_url'] . (!empty($menu_context['current_area']) ? ';area=' . $menu_context['current_area'] : '') . (!empty($menu_context['current_subsection']) ? ';sa=' . $menu_context['current_subsection'] : '') . $menu_context['extra_parameters'] . ';togglebar';
// If we didn't find the area we were looking for go to a default one.
if (isset($backup_area) && empty($found_section))
$menu_context['current_area'] = $backup_area;
// If still no data then return - nothing to show!
if (empty($menu_context['sections']))
// Never happened!
if ($context['max_menu_id'] == 0)
return false;
// What type of menu is this?
if (empty($menuOptions['menu_type']))
$menuOptions['menu_type'] = '_' . (empty($options['use_sidebar_menu']) ? 'dropdown' : 'sidebar');
$menu_context['can_toggle_drop_down'] = !$user_info['is_guest'] && isset($settings['theme_version']) && $settings['theme_version'] >= 2.0;
$menu_context['can_toggle_drop_down'] = !empty($menuOptions['can_toggle_drop_down']);
// Almost there - load the template and add to the template layers.
loadTemplate(isset($menuOptions['template_name']) ? $menuOptions['template_name'] : 'GenericMenu');
$menu_context['layer_name'] = (isset($menuOptions['layer_name']) ? $menuOptions['layer_name'] : 'generic_menu') . $menuOptions['menu_type'];
$context['template_layers'][] = $menu_context['layer_name'];
// Check we had something - for sanity sake.
if (empty($include_data))
return false;
// Finally - return information on the selected item.
$include_data += array(
'current_action' => $menu_context['current_action'],
'current_area' => $menu_context['current_area'],
'current_section' => $menu_context['current_section'],
'current_subsection' => !empty($menu_context['current_subsection']) ? $menu_context['current_subsection'] : '',
return $include_data;
// Delete a menu.
function destroyMenu($menu_id = 'last')
global $context;
$menu_name = $menu_id == 'last' && isset($context['max_menu_id']) && isset($context['menu_data_' . $context['max_menu_id']]) ? 'menu_data_' . $context['max_menu_id'] : 'menu_data_' . $menu_id;
if (!isset($context[$menu_name]))
return false;
$layer_index = array_search($context[$menu_name]['layer_name'], $context['template_layers']);
if ($layer_index !== false)