 * Simple Machines Forum (SMF)
 * @package SMF
 * @author Simple Machines https://www.simplemachines.org
 * @copyright 2022 Simple Machines and individual contributors
 * @license https://www.simplemachines.org/about/smf/license.php BSD
 * @version 2.1.0

 * The stats page.
function template_main()
	global $context, $settings, $txt, $scripturl, $modSettings;

	echo '
	<div id="statistics" class="main_section">
		<div class="cat_bar">
			<h2 class="catbg">', $context['page_title'], '</h2>
		<div class="roundframe">
			<div class="title_bar">
				<h4 class="titlebg">
					<span class="main_icons general"></span> ', $txt['general_stats'], '
			<dl class="stats half_content">
				<dt>', $txt['total_members'], ':</dt>
				<dd>', $context['show_member_list'] ? '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=mlist">' . $context['num_members'] . '</a>' : $context['num_members'], '</dd>
				<dt>', $txt['total_posts'], ':</dt>
				<dd>', $context['num_posts'], '</dd>
				<dt>', $txt['total_topics'], ':</dt>
				<dd>', $context['num_topics'], '</dd>
				<dt>', $txt['total_cats'], ':</dt>
				<dd>', $context['num_categories'], '</dd>
				<dt>', $txt['users_online'], ':</dt>
				<dd>', $context['users_online'], '</dd>
				<dt>', $txt['most_online'], ':</dt>
				<dd>', $context['most_members_online']['number'], ' - ', $context['most_members_online']['date'], '</dd>
				<dt>', $txt['users_online_today'], ':</dt>
				<dd>', $context['online_today'], '</dd>';

	if (!empty($modSettings['hitStats']))
		echo '
				<dt>', $txt['num_hits'], ':</dt>
				<dd>', $context['num_hits'], '</dd>';

	echo '
			<dl class="stats half_content">
				<dt>', $txt['average_members'], ':</dt>
				<dd>', $context['average_members'], '</dd>
				<dt>', $txt['average_posts'], ':</dt>
				<dd>', $context['average_posts'], '</dd>
				<dt>', $txt['average_topics'], ':</dt>
				<dd>', $context['average_topics'], '</dd>
				<dt>', $txt['total_boards'], ':</dt>
				<dd>', $context['num_boards'], '</dd>
				<dt>', $txt['latest_member'], ':</dt>
				<dd>', $context['common_stats']['latest_member']['link'], '</dd>
				<dt>', $txt['average_online'], ':</dt>
				<dd>', $context['average_online'], '</dd>';

	if (!empty($context['gender']))
		echo '
				<dt>', $txt['gender_stats'], ':</dt>

		foreach ($context['gender'] as $g => $n)
			echo tokenTxtReplace($g), ': ', $n, '<br>';

		echo '

	if (!empty($modSettings['hitStats']))
		echo '
				<dt>', $txt['average_hits'], ':</dt>
				<dd>', $context['average_hits'], '</dd>';

	echo '

	foreach ($context['stats_blocks'] as $name => $block)
		echo '
			<div class="half_content">
				<div class="title_bar">
					<h4 class="titlebg">
						<span class="main_icons ', $name, '"></span> ', $txt['top_' . $name], '
				<dl class="stats">';

		foreach ($block as $item)
			echo '
						', $item['link'], '
					<dd class="statsbar generic_bar righttext">';

			if (!empty($item['percent']))
				echo '
						<div class="bar" style="width: ', $item['percent'], '%;"></div>';
				echo '
						<div class="bar empty"></div>';

			echo '
						<span>', $item['num'], '</span>

		echo '
			</div><!-- .half_content -->';

	echo '
		</div><!-- .roundframe -->
		<br class="clear">
		<div class="cat_bar">
			<h2 class="catbg">
				<span class="main_icons history"></span>', $txt['forum_history'], '

	if (!empty($context['yearly']))
		echo '
		<table id="stats" class="table_grid">
				<tr class="title_bar">
					<th class="lefttext">', $txt['yearly_summary'], '</th>
					<th>', $txt['stats_new_topics'], '</th>
					<th>', $txt['stats_new_posts'], '</th>
					<th>', $txt['stats_new_members'], '</th>
					<th>', $txt['most_online'], '</th>';

		if (!empty($modSettings['hitStats']))
			echo '
					<th>', $txt['page_views'], '</th>';

		echo '

		foreach ($context['yearly'] as $id => $year)
			echo '
				<tr class="windowbg" id="year_', $id, '">
					<th class="lefttext">
						<img id="year_img_', $id, '" src="', $settings['images_url'], '/selected_open.png" alt="*"> <a href="#year_', $id, '" id="year_link_', $id, '">', $year['year'], '</a>
					<th>', $year['new_topics'], '</th>
					<th>', $year['new_posts'], '</th>
					<th>', $year['new_members'], '</th>
					<th>', $year['most_members_online'], '</th>';

			if (!empty($modSettings['hitStats']))
				echo '
					<th>', $year['hits'], '</th>';

			echo '

			foreach ($year['months'] as $month)
				echo '
				<tr class="windowbg" id="tr_month_', $month['id'], '">
					<th class="stats_month">
						<img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/', $month['expanded'] ? 'selected_open.png' : 'selected.png', '" alt="" id="img_', $month['id'], '"> <a id="m', $month['id'], '" href="', $month['href'], '" onclick="return doingExpandCollapse;">', $month['month'], ' ', $month['year'], '</a>
					<th>', $month['new_topics'], '</th>
					<th>', $month['new_posts'], '</th>
					<th>', $month['new_members'], '</th>
					<th>', $month['most_members_online'], '</th>';

				if (!empty($modSettings['hitStats']))
					echo '
					<th>', $month['hits'], '</th>';

				echo '

				if ($month['expanded'])
					foreach ($month['days'] as $day)
						echo '
				<tr class="windowbg" id="tr_day_', $day['year'], '-', $day['month'], '-', $day['day'], '">
					<td class="stats_day">', $day['year'], '-', $day['month'], '-', $day['day'], '</td>
					<td>', $day['new_topics'], '</td>
					<td>', $day['new_posts'], '</td>
					<td>', $day['new_members'], '</td>
					<td>', $day['most_members_online'], '</td>';

						if (!empty($modSettings['hitStats']))
							echo '
					<td>', $day['hits'], '</td>';

						echo '

		echo '
	</div><!-- #statistics -->
		var oStatsCenter = new smf_StatsCenter({
			sTableId: \'stats\',

			reYearPattern: /year_(\d+)/,
			sYearImageCollapsed: \'selected.png\',
			sYearImageExpanded: \'selected_open.png\',
			sYearImageIdPrefix: \'year_img_\',
			sYearLinkIdPrefix: \'year_link_\',

			reMonthPattern: /tr_month_(\d+)/,
			sMonthImageCollapsed: \'selected.png\',
			sMonthImageExpanded: \'selected_open.png\',
			sMonthImageIdPrefix: \'img_\',
			sMonthLinkIdPrefix: \'m\',

			reDayPattern: /tr_day_(\d+-\d+-\d+)/,
			sDayRowClassname: \'windowbg\',
			sDayRowIdPrefix: \'tr_day_\',

			aCollapsedYears: [';

		foreach ($context['collapsed_years'] as $id => $year)
			echo '
				\'', $year, '\'', $id != count($context['collapsed_years']) - 1 ? ',' : '';

		echo '

			aDataCells: [
				\'most_members_online\'', empty($modSettings['hitStats']) ? '' : ',
				\'hits\'', '
