123 lines
3.7 KiB
123 lines
3.7 KiB
const Logger = preload("./util/logger.gd")
var _shape_rid = RID()
var _body_rid = RID()
var _terrain_transform = Transform()
var _terrain_data = null
var _logger = Logger.get_for(self)
func _init(attached_node: Node, initial_layer: int, initial_mask: int):
_logger.debug("HTerrainCollider: creating body")
assert(attached_node != null)
_shape_rid = PhysicsServer.shape_create(PhysicsServer.SHAPE_HEIGHTMAP)
_body_rid = PhysicsServer.body_create(PhysicsServer.BODY_MODE_STATIC)
PhysicsServer.body_set_collision_layer(_body_rid, initial_layer)
PhysicsServer.body_set_collision_mask(_body_rid, initial_mask)
# TODO This is an attempt to workaround https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/24390
PhysicsServer.body_set_ray_pickable(_body_rid, false)
# TODO This is a workaround to https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/25304
PhysicsServer.shape_set_data(_shape_rid, {
"width": 2,
"depth": 2,
"heights": PoolRealArray([0, 0, 0, 0]),
"min_height": -1,
"max_height": 1
PhysicsServer.body_add_shape(_body_rid, _shape_rid)
# This makes collision hits report the provided object as `collider`
PhysicsServer.body_attach_object_instance_id(_body_rid, attached_node.get_instance_id())
func set_collision_layer(layer: int):
PhysicsServer.body_set_collision_layer(_body_rid, layer)
func set_collision_mask(mask: int):
PhysicsServer.body_set_collision_mask(_body_rid, mask)
func _notification(what):
_logger.debug("Destroy HTerrainCollider")
# The shape needs to be freed after the body, otherwise the engine crashes
func set_transform(transform):
assert(_body_rid != RID())
_terrain_transform = transform
func set_world(world):
assert(_body_rid != RID())
PhysicsServer.body_set_space(_body_rid, world.get_space() if world != null else RID())
func create_from_terrain_data(terrain_data):
assert(terrain_data != null)
assert(not terrain_data.is_locked())
_logger.debug("HTerrainCollider: setting up heightmap")
_terrain_data = terrain_data
var aabb = terrain_data.get_aabb()
var width = terrain_data.get_resolution()
var depth = terrain_data.get_resolution()
var height = aabb.size.y
var shape_data = {
"width": terrain_data.get_resolution(),
"depth": terrain_data.get_resolution(),
"heights": terrain_data.get_all_heights(),
"min_height": aabb.position.y,
"max_height": aabb.end.y
PhysicsServer.shape_set_data(_shape_rid, shape_data)
func _update_transform(aabb=null):
if _terrain_data == null:
_logger.debug("HTerrainCollider: terrain data not set yet")
if aabb == null:
aabb = _terrain_data.get_aabb()
var width = _terrain_data.get_resolution()
var depth = _terrain_data.get_resolution()
var height = aabb.size.y
var trans
var v = Engine.get_version_info()
if v.major == 3 and v.minor <= 1:
# Bullet centers the shape to its overall AABB so we need to move it to match the visuals
trans = Transform(Basis(), 0.5 * Vector3(width, height, depth) + Vector3(0, aabb.position.y, 0))
# In 3.2, vertical centering changed.
# https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/28326
trans = Transform(Basis(), 0.5 * Vector3(width - 1, 0, depth - 1))
# And then apply the terrain transform
trans = _terrain_transform * trans
PhysicsServer.body_set_state(_body_rid, PhysicsServer.BODY_STATE_TRANSFORM, trans)
# Cannot use shape transform when scaling is involved,
# because Godot is undoing that scale for some reason.
# See https://github.com/Zylann/godot_heightmap_plugin/issues/70
#PhysicsServer.body_set_shape_transform(_body_rid, 0, trans)