
2452 lines
73 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* All output and handler function needed for the media management popup
* @license GPL 2 (
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die('meh.');
if(!defined('NL')) define('NL',"\n");
* Lists pages which currently use a media file selected for deletion
* References uses the same visual as search results and share
* their CSS tags except pagenames won't be links.
* @author Matthias Grimm <>
* @param array $data
* @param string $id
function media_filesinuse($data,$id){
global $lang;
echo '<h1>'.$lang['reference'].' <code>'.hsc(noNS($id)).'</code></h1>';
echo '<p>'.hsc($lang['ref_inuse']).'</p>';
$hidden=0; //count of hits without read permission
foreach($data as $row){
if(auth_quickaclcheck($row) >= AUTH_READ && isVisiblePage($row)){
echo '<div class="search_result">';
echo '<span class="mediaref_ref">'.hsc($row).'</span>';
echo '</div>';
if ($hidden){
print '<div class="mediaref_hidden">'.$lang['ref_hidden'].'</div>';
* Handles the saving of image meta data
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
* @param string $id media id
* @param int $auth permission level
* @param array $data
* @return false|string
function media_metasave($id,$auth,$data){
if($auth < AUTH_UPLOAD) return false;
if(!checkSecurityToken()) return false;
global $lang;
global $conf;
$src = mediaFN($id);
$meta = new JpegMeta($src);
foreach($data as $key => $val){
$old = @filemtime($src);
if(!file_exists(mediaFN($id, $old)) && file_exists($src)) {
// add old revision to the attic
$filesize_old = filesize($src);
if($conf['fperm']) chmod($src, $conf['fperm']);
@clearstatcache(true, $src);
$new = @filemtime($src);
$filesize_new = filesize($src);
$sizechange = $filesize_new - $filesize_old;
// add a log entry to the media changelog
addMediaLogEntry($new, $id, DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_EDIT, $lang['media_meta_edited'], '', null, $sizechange);
return $id;
return false;
* check if a media is external source
* @author Gerrit Uitslag <>
* @param string $id the media ID or URL
* @return bool
function media_isexternal($id){
if (preg_match('#^(?:https?|ftp)://#i', $id)) return true;
return false;
* Check if a media item is public (eg, external URL or readable by @ALL)
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @param string $id the media ID or URL
* @return bool
function media_ispublic($id){
if(media_isexternal($id)) return true;
$id = cleanID($id);
if(auth_aclcheck(getNS($id).':*', '', array()) >= AUTH_READ) return true;
return false;
* Display the form to edit image meta data
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
* @param string $id media id
* @param int $auth permission level
* @return bool
function media_metaform($id,$auth){
global $lang;
if($auth < AUTH_UPLOAD) {
echo '<div class="nothing">'.$lang['media_perm_upload'].'</div>'.NL;
return false;
// load the field descriptions
static $fields = null;
$config_files = getConfigFiles('mediameta');
foreach ($config_files as $config_file) {
if(file_exists($config_file)) include($config_file);
$src = mediaFN($id);
// output
$form = new Doku_Form(array('action' => media_managerURL(array('tab_details' => 'view'), '&'),
'class' => 'meta'));
$form->addHidden('img', $id);
$form->addHidden('mediado', 'save');
foreach($fields as $key => $field){
// get current value
if (empty($field[0])) continue;
$tags = array($field[0]);
if(is_array($field[3])) $tags = array_merge($tags,$field[3]);
$value = tpl_img_getTag($tags,'',$src);
$value = cleanText($value);
// prepare attributes
$p = array();
$p['class'] = 'edit';
$p['id'] = 'meta__'.$key;
$p['name'] = 'meta['.$field[0].']';
$p_attrs = array('class' => 'edit');
$form->addElement('<div class="row">');
if($field[2] == 'text'){
$form->addElement(form_makeField('text', $p['name'], $value, ($lang[$field[1]]) ? $lang[$field[1]] : $field[1] . ':', $p['id'], $p['class'], $p_attrs));
$att = buildAttributes($p);
$form->addElement('<label for="meta__'.$key.'">'.$lang[$field[1]].'</label>');
$form->addElement("<textarea $att rows=\"6\" cols=\"50\">".formText($value).'</textarea>');
$form->addElement('<div class="buttons">');
$form->addElement(form_makeButton('submit', '', $lang['btn_save'], array('accesskey' => 's', 'name' => 'mediado[save]')));
return true;
* Convenience function to check if a media file is still in use
* @author Michael Klier <>
* @param string $id media id
* @return array|bool
function media_inuse($id) {
global $conf;
$mediareferences = ft_mediause($id,true);
if(!count($mediareferences)) {
return false;
} else {
return $mediareferences;
} else {
return false;
define('DOKU_MEDIA_DELETED', 1);
define('DOKU_MEDIA_NOT_AUTH', 2);
define('DOKU_MEDIA_INUSE', 4);
define('DOKU_MEDIA_EMPTY_NS', 8);
* Handles media file deletions
* If configured, checks for media references before deletion
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @param string $id media id
* @param int $auth no longer used
* @return int One of: 0,
function media_delete($id,$auth){
global $lang;
$auth = auth_quickaclcheck(ltrim(getNS($id).':*', ':'));
if(media_inuse($id)) return DOKU_MEDIA_INUSE;
$file = mediaFN($id);
// trigger an event - MEDIA_DELETE_FILE
$data = array();
$data['id'] = $id;
$data['name'] = utf8_basename($file);
$data['path'] = $file;
$data['size'] = (file_exists($file)) ? filesize($file) : 0;
$data['unl'] = false;
$data['del'] = false;
$evt = new Doku_Event('MEDIA_DELETE_FILE',$data);
if ($evt->advise_before()) {
$old = @filemtime($file);
if(!file_exists(mediaFN($id, $old)) && file_exists($file)) {
// add old revision to the attic
$data['unl'] = @unlink($file);
if($data['unl']) {
$sizechange = 0 - $data['size'];
addMediaLogEntry(time(), $id, DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_DELETE, $lang['deleted'], '', null, $sizechange);
$data['del'] = io_sweepNS($id, 'mediadir');
if($data['unl'] && $data['del']){
return $data['unl'] ? DOKU_MEDIA_DELETED : 0;
* Handle file uploads via XMLHttpRequest
* @param string $ns target namespace
* @param int $auth current auth check result
* @return false|string false on error, id of the new file on success
function media_upload_xhr($ns,$auth){
if(!checkSecurityToken()) return false;
global $INPUT;
$id = $INPUT->get->str('qqfile');
list($ext,$mime) = mimetype($id);
$input = fopen("php://input", "r");
if (!($tmp = io_mktmpdir())) return false;
$path = $tmp.'/'.md5($id);
$target = fopen($path, "w");
$realSize = stream_copy_to_stream($input, $target);
if (isset($_SERVER["CONTENT_LENGTH"]) && ($realSize != (int)$_SERVER["CONTENT_LENGTH"])){
return false;
$res = media_save(
array('name' => $path,
'mime' => $mime,
'ext' => $ext),
(($INPUT->get->str('ow') == 'true') ? true : false),
if ($tmp) io_rmdir($tmp, true);
if (is_array($res)) {
msg($res[0], $res[1]);
return false;
return $res;
* Handles media file uploads
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @author Michael Klier <>
* @param string $ns target namespace
* @param int $auth current auth check result
* @param bool|array $file $_FILES member, $_FILES['upload'] if false
* @return false|string false on error, id of the new file on success
function media_upload($ns,$auth,$file=false){
if(!checkSecurityToken()) return false;
global $lang;
global $INPUT;
// get file and id
$id = $INPUT->post->str('mediaid');
if (!$file) $file = $_FILES['upload'];
if(empty($id)) $id = $file['name'];
// check for errors (messages are done in lib/exe/mediamanager.php)
if($file['error']) return false;
// check extensions
list($fext,$fmime) = mimetype($file['name']);
list($iext,$imime) = mimetype($id);
if($fext && !$iext){
// no extension specified in id - read original one
$id .= '.'.$fext;
$imime = $fmime;
}elseif($fext && $fext != $iext){
// extension was changed, print warning
$res = media_save(array('name' => $file['tmp_name'],
'mime' => $imime,
'ext' => $iext), $ns.':'.$id,
$INPUT->post->bool('ow'), $auth, 'copy_uploaded_file');
if (is_array($res)) {
msg($res[0], $res[1]);
return false;
return $res;
* An alternative to move_uploaded_file that copies
* Using copy, makes sure any setgid bits on the media directory are honored
* @see move_uploaded_file()
* @param string $from
* @param string $to
* @return bool
function copy_uploaded_file($from, $to){
if(!is_uploaded_file($from)) return false;
$ok = copy($from, $to);
return $ok;
* This generates an action event and delegates to _media_upload_action().
* Action plugins are allowed to pre/postprocess the uploaded file.
* (The triggered event is preventable.)
* Event data:
* $data[0] fn_tmp: the temporary file name (read from $_FILES)
* $data[1] fn: the file name of the uploaded file
* $data[2] id: the future directory id of the uploaded file
* $data[3] imime: the mimetype of the uploaded file
* $data[4] overwrite: if an existing file is going to be overwritten
* $data[5] move: name of function that performs move/copy/..
* @param array $file
* @param string $id media id
* @param bool $ow overwrite?
* @param int $auth permission level
* @param string $move name of functions that performs move/copy/..
* @return false|array|string
function media_save($file, $id, $ow, $auth, $move) {
if($auth < AUTH_UPLOAD) {
return array("You don't have permissions to upload files.", -1);
if (!isset($file['mime']) || !isset($file['ext'])) {
list($ext, $mime) = mimetype($id);
if (!isset($file['mime'])) {
$file['mime'] = $mime;
if (!isset($file['ext'])) {
$file['ext'] = $ext;
global $lang, $conf;
// get filename
$id = cleanID($id);
$fn = mediaFN($id);
// get filetype regexp
$types = array_keys(getMimeTypes());
$types = array_map(create_function('$q','return preg_quote($q,"/");'),$types);
$regex = join('|',$types);
// because a temp file was created already
if(!preg_match('/\.('.$regex.')$/i',$fn)) {
return array($lang['uploadwrong'],-1);
//check for overwrite
$overwrite = file_exists($fn);
$auth_ow = (($conf['mediarevisions']) ? AUTH_UPLOAD : AUTH_DELETE);
if($overwrite && (!$ow || $auth < $auth_ow)) {
return array($lang['uploadexist'], 0);
// check for valid content
$ok = media_contentcheck($file['name'], $file['mime']);
if($ok == -1){
return array(sprintf($lang['uploadbadcontent'],'.' . $file['ext']),-1);
}elseif($ok == -2){
return array($lang['uploadspam'],-1);
}elseif($ok == -3){
return array($lang['uploadxss'],-1);
// prepare event data
$data = array();
$data[0] = $file['name'];
$data[1] = $fn;
$data[2] = $id;
$data[3] = $file['mime'];
$data[4] = $overwrite;
$data[5] = $move;
// trigger event
return trigger_event('MEDIA_UPLOAD_FINISH', $data, '_media_upload_action', true);
* Callback adapter for media_upload_finish() triggered by MEDIA_UPLOAD_FINISH
* @author Michael Klier <>
* @param array $data event data
* @return false|array|string
function _media_upload_action($data) {
// fixme do further sanity tests of given data?
if(is_array($data) && count($data)===6) {
return media_upload_finish($data[0], $data[1], $data[2], $data[3], $data[4], $data[5]);
} else {
return false; //callback error
* Saves an uploaded media file
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @author Michael Klier <>
* @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
* @param string $fn_tmp
* @param string $fn
* @param string $id media id
* @param string $imime mime type
* @param bool $overwrite overwrite existing?
* @param string $move function name
* @return array|string
function media_upload_finish($fn_tmp, $fn, $id, $imime, $overwrite, $move = 'move_uploaded_file') {
global $conf;
global $lang;
global $REV;
$old = @filemtime($fn);
if(!file_exists(mediaFN($id, $old)) && file_exists($fn)) {
// add old revision to the attic if missing
// prepare directory
io_createNamespace($id, 'media');
$filesize_old = file_exists($fn) ? filesize($fn) : 0;
if($move($fn_tmp, $fn)) {
$new = @filemtime($fn);
// Set the correct permission here.
// Always chmod media because they may be saved with different permissions than expected from the php umask.
// (Should normally chmod to $conf['fperm'] only if $conf['fperm'] is set.)
chmod($fn, $conf['fmode']);
// add a log entry to the media changelog
$filesize_new = filesize($fn);
$sizechange = $filesize_new - $filesize_old;
if($REV) {
addMediaLogEntry($new, $id, DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_REVERT, sprintf($lang['restored'], dformat($REV)), $REV, null, $sizechange);
} elseif($overwrite) {
addMediaLogEntry($new, $id, DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_EDIT, '', '', null, $sizechange);
} else {
addMediaLogEntry($new, $id, DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_CREATE, $lang['created'], '', null, $sizechange);
return $id;
return array($lang['uploadfail'],-1);
* Moves the current version of media file to the media_attic
* directory
* @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
* @param string $id
* @return int - revision date
function media_saveOldRevision($id){
global $conf, $lang;
$oldf = mediaFN($id);
if(!file_exists($oldf)) return '';
$date = filemtime($oldf);
if (!$conf['mediarevisions']) return $date;
$medialog = new MediaChangeLog($id);
if (!$medialog->getRevisionInfo($date)) {
// there was an external edit,
// there is no log entry for current version of file
$sizechange = filesize($oldf);
if(!file_exists(mediaMetaFN($id, '.changes'))) {
addMediaLogEntry($date, $id, DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_CREATE, $lang['created'], '', null, $sizechange);
} else {
$oldRev = $medialog->getRevisions(-1, 1); // from changelog
$oldRev = (int) (empty($oldRev) ? 0 : $oldRev[0]);
$filesize_old = filesize(mediaFN($id, $oldRev));
$sizechange = $sizechange - $filesize_old;
addMediaLogEntry($date, $id, DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_EDIT, '', '', null, $sizechange);
$newf = mediaFN($id,$date);
if(copy($oldf, $newf)) {
// Set the correct permission here.
// Always chmod media because they may be saved with different permissions than expected from the php umask.
// (Should normally chmod to $conf['fperm'] only if $conf['fperm'] is set.)
chmod($newf, $conf['fmode']);
return $date;
* This function checks if the uploaded content is really what the
* mimetype says it is. We also do spam checking for text types here.
* We need to do this stuff because we can not rely on the browser
* to do this check correctly. Yes, IE is broken as usual.
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @link
* @fixme check all 26 magic IE filetypes here?
* @param string $file path to file
* @param string $mime mimetype
* @return int
function media_contentcheck($file,$mime){
global $conf;
$fh = @fopen($file, 'rb');
$bytes = fread($fh, 256);
return -3; //XSS: possibly malicious content
if(substr($mime,0,6) == 'image/'){
$info = @getimagesize($file);
if($mime == 'image/gif' && $info[2] != 1){
return -1; // uploaded content did not match the file extension
}elseif($mime == 'image/jpeg' && $info[2] != 2){
return -1;
}elseif($mime == 'image/png' && $info[2] != 3){
return -1;
# fixme maybe check other images types as well
}elseif(substr($mime,0,5) == 'text/'){
global $TEXT;
$TEXT = io_readFile($file);
return -2; //blocked by the spam blacklist
return 0;
* Send a notify mail on uploads
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @param string $id media id
* @param string $file path to file
* @param string $mime mime type
* @param bool|int $old_rev revision timestamp or false
* @return bool
function media_notify($id,$file,$mime,$old_rev=false){
global $conf;
if(empty($conf['notify'])) return false; //notify enabled?
$subscription = new Subscription();
return $subscription->send_media_diff($conf['notify'], 'uploadmail', $id, $old_rev);
* List all files in a given Media namespace
* @param string $ns namespace
* @param null|int $auth permission level
* @param string $jump id
* @param bool $fullscreenview
* @param bool|string $sort sorting order, false skips sorting
function media_filelist($ns,$auth=null,$jump='',$fullscreenview=false,$sort=false){
global $conf;
global $lang;
$ns = cleanID($ns);
// check auth our self if not given (needed for ajax calls)
if(is_null($auth)) $auth = auth_quickaclcheck("$ns:*");
if (!$fullscreenview) echo '<h1 id="media__ns">:'.hsc($ns).'</h1>'.NL;
if($auth < AUTH_READ){
// FIXME: print permission warning here instead?
echo '<div class="nothing">'.$lang['nothingfound'].'</div>'.NL;
if (!$fullscreenview) {
media_uploadform($ns, $auth);
$dir = utf8_encodeFN(str_replace(':','/',$ns));
$data = array();
echo '<div class="nothing">'.$lang['nothingfound'].'</div>'.NL;
}else {
if ($fullscreenview) {
echo '<ul class="' . _media_get_list_type() . '">';
foreach($data as $item){
if (!$fullscreenview) {
} else {
if ($fullscreenview) echo '</ul>'.NL;
* Prints tabs for files list actions
* @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
* @author Adrian Lang <>
* @param string $selected_tab - opened tab
function media_tabs_files($selected_tab = ''){
global $lang;
$tabs = array();
foreach(array('files' => 'mediaselect',
'upload' => 'media_uploadtab',
'search' => 'media_searchtab') as $tab => $caption) {
$tabs[$tab] = array('href' => media_managerURL(array('tab_files' => $tab), '&'),
'caption' => $lang[$caption]);
html_tabs($tabs, $selected_tab);
* Prints tabs for files details actions
* @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
* @param string $image filename of the current image
* @param string $selected_tab opened tab
function media_tabs_details($image, $selected_tab = ''){
global $lang, $conf;
$tabs = array();
$tabs['view'] = array('href' => media_managerURL(array('tab_details' => 'view'), '&'),
'caption' => $lang['media_viewtab']);
list(, $mime) = mimetype($image);
if ($mime == 'image/jpeg' && file_exists(mediaFN($image))) {
$tabs['edit'] = array('href' => media_managerURL(array('tab_details' => 'edit'), '&'),
'caption' => $lang['media_edittab']);
if ($conf['mediarevisions']) {
$tabs['history'] = array('href' => media_managerURL(array('tab_details' => 'history'), '&'),
'caption' => $lang['media_historytab']);
html_tabs($tabs, $selected_tab);
* Prints options for the tab that displays a list of all files
* @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
function media_tab_files_options(){
global $lang;
global $INPUT;
global $ID;
$form = new Doku_Form(array('class' => 'options', 'method' => 'get',
'action' => wl($ID)));
$media_manager_params = media_managerURL(array(), '', false, true);
foreach($media_manager_params as $pKey => $pVal){
$form->addHidden($pKey, $pVal);
$form->addHidden('sectok', null);
if ($INPUT->has('q')) {
$form->addHidden('q', $INPUT->str('q'));
foreach(array('list' => array('listType', array('thumbs', 'rows')),
'sort' => array('sortBy', array('name', 'date')))
as $group => $content) {
$checked = "_media_get_${group}_type";
$checked = $checked();
$form->addElement('<li class="' . $content[0] . '">');
foreach($content[1] as $option) {
$attrs = array();
if ($checked == $option) {
$attrs['checked'] = 'checked';
$form->addElement(form_makeRadioField($group . '_dwmedia', $option,
$lang['media_' . $group . '_' . $option],
$content[0] . '__' . $option,
$option, $attrs));
$form->addElement(form_makeButton('submit', '', $lang['btn_apply']));
* Returns type of sorting for the list of files in media manager
* @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
* @return string - sort type
function _media_get_sort_type() {
return _media_get_display_param('sort', array('default' => 'name', 'date'));
* Returns type of listing for the list of files in media manager
* @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
* @return string - list type
function _media_get_list_type() {
return _media_get_display_param('list', array('default' => 'thumbs', 'rows'));
* Get display parameters
* @param string $param name of parameter
* @param array $values allowed values, where default value has index key 'default'
* @return string the parameter value
function _media_get_display_param($param, $values) {
global $INPUT;
if (in_array($INPUT->str($param), $values)) {
// FIXME: Set cookie
return $INPUT->str($param);
} else {
$val = get_doku_pref($param, $values['default']);
if (!in_array($val, $values)) {
$val = $values['default'];
return $val;
* Prints tab that displays a list of all files
* @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
* @param string $ns
* @param null|int $auth permission level
* @param string $jump item id
function media_tab_files($ns,$auth=null,$jump='') {
global $lang;
if(is_null($auth)) $auth = auth_quickaclcheck("$ns:*");
if($auth < AUTH_READ){
echo '<div class="nothing">'.$lang['media_perm_read'].'</div>'.NL;
* Prints tab that displays uploading form
* @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
* @param string $ns
* @param null|int $auth permission level
* @param string $jump item id
function media_tab_upload($ns,$auth=null,$jump='') {
global $lang;
if(is_null($auth)) $auth = auth_quickaclcheck("$ns:*");
echo '<div class="upload">'.NL;
if ($auth >= AUTH_UPLOAD) {
echo '<p>' . $lang['mediaupload'] . '</p>';
media_uploadform($ns, $auth, true);
echo '</div>'.NL;
* Prints tab that displays search form
* @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
* @param string $ns
* @param null|int $auth permission level
function media_tab_search($ns,$auth=null) {
global $INPUT;
$do = $INPUT->str('mediado');
$query = $INPUT->str('q');
echo '<div class="search">'.NL;
media_searchform($ns, $query, true);
if ($do == 'searchlist' || $query) {
echo '</div>'.NL;
* Prints tab that displays mediafile details
* @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
* @param string $image media id
* @param string $ns
* @param null|int $auth permission level
* @param string|int $rev revision timestamp or empty string
function media_tab_view($image, $ns, $auth=null, $rev='') {
global $lang;
if(is_null($auth)) $auth = auth_quickaclcheck("$ns:*");
if ($image && $auth >= AUTH_READ) {
$meta = new JpegMeta(mediaFN($image, $rev));
media_preview($image, $auth, $rev, $meta);
media_preview_buttons($image, $auth, $rev);
media_details($image, $auth, $rev, $meta);
} else {
echo '<div class="nothing">'.$lang['media_perm_read'].'</div>'.NL;
* Prints tab that displays form for editing mediafile metadata
* @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
* @param string $image media id
* @param string $ns
* @param null|int $auth permission level
function media_tab_edit($image, $ns, $auth=null) {
if(is_null($auth)) $auth = auth_quickaclcheck("$ns:*");
if ($image) {
list(, $mime) = mimetype($image);
if ($mime == 'image/jpeg') media_metaform($image,$auth);
* Prints tab that displays mediafile revisions
* @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
* @param string $image media id
* @param string $ns
* @param null|int $auth permission level
function media_tab_history($image, $ns, $auth=null) {
global $lang;
global $INPUT;
if(is_null($auth)) $auth = auth_quickaclcheck("$ns:*");
$do = $INPUT->str('mediado');
if ($auth >= AUTH_READ && $image) {
if ($do == 'diff'){
media_diff($image, $ns, $auth);
} else {
$first = $INPUT->int('first');
html_revisions($first, $image);
} else {
echo '<div class="nothing">'.$lang['media_perm_read'].'</div>'.NL;
* Prints mediafile details
* @param string $image media id
* @param int $auth permission level
* @param int|string $rev revision timestamp or empty string
* @param JpegMeta|bool $meta
* @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
function media_preview($image, $auth, $rev='', $meta=false) {
$size = media_image_preview_size($image, $rev, $meta);
if ($size) {
global $lang;
echo '<div class="image">';
$more = array();
if ($rev) {
$more['rev'] = $rev;
} else {
$t = @filemtime(mediaFN($image));
$more['t'] = $t;
$more['w'] = $size[0];
$more['h'] = $size[1];
$src = ml($image, $more);
echo '<a href="'.$src.'" target="_blank" title="'.$lang['mediaview'].'">';
echo '<img src="'.$src.'" alt="" style="max-width: '.$size[0].'px;" />';
echo '</a>';
echo '</div>'.NL;
* Prints mediafile action buttons
* @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
* @param string $image media id
* @param int $auth permission level
* @param string|int $rev revision timestamp, or empty string
function media_preview_buttons($image, $auth, $rev='') {
global $lang, $conf;
echo '<ul class="actions">'.NL;
if($auth >= AUTH_DELETE && !$rev && file_exists(mediaFN($image))){
// delete button
$form = new Doku_Form(array('id' => 'mediamanager__btn_delete',
'action'=>media_managerURL(array('delete' => $image), '&')));
echo '<li>';
echo '</li>'.NL;
$auth_ow = (($conf['mediarevisions']) ? AUTH_UPLOAD : AUTH_DELETE);
if($auth >= $auth_ow && !$rev){
// upload new version button
$form = new Doku_Form(array('id' => 'mediamanager__btn_update',
'action'=>media_managerURL(array('image' => $image, 'mediado' => 'update'), '&')));
echo '<li>';
echo '</li>'.NL;
if($auth >= AUTH_UPLOAD && $rev && $conf['mediarevisions'] && file_exists(mediaFN($image, $rev))){
// restore button
$form = new Doku_Form(array('id' => 'mediamanager__btn_restore',
'action'=>media_managerURL(array('image' => $image), '&')));
echo '<li>';
echo '</li>'.NL;
echo '</ul>'.NL;
* Returns image width and height for mediamanager preview panel
* @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
* @param string $image
* @param int|string $rev
* @param JpegMeta|bool $meta
* @param int $size
* @return array|false
function media_image_preview_size($image, $rev, $meta, $size = 500) {
if (!preg_match("/\.(jpe?g|gif|png)$/", $image) || !file_exists(mediaFN($image, $rev))) return false;
$info = getimagesize(mediaFN($image, $rev));
$w = (int) $info[0];
$h = (int) $info[1];
if($meta && ($w > $size || $h > $size)){
$ratio = $meta->getResizeRatio($size, $size);
$w = floor($w * $ratio);
$h = floor($h * $ratio);
return array($w, $h);
* Returns the requested EXIF/IPTC tag from the image meta
* @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
* @param array $tags array with tags, first existing is returned
* @param JpegMeta $meta
* @param string $alt alternative value
* @return string
function media_getTag($tags,$meta,$alt=''){
if($meta === false) return $alt;
$info = $meta->getField($tags);
if($info == false) return $alt;
return $info;
* Returns mediafile tags
* @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
* @param JpegMeta $meta
* @return array list of tags of the mediafile
function media_file_tags($meta) {
// load the field descriptions
static $fields = null;
$config_files = getConfigFiles('mediameta');
foreach ($config_files as $config_file) {
if(file_exists($config_file)) include($config_file);
$tags = array();
foreach($fields as $key => $tag){
$t = array();
if (!empty($tag[0])) $t = array($tag[0]);
if(isset($tag[3]) && is_array($tag[3])) $t = array_merge($t,$tag[3]);
$value = media_getTag($t, $meta);
$tags[] = array('tag' => $tag, 'value' => $value);
return $tags;
* Prints mediafile tags
* @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
* @param string $image image id
* @param int $auth permission level
* @param string|int $rev revision timestamp, or empty string
* @param bool|JpegMeta $meta image object, or create one if false
function media_details($image, $auth, $rev='', $meta=false) {
global $lang;
if (!$meta) $meta = new JpegMeta(mediaFN($image, $rev));
$tags = media_file_tags($meta);
echo '<dl>'.NL;
foreach($tags as $tag){
if ($tag['value']) {
$value = cleanText($tag['value']);
echo '<dt>'.$lang[$tag['tag'][1]].'</dt><dd>';
if ($tag['tag'][2] == 'date') echo dformat($value);
else echo hsc($value);
echo '</dd>'.NL;
echo '</dl>'.NL;
echo '<dl>'.NL;
echo '<dt>'.$lang['reference'].':</dt>';
$media_usage = ft_mediause($image,true);
if(count($media_usage) > 0){
foreach($media_usage as $path){
echo '<dd>'.html_wikilink($path).'</dd>';
echo '<dd>'.$lang['nothingfound'].'</dd>';
echo '</dl>'.NL;
* Shows difference between two revisions of file
* @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
* @param string $image image id
* @param string $ns
* @param int $auth permission level
* @param bool $fromajax
* @return false|null|string
function media_diff($image, $ns, $auth, $fromajax = false) {
global $conf;
global $INPUT;
if ($auth < AUTH_READ || !$image || !$conf['mediarevisions']) return '';
$rev1 = $INPUT->int('rev');
$rev2 = $INPUT->ref('rev2');
$rev1 = (int) $rev2[0];
$rev2 = (int) $rev2[1];
$rev1 = $rev2;
$rev2 = $INPUT->int('rev2');
if ($rev1 && !file_exists(mediaFN($image, $rev1))) $rev1 = false;
if ($rev2 && !file_exists(mediaFN($image, $rev2))) $rev2 = false;
if($rev1 && $rev2){ // two specific revisions wanted
// make sure order is correct (older on the left)
if($rev1 < $rev2){
$l_rev = $rev1;
$r_rev = $rev2;
$l_rev = $rev2;
$r_rev = $rev1;
}elseif($rev1){ // single revision given, compare to current
$r_rev = '';
$l_rev = $rev1;
}else{ // no revision was given, compare previous to current
$r_rev = '';
$medialog = new MediaChangeLog($image);
$revs = $medialog->getRevisions(0, 1);
if (file_exists(mediaFN($image, $revs[0]))) {
$l_rev = $revs[0];
} else {
$l_rev = '';
// prepare event data
$data = array();
$data[0] = $image;
$data[1] = $l_rev;
$data[2] = $r_rev;
$data[3] = $ns;
$data[4] = $auth;
$data[5] = $fromajax;
// trigger event
return trigger_event('MEDIA_DIFF', $data, '_media_file_diff', true);
* Callback for media file diff
* @param array $data event data
* @return false|null
function _media_file_diff($data) {
if(is_array($data) && count($data)===6) {
media_file_diff($data[0], $data[1], $data[2], $data[3], $data[4], $data[5]);
} else {
return false;
* Shows difference between two revisions of image
* @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
* @param string $image
* @param string|int $l_rev revision timestamp, or empty string
* @param string|int $r_rev revision timestamp, or empty string
* @param string $ns
* @param int $auth permission level
* @param bool $fromajax
function media_file_diff($image, $l_rev, $r_rev, $ns, $auth, $fromajax){
global $lang;
global $INPUT;
$l_meta = new JpegMeta(mediaFN($image, $l_rev));
$r_meta = new JpegMeta(mediaFN($image, $r_rev));
$is_img = preg_match('/\.(jpe?g|gif|png)$/', $image);
if ($is_img) {
$l_size = media_image_preview_size($image, $l_rev, $l_meta);
$r_size = media_image_preview_size($image, $r_rev, $r_meta);
$is_img = ($l_size && $r_size && ($l_size[0] >= 30 || $r_size[0] >= 30));
$difftype = $INPUT->str('difftype');
if (!$fromajax) {
$form = new Doku_Form(array(
'action' => media_managerURL(array(), '&'),
'method' => 'get',
'id' => 'mediamanager__form_diffview',
'class' => 'diffView'
$form->addHidden('sectok', null);
$form->addElement('<input type="hidden" name="rev2[]" value="'.$l_rev.'" ></input>');
$form->addElement('<input type="hidden" name="rev2[]" value="'.$r_rev.'" ></input>');
$form->addHidden('mediado', 'diff');
echo NL.'<div id="mediamanager__diff" >'.NL;
if ($difftype == 'opacity' || $difftype == 'portions') {
media_image_diff($image, $l_rev, $r_rev, $l_size, $r_size, $difftype);
if (!$fromajax) echo '</div>';
list($l_head, $r_head) = html_diff_head($l_rev, $r_rev, $image, true);
<div class="table">
<th><?php echo $l_head; ?></th>
<th><?php echo $r_head; ?></th>
echo '<tr class="image">';
echo '<td>';
media_preview($image, $auth, $l_rev, $l_meta);
echo '</td>';
echo '<td>';
media_preview($image, $auth, $r_rev, $r_meta);
echo '</td>';
echo '</tr>'.NL;
echo '<tr class="actions">';
echo '<td>';
media_preview_buttons($image, $auth, $l_rev);
echo '</td>';
echo '<td>';
media_preview_buttons($image, $auth, $r_rev);
echo '</td>';
echo '</tr>'.NL;
$l_tags = media_file_tags($l_meta);
$r_tags = media_file_tags($r_meta);
// FIXME r_tags-only stuff
foreach ($l_tags as $key => $l_tag) {
if ($l_tag['value'] != $r_tags[$key]['value']) {
$r_tags[$key]['highlighted'] = true;
$l_tags[$key]['highlighted'] = true;
} else if (!$l_tag['value'] || !$r_tags[$key]['value']) {
echo '<tr>';
foreach(array($l_tags,$r_tags) as $tags){
echo '<td>'.NL;
echo '<dl class="img_tags">';
foreach($tags as $tag){
$value = cleanText($tag['value']);
if (!$value) $value = '-';
echo '<dt>'.$lang[$tag['tag'][1]].'</dt>';
echo '<dd>';
if ($tag['highlighted']) {
echo '<strong>';
if ($tag['tag'][2] == 'date') echo dformat($value);
else echo hsc($value);
if ($tag['highlighted']) {
echo '</strong>';
echo '</dd>';
echo '</dl>'.NL;
echo '</td>';
echo '</tr>'.NL;
echo '</table>'.NL;
echo '</div>'.NL;
if ($is_img && !$fromajax) echo '</div>';
* Prints two images side by side
* and slider
* @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
* @param string $image image id
* @param int $l_rev revision timestamp, or empty string
* @param int $r_rev revision timestamp, or empty string
* @param array $l_size array with width and height
* @param array $r_size array with width and height
* @param string $type
function media_image_diff($image, $l_rev, $r_rev, $l_size, $r_size, $type) {
if ($l_size != $r_size) {
if ($r_size[0] > $l_size[0]) {
$l_size = $r_size;
$l_more = array('rev' => $l_rev, 'h' => $l_size[1], 'w' => $l_size[0]);
$r_more = array('rev' => $r_rev, 'h' => $l_size[1], 'w' => $l_size[0]);
$l_src = ml($image, $l_more);
$r_src = ml($image, $r_more);
// slider
echo '<div class="slider" style="max-width: '.($l_size[0]-20).'px;" ></div>'.NL;
// two images in divs
echo '<div class="imageDiff ' . $type . '">'.NL;
echo '<div class="image1" style="max-width: '.$l_size[0].'px;">';
echo '<img src="'.$l_src.'" alt="" />';
echo '</div>'.NL;
echo '<div class="image2" style="max-width: '.$l_size[0].'px;">';
echo '<img src="'.$r_src.'" alt="" />';
echo '</div>'.NL;
echo '</div>'.NL;
* Restores an old revision of a media file
* @param string $image media id
* @param int $rev revision timestamp or empty string
* @param int $auth
* @return string - file's id
* @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
function media_restore($image, $rev, $auth){
global $conf;
if ($auth < AUTH_UPLOAD || !$conf['mediarevisions']) return false;
$removed = (!file_exists(mediaFN($image)) && file_exists(mediaMetaFN($image, '.changes')));
if (!$image || (!file_exists(mediaFN($image)) && !$removed)) return false;
if (!$rev || !file_exists(mediaFN($image, $rev))) return false;
list(,$imime,) = mimetype($image);
$res = media_upload_finish(mediaFN($image, $rev),
if (is_array($res)) {
msg($res[0], $res[1]);
return false;
return $res;
* List all files found by the search request
* @author Tobias Sarnowski <>
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
* @triggers MEDIA_SEARCH
* @param string $query
* @param string $ns
* @param null|int $auth
* @param bool $fullscreen
* @param string $sort
function media_searchlist($query,$ns,$auth=null,$fullscreen=false,$sort='natural'){
global $conf;
global $lang;
$ns = cleanID($ns);
$evdata = array(
'ns' => $ns,
'data' => array(),
'query' => $query
if ($query) {
$evt = new Doku_Event('MEDIA_SEARCH', $evdata);
if ($evt->advise_before()) {
$dir = utf8_encodeFN(str_replace(':','/',$evdata['ns']));
$pattern = '/'.preg_quote($evdata['query'],'/').'/i';
if (!$fullscreen) {
echo '<h1 id="media__ns">'.sprintf($lang['searchmedia_in'],hsc($ns).':*').'</h1>'.NL;
echo '<div class="nothing">'.$lang['nothingfound'].'</div>'.NL;
}else {
if ($fullscreen) {
echo '<ul class="' . _media_get_list_type() . '">';
foreach($evdata['data'] as $item){
if (!$fullscreen) media_printfile($item,$item['perm'],'',true);
else media_printfile_thumbs($item,$item['perm'],false,true);
if ($fullscreen) echo '</ul>'.NL;
* Formats and prints one file in the list
* @param array $item
* @param int $auth permission level
* @param string $jump item id
* @param bool $display_namespace
function media_printfile($item,$auth,$jump,$display_namespace=false){
global $lang;
// Prepare zebra coloring
// I always wanted to use this variable name :-D
static $twibble = 1;
$twibble *= -1;
$zebra = ($twibble == -1) ? 'odd' : 'even';
// Automatically jump to recent action
if($jump == $item['id']) {
$jump = ' id="scroll__here" ';
$jump = '';
// Prepare fileicons
list($ext) = mimetype($item['file'],false);
$class = preg_replace('/[^_\-a-z0-9]+/i','_',$ext);
$class = 'select mediafile mf_'.$class;
// Prepare filename
$file = utf8_decodeFN($item['file']);
// Prepare info
$info = '';
$info .= (int) $item['meta']->getField('File.Width');
$info .= '&#215;';
$info .= (int) $item['meta']->getField('File.Height');
$info .= ' ';
$info .= '<i>'.dformat($item['mtime']).'</i>';
$info .= ' ';
$info .= filesize_h($item['size']);
// output
echo '<div class="'.$zebra.'"'.$jump.' title="'.hsc($item['id']).'">'.NL;
if (!$display_namespace) {
echo '<a id="h_:'.$item['id'].'" class="'.$class.'">'.hsc($file).'</a> ';
} else {
echo '<a id="h_:'.$item['id'].'" class="'.$class.'">'.hsc($item['id']).'</a><br/>';
echo '<span class="info">('.$info.')</span>'.NL;
// view button
$link = ml($item['id'],'',true);
echo ' <a href="'.$link.'" target="_blank"><img src="'.DOKU_BASE.'lib/images/magnifier.png" '.
'alt="'.$lang['mediaview'].'" title="'.$lang['mediaview'].'" class="btn" /></a>';
// mediamanager button
$link = wl('',array('do'=>'media','image'=>$item['id'],'ns'=>getNS($item['id'])));
echo ' <a href="'.$link.'" target="_blank"><img src="'.DOKU_BASE.'lib/images/mediamanager.png" '.
'alt="'.$lang['btn_media'].'" title="'.$lang['btn_media'].'" class="btn" /></a>';
// delete button
if($item['writable'] && $auth >= AUTH_DELETE){
$link = DOKU_BASE.'lib/exe/mediamanager.php?delete='.rawurlencode($item['id']).
echo ' <a href="'.$link.'" class="btn_media_delete" title="'.$item['id'].'">'.
'<img src="'.DOKU_BASE.'lib/images/trash.png" alt="'.$lang['btn_delete'].'" '.
'title="'.$lang['btn_delete'].'" class="btn" /></a>';
echo '<div class="example" id="ex_'.str_replace(':','_',$item['id']).'">';
echo $lang['mediausage'].' <code>{{:'.$item['id'].'}}</code>';
echo '</div>';
if($item['isimg']) media_printimgdetail($item);
echo '<div class="clearer"></div>'.NL;
echo '</div>'.NL;
* Display a media icon
* @param string $filename media id
* @param string $size the size subfolder, if not specified 16x16 is used
* @return string html
function media_printicon($filename, $size=''){
list($ext) = mimetype(mediaFN($filename),false);
if (file_exists(DOKU_INC.'lib/images/fileicons/'.$size.'/'.$ext.'.png')) {
$icon = DOKU_BASE.'lib/images/fileicons/'.$size.'/'.$ext.'.png';
} else {
$icon = DOKU_BASE.'lib/images/fileicons/'.$size.'/file.png';
return '<img src="'.$icon.'" alt="'.$filename.'" class="icon" />';
* Formats and prints one file in the list in the thumbnails view
* @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
* @param array $item
* @param int $auth permission level
* @param bool|string $jump item id
* @param bool $display_namespace
function media_printfile_thumbs($item,$auth,$jump=false,$display_namespace=false){
// Prepare filename
$file = utf8_decodeFN($item['file']);
// output
echo '<li><dl title="'.hsc($item['id']).'">'.NL;
echo '<dt>';
if($item['isimg']) {
media_printimgdetail($item, true);
} else {
echo '<a id="d_:'.$item['id'].'" class="image" title="'.$item['id'].'" href="'.
media_managerURL(array('image' => hsc($item['id']), 'ns' => getNS($item['id']),
'tab_details' => 'view')).'">';
echo media_printicon($item['id'], '32x32');
echo '</a>';
echo '</dt>'.NL;
if (!$display_namespace) {
$name = hsc($file);
} else {
$name = hsc($item['id']);
echo '<dd class="name"><a href="'.media_managerURL(array('image' => hsc($item['id']), 'ns' => getNS($item['id']),
'tab_details' => 'view')).'" id="h_:'.$item['id'].'">'.$name.'</a></dd>'.NL;
$size = '';
$size .= (int) $item['meta']->getField('File.Width');
$size .= '&#215;';
$size .= (int) $item['meta']->getField('File.Height');
echo '<dd class="size">'.$size.'</dd>'.NL;
} else {
echo '<dd class="size">&#160;</dd>'.NL;
$date = dformat($item['mtime']);
echo '<dd class="date">'.$date.'</dd>'.NL;
$filesize = filesize_h($item['size']);
echo '<dd class="filesize">'.$filesize.'</dd>'.NL;
echo '</dl></li>'.NL;
* Prints a thumbnail and metainfo
* @param array $item
* @param bool $fullscreen
function media_printimgdetail($item, $fullscreen=false){
// prepare thumbnail
$size = $fullscreen ? 90 : 120;
$w = (int) $item['meta']->getField('File.Width');
$h = (int) $item['meta']->getField('File.Height');
if($w>$size || $h>$size){
if (!$fullscreen) {
$ratio = $item['meta']->getResizeRatio($size);
} else {
$ratio = $item['meta']->getResizeRatio($size,$size);
$w = floor($w * $ratio);
$h = floor($h * $ratio);
$src = ml($item['id'],array('w'=>$w,'h'=>$h,'t'=>$item['mtime']));
$p = array();
if (!$fullscreen) {
// In fullscreen mediamanager view, image resizing is done via CSS.
$p['width'] = $w;
$p['height'] = $h;
$p['alt'] = $item['id'];
$att = buildAttributes($p);
// output
if ($fullscreen) {
echo '<a id="l_:'.$item['id'].'" class="image thumb" href="'.
media_managerURL(array('image' => hsc($item['id']), 'ns' => getNS($item['id']), 'tab_details' => 'view')).'">';
echo '<img src="'.$src.'" '.$att.' />';
echo '</a>';
if ($fullscreen) return;
echo '<div class="detail">';
echo '<div class="thumb">';
echo '<a id="d_:'.$item['id'].'" class="select">';
echo '<img src="'.$src.'" '.$att.' />';
echo '</a>';
echo '</div>';
// read EXIF/IPTC data
$t = $item['meta']->getField(array('IPTC.Headline','xmp.dc:title'));
$d = $item['meta']->getField(array('IPTC.Caption','EXIF.UserComment',
if(utf8_strlen($d) > 250) $d = utf8_substr($d,0,250).'...';
$k = $item['meta']->getField(array('IPTC.Keywords','IPTC.Category','xmp.dc:subject'));
// print EXIF/IPTC data
if($t || $d || $k ){
echo '<p>';
if($t) echo '<strong>'.htmlspecialchars($t).'</strong><br />';
if($d) echo htmlspecialchars($d).'<br />';
if($t) echo '<em>'.htmlspecialchars($k).'</em>';
echo '</p>';
echo '</div>';
* Build link based on the current, adding/rewriting parameters
* @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
* @param array|bool $params
* @param string $amp separator
* @param bool $abs absolute url?
* @param bool $params_array return the parmeters array?
* @return string|array - link or link parameters
function media_managerURL($params=false, $amp='&amp;', $abs=false, $params_array=false) {
global $ID;
global $INPUT;
$gets = array('do' => 'media');
$media_manager_params = array('tab_files', 'tab_details', 'image', 'ns', 'list', 'sort');
foreach ($media_manager_params as $x) {
if ($INPUT->has($x)) $gets[$x] = $INPUT->str($x);
if ($params) {
$gets = $params + $gets;
if (isset($gets['delete'])) {
if ($params_array) return $gets;
return wl($ID,$gets,$abs,$amp);
* Print the media upload form if permissions are correct
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
* @param string $ns
* @param int $auth permission level
* @param bool $fullscreen
function media_uploadform($ns, $auth, $fullscreen = false){
global $lang;
global $conf;
global $INPUT;
if($auth < AUTH_UPLOAD) {
echo '<div class="nothing">'.$lang['media_perm_upload'].'</div>'.NL;
$auth_ow = (($conf['mediarevisions']) ? AUTH_UPLOAD : AUTH_DELETE);
$update = false;
$id = '';
if ($auth >= $auth_ow && $fullscreen && $INPUT->str('mediado') == 'update') {
$update = true;
$id = cleanID($INPUT->str('image'));
// The default HTML upload form
$params = array('id' => 'dw__upload',
'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data');
if (!$fullscreen) {
$params['action'] = DOKU_BASE.'lib/exe/mediamanager.php';
} else {
$params['action'] = media_managerURL(array('tab_files' => 'files',
'tab_details' => 'view'), '&');
$form = new Doku_Form($params);
if (!$fullscreen) echo '<div class="upload">' . $lang['mediaupload'] . '</div>';
$form->addHidden('ns', hsc($ns));
$form->addElement(form_makeFileField('upload', $lang['txt_upload'], 'upload__file'));
$form->addElement(form_makeTextField('mediaid', noNS($id), $lang['txt_filename'], 'upload__name'));
$form->addElement(form_makeButton('submit', '', $lang['btn_upload']));
if($auth >= $auth_ow){
$attrs = array();
if ($update) $attrs['checked'] = 'checked';
$form->addElement(form_makeCheckboxField('ow', 1, $lang['txt_overwrt'], 'dw__ow', 'check', $attrs));
echo NL.'<div id="mediamanager__uploader">'.NL;
html_form('upload', $form);
echo '</div>'.NL;
echo '<p class="maxsize">';
echo '</p>'.NL;
* Returns the size uploaded files may have
* This uses a conservative approach using the lowest number found
* in any of the limiting ini settings
* @returns int size in bytes
function media_getuploadsize(){
$okay = 0;
$post = (int) php_to_byte(@ini_get('post_max_size'));
$suho = (int) php_to_byte(@ini_get(''));
$upld = (int) php_to_byte(@ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
if($post && ($post < $okay || $okay == 0)) $okay = $post;
if($suho && ($suho < $okay || $okay == 0)) $okay = $suho;
if($upld && ($upld < $okay || $okay == 0)) $okay = $upld;
return $okay;
* Print the search field form
* @author Tobias Sarnowski <>
* @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
* @param string $ns
* @param string $query
* @param bool $fullscreen
function media_searchform($ns,$query='',$fullscreen=false){
global $lang;
// The default HTML search form
$params = array('id' => 'dw__mediasearch');
if (!$fullscreen) {
$params['action'] = DOKU_BASE.'lib/exe/mediamanager.php';
} else {
$params['action'] = media_managerURL(array(), '&');
$form = new Doku_Form($params);
$form->addHidden('ns', $ns);
$form->addHidden($fullscreen ? 'mediado' : 'do', 'searchlist');
$form->addElement(form_makeTextField('q', $query,$lang['searchmedia'],'','',array('title'=>sprintf($lang['searchmedia_in'],hsc($ns).':*'))));
$form->addElement(form_makeButton('submit', '', $lang['btn_search']));
html_form('searchmedia', $form);
* Build a tree outline of available media namespaces
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @param string $ns
function media_nstree($ns){
global $conf;
global $lang;
// currently selected namespace
$ns = cleanID($ns);
global $ID;
$ns = (string)getNS($ID);
$ns_dir = utf8_encodeFN(str_replace(':','/',$ns));
$data = array();
search($data,$conf['mediadir'],'search_index',array('ns' => $ns_dir, 'nofiles' => true));
// wrap a list with the root level around the other namespaces
array_unshift($data, array('level' => 0, 'id' => '', 'open' =>'true',
'label' => '['.$lang['mediaroot'].']'));
// insert the current ns into the hierarchy if it isn't already part of it
$ns_parts = explode(':', $ns);
$tmp_ns = '';
$pos = 0;
foreach ($ns_parts as $level => $part) {
if ($tmp_ns) $tmp_ns .= ':'.$part;
else $tmp_ns = $part;
// find the namespace parts or insert them
while ($data[$pos]['id'] != $tmp_ns) {
if ($pos >= count($data) || ($data[$pos]['level'] <= $level+1 && strnatcmp(utf8_encodeFN($data[$pos]['id']), utf8_encodeFN($tmp_ns)) > 0)) {
array_splice($data, $pos, 0, array(array('level' => $level+1, 'id' => $tmp_ns, 'open' => 'true')));
echo html_buildlist($data,'idx','media_nstree_item','media_nstree_li');
* Userfunction for html_buildlist
* Prints a media namespace tree item
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @param array $item
* @return string html
function media_nstree_item($item){
global $INPUT;
$pos = strrpos($item['id'], ':');
$label = substr($item['id'], $pos > 0 ? $pos + 1 : 0);
if(empty($item['label'])) $item['label'] = $label;
$ret = '';
if (!($INPUT->str('do') == 'media'))
$ret .= '<a href="'.DOKU_BASE.'lib/exe/mediamanager.php?ns='.idfilter($item['id']).'" class="idx_dir">';
else $ret .= '<a href="'.media_managerURL(array('ns' => idfilter($item['id'], false), 'tab_files' => 'files'))
.'" class="idx_dir">';
$ret .= $item['label'];
$ret .= '</a>';
return $ret;
* Userfunction for html_buildlist
* Prints a media namespace tree item opener
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @param array $item
* @return string html
function media_nstree_li($item){
$class='media level'.$item['level'];
$class .= ' open';
$img = DOKU_BASE.'lib/images/minus.gif';
$alt = '';
$class .= ' closed';
$img = DOKU_BASE.'lib/images/plus.gif';
$alt = '+';
// TODO: only deliver an image if it actually has a subtree...
return '<li class="'.$class.'">'.
'<img src="'.$img.'" alt="'.$alt.'" />';
* Resizes the given image to the given size
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @param string $file filename, path to file
* @param string $ext extension
* @param int $w desired width
* @param int $h desired height
* @return string path to resized or original size if failed
function media_resize_image($file, $ext, $w, $h=0){
global $conf;
$info = @getimagesize($file); //get original size
if($info == false) return $file; // that's no image - it's a spaceship!
if(!$h) $h = round(($w * $info[1]) / $info[0]);
if(!$w) $w = round(($h * $info[0]) / $info[1]);
// we wont scale up to infinity
if($w > 2000 || $h > 2000) return $file;
// resize necessary? - (w,h) = native dimensions
if(($w == $info[0]) && ($h == $info[1])) return $file;
$local = getCacheName($file,'.media.'.$w.'x'.$h.'.'.$ext);
$mtime = @filemtime($local); // 0 if not exists
if($mtime > filemtime($file) ||
media_resize_imageIM($ext, $file, $info[0], $info[1], $local, $w, $h) ||
media_resize_imageGD($ext, $file, $info[0], $info[1], $local, $w, $h)
) {
if(!empty($conf['fperm'])) @chmod($local, $conf['fperm']);
return $local;
//still here? resizing failed
return $file;
* Crops the given image to the wanted ratio, then calls media_resize_image to scale it
* to the wanted size
* Crops are centered horizontally but prefer the upper third of an vertical
* image because most pics are more interesting in that area (rule of thirds)
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @param string $file filename, path to file
* @param string $ext extension
* @param int $w desired width
* @param int $h desired height
* @return string path to resized or original size if failed
function media_crop_image($file, $ext, $w, $h=0){
global $conf;
if(!$h) $h = $w;
$info = @getimagesize($file); //get original size
if($info == false) return $file; // that's no image - it's a spaceship!
// calculate crop size
$fr = $info[0]/$info[1];
$tr = $w/$h;
// check if the crop can be handled completely by resize,
// i.e. the specified width & height match the aspect ratio of the source image
if ($w == round($h*$fr)) {
return media_resize_image($file, $ext, $w);
if($tr >= 1){
if($tr > $fr){
$cw = $info[0];
$ch = (int) ($info[0]/$tr);
$cw = (int) ($info[1]*$tr);
$ch = $info[1];
if($tr < $fr){
$cw = (int) ($info[1]*$tr);
$ch = $info[1];
$cw = $info[0];
$ch = (int) ($info[0]/$tr);
// calculate crop offset
$cx = (int) (($info[0]-$cw)/2);
$cy = (int) (($info[1]-$ch)/3);
$local = getCacheName($file,'.media.'.$cw.'x'.$ch.'.crop.'.$ext);
$mtime = @filemtime($local); // 0 if not exists
if( $mtime > @filemtime($file) ||
media_crop_imageIM($ext,$file,$info[0],$info[1],$local,$cw,$ch,$cx,$cy) ||
media_resize_imageGD($ext,$file,$cw,$ch,$local,$cw,$ch,$cx,$cy) ){
if(!empty($conf['fperm'])) @chmod($local, $conf['fperm']);
return media_resize_image($local,$ext, $w, $h);
//still here? cropping failed
return media_resize_image($file,$ext, $w, $h);
* Calculate a token to be used to verify fetch requests for resized or
* cropped images have been internally generated - and prevent external
* DDOS attacks via fetch
* @author Christopher Smith <>
* @param string $id id of the image
* @param int $w resize/crop width
* @param int $h resize/crop height
* @return string token or empty string if no token required
function media_get_token($id,$w,$h){
// token is only required for modified images
if ($w || $h || media_isexternal($id)) {
$token = $id;
if ($w) $token .= '.'.$w;
if ($h) $token .= '.'.$h;
return substr(PassHash::hmac('md5', $token, auth_cookiesalt()),0,6);
return '';
* Download a remote file and return local filename
* returns false if download fails. Uses cached file if available and
* wanted
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @author Pavel Vitis <>
* @param string $url
* @param string $ext extension
* @param int $cache cachetime in seconds
* @return false|string path to cached file
function media_get_from_URL($url,$ext,$cache){
global $conf;
// if no cache or fetchsize just redirect
if ($cache==0) return false;
if (!$conf['fetchsize']) return false;
$local = getCacheName(strtolower($url),".media.$ext");
$mtime = @filemtime($local); // 0 if not exists
//decide if download needed:
if(($mtime == 0) || // cache does not exist
($cache != -1 && $mtime < time() - $cache) // 'recache' and cache has expired
) {
if(media_image_download($url, $local)) {
return $local;
} else {
return false;
//if cache exists use it else
if($mtime) return $local;
//else return false
return false;
* Download image files
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @param string $url
* @param string $file path to file in which to put the downloaded content
* @return bool
function media_image_download($url,$file){
global $conf;
$http = new DokuHTTPClient();
$http->keep_alive = false; // we do single ops here, no need for keep-alive
$http->max_bodysize = $conf['fetchsize'];
$http->timeout = 25; //max. 25 sec
$http->header_regexp = '!\r\nContent-Type: image/(jpe?g|gif|png)!i';
$data = $http->get($url);
if(!$data) return false;
$fileexists = file_exists($file);
$fp = @fopen($file,"w");
if(!$fp) return false;
if(!$fileexists and $conf['fperm']) chmod($file, $conf['fperm']);
// check if it is really an image
$info = @getimagesize($file);
return false;
return true;
* resize images using external ImageMagick convert program
* @author Pavel Vitis <>
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @param string $ext extension
* @param string $from filename path to file
* @param int $from_w original width
* @param int $from_h original height
* @param string $to path to resized file
* @param int $to_w desired width
* @param int $to_h desired height
* @return bool
function media_resize_imageIM($ext,$from,$from_w,$from_h,$to,$to_w,$to_h){
global $conf;
// check if convert is configured
if(!$conf['im_convert']) return false;
// prepare command
$cmd = $conf['im_convert'];
$cmd .= ' -resize '.$to_w.'x'.$to_h.'!';
if ($ext == 'jpg' || $ext == 'jpeg') {
$cmd .= ' -quality '.$conf['jpg_quality'];
$cmd .= " $from $to";
if ($retval == 0) return true;
return false;
* crop images using external ImageMagick convert program
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @param string $ext extension
* @param string $from filename path to file
* @param int $from_w original width
* @param int $from_h original height
* @param string $to path to resized file
* @param int $to_w desired width
* @param int $to_h desired height
* @param int $ofs_x offset of crop centre
* @param int $ofs_y offset of crop centre
* @return bool
function media_crop_imageIM($ext,$from,$from_w,$from_h,$to,$to_w,$to_h,$ofs_x,$ofs_y){
global $conf;
// check if convert is configured
if(!$conf['im_convert']) return false;
// prepare command
$cmd = $conf['im_convert'];
$cmd .= ' -crop '.$to_w.'x'.$to_h.'+'.$ofs_x.'+'.$ofs_y;
if ($ext == 'jpg' || $ext == 'jpeg') {
$cmd .= ' -quality '.$conf['jpg_quality'];
$cmd .= " $from $to";
if ($retval == 0) return true;
return false;
* resize or crop images using PHP's libGD support
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @author Sebastian Wienecke <>
* @param string $ext extension
* @param string $from filename path to file
* @param int $from_w original width
* @param int $from_h original height
* @param string $to path to resized file
* @param int $to_w desired width
* @param int $to_h desired height
* @param int $ofs_x offset of crop centre
* @param int $ofs_y offset of crop centre
* @return bool
function media_resize_imageGD($ext,$from,$from_w,$from_h,$to,$to_w,$to_h,$ofs_x=0,$ofs_y=0){
global $conf;
if($conf['gdlib'] < 1) return false; //no GDlib available or wanted
// check available memory
if(!is_mem_available(($from_w * $from_h * 4) + ($to_w * $to_h * 4))){
return false;
// create an image of the given filetype
$image = false;
if ($ext == 'jpg' || $ext == 'jpeg'){
if(!function_exists("imagecreatefromjpeg")) return false;
$image = @imagecreatefromjpeg($from);
}elseif($ext == 'png') {
if(!function_exists("imagecreatefrompng")) return false;
$image = @imagecreatefrompng($from);
}elseif($ext == 'gif') {
if(!function_exists("imagecreatefromgif")) return false;
$image = @imagecreatefromgif($from);
if(!$image) return false;
$newimg = false;
if(($conf['gdlib']>1) && function_exists("imagecreatetruecolor") && $ext != 'gif'){
$newimg = @imagecreatetruecolor ($to_w, $to_h);
if(!$newimg) $newimg = @imagecreate($to_w, $to_h);
return false;
//keep png alpha channel if possible
if($ext == 'png' && $conf['gdlib']>1 && function_exists('imagesavealpha')){
imagealphablending($newimg, false);
//keep gif transparent color if possible
if($ext == 'gif' && function_exists('imagefill') && function_exists('imagecolorallocate')) {
if(function_exists('imagecolorsforindex') && function_exists('imagecolortransparent')) {
$transcolorindex = @imagecolortransparent($image);
if($transcolorindex >= 0 ) { //transparent color exists
$transcolor = @imagecolorsforindex($image, $transcolorindex);
$transcolorindex = @imagecolorallocate($newimg, $transcolor['red'], $transcolor['green'], $transcolor['blue']);
@imagefill($newimg, 0, 0, $transcolorindex);
@imagecolortransparent($newimg, $transcolorindex);
}else{ //filling with white
$whitecolorindex = @imagecolorallocate($newimg, 255, 255, 255);
@imagefill($newimg, 0, 0, $whitecolorindex);
}else{ //filling with white
$whitecolorindex = @imagecolorallocate($newimg, 255, 255, 255);
@imagefill($newimg, 0, 0, $whitecolorindex);
//try resampling first
if(!@imagecopyresampled($newimg, $image, 0, 0, $ofs_x, $ofs_y, $to_w, $to_h, $from_w, $from_h)) {
imagecopyresized($newimg, $image, 0, 0, $ofs_x, $ofs_y, $to_w, $to_h, $from_w, $from_h);
imagecopyresized($newimg, $image, 0, 0, $ofs_x, $ofs_y, $to_w, $to_h, $from_w, $from_h);
$okay = false;
if ($ext == 'jpg' || $ext == 'jpeg'){
$okay = false;
$okay = imagejpeg($newimg, $to, $conf['jpg_quality']);
}elseif($ext == 'png') {
$okay = false;
$okay = imagepng($newimg, $to);
}elseif($ext == 'gif') {
$okay = false;
$okay = imagegif($newimg, $to);
// destroy GD image ressources
if($image) imagedestroy($image);
if($newimg) imagedestroy($newimg);
return $okay;
* Return other media files with the same base name
* but different extensions.
* @param string $src - ID of media file
* @param string[] $exts - alternative extensions to find other files for
* @return array - array(mime type => file ID)
* @author Anika Henke <>
function media_alternativefiles($src, $exts){
$files = array();
list($srcExt, /* $srcMime */) = mimetype($src);
$filebase = substr($src, 0, -1 * (strlen($srcExt)+1));
foreach($exts as $ext) {
$fileid = $filebase.'.'.$ext;
$file = mediaFN($fileid);
if(file_exists($file)) {
list(/* $fileExt */, $fileMime) = mimetype($file);
$files[$fileMime] = $fileid;
return $files;
* Check if video/audio is supported to be embedded.
* @param string $mime - mimetype of media file
* @param string $type - type of media files to check ('video', 'audio', or null for all)
* @return boolean
* @author Anika Henke <>
function media_supportedav($mime, $type=NULL){
$supportedAudio = array(
'ogg' => 'audio/ogg',
'mp3' => 'audio/mpeg',
'wav' => 'audio/wav',
$supportedVideo = array(
'webm' => 'video/webm',
'ogv' => 'video/ogg',
'mp4' => 'video/mp4',
if ($type == 'audio') {
$supportedAv = $supportedAudio;
} elseif ($type == 'video') {
$supportedAv = $supportedVideo;
} else {
$supportedAv = array_merge($supportedAudio, $supportedVideo);
return in_array($mime, $supportedAv);
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