// HASH_VALUE A575E93668996B62 // INDEX 0 abandon_mission [&TSK&You have abandonned a mission.] // HASH_VALUE 115AE2F9FE16AF36 // INDEX 1 abandon_team_mission_refused [&CHK& only leaders can abandon a team mission.] // HASH_VALUE 2058940820589408 // INDEX 2 answer_bye [Bye!] // HASH_VALUE EB607BB057654376 // INDEX 3 answer_group_no [We're not interested.] // HASH_VALUE 26088A921AA46CDA // INDEX 4 answer_next [Tell me more.] // HASH_VALUE 0D01B7865CD6D875 // INDEX 5 answer_no [I'm not interested.] // HASH_VALUE 68D0B43C68D0B43C // INDEX 6 answer_ok [Ok] // HASH_VALUE 5AC7D348C9C59A67 // INDEX 7 answer_skip [Don't bother me...] // HASH_VALUE 54CC38B516B97D37 // INDEX 8 aura_effect_begin [&SPL&You begin to feel the effects of $p$ power.] // HASH_VALUE D4C718CA93A9EA16 // INDEX 9 aura_effect_end [&SPL&$p$ effects have ended.] // HASH_VALUE 694E87CD6AED5153 // INDEX 10 auto_loot_level_too_low [&ITMF&For your mission, you need a material of higher quality.] // HASH_VALUE C14D027B9E339C8E // INDEX 11 auto_loot_success_pl [&ITM&You obtain $nb$ $i.p$ of quality $level$ for your mission] // HASH_VALUE 7ED43BDC5A843768 // INDEX 12 auto_loot_success_1 [&ITM&You obtain one $i$ of quality $level$ for your mission] // HASH_VALUE C0C50D83B2B3A213 // INDEX 13 bag_full [&CHK&Your inventory is full, you have $qty$ items on it.] // HASH_VALUE A311BB058A5A510D // INDEX 14 cant_craft_engaged_melee [&CHK&You can't craft when you are engaged in melee combat! Crafting action aborted!] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&You died during crafting! Crafting action aborted!] */ // HASH_VALUE 6D764E33CD023BCF // INDEX 15 cant_craft_when_dead [&CHKCB&You died during crafting! Crafting action aborted!] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&You can't forage when you are engaged in melee combat! Forage action aborted!] */ // HASH_VALUE 72CD33D628B28C6C // INDEX 16 cant_forage_engaged_in_melee [&CHKCB&You can't forage when you are engaged in melee combat! Forage action aborted!] // HASH_VALUE 2D8846EF67EA72DE // INDEX 17 cant_found_item [&CHK&item in slot $i$ was not found.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&Can't find all selected raw material in bag! Crafting action aborted! Please report this bug with exact sentence used. Thanks!] */ // HASH_VALUE 18A636A6B9CC85FA // INDEX 18 cant_found_rm [&CHK&Not all of the selected raw materials could be found in your inventory! Your craft action has failed!] // HASH_VALUE 0FC939A9D8E4E344 // INDEX 19 cant_lock_rm [&CHK&Can't reserve all raw material you chose for crafting! Some of this is certainly already reserved for other usage. Crafting action aborted!] // HASH_VALUE 21D2F06FB30EFA3A // INDEX 20 chiang_1 [&bbl&The freedom to run the program, for any purpose (freedom 0).] // HASH_VALUE 7609BC467E25E790 // INDEX 21 chiang_2 [&bbl&The freedom to study how the program works, and change it to make it do what you wish (freedom 1). Access to the source code is a precondition for this.] // HASH_VALUE FA377248CE23559D // INDEX 22 chiang_3 [&bbl&The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor (freedom 2).] // HASH_VALUE F4FEAD9FEA803723 // INDEX 23 chiang_4 [&bbl&The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others (freedom 3). By doing this you can give the whole community a chance to benefit from your changes. Access to the source code is a precondition for this.] // HASH_VALUE 2CEA49D63B5696E2 // INDEX 24 chiang_welcome [Greetings Freesoftware Fellow,\n I'm the welcomer on this Ryzom Core shard. This server is here to do some test, tweak and hack on the source code. Happy Hacking!] // HASH_VALUE 9770173F396A80B1 // INDEX 25 combat_actor_critical_hit [&SPLM&You perform a critical strike on $e$.] // HASH_VALUE 1CD02238A5E30B82 // INDEX 26 combat_actor_fumble [&MISM&You fumble.] // HASH_VALUE 5820C03D8C955563 // INDEX 27 combat_actor_hit_p [&DGM&You inflict $damage$ damage points on $e.da$ $e$.] // HASH_VALUE E88C9069792EE842 // INDEX 28 combat_actor_hit_1 [&DGM&You inflict one damage point on $e$.] // HASH_VALUE A663B03947583BC7 // INDEX 29 combat_actor_hit_0 [&DGM&You hit $e$ but do no damage.] // HASH_VALUE B18CCA02ABF53E0F // INDEX 30 combat_actor_hit_pm [&DGM&You inflict $damage$ ($maxDamage$) damage points on $e.da$ $e$.] // HASH_VALUE E5F7DAFB96FBF12D // INDEX 31 combat_actor_hit_1m [&DGM&You inflict one damage ($maxDamage$) point on $e.da$ $e$.] // HASH_VALUE 8C91B1083C2C51C0 // INDEX 32 combat_actor_hit_0m [&DGM&You hit $e.da$ $e$ but do no damage ($maxDamage$).] // HASH_VALUE 691EE4C8DD06F57E // INDEX 33 combat_actor_hit_test_loc_p [&DGM&You hit $e.da$ $e$'s $b$ for $damage$ points of damage.] // HASH_VALUE 3CED546482A0581E // INDEX 34 combat_actor_hit_test_loc_1 [&DGM&You hit $e.da$ $e$'s $b$ for 1 point of damage.] // HASH_VALUE 1160546641604C14 // INDEX 35 combat_actor_hit_test_loc_0 [&DGM&You hit $e.da$ $e$'s $b$ but inflict no damage.] // HASH_VALUE FEA05E2CAEAF8F49 // INDEX 36 combat_actor_hit_test_loc_pm [&DGM&You hit $e.da$ $e$'s $b$ for $damage$ ($maxDamage$) points of damage.] // HASH_VALUE 67C01904CE7DA5E1 // INDEX 37 combat_actor_hit_test_loc_1m [&DGM&You hit $e.da$ $e$'s $b$ for 1 ($maxDamage$) point of damage.] // HASH_VALUE E9761D07A28C799D // INDEX 38 combat_actor_hit_test_loc_0m [&DGM&You hit $e.da$ $e$'s $b$ but inflict no damage ($maxDamage$).] // HASH_VALUE 34031C657DC7EE3A // INDEX 39 combat_actor_hit_self_p [&DG&You hit yourself for $damage$ damage points.] // HASH_VALUE 1E8A8F86A40181BC // INDEX 40 combat_actor_hit_self_1 [&DG&You hit yourself for 1 damage point.] // HASH_VALUE 0B8D9182DA0778C5 // INDEX 41 combat_actor_hit_self_0 [&DG&You hit yourself but do no damage.] // HASH_VALUE D91B3A79CE35FA0B // INDEX 42 combat_actor_hit_self_pm [&DG&You hit yourself for $damage$ ($maxDamage$) damage points.] // HASH_VALUE 8205E2F5B052B252 // INDEX 43 combat_actor_hit_self_1m [&DG&You hit yourself for 1 ($maxDamage$) damage point.] // HASH_VALUE A7A6A654BC9FF526 // INDEX 44 combat_actor_hit_self_0m [&DG&You hit yourself but do no damage ($maxDamage$).] // HASH_VALUE 1442AA2613623F2D // INDEX 45 combat_actor_miss [&MISM&You miss $e$.] // HASH_VALUE D914CC905688C4CD // INDEX 46 combat_attack_actor [&SYS&You attack $e$.] // HASH_VALUE A7144FB9585735D9 // INDEX 47 combat_attack_defender [&SYS&$e$ attacks you.] // HASH_VALUE D2582C61D9E56ECB // INDEX 48 combat_attack_spectator [&SYS&$actor$ attacks $defender$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&You cannot use a combat action yet.] */ // HASH_VALUE F949A843EAF793D8 // INDEX 49 combat_use_action_yet [&CHKCB&You cannot use a combat action yet.] // HASH_VALUE DABF9DFA7B5C9C7E // INDEX 50 combat_defender_critical_hit [&SPL&$e$ performs a critical strike on you.] // HASH_VALUE DE25E69897B46248 // INDEX 51 combat_defender_fumble [&MIS&$e$ fumbles.] // HASH_VALUE 36806918F1670446 // INDEX 52 combat_defender_hit [&DG&$e.da$ $e$ hits you for $damage$ damage.] // HASH_VALUE AACC95D96F6724CA // INDEX 53 combat_defender_hit_0 [&DG&$e.da$ $e$ hits you but does no damage.] // HASH_VALUE 1C7009A1231F4D14 // INDEX 54 combat_defender_hit_m [&DG&$e.da$ $e$ hits you for $damage$ ($maxDamage$) damage.] // HASH_VALUE 0CC21A4BD7BF6E55 // INDEX 55 combat_defender_hit_0m [&DG&$e.da$ $e$ hits you but does no damage ($maxDamage$).] // HASH_VALUE 535F12821D1D85FC // INDEX 56 combat_defender_hit_loc [&DG&$e.da$ $e$ hits your $b$ for $damage$ damage.] // HASH_VALUE 57DF245052CE88F6 // INDEX 57 combat_defender_hit_loc_0 [&DG&$e.da$ $e$ hits your $b$ but does no damage.] // HASH_VALUE 35874C19DDA2AAC8 // INDEX 58 combat_defender_hit_loc_m [&DG&$e.da$ $e$ hits your $b$ for $damage$ ($maxDamage$) damage.] // HASH_VALUE B80B51D92AE45197 // INDEX 59 combat_defender_hit_loc_0m [&DG&$e.da$ $e$ hits your $b$ but does no damage ($maxDamage$).] // HASH_VALUE 44D737E5C1B70FDF // INDEX 60 combat_defender_miss [&MIS&$e$ misses you.] // HASH_VALUE 92E35B280FE20F56 // INDEX 61 combat_disarm_attacker [&SPLM&You have disarmed $p$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SPL&$e.pa$ $e$ disarmed you.] */ // HASH_VALUE D0745C0EC02372EA // INDEX 62 combat_disarm_defender [&SPL&$e.da$ $e$ disarmed you.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&$p$ has no weapon equipped, so you cannot disarm him.] */ // HASH_VALUE 3DB8188698C45AAC // INDEX 63 combat_disarm_no_item_m [&CHKCB&$p$ has no weapon equipped, so you cannot disarm him.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&$p$ has no weapon equipped, so you cannot disarm her.] */ // HASH_VALUE 3D09088698C45AAC // INDEX 64 combat_disarm_no_item_f [&CHKCB&$p$ has no weapon equipped, so you cannot disarm her.] // HASH_VALUE DDD0034DCFC55395 // INDEX 65 combat_dmg_shield_attacker [&DMG&$defender.da$ $defender$'s damage shield inflicts you $damage$ damage points and $defender.da$ $defender$ gains $drain$ hit points.] // HASH_VALUE 071A593D75F11B89 // INDEX 66 combat_dmg_shield_attacker_0 [&DMG&$defender.da$ $defender$'s damage shield inflicts you $damage$ damage points.] // HASH_VALUE 40426A0895678EF5 // INDEX 67 combat_dmg_shield_defender [&DGM&Your damage shield inflicts $damage$ damage points to $attacker.da$ $attacker$ and you gain $drain$ hit points.] // HASH_VALUE 77D8ABE18FAFEAAC // INDEX 68 combat_dmg_shield_defender_0 [&DGM&Your damage shield inflicts $damage$ damage points to $attacker.da$ $attacker$.] // HASH_VALUE 0E1C19DE2B4C10D7 // INDEX 69 combat_dmg_shield_spectators [&SYS&$defender.da$ $defender$'s damage shield inflicts $damage$ damage points to $attacker.da$ $attacker$ and $defender.da$ $defender$ gains $drain$ hit points.] // HASH_VALUE 38666FCED178D8CB // INDEX 70 combat_dmg_shield_spectators_0 [&SYS&$defender.da$ $defender$'s damage shield inflicts $damage$ damage points to $attacker.da$ $attacker$.] // HASH_VALUE DE4D81FBA29B0367 // INDEX 71 combat_dodge_attacker [&MISM&$e.da$ $e$ has dodged your attack.] // HASH_VALUE 6D9478308B850F0E // INDEX 72 combat_dodge_defender [&MIS&You dodged $e.da$ $e$'s attack.] // HASH_VALUE F0E9E63A42DDCDB0 // INDEX 73 combat_dodge_spectator [&SYS&$defender.ia$ $defender$ has dodged $actor.ia$ $actor$'s attack.] // HASH_VALUE 86A6FF298F608D3E // INDEX 74 combat_feint_actor [&SPLM&You make a successful feint against $e.da$ $e$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&$e.da$ $e$ is not attacking you in melee combat, you cannot feint.] */ // HASH_VALUE 13AE3224FB3634EC // INDEX 75 combat_feint_invalid [&CHKCB&$e.da$ $e$ is not attacking you in melee combat, you cannot feint.] // HASH_VALUE 9AA1471F6E02D01E // INDEX 76 combat_feint_target [&SPL&$e.da$ $e$ makes a successful feint against you.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&Invalid target.] */ // HASH_VALUE D644DC3DDCAC7746 // INDEX 77 combat_invalid_target [&CHKCB&Invalid target.] // HASH_VALUE 145434DE5617EB25 // INDEX 78 combat_leave_actor [&SYS&You stop attacking $e$.] // HASH_VALUE 4DF620FCA2B18B21 // INDEX 79 combat_leave_defender [&SYS&$e$ leaves combat.] // HASH_VALUE 278A11DB6FFB873F // INDEX 80 combat_leave_spectator [&SYS&$actor$ stops attacking $defender$.] // HASH_VALUE 97CF3AFC62DDBB23 // INDEX 81 combat_lose_sap_actor [&SPLM&You make $e.da$ $e$ lose $i$ sap points.] // HASH_VALUE 5691EA11F667E08B // INDEX 82 combat_lose_sap_self [&SPL&You make yourself lose $i$ sap points.] // HASH_VALUE 368B6E2F0F28AA10 // INDEX 83 combat_lose_sap_self_spectators_c [&SPLM&$c.da$ $c$ makes itself lose $i$ sap points.] // HASH_VALUE 5FA767337944F0D2 // INDEX 84 combat_lose_sap_self_spectators_bm [&SPLM&$b.da$ $b$ makes himself lose $i$ sap points.] // HASH_VALUE 5FA77B2F7944F0D2 // INDEX 85 combat_lose_sap_self_spectators_bf [&SPLM&$b.da$ $b$ makes herself lose $i$ sap points.] // HASH_VALUE 4735CDAC8F6B2F5D // INDEX 86 combat_lose_sap_self_spectators_pm [&SPLM&$p$ makes himself lose $i$ sap points.] // HASH_VALUE 4786BDAC8F6B2F5D // INDEX 87 combat_lose_sap_self_spectators_pf [&SPLM&$p$ makes herself lose $i$ sap points.] // HASH_VALUE 093A4FB8C6D7FE97 // INDEX 88 combat_lose_sap_spectators [&SYS&$actor.da$ $actor$ makes $target.da$ $target$ lose $i$ sap points.] // HASH_VALUE 48AB0C449333B304 // INDEX 89 combat_lose_sap_target [&SPL&$e.da$ $e$ makes you lose $i$ sap points.] // HASH_VALUE 96EBD26EBD976C32 // INDEX 90 combat_lose_sta_actor [&SPLM&You make $e.da$ $e$ lose $i$ stamina points.] // HASH_VALUE 4454260D63C9A9F8 // INDEX 91 combat_lose_sta_self [&SPL&You make yourself lose $i$ stamina points.] // HASH_VALUE 91451F3E0E444282 // INDEX 92 combat_lose_sta_self_spectators_c [&SPLM&$c.da$ $c$ makes itself lose $i$ stamina points.] // HASH_VALUE 4D6AA32FE6A6B93F // INDEX 93 combat_lose_sta_self_spectators_bm [&SPLM&$b.da$ $b$ makes himself lose $i$ stamina points.] // HASH_VALUE 4D6AB72BE6A6B93F // INDEX 94 combat_lose_sta_self_spectators_bf [&SPLM&$b.da$ $b$ makes herself lose $i$ stamina points.] // HASH_VALUE 5225BD5E1892E418 // INDEX 95 combat_lose_sta_self_spectators_pm [&SPLM&$p$ makes himself lose $i$ stamina points.] // HASH_VALUE 5276AD5E1892E418 // INDEX 96 combat_lose_sta_self_spectators_pf [&SPLM&$p$ makes herself lose $i$ stamina points.] // HASH_VALUE 769C1825B49A3A93 // INDEX 97 combat_lose_sta_spectators [&SYS&$actor.da$ $actor$ makes $target.da$ $target$ lose $i$ stamina points.] // HASH_VALUE 47C7A4B6EEED6413 // INDEX 98 combat_lose_sta_target [&SPL&$e.da$ $e$ makes you lose $i$ stamina points.] // HASH_VALUE EA049A7C4270877D // INDEX 99 combat_miss_attacker [&MISM& You made a mess of $e.da$ $e$.] // HASH_VALUE 41EF34667ACF17FC // INDEX 100 combat_miss_defender [&MIS&$e.da$ $e$ misses you.] // HASH_VALUE E46B16546B4B7950 // INDEX 101 combat_miss_spectator [&SYS&$actor.ia$ $actor$ misses $defender.ia$ $defender$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&You can only enter combat with your enemies.] */ // HASH_VALUE 03CD866FDC2E194C // INDEX 102 combat_not_an_enemy [&CHKCB&You can only enter combat with your enemies.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&You cannot fight with this item in your hand.] */ // HASH_VALUE A1A6C0C20719B205 // INDEX 103 combat_not_a_weapon [&CHKCB&You cannot fight with this item in your hand.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&You do not have enough stamina for this action.] */ // HASH_VALUE ACD625ADDAE9A3C8 // INDEX 104 combat_not_enough_sta [&CHKCB&You do not have enough stamina for this action.] // HASH_VALUE EF2C8C8635DA5321 // INDEX 105 combat_parry_attacker [&MISM&$e.da$ $e$ has parried your attack.] // HASH_VALUE D009F73217819B1D // INDEX 106 combat_parry_defender [&MIS&You parry $e.da$ $e$'s attack.] // HASH_VALUE 2C6F364889B81D9A // INDEX 107 combat_parry_spectator [&SYS&$defender.ia$ $defender$ has parried $actor.ia$ $actor$'s attack.] // HASH_VALUE C16D683C17C1A5A3 // INDEX 108 combat_proc_vampirism_attackers_n [&ISE&Start of life drain effect, your weapon gives you $drain$ hit points from $defender.da$ $defender$.] // HASH_VALUE DE31F3B610524DB7 // INDEX 109 combat_proc_vampirism_defenders_n [&ISE&The weapon of $attacker.da$ $attacker$ gives them $drain$ of your hit points.] // HASH_VALUE 5FFB755B9B29FACA // INDEX 110 combat_proc_vampirism_spectators_n [&ISE&The weapon of $attacker.da$ $attacker$ gives them $drain$ of the hit points of $defender.da$ $defender$.] // HASH_VALUE 9618A760F8545813 // INDEX 111 combat_spectator_critical_hit [&SYS&$actor$ performs a critical strike on $defender$.] // HASH_VALUE 11533B4F213792D7 // INDEX 112 combat_spectator_fumble [&MIS&$actor$ fumbles.] // HASH_VALUE 48BBB29740BAB6C8 // INDEX 113 combat_spectator_hit [&SYS&$actor.da$ $actor$ hits $defender.da$ $defender$ for $damage$ damage.] // HASH_VALUE 4903EA6C04C69ED8 // INDEX 114 combat_spectator_hit_0 [&SYS&$actor.da$ $actor$ hits $defender.da$ $defender$ but does no damage.] // HASH_VALUE ECA710965A52E853 // INDEX 115 combat_spectator_hit_m [&SYS&$actor.da$ $actor$ hits $defender.da$ $defender$ for $damage$ ($maxDamage$) damage.] // HASH_VALUE FDBB0FCB5CEC235D // INDEX 116 combat_spectator_hit_0m [&SYS&$actor.da$ $actor$ hits $defender.da$ $defender$ but does no damage ($maxDamage$).] // HASH_VALUE B95C572B74CEB393 // INDEX 117 combat_spectator_hit_self_creature [&DGM&$e$ hits itself for $damage$ damage.] // HASH_VALUE BDDC69F9A97FB68D // INDEX 118 combat_spectator_hit_self_creature_0 [&DGM&$e$ hits itself but does no damage.] // HASH_VALUE BDA447EFF01FFAC1 // INDEX 119 combat_spectator_hit_self_bot_m [&DGM&$p$ hits himself for $damage$ damage.] // HASH_VALUE BDA447F4EF1FFAC1 // INDEX 120 combat_spectator_hit_self_bot_f [&DGM&$p$ hits herself for $damage$ damage.] // HASH_VALUE BEEC7FC4B42BE2D1 // INDEX 121 combat_spectator_hit_self_bot_0_m [&DGM&$p$ hits himself but does no damage.] // HASH_VALUE BEEC7FC9B32BE2D1 // INDEX 122 combat_spectator_hit_self_bot_0_f [&DGM&$p$ hits herself but does no damage.] // HASH_VALUE BDA447EFF01FFAC1 // INDEX 123 combat_spectator_hit_self_player_m [&DGM&$p$ hits himself for $damage$ damage.] // HASH_VALUE BDA447F4EF1FFAC1 // INDEX 124 combat_spectator_hit_self_player_f [&DGM&$p$ hits herself for $damage$ damage.] // HASH_VALUE BEEC7FC4B42BE2D1 // INDEX 125 combat_spectator_hit_self_player_0_m [&DGM&$p$ hits himself but does no damage.] // HASH_VALUE BEEC7FC9B32BE2D1 // INDEX 126 combat_spectator_hit_self_player_0_f [&DGM&$p$ hits herself but does no damage.] // HASH_VALUE 3E395872D6E466DC // INDEX 127 combat_spectator_miss [&SYS&$actor$ misses $defender$.] // HASH_VALUE DE1E19C9B6CA5B99 // INDEX 128 craft_sentence_incorrect [&CHK&Craft sentence is incorrect! Crafting action aborted!] // HASH_VALUE 92432416CD440ACF // INDEX 129 death_killer [&SYS&You have killed $e.da$ $e$.] // HASH_VALUE E1B74FEDD9972758 // INDEX 130 death_self_kill [&SYS&You killed yourself.] // HASH_VALUE 12F34469C1DC6615 // INDEX 131 death_self_kill_spectators_c [&SYS&$c.da$ $c$ killed itself.] // HASH_VALUE 50D42C5E364C431B // INDEX 132 death_self_kill_spectators_bm [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ killed himself.] // HASH_VALUE 50D4405A364C431B // INDEX 133 death_self_kill_spectators_bf [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ killed herself.] // HASH_VALUE 9F96ECD4A5BA661D // INDEX 134 death_self_kill_spectators_pm [&SYS&$p$ killed himself.] // HASH_VALUE 9FE7DCD4A5BA661D // INDEX 135 death_self_kill_spectators_pf [&SYS&$p$ killed herself.] // HASH_VALUE B4EA1596FC2915EC // INDEX 136 death_spectators [&SYS&$victim.da$ $victim$ have been killed by $killer.da$ $killer$.] // HASH_VALUE 1F0F5F0F6544E34D // INDEX 137 death_victim_0 [&SYS&You have been killed.] // HASH_VALUE B115AC73257ABB38 // INDEX 138 death_victim [&SYS&You have been killed by $e.da$ $e$.] // HASH_VALUE 9AFB4E732C5A1973 // INDEX 139 default_crafted_items_talkmenu [I crafted the items.] // HASH_VALUE 26705AA388F543A8 // INDEX 140 default_crafted_item_talkmenu [I crafted $crafted.da$ $crafted$.] // HASH_VALUE 3FB582FBC9A29A1B // INDEX 141 default_did_it_talkmenu [I did it...] // HASH_VALUE 44975E9DC62AA0BF // INDEX 142 default_found_rms_talkmenu [I found the raw materials.] // HASH_VALUE C905534309A52C34 // INDEX 143 default_found_rm_talkmenu [I found $rawmat.ia$ $rawmat$.] // HASH_VALUE 649C941C24584080 // INDEX 144 default_give_1_item_menu [Give $i$] // HASH_VALUE 2B922F77D9F977A9 // INDEX 145 default_killed_creatures_group_talkmenu [We killed the creatures.] // HASH_VALUE 6A29CFEACCA5A05D // INDEX 146 default_killed_creatures_talkmenu [I killed the creatures.] // HASH_VALUE A8509690A4608A62 // INDEX 147 default_killed_creature_group_talkmenu [We killed $target.ia$ $target$.] // HASH_VALUE D6D8660394F6AA1C // INDEX 148 default_killed_creature_talkmenu [I killed $killed.ia$ $killed$.] // HASH_VALUE 286915706A108B5A // INDEX 149 default_killed_species_talkmenu [I killed $species.da$ $species.p$.] // HASH_VALUE 99C6B74F166A8F4B // INDEX 150 default_progress_talkmenu [I progressed in $s$.] // HASH_VALUE 9BA1BF690986BB7E // INDEX 151 default_sent_me_name_talkmenu [$previous$ sent me...] // HASH_VALUE 9BA1BF690986BB7E // INDEX 152 default_sent_me_talkmenu [$previous$ sent me...] // HASH_VALUE 9BA1F7710986BB7E // INDEX 153 default_sent_us_talkmenu [$previous$ sent us...] // HASH_VALUE C56864ECF398B0B8 // INDEX 154 default_talk_to_bot_name [Talk to $bn$] // HASH_VALUE 200D017ED9DC99B5 // INDEX 155 effect_bleed_begin [&DG&Your wounds are bleeding massively.] // HASH_VALUE 32FCB645E027C400 // INDEX 156 effect_bleed_begin_actor [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ wounds are bleeding massively.] // HASH_VALUE 4486285BC76197A7 // INDEX 157 effect_bleed_ended [&DG&You are no longer bleeding.] // HASH_VALUE AEC5CDC6C724E640 // INDEX 158 effect_bleed_ended_actor [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ is no longer bleeding.] // HASH_VALUE 7C736998AFDCF3E2 // INDEX 159 effect_bleed_lose_hp [&DG&You are bleeding and lose $i$ hit points.] // HASH_VALUE 0B534E55E97D732C // INDEX 160 effect_bleed_lose_hp_actor [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ is bleeding and loses $i$ hit points.] // HASH_VALUE D8F3BE9B391CC83D // INDEX 161 effect_blind_begin_creator_m [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ is blinded and now runs the risk of failing in his actions.] // HASH_VALUE D8F3BA97391CC83D // INDEX 162 effect_blind_begin_creator_f [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ is blinded and now runs the risk of failing in her actions.] // HASH_VALUE 9302BAD555206F42 // INDEX 163 effect_blind_begin_spectators_m [&SYS&$actor.da$ $actor$ has blinded $target.da$ $target$ who now runs the risk of failing in his actions.] // HASH_VALUE 9302BAD555206F42 // INDEX 164 effect_blind_begin_spectators_f [&SYS&$actor.da$ $actor$ has blinded $target.da$ $target$ who now runs the risk of failing in his actions.] // HASH_VALUE 7ED92644591ABC1E // INDEX 165 effect_blind_begin_target [&SPL&$e.da$ $e$ has blinded you, you now run the risk of failing in your actions.] // HASH_VALUE 2C85CDCFC8242E07 // INDEX 166 effect_blind_end_creator [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ is no longer blinded.] // HASH_VALUE 2C85CDCFC8242E07 // INDEX 167 effect_blind_end_spectators [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ is no longer blinded.] // HASH_VALUE 5EF8341E86D07810 // INDEX 168 effect_blind_end_target [&SPL&You are no longer blinded.] // HASH_VALUE E69FE50F3293E27C // INDEX 169 effect_blind_self_begin_actor [&SPLM&You have blinded yourself and stand a greater chance of failing in your actions.] // HASH_VALUE 60DAF91BA149EDBF // INDEX 170 effect_blind_self_begin_spectators_creature [&SYS&$c.da$ $c$ has blinded itself and stands a greater chance of failing in its actions.] // HASH_VALUE 0B9706315D0A1DEB // INDEX 171 effect_blind_self_begin_spectators_npc_m [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ has blinded himself and stands a greater chance of failing in his actions.] // HASH_VALUE 0B9706305C5B0DEB // INDEX 172 effect_blind_self_begin_spectators_npc_f [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ has blinded herself and stands a greater chance of failing in her actions.] // HASH_VALUE D87AF17AA12B1DEC // INDEX 173 effect_blind_self_begin_spectator_player_m [&SYS&$p$ has blinded himself and stands a greater chance of failing in his actions.] // HASH_VALUE D87AED76E2EB1DEC // INDEX 174 effect_blind_self_begin_spectator_player_f [&SYS&$p$ has blinded herself and stands a greater chance of failing in her actions.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ incurs a penalty on combat skills.] */ // HASH_VALUE D507DA9DBF88DC71 // INDEX 175 effect_debuff_combat_begin_creator [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ gets a penalty on his combat skills.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$target.da$ $target$ now incurs a penalty on combat skills.] */ // HASH_VALUE 6E0E4E2351788F06 // INDEX 176 effect_debuff_combat_begin_spectators [&SYS&$target.da$ $target$ is now getting a penalty on his combat skills.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SPL&You incur a penalty on combat skills.] */ // HASH_VALUE 5AF489F1063318D1 // INDEX 177 effect_debuff_combat_begin_target [&SPL&You get a penalty on your combat skills.] // HASH_VALUE E53B0B9D2AACCDD8 // INDEX 178 effect_debuff_combat_end_creator [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$'s combat skills are no longer subject to penalty.] // HASH_VALUE E53B0B9D2AACCDD8 // INDEX 179 effect_debuff_combat_end_spectators [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$'s combat skills are no longer subject to penalty.] // HASH_VALUE 1C698638330A0DB4 // INDEX 180 effect_debuff_combat_end_target [&SPL&Your combat skills are no longer subject to penalty.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SPL&You now incur a penalty on combat sills.] */ // HASH_VALUE B2BF22E3ECDC6268 // INDEX 181 effect_debuff_combat_self_begin_actor [&SPL&You are now getting a penalty on your combat sills.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$c.da$ $c$ now incurs a penalty on combat skills.] */ // HASH_VALUE 27F8506606FCA2C5 // INDEX 182 effect_debuff_combat_self_begin_spectators_creature [&SYS&$c.da$ $c$ is now getting a penalty on its combat skills.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ now incurs a penalty on combat skills.] */ // HASH_VALUE 27F8506606EC72C4 // INDEX 183 effect_debuff_combat_self_begin_spectators_npc_m [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ is now getting a penalty on his combat skills.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ now incurs a penalty on combat skills.] */ // HASH_VALUE 27F8506606DC62C4 // INDEX 184 effect_debuff_combat_self_begin_spectators_npc_f [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ is now getting a penalty on her combat skills.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$p$ now incurs a penalty on combat skills.] */ // HASH_VALUE 639CC11A1A797E59 // INDEX 185 effect_debuff_combat_self_begin_spectator_player_m [&SYS&$p$ is now getting a penalty on his combat skills.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$p$ now incurs a penalty on combat skills.] */ // HASH_VALUE 639CC11ADA397E59 // INDEX 186 effect_debuff_combat_self_begin_spectator_player_f [&SYS&$p$ is now getting a penalty on her combat skills.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ now incurs a penalty on defence.] */ // HASH_VALUE CDC283FCB570825E // INDEX 187 effect_debuff_defense_begin_creator [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ is now getting a penalty on his defence.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$target.da$ $target$ now incurs a penalty on defence.] */ // HASH_VALUE 926839688111EA93 // INDEX 188 effect_debuff_defense_begin_spectators [&SYS&$target.da$ $target$ is now getting a penalty on his defence.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SPL&now incurs a penalty on defence.] */ // HASH_VALUE 7584A2F0B2D1CBB5 // INDEX 189 effect_debuff_defense_begin_target [&SPL&is now getting a penalty on his defence.] // HASH_VALUE A0DB5C8F34581953 // INDEX 190 effect_debuff_defense_end_creator [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ 's defence is no longer subject to penalty.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$'s defence us no longer subject to penalty.] */ // HASH_VALUE 9C46502B4A3E9206 // INDEX 191 effect_debuff_defense_end_spectators [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$'s defence is no longer subject to penalty.] // HASH_VALUE D374CBC6539CD2E2 // INDEX 192 effect_debuff_defense_end_target [&SPL&Your defence is no longer subject to penalty.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SPL&You now incur a penalty on defence.] */ // HASH_VALUE 996A37D2A4D595F2 // INDEX 193 effect_debuff_defense_self_begin_actor [&SPL&You are now getting a penalty on your defence.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$c.da$ $c$ now incurs a penalty on its defence.] */ // HASH_VALUE CDC283FCB550A65F // INDEX 194 effect_debuff_defense_self_begin_spectators_creature [&SYS&$c.da$ $c$ is now getting a penalty on its defence.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ now incurs a penalty on his defence.] */ // HASH_VALUE CDC283FCB540765E // INDEX 195 effect_debuff_defense_self_begin_spectators_npc_m [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ is now getting a penalty on his defence.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ now incurs a penalty on her defence.] */ // HASH_VALUE CDC283FCB530665E // INDEX 196 effect_debuff_defense_self_begin_spectators_npc_f [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ is now getting a penalty on her defence.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$p$ now incur a penalty on his defence.] */ // HASH_VALUE 866618D56B86E5F0 // INDEX 197 effect_debuff_defense_self_begin_spectator_player_m [&SYS&$p$ is now getting a penalty on his defence.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$p$ now incur a penalty on her defence.] */ // HASH_VALUE 866618D52B46E5F0 // INDEX 198 effect_debuff_defense_self_begin_spectator_player_f [&SYS&$p$ is now getting a penalty on her defence.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ now incurs a penalty on dodging.] */ // HASH_VALUE 4DA2ABFCB590AE59 // INDEX 199 effect_debuff_dodge_begin_creator [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ is now getting a penalty on his dodging.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$target.da$ $target$ now incurs a penalty on dodging.] */ // HASH_VALUE 1468396A44C1F291 // INDEX 200 effect_debuff_dodge_begin_spectators [&SYS&$target.da$ $target$ is now getting a penalty on his dodging.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SPL&You now incur a penalty on dodging.] */ // HASH_VALUE 996A3FDD63F58DFC // INDEX 201 effect_debuff_dodge_begin_target [&SPL&You are now getting a penalty on your dodging.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ now incurs a penalty on dodging.] */ // HASH_VALUE 4DA2ABFCB590AE59 // INDEX 202 effect_debuff_dodge_end_creator [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ is now getting a penalty on his dodging.] // HASH_VALUE 1E46502D0DEE9A04 // INDEX 203 effect_debuff_dodge_end_spectators [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$'s dodging is no longer subject to penalty.] // HASH_VALUE 5574CBC8164CDAE0 // INDEX 204 effect_debuff_dodge_end_target [&SPL&Your dodging is no longer subject to penalty.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&You now incur a penalty on dodging.] */ // HASH_VALUE 5AFA3FDD63F58DFC // INDEX 205 effect_debuff_dodge_self_begin_actor [&SYS&You are now getting a penalty on your dodging.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$c.da$ $c$ now incurs a penalty on dodging.] */ // HASH_VALUE 4DA2ABFCB570D25A // INDEX 206 effect_debuff_dodge_self_begin_spectators_creature [&SYS&$c.da$ $c$ is now getting a penalty on its dodging.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ now incurs a penalty on dodging.] */ // HASH_VALUE 4DA2ABFCB560A259 // INDEX 207 effect_debuff_dodge_self_begin_spectators_npc_m [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ is now getting a penalty on his dodging.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ now incurs a penalty on dodging.] */ // HASH_VALUE 4DA2ABFCB5509259 // INDEX 208 effect_debuff_dodge_self_begin_spectators_npc_f [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ is now getting a penalty on her dodging.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$p$ now incurs a penalty on dodging.] */ // HASH_VALUE 060618D5EB36D1F2 // INDEX 209 effect_debuff_dodge_self_begin_spectator_player_m [&SYS&$p$ is now getting a penalty on his dodging.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$p$ now incurs a penalty on dodging.] */ // HASH_VALUE 060618D5ABF6D1F2 // INDEX 210 effect_debuff_dodge_self_begin_spectator_player_f [&SYS&$p$ is now getting a penalty on her dodging.] // HASH_VALUE 76CD28E30320DA1C // INDEX 211 effect_dot_begin_creator_m [&SYS& TODO.] // HASH_VALUE 76CD28E30320DA1C // INDEX 212 effect_dot_begin_creator_f [&SYS& TODO.] // HASH_VALUE E791BCA77E1BDF87 // INDEX 213 effect_dot_begin_spectators_m [&SYS&$actor.da$ $actor$ makes $target.da$ $target$ stink horribly, any living beings nearby will suffer from the stench.] // HASH_VALUE E791BCA77E1BDF87 // INDEX 214 effect_dot_begin_spectators_f [&SYS&$actor.da$ $actor$ makes $target.da$ $target$ stink horribly, any living beings nearby will suffer from the stench.] // HASH_VALUE 76CD28E30320DA1C // INDEX 215 effect_dot_begin_target [&SYS& TODO.] // HASH_VALUE 14100F98C8C49722 // INDEX 216 effect_dot_end_creator [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ no longer stinks.] // HASH_VALUE 14100F98C8C49722 // INDEX 217 effect_dot_end_spectators [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ no longer stinks.] // HASH_VALUE 0B3267D9EB575F52 // INDEX 218 effect_dot_end_target [&SPL&You no longer stink.] // HASH_VALUE F66ADBF47E37D2ED // INDEX 219 effect_dot_lose_hp [&SPL&$e.da$ $e$ stinks so much that you feel sick and lose $i$ hit points.] // HASH_VALUE 62A7CB9D5E128798 // INDEX 220 effect_dot_lose_hp_actor [&SPL&You stink so much that $e.da$ $e$ feels sick and loses $i$ hit points.] // HASH_VALUE 775F7D7FD545B834 // INDEX 221 effect_dot_self_begin_actor [&SPLM&You make yourself stink and any living beings nearby will suffer from the stench.] // HASH_VALUE 2E6283E5185D8171 // INDEX 222 effect_dot_self_begin_spectators_creature [&SYS&$c.da$ $c$ has made itself stink, any living beings nearby will suffer from the stench.] // HASH_VALUE 7DD34ACC733E8CE9 // INDEX 223 effect_dot_self_begin_spectators_npc_m [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ has made himself stink, any living beings nearby will suffer from the stench.] // HASH_VALUE BE934ACC733E8CE9 // INDEX 224 effect_dot_self_begin_spectators_npc_f [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ has made herself stink, any living beings nearby will suffer from the stench.] // HASH_VALUE D08B5CD26CE614B1 // INDEX 225 effect_dot_self_begin_spectator_player_m [&SYS&$p$ has made himself stink, any living beings nearby will suffer from the stench.] // HASH_VALUE CF8B5CD26CE614B6 // INDEX 226 effect_dot_self_begin_spectator_player_f [&SYS&$p$ has made herself stink, any living beings nearby will suffer from the stench.] // HASH_VALUE 3A9382D15A9EEA29 // INDEX 227 effect_fear_begin_creator [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ is paralysed with fear and can no longer act.] // HASH_VALUE 533225F5AB2D50E8 // INDEX 228 effect_fear_begin_spectators [&SYS&$actor.da$ $actor$ terrorizes $target.da$ $target$ who can no longer attack.] // HASH_VALUE 2A32EB168830457C // INDEX 229 effect_fear_begin_target [&SPL&$e.da$ $e$ has terrorized you, you can no longer act.] // HASH_VALUE 20DE278B154F1A1A // INDEX 230 effect_fear_end_creator_m [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ recovers his composure and can act again.] // HASH_VALUE E09E278B154F1A1A // INDEX 231 effect_fear_end_creator_f [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ recovers her composure and can act again.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ regains its composure and is ready again for action.] */ // HASH_VALUE 30EFE060DB292DA6 // INDEX 232 effect_fear_end_spectators [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ regains its composure and is ready for action again .] // HASH_VALUE 127DC88358B2CF82 // INDEX 233 effect_fear_end_target [&SPL&You regain your composure and are ready for action again.] // HASH_VALUE C1B185F962EEC106 // INDEX 234 effect_fear_self_begin_actor [&SPL&You are terrorized and can no longer act.] // HASH_VALUE D0F3024AECC27BE8 // INDEX 235 effect_fear_self_begin_spectators_creature [&SYS&$c.da$ $c$ is terrorized and can no longer act.] // HASH_VALUE D0F3024AECB277E8 // INDEX 236 effect_fear_self_begin_spectators_npc_m [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ is terrorized and can no longer act.] // HASH_VALUE D0F3024AECB277E8 // INDEX 237 effect_fear_self_begin_spectators_npc_f [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ is terrorized and can no longer act.] // HASH_VALUE 4A6051B234880CFC // INDEX 238 effect_fear_self_begin_spectator_player_m [&SYS&$p$ is terrorized and can no longer act.] // HASH_VALUE 4A6051B234880CFC // INDEX 239 effect_fear_self_begin_spectator_player_f [&SYS&$p$ is terrorized and can no longer act.] // HASH_VALUE 405C6B848BADBE4A // INDEX 240 effect_invulnerability_begin_creator [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ is invulnerable but can no longer perform any actions.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$actor.da$ $actor$ has made $target.da$ $target$ invulnerable who can no longer perform any actions.] */ // HASH_VALUE 55DA01426C053FC2 // INDEX 241 effect_invulnerability_begin_spectators [&SYS&$actor.da$ $actor$ has made $target.da$ $target$ invulnerable, this one can no longer perform any actions.] // HASH_VALUE 8F7AC142BB118F5F // INDEX 242 effect_invulnerability_begin_target [&SPLM&$e.da$ $e$ has made you invulnerable but you can no longer perform any actions.] // HASH_VALUE 6A27920A57B6CF23 // INDEX 243 effect_invulnerability_end_creator [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ is no longer invulnerable and can act again.] // HASH_VALUE 5A894AC9D26E8663 // INDEX 244 effect_invulnerability_end_spectators [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ is longer invulnerable and can act again.] // HASH_VALUE F3CAD2C590F6292E // INDEX 245 effect_invulnerability_end_target [&SPLM&You are no longer invulnerable and can act again.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SPLM&You are invulnerable though can no longer perform actions.] */ // HASH_VALUE 4E37D2C9DAA8822A // INDEX 246 effect_invulnerability_self_begin_actor [&SPLM&You are invulnerable but you can no longer perform actions.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$c.da$ $c$ is invulnerable though can no longer perform actions.] */ // HASH_VALUE E2667E834E6D23D2 // INDEX 247 effect_invulnerability_self_begin_spectators_creature [&SYS&$c.da$ $c$ is invulnerable but can no longer perform actions.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ is invulnerable though can no longer perform actions.] */ // HASH_VALUE E2667E834E5D1FD2 // INDEX 248 effect_invulnerability_self_begin_spectators_npc_m [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ is invulnerable but can no longer perform actions.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ is invulnerable though can no longer perform actions.] */ // HASH_VALUE E2667E834E5D1FD2 // INDEX 249 effect_invulnerability_self_begin_spectators_npc_f [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ is invulnerable but can no longer perform actions.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$p$ is invulnerable though can no longer perform actions.] */ // HASH_VALUE 11553837E92CB644 // INDEX 250 effect_invulnerability_self_begin_spectator_player_m [&SYS&$p$ is invulnerable but can no longer perform actions.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$p$ is invulnerable though can no longer perform actions.] */ // HASH_VALUE 11553837E92CB644 // INDEX 251 effect_invulnerability_self_begin_spectator_player_f [&SYS&$p$ is invulnerable but can no longer perform actions.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ has gone mad and may target himself instead of his opponent.] */ // HASH_VALUE D97602EA0EFFA4A1 // INDEX 252 effect_madness_begin_creator_m [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ has gone mad and may aim at himself instead of his opponent.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ has gone mad and may target herself instead of her opponent.] */ // HASH_VALUE D976FEE60E5094A1 // INDEX 253 effect_madness_begin_creator_f [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ has gone mad and may aim at herself instead of her opponent.] // HASH_VALUE 3789FD57DC6D3DD1 // INDEX 254 effect_madness_begin_spectators [&SYS&$target.da$ $target$ has been made mad by $actor.da$ $actor$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SPL&$e.da$ $e$ has made you mad. You may now target your offensive spells on yourself.] */ // HASH_VALUE 2DFB80EB62AA2ACF // INDEX 255 effect_madness_begin_target [&SPL&$e.da$ $e$ has made you mad. You may now aim at yourself with offensive spells.] // HASH_VALUE 74CB5A37658924AE // INDEX 256 effect_madness_end_creator [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ is no longer struck by madness.] // HASH_VALUE 74CB5A37658924AE // INDEX 257 effect_madness_end_spectators [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ is no longer struck by madness.] // HASH_VALUE 367F0D747B4BFC84 // INDEX 258 effect_madness_end_target [&SPL&You are no longer struck by madness.] // HASH_VALUE 0CA7F39DEB046035 // INDEX 259 effect_madness_self_begin_actor [&SPL&VYou have made yourself mad.] // HASH_VALUE 43E407E04C6CF8F6 // INDEX 260 effect_madness_self_begin_spectators_creature [&SYS&$c.da$ $c$ has made itself mad and may now attack itself or cast its spells on itself.] // HASH_VALUE 857E948A088F75D8 // INDEX 261 effect_madness_self_begin_spectators_npc_m [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ has made himself mad and may now attack himself or cast his spells on himself.] // HASH_VALUE C67F748F078F75D8 // INDEX 262 effect_madness_self_begin_spectators_npc_f [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ has made herself mad and may now attack herself or cast her spells on herself.] // HASH_VALUE 77B45321B68DD0D5 // INDEX 263 effect_madness_self_begin_spectator_player_m [&SYS&$p$ has made himself mad and may now attack himself or cast his spells on himself.] // HASH_VALUE 7734671DB68DD0DA // INDEX 264 effect_madness_self_begin_spectator_player_f [&SYS&$p$ has made herself mad and may now attack herself or cast her spells on herself.] // HASH_VALUE 90E262781514691C // INDEX 265 effect_mezz_begin_creator [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ is now mesmerized and cannot act or move.] // HASH_VALUE 3A4DAC51CE8678FB // INDEX 266 effect_mezz_begin_spectators [&SYS&$target.da$ $target$ has been mesmerized by $actor.da$ $actor$ and can no longer act or move.] // HASH_VALUE 030B8C31E952EFA7 // INDEX 267 effect_mezz_begin_target [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ has mesmerized you and you can no longer act or move.] // HASH_VALUE 6D56D1CED5FAEF53 // INDEX 268 effect_mezz_end_creator [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ is no longer mesmerized.] // HASH_VALUE 6D56D1CED5FAEF53 // INDEX 269 effect_mezz_end_spectators [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ is no longer mesmerized.] // HASH_VALUE 9EE8147B19958C1D // INDEX 270 effect_mezz_end_target [&SPL&You are no longer mesmerized.] // HASH_VALUE 26501ACAAD06908A // INDEX 271 effect_mezz_self_begin_actor [&SPLM&You mesmerized yourself and can no longer act or move.] // HASH_VALUE 6A355606D22D4A77 // INDEX 272 effect_mezz_self_begin_spectators_creature [&SYS&$c.da$ $c$ mesmerized itself and can no longer act or move.] // HASH_VALUE E891A4E5B39AEA82 // INDEX 273 effect_mezz_self_begin_spectators_npc_m [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ mesmerized himself and can no longer act or move.] // HASH_VALUE E891A4E5B39AFE7E // INDEX 274 effect_mezz_self_begin_spectators_npc_f [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ mesmerized herself and can no longer act or move.] // HASH_VALUE BDE9BED0D758755C // INDEX 275 effect_mezz_self_begin_spectator_player_m [&SYS&$p$ mesmerized himself and can no longer act or move.] // HASH_VALUE BDE9BED0D7A9655C // INDEX 276 effect_mezz_self_begin_spectator_player_f [&SYS&$p$ mesmerized herself and can no longer act or move.] // HASH_VALUE 1B74C009E350B319 // INDEX 277 effect_poison_begin [&SPL&You are poisoned.] // HASH_VALUE 831F3461426417DF // INDEX 278 effect_poison_begin_caster [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ is poisoned.] // HASH_VALUE 204934210C347C19 // INDEX 279 effect_poison_ends [&SPL&You are no longer poisoned.] // HASH_VALUE 6C15F9D4C8541E3D // INDEX 280 effect_poison_ends_caster [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ is no longer poisoned.] // HASH_VALUE 3A3322443E155CD1 // INDEX 281 effect_poison_lose_hp [&DG&You lose $i$ hit points because of the poison flowing in your veins.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ is suffering poison effects and loses $i$ hit points.] */ // HASH_VALUE 35210498797C47C5 // INDEX 282 effect_poison_lose_hp_caster [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ is suffering from the poison effects and loses $i$ hit points.] // HASH_VALUE C54C91E6E7A6F3F0 // INDEX 283 effect_root_begin_creator [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ is now rooted and cannot move.] // HASH_VALUE 415B6B7E79F8ACE3 // INDEX 284 effect_root_begin_spectators [&SYS&$target.da$ $target$ has been rooted by $actor.da$ $actor$ and can no longer move.] // HASH_VALUE 16DA87F9584EC129 // INDEX 285 effect_root_begin_target [&SPL&$e.da$ $e$ has rooted you and you can no longer move.] // HASH_VALUE 9E75D1D549546ED9 // INDEX 286 effect_root_end_creator [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ is no longer rooted.] // HASH_VALUE 9E75D1D549546ED9 // INDEX 287 effect_root_end_spectators [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ is no longer rooted.] // HASH_VALUE 9E594C21D5509F0F // INDEX 288 effect_root_end_target [&SPL&You are no longer rooted.] // HASH_VALUE C94547245BD4241F // INDEX 289 effect_root_self_begin_actor [&SPLM&You rooted yourself and can no longer move.] // HASH_VALUE 60B64A616B9D4318 // INDEX 290 effect_root_self_begin_spectators_creature [&SYS&$c.da$ $c$ rooted itself and can no longer move.] // HASH_VALUE A2C20A623CC4514F // INDEX 291 effect_root_self_begin_spectators_npc_m [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ rooted himself and can no longer move.] // HASH_VALUE A2C21E5E3CC4514F // INDEX 292 effect_root_self_begin_spectators_npc_f [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ rooted herself and can no longer move.] // HASH_VALUE 897FB1EF7AF1A947 // INDEX 293 effect_root_self_begin_spectator_player_m [&SYS&$p$ rooted himself and can no longer move.] // HASH_VALUE 89D0A1EF7AF1A947 // INDEX 294 effect_root_self_begin_spectator_player_f [&SYS&$p$ rooted herself and can no longer move.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SPLM&You have slowed $e.da$ $e$'s attacks.] */ // HASH_VALUE 3E1CB5C77C2BEB2A // INDEX 295 effect_slow_attacks_begin_creator [&SPLM&You have slowed $e.da$ $e$'s attacks down.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$actor.da$ $actor$ has slowed $target.da$ $target$'s attacks.] */ // HASH_VALUE 7790FB4A4A13B391 // INDEX 296 effect_slow_attacks_begin_spectators [&SYS&$actor.da$ $actor$ has slowed $target.da$ $target$'s attacks down.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SPL&$e.da$ $e$ has slowed your attacks.] */ // HASH_VALUE B48D323195BB387A // INDEX 297 effect_slow_attacks_begin_target [&SPL&$e.da$ $e$ has slowed down your attacks.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$'s attacks are no longer slowed.] */ // HASH_VALUE 98D511722ADD50EF // INDEX 298 effect_slow_attacks_end_creator [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$'s attacks are no longer slowed down.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$'s attacks are no longer slowed.] */ // HASH_VALUE 98D511722ADD50EF // INDEX 299 effect_slow_attacks_end_spectators [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$'s attacks are no longer slowed down.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SPL&Your attacks are no longer slowed.] */ // HASH_VALUE CF038C0D333B90CB // INDEX 300 effect_slow_attacks_end_target [&SPL&Your attacks are no longer slowed down.] // HASH_VALUE AD4FF48BAD35B783 // INDEX 301 effect_slow_attacks_self_begin_actor [&SPLM&You slow down your own attacks.] // HASH_VALUE 6BB3C25621D63BA5 // INDEX 302 effect_slow_attacks_self_begin_spectators_creature [&SYS&$c.da$ $c$ slows down its own attacks.] // HASH_VALUE 2BB3C25621C6379A // INDEX 303 effect_slow_attacks_self_begin_spectators_npc_m [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ slows down his own attacks.] // HASH_VALUE 2BB3C25621C63396 // INDEX 304 effect_slow_attacks_self_begin_spectators_npc_f [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ slows down her own attacks.] // HASH_VALUE 4A5E81878287D366 // INDEX 305 effect_slow_attacks_self_begin_spectator_player_m [&SYS&$p$ slows down his own attacks.] // HASH_VALUE 4A5E81878277C366 // INDEX 306 effect_slow_attacks_self_begin_spectator_player_f [&SYS&$p$ slows down her own attacks.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SPLM&You have slowed $e.da$ $e$.] */ // HASH_VALUE AA0EAC55192FF5B5 // INDEX 307 effect_slow_move_begin_actor [&SPLM&You have slowed $e.da$ $e$ down.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$actor.da$ $actor$ has slowed $target.da$ $target$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 1AABB8C8AFFB75D4 // INDEX 308 effect_slow_move_begin_spectator [&SYS&$actor.da$ $actor$ has slowed $target.da$ $target$ down.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SPL&$e.da$ $e$ has slowed you.] */ // HASH_VALUE 0C66C5C68990AB2C // INDEX 309 effect_slow_move_begin_target [&SPL&$e.da$ $e$ has slowed you down.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ is no longer slowed.] */ // HASH_VALUE 1B75D106E49B2F3D // INDEX 310 effect_slow_move_end_actor [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ is no longer slowed down.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ is no longer slowed.] */ // HASH_VALUE 1B75D106E49B2F3D // INDEX 311 effect_slow_move_end_spectator [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ is no longer slowed down.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SPL&You are no longer slowed.] */ // HASH_VALUE 9E6B05951C34670F // INDEX 312 effect_slow_move_end_target [&SPL&You are no longer slowed down.] // HASH_VALUE A5DA5F6E5532BE4F // INDEX 313 effect_slow_move_self_begin_creator [&SPLM&You slow yourself down.] // HASH_VALUE D40509E1C8441D23 // INDEX 314 effect_slow_move_self_begin_spectators_creature [&SYS&$c.da$ $c$ slows himself down.] // HASH_VALUE D40509E1C8341923 // INDEX 315 effect_slow_move_self_begin_spectators_npc_m [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ slows himself down.] // HASH_VALUE D40509E6C7341923 // INDEX 316 effect_slow_move_self_begin_spectators_npc_f [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ slows herself down.] // HASH_VALUE 9378AC1E10A0432F // INDEX 317 effect_slow_move_self_begin_spectator_player_m [&SYS&$p$ slows himself down.] // HASH_VALUE 9378C01A10A0432F // INDEX 318 effect_slow_move_self_begin_spectator_player_f [&SYS&$p$ slows herself down.] // HASH_VALUE 4632033CA4B15BB3 // INDEX 319 effect_stench_begin_creator_m [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ stinks so much that it makes most living beings sick.] // HASH_VALUE 4632033CA4B15BB3 // INDEX 320 effect_stench_begin_creator_f [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ stinks so much that it makes most living beings sick.] // HASH_VALUE E791BCA77E1BDF87 // INDEX 321 effect_stench_begin_spectators_m [&SYS&$actor.da$ $actor$ makes $target.da$ $target$ stink horribly, any living beings nearby will suffer from the stench.] // HASH_VALUE E791BCA77E1BDF87 // INDEX 322 effect_stench_begin_spectators_f [&SYS&$actor.da$ $actor$ makes $target.da$ $target$ stink horribly, any living beings nearby will suffer from the stench.] // HASH_VALUE C2229E9ECDDD413B // INDEX 323 effect_stench_begin_target [&SPL&$e.da$ $e$ makes you stink horribly, any living beings nearby will suffer from the stench.] // HASH_VALUE 14100F98C8C49722 // INDEX 324 effect_stench_end_creator [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ no longer stinks.] // HASH_VALUE 14100F98C8C49722 // INDEX 325 effect_stench_end_spectators [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ no longer stinks.] // HASH_VALUE 0B3267D9EB575F52 // INDEX 326 effect_stench_end_target [&SPL&You no longer stink.] // HASH_VALUE F66ADBF47E37D2ED // INDEX 327 effect_stench_lose_hp [&SPL&$e.da$ $e$ stinks so much that you feel sick and lose $i$ hit points.] // HASH_VALUE 62A7CB9D5E128798 // INDEX 328 effect_stench_lose_hp_actor [&SPL&You stink so much that $e.da$ $e$ feels sick and loses $i$ hit points.] // HASH_VALUE 775F7D7FD545B834 // INDEX 329 effect_stench_self_begin_actor [&SPLM&You make yourself stink and any living beings nearby will suffer from the stench.] // HASH_VALUE 2E6283E5185D8171 // INDEX 330 effect_stench_self_begin_spectators_creature [&SYS&$c.da$ $c$ has made itself stink, any living beings nearby will suffer from the stench.] // HASH_VALUE 7DD34ACC733E8CE9 // INDEX 331 effect_stench_self_begin_spectators_npc_m [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ has made himself stink, any living beings nearby will suffer from the stench.] // HASH_VALUE BE934ACC733E8CE9 // INDEX 332 effect_stench_self_begin_spectators_npc_f [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ has made herself stink, any living beings nearby will suffer from the stench.] // HASH_VALUE D08B5CD26CE614B1 // INDEX 333 effect_stench_self_begin_spectator_player_m [&SYS&$p$ has made himself stink, any living beings nearby will suffer from the stench.] // HASH_VALUE BB2F70CF415B25CD // INDEX 334 effect_stench_self_begin_spectator_player_f [&SYS&$p$ has made herself stink, >any living beings nearby will suffer from the stench.] // HASH_VALUE 5CE43D24C6AD0236 // INDEX 335 effect_stun_begin_actor [&SPLM&You stun $e.da$ $e$.] // HASH_VALUE B3CC0F4D30909A5B // INDEX 336 effect_stun_begin_spectator [&SYS&$actor.da$ $actor$ has stunned $target.da$ $target$.] // HASH_VALUE 2BC4EC60B946B336 // INDEX 337 effect_stun_begin_target [&SPL&$e.da$ $e$ has stunned you.] // HASH_VALUE 2C85F5CFCBA57207 // INDEX 338 effect_stun_end_actor [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ is no longer stunned.] // HASH_VALUE 2C85F5CFCBA57207 // INDEX 339 effect_stun_end_spectator [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ is no longer stunned.] // HASH_VALUE E0F86426CAD07810 // INDEX 340 effect_stun_end_target [&SPL&You are no longer stunned.] // HASH_VALUE E298777EA0FF6F8D // INDEX 341 effect_stun_self_begin_actor [&SPLM&You have stunned yourself.] // HASH_VALUE EC3685CC8706BF26 // INDEX 342 effect_stun_self_begin_spectator_creature [&SYS&$c.da$ $c$ has stunned itself.] // HASH_VALUE 77BA9DC50A958F25 // INDEX 343 effect_stun_self_begin_spectator_npc_m [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ has stunned himself.] // HASH_VALUE 77BA9DC50AE67F25 // INDEX 344 effect_stun_self_begin_spectator_npc_f [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ has stunned herself.] // HASH_VALUE 62C73C2717199694 // INDEX 345 effect_stun_self_begin_spectator_player_m [&SYS&$p$ has stunned himself.] // HASH_VALUE 62C73C2758D99694 // INDEX 346 effect_stun_self_begin_spectator_player_f [&SYS&$p$ has stunned herself.] // HASH_VALUE 642BDF25E0791E2F // INDEX 347 egs_answer_where [&ZON&You are in the continent $c$ in the region $r$ in place $p$.] // HASH_VALUE 8EF55A8BBB70D5A6 // INDEX 348 egs_answer_where_no_place [&ZON&You are in the continent $c$ in the region $r$.] // HASH_VALUE 1F9357DE6AF09E3E // INDEX 349 egs_enter_continent [&ZON&You have entered $p$.] // HASH_VALUE 1F9357DE6AF09E3E // INDEX 350 egs_enter_place [&ZON&You have entered $p$.] // HASH_VALUE C2F0180647F53254 // INDEX 351 egs_leave_continent [&ZON&You have left $p$.] // HASH_VALUE C2F0180647F53254 // INDEX 352 egs_leave_place [&ZON&You have left $p$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&You do not have enough hit points to cast this spell.] */ // HASH_VALUE E4ACF290F9855CCF // INDEX 353 egs_magic_lack_hp [&CHKCB&You do not have enough hit points to cast this spell.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&You do not have enough sap load/money/dappers to cast this spell.] */ // HASH_VALUE 6A14F29C46CB13C5 // INDEX 354 egs_magic_lack_money [&CHKCB&You do not have enough sap load/money/dappers to cast this spell.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&You do not have enough sap points to cast this spell.] */ // HASH_VALUE E4ACF28CF7365CCF // INDEX 355 egs_magic_lack_sap [&CHKCB&You do not have enough sap points to cast this spell.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ seems like he is about to do something, but isn't sure what.] */ // HASH_VALUE 17BF070DA0CC0FE1 // INDEX 356 emote_absentminded_nobody_m [&EMT&$a$ looks like he is about to do something, but doesn't know what.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ seems like she is about to do something, but isn't sure what.] */ // HASH_VALUE 787CF0A7FFF0A282 // INDEX 357 emote_absentminded_nobody_f [&EMT&$a$ looks like she is about to do something, but doesn't know what.] // HASH_VALUE 55EE516314073404 // INDEX 358 emote_absentminded_self [&EMT&$a$ forgot something. Just doesn't know what.] // HASH_VALUE 1253D6BA421765DF // INDEX 359 emote_absentminded_target [&EMT&$a$ forgot, $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ needs someone to adventure with!] */ // HASH_VALUE DCBA90FD5A892B16 // INDEX 360 emote_adventurous_nobody [&EMT&$a$ looks for someone with whom to go off in search of adventure!] // HASH_VALUE 2636118EC619BF88 // INDEX 361 emote_adventurous_self [&EMT&$a$ is off on another adventure!] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ wants to go adventuring with $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE A575F25385478828 // INDEX 362 emote_adventurous_target [&EMT&$a$ wants to go off in search of adventure with $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 046DB18B13BB678E // INDEX 363 emote_aggressive_nobody [&EMT&$a$ looks ready to start something.] // HASH_VALUE 0056788621FA3E90 // INDEX 364 emote_aggressive_self [&EMT&$a$ isn't in the mood to back down.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ gets in $t$'s face.] */ // HASH_VALUE B290A1DCE3C9E84F // INDEX 365 emote_aggressive_target [&EMT&$a$ stares at $t$ with an aggressive look.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ appears to be agreeable.] */ // HASH_VALUE 5C1477DBBA84822B // INDEX 366 emote_agree_nobody [&EMT&$a$ seems to agree.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ agrees with himself, so there's no argument.] */ // HASH_VALUE 2C14F8A9320780A2 // INDEX 367 emote_agree_self_m [&EMT&$a$ knows he is right, so why argue.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ agrees with herself, so there's no argument.] */ // HASH_VALUE 5D9A51F1A4AB7391 // INDEX 368 emote_agree_self_f [&EMT&$a$ knows she is right, so why argue.] // HASH_VALUE 1EE5D7EB72D64DFF // INDEX 369 emote_agree_target [&EMT&$a$ agrees with $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ puts everyone on alert.] */ // HASH_VALUE 62651FEA18A0B24A // INDEX 370 emote_alert_nobody [&EMT&$a$ warns everybody.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ notifies himself of something important.] */ // HASH_VALUE 7D59198F9B4A7088 // INDEX 371 emote_alert_self_m [&EMT&$a$ remembers something important.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ notifies herself of something important.] */ // HASH_VALUE 7D59198F9B4A7088 // INDEX 372 emote_alert_self_f [&EMT&$a$ remembers something important.] // HASH_VALUE 02F2FB907FE7FBDE // INDEX 373 emote_alert_target [&EMT&$a$ alerts $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ provides for everyone.] */ // HASH_VALUE 95D76047C3E9CB25 // INDEX 374 emote_altruist_nobody [&EMT&$a$ has plenty for everyone.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ shares liberally without taking any for himself.] */ // HASH_VALUE A81164B3049FD6B8 // INDEX 375 emote_altruist_self_m [&EMT&$a$ shares freely without keeping anything for himself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ shares liberally without taking any for herself.] */ // HASH_VALUE A81164B304F0C6B8 // INDEX 376 emote_altruist_self_f [&EMT&$a$ shares freely without keeping anything for herself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is impressed at $t$'s generous nature.] */ // HASH_VALUE 7826559EE45EFCFB // INDEX 377 emote_altruist_target [&EMT&$a$ is impressed by $t$'s generous nature.] // HASH_VALUE E4C808250A7CC559 // INDEX 378 emote_amazed_nobody [&EMT&$a$ looks around, amazed.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ ends up amazing himself.] */ // HASH_VALUE 5E5454D4A5C9662B // INDEX 379 emote_amazed_self_m [&EMT&$a$ amazes himself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ ends up amazing herself.] */ // HASH_VALUE 5EA544D4A5C9662B // INDEX 380 emote_amazed_self_f [&EMT&$a$ amazes herself.] // HASH_VALUE 0098574956C6ECBC // INDEX 381 emote_amazed_target [&EMT&$a$ finds $t$ never fails to amaze.] // HASH_VALUE A418A539C9F49263 // INDEX 382 emote_ambivalent_nobody [&EMT&$a$ doesn't have a preference.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ could go either way.] */ // HASH_VALUE 53132C0C77532BF0 // INDEX 383 emote_ambivalent_self [&EMT&$a$ can go either way.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ indicates to $t$ it doesn't really matter.] */ // HASH_VALUE 5A0698F16CB2CD42 // INDEX 384 emote_ambivalent_target [&EMT&$a$ tells $t$ that it doesn't really matter.] // HASH_VALUE AE2FD0CFC6B44735 // INDEX 385 emote_amused_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is amused.] // HASH_VALUE 635454D4A5C96624 // INDEX 386 emote_amused_self_m [&EMT&$a$ amuses himself.] // HASH_VALUE 63A544D4A5C96624 // INDEX 387 emote_amused_self_f [&EMT&$a$ amuses herself.] // HASH_VALUE 914EDB28F594673C // INDEX 388 emote_amused_target [&EMT&$a$ finds $t$ amusing.] // HASH_VALUE 22A7C086FBF5F770 // INDEX 389 emote_angry_nobody [&EMT&$a$ frowns, clearly angry.] // HASH_VALUE A858EFAA92A119C4 // INDEX 390 emote_angry_self_m [&EMT&$a$ can't believe he did that, and is so angry at himself.] // HASH_VALUE 6F4E44719EB1FF44 // INDEX 391 emote_angry_self_f [&EMT&$a$ can't believe she did that, and is so angry at herself.] // HASH_VALUE C1230B0CB725BE72 // INDEX 392 emote_angry_target [&EMT&$a$ is quite angry at $t$.] // HASH_VALUE B167DFE5010703CD // INDEX 393 emote_annoyed_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is annoyed.] // HASH_VALUE 7A825DA55F6088D9 // INDEX 394 emote_annoyed_self_m [&EMT&$a$ annoys everyone, including himself.] // HASH_VALUE 7A825DA55FB178D9 // INDEX 395 emote_annoyed_self_f [&EMT&$a$ annoys everyone, including herself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is annoyed at $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE AE33DF337643632E // INDEX 396 emote_annoyed_target [&EMT&$a$ is annoyed by $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 134284B390EC915F // INDEX 397 emote_apathetic_nobody [&EMT&$a$ doesn't care.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ attempts to muster up some caring feelings, and fails.] */ // HASH_VALUE CA1B16F55D1ACE47 // INDEX 398 emote_apathetic_self [&EMT&$a$ tries really hard to care, and fails.] // HASH_VALUE BCBE6895C42360A0 // INDEX 399 emote_apathetic_target [&EMT&$a$ knows how $t$ feels, just doesn't seem to care much.] // HASH_VALUE 6234D22C4DA7BA21 // INDEX 400 emote_approve_nobody [&EMT&$a$ approves. Thumbs up!] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ gives himself a seal of approval.] */ // HASH_VALUE 1BC72C84CB70381D // INDEX 401 emote_approve_self_m [&EMT&$a$ looks around for something to approve of but there is only himself, that will do!.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ gives herself a seal of approval.] */ // HASH_VALUE 1BC72C84CBC1281D // INDEX 402 emote_approve_self_f [&EMT&$a$ looks around for something to approve of but there is only herself, that will do!.] // HASH_VALUE A793032AF5E0AF6A // INDEX 403 emote_approve_target_m [&EMT&$a$ gives $t$ his approval.] // HASH_VALUE A793032AF5E0AB66 // INDEX 404 emote_approve_target_f [&EMT&$a$ gives $t$ her approval.] // HASH_VALUE 58D4590D3A2CC8AF // INDEX 405 emote_arrogant_nobody [&EMT&$a$ can't believe people can be so arrogant.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is unstoppable.] */ // HASH_VALUE BDB4B534476A47C3 // INDEX 406 emote_arrogant_self [&EMT&$a$'s scorn cannot be channelled.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ detects a bit of arrogance in $t$, perhaps?] */ // HASH_VALUE 66FF45921573EE5A // INDEX 407 emote_arrogant_target [&EMT&$a$ detects a bit of arrogance on $t$'s part, perhaps?] // HASH_VALUE 005384949435765C // INDEX 408 emote_ashamed_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is ashamed of all of you!] // HASH_VALUE 7E88041C04808F62 // INDEX 409 emote_ashamed_self_m [&EMT&$a$ is ashamed of himself.] // HASH_VALUE 7E88181804808F62 // INDEX 410 emote_ashamed_self_f [&EMT&$a$ is ashamed of herself.] // HASH_VALUE AE33DF27F3E32B3B // INDEX 411 emote_ashamed_target [&EMT&$a$ is ashamed of $t$.] // HASH_VALUE E712D0F95E94931A // INDEX 412 emote_belligerent_nobody [&EMT&$a$ looks ready for a fight.] // HASH_VALUE 3494BAC40B7DE560 // INDEX 413 emote_belligerent_self_m [&EMT&$a$ is in obvious disagreement with himself.] // HASH_VALUE 7554BAC40B7DE560 // INDEX 414 emote_belligerent_self_f [&EMT&$a$ is in obvious disagreement with herself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ finds $t$ has a belligerent temperament.] */ // HASH_VALUE 076E7911E6B7A83D // INDEX 415 emote_belligerent_target [&EMT&$a$ thinks $t$ has a belligerent temperament.] // HASH_VALUE AE2F08CF47A43736 // INDEX 416 emote_bitter_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is bitter.] // HASH_VALUE DF451FD6C755864B // INDEX 417 emote_bitter_self [&EMT&$a$ smiles bitterly.] // HASH_VALUE 6F0985FA0AB387A5 // INDEX 418 emote_bitter_target [&EMT&$a$ isn't bitter, $t$, why do you ask?] // HASH_VALUE DAE4BA9896248E4D // INDEX 419 emote_bloodthirsty_nobody [&EMT&$a$ charges.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ isn't afraid of a little blood, in fact, prefers it.] */ // HASH_VALUE 7EF122575F396F89 // INDEX 420 emote_bloodthirsty_self [&EMT&$a$ isn't frightened by the sight of blood, in fact, likes it.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ wonders when $t$ got bloodthirsty.] */ // HASH_VALUE 4C70C31AC1CEB0E8 // INDEX 421 emote_bloodthirsty_target [&EMT&$a$ wonders since when $t$ is so bloodthirsty.] // HASH_VALUE 4CF5D2CE56756EFC // INDEX 422 emote_bored_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is bored] // HASH_VALUE 5A0F3F8524B73CCD // INDEX 423 emote_bored_self_m [&EMT&$a$ is bored with what he is doing.] // HASH_VALUE 98CB8CA9207B34DE // INDEX 424 emote_bored_self_f [&EMT&$a$ is bored with what she is doing.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ considers $t$ boring.] */ // HASH_VALUE 123280D9FAB1C264 // INDEX 425 emote_bored_target [&EMT&$a$ thinks $t$ is boring.] // HASH_VALUE 5302442506D9DE52 // INDEX 426 emote_bow_nobody [&EMT&$a$ bows respectfully.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ bows at no one in particular, but ends up touching his toes.] */ // HASH_VALUE C858EDF908A04D4E // INDEX 427 emote_bow_self_m [&EMT&$a$ bows to no one in particular, but ends up touching his toes.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ bows at no one in particular, but ends up touching her toes.] */ // HASH_VALUE C858EDF908903D4E // INDEX 428 emote_bow_self_f [&EMT&$a$ bows to no one in particular, but ends up touching her toes.] // HASH_VALUE 5353C6BA12D728EB // INDEX 429 emote_bow_target [&EMT&$a$ bows to $t$.] // HASH_VALUE D7DD222F934AFD0E // INDEX 430 emote_brave_nobody [&EMT&$a$ gives everyone a speech, encouraging them to be brave.] // HASH_VALUE CD7EC92F895A9352 // INDEX 431 emote_brave_self_m [&EMT&$a$ gathers up all his courage.] // HASH_VALUE CD6EB92F895A9352 // INDEX 432 emote_brave_self_f [&EMT&$a$ gathers up all her courage.] // HASH_VALUE 7F3338344B65D35F // INDEX 433 emote_brave_target [&EMT&$a$ thinks $t$ is very brave.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ bubbles over with enthusiasm, which seems catching.] */ // HASH_VALUE 0CD8B896AA1760D6 // INDEX 434 emote_bubbly_nobody [&EMT&$a$ bubbles over with enthusiasm, which seems infectious.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ pours bubbly on himself. Oops.] */ // HASH_VALUE AE2F24D6C2836736 // INDEX 435 emote_bubbly_self_m [&EMT&$a$ is bubbly.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ pours bubbly on herself. Oops.] */ // HASH_VALUE AE2F24D6C2836736 // INDEX 436 emote_bubbly_self_f [&EMT&$a$ is bubbly.] // HASH_VALUE DB7A5B42A9F0F37D // INDEX 437 emote_bubbly_target [&EMT&$a$ is amused at how bubbly $t$ is.] // HASH_VALUE D5D3C4020D7CA570 // INDEX 438 emote_burp_nobody [&EMT&$a$ burps loudly.] // HASH_VALUE 5697A8EDEB9C9A2D // INDEX 439 emote_burp_self [&EMT&$a$ burps.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ excuses $t$. That was a loud one!] */ // HASH_VALUE 6B89678CF0CE2272 // INDEX 440 emote_burp_target [&EMT&$a$ apologizes to $t$ for burping. That was a loud one!] // HASH_VALUE C3BA2F94A7B0787F // INDEX 441 emote_calmdown_nobody [&EMT&$a$ attempts to calm everyone down.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ calms down. No sense getting worked up.] */ // HASH_VALUE 602CDF56FE80A9DA // INDEX 442 emote_calmdown_self [&EMT&$a$ calms down. There's nothing to be annoyed by.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ looks concerned at $t$ and tells them to calm down.] */ // HASH_VALUE 7645B8197FEEAE32 // INDEX 443 emote_calmdown_target [&EMT&$a$ worries about $t$ and tells them to calm down.] // HASH_VALUE 1003432D4588DF46 // INDEX 444 emote_calm_nobody [&EMT&$a$ radiates serenity.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is perfectly tranquil and calm.] */ // HASH_VALUE E98A817CA13B0BE3 // INDEX 445 emote_calm_self [&EMT&$a$ is perfectly calm and peaceful.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ tries to calm $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE E033F629BA00EF66 // INDEX 446 emote_calm_target [&EMT&$a$ tries to calm $t$ down.] // HASH_VALUE 8039B876725B24D4 // INDEX 447 emote_careful_nobody [&EMT&$a$ thinks caution is needed here.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ proceeds, carefully.] */ // HASH_VALUE BA85F733D08894FD // INDEX 448 emote_careful_self [&EMT&$a$ carries on, but is more careful this time.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ warns $t$ to be careful.] */ // HASH_VALUE 23799FCDB9746E1F // INDEX 449 emote_careful_target [&EMT&$a$ asks $t$ to be careful.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ thinks someone was careless, but isn't naming names.] */ // HASH_VALUE 786B104009D839D5 // INDEX 450 emote_careless_nobody [&EMT&$a$ thinks someone is careless, but doesn't name anybody.] // HASH_VALUE 93634C1576C9F74C // INDEX 451 emote_careless_self [&EMT&$a$ shrugs carelessly.] // HASH_VALUE D0A1AE6B3BC81CFE // INDEX 452 emote_careless_target [&EMT&$a$ wants to know how $t$ could be so careless.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ looks around casually.] */ // HASH_VALUE E389F59259E46261 // INDEX 453 emote_casual_nobody [&EMT&$a$ looks around nonchalantly.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ hangs out.] */ // HASH_VALUE 9347E0868815DB6C // INDEX 454 emote_casual_self [&EMT&$a$ is just hanging about.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ asks $t$ what's up.] */ // HASH_VALUE FFA908C736AAE640 // INDEX 455 emote_casual_target [&EMT&$a$ asks $t$ if there's anything new.] // HASH_VALUE 41A464F02E2C6BB2 // INDEX 456 emote_chaotic_nobody [&EMT&$a$ finds all of this rather chaotic.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ revels in the chaos he has made.] */ // HASH_VALUE 3E9F36F349FB4076 // INDEX 457 emote_chaotic_self_m [&EMT&$a$ revels in the chaos he has created.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ revels in the chaos she has made.] */ // HASH_VALUE A08E8E989BFC3061 // INDEX 458 emote_chaotic_self_f [&EMT&$a$ revels in the chaos she has created.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ wonders if $t$ finds things just as chaotic as he does.] */ // HASH_VALUE A286305EF279201A // INDEX 459 emote_chaotic_target_m [&EMT&$a$ wonders if $t$ finds things as chaotic as he does.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ wonders if $t$ finds things just as chaotic as she does.] */ // HASH_VALUE EFDBF8683035351D // INDEX 460 emote_chaotic_target_f [&EMT&$a$ wonders if $t$ finds things as chaotic as she does.] // HASH_VALUE 959638CB7F072B2A // INDEX 461 emote_cheer_nobody [&EMT&$a$ cheers everyone on.] // HASH_VALUE 24B29FBA01D771D0 // INDEX 462 emote_cheer_self [&EMT&$a$ cheers. Yay!] // HASH_VALUE 7F9E30B1A241A26E // INDEX 463 emote_cheer_target [&EMT&$a$ cheers $t$ on. Go $t$!] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ surveys the scene with a clinical air.] */ // HASH_VALUE 49DEC957D18009A4 // INDEX 464 emote_clinical_nobody [&EMT&$a$ considers the scene with a clinical look.] // HASH_VALUE 1843E21F86B4534D // INDEX 465 emote_clinical_self_m [&EMT&$a$ examines himself.] // HASH_VALUE 1743E21F86B45352 // INDEX 466 emote_clinical_self_f [&EMT&$a$ examines herself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ observes $t$ taking notes.] */ // HASH_VALUE B194A0BEB2002F92 // INDEX 467 emote_clinical_target [&EMT&$a$ observes $t$ while taking notes.] // HASH_VALUE 0F26D4EEA2718F28 // INDEX 468 emote_cold_nobody [&EMT&$a$ stares coldly.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is cold as ice.] */ // HASH_VALUE AE330018C45F5F2D // INDEX 469 emote_cold_self [&EMT&$a$ is as cold as ice.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ eyes $t$ coldly.] */ // HASH_VALUE 6BD2D7268FA275E3 // INDEX 470 emote_cold_target [&EMT&$a$ looks at $t$ coldly.] // HASH_VALUE E3B66C2DF56AA75F // INDEX 471 emote_compassionate_nobody [&EMT&$a$ smiles sympathetically.] // HASH_VALUE 5077641084FC8F66 // INDEX 472 emote_compassionate_self_m [&EMT&$a$ takes care of himself.] // HASH_VALUE 5077780C84FC8F66 // INDEX 473 emote_compassionate_self_f [&EMT&$a$ takes care of herself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ shows great compassion to $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE CC608AC04D2B3898 // INDEX 474 emote_compassionate_target [&EMT&$a$ shows great compassion towards $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ glances around, feeling superior.] */ // HASH_VALUE 03DE74F8202A98D5 // INDEX 475 emote_condescending_nobody [&EMT&$a$ casts a superior glance around.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ doesn't like condescending people.] */ // HASH_VALUE 3C5DA06F72EB73D6 // INDEX 476 emote_condescending_self [&EMT&$a$ doesn't like patronizing people.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ speaks very slowly at $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 701A0943B229B308 // INDEX 477 emote_condescending_target [&EMT&$a$ speaks disdainfully to $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 27A7BC8E07CA9A74 // INDEX 478 emote_confident_nobody [&EMT&$a$ struts about confidently.] // HASH_VALUE 3EB8C162A36EC439 // INDEX 479 emote_confident_self_m [&EMT&$a$ has all the confidence he needs.] // HASH_VALUE AB0C85B2E07EC442 // INDEX 480 emote_confident_self_f [&EMT&$a$ has all the confidence she needs.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ has full confidence in $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 9EC43BDC4CBC4652 // INDEX 481 emote_confident_target [&EMT&$a$ fully trusts $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ ponders for a while, but ends up confused anyway.] */ // HASH_VALUE 62F581DBDA198861 // INDEX 482 emote_confused_nobody [&EMT&$a$ thinks for a moment, but ends up confused anyway.] // HASH_VALUE 7FFCB5723FDE9440 // INDEX 483 emote_confused_self_m [&EMT&$a$ has managed to confuse himself.] // HASH_VALUE 7F4DA5723FDE9440 // INDEX 484 emote_confused_self_f [&EMT&$a$ has managed to confuse herself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ admits $t$ has him confused.] */ // HASH_VALUE 82AC483E73CB7E82 // INDEX 485 emote_confused_target_m [&EMT&$a$ admits that $t$ confused him.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ admits $t$ has her confused.] */ // HASH_VALUE 81AC483E73CB7E87 // INDEX 486 emote_confused_target_f [&EMT&$a$ admits that $t$ confused her.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ scowls contemptuously.] */ // HASH_VALUE 15E25425B5E90F50 // INDEX 487 emote_contemptuous_nobody [&EMT&$a$ scowls scornfully.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ holds everything in contempt.] */ // HASH_VALUE 6766CB21D2389629 // INDEX 488 emote_contemptuous_self [&EMT&$a$ despises everything.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ holds $t$ in bitter contempt.] */ // HASH_VALUE 6B62BF565C1A4628 // INDEX 489 emote_contemptuous_target [&EMT&$a$ despises $t$ profoundly.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is content.] */ // HASH_VALUE C86F02208605E64E // INDEX 490 emote_content_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is happy.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ relaxes, and wouldn't change a thing.] */ // HASH_VALUE 6291A675F685BC30 // INDEX 491 emote_content_self [&EMT&$a$ relaxes, and wouldn't change a thing for all the water in Tryker.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ sighs contentedly at $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 9409E0817396AF58 // INDEX 492 emote_content_target [&EMT&$a$ smiles contentedly at $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ goes first, as an example of courage.] */ // HASH_VALUE 319FE17FFE5F0386 // INDEX 493 emote_courageous_nobody [&EMT&$a$ goes first, to display courage.] // HASH_VALUE 0BBFF92F8919BB57 // INDEX 494 emote_courageous_self_m [&EMT&$a$ summons up all his courage.] // HASH_VALUE 0BAFE92F8919BB57 // INDEX 495 emote_courageous_self_f [&EMT&$a$ summons up all her courage.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is inspired by the courageousness of $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE D8B91D48081A0A87 // INDEX 496 emote_courageous_target [&EMT&$a$ is inspired by $t$'s courage.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ bows deeply.] */ // HASH_VALUE 25CEC0441AB99E69 // INDEX 497 emote_courtly_nobody [&EMT&$a$ bows in a courtly manner.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ proceeds in a regal fashion.] */ // HASH_VALUE 019EE48955704787 // INDEX 498 emote_courtly_self [&EMT&$a$ proceeds in a courtly manner.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ flourishes at $t$ in a most courtly bow.] */ // HASH_VALUE 4CF43C971F47230A // INDEX 499 emote_courtly_target [&EMT&$a$ bows to $t$ in a most courtly manner.] // HASH_VALUE A2D55C8CF574BAD4 // INDEX 500 emote_coward_nobody [&EMT&$a$ isn't a coward.] // HASH_VALUE B2AD0A7E6876355A // INDEX 501 emote_coward_self [&EMT&$a$ trembles, and looks for something to hide behind.] // HASH_VALUE 1332FB1B04E2FFD8 // INDEX 502 emote_coward_target [&EMT&$a$ calls $t$ a coward.] // HASH_VALUE 02772BCD1316C2DF // INDEX 503 emote_crazy_nobody [&EMT&$a$ goes crazy.] // HASH_VALUE F02AB8CE251A63E0 // INDEX 504 emote_crazy_self [&EMT&$a$ is crazy, but everyone knows it.] // HASH_VALUE A593ABD9C7F58A2D // INDEX 505 emote_crazy_target [&EMT&$a$ believes $t$ is crazy.] // HASH_VALUE 469039A832B350C6 // INDEX 506 emote_crude_nobody [&EMT&$a$ makes a crude gesture to everyone.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ makes a few crude comments to himself.] */ // HASH_VALUE 06FF01128F61F5E8 // INDEX 507 emote_crude_self_m [&EMT&$a$ makes a few crude comments about himself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ makes a few crude comments to herself.] */ // HASH_VALUE 05FF01128F61F5ED // INDEX 508 emote_crude_self_f [&EMT&$a$ makes a few crude comments about herself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ makes a crude gesture at $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE C69AA43A571C3F85 // INDEX 509 emote_crude_target [&EMT&$a$ makes a crude gesture to $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ narrows his eyes, unleashing an unusual amount of cruelty.] */ // HASH_VALUE DD032B492651C4F3 // INDEX 510 emote_cruel_nobody_m [&EMT&$a$ screws up his eyes, revealing an unusual expression of cruelty.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ narrows her eyes, unleashing an unusual amount of cruelty.] */ // HASH_VALUE DD032B492651C0EF // INDEX 511 emote_cruel_nobody_f [&EMT&$a$ screws up her eyes, revealing an unusual expression of cruelty.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ teases, torments, and taunts. How cruel!] */ // HASH_VALUE 1991F6D035936DFF // INDEX 512 emote_cruel_self [&EMT&$a$ teases, torments, and provokes. How cruel!] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ taunts $t$ cruelly.] */ // HASH_VALUE E521DCA1D799A232 // INDEX 513 emote_cruel_target [&EMT&$a$ provokes $t$ with cruelty.] // HASH_VALUE B1581FDB80481FCF // INDEX 514 emote_curious_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is curious.] // HASH_VALUE 017DE16CB79744D4 // INDEX 515 emote_curious_self_m [&EMT&$a$ wonders about himself sometimes.] // HASH_VALUE 017DF568B79744D4 // INDEX 516 emote_curious_self_f [&EMT&$a$ wonders about herself sometimes.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is curious of $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 7FA9E7CF56D76121 // INDEX 517 emote_curious_target [&EMT&$a$ is intrigued by $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ generally has a low opinion of the nature of homins.] */ // HASH_VALUE B1E7CFCF80072FCF // INDEX 518 emote_cynical_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is cynical.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ reaches new levels of cynicism.] */ // HASH_VALUE 494141C0CD910CF7 // INDEX 519 emote_cynical_self [&EMT&$a$ is proud to reach new levels of cynicsm.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ doesn't quite trust $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE A277F0FE4B617A79 // INDEX 520 emote_cynical_target [&EMT&$a$ doesn't really trust $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ only looks dainty, trust him.] */ // HASH_VALUE C33EB47A9A7562F8 // INDEX 521 emote_dainty_nobody_m [&EMT&$a$ looks dainty and trustworthy.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ only looks dainty, trust her.] */ // HASH_VALUE C33EB47A9A7562F8 // INDEX 522 emote_dainty_nobody_f [&EMT&$a$ looks dainty and trustworthy.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ fusses about in a dainty fashion.] */ // HASH_VALUE AA2DA13399B40EE1 // INDEX 523 emote_dainty_self [&EMT&$a$ bustles in a delicate manner.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ wonders how a dainty creature like $t$ can kill something so big.] */ // HASH_VALUE C9222C288C51CF4A // INDEX 524 emote_dainty_target [&EMT&$a$ wonders how such a dainty creature as $t$ can kill something so big.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ gets this party started!] */ // HASH_VALUE 2647031E733A767F // INDEX 525 emote_dance_nobody [&EMT&$a$ gets the party started!] // HASH_VALUE 1203442C54966532 // INDEX 526 emote_dance_self [&EMT&$a$ is poetry in motion.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ extends a hand. Would $t$ like to dance?] */ // HASH_VALUE 512E503B048A5B65 // INDEX 527 emote_dance_target [&EMT&$a$ bashfully asks $t$ dance?] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is put on the defensive.] */ // HASH_VALUE 8F74F42114C27A28 // INDEX 528 emote_defensive_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is on the defensive.] // HASH_VALUE 5C14DF94D6647652 // INDEX 529 emote_defensive_self_m [&EMT&$a$ defends himself.] // HASH_VALUE 9DD4DF94D6647652 // INDEX 530 emote_defensive_self_f [&EMT&$a$ defends herself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ gets defensive at $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE F1C9D54472E97A74 // INDEX 531 emote_defensive_target [&EMT&$a$ gets defensive towards $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 7FA4D8F850816D4F // INDEX 532 emote_depressed_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is depressed.] // HASH_VALUE 24748082DC648F25 // INDEX 533 emote_depressed_self [&EMT&$a$ could use a good listener.] // HASH_VALUE BAF9B44687D5724C // INDEX 534 emote_depressed_target_m [&EMT&$a$ asks $t$ if he is depressed.] // HASH_VALUE E90F8CEF1BE52A81 // INDEX 535 emote_depressed_target_f [&EMT&$a$ asks $t$ if she is depressed.] // HASH_VALUE 6429B84ED80813DB // INDEX 536 emote_desire_nobody_m [&EMT&$a$ figures out what he wants.] // HASH_VALUE B02FBC489569B620 // INDEX 537 emote_desire_nobody_f [&EMT&$a$ figures out what she wants.] // HASH_VALUE 6EC23E63A0CF3C28 // INDEX 538 emote_desire_self_m [&EMT&$a$ knows what he wants, and isn't afraid to go get it.] // HASH_VALUE 01E71F9BC49E8CF4 // INDEX 539 emote_desire_self_f [&EMT&$a$ knows what she wants, and isn't afraid to go get it.] // HASH_VALUE D6C6AA45821E74E5 // INDEX 540 emote_desire_target_m [&EMT&$a$ knows what he wants, and it happens to be $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 1295A723047F7F8E // INDEX 541 emote_desire_target_f [&EMT&$a$ knows what she wants, and it happens to be $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 1644E00FB789AB56 // INDEX 542 emote_despaired_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is filled with despair.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ despairs; things couldn't get worse.] */ // HASH_VALUE E285C215416DEC9F // INDEX 543 emote_despaired_self [&EMT&$a$ gives up hope, could things get any worse.] // HASH_VALUE 812E38AA383602EB // INDEX 544 emote_despaired_target [&EMT&$a$ lets $t$ know things are hopeless.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ looks ready to destroy something.] */ // HASH_VALUE 077F56E20F2BBC9C // INDEX 545 emote_destructive_nobody [&EMT&$a$ looks ready to destroy everything.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ throws things around, raises a fuss, and is in a destructive mood.] */ // HASH_VALUE BEB93215A18DDF51 // INDEX 546 emote_destructive_self [&EMT&$a$ throws things around, becomes agitated, and is in a destructive mood.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ warns $t$ to stay back.] */ // HASH_VALUE E10F78F294BD1439 // INDEX 547 emote_destructive_target [&EMT&$a$ warns $t$ with a destructive attitude.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ faces certain death. Onward!] */ // HASH_VALUE FB8ED982D57E1A86 // INDEX 548 emote_die_nobody [&EMT&$a$ faces certain death. Forward!] // HASH_VALUE 47D05A12BB1CB84B // INDEX 549 emote_die_self_m [&EMT&$a$ wants to have a little fun before he dies.] // HASH_VALUE 942522167AD8CD4E // INDEX 550 emote_die_self_f [&EMT&$a$ wants to have a little fun before she dies.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ checks $t$'s expiration date.] */ // HASH_VALUE D83A8C6A616F587D // INDEX 551 emote_die_target [&EMT&$a$ informs $t$ of his coming death.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ maintains composure.] */ // HASH_VALUE 010723CD4E333FE5 // INDEX 552 emote_dignified_nobody [&EMT&$a$ stays calm.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ acts dignified, regardless of the situation at hand.] */ // HASH_VALUE E3F1067AD5084CB5 // INDEX 553 emote_dignified_self [&EMT&$a$ acts with dignity, regardless of the situation.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ notes the dignified manner $t$ carries himself and acts accordingly.] */ // HASH_VALUE 0B4EAEB71E3C60FD // INDEX 554 emote_dignified_target_m [&EMT&$a$ notices the dignified attitude of $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ notes the dignified manner $t$ carries herself and acts accordingly.] */ // HASH_VALUE 0B4EAEB71E3C60FD // INDEX 555 emote_dignified_target_f [&EMT&$a$ notices the dignified attitude of $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ believes some diplomacy would help here.] */ // HASH_VALUE 8393D1BA232097EF // INDEX 556 emote_diplomatic_nobody [&EMT&$a$ wouldn't say no to a little diplomacy.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ engages in diplomacy with himself. Surprisingly, all parties come to an agreement.] */ // HASH_VALUE F6FC0C9FF3BAEF15 // INDEX 557 emote_diplomatic_self_m [&EMT&$a$ embarks on a diplomatic discussion with himself. Surprisingly, all parties come to an agreement.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ engages in diplomacy with herself. Surprisingly, all parties come to an agreement.] */ // HASH_VALUE 37BC0C9FF3BAEF15 // INDEX 558 emote_diplomatic_self_f [&EMT&$a$ embarks on a diplomatic discussion with herself. Surprisingly, all parties come to an agreement.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ engages in diplomatic relations with $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 1D4C51E4680F5CB0 // INDEX 559 emote_diplomatic_target [&EMT&$a$ starts diplomatic relations with $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is clearly disappointed.] */ // HASH_VALUE D1A35C22CB888775 // INDEX 560 emote_disappointed_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is really disappointed.] // HASH_VALUE 63E39E5B6F41FDE8 // INDEX 561 emote_disappointed_self_m [&EMT&$a$ is disappointed in himself, and sighs.] // HASH_VALUE 63E39E5B6F92EDE8 // INDEX 562 emote_disappointed_self_f [&EMT&$a$ is disappointed in herself, and sighs.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ lowers his head, disappointed at $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 471F65AFCD3A078A // INDEX 563 emote_disappointed_target_m [&EMT&$a$ bows his head, disappointed in $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ lowers her head, disappointed at $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 471F65AECC3A078A // INDEX 564 emote_disappointed_target_f [&EMT&$a$ bows her head, disappointed in $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 66774C0BC8459F25 // INDEX 565 emote_discreet_nobody [&EMT&$a$ looks about discreetly.] // HASH_VALUE 317E988BD5DE4C43 // INDEX 566 emote_discreet_self [&EMT&$a$ is the very soul of discretion.] // HASH_VALUE A289BFFC4B042E2B // INDEX 567 emote_discreet_target [&EMT&$a$ asks $t$ to be discreet.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ rolls his eyes.] */ // HASH_VALUE F18F6D9E2F402BC4 // INDEX 568 emote_disdainful_nobody_m [&EMT&$a$ is disappointed with the audience.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ rolls her eyes.] */ // HASH_VALUE F18F6D9E2F402BC4 // INDEX 569 emote_disdainful_nobody_f [&EMT&$a$ is disappointed with the audience.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ knows you all are beneath him.] */ // HASH_VALUE 9D84DBFB74ECC245 // INDEX 570 emote_disdainful_self_m [&EMT&$a$ believes you are all unworthy of him.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ knows you all are beneath her.] */ // HASH_VALUE 9C84DBFB74ECC24A // INDEX 571 emote_disdainful_self_f [&EMT&$a$ believes you are all unworthy of her.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ glares at $t$ distainfully.] */ // HASH_VALUE 59FA317C87B56E75 // INDEX 572 emote_disdainful_target [&EMT&$a$ stares at $t$ disdainfully.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is just plain disgruntled.] */ // HASH_VALUE 5A8EC4EA557607CD // INDEX 573 emote_disgruntled_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is in a stinker of a bad mood.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ grumbles a lot, but proceeds.] */ // HASH_VALUE BEDF539390FE38D9 // INDEX 574 emote_disgruntled_self [&EMT&$a$ grouches while shuffling along.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is disgruntled at $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE AF52C0ECA2802A2B // INDEX 575 emote_disgruntled_target [&EMT&$a$ is mad at $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 7FB4D8088DB17D4F // INDEX 576 emote_disgusted_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is disgusted.] // HASH_VALUE D1E8280998294A61 // INDEX 577 emote_disgusted_self_m [&EMT&$a$ is disgusted at himself.] // HASH_VALUE 12A8280998294A61 // INDEX 578 emote_disgusted_self_f [&EMT&$a$ is disgusted at herself.] // HASH_VALUE 7F9917DB52B74D1C // INDEX 579 emote_disgusted_target [&EMT&$a$ is disgusted at $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ isn't quite as hopeful as he used to be.] */ // HASH_VALUE A5871B1ECAF9497C // INDEX 580 emote_disillusioned_nobody_m [&EMT&$a$ lost all his illusions.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ isn't quite as hopeful as she used to be.] */ // HASH_VALUE A4871B1ECAF9497B // INDEX 581 emote_disillusioned_nobody_f [&EMT&$a$ lost all her illusions.] // HASH_VALUE AA3ED58A9825078F // INDEX 582 emote_disillusioned_self [&EMT&$a$ is completely disillusioned.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ has his illusions shattered by $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 1542DB2DF8230739 // INDEX 583 emote_disillusioned_target_m [&EMT&$a$ disillusioned $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ has her illusions shattered by $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 1542DB2DF8230739 // INDEX 584 emote_disillusioned_target_f [&EMT&$a$ disillusioned $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is dismayed. This wasn't how things were supposed to go.] */ // HASH_VALUE 6714FB72182B435D // INDEX 585 emote_dismayed_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is dismayed. This wasn't supposed to go like this.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is dismayed at himself. This was not what he was expecting.] */ // HASH_VALUE 733A0DAB429BDC51 // INDEX 586 emote_dismayed_self_m [&EMT&$a$ is dismayed by his own behaviour. This was not what he was expecting.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is dismayed at herself. This was not what she was expecting.] */ // HASH_VALUE 06BA1156562DA113 // INDEX 587 emote_dismayed_self_f [&EMT&$a$ is dismayed by her own behaviour. This was not what she was expecting.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ looks dismayed at $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE E93AE6A6E1665BE1 // INDEX 588 emote_dismayed_target [&EMT&$a$ seems dismayed by $t$'s behaviour.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ turns round and round and..] */ // HASH_VALUE 60E85C1838359720 // INDEX 589 emote_disoriented_nobody [&EMT&$a$ spins round in circles.] // HASH_VALUE 590F1BF9A0299941 // INDEX 590 emote_disoriented_self [&EMT&$a$ looks in every direction, but is lost.] // HASH_VALUE 2066D1792C91F120 // INDEX 591 emote_disoriented_target [&EMT&$a$ finds $t$'s instructions a bit disorienting.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ gazes off into the middle distance.] */ // HASH_VALUE 860D813007359784 // INDEX 592 emote_distracted_nobody [&EMT&$a$ gazes vacantly into the blue.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ isn't paying attention right now, can you come back later?] */ // HASH_VALUE 86EA883094796A8C // INDEX 593 emote_distracted_self [&EMT&$a$ isn't thinking clearly right now, can you come back later?] // HASH_VALUE 5783BF310FB17E13 // INDEX 594 emote_distracted_target [&EMT&$a$ is distracted by $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 03EEFCD332E95331 // INDEX 595 emote_doubtful_nobody [&EMT&$a$ doubts it.] // HASH_VALUE 3CFE80940998D043 // INDEX 596 emote_doubtful_self [&EMT&$a$ isn't quite sure about things.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ doesn't believe $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 132384D44900BE71 // INDEX 597 emote_doubtful_target [&EMT&$a$ questions $t$'s words.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ strikes a pose.] */ // HASH_VALUE 5097D4FBA271832A // INDEX 598 emote_dramatic_nobody [&EMT&$a$ starts posing.] // HASH_VALUE F852660C52CDB8E3 // INDEX 599 emote_dramatic_self_m [&EMT&$a$ would make a great actor, don't you think?] // HASH_VALUE C586670054CD9422 // INDEX 600 emote_dramatic_self_f [&EMT&$a$ would make a great actress, don't you think?] // HASH_VALUE 165418CC37C59E25 // INDEX 601 emote_dramatic_target [&EMT&$a$ puts on a show for $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ stares off into the distance.] */ // HASH_VALUE 860D813007359784 // INDEX 602 emote_dreamy_nobody [&EMT&$a$ gazes vacantly into the blue.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ has a dreamy look about him.] */ // HASH_VALUE A426CB1F8640C26A // INDEX 603 emote_dreamy_self_m [&EMT&$a$ looks at him dreamily.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ has a dreamy look about her.] */ // HASH_VALUE A326CB1F8640C26F // INDEX 604 emote_dreamy_self_f [&EMT&$a$ looks at her dreamily.] // HASH_VALUE 17021819B3919E68 // INDEX 605 emote_dreamy_target [&EMT&$a$ gazes dreamily at $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ hiccups and gets another drink.] */ // HASH_VALUE C755CD4FC56ACCE2 // INDEX 606 emote_drunk_nobody [&EMT&$a$ knows they have reached their limit, so gets another drink.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ staggers around, possibly drunk.] */ // HASH_VALUE 006DA35256BE44E4 // INDEX 607 emote_drunk_self [&EMT&$a$ staggers along, possibly drunk.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ hands $t$ another drink.] */ // HASH_VALUE 6F0DE42BF4BB6E8C // INDEX 608 emote_drunk_target [&EMT&$a$ offers another drink to $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ will do his duty.] */ // HASH_VALUE 7EECB0991878EDDD // INDEX 609 emote_dutiful_nobody_m [&EMT&$a$ will fulfill his obligations.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ will do her duty.] */ // HASH_VALUE 7EECB0981778EDDD // INDEX 610 emote_dutiful_nobody_f [&EMT&$a$ will fulfill her obligations.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is unswavering in dedication to his duty.] */ // HASH_VALUE F8333C73F22CA15A // INDEX 611 emote_dutiful_self_m [&EMT&$a$ will carry out his duty to the best of his ability.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is unswavering in dedication to her duty.] */ // HASH_VALUE F8131C73F22CA15A // INDEX 612 emote_dutiful_self_f [&EMT&$a$ will carry out her duty to the best of her ability.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ follows $t$, as is his duty.] */ // HASH_VALUE A714814FA6DC43BD // INDEX 613 emote_dutiful_target_m [&EMT&$a$ follows $t$, as if it were his duty.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ follows $t$, as is her duty.] */ // HASH_VALUE A714814FA6CC33BD // INDEX 614 emote_dutiful_target_f [&EMT&$a$ follows $t$, as if it were her duty.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is eager and ready!] */ // HASH_VALUE 8E99F13F5349E31E // INDEX 615 emote_eager_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is enthusiastic and ready!] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is self motivated.] */ // HASH_VALUE C3E300CB0D98334A // INDEX 616 emote_eager_self [&EMT&$a$ is very motivated.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ nods eagerly at $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 2827334F47759230 // INDEX 617 emote_eager_target [&EMT&$a$ shows enthusiasm to $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ looks intent.] */ // HASH_VALUE 5CD44BE812C19A5B // INDEX 618 emote_earnest_nobody [&EMT&$a$ seems attentive.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ expresses the importance of being earnest.] */ // HASH_VALUE 985B3519CE95C027 // INDEX 619 emote_earnest_self [&EMT&$a$ stresses the importance of being attentive.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ eyes $t$ seriously.] */ // HASH_VALUE 2558E75235DB821D // INDEX 620 emote_earnest_target [&EMT&$a$ stares earnestly at $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ couldn't be happier.] */ // HASH_VALUE 7D53EC4D94E99722 // INDEX 621 emote_ecstatic_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is having a wicked time.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is so happy with himself!] */ // HASH_VALUE D7E7B0F858FA8766 // INDEX 622 emote_ecstatic_self_m [&EMT&$a$ doubles up with laughter!] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is so happy with herself!] */ // HASH_VALUE D7E7B0F858FA8766 // INDEX 623 emote_ecstatic_self_f [&EMT&$a$ doubles up with laughter!] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is so very happy for $t$!] */ // HASH_VALUE FF9D3152A3901A85 // INDEX 624 emote_ecstatic_target [&EMT&$a$ and $t$ kill themselves laughing!] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ watches his ego soar.] */ // HASH_VALUE 4058ADFD6CDA5E2B // INDEX 625 emote_egoistic_nobody_m [&EMT&$a$ hopes his ego isn't writing cheques his talent can't cash.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ watches her ego soar.] */ // HASH_VALUE 4058ADFD6CDA5E2B // INDEX 626 emote_egoistic_nobody_f [&EMT&$a$ hopes his ego isn't writing cheques his talent can't cash.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ believes in himself, and his ego.] */ // HASH_VALUE DA92C8B034BFE729 // INDEX 627 emote_egoistic_self_m [&EMT&$a$ believes in himself, and in his ego.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ believes in herself, and her ego.] */ // HASH_VALUE DA92C8B0353FE729 // INDEX 628 emote_egoistic_self_f [&EMT&$a$ believes in herself, and in her ego.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ pumps up $t$'s ego, not that he needs it.] */ // HASH_VALUE 07CE19D23A41E3B7 // INDEX 629 emote_egoistic_target_m [&EMT&$a$ indulges $t$'s ego, not that he needs it.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ pumps up $t$'s ego, not that she needs it.] */ // HASH_VALUE 0740F90CA927A7B8 // INDEX 630 emote_egoistic_target_f [&EMT&$a$ indulges $t$'s ego, not that she needs it.] // HASH_VALUE E646EBE590E74E29 // INDEX 631 emote_embarrassed_nobody [&EMT&$a$ blushes, embarassed.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ embarasses himself.] */ // HASH_VALUE 828774FDF2605B14 // INDEX 632 emote_embarrassed_self_m [&EMT&$a$ is embarassed.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ embarasses herself.] */ // HASH_VALUE 828774FDF2605B14 // INDEX 633 emote_embarrassed_self_f [&EMT&$a$ is embarassed.] // HASH_VALUE 0223681AF2646A72 // INDEX 634 emote_embarrassed_target [&EMT&$a$ is embarrassed by $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is overcome with emotion.] */ // HASH_VALUE 170300103A18B36B // INDEX 635 emote_emotional_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is seized with emotion.] // HASH_VALUE E7A2F41CF9B59F70 // INDEX 636 emote_emotional_self [&EMT&$a$ could use some comfort.] // HASH_VALUE 6773E6291370AE1C // INDEX 637 emote_emotional_target [&EMT&$a$ tries to comfort $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 9C121A2388107F59 // INDEX 638 emote_emotionless_nobody [&EMT&$a$ shows no emotion.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ remains emotionless. There's nothing to be said or done.] */ // HASH_VALUE F9863D391B075947 // INDEX 639 emote_emotionless_self [&EMT&$a$ remains emotionless. There's nothing to be said or done anymore.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ looks vacantly at $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 2AC91177C3074EEC // INDEX 640 emote_emotionless_target [&EMT&$a$ stares at $t$ absent-mindedly.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ looks ready to listen.] */ // HASH_VALUE 8338CF331396EBDE // INDEX 641 emote_emphatic_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is ready to listen.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is willing to lend an empahatic ear, knowing how you feel.] */ // HASH_VALUE C9DA69541CF4900C // INDEX 642 emote_emphatic_self [&EMT&$a$ is willing to listen to you sympathetically, knowing how you feel.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ empathizes with $t$. "I know just how you feel."] */ // HASH_VALUE 1457DD7C85C4D917 // INDEX 643 emote_emphatic_target [&EMT&$a$ sympathizes with $t$. "I know just how you feel."] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ finds the situation encouraging.] */ // HASH_VALUE 031292A2A2513712 // INDEX 644 emote_encouraging_nobody [&EMT&$a$ thinks the situation is encouraging.] // HASH_VALUE 7F66B80075705F14 // INDEX 645 emote_encouraging_self [&EMT&$a$ is encouraged.] // HASH_VALUE 0AC554D3F595C6DF // INDEX 646 emote_encouraging_target [&EMT&$a$ encourages $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 0344301809351321 // INDEX 647 emote_enraged_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is furious, watch out.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ fumes, enraged.] */ // HASH_VALUE D9C43F22F3C55FF4 // INDEX 648 emote_enraged_self [&EMT&$a$ steams with rage.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ seethes with rage at $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 7EBA8796C6496B2C // INDEX 649 emote_enraged_target [&EMT&$a$ steams with rage against $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ looks enthusiastic.] */ // HASH_VALUE 56E658285302172C // INDEX 650 emote_enthusiastic_nobody [&EMT&$a$ seems enthusiastic.] // HASH_VALUE C8F51FE95335B252 // INDEX 651 emote_enthusiastic_self [&EMT&$a$ is enthusiastic.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ agrees enthusiastically with $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 3890AAAE2392C344 // INDEX 652 emote_enthusiastic_target [&EMT&$a$ is very enthusiastic listening to $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ seethes with envy.] */ // HASH_VALUE 02A70B4B9DC6B351 // INDEX 653 emote_envious_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is eaten away with envy.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is probably the envy of everyone right now.] */ // HASH_VALUE C6158311BD12BC03 // INDEX 654 emote_envious_self [&EMT&$a$ is certainly envied by everyone right now.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ wants to be just like you, $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE DF1CCC7D625E809D // INDEX 655 emote_envious_target [&EMT&$a$ would like to be just like $t$.] // HASH_VALUE B88EB04D92C0F3E7 // INDEX 656 emote_evil_nobody_m [&EMT&$a$ rubs his hands together evilly.] // HASH_VALUE B88EB04C91C0F3E7 // INDEX 657 emote_evil_nobody_f [&EMT&$a$ rubs her hands together evilly.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ considers him evil.] */ // HASH_VALUE 523E2C1737E8F24C // INDEX 658 emote_evil_self_m [&EMT&$a$ thinks he is evil.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ considers herself evil.] */ // HASH_VALUE 02762C2F7F231F23 // INDEX 659 emote_evil_self_f [&EMT&$a$ thinks she is evil.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ grins evilly at $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE A7823B1FBAB1C222 // INDEX 660 emote_evil_target [&EMT&$a$ smiles evilly at $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 9A850F9485E58E4F // INDEX 661 emote_excited_nobody [&EMT&$a$ smiles, excited.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is so excited!] */ // HASH_VALUE 8C15B0D162687234 // INDEX 662 emote_excited_self [&EMT&$a$ is too excited!] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ gets excited at $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE AE33DF2EF5938B32 // INDEX 663 emote_excited_target [&EMT&$a$ is excited by $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 51B448CB41648E15 // INDEX 664 emote_exercise_nobody [&EMT&$a$ exercises. One, two..] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ engages in a complete workout.] */ // HASH_VALUE F8AF6DEDE1E03CEA // INDEX 665 emote_exercise_self [&EMT&$a$ starts a complete training session.] // HASH_VALUE D949C98A41A6CB31 // INDEX 666 emote_exercise_target [&EMT&$a$ encourages $t$ to exercise.] // HASH_VALUE BABC4538773802CC // INDEX 667 emote_exhausted_nobody [&EMT&$a$ should probably take a break.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is extremely exhausted and needs to rest.] */ // HASH_VALUE 6B3AC4938F304FB9 // INDEX 668 emote_exhausted_self [&EMT&$a$ is exhausted and needs to rest.] // HASH_VALUE 8DE013C591F7C276 // INDEX 669 emote_exhausted_target [&EMT&$a$ thinks $t$ is exhausted and should take a break.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ has happiness in abundance.] */ // HASH_VALUE AA6FA0B3F0DC588A // INDEX 670 emote_exuberant_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is bubbling over with happiness.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ dances about, joyously unrestrained and enthusiastic.] */ // HASH_VALUE 5D43259427E3A02F // INDEX 671 emote_exuberant_self [&EMT&$a$ dances, unrestrained and enthusiastic.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ dances with $t$, extremely pleased.] */ // HASH_VALUE FF2E9C780FEC3F81 // INDEX 672 emote_exuberant_target [&EMT&$a$ dances with $t$, very satisfied.] // HASH_VALUE 1364101CB7847B1A // INDEX 673 emote_faithful_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is faithful to no one.] // HASH_VALUE AC6F689A9C2873FA // INDEX 674 emote_faithful_self_m [&EMT&$a$ is faithful only to himself.] // HASH_VALUE AC6F689ADDE873FA // INDEX 675 emote_faithful_self_f [&EMT&$a$ is faithful only to herself.] // HASH_VALUE 4CCD4960224EF0EC // INDEX 676 emote_faithful_target [&EMT&$a$ is faithful to $t$, and $t$ alone.] // HASH_VALUE 7E27CDEAB69FEED4 // INDEX 677 emote_fanatical_nobody_m [&EMT&$a$ strongly believes in what he does.] // HASH_VALUE CB7C95F4F45B03D7 // INDEX 678 emote_fanatical_nobody_f [&EMT&$a$ strongly believes in what she does.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is a homin with a cause. To the death!] */ // HASH_VALUE 717FE966701C3BEC // INDEX 679 emote_fanatical_self [&EMT&$a$ is a homin with a cause. Till death!] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ has unswerving devotion to $t$, and $t$ alone.] */ // HASH_VALUE F00CA18C2B374BEE // INDEX 680 emote_fanatical_target [&EMT&$a$ shows an unswerving devotion to $t$, and $t$ alone.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ fastidiously makes sure everything is in its place.] */ // HASH_VALUE 5E618F7864BAA4C9 // INDEX 681 emote_fastidious_nobody [&EMT&$a$ meticulously makes sure everything is in its place.] // HASH_VALUE 66F7FC86D1865E3A // INDEX 682 emote_fastidious_self_m [&EMT&$a$ brushes himself off.] // HASH_VALUE A7B7FC86D1865E3A // INDEX 683 emote_fastidious_self_f [&EMT&$a$ brushes herself off.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ fastidiously brushes a bit of dirt off $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 41B7AB19E9114F59 // INDEX 684 emote_fastidious_target [&EMT&$a$ meticulously brushes a bit of dirt off $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 517B2A164252F70B // INDEX 685 emote_fbt_nobody [&EMT&$a$ demonstrates the art of the Elders of Atys.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ practices the art of the Elders of Atys.] */ // HASH_VALUE 88B9B1D00FB3DCFC // INDEX 686 emote_fbt_self [&EMT&$a$ practises the art of the Elders of Atys.] // HASH_VALUE 0B1880DF3C1FD810 // INDEX 687 emote_fbt_target [&EMT&$a$ shows $t$ the art of the Elders of Atys.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ looks around, eyes wide with fear.] */ // HASH_VALUE 076F8E1DFF69C839 // INDEX 688 emote_fearful_nobody [&EMT&$a$ looks around, the eyes filled with fear.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ fears no one but possibly himself.] */ // HASH_VALUE 62A6668F1C94AA6A // INDEX 689 emote_fearful_self_m [&EMT&$a$ fears no one but himself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ fears no one but possibly herself.] */ // HASH_VALUE 61A6668F1C94AA6F // INDEX 690 emote_fearful_self_f [&EMT&$a$ fears no one but herself.] // HASH_VALUE FE4EC3DE37732743 // INDEX 691 emote_fearful_target [&EMT&$a$ fears $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ stands firm.] */ // HASH_VALUE 01073BD50F333FE5 // INDEX 692 emote_firm_nobody [&EMT&$a$ stays firm.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is unbending.] */ // HASH_VALUE 3EE6D0F0B5A0631F // INDEX 693 emote_firm_self [&EMT&$a$ is inflexible.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is firm on this, $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE E576185EA1F07CA6 // INDEX 694 emote_firm_target [&EMT&$a$ is firm as concerns this point, $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 1403F0D446C5AB65 // INDEX 695 emote_forgive_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is in a forgiving mood.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ decides to act first, and ask for forgiveness later.] */ // HASH_VALUE BE0B4A8A63AEAC1E // INDEX 696 emote_forgive_self [&EMT&$a$ decides to act first, and to ask for forgiveness later.] // HASH_VALUE D76E7F064CE17D12 // INDEX 697 emote_forgive_target [&EMT&$a$ forgives $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 6C38C147A44110E0 // INDEX 698 emote_fraternal_nobody [&EMT&$a$ considers everyone here family.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is glad to be treated like family here.] */ // HASH_VALUE EEFBDC8E1542293B // INDEX 699 emote_fraternal_self [&EMT&$a$ is glad to be treated like a member of the family.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ considers $t$ like a brother.] */ // HASH_VALUE C104018DD7344A73 // INDEX 700 emote_fraternal_target [&EMT&$a$ considers $t$ like family.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is friendly to everyone.] */ // HASH_VALUE 8F970C2536859672 // INDEX 701 emote_friendly_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is everybody's friend.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is considered friendly.] */ // HASH_VALUE D313E308919671DE // INDEX 702 emote_friendly_self [&EMT&$a$ is friendly.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is friendly to $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 0CC5D2E743808E07 // INDEX 703 emote_friendly_target [&EMT&$a$ is $t$'s friend.] // HASH_VALUE 42B8341CC8868F67 // INDEX 704 emote_frustrated_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is visibly frustrated.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is frustrated with himself.] */ // HASH_VALUE 05A7F41F52E71B27 // INDEX 705 emote_frustrated_self_m [&EMT&$a$ frustrated himself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is frustrated with herself.] */ // HASH_VALUE 05A7F41F52380B27 // INDEX 706 emote_frustrated_self_f [&EMT&$a$ frustrated herself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is frustrated with $t$. Grrr.] */ // HASH_VALUE E28ACCA54E71A215 // INDEX 707 emote_frustrated_target [&EMT&$a$ is frustrated by $t$. Grrr.] // HASH_VALUE 1382E0B3CF7CA558 // INDEX 708 emote_funny_nobody [&EMT&$a$ tells a joke.] // HASH_VALUE 15CE3013F3C91B3B // INDEX 709 emote_funny_self_m [&EMT&$a$ laughs at himself.] // HASH_VALUE 15CE3013F3C92F37 // INDEX 710 emote_funny_self_f [&EMT&$a$ laughs at herself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ tells $t$ how funny he is.] */ // HASH_VALUE 5717CB4F1994AE1F // INDEX 711 emote_funny_target_m [&EMT&$a$ says $t$ is really funny.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ tells $t$ how funny she is.] */ // HASH_VALUE 5717CB4F1994AE1F // INDEX 712 emote_funny_target_f [&EMT&$a$ says $t$ is really funny.] // HASH_VALUE 22976C2FBB163E1D // INDEX 713 emote_generous_nobody [&EMT&$a$ shares with everyone!] // HASH_VALUE AB589ABB53B43D6C // INDEX 714 emote_generous_self [&EMT&$a$ distributes things not-so-evenly. One for you, one for me, two for you, one, two for me…] // HASH_VALUE 2E842D3DF52AB373 // INDEX 715 emote_generous_target [&EMT&$a$ shares generously with $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 21141FAF31AD5852 // INDEX 716 emote_gimme5_nobody [&EMT&$a$ says, "Gimme 5!"] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ wonders if giving himself a high-five results in a clapping sound.] */ // HASH_VALUE EF96DACA8C0E3C5E // INDEX 717 emote_gimme5_self_m [&EMT&$a$ gives himself a high five as no one else will.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ wonders if giving herself a high-five results in a clapping sound.] */ // HASH_VALUE EF96EEC68C0E3C5E // INDEX 718 emote_gimme5_self_f [&EMT&$a$ gives herself a high five as no one else will.] // HASH_VALUE 64D2F62274909321 // INDEX 719 emote_gimme5_target [&EMT&$a$ gives $t$ a high-five.] // HASH_VALUE 5422D4FF4E7CA56B // INDEX 720 emote_gloomy_nobody [&EMT&$a$ looks gloomy.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ mutters something about doom, gloom, and certain destruction.] */ // HASH_VALUE CB6D1417F79F66C8 // INDEX 721 emote_gloomy_self [&EMT&$a$ mutters something about ruin, darkness, and destruction.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ mopes at $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 31C055D80191D803 // INDEX 722 emote_gloomy_target [&EMT&$a$ is in the doldrums when thinking of $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 9206C6338A886A75 // INDEX 723 emote_goofy_nobody [&EMT&$a$ lets out a goofy laugh.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ acts pretty goofy sometimes. This is one of those times.] */ // HASH_VALUE C1A1530514B57FEB // INDEX 724 emote_goofy_self [&EMT&$a$ acts pretty goofy sometimes, like right now.] // HASH_VALUE 11A2700EA2C6666F // INDEX 725 emote_goofy_target [&EMT&$a$ smiles goofily at $t$.] // HASH_VALUE A3E71C016A918628 // INDEX 726 emote_great_nobody [&EMT&$a$ grins. This is great!] // HASH_VALUE FC52A7FFF2A1B320 // INDEX 727 emote_great_self [&EMT&$a$ is great. You?] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ tells $t$ how great he is.] */ // HASH_VALUE F77CB44F9BB056D9 // INDEX 728 emote_great_target_m [&EMT&$a$ says $t$ is a great person.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ tells $t$ how great she is.] */ // HASH_VALUE F77CB44F9BB056D9 // INDEX 729 emote_great_target_f [&EMT&$a$ says $t$ is a great person.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ grins widely.] */ // HASH_VALUE 5FA5808CFB294619 // INDEX 730 emote_grin_nobody [&EMT&$a$ broadly smiles.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ grins for nothing, making everyone wonder.] */ // HASH_VALUE D3A8C6BBD7DEE406 // INDEX 731 emote_grin_self [&EMT&The slightest thing makes $a$ laugh, which worries everybody.] // HASH_VALUE 959F83078B7CA519 // INDEX 732 emote_grin_target [&EMT&$a$ grins at $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ scowls, grumpy.] */ // HASH_VALUE 5494132293460733 // INDEX 733 emote_grumpy_nobody [&EMT&$a$ grouches, grumpily.] // HASH_VALUE 6AB1F65B1C3A7293 // INDEX 734 emote_grumpy_self [&EMT&$a$ isn't in a great mood. Are you sure you want to proceed?] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ grumps at $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 8B6F57DA8A112A49 // INDEX 735 emote_grumpy_target [&EMT&$a$ is grumpy to $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ did it.] */ // HASH_VALUE 15B723FB1E4A5664 // INDEX 736 emote_guilty_nobody [&EMT&$a$ owns up to being guilty.] // HASH_VALUE 12AE001487710222 // INDEX 737 emote_guilty_self [&EMT&$a$ confesses. "I did it."] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ looks guilty at $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE CEC1FA20F732D8E3 // INDEX 738 emote_guilty_target [&EMT&$a$ looks at $t$ with a guilty look on the face.] // HASH_VALUE C86F02208605E64E // INDEX 739 emote_happy_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is happy.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ looks very happy with himself.] */ // HASH_VALUE D99DE16CB17B48ED // INDEX 740 emote_happy_self_m [&EMT&$a$ seems very pleased with himself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ looks very happy with herself.] */ // HASH_VALUE 1A5DE16CB17B48ED // INDEX 741 emote_happy_self_f [&EMT&$a$ seems very pleased with herself.] // HASH_VALUE 49D3F2E34BC1E64D // INDEX 742 emote_happy_target [&EMT&$a$ is happy for $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ gazes around in stony silence.] */ // HASH_VALUE 01BE0141D89257C6 // INDEX 743 emote_hardsilence_nobody [&EMT&$a$ looks around in stony silence.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is finding it hard to be silent.] */ // HASH_VALUE 35CE89E96F9698DA // INDEX 744 emote_hardsilence_self [&EMT&$a$ is finding it hard to keep quiet.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is giving $t$ the silent treatment.] */ // HASH_VALUE BA0D179D6F3AB036 // INDEX 745 emote_hardsilence_target [&EMT&$a$ stares at $t$ without answering, the tension is palpable.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ puts on haughty airs.] */ // HASH_VALUE 42A82CCE088A3A62 // INDEX 746 emote_haughty_nobody [&EMT&$a$ puts on an haughty air.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ isn't going to lower himself to your level.] */ // HASH_VALUE C6380CBFB71B5341 // INDEX 747 emote_haughty_self_m [&EMT&$a$ would never stoop so low as you.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ isn't going to lower herself to your level.] */ // HASH_VALUE C6380CBFB71B5341 // INDEX 748 emote_haughty_self_f [&EMT&$a$ would never stoop so low as you.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ puts his nose up at $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 4288ABAD25F63BEC // INDEX 749 emote_haughty_target_m [&EMT&$a$ looks $t$ up and down haughtily.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ puts her nose up at $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 4288ABAD25F63BEC // INDEX 750 emote_haughty_target_f [&EMT&$a$ looks $t$ up and down haughtily.] // HASH_VALUE BE083CCB05216B65 // INDEX 751 emote_helpful_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is here to be helpful.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ helps himself.] */ // HASH_VALUE 05A43EC07A1C0CE9 // INDEX 752 emote_helpful_self_m [&EMT&$a$ lends himself a hand as no one else will.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ helps herself.] */ // HASH_VALUE 05A452BC7A1C0CE9 // INDEX 753 emote_helpful_self_f [&EMT&$a$ lends herself a hand as no one else will.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ tries to be helpful to $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 5163F629B85F533C // INDEX 754 emote_helpful_target [&EMT&$a$ tries to help $t$.] // HASH_VALUE A624E7C9C8449B67 // INDEX 755 emote_heroic_nobody [&EMT&$a$ strikes a heroic pose.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ rescues himself, true hero style.] */ // HASH_VALUE 0169A57D21B9769E // INDEX 756 emote_heroic_self_m [&EMT&$a$ thinks he is a genuine hero.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ rescues herself, true hero style.] */ // HASH_VALUE AE5CC5271B1B54E1 // INDEX 757 emote_heroic_self_f [&EMT&$a$ thinks she is a genuine heroine.] // HASH_VALUE 1132148ABAB1CA67 // INDEX 758 emote_heroic_target [&EMT&$a$ claims $t$ is a hero.] // HASH_VALUE 1E75FA98D5E07566 // INDEX 759 emote_hiha_nobody [&EMT&$a$ says hi.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ waves. Hiya!] */ // HASH_VALUE 433E1CB2F3A41747 // INDEX 760 emote_hiha_self [&EMT&$a$ waves. Hi!] // HASH_VALUE EC358B41D67442A3 // INDEX 761 emote_hiha_target [&EMT&$a$ says to $t$, "Hi! How are you?"] // HASH_VALUE C90921BC9F4180EA // INDEX 762 emote_honest_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is honest, trustworthy and true.] // HASH_VALUE EABBBC9C57C734D6 // INDEX 763 emote_honest_self_m [&EMT&$a$ is always honest with himself.] // HASH_VALUE EABBD09857C734D6 // INDEX 764 emote_honest_self_f [&EMT&$a$ is always honest with herself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ has been nothing but honest with $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 61C5454DC518EB17 // INDEX 765 emote_honest_target [&EMT&$a$ was simply honest with $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is hopeful.] */ // HASH_VALUE 78C50F94D525BA48 // INDEX 766 emote_hopeful_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is full of hope.] // HASH_VALUE 5C73EE1909704FF7 // INDEX 767 emote_hopeful_self [&EMT&$a$ holds on to hope.] // HASH_VALUE 91670CD50C20DF2A // INDEX 768 emote_hopeful_target [&EMT&$a$ looks hopefully at $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ has no hope.] */ // HASH_VALUE DC8494CDB964922C // INDEX 769 emote_hopeless_nobody [&EMT&$a$ feels pathetic.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ wails. Things are doomed, it's hopeless!] */ // HASH_VALUE 07822D2424F17CFE // INDEX 770 emote_hopeless_self [&EMT&$a$ screams. We are doomed, it's hopeless!] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ thinks $t$ is hopeless.] */ // HASH_VALUE D0624CDDF731D770 // INDEX 771 emote_hopeless_target [&EMT&$a$ thinks $t$ is useless.] // HASH_VALUE 2868500DCB70CA2A // INDEX 772 emote_humble_nobody [&EMT&$a$ looks about modestly.] // HASH_VALUE F04430B426ADC44C // INDEX 773 emote_humble_self_m [&EMT&$a$ is too humble to say how modest he is.] // HASH_VALUE 41745CB4B1029C03 // INDEX 774 emote_humble_self_f [&EMT&$a$ is too humble to say how modest she is.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ has been unquestionably humbled by $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE F694BEA8B061FC57 // INDEX 775 emote_humble_target [&EMT&$a$ was taught a lesson in humility by $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 67C2F41FC1C26E2F // INDEX 776 emote_hungry_nobody [&EMT&$a$ could use some food.] // HASH_VALUE 86C081A935621DAA // INDEX 777 emote_hungry_self_m [&EMT&$a$ is hungry enough to eat his equipment.] // HASH_VALUE 468081A935621DAA // INDEX 778 emote_hungry_self_f [&EMT&$a$ is hungry enough to eat her equipment.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ looks at $t$ like lunch.] */ // HASH_VALUE 00866D0FEE9C2A3C // INDEX 779 emote_hungry_target [&EMT&$a$ looks at $t$ with a starving look.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ moves around in a hurried state.] */ // HASH_VALUE 6923F3489A645E6A // INDEX 780 emote_hurried_nobody [&EMT&$a$ runs all over the place.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is already hurrying.] */ // HASH_VALUE FE6AC1885A9A9B09 // INDEX 781 emote_hurried_self [&EMT&$a$ is already bustling about.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is fairly hurried as is, $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE E94F0BBCE078647A // INDEX 782 emote_hurried_target [&EMT&$a$ is in as much of a hurry as is $t$.] // HASH_VALUE B338AD46D846496D // INDEX 783 emote_hurry_nobody [&EMT&$a$ doesn't have time to waste.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ hurries up, since people are waiting.] */ // HASH_VALUE 2A54CE50A64E049F // INDEX 784 emote_hurry_self [&EMT&$a$ hurries up, for people are waiting.] // HASH_VALUE 2754FFDC13116929 // INDEX 785 emote_hurry_target [&EMT&$a$ asks $t$ to hurry up.] // HASH_VALUE EDE75C0F3C379220 // INDEX 786 emote_hysterical_nobody [&EMT&$a$ laughs hysterically.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ goes into hysterics.] */ // HASH_VALUE 5D741BE7DAF43556 // INDEX 787 emote_hysterical_self [&EMT&$a$ goes hysterical.] // HASH_VALUE EFCB31014E8B1854 // INDEX 788 emote_hysterical_target [&EMT&$a$ slaps $t$, who has become hysterical.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is begging.] */ // HASH_VALUE 3C59C982095A5F88 // INDEX 789 emote_imploring_nobody [&EMT&$a$ adopts an imploring attitude.] // HASH_VALUE D40348D5CAE5B321 // INDEX 790 emote_imploring_self [&EMT&$a$ isn't too proud to beg.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ implores $t$ to stop.] */ // HASH_VALUE 1AD3D6DA0A012E06 // INDEX 791 emote_imploring_target [&EMT&$a$ begs $t$ to stop.] // HASH_VALUE E7261CD8F695AB70 // INDEX 792 emote_indifferent_nobody [&EMT&$a$ shrugs, indifferently.] // HASH_VALUE 7E03DC050C818D5C // INDEX 793 emote_indifferent_self [&EMT&$a$ is impartial.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ tells $t$ things are neither good nor bad.] */ // HASH_VALUE 98C691058C8AC446 // INDEX 794 emote_indifferent_target [&EMT&$a$ tells $t$ that things are as they are.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ storms around indignantly.] */ // HASH_VALUE C183C4FA0EC09164 // INDEX 795 emote_indignant_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is indignant.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ became indignant at the topic.] */ // HASH_VALUE 5A8E1D8F8E0FF7DC // INDEX 796 emote_indignant_self [&EMT&$a$ is indignant about the subject.] // HASH_VALUE 029881B224A21B50 // INDEX 797 emote_indignant_target [&EMT&$a$ can't believe you said that, $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 57874C23C177D724 // INDEX 798 emote_indulgent_nobody [&EMT&$a$ smiles indulgently.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ indulges grandly.] */ // HASH_VALUE BFD330D484970B53 // INDEX 799 emote_indulgent_self [&EMT&$a$ is self indulgent.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ indulges $t$, because its fun.] */ // HASH_VALUE 6153EBBAE1B83F63 // INDEX 800 emote_indulgent_target [&EMT&$a$ gives in to $t$, because it's funny.] // HASH_VALUE 9233E7FD13E661E1 // INDEX 801 emote_innocent_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is innocent.] // HASH_VALUE DC12F3D509D54F08 // INDEX 802 emote_innocent_self_m [&EMT&$a$ adjusts his halo.] // HASH_VALUE 9CD2F3D509D54F08 // INDEX 803 emote_innocent_self_f [&EMT&$a$ adjusts her halo.] // HASH_VALUE 664203565A74AE23 // INDEX 804 emote_innocent_target [&EMT&$a$ looks at $t$ innocently.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ could use assurance.] */ // HASH_VALUE 02199D7AF0FB4433 // INDEX 805 emote_insecure_nobody [&EMT&$a$ could use a hug for reassurance.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ isn't too sure about himself.] */ // HASH_VALUE 1EDD91868645A7D7 // INDEX 806 emote_insecure_self_m [&EMT&$a$ is not really self-confident.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ isn't too sure about herself.] */ // HASH_VALUE 1EDD91868645A7D7 // INDEX 807 emote_insecure_self_f [&EMT&$a$ is not really self-confident.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ feels so insecure around $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 68182D3647E06EE0 // INDEX 808 emote_insecure_target [&EMT&$a$ feels insecure by $t$'s side.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ pays full attention.] */ // HASH_VALUE C334D4DC4AC91346 // INDEX 809 emote_interested_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is very attentive.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is interested in himself.] */ // HASH_VALUE 9B6EA9435D1664CF // INDEX 810 emote_interested_self_m [&EMT&$a$ is only interested in himself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is interested in herself.] */ // HASH_VALUE 9B6EBD3F5D1664CF // INDEX 811 emote_interested_self_f [&EMT&$a$ is only interested in herself.] // HASH_VALUE C6F2DF09E263302F // INDEX 812 emote_interested_target [&EMT&$a$ is interested in what $t$ has to say.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is deep green with jealousy.] */ // HASH_VALUE 02191322D0420F27 // INDEX 813 emote_jealous_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is green with envy.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ burns with jealousy.] */ // HASH_VALUE 7DD7D4489ADBC76B // INDEX 814 emote_jealous_self [&EMT&$a$ is burning with jealousy.] // HASH_VALUE AE241F29B673F344 // INDEX 815 emote_jealous_target [&EMT&$a$ is jealous of $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ makes a joyful noise.] */ // HASH_VALUE 9372BCFA333CC729 // INDEX 816 emote_joyful_nobody [&EMT&$a$ jumps for joy.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is overcome with joy.] */ // HASH_VALUE 7F04C8FD50D0B15A // INDEX 817 emote_joyful_self [&EMT&$a$ is overjoyed.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is overjoyed for $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 49D3F2E34BC1E64D // INDEX 818 emote_joyful_target [&EMT&$a$ is happy for $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 59CDC858D8C78A98 // INDEX 819 emote_kind_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is kind to everyone. Why not?] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ remembers kindness starts with being kind to yourself.] */ // HASH_VALUE 025338C696CA580C // INDEX 820 emote_kind_self [&EMT&$a$ remembers kindness starts with being kind to oneself.] // HASH_VALUE A5D20725BAB1C222 // INDEX 821 emote_kind_target [&EMT&$a$ smiles kindly at $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ lounges about.] */ // HASH_VALUE E2631BFC8F3275DE // INDEX 822 emote_lazy_nobody [&EMT&$a$ loafs about.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is being lazy at the moment, try later.] */ // HASH_VALUE A73561B1657211DF // INDEX 823 emote_lazy_self [&EMT&$a$ is loafing about right now, try later.] // HASH_VALUE 60C047E0A6C5D619 // INDEX 824 emote_lazy_target [&EMT&$a$ calls $t$ lazy.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ hates you all.] */ // HASH_VALUE E365E3EA18A0B241 // INDEX 825 emote_loathing_nobody [&EMT&$a$ hates everybody.] // HASH_VALUE 6296BC2D93029A9B // INDEX 826 emote_loathing_self_m [&EMT&$a$ can't stand himself.] // HASH_VALUE 6296BC2DD4C29A9B // INDEX 827 emote_loathing_self_f [&EMT&$a$ can't stand herself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ regards $t$ with utter contempt and loathing.] */ // HASH_VALUE 1F2B41B5324C2B66 // INDEX 828 emote_loathing_target [&EMT&$a$ looks at $t$ with scorn and disgust.] // HASH_VALUE E562E48959709319 // INDEX 829 emote_logical_nobody [&EMT&$a$ looks for the logic here.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ makes perfect and logical sense to himself.] */ // HASH_VALUE A046B78A5C70DB61 // INDEX 830 emote_logical_self_m [&EMT&$a$ seems logical to himself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ makes perfect and logical sense to herself.] */ // HASH_VALUE 9F46B78A5C70DB66 // INDEX 831 emote_logical_self_f [&EMT&$a$ seems logical to herself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ finds $t$ to be very logical.] */ // HASH_VALUE 0AF9053208C5C769 // INDEX 832 emote_logical_target [&EMT&$a$ thinks $t$ is very logical.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ could use some company.] */ // HASH_VALUE DC3DB59246299746 // INDEX 833 emote_lonely_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is looking for some company.] // HASH_VALUE A14586A77148A866 // INDEX 834 emote_lonely_self_m [&EMT&$a$ is so lonely he is talking to himself.] // HASH_VALUE C9042DEDECC120B7 // INDEX 835 emote_lonely_self_f [&EMT&$a$ is so lonely she is talking to herself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ keeps $t$ from being lonely.] */ // HASH_VALUE CF0E3728F364474A // INDEX 836 emote_lonely_target [&EMT&$a$ keeps $t$ company.] // HASH_VALUE A383002D53323935 // INDEX 837 emote_loud_nobody [&EMT&$a$ gets loud and proud.] // HASH_VALUE E3482B2294D37529 // INDEX 838 emote_loud_self [&EMT&$a$ pumps up the volume.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ says $t$ is too loud.] */ // HASH_VALUE B010FD4713BB68D6 // INDEX 839 emote_loud_target [&EMT&$a$ complains that $t$ is too loud.] // HASH_VALUE B17723DB412303D5 // INDEX 840 emote_love_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is in love.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ checks a mirror. Perfectly loveable.] */ // HASH_VALUE 0C65DF334D69BEB0 // INDEX 841 emote_love_self [&EMT&$a$ checks the mirror, yup, still perfectly adorable.] // HASH_VALUE 43EEDBDEF4C44F3C // INDEX 842 emote_love_target [&EMT&$a$ loves $t$.] // HASH_VALUE CEF3A737173BA324 // INDEX 843 emote_loyal_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is loyal, brave and true.] // HASH_VALUE DC7E9889FC508C79 // INDEX 844 emote_loyal_self_m [&EMT&$a$ is loyal to no one but himself.] // HASH_VALUE DCCF8889FC508C79 // INDEX 845 emote_loyal_self_f [&EMT&$a$ is loyal to no one but herself.] // HASH_VALUE 9843EBD5C07DB9DC // INDEX 846 emote_loyal_target [&EMT&$a$ is 100% loyal to $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ has a lusty look about him.] */ // HASH_VALUE A172445087CA627B // INDEX 847 emote_lustful_nobody_m [&EMT&$a$ thinks he is attractive.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ has a lusty look about her.] */ // HASH_VALUE CFD7109206E5DB60 // INDEX 848 emote_lustful_nobody_f [&EMT&$a$ thinks she is attractive.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ lusts after himself, which helps his ego.] */ // HASH_VALUE 7063E38CC07979B3 // INDEX 849 emote_lustful_self_m [&EMT&$a$ thinks he is attractive, which reinforces his ego.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ lusts after herself, which helps her ego.] */ // HASH_VALUE 995C037AC438AE9E // INDEX 850 emote_lustful_self_f [&EMT&$a$ thinks she is attractive, which reinforces her ego.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ gives $t$ a look up and down of pure lust.] */ // HASH_VALUE 53B8DF328B74AF22 // INDEX 851 emote_lustful_target [&EMT&$a$ mentally undresses $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ carries an expression of intense hatred.] */ // HASH_VALUE E233A26E1A29A697 // INDEX 852 emote_malevolent_nobody [&EMT&$a$'s face displays an expression of profound hatred.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is quite capable of evil.] */ // HASH_VALUE 32E349F930BC07AA // INDEX 853 emote_malevolent_self [&EMT&$a$ is capable of doing very bad things.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ studies $t$ malevolently.] */ // HASH_VALUE E985CC91D7396E1B // INDEX 854 emote_malevolent_target [&EMT&$a$ observes $t$ malevolently.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ seeks to cause trouble.] */ // HASH_VALUE BC4D10FB23CC3BD0 // INDEX 855 emote_malicious_nobody [&EMT&$a$ tries to sow the seeds of discord.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ really means to be that malicious.] */ // HASH_VALUE 6D8CA13646BAFEE6 // INDEX 856 emote_malicious_self [&EMT&$a$ really meant to be malicious.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ taunts $t$ maliciously.] */ // HASH_VALUE 6773B39ED5D9A22F // INDEX 857 emote_malicious_target [&EMT&$a$ provokes $t$ maliciously.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is so mean.] */ // HASH_VALUE 8DE1B4D8B8283A23 // INDEX 858 emote_mean_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is really mean.] // HASH_VALUE 2BDDE18AB5C97E9B // INDEX 859 emote_mean_self [&EMT&$a$ is the meanest homin around.] // HASH_VALUE 3AD5A08C388486DD // INDEX 860 emote_mean_target [&EMT&$a$ is mean to $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is the best, without doubt.] */ // HASH_VALUE B48F559E9CDA5348 // INDEX 861 emote_megalomaniac_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is the best, no doubt about that.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ says, "I'm just the best. No doubt about it."] */ // HASH_VALUE 12446195579BD7BD // INDEX 862 emote_megalomaniac_self [&EMT&$a$ says, "I'm the best. No doubt about it."] // HASH_VALUE A6C8E1EBC4457BBC // INDEX 863 emote_megalomaniac_target [&EMT&$a$ claims $t$ is a megalomaniac.] // HASH_VALUE 90A4EB0310273DE5 // INDEX 864 emote_merciful_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is merciful.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ takes mercy on himself.] */ // HASH_VALUE 50B86C18C8FCAF66 // INDEX 865 emote_merciful_self_m [&EMT&$a$ takes pity on himself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ takes mercy on herself.] */ // HASH_VALUE 50B88014C8FCAF66 // INDEX 866 emote_merciful_self_f [&EMT&$a$ takes pity on herself.] // HASH_VALUE A48307276BD0CA85 // INDEX 867 emote_merciful_target [&EMT&$a$ shows $t$ some mercy.] // HASH_VALUE 83B8F31E5533FB2E // INDEX 868 emote_mischievous_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is up to something.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ has trouble in mind, and a plan at hand.] */ // HASH_VALUE 2482BD55363F6904 // INDEX 869 emote_mischievous_self [&EMT&$a$ has a dirty trick in mind, and a plan at hand.] // HASH_VALUE 407AC49006A5678A // INDEX 870 emote_mischievous_target [&EMT&$a$ smiles mischieviously at $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ mocks the people around him.] */ // HASH_VALUE EAFDB49D2161BF87 // INDEX 871 emote_mocking_nobody_m [&EMT&$a$ imitates the people around him.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ mocks the people around her.] */ // HASH_VALUE EAFDB49D21B2AF87 // INDEX 872 emote_mocking_nobody_f [&EMT&$a$ imitates the people around her.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ mocks himself, doing a perfect imitation.] */ // HASH_VALUE 042CAFD8DA0EDE52 // INDEX 873 emote_mocking_self_m [&EMT&$a$ plays the fool with a perfect impression of himself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ mocks herself, doing a perfect imitation.] */ // HASH_VALUE 042CAFD81BCEDE52 // INDEX 874 emote_mocking_self_f [&EMT&$a$ plays the fool with a perfect impression of herself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ starts mocking $t$, doing everything he does.] */ // HASH_VALUE C8702D53BDA2CF43 // INDEX 875 emote_mocking_target_m [&EMT&$a$ ridicules $t$, imitating all his gestures.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ starts mocking $t$, doing everything she does.] */ // HASH_VALUE C8702D52BCA2CF43 // INDEX 876 emote_mocking_target_f [&EMT&$a$ ridicules $t$, imitating all her gestures.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ paces nervously.] */ // HASH_VALUE 13694028D3F5A674 // INDEX 877 emote_nervous_nobody [&EMT&$a$ progresses nervously.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ makes himself nervous.] */ // HASH_VALUE 95C7182A10A54D80 // INDEX 878 emote_nervous_self_m [&EMT&$a$ is naturally nervous.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ makes herself nervous.] */ // HASH_VALUE 95C7182A10A54D80 // INDEX 879 emote_nervous_self_f [&EMT&$a$ is naturally nervous.] // HASH_VALUE B74FA5B1934B2BCE // INDEX 880 emote_nervous_target_mm [&EMT&$a$ tells $t$ he is making him nervous.] // HASH_VALUE 9BEF54C3E15650B3 // INDEX 881 emote_nervous_target_mf [&EMT&$a$ tells $t$ she is making him nervous.] // HASH_VALUE B7A095B1934B2BCE // INDEX 882 emote_nervous_target_fm [&EMT&$a$ tells $t$ he is making her nervous.] // HASH_VALUE DCAF54C3E15650B3 // INDEX 883 emote_nervous_target_ff [&EMT&$a$ tells $t$ she is making her nervous.] // HASH_VALUE B1E7CFDE4378DFDA // INDEX 884 emote_neutral_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is neutral.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ refuses to take sides.] */ // HASH_VALUE 922234B457086783 // INDEX 885 emote_neutral_self [&EMT&$a$ refuses to take a stand.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is neutral in this matter, $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 35CAAD85EBF83494 // INDEX 886 emote_neutral_target [&EMT&$a$ is neutral on this matter, $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 4CF5D29892248608 // INDEX 887 emote_nice_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is nice.] // HASH_VALUE CF3F3EF68F4AB704 // INDEX 888 emote_nice_self_m [&EMT&$a$ is one of the nicest homins he knows.] // HASH_VALUE CD2F32ABE05CF808 // INDEX 889 emote_nice_self_f [&EMT&$a$ is one of the nicest homins she knows.] // HASH_VALUE 5282BB96071CCF69 // INDEX 890 emote_nice_target_m [&EMT&$a$ tells $t$ how nice he is.] // HASH_VALUE 5264D08CB570DB74 // INDEX 891 emote_nice_target_f [&EMT&$a$ tells $t$ how nice she is.] // HASH_VALUE 95656BECA281462D // INDEX 892 emote_noclue_nobody [&EMT&$a$ hasn't a clue.] // HASH_VALUE 5184E706915759DB // INDEX 893 emote_noclue_self [&EMT&$a$ is clueless.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ shrugs at $t$, because he has no clue.] */ // HASH_VALUE DD3296DCEE84D058 // INDEX 894 emote_noclue_target_m [&EMT&$a$ looks at $t$ and shrug his shoulders, because he has no clue.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ shrugs at $t$, because she has no clue.] */ // HASH_VALUE 546D0BF656CF7302 // INDEX 895 emote_noclue_target_f [&EMT&$a$ looks at $t$ and shrugs her shoulders, because she has no clue.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ isn't in the mood to do anything.] */ // HASH_VALUE 1197EFD48B60A65F // INDEX 896 emote_none_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is in an idling mood.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ hasn't decided what to do.] */ // HASH_VALUE 830809E71B4549AD // INDEX 897 emote_none_self [&EMT&$a$ doesn't know what to do yet.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is in no mood for $t$'s antics.] */ // HASH_VALUE A530F976953DD12F // INDEX 898 emote_none_target [&EMT&$a$ won't do anything for $t$, let this be known.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ gets nostalgic and wants to tell a story.] */ // HASH_VALUE BD99953D24F798D4 // INDEX 899 emote_nostalgic_nobody [&EMT&$a$ feels nostalgic about the past.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ reminisces quietly to himself.] */ // HASH_VALUE D1B7541B90066E30 // INDEX 900 emote_nostalgic_self_m [&EMT&$a$ recollects memories.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ reminisces quietly to herself.] */ // HASH_VALUE D1B7541B90066E30 // INDEX 901 emote_nostalgic_self_f [&EMT&$a$ recollects memories.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ reminisces with $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE E8A7D4F70AE54A6B // INDEX 902 emote_nostalgic_target [&EMT&$a$ evokes memories with $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ gets obnoxious] */ // HASH_VALUE D243F71213E6312C // INDEX 903 emote_obnoxious_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is obnoxious] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is so obnoxious, he can barely stand himself.] */ // HASH_VALUE 4E2AB311FFED151F // INDEX 904 emote_obnoxious_self_m [&EMT&$a$ is so obnoxious he can barely stand himself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is so obnoxious, she can barely stand herself.] */ // HASH_VALUE E60967CDBCA28051 // INDEX 905 emote_obnoxious_self_f [&EMT&$a$ is so obnoxious she can barely stand herself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ finds $t$ obnoxious.] */ // HASH_VALUE 959270FAC8A6C766 // INDEX 906 emote_obnoxious_target [&EMT&$a$ thinks $t$ is obnoxious.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ has a mind for the obscure.] */ // HASH_VALUE 807D9D4971B6B099 // INDEX 907 emote_obscure_nobody [&EMT&$a$ knows a lot of obscure things.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ knows some really obscure stuff.] */ // HASH_VALUE AC8CE5821F51C7F2 // INDEX 908 emote_obscure_self [&EMT&$a$ knows some mysterious things.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ impresses $t$ with obscure facts.] */ // HASH_VALUE 7424182B53BD903F // INDEX 909 emote_obscure_target [&EMT&$a$ tell $t$ lots of tediously obscure facts.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ obsesses quietly over something... or someone.] */ // HASH_VALUE 4F45B872C94D8306 // INDEX 910 emote_obsessed_nobody [&EMT&$a$ gets obsessed by something... or someone.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ looks preoccupied, probably obsessed with something or other.] */ // HASH_VALUE 60B7C871ABE7094F // INDEX 911 emote_obsessed_self [&EMT&$a$ seems preoccupied, probably obsessed by something.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is obsessed with $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE C1A358DD7FB8B7DB // INDEX 912 emote_obsessed_target [&EMT&$a$ is obsessed by $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is definitely offended at the goings on here.] */ // HASH_VALUE 5E3FAFDAA20AB98E // INDEX 913 emote_offended_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is definitely shocked by what happens around here.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ will probably be offended.] */ // HASH_VALUE E2B7B37E96D5826D // INDEX 914 emote_offended_self [&EMT&$a$ will probably be shocked.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is so offended because of $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 910FE83B1BA46279 // INDEX 915 emote_offended_target [&EMT&$a$ is really shocked by $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 186740DAD666FF16 // INDEX 916 emote_optimistic_nobody [&EMT&$a$ remains optimistic.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ thinks things will work.] */ // HASH_VALUE C3B4F17B739977E1 // INDEX 917 emote_optimistic_self [&EMT&$a$ thinks everything will be ok.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ tells $t$ things could always be worse.] */ // HASH_VALUE FCD6CDD7A3841AA0 // INDEX 918 emote_optimistic_target [&EMT&$a$ tells $t$ "Don't worry, everything will be ok."] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ says, "Get over it."] */ // HASH_VALUE D7CE84146B840A54 // INDEX 919 emote_over_nobody [&EMT&$a$ says, Get over it.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ tells himself to get over it.] */ // HASH_VALUE 1FEFF06A4A88DCF2 // INDEX 920 emote_over_self_m [&EMT&$a$ tells himself he is going to get over it.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ tells herself to get over it.] */ // HASH_VALUE C6BD9F4ABBB9C85B // INDEX 921 emote_over_self_f [&EMT&$a$ tells herself she is going to get over it.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is over $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 586E83058CE195CB // INDEX 922 emote_over_target [&EMT&$a$ got over $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ catches a wave. Surf's up, dudes!] */ // HASH_VALUE 1DBFC55995860C33 // INDEX 923 emote_pacific_nobody [&EMT&$a$ catches a wave. Ready to surf, dudes!] // HASH_VALUE D1AE301883B31BF6 // INDEX 924 emote_pacific_self [&EMT&$a$ looks for a beach.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ tells $t$ to "Chill out, man. Watch the waves, fer sure."] */ // HASH_VALUE 8646A0E82C6CA921 // INDEX 925 emote_pacific_target [&EMT&$a$ tells $t$ "Relax, dude. Watch the beach."] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ ouches.] */ // HASH_VALUE 0397BFE15313FFD1 // INDEX 926 emote_painful_nobody [&EMT&$a$ cries ouch.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is very wounded, and yes, it hurts.] */ // HASH_VALUE A0FED5F89C1A1B4F // INDEX 927 emote_painful_self [&EMT&$a$ is injured, and yes, it hurts.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ realizes this is painful, $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 56D71BD3D782BE25 // INDEX 928 emote_painful_target [&EMT&$a$ sees $t$ suffering.] // HASH_VALUE 60D4AC8C289A3A1E // INDEX 929 emote_panic_nobody [&EMT&$a$ panics.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ gets him/herself into a panic.] */ // HASH_VALUE C324270EC677EF4D // INDEX 930 emote_panic_self [&EMT&$a$ is panic-stricken.] // HASH_VALUE 2EE8B843767837DA // INDEX 931 emote_panic_target [&EMT&$a$ panics, right in front of $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 1BD45BD5DB20C65C // INDEX 932 emote_patient_nobody [&EMT&$a$ waits patiently.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ shows the patience worthy of a noble homin.] */ // HASH_VALUE 49B370E9AE7C314E // INDEX 933 emote_patient_self [&EMT&$a$ shows patience worthy of a noble homin.] // HASH_VALUE 2E9903CBD0F8523B // INDEX 934 emote_patient_target [&EMT&$a$ is patient with $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ shows devotion to his home city.] */ // HASH_VALUE 2F9945BCA2478CD2 // INDEX 935 emote_patriotic_nobody_m [&EMT&$a$ shows devotion to his host city.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ shows devotion to her home city.] */ // HASH_VALUE 2F9945BCA24788CE // INDEX 936 emote_patriotic_nobody_f [&EMT&$a$ shows devotion to her host city.] // HASH_VALUE 1312DCB38F7CA553 // INDEX 937 emote_patriotic_self [&EMT&$a$ waves a flag.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ wonders if $t$ has any patrotism these days.] */ // HASH_VALUE 2B7BD44946488908 // INDEX 938 emote_patriotic_target [&EMT&$a$ wonders if $t$ displays any patriotism these days.] // HASH_VALUE DB6D0D3751BE9CE2 // INDEX 939 emote_pedantic_nobody_m [&EMT&$a$ refuses to use his imagination.] // HASH_VALUE DB5DFD3751BE9CE2 // INDEX 940 emote_pedantic_nobody_f [&EMT&$a$ refuses to use her imagination.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ keeps a narrow view, and likes it that way.] */ // HASH_VALUE 63F71259A982AB15 // INDEX 941 emote_pedantic_self [&EMT&$a$ stays narrow-minded, and likes it that way.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ lectures $t$ pedantically.] */ // HASH_VALUE E2E4EC9995098A29 // INDEX 942 emote_pedantic_target [&EMT&$a$ lectures $t$ nitpickingly.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ has a peturbed scowl.] */ // HASH_VALUE 6DBA59AAF157AC7F // INDEX 943 emote_perturbed_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is in a sulky and perturbed mood.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is just not pleased.] */ // HASH_VALUE 1E6DC043176AF2D5 // INDEX 944 emote_perturbed_self [&EMT&$a$ is feeling a bit out of sorts.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is perturbed at $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 7F7813DBD7B73D28 // INDEX 945 emote_perturbed_target [&EMT&$a$ is perturbed by $t$.] // HASH_VALUE ACDA299D98048FCC // INDEX 946 emote_pessimistic_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is everything but optimistic.] // HASH_VALUE 03DCDC4146A631DD // INDEX 947 emote_pessimistic_self [&EMT&$a$ knows it isn't going to work.] // HASH_VALUE EC18C3451C62639B // INDEX 948 emote_pessimistic_target [&EMT&$a$ doesn't think it'll work, $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ gets insolent.] */ // HASH_VALUE DCB3330CCA852E52 // INDEX 949 emote_petulant_nobody [&EMT&$a$ gets quarrelsome.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is known for his ill sort of humor.] */ // HASH_VALUE AC2D5F9E1C9412E5 // INDEX 950 emote_petulant_self_m [&EMT&$a$ is known for his mood swings.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is known for her ill sort of humor.] */ // HASH_VALUE AC2D5F9D1B9412E5 // INDEX 951 emote_petulant_self_f [&EMT&$a$ is known for her mood swings.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ goes on at $t$ petuantly over the topic.] */ // HASH_VALUE 91D15BC6ECD5C1D3 // INDEX 952 emote_petulant_target [&EMT&$a$ carries on the discussion with $t$ peevishly.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ contemplates the meaning of many things.] */ // HASH_VALUE E4A31710CBB9926F // INDEX 953 emote_philosophical_nobody [&EMT&$a$ meditates on the world.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ comes up with a few theories.] */ // HASH_VALUE 9923281453E2BFD4 // INDEX 954 emote_philosophical_self [&EMT&$a$ has a few theories.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ waxes philosophical with $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 3073255EB7EC5807 // INDEX 955 emote_philosophical_target [&EMT&$a$ becomes philosophical when with $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ pities you all.] */ // HASH_VALUE 1F22672433A5FF55 // INDEX 956 emote_pitying_nobody [&EMT&$a$ pities everybody.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is in a self-pitying mood, don't mind him.] */ // HASH_VALUE 1B133D9C7DB1C8B3 // INDEX 957 emote_pitying_self_m [&EMT&$a$ feels sorry for himself, don't mind him.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is in a self-pitying mood, don't mind her.] */ // HASH_VALUE 5CD33D9CBE71C8B3 // INDEX 958 emote_pitying_self_f [&EMT&$a$ feels sorry for herself, don't mind her.] // HASH_VALUE E3529F9E0AA4CFCB // INDEX 959 emote_pitying_target [&EMT&$a$ gives $t$ a pitying look.] // HASH_VALUE 50C73086CDD19A6C // INDEX 960 emote_playful_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is in a playful mood.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ toys with random objects idly.] */ // HASH_VALUE 50E06513BCBCBCFD // INDEX 961 emote_playful_self [&EMT&$a$ is so happy he jumps all over the place.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ eyes $t$ playfully.] */ // HASH_VALUE 6A722B1B07B68E21 // INDEX 962 emote_playful_target [&EMT&$a$ looks at $t$ playfully.] // HASH_VALUE 1BC43B9485E58A47 // INDEX 963 emote_pleased_nobody [&EMT&$a$ smiles, pleased.] // HASH_VALUE 887EA1796CCF2CE3 // INDEX 964 emote_pleased_self_m [&EMT&$a$ is clearly pleased with himself.] // HASH_VALUE C93EA1796CCF2CE3 // INDEX 965 emote_pleased_self_f [&EMT&$a$ is clearly pleased with herself.] // HASH_VALUE 2E98DFD9CE077E3B // INDEX 966 emote_pleased_target [&EMT&$a$ is pleased with $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ points back there.] */ // HASH_VALUE A142F3FC3FA879E6 // INDEX 967 emote_pointback_nobody [&EMT&$a$ points back.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ points behind himself. "I was just over there."] */ // HASH_VALUE A142F3FC3FA879E6 // INDEX 968 emote_pointback_self_m [&EMT&$a$ points back.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ points behind herself. "I was just over there."] */ // HASH_VALUE A142F3FC3FA879E6 // INDEX 969 emote_pointback_self_f [&EMT&$a$ points back.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ points behind himself. "Back there, $t$."] */ // HASH_VALUE 5AB8986EC5A712AA // INDEX 970 emote_pointback_target_m [&EMT&$a$ points back. "Back there, $t$."] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ points behind herself. "Back there, $t$."] */ // HASH_VALUE 5AB8986EC5A712AA // INDEX 971 emote_pointback_target_f [&EMT&$a$ points back. "Back there, $t$."] // HASH_VALUE 20772CD9B7B58F5E // INDEX 972 emote_pointfront_nobody [&EMT&$a$ points straight ahead.] // HASH_VALUE 98EB7697E9D2C1E6 // INDEX 973 emote_pointfront_self [&EMT&$a$ points straight ahead. "I'm going there."] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ points right in front of himself. "Straight ahead, $t$."] */ // HASH_VALUE 27479291601A4762 // INDEX 974 emote_pointfront_target_m [&EMT&$a$ points straight ahead of himdelf. "Straight ahead, $t$."] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ points right in front of herself. "Straight ahead, $t$."] */ // HASH_VALUE 26479291601A8367 // INDEX 975 emote_pointfront_target_f [&EMT&$a$ points straight ahead of herself. "Straight ahead, $t$."] // HASH_VALUE 69323C13B474C623 // INDEX 976 emote_pointleft_nobody [&EMT&$a$ points left. That way.] // HASH_VALUE BDDAA97294CC06A5 // INDEX 977 emote_pointleft_self [&EMT&$a$ points left. "I'm going that way."] // HASH_VALUE 9DBE803A3106EE67 // INDEX 978 emote_pointleft_target [&EMT&$a$ points left. "That way, $t$."] // HASH_VALUE 91772020B1E69E7F // INDEX 979 emote_pointright_nobody [&EMT&$a$ points right. This way.] // HASH_VALUE 333F7CC911E7A3D8 // INDEX 980 emote_pointright_self [&EMT&$a$ points right. "I'm going this way."] // HASH_VALUE 82189C38F787AE4C // INDEX 981 emote_pointright_target [&EMT&$a$ points right. "This way, $t$."] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ points.] */ // HASH_VALUE BDBE9DB1F7AA6F7F // INDEX 982 emote_point_nobody [&EMT&$a$ seems to be pointing at something.] // HASH_VALUE 91AE4035F5DA4B1F // INDEX 983 emote_point_self_m [&EMT&$a$ points at himself. "Me."] // HASH_VALUE 91AE4035F5DA5F1B // INDEX 984 emote_point_self_f [&EMT&$a$ points at herself. "Me."] // HASH_VALUE 0111DCECA271762C // INDEX 985 emote_point_target [&EMT&$a$ points at $t$.] // HASH_VALUE A154B8DBB9C59E25 // INDEX 986 emote_polite_nobody [&EMT&$a$ waits politely.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is much too polite to do anything to anyone.] */ // HASH_VALUE 4C131D65F291A00A // INDEX 987 emote_polite_self [&EMT&$a$ is too polite to do any harm to anyone.] // HASH_VALUE D1B724D6FA558B2A // INDEX 988 emote_polite_target [&EMT&$a$ smiles politely at $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 6B072C1477EB9282 // INDEX 989 emote_pompous_nobody [&EMT&$a$ struts about pompously.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ puffs up, thinking himself the greatest there is.] */ // HASH_VALUE 38728202F711E417 // INDEX 990 emote_pompous_self_m [&EMT&$a$ is full of pride. He thinks he is the best .] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ puffs up, thinking herself the greatest there is.] */ // HASH_VALUE 8B45DDB8CD31CC6B // INDEX 991 emote_pompous_self_f [&EMT&$a$ is full of pride. She thinks she is the best.] // HASH_VALUE FDA9ACA14894EB00 // INDEX 992 emote_pompous_target [&EMT&$a$ calls $t$ a pompous showoff.] // HASH_VALUE 1EC573DFF69A3A2C // INDEX 993 emote_powerful_nobody [&EMT&$a$ radiates power.] // HASH_VALUE F02E9599E21FF746 // INDEX 994 emote_powerful_self [&EMT&$a$ is the most powerful in the area!] // HASH_VALUE E3E3E73176018E85 // INDEX 995 emote_powerful_target [&EMT&$a$ knows $t$ is powerful.] // HASH_VALUE 808D57975DA7F2CB // INDEX 996 emote_praying_nobody [&EMT&$a$ looks to the sky for guidance.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ appears to need divine intervention.] */ // HASH_VALUE 1BD220AC1A0D5C47 // INDEX 997 emote_praying_self [&EMT&It seems $a$ needs a divine intervention.] // HASH_VALUE 6DEDB8419964C747 // INDEX 998 emote_praying_target [&EMT&$a$ seeks enlightenment for $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ stands proud and beams.] */ // HASH_VALUE 9107F71CD6977128 // INDEX 999 emote_proud_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is proud and strong.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ looks proud of himself.] */ // HASH_VALUE 63574420B8E4CB18 // INDEX 1000 emote_proud_self_m [&EMT&$a$ seems proud of himself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ looks proud of herself.] */ // HASH_VALUE 63A83420B8E4CB18 // INDEX 1001 emote_proud_self_f [&EMT&$a$ seems proud of herself.] // HASH_VALUE C1A448DC42521FDF // INDEX 1002 emote_proud_target [&EMT&$a$ is so proud of $t$.] // HASH_VALUE B2BAB938DCD58F77 // INDEX 1003 emote_provocative_nobody [&EMT&$a$ strikes a provocative pose.] // HASH_VALUE C5E77124BFD7B440 // INDEX 1004 emote_provocative_self [&EMT&$a$ is fairly easy to provoke at the moment.] // HASH_VALUE 6618D75D0A8B96CB // INDEX 1005 emote_provocative_target [&EMT&$a$ attempts to provoke $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is trying to figure something out.] */ // HASH_VALUE 710C56A671702FE2 // INDEX 1006 emote_puzzled_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is trying to understand something.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ occasionally manages to even puzzle himself.] */ // HASH_VALUE DB7342AAAA85BF52 // INDEX 1007 emote_puzzled_self_m [&EMT&$a$ occasionally manages to puzzle himself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ occasionally manages to even puzzle herself.] */ // HASH_VALUE DBC432AAAA85BF52 // INDEX 1008 emote_puzzled_self_f [&EMT&$a$ occasionally manages to puzzle herself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ eyes $t$ with a puzzled look.] */ // HASH_VALUE 7E64501334DC4FF5 // INDEX 1009 emote_puzzled_target [&EMT&$a$ looks at $t$ with a puzzled look.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ gets quiet.] */ // HASH_VALUE 4CF5D298D7343AFD // INDEX 1010 emote_quiet_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is calm.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ stays quiet.] */ // HASH_VALUE 010723CD4E333FE5 // INDEX 1011 emote_quiet_self [&EMT&$a$ stays calm.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ needs $t$ to be quiet.] */ // HASH_VALUE FEC97F98CA588B3A // INDEX 1012 emote_quiet_target [&EMT&$a$ recovers peace when with $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is ready for anything.] */ // HASH_VALUE 5128AF99C5B8572C // INDEX 1013 emote_ready_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is ready to do something.] // HASH_VALUE 6E5FCC8C6507CBD0 // INDEX 1014 emote_ready_self_m [&EMT&$a$ lets everyone know he is ready.] // HASH_VALUE B13A19B0E60ACBDF // INDEX 1015 emote_ready_self_f [&EMT&$a$ lets everyone know she is ready.] // HASH_VALUE E783FB07373C1131 // INDEX 1016 emote_ready_target [&EMT&$a$ turns to $t$. "Ready?"] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ finds the situation reassuring.] */ // HASH_VALUE 5EFA46F9629C3CDF // INDEX 1017 emote_reassured_nobody [&EMT&$a$ finds the situation to be reassuring.] // HASH_VALUE 820D45B37DA15842 // INDEX 1018 emote_reassured_self [&EMT&$a$ has no worries, and is reassured.] // HASH_VALUE 94482BC7C8CA2537 // INDEX 1019 emote_reassured_target [&EMT&$a$ nods to $t$, reassured.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ looks to incite a rebellion.] */ // HASH_VALUE 41298C415E759B95 // INDEX 1020 emote_rebellious_nobody [&EMT&$a$ seems to prompt a rebellion.] // HASH_VALUE 351D03E7E59D8E59 // INDEX 1021 emote_rebellious_self [&EMT&$a$ decides to become a rebel, perhaps with a cause.] // HASH_VALUE A39A973EDBB0A61F // INDEX 1022 emote_rebellious_target [&EMT&$a$ tries to get $t$ to rebel.] // HASH_VALUE 2458D944C9E98B65 // INDEX 1023 emote_reckless_nobody [&EMT&$a$ charges onward recklessly.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ goes full speed ahead, without any thought.] */ // HASH_VALUE E47608ED9D59976E // INDEX 1024 emote_reckless_self [&EMT&$a$ charges without thinking.] // HASH_VALUE 4446D7C0A24F2377 // INDEX 1025 emote_reckless_target [&EMT&$a$ proceeds, without regard to $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 06A860F330BB4B4C // INDEX 1026 emote_regretful_nobody_m [&EMT&$a$ knows he is going to regret this.] // HASH_VALUE AB3B7AE576D71AF8 // INDEX 1027 emote_regretful_nobody_f [&EMT&$a$ knows she is going to regret this.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ regrets what he did, immediately.] */ // HASH_VALUE 651411FB0E017489 // INDEX 1028 emote_regretful_self_m [&EMT&$a$ is already sorry about what he did.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ regrets what she did, immediately.] */ // HASH_VALUE F364FDB75F31A0B7 // INDEX 1029 emote_regretful_self_f [&EMT&$a$ is already sorry about what she did.] // HASH_VALUE AB59A8B6A6261AF8 // INDEX 1030 emote_regretful_target [&EMT&$a$ knows $t$ is going to regret it.] // HASH_VALUE 91D9CC174CC65D73 // INDEX 1031 emote_relaxed_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is perfectly relaxed.] // HASH_VALUE 312D7588B565B29C // INDEX 1032 emote_relaxed_self [&EMT&$a$ always finds a way to relax.] // HASH_VALUE 80E1013EA61292AA // INDEX 1033 emote_relaxed_target [&EMT&$a$ is relaxed and thinks $t$ needs to relax, too.] // HASH_VALUE 8EA32BFF92C63DEA // INDEX 1034 emote_relieved_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is relieved.] // HASH_VALUE 9A53596F5BDBE7ED // INDEX 1035 emote_relieved_self_m [&EMT&$a$ feels a wave of relief wash over him.] // HASH_VALUE 9953596F5BDBE7F2 // INDEX 1036 emote_relieved_self_f [&EMT&$a$ feels a wave of relief wash over her.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ sighs, relieved at $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE A9B8054C324773D5 // INDEX 1037 emote_relieved_target [&EMT&$a$ sighs, relieved thanks to $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ goes along, reluctantly.] */ // HASH_VALUE 6178D3D353F5DE70 // INDEX 1038 emote_reluctant_nobody [&EMT&$a$ accepts, reluctantly.] // HASH_VALUE B875BA02F858DE26 // INDEX 1039 emote_reluctant_self [&EMT&$a$ doesn't really want to do this, but does anyway.] // HASH_VALUE 9158CB095EA9E720 // INDEX 1040 emote_reluctant_target [&EMT&$a$ follows $t$ reluctantly.] // HASH_VALUE 54E76C240834FB17 // INDEX 1041 emote_remorseful_nobody [&EMT&$a$ looks down, remorseful.] // HASH_VALUE A716142178D4E72F // INDEX 1042 emote_remorseful_self [&EMT&$a$ shows signs of remorse.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ feels bad for $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE D055888A4680766F // INDEX 1043 emote_remorseful_target [&EMT&$a$ feels bad in front of $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 9DA5F698D8B46A56 // INDEX 1044 emote_resigned_nobody [&EMT&$a$ resigns.] // HASH_VALUE D6CDE58A087B448D // INDEX 1045 emote_resigned_self [&EMT&$a$ is resigned to the inevitable.] // HASH_VALUE E005CAE2C4A185FF // INDEX 1046 emote_resigned_target [&EMT&$a$ gives in to $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ stays quiet, in a respectful fashion.] */ // HASH_VALUE 910AD98E82A5A365 // INDEX 1047 emote_respectful_nobody [&EMT&$a$ stays calm and respectful.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ stays quiet, in a respectful fashion.] */ // HASH_VALUE 910AD98E82A5A365 // INDEX 1048 emote_respectful_self [&EMT&$a$ stays calm and respectful.] // HASH_VALUE 17CEAF0613B06D1B // INDEX 1049 emote_respectful_target [&EMT&$a$ respects $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 1385F4F0363C7716 // INDEX 1050 emote_revengeful_nobody [&EMT&$a$ takes revenge.] // HASH_VALUE 5C0F128B62A6DBF6 // INDEX 1051 emote_revengeful_self_m [&EMT&$a$ will have his revenge! Just you wait!] // HASH_VALUE 5C0F128B62A6D7F2 // INDEX 1052 emote_revengeful_self_f [&EMT&$a$ will have her revenge! Just you wait!] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ enacts his plan of revenge on $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE ACBE83AD611FFE93 // INDEX 1053 emote_revengeful_target_m [&EMT&$a$ is preparing his revenge on $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ enacts her plan of revenge on $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE ACBE83AC601FFE93 // INDEX 1054 emote_revengeful_target_f [&EMT&$a$ is preparing her revenge on $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ tosses rice in celebration.] */ // HASH_VALUE 672710286AA5AE32 // INDEX 1055 emote_rice_nobody [&EMT&$a$ tosses rice to party.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ sprinkles rice over himself to celebrate.] */ // HASH_VALUE 0F78D2F8DD600BD0 // INDEX 1056 emote_rice_self_m [&EMT&$a$ sprinkles rice on himself to party.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ sprinkles rice over herself to celebrate.] */ // HASH_VALUE 0F78D2F8DD601FCC // INDEX 1057 emote_rice_self_f [&EMT&$a$ sprinkles rice on herself to party.] // HASH_VALUE D5425CDC2E68BFDF // INDEX 1058 emote_rice_target [&EMT&$a$ tosses rice at $t$.] // HASH_VALUE DCEA6A0F9B2C243C // INDEX 1059 emote_ridicule_nobody [&EMT&$a$ thinks things are getting ridiculous.] // HASH_VALUE 72954A588C628CFC // INDEX 1060 emote_ridicule_self_m [&EMT&$a$ makes fun of himself before someone else does.] // HASH_VALUE 72954A5D8B628CFC // INDEX 1061 emote_ridicule_self_f [&EMT&$a$ makes fun of herself before someone else does.] // HASH_VALUE 1B4E3BDFC8BC2E3E // INDEX 1062 emote_ridicule_target [&EMT&$a$ makes fun of $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 0A13B2EAF57338B3 // INDEX 1063 emote_righteous_nobody [&EMT&$a$ walks along a path of righteousness.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is free from guilt or sin.] */ // HASH_VALUE 31AA9C4E05AB43CB // INDEX 1064 emote_righteous_self [&EMT&$a$ is free from any guilt or sin.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ unleashes a fury of righteousness on $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE B97F71B71A5C2C86 // INDEX 1065 emote_righteous_target [&EMT&$a$ releases a moralizing anger on $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ breaks out the candles, flowers, and liquor.] */ // HASH_VALUE 0C50A352292A2D29 // INDEX 1066 emote_romantic_nobody [&EMT&$a$ takes out the candles, flowers and liquor.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ treats himself to something special.] */ // HASH_VALUE ED09CD801875CB4C // INDEX 1067 emote_romantic_self_m [&EMT&$a$ is in for something special.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ treats herself to something special.] */ // HASH_VALUE ED09CD801875CB4C // INDEX 1068 emote_romantic_self_f [&EMT&$a$ is in for something special.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ composes an epic, romantic ode to $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE E0DE74118FBF6FF2 // INDEX 1069 emote_romantic_target [&EMT&$a$ composes an epic and romantic ode to $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ snorts rudely.] */ // HASH_VALUE ED7C1989C7A68F97 // INDEX 1070 emote_rude_nobody [&EMT&$a$ chokes rudely with laughter.] // HASH_VALUE CE00AE05AB3C48FE // INDEX 1071 emote_rude_self [&EMT&$a$ isn't paying attention to you. How rude.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ makes a rude gesture at $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE AD191550F5C932D9 // INDEX 1072 emote_rude_target [&EMT&$a$ aims a rude gesture at $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 16B8341CCE23F21B // INDEX 1073 emote_sad_nobody [&EMT&$a$ looks around sadly.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ could probably use some cheering up.] */ // HASH_VALUE 1D20CFE797B15A06 // INDEX 1074 emote_sad_self [&EMT&$a$ could use a hug.] // HASH_VALUE ABE9D44282655789 // INDEX 1075 emote_sad_target_m [&EMT&$a$ shakes his head sadly at $t$.] // HASH_VALUE ABD9C44282655789 // INDEX 1076 emote_sad_target_f [&EMT&$a$ shakes her head sadly at $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 6297EC1CBCF6AA6C // INDEX 1077 emote_sarcastic_nobody [&EMT&$a$ smiles sarcastically.] // HASH_VALUE A58260270EF67AD5 // INDEX 1078 emote_sarcastic_self [&EMT&$a$ was being sarcastic.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ wonders if $t$ was being sarcastic.] */ // HASH_VALUE EC2ABE58E39C2076 // INDEX 1079 emote_sarcastic_target [&EMT&$a$ wonders if $t$ is being sarcastic.] // HASH_VALUE 7B79DF7B425A66AA // INDEX 1080 emote_scared_nobody [&EMT&$a$ trembles, just a bit scared.] // HASH_VALUE 24D690CEEF076E1E // INDEX 1081 emote_scared_self_m [&EMT&$a$ scares himself. Boo!] // HASH_VALUE 242780CEEF076E1E // INDEX 1082 emote_scared_self_f [&EMT&$a$ scares herself. Boo!] // HASH_VALUE 496F03CFCBD0EE4C // INDEX 1083 emote_scared_target [&EMT&$a$ is scared of $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ looks ready to chew someone out.] */ // HASH_VALUE 04FC6D8B8845667A // INDEX 1084 emote_scolding_nobody [&EMT&$a$ looks ready to scold someone.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ chastises himself. "Bad me."] */ // HASH_VALUE 39E050845BB5B445 // INDEX 1085 emote_scolding_self_m [&EMT&$a$ scolds himself. "I'm not a nice person."] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ chastises herself. "Bad me."] */ // HASH_VALUE 393140845BB5B445 // INDEX 1086 emote_scolding_self_f [&EMT&$a$ scolds herself. "I'm not a nice person."] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ scolds $t$. Bad $t$!] */ // HASH_VALUE 81E364D276B9DB3F // INDEX 1087 emote_scolding_target [&EMT&$a$ scolds $t$ harshly] // HASH_VALUE C996D2D9D735824F // INDEX 1088 emote_sedate_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is quite sedate.] // HASH_VALUE E0A61F1692C2C2D8 // INDEX 1089 emote_sedate_self [&EMT&$a$ needs to be sedated.] // HASH_VALUE 8FB30ABA91F779D9 // INDEX 1090 emote_sedate_target [&EMT&$a$ sedates $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ thinks selfish thoughts.] */ // HASH_VALUE 28A7F8215054E6D9 // INDEX 1091 emote_selfish_nobody [&EMT&$a$ has selfish thoughts.] // HASH_VALUE 5BE0778388895F5B // INDEX 1092 emote_selfish_self [&EMT&$a$ is being selfish right now.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ considers $t$ selfish.] */ // HASH_VALUE 2C29948D9AB4925B // INDEX 1093 emote_selfish_target [&EMT&$a$ considers $t$ to be selfish.] // HASH_VALUE 9882A8058CB1586D // INDEX 1094 emote_serious_nobody [&EMT&$a$ gets serious.] // HASH_VALUE 319DFD69E3315471 // INDEX 1095 emote_serious_self [&EMT&$a$ straightens up and acts serious.] // HASH_VALUE E982430847959A6A // INDEX 1096 emote_serious_target [&EMT&$a$ tells $t$ to be serious.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ has no shame.] */ // HASH_VALUE 8A659CCDA5B97227 // INDEX 1097 emote_shameless_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is not ashamed.] // HASH_VALUE 97C8342C02772726 // INDEX 1098 emote_shameless_self [&EMT&$a$ struts shamelessly.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ wonders if $t$ has any shame whatsoever.] */ // HASH_VALUE 309CA8A361AB1436 // INDEX 1099 emote_shameless_target [&EMT&$a$ wonders if $t$ ever felt ashamed.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ looks suddenly sheepish.] */ // HASH_VALUE 62470360466A7769 // INDEX 1100 emote_sheepish_nobody [&EMT&$a$ suddenly looks sheepish.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ shuffles his foot and looks sheepish.] */ // HASH_VALUE A4041D8E45969760 // INDEX 1101 emote_sheepish_self_m [&EMT&$a$ moves his feet sheepishly.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ shuffles her foot and looks sheepish.] */ // HASH_VALUE A404198A45969760 // INDEX 1102 emote_sheepish_self_f [&EMT&$a$ moves her feet sheepishly.] // HASH_VALUE 2936DB5509E5BA1A // INDEX 1103 emote_sheepish_target [&EMT&$a$ looks sheepishly at $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ shifts, perhaps suspiciously, or perhaps tectonically.] */ // HASH_VALUE F025B0DF0F03513D // INDEX 1104 emote_shifty_nobody [&EMT&$a$ shifts herself, either out of suspicion or perhaps out of calculated self-interest.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ looks around like a shifty sort.] */ // HASH_VALUE E5681C210431C261 // INDEX 1105 emote_shifty_self [&EMT&$a$ looks around shiftily.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ regards $t$ as shifty.] */ // HASH_VALUE 16323C0F76919E6E // INDEX 1106 emote_shifty_target [&EMT&$a$ looks shiftily at $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is shocking.] */ // HASH_VALUE B167DFD7FE17EBDF // INDEX 1107 emote_shocked_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is shocked.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is too shocked to respond.] */ // HASH_VALUE 4D03D09F72C9AF73 // INDEX 1108 emote_shocked_self [&EMT&$a$ is too shocked to answer.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ looks shocked at $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 65A21F27CE7CA61C // INDEX 1109 emote_shocked_target [&EMT&$a$ seems shocked by $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is having problems thinking clearly. Could everyone please shut up?] */ // HASH_VALUE 4207023308805F61 // INDEX 1110 emote_shutup_nobody [&EMT&$a$ has trouble concentrating. Could everyone please shut up?] // HASH_VALUE 37A9B736C0265F86 // INDEX 1111 emote_shutup_self_m [&EMT&$a$ mutters that he should probably shut up now.] // HASH_VALUE 742CDCD4906288CB // INDEX 1112 emote_shutup_self_f [&EMT&$a$ mutters that she should probably shut up now.] // HASH_VALUE 2AEE532F7DB19579 // INDEX 1113 emote_shutup_target [&EMT&$a$ wants $t$ to shut up.] // HASH_VALUE 0228CC2E8133FF28 // INDEX 1114 emote_shy_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is not saying much.] // HASH_VALUE 98C53964778A74FB // INDEX 1115 emote_shy_self [&EMT&$a$ mumbles quietly about being very shy.] // HASH_VALUE E862FFDA90C29A24 // INDEX 1116 emote_shy_target [&EMT&$a$ glances shyly at $t$] // HASH_VALUE 9125BCFEEB9C9A25 // INDEX 1117 emote_sigh_nobody [&EMT&$a$ sighs.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ sighs softly to himself.] */ // HASH_VALUE D1A2D8063E11896E // INDEX 1118 emote_sigh_self_m [&EMT&$a$ softly sighs.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ sighs softly to herself.] */ // HASH_VALUE D1A2D8063E11896E // INDEX 1119 emote_sigh_self_f [&EMT&$a$ softly sighs.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ sighs loudly at $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE BFF4F081D925228C // INDEX 1120 emote_sigh_target [&EMT&$a$ sighs loudly when facing $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 95CE0018C6B34340 // INDEX 1121 emote_silence_nobody [&EMT&$a$ calls for silence.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ hasn't said anything.] */ // HASH_VALUE 271614DAD55486CD // INDEX 1122 emote_silence_self [&EMT&$a$ did not say anything.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ motions at $t$. Shh.] */ // HASH_VALUE D2B7D486C1809E20 // INDEX 1123 emote_silence_target [&EMT&$a$ signals to $t$. Hush.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ finds this silly.] */ // HASH_VALUE D4AE9C1BB5283FF9 // INDEX 1124 emote_silly_nobody [&EMT&$a$ thinks it's silly.] // HASH_VALUE 5184272D89256B27 // INDEX 1125 emote_silly_self [&EMT&$a$ is silly, and knows it.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ calls $t$ silly.] */ // HASH_VALUE D86247D6CA3312FE // INDEX 1126 emote_silly_target [&EMT&$a$ says $t$ is silly.] // HASH_VALUE 00A8340FD7EE0722 // INDEX 1127 emote_sincerely_nobody_m [&EMT&$a$ means what he says.] // HASH_VALUE 5108D42141C29635 // INDEX 1128 emote_sincerely_nobody_f [&EMT&$a$ means what she says.] // HASH_VALUE B17713D1FE07EFDF // INDEX 1129 emote_sincerely_self [&EMT&$a$ is sincere.] // HASH_VALUE D3221828F4C65172 // INDEX 1130 emote_sincerely_target [&EMT&$a$ nods sincerely to $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is becoming sleepy.] */ // HASH_VALUE AE63341406E71732 // INDEX 1131 emote_sleepy_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is falling asleep.] // HASH_VALUE EB81571687A57074 // INDEX 1132 emote_sleepy_self [&EMT&$a$ yawns and stretches. Perhaps it's time for bed.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ wonders if $t$ is sleepy.] */ // HASH_VALUE 10321C3F46D5A721 // INDEX 1133 emote_sleepy_target [&EMT&$a$ wonders if $t$ is asleep.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ eyes the area, subtly.] */ // HASH_VALUE 5287E03B97E9C30E // INDEX 1134 emote_sly_nobody [&EMT&$a$ discreetly eyes the area.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ lets out a slow, sly smile. What is he up to?] */ // HASH_VALUE A1EA12C6004E0965 // INDEX 1135 emote_sly_self_m [&EMT&$a$ wears a mocking little smile. What is he up to?] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ lets out a slow, sly smile. What is she up to?] */ // HASH_VALUE E2952708CE9FB8B5 // INDEX 1136 emote_sly_self_f [&EMT&$a$ wears a mocking little smile. What is she up to?] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ gives $t$ a sly glance.] */ // HASH_VALUE 57E88C48C2E0CB1B // INDEX 1137 emote_sly_target [&EMT&$a$ casts a sly glance at $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 6DDD857999359A5B // INDEX 1138 emote_smack_nobody [&EMT&$a$ gets ready to smack someone.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ smacks himself, then realizes that hurts and stops.] */ // HASH_VALUE FF71242CC5A65EBA // INDEX 1139 emote_smack_self_m [&EMT&$a$ smacks himself, then realizes that it hurts and stops.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ smacks herself, then realizes that hurts and stops.] */ // HASH_VALUE FFC2142CC5A65EBA // INDEX 1140 emote_smack_self_f [&EMT&$a$ smacks herself, then realizes that it hurts and stops.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ smacks $t$ around.] */ // HASH_VALUE 010243907EF71FCF // INDEX 1141 emote_smack_target [&EMT&$a$ smacks $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 84562BD9D5E223D7 // INDEX 1142 emote_smug_nobody [&EMT&$a$ looks smug.] // HASH_VALUE DE54C48C289A7A30 // INDEX 1143 emote_smug_self [&EMT&$a$ smirks.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ smirks smugly at $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 01F1E8ECA2715230 // INDEX 1144 emote_smug_target [&EMT&$a$ smirks at $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ apologizes.] */ // HASH_VALUE C86F022089D61E59 // INDEX 1145 emote_sorry_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is sorry.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is in a sorry mess.] */ // HASH_VALUE C3F84C1DD107CA38 // INDEX 1146 emote_sorry_self [&EMT&$a$ is sincerely sorry.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is sorry, $t$. Please forgive him?] */ // HASH_VALUE D6F051D0BDCC73EF // INDEX 1147 emote_sorry_target_m [&EMT&$a$ is sorry, $t$. Can you forgive him?] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is sorry, $t$. Please forgive her?] */ // HASH_VALUE D64141D0BDCC73EF // INDEX 1148 emote_sorry_target_f [&EMT&$a$ is sorry, $t$. Can you forgive her?] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ needs to get back at someone.] */ // HASH_VALUE 7E5D9B7774F62FCE // INDEX 1149 emote_spiteful_nobody [&EMT&$a$ needs to take it out on someone.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is just being spiteful.] */ // HASH_VALUE 84D374189307EF2F // INDEX 1150 emote_spiteful_self [&EMT&$a$ is simply spiteful.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ does it to spite $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE F2D6561E7C7D3401 // INDEX 1151 emote_spiteful_target [&EMT&$a$ will do everything to hurt $t$'s feelings.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ squirms at something.] */ // HASH_VALUE 76E32B28CB751B3D // INDEX 1152 emote_squeamish_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is feeling dizzy.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is squeamish.] */ // HASH_VALUE 0267E7E252421FD8 // INDEX 1153 emote_squeamish_self [&EMT&$a$ keels over.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ squirms at $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE E0C06FCDA6467A1A // INDEX 1154 emote_squeamish_target [&EMT&$t$ makes $a$ sick.] // HASH_VALUE 55821CE6407C7514 // INDEX 1155 emote_stop_nobody [&EMT&$a$ yells "Stop!"] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ stops himself from doing something foolish.] */ // HASH_VALUE B2ED775837F683B4 // INDEX 1156 emote_stop_self_m [&EMT&$a$ restrains himself from doing what he desires.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ stops herself from doing something foolish.] */ // HASH_VALUE B75C9F4AF794C1A5 // INDEX 1157 emote_stop_self_f [&EMT&$a$ restrains herself from doing what she desires.] // HASH_VALUE 56CE4329B894124E // INDEX 1158 emote_stop_target [&EMT&$a$ wants $t$ to stop.] // HASH_VALUE ECEF904D46482389 // INDEX 1159 emote_strong_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is the strongest in the area!] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ flexes.] */ // HASH_VALUE C7421F1A73E6335B // INDEX 1160 emote_strong_self [&EMT&$a$ flexes and poses.] // HASH_VALUE 16396C4459D5AA2C // INDEX 1161 emote_strong_target [&EMT&$a$ bets $t$ is really strong.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ glares around stubbornly.] */ // HASH_VALUE 66470C5BDC159667 // INDEX 1162 emote_stubborn_nobody [&EMT&$a$ looks around stubbornly.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is stubborn, and you're not changing his mind.] */ // HASH_VALUE BD3E48C9D3CB08A7 // INDEX 1163 emote_stubborn_self_m [&EMT&$a$ is stubborn, and there's nothing you can do about it.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is stubborn, and you're not changing her mind.] */ // HASH_VALUE BD3E48C9D3CB08A7 // INDEX 1164 emote_stubborn_self_f [&EMT&$a$ is stubborn, and there's nothing you can do about it.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ glares stubbornly at $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 97C8135588496614 // INDEX 1165 emote_stubborn_target [&EMT&$a$ stubbornly looks at $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ suffers, loudly.] */ // HASH_VALUE 578278CFC638CA38 // INDEX 1166 emote_suffering_nobody [&EMT&$a$ screams with pain.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ lets everyone know he is suffering.] */ // HASH_VALUE B0CE84FA3486FB8F // INDEX 1167 emote_suffering_self_m [&EMT&$a$ lets everyone know he is in pain.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ lets everyone know she is suffering.] */ // HASH_VALUE 6F1CD2EBE0CBC6E8 // INDEX 1168 emote_suffering_self_f [&EMT&$a$ lets everyone know she is in pain.] // HASH_VALUE 6421661F498F8566 // INDEX 1169 emote_suffering_target_mm [&EMT&$a$ wants $t$ to know how much he makes him suffer.] // HASH_VALUE A561F1A6060274C4 // INDEX 1170 emote_suffering_target_mf [&EMT&$a$ wants $t$ to know how much she makes him suffer.] // HASH_VALUE 6421661F8A4F8566 // INDEX 1171 emote_suffering_target_fm [&EMT&$a$ wants $t$ to know how much he makes her suffer.] // HASH_VALUE A561F1AB050274C4 // INDEX 1172 emote_suffering_target_ff [&EMT&$a$ wants $t$ to know how much she makes her suffer.] // HASH_VALUE DF2527E956B0C24E // INDEX 1173 emote_surprised_nobody [&EMT&$a$ looks surprised.] // HASH_VALUE 7FA4B005D0A1AD5E // INDEX 1174 emote_surprised_self [&EMT&$a$ is surprised.] // HASH_VALUE 7F89EFD8D6B77D2B // INDEX 1175 emote_surprised_target [&EMT&$a$ is surprised by $t$.] // HASH_VALUE C618808B214DA4DE // INDEX 1176 emote_suspicious_nobody [&EMT&$a$ looks at everyone suspiciously.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ ] */ // HASH_VALUE C618808B214DA4DE // INDEX 1177 emote_suspicious_self [&EMT&$a$ looks at everyone suspiciously.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ peers at $t$ suspiciously.] */ // HASH_VALUE E584EC999AA69A1E // INDEX 1178 emote_suspicious_target [&EMT&$a$ looks at $t$ suspiciously.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ taunts the crowd.] */ // HASH_VALUE 9588332813D6E227 // INDEX 1179 emote_taunting_nobody [&EMT&$a$ provokes the crowd.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ taunts himself and is appropriately intimidated.] */ // HASH_VALUE BFAC2990D40CB15F // INDEX 1180 emote_taunting_self_m [&EMT&$a$ provokes himself and as a result he is intimidated.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ taunts herself and is appropriately intimidated.] */ // HASH_VALUE D00C513469BB9CD3 // INDEX 1181 emote_taunting_self_f [&EMT&$a$ provokes herself and as a result she is intimidated.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ taunts $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 169FA706CF309521 // INDEX 1182 emote_taunting_target [&EMT&$a$ provokes $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 5668E53E1D2A3FD5 // INDEX 1183 emote_terrified_nobody [&EMT&$a$ recoils in horror, terrified.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ tries to be terrifying to himself, and fails.] */ // HASH_VALUE 56903BF573068406 // INDEX 1184 emote_terrified_self_m [&EMT&$a$ tries to terrify himself, and fails.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ tries to be terrifying to herself, and fails.] */ // HASH_VALUE 55903BF57306840B // INDEX 1185 emote_terrified_self_f [&EMT&$a$ tries to terrify herself, and fails.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ widens his eyes at $t$, visibly terrified.] */ // HASH_VALUE 7A09CFC3403189D5 // INDEX 1186 emote_terrified_target_m [&EMT&$a$ looks at $t$ with his eyes wide open, visibly terrified.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ widens her eyes at $t$, visibly terrified.] */ // HASH_VALUE 7A09CFC3403185D1 // INDEX 1187 emote_terrified_target_f [&EMT&$a$ looks at $t$ with her eyes wide open, visibly terrified.] // HASH_VALUE 90A4EB05D31649EC // INDEX 1188 emote_thankful_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is thankful.] // HASH_VALUE 1D0EA5365A246728 // INDEX 1189 emote_thankful_self [&EMT&$a$ is thankful for being here.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is thankful for $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE C3A424D5C1F617E0 // INDEX 1190 emote_thankful_target [&EMT&$a$ is thankful to $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is thirsty. Drinks, anyone?] */ // HASH_VALUE F5561CC56F8D490F // INDEX 1191 emote_thirsty_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is thirsty. Does anybody want a drink?] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ swigs down a drink.] */ // HASH_VALUE 654340CF4E60BA6D // INDEX 1192 emote_thirsty_self [&EMT&$a$ swigs his drink down.] // HASH_VALUE FDBA6C79E3EBEEE6 // INDEX 1193 emote_thirsty_target [&EMT&$a$ asks $t$ for something to drink.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ mulls it over.] */ // HASH_VALUE A889779617F0A66C // INDEX 1194 emote_thoughtful_nobody [&EMT&$a$ turns it over in his mind.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ gave it a lot of thought.] */ // HASH_VALUE E752F4C7B7C58E77 // INDEX 1195 emote_thoughtful_self [&EMT&$a$ thinks about it a lot.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ looks thoughtfully at $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 2764009596B67629 // INDEX 1196 emote_thoughtful_target [&EMT&$a$ looks at $t$ thoughtfully.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is tired of this.] */ // HASH_VALUE 10870BCACE65722D // INDEX 1197 emote_tired_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is tired of all this.] // HASH_VALUE C86F020BC5E6065A // INDEX 1198 emote_tired_self [&EMT&$a$ is tired.] // HASH_VALUE 42735CD2C8C4BF25 // INDEX 1199 emote_tired_target [&EMT&$a$ is really tired of $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 908804170986C272 // INDEX 1200 emote_tolerant_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is extremely tolerant.] // HASH_VALUE 6A1780D3D0554867 // INDEX 1201 emote_tolerant_self_m [&EMT&$a$ puts up with himself.] // HASH_VALUE 6A1780D8CF554867 // INDEX 1202 emote_tolerant_self_f [&EMT&$a$ puts up with herself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ tolerates $t$, to a point.] */ // HASH_VALUE ADB795EB1E867FD3 // INDEX 1203 emote_tolerant_target [&EMT&$a$ tolerates $t$, as far as possible.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ appears troubled.] */ // HASH_VALUE D336C4FA773C731A // INDEX 1204 emote_troubled_nobody [&EMT&$a$ looks worried.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is deeply troubled.] */ // HASH_VALUE 9314741586444B61 // INDEX 1205 emote_troubled_self [&EMT&$a$ is deeply preoccupied.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is troubled by $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 15D207DA77B33B52 // INDEX 1206 emote_troubled_target [&EMT&$a$ worries about $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ just doesn't know.] */ // HASH_VALUE A2D7D3DA93247971 // INDEX 1207 emote_uncertain_nobody [&EMT&$a$ does not really know.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ was sure, but is now not so certain.] */ // HASH_VALUE 0029A7B5B58C2E94 // INDEX 1208 emote_uncertain_self [&EMT&$a$ was sure, but is not so sure now.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ shrugs uncertainly at $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 2C99ADEF600C738A // INDEX 1209 emote_uncertain_target [&EMT&$a$ aims an uncertain shrug at $t$.] // HASH_VALUE 95259CF9F73CC725 // INDEX 1210 emote_unhappy_nobody [&EMT&$a$ looks unhappy.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is unhappy with himself.] */ // HASH_VALUE 8C0DD180DE256B57 // INDEX 1211 emote_unhappy_self_m [&EMT&$a$ is displeased with himself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is unhappy with herself.] */ // HASH_VALUE 8C0DD180DE765B57 // INDEX 1212 emote_unhappy_self_f [&EMT&$a$ is displeased with herself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is unhappy at $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 01A7201B8D919713 // INDEX 1213 emote_unhappy_target [&EMT&$a$ is displeased with $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ stays put, unwilling.] */ // HASH_VALUE 034318EFE6EA1B1C // INDEX 1214 emote_unwilling_nobody [&EMT&$a$ does not move, and shows reluctance.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is unwilling. Try someone else.] */ // HASH_VALUE 6D89ADF171AB4B91 // INDEX 1215 emote_unwilling_self [&EMT&$a$ is unwilling. Try something else.] // HASH_VALUE 2DDE9D774FB20A92 // INDEX 1216 emote_unwilling_target [&EMT&$a$ is unwilling to comply with $t$.] // HASH_VALUE D157CF2E0C154D62 // INDEX 1217 emote_vengeful_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is eager for revenge.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ seeks to avenge himself.] */ // HASH_VALUE 67A707031854AB63 // INDEX 1218 emote_vengeful_self_m [&EMT&$a$ tries to avenge himself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ seeks to avenge herself.] */ // HASH_VALUE A86707031854AB63 // INDEX 1219 emote_vengeful_self_f [&EMT&$a$ tries to avenge herself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ seeks vengence for $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 14A81C3AC83986DC // INDEX 1220 emote_vengeful_target [&EMT&$a$ is vengeful towards $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ waits around.] */ // HASH_VALUE B19703D543B7CFE3 // INDEX 1221 emote_wait_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is waiting.] // HASH_VALUE E316D7DA3DA06527 // INDEX 1222 emote_wait_self [&EMT&$a$ yells, "Wait for me!"] // HASH_VALUE 11633B2448FCBE77 // INDEX 1223 emote_wait_target [&EMT&$a$ wants to wait for $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ lets out a warm smile.] */ // HASH_VALUE 55C5DCFEA2D1931C // INDEX 1224 emote_warm_nobody [&EMT&$a$ warmly smiles.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ warms up.] */ // HASH_VALUE 9872DBCA47151B4F // INDEX 1225 emote_warm_self [&EMT&$a$ becomes animated.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ gives $t$ a warm welcome.] */ // HASH_VALUE 92F717DD40578E30 // INDEX 1226 emote_warm_target [&EMT&$a$ warmly welcomes $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ peers about warily.] */ // HASH_VALUE E9E7282A0CE37523 // INDEX 1227 emote_wary_nobody [&EMT&$a$ looks around warily.] // HASH_VALUE A2C7C64EDA34CF70 // INDEX 1228 emote_wary_self_m [&EMT&$a$ looks at himself warily.] // HASH_VALUE A1C7C64EDA34CF75 // INDEX 1229 emote_wary_self_f [&EMT&$a$ looks at herself warily.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ gives $t$ a wary look.] */ // HASH_VALUE 6BD2EB2C0CE375E3 // INDEX 1230 emote_wary_target [&EMT&$a$ looks at $t$ warily.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ attempts to start a wave. Everybody now!] */ // HASH_VALUE 87A4A6CA9F4D6EF1 // INDEX 1231 emote_wave_nobody [&EMT&$a$ attempts to start a Mexican wave. Come on everyboby!] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ waves his hands in the air like he just doesn't care.] */ // HASH_VALUE C8FC59B037081D42 // INDEX 1232 emote_wave_self_m [&EMT&$a$ casually puts his hands up in the air.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ waves her hands in the air like she just doesn't care.] */ // HASH_VALUE C8FC55AC37081D42 // INDEX 1233 emote_wave_self_f [&EMT&$a$ casually puts her hands up in the air.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ waves at $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE D88EC302547CA510 // INDEX 1234 emote_wave_target [&EMT&$a$ waves to $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ is whining.] */ // HASH_VALUE CD7554D8B9789618 // INDEX 1235 emote_whine_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is complaining.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ whines to no one in particular, but knows it probably won't help.] */ // HASH_VALUE 0E8EC195A02E198A // INDEX 1236 emote_whine_self [&EMT&$a$ complains to no one in particular, but knows it won't help.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ whines at $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE DE2E27D889D01252 // INDEX 1237 emote_whine_target [&EMT&$a$ complains to $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ has a wicked look.] */ // HASH_VALUE E6B6D84D5B644E0B // INDEX 1238 emote_wicked_nobody [&EMT&$a$ has a wicked appearance.] // HASH_VALUE 4623ECB1A44A18AB // INDEX 1239 emote_wicked_self_m [&EMT&$a$ couldn't be more wicked if he tried.] // HASH_VALUE 866310B38F9EDCEC // INDEX 1240 emote_wicked_self_f [&EMT&$a$ couldn't be more wicked if she tried.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ thinks $t$ is positively wicked.] */ // HASH_VALUE ABB8E93207C68AA4 // INDEX 1241 emote_wicked_target [&EMT&$a$ thinks $t$ is really wicked.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ considers things, wisely.] */ // HASH_VALUE 2743EF5999086F74 // INDEX 1242 emote_wise_nobody [&EMT&$a$ considers things wisely.] // HASH_VALUE E1C4948C79199E20 // INDEX 1243 emote_wise_self [&EMT&$a$ chooses wisely.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ considers $t$ wise.] */ // HASH_VALUE 02F284D303231F23 // INDEX 1244 emote_wise_target [&EMT&$a$ thinks $t$ is wise.] // HASH_VALUE 001F4D97F93B5FE8 // INDEX 1245 emote_wistful_nobody [&EMT&$a$ looks wistfully into the distance.] // HASH_VALUE 7CBE67BDB856B4E5 // INDEX 1246 emote_wistful_self [&EMT&$a$ sighs wistfully, lost in thought.] // HASH_VALUE 915818CFCF20DF2A // INDEX 1247 emote_wistful_target [&EMT&$a$ looks wistfully at $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ worries, generically.] */ // HASH_VALUE 5216119196498D62 // INDEX 1248 emote_worried_nobody [&EMT&$a$ is a natural-born worrier.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ worries about himself sometimes.] */ // HASH_VALUE 95A28CCBC9473B42 // INDEX 1249 emote_worried_self_m [&EMT&$a$ worries sometimes.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ worries about herself sometimes.] */ // HASH_VALUE 95A28CCBC9473B42 // INDEX 1250 emote_worried_self_f [&EMT&$a$ worries sometimes.] // HASH_VALUE 15D207DA77B33B52 // INDEX 1251 emote_worried_target [&EMT&$a$ worries about $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ staggers, wounded.] */ // HASH_VALUE 2472FF637901DC19 // INDEX 1252 emote_wounded_nobody [&EMT&A wound is making $a$ reel.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ has managed to wound himself. Heal?] */ // HASH_VALUE 9B4708188A72DD26 // INDEX 1253 emote_wounded_self_m [&EMT&$a$ hurt himself. Heal?] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ has managed to wound herself. Heal?] */ // HASH_VALUE 9B47081D8972DD26 // INDEX 1254 emote_wounded_self_f [&EMT&$a$ hurt herself. Heal?] // HASH_VALUE 5D94DFE2C79595BA // INDEX 1255 emote_wounded_target [&EMT&$a$ has wounded $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ yawns noticeably.] */ // HASH_VALUE 9752601E4032F71F // INDEX 1256 emote_yawn_nobody [&EMT&$a$ yawns his head off.] // HASH_VALUE 6024CE2CCBE87F26 // INDEX 1257 emote_yawn_self [&EMT&$a$ yawns. Could be bored, could be tired.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ yawns straight at $t$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 97521323F441A677 // INDEX 1258 emote_yawn_target [&EMT&$a$ yawns in front of $t$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ knows its just you and him out here.] */ // HASH_VALUE 081E7B410F2883DD // INDEX 1259 emote_youandme_nobody_m [&EMT&$a$ knows this is just going to be the two of them out there.] /* OLD VALUE : [&EMT&$a$ knows its just you and her out here.] */ // HASH_VALUE 081E7B410F2883DD // INDEX 1260 emote_youandme_nobody_f [&EMT&$a$ knows this is just going to be the two of them out there.] // HASH_VALUE EFF2898069BC4FCE // INDEX 1261 emote_youandme_self [&EMT&$a$ wonders if "it's just you and me", where everyone went.] // HASH_VALUE 83EB6B8B25C7E95A // INDEX 1262 emote_youandme_target [&EMT&$a$ says, "It's just you and me, $t$."] // HASH_VALUE 00AE50C867A1C792 // INDEX 1263 exchange_accepted [&ITM&Exchange accepted on both sides.] // HASH_VALUE 6F81B9608F353BAB // INDEX 1264 exchange_accept_too_far [&CHK&$p$ accepted the exchange but is too far from you.] // HASH_VALUE B2E1C0E8BC0D5826 // INDEX 1265 exchange_already_trading [&CHK&You can't exchange with someone if you are already trading.] // HASH_VALUE 378CBEFE92471903 // INDEX 1266 exhange_busy [&CHK&$p$ is already busy and cannot exchange with you.] // HASH_VALUE FA81A55A38A8EFE9 // INDEX 1267 exchange_decline [&SYS&$p$ doesn't want to exchange with you.] // HASH_VALUE 1996BCE4F6664E1F // INDEX 1268 exchange_end [&SYS&$p$ ended exchange.] // HASH_VALUE CC67519AD48BA8FF // INDEX 1269 exchange_invitation_m [$p$ invites you to exchange with him.] // HASH_VALUE 0D27519AD48BA8FF // INDEX 1270 exchange_invitation_f [$p$ invites you to exchange with her.] // HASH_VALUE EB8AE587239A7591 // INDEX 1271 exchange_send_proposal [&SYS&You invite $p$ to exchange with you.] // HASH_VALUE 9B0E52583FB04120 // INDEX 1272 exchange_temp_inventory_must_empty [&CHK&You can't validate the exchange if your temporary inventory is not empty!] // HASH_VALUE F9CD1AE1FBCE0E04 // INDEX 1273 exchange_too_far [&CHK&You are too far from $p$ to exchange something with him.] // HASH_VALUE 71FCBE4A8BD1C557 // INDEX 1274 faber_cancel [&ITMF&Your crafting action has been interrupted!] // HASH_VALUE D3AFB3A120D9F3B0 // INDEX 1275 faber_item_fail [&CHK&Craft system failure: can't create crafted item! Please report this bug with exact sentence used. Thanks!] // HASH_VALUE F071FF6631B60BB3 // INDEX 1276 faber_stack_fail [&CHK&Craft system failure: can't create stack item! Please report this bug with exact sentence used. Thanks!] // HASH_VALUE BBBB94B48F4B14FA // INDEX 1277 faber_critical_sucess [&ITM&Your crafting action is a critical success! Crafted item is exceptional for this action and selected raw materials!] /* OLD VALUE : [&ITMF&Your crafting action is a complete failure, you lose raw materials used for crafting!] */ // HASH_VALUE EE35C3D3C915BD4A // INDEX 1278 faber_fumble [&ITMF&Your crafting action is a complete failure, you may lose some of the raw materials used for crafting!] /* OLD VALUE : [&ITMF&Your crafting action is a failure!] */ // HASH_VALUE 36D16D57201439C5 // INDEX 1279 faber_miss [&CHK&Your crafting action is a failure!, you may lose some of the raw materials used for crafting!] // HASH_VALUE 0CE0811AF887529F // INDEX 1280 faber_partial_sucess [&ITMF&Your crafting action is a partial success! Crafted item is degraded!] // HASH_VALUE 1569669335AAF7BE // INDEX 1281 faber_sucess [&ITM&Your crafting action is a success! Crafted item corresponding to your action and raw materials selected!] // HASH_VALUE 523E2D235E3CC33D // INDEX 1282 faction_points_cannot_gain_yet_1m [&XP&1 minute is needed before being able to earn fame points by fighting $victim$.] // HASH_VALUE EA706DE0806B4127 // INDEX 1283 faction_points_cannot_gain_yet_xm [&XP&$m$ minutes are needed before being able to earn fame points by fighting $victim$.] // HASH_VALUE 12DD15185D9DC33D // INDEX 1284 faction_points_cannot_gain_yet_1s [&XP&1 second is needed before being able to earn fame points by fighting $victim$.] // HASH_VALUE 68C05DE6806B5521 // INDEX 1285 faction_points_cannot_gain_yet_xs [&XP&$s$ seconds are needed before being able to earn fame points by fighting $victim$.] // HASH_VALUE 957BB98CC5A8D210 // INDEX 1286 faction_points_gain_p [&XP&You gain $fp$ honor points with $faction.da$ $faction$.] // HASH_VALUE 59556B1F7713D804 // INDEX 1287 faction_points_gain_1 [&XP&You gain 1 honor point with $faction.da$ $faction$.] // HASH_VALUE 46C561D0D4C5E35B // INDEX 1288 faction_points_gain_0 [&XP&You don't gain any honor point.] // HASH_VALUE 531CF191C5A8D210 // INDEX 1289 faction_points_lose_p [&XP&You lose $fp$ honor points with $faction.da$ $faction$.] // HASH_VALUE 17F6A3247713D804 // INDEX 1290 faction_points_lose_1 [&XP&You lose 1 honor point with $faction.da$ $faction$.] // HASH_VALUE 46C53DDA5715E35B // INDEX 1291 faction_points_lose_0 [&XP&You don't lose any honor point.] // HASH_VALUE CF6B4D9EB57BB40A // INDEX 1292 fame_gain_char [You gain fame with $faction.da$ $faction$] // HASH_VALUE 57F777C28C36F49F // INDEX 1293 fame_gain_char_ally [You gain fame with their allies $faction.da$ $faction$] // HASH_VALUE E34861FCE1134997 // INDEX 1294 fame_gain_char_enemy [You gain fame with their enemies $faction.da$ $faction$] // HASH_VALUE 3C6DDE0A50227124 // INDEX 1295 fame_gain_guild [Your guild gains fame with $faction.da$ $faction$] // HASH_VALUE C4F9082E27DDB1B9 // INDEX 1296 fame_gain_guild_ally [Your guild gains fame with their allies $faction.da$ $faction$] // HASH_VALUE 504AF2687CBA06B1 // INDEX 1297 fame_gain_guild_enemy [Your guild gains fame with their enemies $faction.da$ $faction$] // HASH_VALUE CF6B4D9E371CEC0F // INDEX 1298 fame_lost_char [You lost fame with $faction.da$ $faction$] // HASH_VALUE 57F777C20ED72CA4 // INDEX 1299 fame_lost_char_ally [You lost fame with their allies $faction.da$ $faction$] // HASH_VALUE E34861FC63B4819C // INDEX 1300 fame_lost_char_enemy [You lost fame with their enemies $faction.da$ $faction$] // HASH_VALUE DF899168EB6321DA // INDEX 1301 fame_lost_guild [Your guild lost fame with $faction.da$ $faction$] // HASH_VALUE 44AAB332F3590F2A // INDEX 1302 fame_lost_guild_ally [Your guild lost fame with their allies $faction.da$ $faction$] // HASH_VALUE 418E07AD82EE467F // INDEX 1303 fame_lost_guild_enemy [Your guild lost fame with their enemies $faction.da$ $faction$] // HASH_VALUE BC91A46BB8EBB53D // INDEX 1304 forage_absorb_dmg [&DMG&You absorb raw material source damage for $damage$ points of damage.] // HASH_VALUE 8D7AB7D751E47940 // INDEX 1305 forage_cant_add_source [&ITMF&No more forage sources can be seen at the moment.] // HASH_VALUE C3DEA26E1CDD6439 // INDEX 1306 forage_care_xp_needs_team [&XP&You must team with the extractor to earn XP from care actions.] // HASH_VALUE 2E2635476F9AC2D4 // INDEX 1307 forage_deposit_depleted [&ITMF&Some raw materials used to be present here, but they have all been used up and the deposit is now empty for a while.] // HASH_VALUE D196DF670F3C2F59 // INDEX 1308 forage_deposit_distance_0 [&FORLD&Deposit at less than 1 m] // HASH_VALUE 9282E76D520D643E // INDEX 1309 forage_deposit_distance [&FORLD&Deposit at $distance$ m] // HASH_VALUE 8DE7636D771467DD // INDEX 1310 forage_deposit_is_empty [&ITMF&There are no more raw materials in this deposit.] // HASH_VALUE F0544EF5EB75A7F3 // INDEX 1311 forage_deposit_located [&FORLD&A deposit is very close, which means the raw material you are searching for is in the surrounding area.] // HASH_VALUE 595F2F71D9C3AB64 // INDEX 1312 forage_dep_trackg_stopped [&FORLD&End of prospection.] // HASH_VALUE 577570E5477E761F // INDEX 1313 forage_drop_quality [&ITMF&You spoiled the quality of the material!] // HASH_VALUE 270F8B97241AFFD8 // INDEX 1314 forage_drop_quantity [&ITMF&You failed to catch the material!] // HASH_VALUE E68A62FCC91C9A38 // INDEX 1315 forage_ecotype_spec_not_matching [&CHK&The terrain specialization cannot be used here.] // HASH_VALUE 3FBBF3E4591CAEAC // INDEX 1316 forage_extraction_needs_target_source [&CHK&You need to target a forage source to begin extraction.] // HASH_VALUE 8F93278D9F247305 // INDEX 1317 forage_fail [&ITMF&You didn't manage to get any whole pieces of raw material.] // HASH_VALUE 9B37872F49E6A26A // INDEX 1318 forage_nothing_found [&ITMF&You found nothing.] // HASH_VALUE 3E1D1940AD452B4E // INDEX 1319 forage_found_source [&ITM&You found a raw material source.] // HASH_VALUE 84EADC8854F7EDC1 // INDEX 1320 forage_found_sources [&ITM&You found $n$ raw material sources.] // HASH_VALUE ED16E27439A24457 // INDEX 1321 forage_invalid_place [&CHK&You can't forage for raw materials in this place.] // HASH_VALUE 8B52343838488C0A // INDEX 1322 forage_kami_anger_punish [&SYS&A Kami tells you: Me very angry! Take this!] // HASH_VALUE D2625EB06853221B // INDEX 1323 forage_kami_anger_warning [&SYS&A Kami warns you: you steal resources of this land. His anger is growing! Beware!] // HASH_VALUE 86EE42784A4CFD99 // INDEX 1324 forage_kami_offering_item [&SYS&You offer some $i$ to lessen the Kami's wrath.] // HASH_VALUE D7C8A1A0092A1D95 // INDEX 1325 forage_kami_offering_not_enough_items [&CHK&You don't have enough items to offer.] // HASH_VALUE C206CB0A3D51ABD8 // INDEX 1326 forage_material_spec_not_matching [&CHK&The material specialization does not match the material source.] // HASH_VALUE C8C12F180F622F27 // INDEX 1327 forage_miss [&ITMF&Hard luck, part of your forage action failed!] // HASH_VALUE B4452243B7AD6617 // INDEX 1328 forage_no_care_first [&CHK&You can't begin an extraction with a care action.] // HASH_VALUE 51F4D2A7C01CA03C // INDEX 1329 forage_no_deposit_exact_statquality [&ITMF&You have detected the presence of raw materials, but they are of a different class than the materials searched for by your current prospecting action.] // HASH_VALUE 8533AA488F50D976 // INDEX 1330 forage_no_deposit_here [&ITMF&No raw materials were detected in this area.] // HASH_VALUE C32451A02DAD40F6 // INDEX 1331 forage_no_deposit_in_context [&ITMF&No specified raw materials are present in the area at the moment.] // HASH_VALUE C24381538CF12CFB // INDEX 1332 forage_no_deposit_in_season [&ITMF&No specified raw materials are present in the area in this season.] // HASH_VALUE 7A80717377E7D185 // INDEX 1333 forage_no_deposit_in_weather [&ITMF&No specified raw materials are present in the area in these weather conditions.] // HASH_VALUE 62070F412575CE14 // INDEX 1334 forage_no_deposit_material_filter [&ITMF&No specified raw materials are present in the area.] // HASH_VALUE 8E62C8B51D673E39 // INDEX 1335 forage_no_deposit_statquality [&ITMF&You have detected the presence of raw materials, but they are of a higher class than your current prospecting action allows you to forage.] // HASH_VALUE 85FFAB186CF4A260 // INDEX 1336 forage_no_local_rm_exact_statquality [&ITMF&Some raw materials have been detected here, but are of a different class than the materials searched for by your current prospecting action. Some matching materials were detected near by, though.] // HASH_VALUE 0D99AF63035FAEE4 // INDEX 1337 forage_no_local_rm_material_filter [&ITMF&Some specified raw materials were detected near by, though.] // HASH_VALUE F5FC02A1F594BAD5 // INDEX 1338 forage_no_local_rm_statquality [&ITMF&Some raw materials have been detected here, but they are of a higher class than your current prospecting action allows you to forage. Some lower class materials were detected near by, though.] // HASH_VALUE 038D624D553302DE // INDEX 1339 forage_only_one_extractor [&CHK&Someone is already extracting this forage source, you may only apply care actions.] // HASH_VALUE 846A0154C1662731 // INDEX 1340 forage_too_low [&CHK&Your quality stanza is too low to be used on this forage source.] // HASH_VALUE E44AE80D9D86F6F9 // INDEX 1341 forage_site_depleted [&ITMF&Some raw materials used to be present here, but the place seems depleted.] // HASH_VALUE 4C66154B3795E171 // INDEX 1342 forage_source_depleted [&ITMF&The forage source was prematurely destroyed.] // HASH_VALUE 15138CD73DA8D0DE // INDEX 1343 forage_source_impact_mode0 [&SYS&The source mode is $m$.] // HASH_VALUE B3F436EE652D4161 // INDEX 1344 forage_source_maxlevel [&SYS&The optimal quality available in this source is $l$.] // HASH_VALUE C411F53C424B51F4 // INDEX 1345 forage_source_obstacle [&ITMF&You couldn't find a raw material source due to some obstacle.] // HASH_VALUE E92E729787356BA2 // INDEX 1346 forage_source_site_depleted [&ITMF&The forage source was prematurely destroyed and the area is exhausted!] // HASH_VALUE 926531AEF622B552 // INDEX 1347 forage_too_far_from_source [&CHK&You are too far from the source to forage.] // HASH_VALUE EC1A925ACB3E9DD8 // INDEX 1348 forage_xp_prospection_0 [&XP&This score includes points earned for prospecting.] // HASH_VALUE E86D1AF92B4EA990 // INDEX 1349 forage_xp_prospection_1 [&XP&This score was earned for a source that you discovered but someone else exploited.] // HASH_VALUE 4104E7A39CC8E9F6 // INDEX 1350 harvest_loot_already_in_progress_other [&CHK&$creature.da$ $creature$ is already being looted by $harvester$.] // HASH_VALUE F27F4FF7B66164E8 // INDEX 1351 harvest_nothing_to_loot [&ITMF&There is nothing to loot on $e.da$ $e$.] // HASH_VALUE B570443F4128F0C2 // INDEX 1352 harvest_nothing_to_quarter [&ITMF&There is nothing to quarter on $e.da$ $e$.] // HASH_VALUE C905A8ABE3FAC3E0 // INDEX 1353 harvest_quarter_already_in_progress_other [&CHK&$creature.da$ $creature$ is already being quartered by $harvester$.] // HASH_VALUE 3E0B0DA6628BF830 // INDEX 1354 harvest_quarter_already_in_progress_self [&CHK&You are already quartering $e.da$ $e$.] // HASH_VALUE 4AC3358896457098 // INDEX 1355 harvest_success_pl [&ITM&You obtain $nb$ $item.p$ of quality $quality$.] // HASH_VALUE CA1F61F802BE94FE // INDEX 1356 harvest_success_1 [&ITM&You obtain one $item$ of quality $quality$.] // HASH_VALUE 4F6E45723DF8C867 // INDEX 1357 harvest_success_other_pl [&ITMO&$p$ obtains $nb$ $item.p$ of quality $quality$.] // HASH_VALUE 02740CEA7F5ED01D // INDEX 1358 harvest_success_other_1 [&ITMO&$p$ obtains one $item$ of quality $quality$.] // HASH_VALUE 69DC34E9C86A28EE // INDEX 1359 invalid_forage_tool [&CHK&You don't have a forage tool in hand.] /* OLD VALUE : [&ITM&You have just bought $item.ia$ $item$ for $cost$ dappers.] */ // HASH_VALUE 3C70AAD61975F598 // INDEX 1360 inventory_buy_item_1 [&ITM&You have just bought $item.ia$ $item$ for $cost$ Dappers.] /* OLD VALUE : [&ITM&You have just bought $qty$ $item.p$ for $cost$ dappers.] */ // HASH_VALUE 6C55EF49DC986C3F // INDEX 1361 inventory_buy_item_p [&ITM&You have just bought $qty$ $item.p$ for $cost$ Dappers.] // HASH_VALUE FCDFB41728830E28 // INDEX 1362 inventory_buy_item_1fc [&ITM&You have just bought $item.ia$ $item$ for $cost$ Dappers and $fp$ honor points.] // HASH_VALUE 0E5E094F9CBA6B2F // INDEX 1363 inventory_buy_item_pfc [&ITM&You have just bought $qty$ $item.p$ for $cost$ Dappers and $fp$ honor points.] // HASH_VALUE 662C6D09785E33D2 // INDEX 1364 inventory_buy_item_1f [&ITM&You have just bought $item.ia$ $item$ for $fp$ honor points.] // HASH_VALUE 4FF8920509CA71DD // INDEX 1365 inventory_buy_item_pf [&ITM&You have just bought $qty$ $item.p$ for $fp$ honor points.] // HASH_VALUE 7E0BBC2F1FEEC7E5 // INDEX 1366 inventory_destroy_item_1 [&ITM&You have destroyed $item.ia$ $item$.] // HASH_VALUE B49FF15118A68A98 // INDEX 1367 inventory_destroy_item_p [&ITM&You have destroyed $qty$ $item.p$.] // HASH_VALUE 60AC162AD238FA58 // INDEX 1368 inventory_drop_item_1 [&ITM&You have dropped $item.ia$ $item$ on the ground.] // HASH_VALUE 62E3567813A1909A // INDEX 1369 inventory_drop_item_p [&ITM&You have dropped $qty$ $item.p$ on the ground.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&You equip with your $item$.] */ // HASH_VALUE C2B547229D743006 // INDEX 1370 inventory_equip_item_1 [&SYS&You equip your $item$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&You equip with your $item.p$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 42DA6F226A7463E1 // INDEX 1371 inventory_equip_item_p [&SYS&You equip your $item.p$.] // HASH_VALUE 93479CDA29035237 // INDEX 1372 inventory_unequip_item_1 [&SYS&You unequip your $item$.] // HASH_VALUE 15479CDA5CB04A79 // INDEX 1373 inventory_unequip_item_p [&SYS&You unequip your $item.p$.] // HASH_VALUE 1E2C74DB0F710A03 // INDEX 1374 item_can_be_solded_1 [&SYS&Your $item$ of quality $qual$ can't be sold.] // HASH_VALUE 797319FF17E41270 // INDEX 1375 item_can_be_solded_2 [&SYS&Your $qty$ $item.p$ of quality $qual$ can't be sold.] // HASH_VALUE D20BF3808CA52C02 // INDEX 1376 item_in_right_hand_have_not_ebought_sap [&CHK&The item in your right hand has not enough sap.] // HASH_VALUE C03AB88615A7143A // INDEX 1377 item_is_not_crystallized_action [&CHK&item $i$ is not an action crystal.] // HASH_VALUE 7DD99C7B64FB4C50 // INDEX 1378 item_is_not_crystallized_sapload_recharge [&CHK&Item $i$ is not a recharge crystal.] // HASH_VALUE 1C58B74DA72F7E9E // INDEX 1379 item_is_now_enchanted [&SPLM&You have enchanted item $i$.] // HASH_VALUE 12C7DCC5B2267C8D // INDEX 1380 item_is_recharged [&ITM&Item $it$ is now recharged. Sap load is $current$ of $max$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&Item you want buy is no more available.] */ // HASH_VALUE D10071B1CF71533B // INDEX 1381 item_not_available [&CHK&The item you want buy is no more available.] // HASH_VALUE D406EF36943A0421 // INDEX 1382 item_sold_1 [&ITM&You sell $item.ia$ $item$ for $moneyNow$ dapper(s).] // HASH_VALUE 3E7EC51B5D13F5D1 // INDEX 1383 item_sold_2 [&ITM&You sell $qty$ $item.p$ for $moneyNow$ dapper(s).] // HASH_VALUE EDA2E6F4C6776FA6 // INDEX 1384 item_sold_market_1 [&ITM&Your $item$ has been sold, the merchant has already given you the corresponding dappers.] // HASH_VALUE C578E26A2226380A // INDEX 1385 item_sold_market_2 [&ITM&Your $qty$ $item.p$ have been sold, the merchant has already given you the corresponding dappers.] // HASH_VALUE DE49C354C4732181 // INDEX 1386 kami_anger_defender_hit [&DMG&A Kami punishes you for $damage$ points of damage.] // HASH_VALUE C33118F65B7ED633 // INDEX 1387 kami_anger_spectator_hit [&SYS&A Kami punishes $defender$ for $damage$ points of damage.] // HASH_VALUE 08F533149AD85315 // INDEX 1388 lift_bot_craft [$b$$$fct_guild_rm_craft$$] // HASH_VALUE C62533149AD85B1B // INDEX 1389 lift_bot_fight [$b$$$fct_guild_rm_fight$$] // HASH_VALUE C49533149AC75F1B // INDEX 1390 lift_bot_magic [$b$$$fct_guild_rm_magic$$] // HASH_VALUE 61C423176284D2F6 // INDEX 1391 lift_exit [Exit$$exit$$] // HASH_VALUE 4AC3358896457098 // INDEX 1392 loot_success_pl [&ITM&You obtain $nb$ $item.p$ of quality $quality$.] // HASH_VALUE CA1F61F802BE94FE // INDEX 1393 loot_success_1 [&ITM&You obtain one $item$ of quality $quality$.] // HASH_VALUE 4F6E45723DF8C867 // INDEX 1394 loot_success_other_pl [&ITMO&$p$ obtains $nb$ $item.p$ of quality $quality$.] // HASH_VALUE 02740CEA7F5ED01D // INDEX 1395 loot_success_other_1 [&ITMO&$p$ obtains one $item$ of quality $quality$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&Target missing or invalid.] */ // HASH_VALUE 6376484824C4BA7F // INDEX 1396 magic_bad_target [&CHKCB&Target missing or invalid.] // HASH_VALUE B37340170B2CA72A // INDEX 1397 magic_begin_bad_actor [&SPLM&You invoke an offensive spell on $e.ia$ $e$.] // HASH_VALUE DC5E3060B27CDA32 // INDEX 1398 magic_begin_cast_bad_spectator [&SYS&$actor.ia$ $actor$ invokes an offensive spell on $target.ia$ $target$.] // HASH_VALUE 051952AD6AC3A0A9 // INDEX 1399 magic_begin_cast_bad_target [&SPL&$e.ia$ $e$ invokes an offensive spell on you.] // HASH_VALUE FE8F00124B1CC727 // INDEX 1400 magic_begin_good_actor [&SPLM&You invoke a beneficial spell on $e.ia$ $e$.] // HASH_VALUE 1C31F750718CD63A // INDEX 1401 magic_begin_cast_good_spectator [&SYS&$actor.ia$ $actor$ invokes a beneficial spell on $target.ia$ $target$.] // HASH_VALUE 45EC199D29D39CB1 // INDEX 1402 magic_begin_cast_good_target [&SPL&$e.ia$ $e$ invokes a beneficial spell on you.] // HASH_VALUE 3687509D451CE421 // INDEX 1403 magic_begin_neutral_actor [&SPLM&You invoke a neutral spell on $e.ia$ $e$.] // HASH_VALUE 0881573CBD29DB7D // INDEX 1404 magic_begin_cast_neutral_spectator [&SYS&$actor.ia$ $actor$ invokes a neutral spell on $target.ia$ $target$.] // HASH_VALUE C9CD4434FB9E11FE // INDEX 1405 magic_begin_cast_neutral_target [&SPL&$e.ia$ $e$ invokes a neutral spell on you.] // HASH_VALUE 188DCAFB342291F5 // INDEX 1406 magic_begin_selfcast_bad_actor [&SPL&You invoke an offensive spell on yourself.] // HASH_VALUE FF8AECDA01C4598B // INDEX 1407 magic_begin_bad_spectator_c [&SYS&$actor.ia$ $actor$ invokes an offensive spell on itself.] // HASH_VALUE 811A24D43EB411C3 // INDEX 1408 magic_begin_bad_spectator_nm [&SYS&$actor.ia$ $actor$ invokes an offensive spell on himself.] // HASH_VALUE 811A24D93DB411C3 // INDEX 1409 magic_begin_bad_spectator_nf [&SYS&$actor.ia$ $actor$ invokes an offensive spell on herself.] // HASH_VALUE 489322B87B75EDA2 // INDEX 1410 magic_begin_bad_spectator_pm [&SYS&$actor$ invokes an offensive spell on himself.] // HASH_VALUE 489322B87B75019E // INDEX 1411 magic_begin_bad_spectator_pf [&SYS&$actor$ invokes an offensive spell on herself.] // HASH_VALUE 586091EBF3328DFD // INDEX 1412 magic_begin_selfcast_good_actor [&SPL&You invoke a beneficial spell on yourself.] // HASH_VALUE 3F5DB3CAC0D45593 // INDEX 1413 magic_begin_good_spectator_c [&SYS&$actor.ia$ $actor$ invokes a beneficial spell on itself.] // HASH_VALUE C1EDEBC4FDC40DCB // INDEX 1414 magic_begin_good_spectator_nm [&SYS&$actor.ia$ $actor$ invokes a beneficial spell on himself.] // HASH_VALUE C1EDEBC9FCC40DCB // INDEX 1415 magic_begin_good_spectator_nf [&SYS&$actor.ia$ $actor$ invokes a beneficial spell on herself.] // HASH_VALUE 888342B5C691AD9D // INDEX 1416 magic_begin_good_spectator_pm [&SYS&$actor$ invokes a beneficial spell on himself.] // HASH_VALUE 888342B5C691C199 // INDEX 1417 magic_begin_good_spectator_pf [&SYS&$actor$ invokes a beneficial spell on herself.] // HASH_VALUE 0E705CE7A16069DE // INDEX 1418 magic_begin_selfcast_neutral_actor [&SPL&You invoke a neutral spell on yourself.] // HASH_VALUE 2678B9C96B14C2B7 // INDEX 1419 magic_begin_neutral_spectator_c [&SYS&$actor.ia$ $actor$ invokes a neutral spell on itself.] // HASH_VALUE E65A9ACFA9F5AAAC // INDEX 1420 magic_begin_neutral_spectator_nm [&SYS&$actor.ia$ $actor$ invokes a neutral spell on himself.] // HASH_VALUE E65A9ACFA9F5BEA8 // INDEX 1421 magic_begin_neutral_spectator_nf [&SYS&$actor.ia$ $actor$ invokes a neutral spell on herself.] // HASH_VALUE 4CF5C6467F4CD94C // INDEX 1422 magic_begin_neutral_spectator_pm [&SYS&$actor$ invokes a neutral spell on himself.] // HASH_VALUE 4C46B6467F4CD94C // INDEX 1423 magic_begin_neutral_spectator_pf [&SYS&$actor$ invokes a neutral spell on herself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&This spell cannot be cast on an enemy.] */ // HASH_VALUE A0030DA8C3E7C116 // INDEX 1424 magic_cannot_cast_on_enemy [&CHKCB&This spell cannot be cast on an enemy.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&You cannot cast yet.] */ // HASH_VALUE 8B9E336E5FFEB45A // INDEX 1425 magic_cannot_cast_yet [&CHKCB&You cannot cast yet.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&You cannot cast this spell on yourself.] */ // HASH_VALUE C03F544FC696F110 // INDEX 1426 magic_cannot_selfcast [&CHKCB&You cannot cast this spell on yourself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&This spell can only be cast on an enemy.] */ // HASH_VALUE FEDB7DF9BEDC2F64 // INDEX 1427 magic_can_only_cast_on_enemy [&CHKCB&This spell can only be cast on an enemy.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&You can only use this spell on other players.] */ // HASH_VALUE FC1343B00DCD8D17 // INDEX 1428 magic_can_only_cast_on_players [&CHKCB&You can only use this spell on other players.] /* OLD VALUE : [&DGM&Your spell hits $e.da$ $e$ for $n$ magic hit points of damage.] */ // HASH_VALUE 51E83D34157CD636 // INDEX 1429 magic_damage_hp_caster [&DGM&You inflict $n$($m$) magic hit points damage to $e.da$ $e$.] // HASH_VALUE 0F67A6AB57E98A36 // INDEX 1430 magic_damage_hp_spectators [&SYS&$caster.da$ $caster$'s spell hits $target.da$ $target$ for $n$ hit points of damage.] /* OLD VALUE : [&DMG&$e.da$ $e$'s spell hits you for $n$ hit points of damage.] */ // HASH_VALUE D62ADB73F1E4EC3D // INDEX 1431 magic_damage_hp_target [&DMG&$e.da$ $e$ inflicts you $n$($m$) magic hit points damage.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SPLM&Your spell hits $e.da$ $e$ for $n$ sap points of damage.] */ // HASH_VALUE 2091CB3DA35D54F0 // INDEX 1432 magic_damage_sap_caster [&SPLM&You inflict $n$($m$) magic sap damage to $e.da$ $e$.] // HASH_VALUE 0F67A6AB57A96A41 // INDEX 1433 magic_damage_sap_spectators [&SYS&$caster.da$ $caster$'s spell hits $target.da$ $target$ for $n$ sap points of damage.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SPL&$e.da$ $e$'s spell hits you for $n$ sap points of damage.] */ // HASH_VALUE FC852A06D884DCD6 // INDEX 1434 magic_damage_sap_target [&SPL&$e.da$ $e$ inflicts you $n$($m$) magic sap damage.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SPLM&Your spell hits $e.da$ $e$ for $n$ stamina points of damage.] */ // HASH_VALUE B9808C0B9E85388F // INDEX 1435 magic_damage_sta_caster [&SPLM&You inflict $n$($m$) magic stamina damage to $e.da$ $e$.] // HASH_VALUE 581974F1691CA164 // INDEX 1436 magic_damage_sta_spectators [&SYS&$caster.da$ $caster$'s spell hits $target.da$ $target$ for $n$ stamina points of damage.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SPL&$e.da$ $e$'s spell hits you for $n$ stamina points of damage.] */ // HASH_VALUE ACA7F372838718D3 // INDEX 1437 magic_damage_sta_target [&SPL&$e.da$ $e$ inflicts you $n$($m$) magic stamina damage.] // HASH_VALUE 5D7BA6B218DDD1BA // INDEX 1438 magic_destroy_link_caster [&SPLM&The link you created with $e.da$ $e$ has been broken.] // HASH_VALUE BB286A476887D84E // INDEX 1439 magic_destroy_link_target [&SPL&The link created with you by $e.da$ $e$ has been broken.] // HASH_VALUE A6D6D78C6A179A89 // INDEX 1440 magic_end_cast_failed_actor [&MISM&You failed your incantation.] // HASH_VALUE 6B59D4C7C9E42A49 // INDEX 1441 magic_end_cast_failed_spectators [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$'s incantation failed.] // HASH_VALUE 6B58BCC7C9E42A49 // INDEX 1442 magic_end_cast_failed_target [&MIS&$e.da$ $e$'s incantation failed.] // HASH_VALUE DB04D6E9254FF372 // INDEX 1443 magic_end_cast_fumble_actor [&MISM&You made a blunder.] // HASH_VALUE ABC9ACCBCEE4E27F // INDEX 1444 magic_end_cast_fumble_spectators [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$'s incantation fumbled.] // HASH_VALUE ABC894CBCEE4E27F // INDEX 1445 magic_end_cast_fumble_target [&MIS&$e.da$ $e$'s incantation fumbled.] // HASH_VALUE 045A34E717483204 // INDEX 1446 magic_end_cast_success_actor [&SPLM&You succesfully cast your spell.] // HASH_VALUE BD866B5548708E4C // INDEX 1447 magic_end_cast_success_spectators [&SYS&$caster.da$ $caster$ succesfully casts a spell on $target.da$ $target$.] // HASH_VALUE 9E20587685811DA5 // INDEX 1448 magic_end_cast_success_target [&SPL&$e.da$ $e$ succesfully casts a spell on you.] // HASH_VALUE EA1609AD04B2D5A5 // INDEX 1449 magic_end_selfcast_success_spectators_c [&SYS&$c.da$ $c$ succesfully casts a spell on itself.] // HASH_VALUE A9523A846749D1DF // INDEX 1450 magic_end_selfcast_success_spectators_bm [&SYS&$caster.da$ $caster$ succesfully casts a spell on himself.] // HASH_VALUE A9524E806749D1DF // INDEX 1451 magic_end_selfcast_success_spectators_bf [&SYS&$caster.da$ $caster$ succesfully casts a spell on herself.] // HASH_VALUE DA92FDB139671CF1 // INDEX 1452 magic_end_selfcast_success_spectators_pm [&SYS&$caster$ succesfully casts a spell on himself.] // HASH_VALUE DA92FDB1396730ED // INDEX 1453 magic_end_selfcast_success_spectators_pf [&SYS&$caster$ succesfully casts a spell on herself.] // HASH_VALUE C3A01BAFA5390FF6 // INDEX 1454 magic_heal_focus_caster [&SPLM&You restore $e.da$ $e$ $i$ focus points.] // HASH_VALUE FF9C76E0BC801F43 // INDEX 1455 magic_heal_focus_spectators [&SYS&$caster.da$ $caster$ restores $target.da$ $target$ $i$ focus points.] // HASH_VALUE 8A508AAB948603C1 // INDEX 1456 magic_heal_focus_target [&SPL&$e.da$ $e$ restores you $i$ focus points.] // HASH_VALUE 04D80EADEC42FC3D // INDEX 1457 magic_heal_full_score_actor [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ is now at full $s$ and no longer needs $s$ recovery spells.] // HASH_VALUE 08F998292BE6865D // INDEX 1458 magic_heal_full_score_target_hp [&SYS&You are now at full health and no longer need healing.] // HASH_VALUE 3E3AE786ABE78BDA // INDEX 1459 magic_heal_full_score_target [&SYS&You are now at full $s$.] // HASH_VALUE F91A85C673A6025F // INDEX 1460 magic_heal_hp_caster [&SPLM&You heal $e.da$ $e$ $i$ hit points.] // HASH_VALUE 76138B5A8FC25AF3 // INDEX 1461 magic_heal_hp_spectators [&SYS&$caster.da$ $caster$ heals $target.da$ $target$ $i$ hit points.] // HASH_VALUE 6BA66709A4FCDE4A // INDEX 1462 magic_heal_hp_target [&SPL&$e.da$ $e$ heals you $i$ hit points.] // HASH_VALUE 75117BAEE32D4B2E // INDEX 1463 magic_heal_sap_caster [&SPLM&You restore $e.da$ $e$ $i$ sap points.] // HASH_VALUE BF2BB3AF8BECFB5B // INDEX 1464 magic_heal_sap_spectators [&SYS&$caster.da$ $caster$ restores $target.da$ $target$ $i$ sap points.] // HASH_VALUE 3CC1EAAAD27A3FF9 // INDEX 1465 magic_heal_sap_target [&SPL&$e.da$ $e$ restores you $i$ sap points.] // HASH_VALUE 80016B606C5400E9 // INDEX 1466 magic_heal_stamina_caster [&SPLM&You restore $e.da$ $e$ $i$ stamina points.] // HASH_VALUE 2C8D7C1C79AF3757 // INDEX 1467 magic_heal_sta_spectators [&SYS&$caster.da$ $caster$ restores $target.da$ $target$ $i$ stamina points.] // HASH_VALUE 47B1DA5C5BA1F4B4 // INDEX 1468 magic_heal_stamina_target [&SPL&$e.da$ $e$ restores you $i$ stamina points.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&You do not have enough hit points to cast this spell.] */ // HASH_VALUE E4ACF290F9855CCF // INDEX 1469 magic_lack_hp [&CHKCB&You do not have enough hit points to cast this spell.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&You do not have enough sap points to cast this spell.] */ // HASH_VALUE E4ACF28CF7365CCF // INDEX 1470 magic_lack_sap [&CHKCB&You do not have enough sap points to cast this spell.] // HASH_VALUE A83097BB9230CAF1 // INDEX 1471 magic_magician_staff_low_req [&CHK&Your magic amplifier quality is too low to handle the power of your spell, you won't benefit from your amplifier bonuses.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&This spell needs a target.] */ // HASH_VALUE 8BE8B2895545F88D // INDEX 1472 magic_need_target [&CHKCB&This spell needs a target.] // HASH_VALUE A282D27102FD51F5 // INDEX 1473 magic_new_link_caster [&SPLM&You have created a new magic link with $e.da$ $e$.] // HASH_VALUE 381791B169A0A80A // INDEX 1474 magic_new_link_target [&SPL&$e.da$ $e$ has created a new magic link with you.] // HASH_VALUE 8A065BDE38B21436 // INDEX 1475 magic_resist_caster [&MISM&$e.da$ $e$ resists the effects of your spell.] // HASH_VALUE 55CBFF9D89020EEB // INDEX 1476 magic_resist_spectators [&SYS&$target.da$ $target$ resists the effects of the spell invoked by $caster.da$ $caster$.] // HASH_VALUE 4AF8C3262885CBCB // INDEX 1477 magic_resist_target [&MIS&You resist the effects of the spell invoked by $e.da$ $e$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&DMG&Your spell hits you for $n$ hit points of damage.] */ // HASH_VALUE E2A3C6E57A265A0D // INDEX 1478 magic_self_damage_hp [&DMG&You inflict yourself $n$($m$) magic hit points damage.] // HASH_VALUE D7D99EF27C6B277E // INDEX 1479 magic_self_damage_hp_spectators_c [&SYS&$c.da$ $c$'s spell hits itself for $n$ hit points of damage.] // HASH_VALUE E9F92EEC519D2BDE // INDEX 1480 magic_self_damage_hp_spectators_bm [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$'s spell hits himself for $n$ hit points of damage.] // HASH_VALUE E9F92EEC925D2BDE // INDEX 1481 magic_self_damage_hp_spectators_bf [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$'s spell hits herself for $n$ hit points of damage.] // HASH_VALUE 6614DA47E75CE360 // INDEX 1482 magic_self_damage_hp_spectators_pm [&SYS&$p$'s spell hits himself for $n$ hit points of damage.] // HASH_VALUE 6614DA4CE65CE360 // INDEX 1483 magic_self_damage_hp_spectators_pf [&SYS&$p$'s spell hits herself for $n$ hit points of damage.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SPL&Your spell hits you for $n$ sap points of damage.] */ // HASH_VALUE 23542EE57A265A0D // INDEX 1484 magic_self_damage_sap [&SPL&You inflict yourself $n$($m$) magic sap points damage.] // HASH_VALUE D7D99EF27C2B0789 // INDEX 1485 magic_self_damage_sap_spectators_c [&SYS&$c.da$ $c$'s spell hits itself for $n$ sap points of damage.] // HASH_VALUE E9F92EEC501D57DE // INDEX 1486 magic_self_damage_sap_spectators_bm [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$'s spell hits himself for $n$ sap points of damage.] // HASH_VALUE E9F92EEC91DD57DE // INDEX 1487 magic_self_damage_sap_spectators_bf [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$'s spell hits herself for $n$ sap points of damage.] // HASH_VALUE 6614DA43E50DE360 // INDEX 1488 magic_self_damage_sap_spectators_pm [&SYS&$p$'s spell hits himself for $n$ sap points of damage.] // HASH_VALUE 6614DA48E40DE360 // INDEX 1489 magic_self_damage_sap_spectators_pf [&SYS&$p$'s spell hits herself for $n$ sap points of damage.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SPL&Your spell hits you for $n$ stamina points of damage.] */ // HASH_VALUE 09380E9428591FCB // INDEX 1490 magic_self_damage_sta [&SPL&You inflict yourself $n$($m$) magic stamina points damage.] // HASH_VALUE 208B6C388E9E3EAC // INDEX 1491 magic_self_damage_sta_spectators_c [&SYS&$c.da$ $c$'s spell hits itself for $n$ stamina points of damage.] // HASH_VALUE AF3447341EF9E303 // INDEX 1492 magic_self_damage_sta_spectators_bm [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$'s spell hits himself for $n$ stamina points of damage.] // HASH_VALUE AF3447345FB9E303 // INDEX 1493 magic_self_damage_sta_spectators_bf [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$'s spell hits herself for $n$ stamina points of damage.] // HASH_VALUE 5278FB7A593F777B // INDEX 1494 magic_self_damage_sta_spectators_pm [&SYS&$p$'s spell hits himself for $n$ stamina points of damage.] // HASH_VALUE 5278FB7F583F777B // INDEX 1495 magic_self_damage_sta_spectators_pf [&SYS&$p$'s spell hits herself for $n$ stamina points of damage.] // HASH_VALUE B7534449C3BA83BE // INDEX 1496 magic_self_heal_focus [&SPLM&You restore yourself $i$ focus points.] // HASH_VALUE B89E31E1B0B10DED // INDEX 1497 magic_self_heal_focus_spectators_c [&SYS&$c.da$ $c$ restores itself $i$ focus points.] // HASH_VALUE 793C1D24FD60B5BB // INDEX 1498 magic_self_heal_focus_spectators_bm [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ restores himself $i$ focus points.] // HASH_VALUE BAFC1D24FD60B5BB // INDEX 1499 magic_self_heal_focus_spectators_bf [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ restores herself $i$ focus points.] // HASH_VALUE 6CCCB8F6F380579B // INDEX 1500 magic_self_heal_focus_spectators_pm [&SYS&$p$ restores himself $i$ focus points.] // HASH_VALUE 6BCCB8F6F38057A0 // INDEX 1501 magic_self_heal_focus_spectators_pf [&SYS&$p$ restores herself $i$ focus points.] // HASH_VALUE EB8A049E49266CEF // INDEX 1502 magic_self_heal_hp [&SPLM&You heal yourself $i$ hit points.] // HASH_VALUE 38806EF3139AEEFD // INDEX 1503 magic_self_heal_hp_spectators_c [&SYS&$c.da$ $c$ heals itself $i$ hit points.] // HASH_VALUE 48106DEC223799C5 // INDEX 1504 magic_self_heal_hp_spectators_bm [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ heals himself $i$ hit points.] // HASH_VALUE 48106DF1213799C5 // INDEX 1505 magic_self_heal_hp_spectators_bf [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ heals herself $i$ hit points.] // HASH_VALUE BC0AD887480D7FDA // INDEX 1506 magic_self_heal_hp_spectators_pm [&SYS&$p$ heals himself $i$ hit points.] // HASH_VALUE BC0AEC83480D7FDA // INDEX 1507 magic_self_heal_hp_spectators_pf [&SYS&$p$ heals herself $i$ hit points.] // HASH_VALUE 6CC75F40C9AA670D // INDEX 1508 magic_self_heal_sap [&SPLM&You restore yourself $i$ sap points.] // HASH_VALUE 782D6EB07F1DE905 // INDEX 1509 magic_self_heal_sap_spectators_c [&SYS&$c.da$ $c$ restores itself $i$ sap points.] // HASH_VALUE B730595CAFD115BA // INDEX 1510 magic_self_heal_sap_spectators_bm [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ restores himself $i$ sap points.] // HASH_VALUE F8F0595CAFD115BA // INDEX 1511 magic_self_heal_sap_spectators_bf [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ restores herself $i$ sap points.] // HASH_VALUE 3FBA96BDB1025394 // INDEX 1512 magic_self_heal_sap_spectators_pm [&SYS&$p$ restores himself $i$ sap points.] // HASH_VALUE 3EBA96BDB1025399 // INDEX 1513 magic_self_heal_sap_spectators_pf [&SYS&$p$ restores herself $i$ sap points.] // HASH_VALUE C781104FC8C6FF7F // INDEX 1514 magic_self_heal_sta [&SPLM&You restore yourself $i$ stamina points.] // HASH_VALUE E58F371D6DE02501 // INDEX 1515 magic_self_heal_sta_spectators_c [&SYS&$c.da$ $c$ restores itself $i$ stamina points.] // HASH_VALUE 40570E17BAC1056C // INDEX 1516 magic_self_heal_sta_spectators_bm [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ restores himself $i$ stamina points.] // HASH_VALUE 81170E17BAC1056C // INDEX 1517 magic_self_heal_sta_spectators_bf [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ restores herself $i$ stamina points.] // HASH_VALUE DB9084E975C21ABA // INDEX 1518 magic_self_heal_sta_spectators_pm [&SYS&$p$ restores himself $i$ stamina points.] // HASH_VALUE DA9084E975C21ABF // INDEX 1519 magic_self_heal_sta_spectators_pf [&SYS&$p$ restores herself $i$ stamina points.] // HASH_VALUE 97155BCFF3721DF7 // INDEX 1520 magic_special_damage_actor [&DGM&Your spell hits $e.da$ $e$ for $i$ $d$ points of damage.] // HASH_VALUE 79389B1E073ADC95 // INDEX 1521 magic_special_damage_self [&DMG&You inflict yourself $i$ $d$ damage.] // HASH_VALUE 328CA12BBDC38BE8 // INDEX 1522 magic_special_damage_self_spectators_c [&SYS&$c.da$ $c$ inflict itself $n$ $d$ damage.] // HASH_VALUE 332B6EE3AB397DA3 // INDEX 1523 magic_special_damage_self_spectators_bm [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ inflict himself $n$ $d$ damage.] // HASH_VALUE 337C5EE3AB397DA3 // INDEX 1524 magic_special_damage_self_spectators_bf [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ inflict herself $n$ $d$ damage.] // HASH_VALUE 2C0DB4A6539FF786 // INDEX 1525 magic_special_damage_self_spectators_pm [&SYS&$p$ inflict himself $n$ $d$ damage.] // HASH_VALUE 6DCDB4A6539FF786 // INDEX 1526 magic_special_damage_self_spectators_pf [&SYS&$p$ inflict herself $n$ $d$ damage.] // HASH_VALUE 0F6792AB57E476F2 // INDEX 1527 magic_special_damage_spectators [&SYS&$caster.da$ $caster$'s spell hits $target.da$ $target$ for $i$ $d$ points of damage.] // HASH_VALUE 9BBE9A18C81E401D // INDEX 1528 magic_special_damage_target [&DMG&$e.da$ $e$'spell hits you for $i$ $d$ points of damage.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&You cannot cast on a corpse.] */ // HASH_VALUE 0AB477EA2871507A // INDEX 1529 magic_target_dead [&CHKCB&You cannot cast on a corpse.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&$e.da$ $e$ is immune to this kind of magic.] */ // HASH_VALUE 1E53180F4DD815D3 // INDEX 1530 magic_target_immune [&CHKCB&$e.da$ $e$ is immune to this kind of magic.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&$e.da$ $e$ is unaffected by magic.] */ // HASH_VALUE 39B8C3A59A66905C // INDEX 1531 magic_target_invulnerable_all_magic [&CHKCB&$e.da$ $e$ is unaffected by magic.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&$e.da$ $e$ is invulnerable to offensive spells.] */ // HASH_VALUE AF8AC45E8F18BD02 // INDEX 1532 magic_target_invulnerable_offensive [&CHKCB&$e.da$ $e$ is invulnerable to offensive spells.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&$e.da$ $e$ is out of range for your spell.] */ // HASH_VALUE C52E4BD74E3EE0DB // INDEX 1533 magic_target_out_of_range [&CHKCB&$e.da$ $e$ is out of range for your spell.] // HASH_VALUE E799C888E7F9F092 // INDEX 1534 menu_who_am_i [Who are you?] /* OLD VALUE : [What is the karavan?] */ // HASH_VALUE FC896C6185CA6C36 // INDEX 1535 menu_who_is_karavan [What is the Karavan?] // HASH_VALUE 1F434822151747E0 // INDEX 1536 mission_failed [&TSK&You failed in a mission.] // HASH_VALUE AD9E52007C2177A4 // INDEX 1537 mission_prereq_timer_dhm [This mission will be available in $days$ days, $h$ hours and $m$ minutes.] // HASH_VALUE 1DBA0A17E9478ABE // INDEX 1538 mission_prereq_timer_hm [This mission will be available in $h$ hours and $m$ minutes.] // HASH_VALUE 1C51CC78036BE463 // INDEX 1539 mission_prereq_timer_m [This mission will be available in $m$ minutes.] // HASH_VALUE 15CDEA6F9BF74F81 // INDEX 1540 mis_buy_1 [Buy $q1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$] // HASH_VALUE 85E62F1A7C6673E2 // INDEX 1541 mis_buy_2 [Buy :\n - $q1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $q2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$] // HASH_VALUE 920C72AF1C0BF2C7 // INDEX 1542 mis_buy_3 [Buy :\n - $q1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $q2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n - $q3$ $i3$ of at least quality $ql3$] // HASH_VALUE 0B8E394001315C66 // INDEX 1543 mis_buy_4 [Buy :\n - $q1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $q2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n - $q3$ $i3$ of at least quality $ql3$\n - $q4$ $i4$ of at least quality $ql4$] // HASH_VALUE EC9C9D8F9772E096 // INDEX 1544 mis_buy_5 [Buy:\n - $q1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $q2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n - $q3$ $i3$ of at least quality $ql3$\n - $q4$ $i4$ of at least quality $ql4$\n - $q5$ $i5$ of at least quality $ql5$] // HASH_VALUE 8C711C74A4982F2E // INDEX 1545 mis_buy_6 [Buy:\n - $q1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $q2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n - $q3$ $i3$ of at least quality $ql3$\n - $q4$ $i4$ of at least quality $ql4$\n - $q5$ $i5$ of at least quality $ql5$\n - $q6$ $i6$ of at least quality $ql6$] // HASH_VALUE 319792131D1AF6C2 // INDEX 1546 mis_buy_7 [Buy:\n - $q1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $q2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n - $q3$ $i3$ of at least quality $ql3$\n - $q4$ $i4$ of at least quality $ql4$\n - $q5$ $i5$ of at least quality $ql5$\n - $q6$ $i6$ of at least quality $ql6$\n - $q7$ $i7$ of at least quality $ql7$] // HASH_VALUE 70C3B3D5AC1DDFA1 // INDEX 1547 mis_buy_npc_1 [Buy $q1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$ from $b$] // HASH_VALUE 9F28AF87578D0C26 // INDEX 1548 mis_buy_npc_2 [Buy :\n - $q1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $q2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n from $b$] // HASH_VALUE A3D202CF7701BB2D // INDEX 1549 mis_buy_npc_3 [Buy :\n - $q1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $q2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n - $q3$ $i3$ of at least quality $ql3$\n from $b$] // HASH_VALUE A4D2EA64090719D8 // INDEX 1550 mis_buy_npc_4 [Buy :\n - $q1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $q2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n - $q3$ $i3$ of at least quality $ql3$\n - $q4$ $i4$ of at least quality $ql4$\n from $b$] // HASH_VALUE 21C3E601B721AE68 // INDEX 1551 mis_cast_1 [Cast $i1$] // HASH_VALUE 5FBD56107046888D // INDEX 1552 mis_cast_2 [Cast :\n - $i1$\n - $i2$] // HASH_VALUE 2BFD05CA701498B6 // INDEX 1553 mis_cast_3 [Cast :\n - $i1$\n - $i2$\n - $i3$] // HASH_VALUE 853F85F7208028EA // INDEX 1554 mis_cast_4 [Cast :\n - $i1$\n - $i2$\n - $i3$\n - $i4$] // HASH_VALUE 9C618E4D4EC1545C // INDEX 1555 mis_cast_loc_1 [Go to $p$ and cast $i1$] // HASH_VALUE 58505826841C00E7 // INDEX 1556 mis_cast_loc_2 [Go to $p$ and cast :\n - $i1$\n - $i2$] // HASH_VALUE 6183FD4A8CEE80F1 // INDEX 1557 mis_cast_loc_3 [Go to $p$ and cast :\n - $i1$\n - $i2$\n - $i3$] // HASH_VALUE 6AC6A26E94C000FB // INDEX 1558 mis_cast_loc_4 [Go to $p$ and cast :\n - $i1$\n - $i2$\n - $i3$\n - $i4$] // HASH_VALUE 44082DFB79A34E99 // INDEX 1559 mis_charge_point [You need $point_needed$ charge points.\n You have $percent_realized$% of the total required.] // HASH_VALUE 24328F04E9A2F7E3 // INDEX 1560 mis_craft_1 [Craft $qt$ $i$ of at least quality $ql$] // HASH_VALUE 05865BDD3AA13A10 // INDEX 1561 mis_craft_2 [Craft :\n - $qt1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $qt2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$] // HASH_VALUE 9BBE242A57B89DDE // INDEX 1562 mis_craft_3 [Craft :\n - $qt1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $qt2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n - $qt3$ $i3$ of at least quality $ql3$] // HASH_VALUE 72F6ED7774DF04AC // INDEX 1563 mis_craft_4 [Craft :\n - $qt1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $qt2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n - $qt3$ $i3$ of at least quality $ql3$\n - $qt4$ $i4$ of at least quality $ql4$] // HASH_VALUE 892EB6C413166F7A // INDEX 1564 mis_craft_5 [Craft :\n - $qt1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $qt2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n - $qt3$ $i3$ of at least quality $ql3$\n - $qt4$ $i4$ of at least quality $ql4$\n - $qt5$ $i5$ of at least quality $ql5$\n ] // HASH_VALUE E0667F11AE5DDE48 // INDEX 1565 mis_craft_6 [Craft :\n - $qt1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $qt2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n - $qt3$ $i3$ of at least quality $ql3$\n - $qt4$ $i4$ of at least quality $ql4$\n - $qt5$ $i5$ of at least quality $ql5$\n - $qt6$ $i6$ of at least quality $ql6$] // HASH_VALUE 54B12575CD5D802A // INDEX 1566 mis_destroy_item_1 [$b$ you have taken $i.ia$ $i$ of quality $ql$ or better] // HASH_VALUE 16514A757D099932 // INDEX 1567 mis_destroy_item_some [$b$ you have taken $qt$ $i.p$ of quality $ql$ or better] // HASH_VALUE 6938C9E572288218 // INDEX 1568 mis_escort [!!! TO DO!!!] // HASH_VALUE A02AD9B1745B7EDA // INDEX 1569 mis_fail [!!! TO DO !!!] // HASH_VALUE C849C5F08EE65494 // INDEX 1570 mis_forage_1 [Forage $qt$ $i$ of at least quality $ql$] // HASH_VALUE 2083293C92020D1E // INDEX 1571 mis_forage_2 [Forage :\n - $qt1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $qt2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$] // HASH_VALUE 04B15FB7F49A497B // INDEX 1572 mis_forage_3 [Forage :\n - $qt1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $qt2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n - $qt3$ $i3$ of at least quality $ql3$] // HASH_VALUE E8DF9532974285D9 // INDEX 1573 mis_forage_4 [Forage :\n - $qt1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $qt2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n - $qt3$ $i3$ of at least quality $ql3$\n - $qt4$ $i4$ of at least quality $ql4$] // HASH_VALUE CC0DCBAD7AFAC138 // INDEX 1574 mis_forage_5 [Forage :\n - $qt1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $qt2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n - $qt3$ $i3$ of at least quality $ql3$\n - $qt4$ $i4$ of at least quality $ql4$\n - $qt5$ $i5$ of at least quality $ql5$] // HASH_VALUE 2EF9C43E91759715 // INDEX 1575 mis_gain_control [Gain control of $outpost_name$.] // HASH_VALUE 9F42D1280EBDC032 // INDEX 1576 mis_give_control [Your guild has gained control of $outpost_name$.] // HASH_VALUE A72D253F0FB1CDA6 // INDEX 1577 mis_give_item_1 [Give $q1$ $i1$ to $b$] // HASH_VALUE E0917F4A09BF2B77 // INDEX 1578 mis_give_item_10 [Give :\n - $q1$ $i1$\n - $q2$ $i2$\n - $q3$ $i3$\n - $q4$ $i4$\n - $q5$ $i5$\n - $q6$ $i6$\n - $q7$ $i7$\n - $q8$ $i8$\n - $q9$ $i9$\n - $q10$ $i10$\n to $b$] // HASH_VALUE 05D5DB61405413C3 // INDEX 1579 mis_give_item_11 [Give :\n - $q1$ $i1$\n - $q2$ $i2$\n - $q3$ $i3$\n - $q4$ $i4$\n - $q5$ $i5$\n - $q6$ $i6$\n - $q7$ $i7$\n - $q8$ $i8$\n - $q9$ $i9$\n - $q10$ $i10$\n - $q11$ $i11$\n to $b$] // HASH_VALUE 171EEB79067277FD // INDEX 1580 mis_give_item_12 [Give :\n - $q1$ $i1$\n - $q2$ $i2$\n - $q3$ $i3$\n - $q4$ $i4$\n - $q5$ $i5$\n - $q6$ $i6$\n - $q7$ $i7$\n - $q8$ $i8$\n - $q9$ $i9$\n - $q10$ $i10$\n - $q11$ $i11$\n - $q12$ $i12$\n to $b$] // HASH_VALUE 1A7431582CED61B5 // INDEX 1581 mis_give_item_2 [Give :\n - $q1$ $i1$\n - $q2$ $i2$\n to $b$] // HASH_VALUE ABD741E749FCBE01 // INDEX 1582 mis_give_item_3 [Give :\n - $q1$ $i1$\n - $q2$ $i2$\n - $q3$ $i3$\n to $b$] // HASH_VALUE 284C712EDA40FB75 // INDEX 1583 mis_give_item_4 [Give :\n - $q1$ $i1$\n - $q2$ $i2$\n - $q3$ $i3$\n - $q4$ $i4$\n to $b$] // HASH_VALUE 39444221AF041BBB // INDEX 1584 mis_give_item_5 [Give :\n - $q1$ $i1$\n - $q2$ $i2$\n - $q3$ $i3$\n - $q4$ $i4$\n - $q5$ $i5$\n to $b$] // HASH_VALUE 4CD95A65924BEA12 // INDEX 1585 mis_give_item_6 [Give :\n - $q1$ $i1$\n - $q2$ $i2$\n - $q3$ $i3$\n - $q4$ $i4$\n - $q5$ $i5$\n - $q6$ $i6$\n to $b$] // HASH_VALUE 6928B7B124AEFAA1 // INDEX 1586 mis_give_item_7 [Give :\n - $q1$ $i1$\n - $q2$ $i2$\n - $q3$ $i3$\n - $q4$ $i4$\n - $q5$ $i5$\n - $q6$ $i6$\n - $q7$ $i7$\n to $b$] // HASH_VALUE FA6CF425A2232AEC // INDEX 1587 mis_give_item_8 [Give :\n - $q1$ $i1$\n - $q2$ $i2$\n - $q3$ $i3$\n - $q4$ $i4$\n - $q5$ $i5$\n - $q6$ $i6$\n - $q7$ $i7$\n - $q8$ $i8$\n to $b$] // HASH_VALUE CF30246BB31BFBE3 // INDEX 1588 mis_give_item_9 [Give :\n - $q1$ $i1$\n - $q2$ $i2$\n - $q3$ $i3$\n - $q4$ $i4$\n - $q5$ $i5$\n - $q6$ $i6$\n - $q7$ $i7$\n - $q8$ $i8$\n - $q9$ $i9$\n to $b$] // HASH_VALUE 57F46F46EF46EB5D // INDEX 1589 mis_give_item_menu [Give $item_count$ item] // HASH_VALUE 3DB92CD8E28A907B // INDEX 1590 mis_give_item_qual_1 [Give $q1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$ to $b$] // HASH_VALUE 2EA52A5D97C6835D // INDEX 1591 mis_give_item_qual_10 [Give :\n - $q1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $q2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n - $q3$ $i3$ of at least quality $ql3$\n - $q4$ $i4$ of at least quality $ql4$\n - $q5$ $i5$ of at least quality $ql5$\n - $q6$ $i6$ of at least quality $ql6$\n - $q7$ $i7$ of at least quality $ql7$\n - $q8$ $i8$ of at least quality $ql8$\n - $q9$ $i9$ of at least quality $ql9$\n - $q10$ $i10$ of at least quality $ql10$\n to $b$] // HASH_VALUE 1A63FB12110AB550 // INDEX 1592 mis_give_item_qual_11 [Give :\n - $q1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $q2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n - $q3$ $i3$ of at least quality $ql3$\n - $q4$ $i4$ of at least quality $ql4$\n - $q5$ $i5$ of at least quality $ql5$\n - $q6$ $i6$ of at least quality $ql6$\n - $q7$ $i7$ of at least quality $ql7$\n - $q8$ $i8$ of at least quality $ql8$\n - $q9$ $i9$ of at least quality $ql9$\n - $q10$ $i10$ of at least quality $ql10$\n - $q11$ $i11$ of at least quality $ql11$\n to $b$] // HASH_VALUE 56CDC3666468802B // INDEX 1593 mis_give_item_qual_12 [Give :\n - $q1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $q2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n - $q3$ $i3$ of at least quality $ql3$\n - $q4$ $i4$ of at least quality $ql4$\n - $q5$ $i5$ of at least quality $ql5$\n - $q6$ $i6$ of at least quality $ql6$\n - $q7$ $i7$ of at least quality $ql7$\n - $q8$ $i8$ of at least quality $ql8$\n - $q9$ $i9$ of at least quality $ql9$\n - $q10$ $i10$ of at least quality $ql10$\n - $q11$ $i11$ of at least quality $ql11$\n - $q12$ $i12$ of at least quality $ql12$\n to $b$] // HASH_VALUE A80B9A5E7B270D29 // INDEX 1594 mis_give_item_qual_2 [Give :\n - $q1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $q2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n to $b$] // HASH_VALUE BC3EEAE33DDEF376 // INDEX 1595 mis_give_item_qual_3 [Give :\n - $q1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $q2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n - $q3$ $i3$ of at least quality $ql3$\n to $b$] // HASH_VALUE 4FC238B7DE9F5EAF // INDEX 1596 mis_give_item_qual_4 [Give :\n - $q1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $q2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n - $q3$ $i3$ of at least quality $ql3$\n - $q4$ $i4$ of at least quality $ql4$\n to $b$] // HASH_VALUE DDA6970B92058F49 // INDEX 1597 mis_give_item_qual_5 [Give :\n - $q1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $q2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n - $q3$ $i3$ of at least quality $ql3$\n - $q4$ $i4$ of at least quality $ql4$\n - $q5$ $i5$ of at least quality $ql5$\n to $b$] // HASH_VALUE C249CD622681A656 // INDEX 1598 mis_give_item_qual_6 [Give :\n - $q1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $q2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n - $q3$ $i3$ of at least quality $ql3$\n - $q4$ $i4$ of at least quality $ql4$\n - $q5$ $i5$ of at least quality $ql5$\n - $q6$ $i6$ of at least quality $ql6$\n to $b$] // HASH_VALUE 8500B3AF3AF406DB // INDEX 1599 mis_give_item_qual_7 [Give :\n - $q1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $q2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n - $q3$ $i3$ of at least quality $ql3$\n - $q4$ $i4$ of at least quality $ql4$\n - $q5$ $i5$ of at least quality $ql5$\n - $q6$ $i6$ of at least quality $ql6$\n - $q7$ $i7$ of at least quality $ql7$\n to $b$] // HASH_VALUE 26011EE8CD7864B3 // INDEX 1600 mis_give_item_qual_8 [Give :\n - $q1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $q2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n - $q3$ $i3$ of at least quality $ql3$\n - $q4$ $i4$ of at least quality $ql4$\n - $q5$ $i5$ of at least quality $ql5$\n - $q6$ $i6$ of at least quality $ql6$\n - $q7$ $i7$ of at least quality $ql7$\n - $q8$ $i8$ of at least quality $ql8$\n to $b$] // HASH_VALUE DB675F825B5CC30B // INDEX 1601 mis_give_item_qual_9 [Give :\n - $q1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $q2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n - $q3$ $i3$ of at least quality $ql3$\n - $q4$ $i4$ of at least quality $ql4$\n - $q5$ $i5$ of at least quality $ql5$\n - $q6$ $i6$ of at least quality $ql6$\n - $q7$ $i7$ of at least quality $ql7$\n - $q8$ $i8$ of at least quality $ql8$\n - $q9$ $i9$ of at least quality $ql9$\n to $b$] // HASH_VALUE 72B50C443C8E4ECA // INDEX 1602 mis_give_mission_item [Give $i$ to $b$] // HASH_VALUE 1BA5F89A15626DCE // INDEX 1603 mis_give_money [Give $amount$ dapper(s) to $b$] // HASH_VALUE AC27783BA1D35442 // INDEX 1604 mis_give_money_menu [Give Money] // HASH_VALUE 729AF0B9AB75C856 // INDEX 1605 mis_inside [You must go back quickly to $p$] /* OLD VALUE : [Kill $qt$ $f.p$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 19713A3D9C0502F0 // INDEX 1606 mis_kill_faction [Kill $qt$ $f.member$.] /* OLD VALUE : [Kill $qt$ $f.p$ in $p$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 48717BF59B198FB9 // INDEX 1607 mis_kill_faction_loc [Kill $qt$ $f.member$ in $p$.] // HASH_VALUE 051D63FFC9D3890D // INDEX 1608 mis_kill_fauna_1 [Kill $q1$ $c1$] // HASH_VALUE E6104ADEAA3C90A2 // INDEX 1609 mis_kill_fauna_1_p [Kill $q1$ $c1.p$] // HASH_VALUE 018CB14C23C7B995 // INDEX 1610 mis_kill_fauna_2 [Kill :\n - $q1$ $c1$\n - $q2$ $c2$] // HASH_VALUE D594C1762CFA7EDD // INDEX 1611 mis_kill_fauna_3 [Kill :\n - $q1$ $c1$\n - $q2$ $c2$\n - $q3$ $c3$] // HASH_VALUE E2ABE1CA4F3E2601 // INDEX 1612 mis_kill_fauna_4 [Kill :\n - $q1$ $c1$\n - $q2$ $c2$\n - $q3$ $c3$\n - $q4$ $c4$] // HASH_VALUE CA2D7BFB9B3C818B // INDEX 1613 mis_kill_fauna_loc_1 [Go to $p$ and kill $q1$ $c1$] // HASH_VALUE 72715B435617304F // INDEX 1614 mis_kill_fauna_loc_2 [Go to $p$ and kill :\n - $q1$ $c1$\n - $q2$ $c2$] // HASH_VALUE CEF5A7D367B9C082 // INDEX 1615 mis_kill_fauna_loc_3 [Go to $p$ and kill :\n - $q1$ $c1$\n - $q2$ $c2$\n - $q3$ $c3$] // HASH_VALUE 5837774479FE01C6 // INDEX 1616 mis_kill_fauna_loc_4 [Go to $p$ and kill :\n - $q1$ $c1$\n - $q2$ $c2$\n - $q3$ $c3$\n - $q4$ $c4$] // HASH_VALUE C513B33D9A3AD284 // INDEX 1617 mis_kill_fauna_loc_5 [Go to $p$ and kill:\n - $q1$ $c1$\n - $q2$ $c2$\n - $q3$ $c3$\n - $q4$ $c4$\n - $q5$ $c5$] // HASH_VALUE CE7678852F42E2AE // INDEX 1618 mis_kill_fauna_loc_6 [Go to $p$ and kill:\n - $q1$ $c1$\n - $q2$ $c2$\n - $q3$ $c3$\n - $q4$ $c4$\n - $q5$ $c5$\n - $q6$ $c6$] // HASH_VALUE F1BA20A9FC590205 // INDEX 1619 mis_kill_fauna_loc_7 [Go to $p$ and kill:\n - $q1$ $c1$\n - $q2$ $c2$\n - $q3$ $c3$\n - $q4$ $c4$\n - $q5$ $c5$\n - $q6$ $c6$\n - $q7$ $c7$] // HASH_VALUE 4D3E80390DFB923D // INDEX 1620 mis_kill_fauna_loc_8 [Go to $p$ and kill:\n - $q1$ $c1$\n - $q2$ $c2$\n - $q3$ $c3$\n - $q4$ $c4$\n - $q5$ $c5$\n - $q6$ $c6$\n - $q7$ $c7$\n - $q8$ $c8$] // HASH_VALUE 29BA645029A44E59 // INDEX 1621 mis_kill_group [Kill $group_name$] // HASH_VALUE 62522602F5307261 // INDEX 1622 mis_kill_npc_1 [Kill $b1$] // HASH_VALUE D94C561172C6888D // INDEX 1623 mis_kill_npc_2 [Kill :\n - $b1$\n - $b2$] // HASH_VALUE E38C25D2729498B6 // INDEX 1624 mis_kill_npc_3 [Kill :\n - $b1$\n - $b2$\n - $b3$] // HASH_VALUE 7BCEA5FF208028EA // INDEX 1625 mis_kill_npc_4 [Kill :\n - $b1$\n - $b2$\n - $b3$\n - $b4$] // HASH_VALUE 9C616E4650415455 // INDEX 1626 mis_kill_npc_loc_1 [Go to $p$ and kill $b1$] // HASH_VALUE 5850001F869C00E7 // INDEX 1627 mis_kill_npc_loc_2 [Go to $p$ and kill :\n - $b1$\n - $b2$] // HASH_VALUE 618389438E6E80F1 // INDEX 1628 mis_kill_npc_loc_3 [Go to $p$ and kill :\n - $b1$\n - $b2$\n - $b3$] // HASH_VALUE 6AC61267964000FB // INDEX 1629 mis_kill_npc_loc_4 [Go to $p$ and kill :\n - $b1$\n - $b2$\n - $b3$\n - $b4$] // HASH_VALUE 1C8986AF5E89C2C9 // INDEX 1630 mis_kill_race_1 [Kill $q1$ of any type of $c1$] // HASH_VALUE 1C8986AF5E89C2C9 // INDEX 1631 mis_kill_race_1_p [Kill $q1$ of any type of $c1$] // HASH_VALUE 064B5A90EB859D65 // INDEX 1632 mis_kill_race_2 [Kill :\n - $q1$ of any type of $c1$\n - $q2$ of any type of $c2$] // HASH_VALUE D8A57FC604B02D77 // INDEX 1633 mis_kill_race_3 [Kill :\n - $q1$ of any type of $c1$\n - $q2$ of any type of $c2$\n - $q3$ of any type of $c3$] // HASH_VALUE F1D00FD9D60A52AE // INDEX 1634 mis_kill_race_4 [Kill :\n - $q1$ of any type of $c1$\n - $q2$ of any type of $c2$\n - $q3$ of any type of $c3$\n - $q4$ of any type of $c4$] // HASH_VALUE 21B40C22A43E4221 // INDEX 1635 mis_kill_race_loc_1 [Go to $p$ and kill $q1$ of any type of $c1$] // HASH_VALUE D18CD83E016AEA3A // INDEX 1636 mis_kill_race_loc_2 [Go to $p$ and kill :\n - $q1$ of any type of $c1$\n - $q2$ of any type of $c2$] // HASH_VALUE EABC13E373DC99FC // INDEX 1637 mis_kill_race_loc_3 [Go to $p$ and kill :\n - $q1$ of any type of $c1$\n - $q2$ of any type of $c2$\n - $q3$ of any type of $c3$] // HASH_VALUE 5C3EC2A58C1CD4A1 // INDEX 1638 mis_kill_race_loc_4 [Go to $p$ and kill :\n - $q1$ of any type of $c1$\n - $q2$ of any type of $c2$\n - $q3$ of any type of $c3$\n - $q4$ of any type of $c4$] // HASH_VALUE C92A38688A552AD4 // INDEX 1639 mis_loot_item_1 [Loot $i1.ia$ $i1$ on a dead target.] // HASH_VALUE 3547F6EF3DB8A678 // INDEX 1640 mis_loot_item_2 [Loot :\n - $i1.ia$ $i1$\n - $i2.ia$ $i2$\n on a dead target.] // HASH_VALUE E9CBF6409DEEEEDE // INDEX 1641 mis_loot_item_3 [Loot :\n - $i1.ia$ $i1$\n - $i2.ia$ $i2$\n - $i3.ia$ $i3$\n on a dead target.] // HASH_VALUE 9D4FF691FD243646 // INDEX 1642 mis_loot_item_4 [Loot :\n - $i1.ia$ $i1$\n - $i2.ia$ $i2$\n - $i3.ia$ $i3$\n - $i4.ia$ $i4$\n on a dead target.] // HASH_VALUE 8A3B5EB35653BC43 // INDEX 1643 mis_loot_mp_1 [Loot $qt1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$ on a dead creature.] // HASH_VALUE F7AA2175E3C978D2 // INDEX 1644 mis_loot_mp_2 [Loot :\n - $qt1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $qt2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n on a dead creature.] // HASH_VALUE EA8F6C67768FBB6A // INDEX 1645 mis_loot_mp_3 [Loot :\n - $qt1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $qt2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n - $qt3$ $i3$ of at least quality $ql3$\n on a dead creature.] // HASH_VALUE DD84B75909550203 // INDEX 1646 mis_loot_mp_4 [Loot :\n - $qt1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $qt2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n - $qt3$ $i3$ of at least quality $ql3$\n - $qt4$ $i4$ of at least quality $ql4$\n on a dead creature.] // HASH_VALUE 1CBB67163086976A // INDEX 1647 mis_outside [You must quit $p$ quickly] // HASH_VALUE C272426087E8AB57 // INDEX 1648 mis_recv_action_1 [You learn $a1$] // HASH_VALUE 627EC989C91CD21B // INDEX 1649 mis_recv_action_2 [You learn :\n - $a1$\n - $a2$] // HASH_VALUE 8EC095EAB71CB1CC // INDEX 1650 mis_recv_action_3 [You learn :\n - $a1$\n - $a2$\n - $a3$] // HASH_VALUE 1002654BC01E65EC // INDEX 1651 mis_recv_action_4 [You learn :\n - $a1$\n - $a2$\n - $a3$\n - $a4$] // HASH_VALUE F1A23824F0E67079 // INDEX 1652 mis_recv_action_npc_1 [$b$ teaches you $a1$] // HASH_VALUE A67D6E0EB899722D // INDEX 1653 mis_recv_action_npc_2 [$b$ teaches you :\n - $a1$\n - $a2$] // HASH_VALUE F17F963284AF024D // INDEX 1654 mis_recv_action_npc_3 [$b$ teaches you :\n - $a1$\n - $a2$\n - $a3$] // HASH_VALUE 3C81BE5691C5926D // INDEX 1655 mis_recv_action_npc_4 [$b$ teaches you :\n - $a1$\n - $a2$\n - $a3$\n - $a4$] // HASH_VALUE 07C1A25668B46226 // INDEX 1656 mis_recv_brick_1 [You learn $b1$.] // HASH_VALUE 627EC98BC91CD21B // INDEX 1657 mis_recv_brick_2 [You learn :\n - $b1$\n - $b2$] // HASH_VALUE 8EC095EDB71CB1CC // INDEX 1658 mis_recv_brick_3 [You learn :\n - $b1$\n - $b2$\n - $b3$] // HASH_VALUE 1002654FC01E65EC // INDEX 1659 mis_recv_brick_4 [You learn :\n - $b1$\n - $b2$\n - $b3$\n - $b4$] // HASH_VALUE 71E278D0C5E9837E // INDEX 1660 mis_recv_brick_npc_1 [$b$ teaches you $b1$.] // HASH_VALUE A67D6E0EB8B9722D // INDEX 1661 mis_recv_brick_npc_2 [$b$ teaches you :\n - $b1$\n - $b2$] // HASH_VALUE F17F963284DF024D // INDEX 1662 mis_recv_brick_npc_3 [$b$ teaches you :\n - $b1$\n - $b2$\n - $b3$] // HASH_VALUE 3C81BE569105926D // INDEX 1663 mis_recv_brick_npc_4 [$b$ teaches you :\n - $b1$\n - $b2$\n - $b3$\n - $b4$] // HASH_VALUE 18BDFB30B95C966A // INDEX 1664 mis_recv_charge_point [You have won $nb_point$ charge point(s) for your guild.] // HASH_VALUE A02AD9B1745B7EDA // INDEX 1665 mis_recv_fame [!!! TO DO !!!] // HASH_VALUE 8EF3990E4616009C // INDEX 1666 mis_recv_item_1 [You received $i.ia$ $i$ of quality $ql$] // HASH_VALUE E0F394C9D8971CA6 // INDEX 1667 mis_recv_item_some [You received $qt$ $i.p$ of quality $ql$] // HASH_VALUE FCEC3C4EE01B4F91 // INDEX 1668 mis_recv_item_npc_1 [$b$ gives you $i.ia$ $i$ of quality $ql$] // HASH_VALUE FCD82794E28C77DA // INDEX 1669 mis_recv_item_npc_some [$b$ gives you $qt$ $i.p$ of quality $ql$] // HASH_VALUE 74927EA955DAC08E // INDEX 1670 mis_recv_money [You gained $money$ dapper(s)] // HASH_VALUE D175B38B57C09B77 // INDEX 1671 mis_recv_named_item_1 [You received '$id$'] // HASH_VALUE 3276D33F98C54B6D // INDEX 1672 mis_recv_named_item_some [You received $qt$ '$id$'] // HASH_VALUE 0836B49A863683A4 // INDEX 1673 mis_recv_xp [You gained $xp$ skill points] // HASH_VALUE F7224BC4E2480757 // INDEX 1674 mis_sell_1 [Sell $q1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$] // HASH_VALUE 6144FA4AA0E08D1F // INDEX 1675 mis_sell_2 [Sell :\n - $q1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $q2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$] // HASH_VALUE FC5B51CB35E82256 // INDEX 1676 mis_sell_3 [Sell :\n - $q1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $q2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n - $q3$ $i3$ of at least quality $ql3$] // HASH_VALUE 09819861D59DA13B // INDEX 1677 mis_sell_4 [Sell :\n - $q1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $q2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n - $q3$ $i3$ of at least quality $ql3$\n - $q4$ $i4$ of at least quality $ql4$] // HASH_VALUE FF181CE4E28A907B // INDEX 1678 mis_sell_npc_1 [Sell $q1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$ to $b$] // HASH_VALUE 6A6A8A6A7B270D29 // INDEX 1679 mis_sell_npc_2 [Sell :\n - $q1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $q2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n to $b$] // HASH_VALUE 7E9DDAEF3DDEF376 // INDEX 1680 mis_sell_npc_3 [Sell :\n - $q1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $q2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n - $q3$ $i3$ of at least quality $ql3$\n to $b$] // HASH_VALUE 112128C3DE9F5EAF // INDEX 1681 mis_sell_npc_4 [Sell :\n - $q1$ $i1$ of at least quality $ql1$\n - $q2$ $i2$ of at least quality $ql2$\n - $q3$ $i3$ of at least quality $ql3$\n - $q4$ $i4$ of at least quality $ql4$\n to $b$] // HASH_VALUE 34BF1071D8676E29 // INDEX 1682 mis_skill_1 [Reach level $l1$ in your $s1$ skill] // HASH_VALUE 7EC396A606989954 // INDEX 1683 mis_skill_2 [Reach :\n - level $l1$ in your $s1$ skill\n - level $l2$ in your $s2$ skill] // HASH_VALUE 39FCA6040D0DB86F // INDEX 1684 mis_skill_3 [Reach :\n - level $l1$ in your $s1$ skill\n - level $l2$ in your $s2$ skill\n - level $l3$ in your $s3$ skill] // HASH_VALUE 5E452123E5A4265D // INDEX 1685 mis_skill_4 [Reach :\n - level $l1$ in your $s1$ skill\n - level $l2$ in your $s2$ skill\n - level $l3$ in your $s3$ skill\n - level $l4$ in your $s4$ skill] // HASH_VALUE 150C785800339252 // INDEX 1686 mis_talk_to [Talk to $b$] // HASH_VALUE 47C464EC75F4B0B8 // INDEX 1687 mis_talk_to_menu [Talk to $b$.] // HASH_VALUE 492290AE42554436 // INDEX 1688 mis_target_fauna_1 [Find and target $c1.ia$ $c1$] // HASH_VALUE 5D2C1044D1055A07 // INDEX 1689 mis_target_fauna_2 [Find and target :\n - $c1.ia$ $c1$\n - $c2.ia$ $c2$] // HASH_VALUE B144DD9669717A47 // INDEX 1690 mis_target_fauna_3 [Find and target :\n - $c1.ia$ $c1$\n - $c2.ia$ $c2$\n - $c3.ia$ $c3$] // HASH_VALUE 055CAAE883DD9A87 // INDEX 1691 mis_target_fauna_4 [Find and target :\n - $c1.ia$ $c1$\n - $c2.ia$ $c2$\n - $c3.ia$ $c3$\n - $c4.ia$ $c4$] // HASH_VALUE 496451D231554410 // INDEX 1692 mis_target_fauna_place_1 [Find and target $c1.ia$ $c1$ in $p$] // HASH_VALUE F8C23844DA0CEA27 // INDEX 1693 mis_target_fauna_place_2 [Find and target :\n - $c1.ia$ $c1$\n - $c2.ia$ $c2$\n in $p$] // HASH_VALUE 4CDA059672780A67 // INDEX 1694 mis_target_fauna_place_3 [Find and target :\n - $c1.ia$ $c1$\n - $c2.ia$ $c2$\n - $c3.ia$ $c3$\n in $p$] // HASH_VALUE A0F2D2E88CE42AA7 // INDEX 1695 mis_target_fauna_place_4 [Find and target :\n - $c1.ia$ $c1$\n - $c2.ia$ $c2$\n - $c3.ia$ $c3$\n - $c4.ia$ $c4$\n in $p$] // HASH_VALUE D7F584AAD62990ED // INDEX 1696 mis_target_npc_1 [Find and target $b1$] // HASH_VALUE 4B00C6E8F9793AC7 // INDEX 1697 mis_target_npc_2 [Find and target :\n - $b1$\n - $b2$] // HASH_VALUE 9602EE0CC59FCAE7 // INDEX 1698 mis_target_npc_3 [Find and target :\n - $b1$\n - $b2$\n - $b3$] // HASH_VALUE E1041630D2C55A07 // INDEX 1699 mis_target_npc_4 [Find and target :\n - $b1$\n - $b2$\n - $b3$\n - $b4$] // HASH_VALUE 4F51C0AE31597810 // INDEX 1700 mis_target_npc_place_1 [Find and target $b1$ in $p$] // HASH_VALUE E696EEE80280CAE7 // INDEX 1701 mis_target_npc_place_2 [Find and target :\n - $b1$\n - $b2$\n in $p$] // HASH_VALUE 3198160CCEA65A07 // INDEX 1702 mis_target_npc_place_3 [Find and target :\n - $b1$\n - $b2$\n - $b3$\n in $p$] // HASH_VALUE 7C9A3E30DBCCEA27 // INDEX 1703 mis_target_npc_place_4 [Find and target :\n - $b1$\n - $b2$\n - $b3$\n - $b4$\n in $p$] // HASH_VALUE 492208AE42554436 // INDEX 1704 mis_target_species_1 [Find and target $r1.ia$ $r1$] // HASH_VALUE 5D2C1044D1C95A07 // INDEX 1705 mis_target_species_2 [Find and target :\n - $r1.ia$ $r1$\n - $r2.ia$ $r2$] // HASH_VALUE B144DD9669177A47 // INDEX 1706 mis_target_species_3 [Find and target :\n - $r1.ia$ $r1$\n - $r2.ia$ $r2$\n - $r3.ia$ $r3$] // HASH_VALUE 055CAAE883659A87 // INDEX 1707 mis_target_species_4 [Find and target :\n - $r1.ia$ $r1$\n - $r2.ia$ $r2$\n - $r3.ia$ $r3$\n - $r4.ia$ $r4$] // HASH_VALUE 4964C9D231554410 // INDEX 1708 mis_target_species_place_1 [Find and target $r1.ia$ $r1$ in $p$] // HASH_VALUE F8C23844DAD0EA27 // INDEX 1709 mis_target_species_place_2 [Find and target :\n - $r1.ia$ $r1$\n - $r2.ia$ $r2$\n in $p$] // HASH_VALUE 4CDA0596721E0A67 // INDEX 1710 mis_target_species_place_3 [Find and target :\n - $r1.ia$ $r1$\n - $r2.ia$ $r2$\n - $r3.ia$ $r3$\n in $p$] // HASH_VALUE A0F2D2E88C6C2AA7 // INDEX 1711 mis_target_species_place_4 [Find and target :\n - $r1.ia$ $r1$\n - $r2.ia$ $r2$\n - $r3.ia$ $r3$\n - $r4.ia$ $r4$\n in $p$] // HASH_VALUE 54F0878927E1EE5B // INDEX 1712 mis_teach_action [Teach $action$ to $b$] // HASH_VALUE 23384F8423383A98 // INDEX 1713 mis_teach_action_menu [Teach action] // HASH_VALUE 8614D44D93F5D773 // INDEX 1714 mis_teleport [Teleport to $p$] // HASH_VALUE 2030A47C284C9490 // INDEX 1715 mis_use_1 [Use $i1.ia$ $i1$] // HASH_VALUE B8AE0DD5A8309ADE // INDEX 1716 mis_use_2 [Use :\n - $i1.ia$ $i1$\n - $i2.ia$ $i2$] // HASH_VALUE 50DA2D15FC486730 // INDEX 1717 mis_use_3 [Use :\n - $i1.ia$ $i1$\n - $i2.ia$ $i2$\n - $i3.ia$ $i3$] // HASH_VALUE 6A064D5550603482 // INDEX 1718 mis_use_4 [Use :\n - $i1.ia$ $i1$\n - $i2.ia$ $i2$\n - $i3.ia$ $i3$\n - $i4.ia$ $i4$] // HASH_VALUE 6C9C3DF42BA34835 // INDEX 1719 mis_use_loc_1 [Go to $p$ and use $i1.ia$ $i1$] // HASH_VALUE 7003D5741CA188D5 // INDEX 1720 mis_use_loc_2 [Go to $p$ and use :\n - $i1.ia$ $i1$\n - $i2.ia$ $i2$] // HASH_VALUE 4C276D462EA5CC56 // INDEX 1721 mis_use_loc_3 [Go to $p$ and use :\n - $i1.ia$ $i1$\n - $i2.ia$ $i2$\n - $i3.ia$ $i3$] // HASH_VALUE 284B0D1840A910D7 // INDEX 1722 mis_use_loc_4 [Go to $p$ and use :\n - $i1.ia$ $i1$\n - $i2.ia$ $i2$\n - $i3.ia$ $i3$\n - $i4.ia$ $i4$] // HASH_VALUE D1AE2BFF08818E72 // INDEX 1723 mis_visit [Go to $p$] // HASH_VALUE E5368D16968D2122 // INDEX 1724 mis_visit_wear_1 [Equip $i1.ia$ $i1$ and go to $p$] // HASH_VALUE A0478FDB42E1C5A4 // INDEX 1725 mis_visit_wear_2 [Equip :\n - $i1.ia$ $i1$\n - $i2.ia$ $i2$\n and go to $p$] // HASH_VALUE B24BD35C1E055D76 // INDEX 1726 mis_visit_wear_3 [Equip :\n - $i1.ia$ $i1$\n - $i2.ia$ $i2$\n - $i3.ia$ $i3$\n and go to $p$] // HASH_VALUE C44F17DDFA29FD48 // INDEX 1727 mis_visit_wear_4 [Equip :\n - $i1.ia$ $i1$\n - $i2.ia$ $i2$\n - $i3.ia$ $i3$\n - $i4.ia$ $i4$\n and go to $p$] // HASH_VALUE A02AD9B1745B7EDA // INDEX 1728 mis_wait_season [!!! TO DO !!!] // HASH_VALUE A02AD9B1745B7EDA // INDEX 1729 mis_wait_time [!!! TO DO !!!] // HASH_VALUE 93D8E2DB2E915578 // INDEX 1730 mis_wear_1 [You must wear $i1.ia$ $i1$] // HASH_VALUE 84B5227BD5226D83 // INDEX 1731 mis_wear_2 [You must wear :\n - $i1.ia$ $i1$\n - $i2.ia$ $i2$] // HASH_VALUE 96B966FCB1460555 // INDEX 1732 mis_wear_3 [You must wear :\n - $i1.ia$ $i1$\n - $i2.ia$ $i2$\n - $i3.ia$ $i3$] // HASH_VALUE A8BDAA7D8D6AA527 // INDEX 1733 mis_wear_4 [You must wear :\n - $i1.ia$ $i1$\n - $i2.ia$ $i2$\n - $i3.ia$ $i3$\n - $i4.ia$ $i4$] // HASH_VALUE FEAE05371BDADB3F // INDEX 1734 new_compass [&SYS&New target added to the compass.] // HASH_VALUE 77B37E6A33C0AD4E // INDEX 1735 no_action_when_sitting [&CHK&You cannot use actions when sitting down.] // HASH_VALUE F8C84F56373666B1 // INDEX 1736 no_action_while_intangible [&CHK&You cannot use an action while you are intangible.] // HASH_VALUE 3394D858CF778956 // INDEX 1737 no_action_while_mounted [&CHK&You cannot use actions while you are mounted.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&You cannot use an action while you are swimming.] */ // HASH_VALUE 4DFAF15553329970 // INDEX 1738 no_action_while_swimming [&CHK&You cannot use actions while you are near water.] // HASH_VALUE 9D7A0FCD4B696196 // INDEX 1739 no_action_while_transaction [&CHK&You cannot use an action while you have a bot chat or a transaction in progress.] // HASH_VALUE 9D0FD295A3FBF38E // INDEX 1740 one_faber_plan_allowed_per_sentence [&CHK&Only one craft plan (mandatory stanzas) is allowed in craft sentence! Crafting action aborted!] // HASH_VALUE 87C3B92979EC197D // INDEX 1741 only_one_root_faber [&CHK&Only one root stanza is permitted in craft sentence, crafting action aborted!] // HASH_VALUE 529E2527DFD8FD60 // INDEX 1742 phrase_buy [&ITM&You have just learnt "$s$" for $cost$ skill points.] // HASH_VALUE C2833A6F4042333E // INDEX 1743 phrase_buy_1 [&ITM&You have just learnt "$s$" for one skill point.] // HASH_VALUE 66A98B32C86264CD // INDEX 1744 phrase_buy_combat [&ITM&You learn the "$s$" combat action for $cost$ skill points.] // HASH_VALUE DE84C477D97B7F1B // INDEX 1745 phrase_buy_combat_1 [&ITM&You learn the "$s$" combat action for one skill point.] // HASH_VALUE 159D80375C5BCA1C // INDEX 1746 phrase_buy_faber [&ITM&You learn the "$s$" craft plan for $cost$ skill points.] // HASH_VALUE 7607B615CC40DF64 // INDEX 1747 phrase_buy_faber_1 [&ITM&You learn the "$s$" craft plan for one skill point.] // HASH_VALUE 0A733ED1C01BD768 // INDEX 1748 phrase_buy_magic [&ITM&You learn the "$s$" spell for $cost$ skill points.] // HASH_VALUE 824E7716D134F2B6 // INDEX 1749 phrase_buy_magic_1 [&ITM&You learn the "$s$" spell for one skill point.] // HASH_VALUE 06F97D70DFFFF9F3 // INDEX 1750 phrase_characteristic_buy [&ITM&You increase your $c$ at $value$ for $cost$ skill points.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&Not enough credit to validate the action.] */ // HASH_VALUE 452F39A1C7816A15 // INDEX 1751 phrase_missing_credit [&CHKCB&Not enough credit to validate the action.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&Not enough focus to validate the action.] */ // HASH_VALUE 058B793395BEA658 // INDEX 1752 phrase_not_enough_focus [&CHKCB&Not enough focus to validate the action.] // HASH_VALUE CB15421848011677 // INDEX 1753 phrase_use_predef [&SPLM&You use $s$.] // HASH_VALUE F4C7BD949F548DE5 // INDEX 1754 plan_faber_not_second [&CHK&Craft plan stanzas must be in second position in sentence! Please report this bug with exact sentence used. Thanks!] // HASH_VALUE DD4B87A8162A9252 // INDEX 1755 power_aura_activate [&SPLM&You activate your "$p$" power.] // HASH_VALUE 98B79CCEF401F2A2 // INDEX 1756 power_aura_activate_spectators [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ activates "$p$" power.] // HASH_VALUE 9E8EB43489945F80 // INDEX 1757 power_balance_actor [&SPLM&You use "$p$" power and affected members of your team now have $newVal$% of their max $s.points$.] // HASH_VALUE 06EE1C914EC7FF4D // INDEX 1758 power_balance_no_team [&CHK&You must be in a team to use Balance power.] // HASH_VALUE 3CFC5D39C69D467D // INDEX 1759 power_balance_others [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ uses the "$p$" power and you now have $newVal$% of your $s.points$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&Your "$p$" power will be disabled for another $m$ minutes and $s$ seconds.] */ // HASH_VALUE ECCDEDB42DCB97A2 // INDEX 1760 power_still_disabled_ms [&CHKCB&Your "$p$" power will be disabled for another $m$ minutes and $s$ seconds.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&Your "$p$" power will be disabled for another $m$ minutes.] */ // HASH_VALUE FB919B74484E4E13 // INDEX 1761 power_still_disabled_m [&CHKCB&Your "$p$" power will be disabled for another $m$ minutes.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&Your "$p$" power will be disabled for another $s$ seconds.] */ // HASH_VALUE 3851B374489F360D // INDEX 1762 power_still_disabled_s [&CHKCB&Your "$p$" power will be disabled for another $s$ seconds.] // HASH_VALUE 4FD3DD7B5331A287 // INDEX 1763 power_effect_ends [&SPLM&"$p$" power effects end.] // HASH_VALUE 0D10F2243FA22276 // INDEX 1764 power_taunt [&SPLM&You taunt $e.da$ $e$.] // HASH_VALUE 9688964F98585F86 // INDEX 1765 power_taunt_failed [&MISM&You failed to taunt $e.da$ $e$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&$e.da$ $e$ is too strong to be impressed by your action.] */ // HASH_VALUE CE480A76B0F5B6AC // INDEX 1766 power_taunt_level_too_high [&CHKCB&$e.da$ $e$ is too strong to be impressed by your action.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&You can only taunt attackable creatures or npcs.] */ // HASH_VALUE E036EDABDAFCF374 // INDEX 1767 power_taunt_target_not_attackable [&CHKCB&You can only taunt attackable creatures or npcs.] /* OLD VALUE : [&CHK&$e.da$ $e$ is too far away to be taunted by you.] */ // HASH_VALUE 7616C81EA58FD2AA // INDEX 1768 power_taunt_target_too_far [&CHKCB&$e.da$ $e$ is too far away to be taunted by you.] // HASH_VALUE CBE0157DC6020672 // INDEX 1769 power_use [&SPLM&You use "$p$" power.] // HASH_VALUE B6EC67BE22863397 // INDEX 1770 power_use_on_target [&SPLM&You use your "$p$" power on $e.da$ $e$.] // HASH_VALUE 0A880A0B2717EFC6 // INDEX 1771 power_use_on_target_failed [&MISM&Your "$p$" power had no effect on $e.da$ $e$.] // HASH_VALUE BCC372C89A8E032D // INDEX 1772 power_use_on_target_spectators [&SYS&$user.da$ $user$ uses "$p$" power on $target.da$ $target$.] // HASH_VALUE C95CF1F324F4E2A9 // INDEX 1773 power_use_on_target_target [&SYS&$user.da$ $user$ uses "$p$" power on you.] // HASH_VALUE D42F27514B308AD9 // INDEX 1774 power_use_spectators [&SYS&$e.da$ $e$ uses "$p$" power.] // HASH_VALUE 4952F07C077DC689 // INDEX 1775 progress_death_penalty_complete [&XP&You no longer have a death experience penalty !] // HASH_VALUE 53A986DBCD005121 // INDEX 1776 progress_death_penalty_payback [&XP&Your death penalty is now at $k$ points after substracting $j$ points. You would have gained $i$ experience points in '$s$' without a death penalty] // HASH_VALUE C4E4582CD7820151 // INDEX 1777 progress_free_trial_limit [&XP&You gain no experience in '$s$' because you have reached the free trial limit. To progress further in this skill you must upgrade your account.] // HASH_VALUE 8328241D2955AE9A // INDEX 1778 progress_hp [&XP&Your life force increases.] // HASH_VALUE F6946C73AF4FA0DA // INDEX 1779 progress_mission_gain [&TSK&The success of this mission has given you experience in the '$s$' skill.] // HASH_VALUE 2DEC65020E8B53BC // INDEX 1780 progress_normal_gain_p [&XP&You gain $i$ experience points in '$s$'.] // HASH_VALUE 64FAE0010AC89C6F // INDEX 1781 progress_normal_gain_1 [&XP&You gain 1 experience point in '$s$'.] // HASH_VALUE 6216ECC8B4159B59 // INDEX 1782 progress_normal_gain_0 [&XP&You gain no experience in '$s$'.] // HASH_VALUE 169A9BBD32F7E680 // INDEX 1783 progress_no_gain [&CHK&You don't gain experience in '$s$', this action is too easy.] // HASH_VALUE D79304100546044D // INDEX 1784 progress_sap [&XP&Your sap increases.] // HASH_VALUE 6D41C0B1C96C3F30 // INDEX 1785 progress_skill [&XP&Your '$s$' skill improves to $i$ points.] // HASH_VALUE D843580AA419AB6A // INDEX 1786 progress_sta [&XP&Your endurance increases.] // HASH_VALUE 7CE322803D03E3D0 // INDEX 1787 progress_unlock_skill [&XP&Well done! You gain the new advanced skill of '$s$' which starts at $i$ points.] // HASH_VALUE D6E175F23FBE2ED5 // INDEX 1788 right_hand_empty [&CHK&You must carry an item in your right hand to enchant it.] // HASH_VALUE CFA32381A4232420 // INDEX 1789 root_faber_not_first [&CHK&Root craft stanzas must be in first position in sentence! Please report this bug with exact sentence used. Thanks!] // HASH_VALUE CD107817B31F80A1 // INDEX 1790 rrp_bad_action [&XP&Action ignored because too easy (equivalent to $xpValue$ xp)] // HASH_VALUE 708BA58F18294BDF // INDEX 1791 rrp_bad_skill_novice [&XP&Action below Novice level ignored] // HASH_VALUE 1EFA2CEE06B125F2 // INDEX 1792 rrp_bad_skill_apprentice [&XP&Action below Apprentice level ignored] // HASH_VALUE 72755D3AC61085E0 // INDEX 1793 rrp_bad_skill_confirmed [&XP&Action below Confirmed level ignored] // HASH_VALUE F2F93C82987F21EF // INDEX 1794 rrp_bad_skill_advanced [&XP&Action below Advanced level ignored] // HASH_VALUE EF1C818F181A87DB // INDEX 1795 rrp_bad_skill_expert [&XP&Action below Expert level ignored] // HASH_VALUE AFABA18F18FA53EA // INDEX 1796 rrp_bad_skill_master [&XP&Action below Master level ignored] // HASH_VALUE 71276AFE7320D12E // INDEX 1797 rrp_bonus_novice [&XP&You have gained a BONUS of $ptsBonus$ Novice RRP] // HASH_VALUE F768C652C9653E48 // INDEX 1798 rrp_bonus_apprentice [&XP&You have gained a BONUS of $ptsBonus$ Apprentice RRP] // HASH_VALUE 6598B64BB6850E78 // INDEX 1799 rrp_bonus_confirmed [&XP&You have gained a BONUS of $ptsBonus$ Confirmed RRP] // HASH_VALUE 2F34B243F2D0F280 // INDEX 1800 rrp_bonus_advanced [&XP&You have gained a BONUS of $ptsBonus$ Advanced RRP] // HASH_VALUE B4976AFE3711C128 // INDEX 1801 rrp_bonus_expert [&XP&You have gained a BONUS of $ptsBonus$ Expert RRP] // HASH_VALUE EE176AFEB640FD2B // INDEX 1802 rrp_bonus_master [&XP&You have gained a BONUS of $ptsBonus$ Master RRP] // HASH_VALUE 5A58C474146716BD // INDEX 1803 rrp_gain_novice [&XP&You earn $ptsNow$ Novice RRP] // HASH_VALUE B09D318E9AA87211 // INDEX 1804 rrp_gain_apprentice [&XP&You earn $ptsNow$ Apprentice RRP] // HASH_VALUE 9DBD01BE08D8620A // INDEX 1805 rrp_gain_confirmed [&XP&You earn $ptsNow$ Confirmed RRP] // HASH_VALUE D908E5C6D2745E02 // INDEX 1806 rrp_gain_advanced [&XP&You earn $ptsNow$ Advanced RRP] // HASH_VALUE 1E49B46E57D716BD // INDEX 1807 rrp_gain_expert [&XP&You earn $ptsNow$ Expert RRP] // HASH_VALUE 9D78F071915716BD // INDEX 1808 rrp_gain_master [&XP&You earn $ptsNow$ Master RRP] // HASH_VALUE 1AEED9525BBBE9A2 // INDEX 1809 rrp_gain2_novice [&XP&You earn $ptsNow$ Novice RRP (with $nbPlayers$ players after $time$ seconds of activity)] // HASH_VALUE F7F104735A3E87EF // INDEX 1810 rrp_gain2_apprentice [&XP&You earn $ptsNow$ Apprentice RRP (with $nbPlayers$ players after $time$ seconds of activity)] // HASH_VALUE D10E92B1FF85438E // INDEX 1811 rrp_gain2_confirmed [&XP&You earn $ptsNow$ Confirmed RRP (with $nbPlayers$ players after $time$ seconds of activity)] // HASH_VALUE 781375294EEF8579 // INDEX 1812 rrp_gain2_advanced [&XP&You earn $ptsNow$ Advanced RRP (with $nbPlayers$ players after $time$ seconds of activity)] // HASH_VALUE DEDFC94C9E2BE9A2 // INDEX 1813 rrp_gain2_expert [&XP&You earn $ptsNow$ Expert RRP (with $nbPlayers$ players after $time$ seconds of activity)] // HASH_VALUE 5D0E054FD8ABE9A2 // INDEX 1814 rrp_gain2_master [&XP&You earn $ptsNow$ Master RRP (with $nbPlayers$ players after $time$ seconds of activity)] // HASH_VALUE 5584FBD18E082753 // INDEX 1815 rrp_generate_ignored [&ITM&You cannot generate ring rewards at this time] // HASH_VALUE F7A43B2BDC529B6D // INDEX 1816 rrp_generate_inventory_full [&ITM&Your inventory is too full to add any more ring rewards] // HASH_VALUE E05230E847401BE8 // INDEX 1817 rrp_generate_lack_points_novice [&ITM&You require at least $ptsRequired$ Novice RRP to be worthy of a reward but you only have $ptsHeld$] // HASH_VALUE 5F67A79464126194 // INDEX 1818 rrp_generate_lack_points_apprentice [&ITM&You require at least $ptsRequired$ Apprentice RRP to be worthy of a reward but you only have $ptsHeld$] // HASH_VALUE 5A34AA5333B58F32 // INDEX 1819 rrp_generate_lack_points_confirmed [&ITM&You require at least $ptsRequired$ Confirmed RRP to be worthy of a reward but you only have $ptsHeld$] // HASH_VALUE BE34BA14E367177F // INDEX 1820 rrp_generate_lack_points_advanced [&ITM&You require at least $ptsRequired$ Advanced RRP to be worthy of a reward but you only have $ptsHeld$] // HASH_VALUE DFF254DF474057F7 // INDEX 1821 rrp_generate_lack_points_expert [&ITM&You require at least $ptsRequired$ Expert RRP to be worthy of a reward but you only have $ptsHeld$] // HASH_VALUE A322F8E747404FEA // INDEX 1822 rrp_generate_lack_points_master [&ITM&You require at least $ptsRequired$ Master RRP to be worthy of a reward but you only have $ptsHeld$] // HASH_VALUE 78F8CF124C576485 // INDEX 1823 rrp_generate_reward_pl [&ITM&You obtain $nb$ $i.p$ of quality $level$ as a Ring Reward] // HASH_VALUE 0EF317B705B7921F // INDEX 1824 rrp_generate_reward_1 [&ITM&You obtain one $i$ of quality $level$ as a Ring Reward] // HASH_VALUE 6EBA053046CA6A1A // INDEX 1825 rrp_no_progress [&XP&Next ring reward point not yet available ($time$ seconds to go)] // HASH_VALUE B95A23EA9198F65C // INDEX 1826 rrp_progress [&XP&Ring progress $xpSoFar$/$xpRequired$ of next reward points (equivalent to $xpValue$ xp)] // HASH_VALUE 62F8079698467B62 // INDEX 1827 rrp_session_limit_reached [&XP&No more RRP points can be gained this session as you have reached the limit] // HASH_VALUE 5E47C6F3FF596B95 // INDEX 1828 rrp_too_few_active_players [&XP&There are too few active players for you to earn Ring Reward Points] /* OLD VALUE : [Initiation to how amber cubes work] */ // HASH_VALUE 14BE5EEB6C0FDE70 // INDEX 1829 r_00_01_p_desc [This is the first rite mission that you will be given] /* OLD VALUE : [Amber cubes] */ // HASH_VALUE E9F75F8098F787A0 // INDEX 1830 r_00_01_p_title [First Rite] // HASH_VALUE C2E8EAAC5D40E531 // INDEX 1831 shopkeeper_no_sell [I've got nothing to sell right now, come back later.] // HASH_VALUE 37CDA2DC4ACD7128 // INDEX 1832 place_lonely_param [$p$] // HASH_VALUE E9B8B8FA8B9B84D5 // INDEX 1833 source_dmg_redux_early [&CHK&Damage reduction was done too early.] // HASH_VALUE 53C9382582F0445F // INDEX 1834 source_explosion [&SPL&The forage source blew up!] // HASH_VALUE CC8237229027E007 // INDEX 1835 source_explosion_defender_hit [&DMG&An explosion hits you for $damage$ ($maxDamage$) points of damage.] // HASH_VALUE 0D6082598A659A4A // INDEX 1836 source_explosion_defender_reducted_hit [&DMG&An explosion hits you for $damage$ ($maxDamage$) points of damage (reduced by $reduction$).] // HASH_VALUE 2F1A2D43BA18F8B3 // INDEX 1837 source_explosion_spectator_hit [&SYS&An explosion hits $defender$ for $damage$ damage.] // HASH_VALUE DBE585E20D5A4139 // INDEX 1838 source_toxic_cloud [&SPL&The forage source released a toxic cloud!] // HASH_VALUE 68E887FD36F9A5B9 // INDEX 1839 start_location [&ZON&You are in the region of $region$ on the continent of $cont$.] // HASH_VALUE 536F43CFF774EF41 // INDEX 1840 target_new [&SYS&You target $e.ia$ $e$.] // HASH_VALUE 94B81B12EC576F94 // INDEX 1841 target_none [&SYS&You now have no target .] // HASH_VALUE 623773EDD9982753 // INDEX 1842 target_self [&SYS&You target yourself.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$p$ joins your team.] */ // HASH_VALUE 41D4CB221401C45A // INDEX 1843 team_accept [&AROUND&$p$ joins your team.] // HASH_VALUE A5B46E95F7914BB8 // INDEX 1844 team_already_has_proposal [&CHK&$p$ is already answering an invitation.] // HASH_VALUE 9178A1E79C0A4E5B // INDEX 1845 team_already_has_team [&CHK&$p$ already belongs to a team.] // HASH_VALUE 9DA46F6BF9CFD407 // INDEX 1846 team_already_in_team [&CHK&You already belong to a team, leave your present team before joining another one.] // HASH_VALUE D26908475C58FA63 // INDEX 1847 team_create [&SYS&You have created a new team.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$p$ declines your offer to join your team.] */ // HASH_VALUE 860C317F69D3BECE // INDEX 1848 team_decline [&AROUND&$p$ declines your offer to join your team.] // HASH_VALUE EF631383146DA429 // INDEX 1849 team_disolved [&SYS&Your were the last member of your team, so it has been disolved and you no longer belong to a team.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&You offer $p$ to join your team.] */ // HASH_VALUE 43FAF932C7533810 // INDEX 1850 team_invite [&AROUND&You ask $p$ to join your team.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$p$ has been kicked out of your team.] */ // HASH_VALUE 371B1EFA797F15E9 // INDEX 1851 team_kicked [&AROUND&$p$ has been kicked out of your team.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&You have been kicked out of the team of $p$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 3BE60BBA697459DF // INDEX 1852 team_kicked_you [&AROUND&You have been kicked out of the team of $p$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&$p$ left your team.] */ // HASH_VALUE C13F60CB54E59774 // INDEX 1853 team_leave [&AROUND&$p$ left your team.] // HASH_VALUE 50ACE879A918172B // INDEX 1854 team_max_size_reached [&CHK&The team has reached its size limit and cannot accept anymore players.] // HASH_VALUE 237BB3000C0BFF47 // INDEX 1855 team_new_leader [&SYS&Your team leader, $former$, has left the team, $new$ is the new leader.] // HASH_VALUE 9C4C6CB8F182094A // INDEX 1856 team_not_a_player [&CHK&$e.da$ $e$ isn't a player. Only players can be teammates.] // HASH_VALUE 5EECDB6E1B40ACAC // INDEX 1857 team_proposal_m [$p$ offers you to join his team.] // HASH_VALUE 5EECD76A1B40ACAC // INDEX 1858 team_proposal_f [$p$ offers you to join her team.] // HASH_VALUE 17A9314E538A2DA2 // INDEX 1859 team_you_decline [&SYS&You refuse to join the team of $p$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&You join the team of $p$.] */ // HASH_VALUE CDF8133A853757FF // INDEX 1860 team_you_join [&AROUND&You join the team of $p$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&You left the team of $p$.] */ // HASH_VALUE CDF8133A07072F01 // INDEX 1861 team_you_leave [&AROUND&You left the team of $p$.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&You left your team and it has been disolved.] */ // HASH_VALUE 1A526E458D502CAB // INDEX 1862 team_you_leave_disolve [&AROUND&You left your team and it has been dissolved.] /* OLD VALUE : [&SYS&You left your team, $p$ is the new leader.] */ // HASH_VALUE 7838BE40FB7B2924 // INDEX 1863 team_you_leave_leader [&AROUND&You left your team, $p$ is the new leader.] // HASH_VALUE 4FEA373578BDFA37 // INDEX 1864 team_you_new_leader [&SYS&Your team leader, $p$, has left the team, you are the new leader.] //default text // HASH_VALUE 653A846F69B2E84B // INDEX 1865 template_task_craft_0_title_1 [Create objects] // HASH_VALUE 2D82FC87D0BACFAA // INDEX 1866 template_task_craft_0_title_2 [Craft objects] // HASH_VALUE 5A2577695A8583A4 // INDEX 1867 template_task_craft_0_title_3 [$giver$ needs items] // HASH_VALUE 19496B537235ABAC // INDEX 1868 template_task_craft_0_title_4 [$giver$ has asked for a crafter] // HASH_VALUE 68E7F88AD28A1C60 // INDEX 1869 template_task_craft_0_title_5 [Special order] // HASH_VALUE 6A59B49325E89F67 // INDEX 1870 template_task_craft_0_title_6 [Craft equipment] // HASH_VALUE 6A5A7C6E08E192AF // INDEX 1871 template_task_craft_0_title_7 [$giver$ needs equipment] // HASH_VALUE A869A05CB4816EBE // INDEX 1872 template_task_craft_0_title_8 [$giver$ needs a crafter] // HASH_VALUE 1C7578496DC473F3 // INDEX 1873 template_task_craft_0_title_9 [An order for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE 4997199CCA253818 // INDEX 1874 template_task_craft_0_title_10 [$giver$ wants some made-to-order items] //tribe welcomer / jewels // HASH_VALUE AE573BA028047F43 // INDEX 1875 template_task_craft_10_title_1 [Create jewels for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 8BEA475F96883F6E // INDEX 1876 template_task_craft_10_title_2 [Craft jewels for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE AA3D572402F09C9A // INDEX 1877 template_task_craft_10_title_3 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need jewels] // HASH_VALUE 31B9A4F99D9B28F8 // INDEX 1878 template_task_craft_10_title_4 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ have asked for a jeweler] // HASH_VALUE C724C92ED50083F7 // INDEX 1879 template_task_craft_10_title_5 [Special order for jewels for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 07D17787E804665C // INDEX 1880 template_task_craft_10_title_6 [Jewels for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 9B3D2494C2268894 // INDEX 1881 template_task_craft_10_title_7 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ want new jewels] // HASH_VALUE AA6C428DC27464A5 // INDEX 1882 template_task_craft_10_title_8 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need a jeweler] // HASH_VALUE 35F3C580E23B31C1 // INDEX 1883 template_task_craft_10_title_9 [An order for jewels for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 2118A50D0D4B44C9 // INDEX 1884 template_task_craft_10_title_10 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ want made-to-order jewels] //double fame journeyman / Matis // HASH_VALUE B934F66B8229F148 // INDEX 1885 template_task_craft_11_title_1 [Create Matis items for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 0CEDBD8D881FC74A // INDEX 1886 template_task_craft_11_title_2 [Craft Matis items for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE CE6FBC2BDF4C75BA // INDEX 1887 template_task_craft_11_title_3 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need Matis items] // HASH_VALUE 51B50B1EB2491A7A // INDEX 1888 template_task_craft_11_title_4 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends have asked for a crafter of Matis items] // HASH_VALUE B9BB510A5603F925 // INDEX 1889 template_task_craft_11_title_5 [Special order for Matis items for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 119899941DCB94B0 // INDEX 1890 template_task_craft_11_title_6 [Craft Matis equipment for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE CD70B09B7AA22AB7 // INDEX 1891 template_task_craft_11_title_7 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need Matis equipment] // HASH_VALUE BED0677E81D9603B // INDEX 1892 template_task_craft_11_title_8 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need a crafter to craft Matis equipment] // HASH_VALUE 05942F546F5B0196 // INDEX 1893 template_task_craft_11_title_9 [An order for Matis equipment for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 698FD9F35B649E0E // INDEX 1894 template_task_craft_11_title_10 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends want made-to-order Matis items] //double fame journeyman / Zoraï // HASH_VALUE D8B4EE79C529F148 // INDEX 1895 template_task_craft_12_title_1 [Create Zoraï items for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 0CB49D8B0BF0C74A // INDEX 1896 template_task_craft_12_title_2 [Craft Zoraï items for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 5140BC2BDF1355B8 // INDEX 1897 template_task_craft_12_title_3 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need Zoraï items] // HASH_VALUE D0953F1EB2490C72 // INDEX 1898 template_task_craft_12_title_4 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends have asked for a crafter of Zoraï items] // HASH_VALUE 3C8C510A56CAD923 // INDEX 1899 template_task_craft_12_title_5 [Special order for Zoraï items for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 115F7992A09C94B0 // INDEX 1900 template_task_craft_12_title_6 [Craft Zoraï equipment for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 5041B09B7A690AB5 // INDEX 1901 template_task_craft_12_title_7 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need Zoraï equipment] // HASH_VALUE BED0597600B9943B // INDEX 1902 template_task_craft_12_title_8 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need a crafter to craft Zoraï equipment] // HASH_VALUE 0594214CEE3B3596 // INDEX 1903 template_task_craft_12_title_9 [An order for Zoraï equipment for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 676F11005B649E8A // INDEX 1904 template_task_craft_12_title_10 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends want made-to-order Zoraï items] //double fame journeyman / fyros // HASH_VALUE B994EE83C029F148 // INDEX 1905 template_task_craft_13_title_1 [Create Fyros items for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 0CEDD58B8EAFC74A // INDEX 1906 template_task_craft_13_title_2 [Craft Fyros items for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE D4FFBC2BDF4C8DB8 // INDEX 1907 template_task_craft_13_title_3 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need Fyros items] // HASH_VALUE D036EF1EB2491A80 // INDEX 1908 template_task_craft_13_title_4 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends have asked for a crafter of Fyros items] // HASH_VALUE BF4B510A56031123 // INDEX 1909 template_task_craft_13_title_5 [Special order for Fyros items for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 1198B192235B94B0 // INDEX 1910 template_task_craft_13_title_6 [Craft Fyros equipment for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE BED06784005A443B // INDEX 1911 template_task_craft_13_title_7 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need a crafter to craft Fyros equipment] // HASH_VALUE BED06784005A443B // INDEX 1912 template_task_craft_13_title_8 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need a crafter to craft Fyros equipment] // HASH_VALUE 05942F5AEEDCE596 // INDEX 1913 template_task_craft_13_title_9 [An order for Fyros equipment for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE EA6F39EC5B649E0E // INDEX 1914 template_task_craft_13_title_10 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends want made-to-order Fyros items] //double fame journeyman / tryker // HASH_VALUE D488CE78B87EE9FF // INDEX 1915 template_task_craft_14_title_1 [Create Tryker items for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE BAB4D283CB6CDC48 // INDEX 1916 template_task_craft_14_title_2 [Craft Tryker items for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 10D190E2736B4AB9 // INDEX 1917 template_task_craft_14_title_3 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need Tryker items] // HASH_VALUE 11466313606EE2EF // INDEX 1918 template_task_craft_14_title_4 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends have asked for a crafter of Tryker items] // HASH_VALUE FC08660804CA0E1B // INDEX 1919 template_task_craft_14_title_5 [Special order for Tryker items for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 6422EED97EA4755C // INDEX 1920 template_task_craft_14_title_6 [Craft Tryker equipment for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE EB654F8300AB6CA3 // INDEX 1921 template_task_craft_14_title_7 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need a crafter to craft Tryker equipment] // HASH_VALUE EB654F8300AB6CA3 // INDEX 1922 template_task_craft_14_title_8 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need a crafter to craft Tryker equipment] // HASH_VALUE EF6A12A9BF74F6CE // INDEX 1923 template_task_craft_14_title_9 [An order for Tryker equipment for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE EA6F39EC5B649E0E // INDEX 1924 template_task_craft_14_title_10 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends want made-to-order Fyros items] //double fame foreman / armor // HASH_VALUE 0C00F9D2F25BFB07 // INDEX 1925 template_task_craft_15_title_1 [Create armor for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE BC82F10E22FC548D // INDEX 1926 template_task_craft_15_title_2 [Craft armor for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE B75BEBC2D73C8D40 // INDEX 1927 template_task_craft_15_title_3 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need armor] // HASH_VALUE B3F0C6AA58471680 // INDEX 1928 template_task_craft_15_title_4 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends have asked for a crafter of armor] // HASH_VALUE 62A3C69626045DA4 // INDEX 1929 template_task_craft_15_title_5 [Special order of armor for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE B0CB3FAE6BA04FD5 // INDEX 1930 template_task_craft_15_title_6 [Armor for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 7452A83FB5EB744A // INDEX 1931 template_task_craft_15_title_7 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends want new armor] // HASH_VALUE 48E8CE17A354DBCA // INDEX 1932 template_task_craft_15_title_8 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need a crafter to craft armor] // HASH_VALUE FC40AA2ACD5DCD46 // INDEX 1933 template_task_craft_15_title_9 [An order for armor for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE EAE768A23ECE1E0D // INDEX 1934 template_task_craft_15_title_10 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends want made-to-order armor] //double fame foreman / weapons // HASH_VALUE 093D055C624AF13C // INDEX 1935 template_task_craft_16_title_1 [Create weapons for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 09010011C417CF4A // INDEX 1936 template_task_craft_16_title_2 [Craft weapons for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 74BCEB35720B9134 // INDEX 1937 template_task_craft_16_title_3 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need weapons] // HASH_VALUE B01F1EAA342D0A81 // INDEX 1938 template_task_craft_16_title_4 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends have asked for a crafter of weapons] // HASH_VALUE 234BCD7595563D68 // INDEX 1939 template_task_craft_16_title_5 [Special order of weapons for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE A2FC6970237C24CD // INDEX 1940 template_task_craft_16_title_6 [Weapons for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 0F21AC33724C74BD // INDEX 1941 template_task_craft_16_title_7 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends want new weapons] // HASH_VALUE 24CEC218A08333CA // INDEX 1942 template_task_craft_16_title_8 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need a crafter to craft weapons] // HASH_VALUE 6B928AEE8E05D425 // INDEX 1943 template_task_craft_16_title_9 [An order for weapons for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 2B2734B83E05D70A // INDEX 1944 template_task_craft_16_title_10 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends want made-to-order weapons] //double fame foreman / jewel // HASH_VALUE 48A11C1505A2E44A // INDEX 1945 template_task_craft_17_title_1 [Create jewels for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 8D90D9D7F3FFE607 // INDEX 1946 template_task_craft_17_title_2 [Craft jewels for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 74EBEBC2B3DB654A // INDEX 1947 template_task_craft_17_title_3 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need jewels] // HASH_VALUE 58483DA07CC1CD11 // INDEX 1948 template_task_craft_17_title_4 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends have asked for a jeweler] // HASH_VALUE 94D807FBC438219E // INDEX 1949 template_task_craft_17_title_5 [Special order of jewels for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 2F574CFE85485CC6 // INDEX 1950 template_task_craft_17_title_6 [Jewels for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 50F18049727B744A // INDEX 1951 template_task_craft_17_title_7 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends want new jewels] // HASH_VALUE 2382802E308C653D // INDEX 1952 template_task_craft_17_title_8 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need a jeweler] // HASH_VALUE 9A746E24FF920EAB // INDEX 1953 template_task_craft_17_title_9 [An order for jewels for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 688834AB3ECEEB07 // INDEX 1954 template_task_craft_17_title_10 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends want made-to-order jewels] //journeyman / Matis, foreman / Matis, ambassador / on Matis land, welcomer / Matis, Kami / on Matis land, Karavan / on Matis land // HASH_VALUE 6335BC7D2114EC38 // INDEX 1955 template_task_craft_1_title_1 [Create Matis objects] // HASH_VALUE 8E9A743AA9E25BBE // INDEX 1956 template_task_craft_1_title_2 [Craft Matis objects] // HASH_VALUE 18996779C493AFB7 // INDEX 1957 template_task_craft_1_title_3 [$giver$ needs Matis items] // HASH_VALUE C592A9E24DCB497A // INDEX 1958 template_task_craft_1_title_4 [$giver$ has asked for a crafter of Matis items] // HASH_VALUE E4C6DB9D446AF7C2 // INDEX 1959 template_task_craft_1_title_5 [Special order for Matis items] // HASH_VALUE 8FA5F48DE6E823AE // INDEX 1960 template_task_craft_1_title_6 [Craft Matis equipment] // HASH_VALUE 59798C7614E39EB1 // INDEX 1961 template_task_craft_1_title_7 [$giver$ needs Matis equipment] // HASH_VALUE 60B0C2FAABCDC594 // INDEX 1962 template_task_craft_1_title_8 [$giver$ needs a crafter to craft Matis equipment] // HASH_VALUE EDE0B437B0045444 // INDEX 1963 template_task_craft_1_title_9 [An order for Matis equipment] // HASH_VALUE FC0BCCD6568C37F9 // INDEX 1964 template_task_craft_1_title_10 [$giver$ wants made-to-order Matis items] //journeyman / Zoraï, foreman / Zoraï, ambassador / on Zoraï land, welcomer / Zoraï, Kami / on Zoraï land, Karavan / on Zoraï land // HASH_VALUE C5B5B48B8394E446 // INDEX 1965 template_task_craft_2_title_1 [Create Zoraï objects] // HASH_VALUE 0D4188382CB34DB6 // INDEX 1966 template_task_craft_2_title_2 [Craft Zoraï objects] // HASH_VALUE 186047774764AFB7 // INDEX 1967 template_task_craft_2_title_3 [$giver$ needs Zoraï items] // HASH_VALUE 0892A9E26C4B4188 // INDEX 1968 template_task_craft_2_title_4 [$giver$ has asked for a crafter of Zoraï items] // HASH_VALUE 6797DB9D4431D7C0 // INDEX 1969 template_task_craft_2_title_5 [Special order for Zoraï items] // HASH_VALUE D26CD48B88391BBC // INDEX 1970 template_task_craft_2_title_6 [Craft Zoraï equipment] // HASH_VALUE 59406C7497B49EB1 // INDEX 1971 template_task_craft_2_title_7 [$giver$ needs Zoraï equipment] // HASH_VALUE DF90F6FAABCDB78C // INDEX 1972 template_task_craft_2_title_8 [$giver$ needs a crafter to craft Zoraï equipment] // HASH_VALUE EDE0A62F2FE48844 // INDEX 1973 template_task_craft_2_title_9 [An order for Zoraï equipment] // HASH_VALUE FC0BCC52546C6F06 // INDEX 1974 template_task_craft_2_title_10 [$giver$ wants made-to-order Zoraï items] //journeyman / fyros, foreman / fyros, ambassador / on fyros land, welcomer / fyros, Kami / on fyros land, Karavan / on fyros land // HASH_VALUE A195B4955F74E450 // INDEX 1975 template_task_craft_3_title_1 [Create Fyros objects] // HASH_VALUE 0D1B7038AF725BC4 // INDEX 1976 template_task_craft_3_title_2 [Craft Fyros objects] // HASH_VALUE 18997F77CA23AFB7 // INDEX 1977 template_task_craft_3_title_3 [$giver$ needs Fyros items] // HASH_VALUE 0392A9E24D2B4192 // INDEX 1978 template_task_craft_3_title_4 [$giver$ has asked for a crafter of Fyros items] // HASH_VALUE EA56DB9D446A0FC0 // INDEX 1979 template_task_craft_3_title_5 [Special order for Fyros items] // HASH_VALUE CDA50C8BECD81BC6 // INDEX 1980 template_task_craft_3_title_6 [Craft Fyros equipment] // HASH_VALUE 5979A4741A739EB1 // INDEX 1981 template_task_craft_3_title_7 [$giver$ needs Fyros equipment] // HASH_VALUE DF31A6FAABCDC59A // INDEX 1982 template_task_craft_3_title_8 [$giver$ needs a crafter to craft Fyros equipment] // HASH_VALUE EDE0B43D2F853844 // INDEX 1983 template_task_craft_3_title_9 [An order for Fyros equipment] // HASH_VALUE FC0BCCD6D76C97F2 // INDEX 1984 template_task_craft_3_title_10 [$giver$ wants made-to-order Fyros items] //journeyman / tryker, foreman / tryker, ambassador / on tryker land, welcomer / tryker, Kami / on tryker land, Karavan / on tryker land // HASH_VALUE D6981480E0B6EBAD // INDEX 1985 template_task_craft_4_title_1 [Create Tryker objects] // HASH_VALUE ADF883956BD7B350 // INDEX 1986 template_task_craft_4_title_2 [Craft Tryker objects] // HASH_VALUE 2B84AC789924C761 // INDEX 1987 template_task_craft_4_title_3 [$giver$ needs Tryker items] // HASH_VALUE 4BE18434CA224583 // INDEX 1988 template_task_craft_4_title_4 [$giver$ has asked for a crafter of Tryker items] // HASH_VALUE 2628AF549BB77FC1 // INDEX 1989 template_task_craft_4_title_5 [Special order for Tryker items] // HASH_VALUE 9689D0866F27AF56 // INDEX 1990 template_task_craft_4_title_6 [Craft Tryker equipment] // HASH_VALUE AB18A074DAE0AF66 // INDEX 1991 template_task_craft_4_title_7 [$giver$ needs Tryker equipment] // HASH_VALUE DF82CE62D862AD99 // INDEX 1992 template_task_craft_4_title_8 [$giver$ needs a crafter to craft Tryker equipment] // HASH_VALUE 1A759C3C5CBAAC6B // INDEX 1993 template_task_craft_4_title_9 [An order for Tryker equipment] // HASH_VALUE 397715C8B27B5B0F // INDEX 1994 template_task_craft_4_title_10 [$giver$ wants made-to-order Tryker items] //foreman / armor // HASH_VALUE A4A4DC6CA450A89D // INDEX 1995 template_task_craft_5_title_1 [Create armor] // HASH_VALUE CCABA431308697B6 // INDEX 1996 template_task_craft_5_title_2 [Craft armor] // HASH_VALUE 5A157F71D90583A4 // INDEX 1997 template_task_craft_5_title_3 [$giver$ needs armor] // HASH_VALUE 714B04C20D2B601E // INDEX 1998 template_task_craft_5_title_4 [$giver$ has asked for a crafter of armor] // HASH_VALUE 27E89FA4925573A9 // INDEX 1999 template_task_craft_5_title_5 [Special order for armor] // HASH_VALUE 184117466925C7B1 // INDEX 2000 template_task_craft_5_title_6 [Armor for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE AFF94779475196B7 // INDEX 2001 template_task_craft_5_title_7 [$giver$ wants new armor] // HASH_VALUE 822B3D8935E52C2D // INDEX 2002 template_task_craft_5_title_8 [$giver$ needs a crafter to craft armor] // HASH_VALUE AB0EE43568A69C21 // INDEX 2003 template_task_craft_5_title_9 [An order for armor] // HASH_VALUE DF754CD5D7E4C6A8 // INDEX 2004 template_task_craft_5_title_10 [$giver$ wants made-to-order armor] //foreman / weapons // HASH_VALUE 688A907D29E20845 // INDEX 2005 template_task_craft_6_title_1 [Create weapons] // HASH_VALUE AD42287894ECABAD // INDEX 2006 template_task_craft_6_title_2 [Craft weapons] // HASH_VALUE 5A0988691485926B // INDEX 2007 template_task_craft_6_title_3 [$giver$ needs weapons] // HASH_VALUE F64BD1304C3C3011 // INDEX 2008 template_task_craft_6_title_4 [$giver$ has asked for a crafter of weapons] // HASH_VALUE E31A57A799386B9F // INDEX 2009 template_task_craft_6_title_5 [Special order for weapons] // HASH_VALUE 9281E89089D6A467 // INDEX 2010 template_task_craft_6_title_6 [Weapons for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE 6D69328505459FAF // INDEX 2011 template_task_craft_6_title_7 [$giver$ wants new weapons] // HASH_VALUE 7F5A958911CB202E // INDEX 2012 template_task_craft_6_title_8 [$giver$ needs a crafter to craft weapons] // HASH_VALUE EF34A0436BA4C0F3 // INDEX 2013 template_task_craft_6_title_9 [An order for weapons] // HASH_VALUE DFAC05D2182492BE // INDEX 2014 template_task_craft_6_title_10 [$giver$ wants made-to-order weapons] //foreman / jewel // HASH_VALUE 17364475A5E7BCB6 // INDEX 2015 template_task_craft_7_title_1 [Create jewels] // HASH_VALUE 6798A77127285EA2 // INDEX 2016 template_task_craft_7_title_2 [Craft jewels] // HASH_VALUE 9AF4906E17D47B6A // INDEX 2017 template_task_craft_7_title_3 [$giver$ needs jewels] // HASH_VALUE B34B04358C8B8811 // INDEX 2018 template_task_craft_7_title_4 [$giver$ has asked for a crafter of jewels] // HASH_VALUE 6298CB87C7B81FBB // INDEX 2019 template_task_craft_7_title_5 [Special order for jewels] // HASH_VALUE 5713874B28A5976A // INDEX 2020 template_task_craft_7_title_6 [Jewels for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE B0B83F364530A7B4 // INDEX 2021 template_task_craft_7_title_7 [$giver$ wants new jewels] // HASH_VALUE 045A6189351C1423 // INDEX 2022 template_task_craft_7_title_8 [$giver$ needs a crafter to craft jewels] // HASH_VALUE CF56982A1DC97766 // INDEX 2023 template_task_craft_7_title_9 [An order for jewels] // HASH_VALUE DF7519CF558592B1 // INDEX 2024 template_task_craft_7_title_10 [$giver$ wants made-to-order jewels] //tribe welcomer / weapons // HASH_VALUE E1B730E5E8B0D2D2 // INDEX 2025 template_task_craft_8_title_1 [Create weapons for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 6FB71F9CE7796A43 // INDEX 2026 template_task_craft_8_title_2 [Craft weapons for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 6DDC573172E5889D // INDEX 2027 template_task_craft_8_title_3 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need weapons] // HASH_VALUE 14C02966BA3CC2CE // INDEX 2028 template_task_craft_8_title_4 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ have asked for a crafter of weapons] // HASH_VALUE 1815F403B9CD5B34 // INDEX 2029 template_task_craft_8_title_5 [Special order for weapons for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 85A58C8617707B29 // INDEX 2030 template_task_craft_8_title_6 [Weapons for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 9B74109785C588A1 // INDEX 2031 template_task_craft_8_title_7 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ want new weapons] // HASH_VALUE A5456061F5237A14 // INDEX 2032 template_task_craft_8_title_8 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need a crafter to craft weapons] // HASH_VALUE 69ECF876318E2D8C // INDEX 2033 template_task_craft_8_title_9 [An order for weapons for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE E048D1F70D1C443C // INDEX 2034 template_task_craft_8_title_10 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ want made-to-order weapons] //tribe welcomer / armors // HASH_VALUE 0A5A675A95E4546E // INDEX 2035 template_task_craft_9_title_1 [Create armor for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 5701486A05A577A3 // INDEX 2036 template_task_craft_9_title_2 [Craft armor for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 2C9C8B1BF4145FA0 // INDEX 2037 template_task_craft_9_title_3 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need armor] // HASH_VALUE D5AF5973353CF560 // INDEX 2038 template_task_craft_9_title_4 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ have asked for a crafter of armor] // HASH_VALUE 36410163A1178402 // INDEX 2039 template_task_craft_9_title_5 [Special order for armor for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 16815E3969D8B30F // INDEX 2040 template_task_craft_9_title_6 [Armor for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 9B3D579A4485BC8B // INDEX 2041 template_task_craft_9_title_7 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ want new armor] // HASH_VALUE 204593F3B612AA21 // INDEX 2042 template_task_craft_9_title_8 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need a crafter to craft armor] // HASH_VALUE 82A68BC0A5D7F8CF // INDEX 2043 template_task_craft_9_title_9 [An order for armor for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 4579CD0350BB44C9 // INDEX 2044 template_task_craft_9_title_10 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ want made-to-order armor] /* OLD VALUE : [Make $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, I will pay you $reward$.] */ // HASH_VALUE C4C875B651399DD1 // INDEX 2045 template_task_craft_intro_1_money [Make $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, I will pay you $reward$ dapper(s).] /* OLD VALUE : [Make $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, I will pay you $reward$. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE D7C80321E8AE1894 // INDEX 2046 template_task_craft_intro_1_money_timed [Make $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, I will pay you $reward$ dapper(s).\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [Make $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, I will be grateful to you. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE C3F07EBF67AA4EFA // INDEX 2047 template_task_craft_intro_1_fame_timed [Make $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be very grateful to you.\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [Make $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, I will be grateful to you.] */ // HASH_VALUE EDA52FB0D4E4C794 // INDEX 2048 template_task_craft_intro_1_fame [Make $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be very grateful to you] /* OLD VALUE : [Make $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$ and $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$, I will pay you $reward$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 001B91AAE575DDD1 // INDEX 2049 template_task_craft_intro_2_money [Make $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$ and $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$, I will pay you $reward$ dapper(s).] /* OLD VALUE : [Make $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$ and $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$, I will pay you $reward$. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE D666E0B9ED3B6437 // INDEX 2050 template_task_craft_intro_2_money_timed [Make $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$ and $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$, I will pay you $reward$ dapper(s).\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [Make $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$ and $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$, and I will be grateful to you. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE 03C66385AB1DE929 // INDEX 2051 template_task_craft_intro_2_fame_timed [Make $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$ and $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$, $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you.\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [Make $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$ and $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$, and I will be grateful to you.] */ // HASH_VALUE D482253491F94ECB // INDEX 2052 template_task_craft_intro_2_fame [Make $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$ and $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$, $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you] /* OLD VALUE : [Make $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$ and $qt3$ $i3$ of level $ql3$, and I will pay you $reward$.] */ // HASH_VALUE ECC7594473E7D4E0 // INDEX 2053 template_task_craft_intro_3_money [Make $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$ and $qt3$ $i3$ of level $ql3$, I will pay you $reward$ dapper(s).] /* OLD VALUE : [Make $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$ and $qt3$ $i3$ of level $ql3$, and I will pay you $reward$. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE 2245122331855FD5 // INDEX 2054 template_task_craft_intro_3_money_timed [Make $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$ and $qt3$ $i3$ of level $ql3$, and I will pay you $reward$ dapper(s).\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [Make $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$ and $qt3$ $i3$ of level $ql3$, and I will be grateful to you. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE E2B800060766BC14 // INDEX 2055 template_task_craft_intro_3_fame_timed [Make $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$ and $qt3$ $i3$ of level $ql3$, $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you.\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [Make $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$ and $qt3$ $i3$ of level $ql3$, and I will be grateful to you.] */ // HASH_VALUE 4FF279A0311B6D05 // INDEX 2056 template_task_craft_intro_3_fame [Make $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$ and $qt3$ $i3$ of level $ql3$, $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you] //default text // HASH_VALUE E8986250665AAABA // INDEX 2057 template_task_forage_0_title_1 [Clean the ground] // HASH_VALUE 64786250EC1A62A6 // INDEX 2058 template_task_forage_0_title_2 [Clean the fields] // HASH_VALUE D7D64C901DE604A8 // INDEX 2059 template_task_forage_0_title_3 [Purify the ground] // HASH_VALUE 43AAE9FAF4881707 // INDEX 2060 template_task_forage_0_title_4 [$giver$ needs someone to clean the fields] // HASH_VALUE 83AAE9EB76193F10 // INDEX 2061 template_task_forage_0_title_5 [$giver$ needs someone to clean the ground] // HASH_VALUE 6AF97F506A445B5B // INDEX 2062 template_task_forage_0_title_6 [Work the land] // HASH_VALUE DAF8B78D1928AF91 // INDEX 2063 template_task_forage_0_title_7 [Prepare the fields] // HASH_VALUE 03C6EAAB707DE7CD // INDEX 2064 template_task_forage_0_title_8 [$giver$ needs someone to prepare the fields] // HASH_VALUE 68790B3FE8888767 // INDEX 2065 template_task_forage_0_title_9 [Maintain the land] // HASH_VALUE A185ADF2723C1A10 // INDEX 2066 template_task_forage_0_title_10 [$giver$ needs someone to maintain the fields] //Kami / nocive // HASH_VALUE EBD8F7E8E5793366 // INDEX 2067 template_task_forage_10_title_1 [Clean the ground for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE A9C8F7E8A8D90F5C // INDEX 2068 template_task_forage_10_title_2 [Clean the fields for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE 66436A812FA5C7B7 // INDEX 2069 template_task_forage_10_title_3 [Purify the ground for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE F135A2D586ECD795 // INDEX 2070 template_task_forage_10_title_4 [The Kami need someone to clean their fields] // HASH_VALUE F1FEDECDC86CEF95 // INDEX 2071 template_task_forage_10_title_5 [The Kami need someone to clean their lands] // HASH_VALUE 6AF99356A9A27E5B // INDEX 2072 template_task_forage_10_title_6 [Work the land for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE 8FB0CC905444EC97 // INDEX 2073 template_task_forage_10_title_7 [Prepare the fields for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE C715168A027DD360 // INDEX 2074 template_task_forage_10_title_8 [The Kami need someone to prepare their fields] // HASH_VALUE 27365636A8C75B73 // INDEX 2075 template_task_forage_10_title_9 [Maintain the land for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE 4C45D5D4C4D0D6E7 // INDEX 2076 template_task_forage_10_title_10 [The Kami need someone to maintain the fields] //Kami / kitin // HASH_VALUE 207B9DE4713C28A7 // INDEX 2077 template_task_forage_11_title_1 [Clean away the kitin traces for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE 3C800009E2A91A6B // INDEX 2078 template_task_forage_11_title_2 [Clean the fields that have been polluted by the kitins for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE 5C32418D61FB2C39 // INDEX 2079 template_task_forage_11_title_3 [Purify the ground of the kitin traces for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE 3B1D440F29E006CD // INDEX 2080 template_task_forage_11_title_4 [The Kami need someone to clean the kitin traces from the fields] // HASH_VALUE E8C738EB6C7A8012 // INDEX 2081 template_task_forage_11_title_5 [Eliminate the kitin traces for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE 8138FF7025C88A2D // INDEX 2082 template_task_forage_11_title_6 [Clean away the kitin traces from the fields for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE 6FF4E1CD4EEFF28F // INDEX 2083 template_task_forage_11_title_7 [The Kami need someone to eliminate the kitin traces from the fields] // HASH_VALUE 89296416418088DC // INDEX 2084 template_task_forage_11_title_8 [The Kami need someone to clear away the kitin traces from the fields] // HASH_VALUE D3C8C823EB2B8D3C // INDEX 2085 template_task_forage_11_title_9 [The Kami are asking for the kitin traces to be cleaned from the fields] // HASH_VALUE 20A65A9C4950C483 // INDEX 2086 template_task_forage_11_title_10 [The Kami are asking for someone to eliminate the kitin traces from the fields] //Kami / goo // HASH_VALUE 68A88F92AD9AC61D // INDEX 2087 template_task_forage_12_title_1 [Clean the goo traces for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE 3CBCC769A896BDF9 // INDEX 2088 template_task_forage_12_title_2 [Clean up the fields polluted by the goo for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE 5B7E20C522F1B78B // INDEX 2089 template_task_forage_12_title_3 [Purify the ground infested by the goo for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE BD68E0B37FC01032 // INDEX 2090 template_task_forage_12_title_4 [The Kami need someone to clean the goo traces from the fields] // HASH_VALUE 083077592D6897B8 // INDEX 2091 template_task_forage_12_title_5 [Eliminate the goo traces for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE AE0B15004F850A0E // INDEX 2092 template_task_forage_12_title_6 [Clean up the fields that have been infested by the goo for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE C5D4EB32D03A8E33 // INDEX 2093 template_task_forage_12_title_7 [The Kami need someone to eliminate the goo traces from the fields] // HASH_VALUE CC0D349618372360 // INDEX 2094 template_task_forage_12_title_8 [The Kami need someone to clean up the fields that have been infested by the goo] // HASH_VALUE B168B367EF7FF742 // INDEX 2095 template_task_forage_12_title_9 [The Kami are asking for the goo traces to be cleaned from the fields] // HASH_VALUE B0FC724103992972 // INDEX 2096 template_task_forage_12_title_10 [The Kami are asking for someone to eliminate the goo traces from the fields] //Karavan / nocive // HASH_VALUE 6416ADE55E702D95 // INDEX 2097 template_task_forage_13_title_1 [Clean the ground so the Karavan can exploit it] // HASH_VALUE 2206ADE57C26D996 // INDEX 2098 template_task_forage_13_title_2 [Clean the fields so the Karavan can exploit them] // HASH_VALUE 622261C8C8C38699 // INDEX 2099 template_task_forage_13_title_3 [Purify the ground so the Karavan can exploit it] // HASH_VALUE 3C18FC913CC11FFF // INDEX 2100 template_task_forage_13_title_4 [The Karavan need someone to clean the fields so they can exploit them] // HASH_VALUE 19A1E111D1FECAB4 // INDEX 2101 template_task_forage_13_title_5 [The Karavan need the ground to be cleaned so they can exploit it] // HASH_VALUE 85A75238887FC830 // INDEX 2102 template_task_forage_13_title_6 [Work the land so the Karavan can exploit it] // HASH_VALUE 6DCA5BB4C2BDFDEB // INDEX 2103 template_task_forage_13_title_7 [Prepare the fields so that the Karavan can exploit it] // HASH_VALUE A2131C1101AF08A4 // INDEX 2104 template_task_forage_13_title_8 [The Karavan need someone to prepare the fields to they can be exploited] // HASH_VALUE 23154D7D46161A55 // INDEX 2105 template_task_forage_13_title_9 [Maintain the land so the Karavan can exploit it] // HASH_VALUE 6702E5EC40A5B94A // INDEX 2106 template_task_forage_13_title_10 [The Karavan need someone to maintain the fields so they can be exploited] //Karavan / kitin // HASH_VALUE 15472D8B9C51C3F9 // INDEX 2107 template_task_forage_14_title_1 [Clean away the kitin traces so the Karavan can exploit the resources] // HASH_VALUE C93387FC5D87EBAB // INDEX 2108 template_task_forage_14_title_2 [Clean the fields that have been polluted by the kitins so the Karavan can exploit them] // HASH_VALUE 181A9AA43E8FB82B // INDEX 2109 template_task_forage_14_title_3 [Purify the ground of kitin traces so the Karavan can exploit it] // HASH_VALUE C54D5F6E07FC3D6B // INDEX 2110 template_task_forage_14_title_4 [The Karavan need someone to clean the kitin traces from the fields so they can exploit them] // HASH_VALUE BC03698E9584C478 // INDEX 2111 template_task_forage_14_title_5 [Eliminate the kitin traces so the Karavan can exploit the resources] // HASH_VALUE FE8202A5F3E7581E // INDEX 2112 template_task_forage_14_title_6 [Clear away the kitin traces from the fields so the Karavan can exploit them] // HASH_VALUE 7581325D771E23DE // INDEX 2113 template_task_forage_14_title_7 [The Karavan need someone to eliminate the kitin traces from the fields so they can exploit them] // HASH_VALUE 6322F3CFC1394C7B // INDEX 2114 template_task_forage_14_title_8 [The Karavan need someone to clear away the kitin traces from the fields so they can exploit them] // HASH_VALUE 6A6940BF88D77178 // INDEX 2115 template_task_forage_14_title_9 [The Karavan are asking for someone to clean the kitin traces from the fields so they can exploit them] // HASH_VALUE 975857F1F60E5BAB // INDEX 2116 template_task_forage_14_title_10 [The Karavan are asking for someone to eliminate the kitin traces from the fields so they can exploit them] //Karavan / goo // HASH_VALUE 9DA9E0B7501E7F78 // INDEX 2117 template_task_forage_15_title_1 [Clean away the goo traces so the Karavan can exploit the resources] // HASH_VALUE 0ADB955625E0C02E // INDEX 2118 template_task_forage_15_title_2 [Clean up the fields polluted by the goo so the Karavan can exploit them] // HASH_VALUE D32FC52268098A23 // INDEX 2119 template_task_forage_15_title_3 [Purify the ground that has been infested by the goo so the Karavan can exploit it] // HASH_VALUE 1EE5F485A275CDCD // INDEX 2120 template_task_forage_15_title_4 [The Karavan need someone to clean the goo traces from the fields so they can exploit them] // HASH_VALUE 5CA5C23B60B13767 // INDEX 2121 template_task_forage_15_title_5 [Eliminate the goo traces so the Karavan can exploit the resources] // HASH_VALUE 3BBE9CF3CA63DB4E // INDEX 2122 template_task_forage_15_title_6 [Clean up the fields that have been infested by the goo so the Karavan can exploit them] // HASH_VALUE 10FAC2BFD0B6B8F5 // INDEX 2123 template_task_forage_15_title_7 [The Karavan need someone to eliminate the goo traces from the fields so they can exploit them] // HASH_VALUE 7641066622B68F28 // INDEX 2124 template_task_forage_15_title_8 [The Karavan need someone to clean up the fields infested by goo so they can exploit them] // HASH_VALUE B84EF3AA1A049C4F // INDEX 2125 template_task_forage_15_title_9 [The Karavan are asking for the goo traces to be cleaned from the fields so they can exploit them] // HASH_VALUE 916FDC6A2F6F2442 // INDEX 2126 template_task_forage_15_title_10 [The Karavan are asking for someone to eliminate the goo traces from the fields so they can exploit them] //double fame prospector / nocive // HASH_VALUE A568CA32CD5EA442 // INDEX 2127 template_task_forage_16_title_1 [Clean up the ground of $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE A559A2294BCDA042 // INDEX 2128 template_task_forage_16_title_2 [Clean up the fields of $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 800B32DF671F0AFD // INDEX 2129 template_task_forage_16_title_3 [Purify the ground belonging to $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 475BBDA8679E1834 // INDEX 2130 template_task_forage_16_title_4 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need someone to clean their fields] // HASH_VALUE 36ECC9EDFEFEF73C // INDEX 2131 template_task_forage_16_title_5 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need someone to clean up their land] // HASH_VALUE 4A32E4E4C42620E7 // INDEX 2132 template_task_forage_16_title_6 [Work the land for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE A9F48A8C3B2C497C // INDEX 2133 template_task_forage_16_title_7 [Prepare the ground for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE C3ECB9733D7E8CE9 // INDEX 2134 template_task_forage_16_title_8 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need someone to prepare their fields] // HASH_VALUE 5FBCA5340BA1AC01 // INDEX 2135 template_task_forage_16_title_9 [Maintain the land for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 3300AE5E01BE3F34 // INDEX 2136 template_task_forage_16_title_10 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need someone to maintain their fields] //double fame prospector / kitin // HASH_VALUE 397E8AA26718286D // INDEX 2137 template_task_forage_17_title_1 [Clean up the kitin traces for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 48B926FDD6672855 // INDEX 2138 template_task_forage_17_title_2 [Clean up the fields of $giver$'s $f.member$ friends that have been polluted by the kitins] // HASH_VALUE 54C1F25B031A4AD7 // INDEX 2139 template_task_forage_17_title_3 [Purify the ground of kitin traces for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 03DEF0DDF1F2EA2A // INDEX 2140 template_task_forage_17_title_4 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need someone to clean the kitin traces from their fields] // HASH_VALUE 020B32DD25C2B9F6 // INDEX 2141 template_task_forage_17_title_5 [Eliminate the kitin traces for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 2C2C7687773B2ABC // INDEX 2142 template_task_forage_17_title_6 [Clear away the kitin traces from the fields belonging to $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 4FCA085EFEEC5B29 // INDEX 2143 template_task_forage_17_title_7 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need someone to eliminate the kitin traces from their fields] // HASH_VALUE 865018B1FC7DEF43 // INDEX 2144 template_task_forage_17_title_8 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need someone to clear away the kiting traces from their fields] // HASH_VALUE DAE057508841198E // INDEX 2145 template_task_forage_17_title_9 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends are asking for the kitin traces to be cleaned from their fields] // HASH_VALUE 0D8A3B8FD6DFD4B2 // INDEX 2146 template_task_forage_17_title_10 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends are asking for someone to eliminate the kitin traces from their fields] //double fame prospector / goo // HASH_VALUE 8FE9279C1AC91D4F // INDEX 2147 template_task_forage_18_title_1 [Clean up the goo traces for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE D38237A99F0C32CF // INDEX 2148 template_task_forage_18_title_2 [Clean up the fields belonging to $giver$'s $f.member$ friends that have been polluted by the goo] // HASH_VALUE 3CD598451B268EFF // INDEX 2149 template_task_forage_18_title_3 [Purify the land belonging to $giver$'s $f.member$ friends that has been infested by the goo] // HASH_VALUE 1A2E562164ADFD28 // INDEX 2150 template_task_forage_18_title_4 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need someone to clean up the goo traces from their fields] // HASH_VALUE AB7D17ACEC96414C // INDEX 2151 template_task_forage_18_title_5 [Eliminate the goo traces for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE D3822FA21DFC16CF // INDEX 2152 template_task_forage_18_title_6 [Clean up the fields belonging to $giver$'s $f.member$ friends that have been infested by the goo] // HASH_VALUE D17978FD3E08F28A // INDEX 2153 template_task_forage_18_title_7 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need someone to eliminate the goo traces from their fields] // HASH_VALUE BA63ACF198893A0C // INDEX 2154 template_task_forage_18_title_8 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need someone to clean up their fields that have been infested by the goo] // HASH_VALUE B0A393B77FC8DAA2 // INDEX 2155 template_task_forage_18_title_9 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends are asking for their fields to be cleaned of the goo traces] // HASH_VALUE 04743F413FF4EC9D // INDEX 2156 template_task_forage_18_title_10 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends are asking for someone to eliminate the goo traces from their fields] //prospector / nocive // HASH_VALUE 5988D87899434A24 // INDEX 2157 template_task_forage_1_title_1 [Clean $giver$'s ground] // HASH_VALUE 17E8B4779943861A // INDEX 2158 template_task_forage_1_title_2 [Clean $giver$'s fields] // HASH_VALUE 274BE04CD2FCAEC6 // INDEX 2159 template_task_forage_1_title_3 [Purify $giver$'s ground] // HASH_VALUE 43AA21FBF1881707 // INDEX 2160 template_task_forage_1_title_4 [$giver$ needs someone to clean his fields] // HASH_VALUE 83AA21EC73193F10 // INDEX 2161 template_task_forage_1_title_5 [$giver$ needs someone to clean his ground] // HASH_VALUE 552AA8524670EF1B // INDEX 2162 template_task_forage_1_title_6 [Work $giver$'s land] // HASH_VALUE 2FA8AF37B5340C8C // INDEX 2163 template_task_forage_1_title_7 [Prepare $giver$'s fields] // HASH_VALUE 86D6BAAB707DE7CD // INDEX 2164 template_task_forage_1_title_8 [$giver$ needs someone to prepare his fields] // HASH_VALUE E8241707179980C1 // INDEX 2165 template_task_forage_1_title_9 [Maintain $giver$'s fields] // HASH_VALUE A185ADF2723C1A10 // INDEX 2166 template_task_forage_1_title_10 [$giver$ needs someone to maintain the fields] //prospector / kitin // HASH_VALUE CA223AF7F4EAC03D // INDEX 2167 template_task_forage_2_title_1 [Clean away the kitin traces in $giver$'s fields] // HASH_VALUE 832313F324A1FF96 // INDEX 2168 template_task_forage_2_title_2 [Clean $giver$'s fields that have been polluted by the kitins] // HASH_VALUE C4F312121FD46CCC // INDEX 2169 template_task_forage_2_title_3 [Purify $giver$'s fields of the kitin traces] // HASH_VALUE F0137D2EDD9BED06 // INDEX 2170 template_task_forage_2_title_4 [$giver$ needs someone to clean away the kitin traces in his fields] // HASH_VALUE 0DC1C01AFC40397E // INDEX 2171 template_task_forage_2_title_5 [Eliminate the kitin traces from $giver$'s fields] // HASH_VALUE 0B9D592A8C22D93F // INDEX 2172 template_task_forage_2_title_6 [Clear away the kitin traces from $giver$'s fields] // HASH_VALUE 474489EBFC5B36B8 // INDEX 2173 template_task_forage_2_title_7 [$giver$ needs someone to eliminate the kitin traces from his fields] // HASH_VALUE 1EA83C34EFECCC13 // INDEX 2174 template_task_forage_2_title_8 [$giver$ needs someone to clear away the kitin traces from his fields] // HASH_VALUE FF3C19CD948E3F4F // INDEX 2175 template_task_forage_2_title_9 [$giver$ is asking for his fields to be cleaned of kitin traces] // HASH_VALUE 6156414D97F1E32A // INDEX 2176 template_task_forage_2_title_10 [$giver$ is asking for someone to eliminate the kitin traces from his fields] //prospector / goo // HASH_VALUE E0BD110DF4F97095 // INDEX 2177 template_task_forage_3_title_1 [Clean away the goo traces from $giver$'s fields] // HASH_VALUE A73D6EEEA561FF96 // INDEX 2178 template_task_forage_3_title_2 [Clean $giver$'s fields that have been polluted by the goo] // HASH_VALUE 3105E5F7FE7A66CF // INDEX 2179 template_task_forage_3_title_3 [Purify the $giver$'s ground that has been infested by the goo] // HASH_VALUE 5B6ED52E195A4E5E // INDEX 2180 template_task_forage_3_title_4 [$giver$ needs someone to clean away the goo traces from his fields] // HASH_VALUE 8E07A45EF35A23E9 // INDEX 2181 template_task_forage_3_title_5 [Eliminate the goo trace from $giver$'s fields] // HASH_VALUE 3F6D2902A569AE95 // INDEX 2182 template_task_forage_3_title_6 [Clean up $giver$'s fields that have been infested by the goo] // HASH_VALUE 32A244F7012B9C18 // INDEX 2183 template_task_forage_3_title_7 [$giver$ needs someone to eliminate the traces of goo from his fields] // HASH_VALUE 618C0CB4C6A36797 // INDEX 2184 template_task_forage_3_title_8 [$giver$ needs someone to clean up his fields that have been infested by the goo] // HASH_VALUE 989CB32AF1090DB7 // INDEX 2185 template_task_forage_3_title_9 [$giver$ is asking for the traces of goo to be cleared from his fields] // HASH_VALUE 3426B3B3163C7FCE // INDEX 2186 template_task_forage_3_title_10 [$giver$ is asking for someone to eliminate the goo traces from his fields] //scout / nocive, welcomer / nocive // HASH_VALUE E8986250665AAABA // INDEX 2187 template_task_forage_4_title_1 [Clean the ground] // HASH_VALUE 64786250EC1A62A6 // INDEX 2188 template_task_forage_4_title_2 [Clean the fields] // HASH_VALUE D7D64C901DE604A8 // INDEX 2189 template_task_forage_4_title_3 [Purify the ground] // HASH_VALUE 43AA21FBF1881707 // INDEX 2190 template_task_forage_4_title_4 [$giver$ needs someone to clean his fields] // HASH_VALUE 83AAE9EB76193F10 // INDEX 2191 template_task_forage_4_title_5 [$giver$ needs someone to clean the ground] // HASH_VALUE 6AF97F506A445B5B // INDEX 2192 template_task_forage_4_title_6 [Work the land] // HASH_VALUE DAF8B78D1928AF91 // INDEX 2193 template_task_forage_4_title_7 [Prepare the fields] // HASH_VALUE 03C6EAAB707DE7CD // INDEX 2194 template_task_forage_4_title_8 [$giver$ needs someone to prepare the fields] // HASH_VALUE 68790B3FE8888767 // INDEX 2195 template_task_forage_4_title_9 [Maintain the land] // HASH_VALUE E1C4ADF2723C1A1E // INDEX 2196 template_task_forage_4_title_10 [$giver$ needs someone to maintain his fields] //scout / kitin, welcomer / kitin // HASH_VALUE 71E25EFCC3CB487C // INDEX 2197 template_task_forage_5_title_1 [Clean away the kitin traces from the fields] // HASH_VALUE 1FE8823977A58503 // INDEX 2198 template_task_forage_5_title_2 [Clean the fields that have been polluted by the kitins] // HASH_VALUE D49570EAAD05186C // INDEX 2199 template_task_forage_5_title_3 [Purify the ground of kiting traces] // HASH_VALUE F9A25AD767544999 // INDEX 2200 template_task_forage_5_title_4 [$giver$ needs someone to clean his fields of kitin traces] // HASH_VALUE B08E5CF6C654991A // INDEX 2201 template_task_forage_5_title_5 [Eliminate kitin traces from the fields] // HASH_VALUE 71E25EFCC3CB4880 // INDEX 2202 template_task_forage_5_title_6 [Clear away the kitin traces from the fields] // HASH_VALUE C434B9EBFC5B36B8 // INDEX 2203 template_task_forage_5_title_7 [$giver$ needs someone to eliminate the kitin traces from the fields] // HASH_VALUE DE693C34EFECCC05 // INDEX 2204 template_task_forage_5_title_8 [$giver$ needs someone to clear away the kitin traces from the fields] // HASH_VALUE 6AD3AD6F705A0EC8 // INDEX 2205 template_task_forage_5_title_9 [$giver$ is asking for the kitin traces to be cleared from the fields] // HASH_VALUE DE46714D97F1E32A // INDEX 2206 template_task_forage_5_title_10 [$giver$ is asking for someone to eliminate the kitin traces from the fields] //scout / goo, welcomer / goo // HASH_VALUE B08F504E57502CC2 // INDEX 2207 template_task_forage_6_title_1 [Clean the traces of goo from the fields] // HASH_VALUE C5979A3577A5B895 // INDEX 2208 template_task_forage_6_title_2 [Clean the fields that have been polluted by the goo] // HASH_VALUE 2213A99A0F6CD01F // INDEX 2209 template_task_forage_6_title_3 [Purify the land that has been infested by the goo] // HASH_VALUE 9B936C482E8215C1 // INDEX 2210 template_task_forage_6_title_4 [$giver$ needs someone to clear away the traces of goo from the fields] // HASH_VALUE A2297B721B999B5A // INDEX 2211 template_task_forage_6_title_5 [Eliminate the traces of goo] // HASH_VALUE 91739730E48175A6 // INDEX 2212 template_task_forage_6_title_6 [Clean up the fields that have been infested by the goo] // HASH_VALUE 1A14C3507EA6D25C // INDEX 2213 template_task_forage_6_title_7 [$giver$ needs someone to eliminate the goo traces from the fields] // HASH_VALUE 214D0CB4C6A36789 // INDEX 2214 template_task_forage_6_title_8 [$giver$ needs someone to clean up the fields that have been infested by the goo] // HASH_VALUE C3039A2130550AFB // INDEX 2215 template_task_forage_6_title_9 [$giver$ is asking for his fields to be cleaned of the traces of goo] // HASH_VALUE 0C75FC599CC1497C // INDEX 2216 template_task_forage_6_title_10 [$giver$ is asking for someone to eliminate the traces of goo from the fields] //tribe welcomer / nocive // HASH_VALUE E528974389E5AE62 // INDEX 2217 template_task_forage_7_title_1 [Clean up the $f.member$'s ground] // HASH_VALUE A31897434C458A58 // INDEX 2218 template_task_forage_7_title_2 [Clean up the $f.member$'s fields] // HASH_VALUE 5C75BC8CDB14CA5E // INDEX 2219 template_task_forage_7_title_3 [Purify the $f.member$'s ground] // HASH_VALUE F4EAA22AA51CE6E5 // INDEX 2220 template_task_forage_7_title_4 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need someone to clean their fields] // HASH_VALUE B76AC622271CE672 // INDEX 2221 template_task_forage_7_title_5 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need someone to clean their lands] // HASH_VALUE B0E8036FE788BBE0 // INDEX 2222 template_task_forage_7_title_6 [Work the land for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 1684EFB2C804C0A3 // INDEX 2223 template_task_forage_7_title_7 [Prepare the fields for $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 3C366A3365D843E3 // INDEX 2224 template_task_forage_7_title_8 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need someone to prepare their fields] // HASH_VALUE 42756F40A8183FB5 // INDEX 2225 template_task_forage_7_title_9 [Maintain $f.member$'s lands] // HASH_VALUE 67EA6174C4867FD7 // INDEX 2226 template_task_forage_7_title_10 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need someone to maintain their fields] //tribe welcomer / kitin // HASH_VALUE 387CDC592DDB6237 // INDEX 2227 template_task_forage_8_title_1 [Clean the kitin traces for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 7AE1202BC6EE493B // INDEX 2228 template_task_forage_8_title_2 [Clean the $f.member$'s fields that have been polluted by the kitins] // HASH_VALUE 9E1C2C21341A8014 // INDEX 2229 template_task_forage_8_title_3 [Purify $f.member$'s ground of kitin traces] // HASH_VALUE 6E1D477EFDE56134 // INDEX 2230 template_task_forage_8_title_4 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need someone to clean away the kitin traces from their fields] // HASH_VALUE 88711373FD3CE47F // INDEX 2231 template_task_forage_8_title_5 [Eliminate the kitin traces for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 4813065A5C71C440 // INDEX 2232 template_task_forage_8_title_6 [Clear away the kitin traces from $f.member$'s fields] // HASH_VALUE 4849413079955DD9 // INDEX 2233 template_task_forage_8_title_7 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need someone to eliminate the kitin traces from their fields] // HASH_VALUE 6E1D477EFEE56134 // INDEX 2234 template_task_forage_8_title_8 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need someone to clear away the kitin traces from their fields] // HASH_VALUE 249FF9816DB5F61E // INDEX 2235 template_task_forage_8_title_9 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ are asking for the kitin traces to be cleaned from their fields] // HASH_VALUE DDE10C3BBBA7DAF8 // INDEX 2236 template_task_forage_8_title_10 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ are asking for someone to eliminate the kitin traces from their fields] //tribe welcomer / goo // HASH_VALUE 2530A7AEF370BFD7 // INDEX 2237 template_task_forage_9_title_1 [Clean the goo traces for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 7AAA67C2844E393B // INDEX 2238 template_task_forage_9_title_2 [Clean the $f.member$'s fields that have been polluted by the goo] // HASH_VALUE 4FE38DDF8C1DCA2D // INDEX 2239 template_task_forage_9_title_3 [Purify the $f.member$'s lands infested by the goo] // HASH_VALUE 274370236193B515 // INDEX 2240 template_task_forage_9_title_4 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need someone to clean the goo traces from their fields] // HASH_VALUE 4E067013EAF0AFD4 // INDEX 2241 template_task_forage_9_title_5 [Eliminate the goo traces for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 095C42ED5F0EFAD4 // INDEX 2242 template_task_forage_9_title_6 [Clean up $f.member$'s fields that have been infested by the goo] // HASH_VALUE B15E591B707F618B // INDEX 2243 template_task_forage_9_title_7 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need someone to eliminate the goo traces from their fields] // HASH_VALUE 3586F6B9C3CEF6A2 // INDEX 2244 template_task_forage_9_title_8 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need someone to clean up their fields that have been infested by the goo] // HASH_VALUE D1118B1B305CD998 // INDEX 2245 template_task_forage_9_title_9 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ are asking for someone to clean the goo traces from their fields] // HASH_VALUE 5F907CDAFBC37159 // INDEX 2246 template_task_forage_9_title_10 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ are asking for someone to eliminate the goo traces from their fields] //default text // HASH_VALUE 55BA109507E55CAC // INDEX 2247 template_task_forage_give_0_title_1 [Forage some raw materials] // HASH_VALUE 98FADC9607B688B1 // INDEX 2248 template_task_forage_give_0_title_2 [Gather some raw materials] // HASH_VALUE EE4498601A41ABA2 // INDEX 2249 template_task_forage_give_0_title_3 [$giver$ needs some raw materials] // HASH_VALUE B2A0DDA85CF0B4DD // INDEX 2250 template_task_forage_give_0_title_4 [Supply $giver$ with some raw materials] // HASH_VALUE E3EA9FA80F3936B3 // INDEX 2251 template_task_forage_give_0_title_5 [Special order for raw materials] // HASH_VALUE 2F22D4EDEA29E017 // INDEX 2252 template_task_forage_give_0_title_6 [An order for raw materials] // HASH_VALUE E8FA1C4E6E9034A0 // INDEX 2253 template_task_forage_give_0_title_7 [Forage materials] // HASH_VALUE 6C3AAC506E909C9C // INDEX 2254 template_task_forage_give_0_title_8 [Gather materials] // HASH_VALUE 697A6C6D04518AAB // INDEX 2255 template_task_forage_give_0_title_9 [$giver$ needs materials] // HASH_VALUE 980AF0955BA247BE // INDEX 2256 template_task_forage_give_0_title_10 [Supply $giver$ with materials] //tribe welcomer / kitin // HASH_VALUE DA44E26DDCFC4CFB // INDEX 2257 template_task_forage_give_10_title_1 [Forage kitin remains for study for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 9C64AA6EDCFC80F9 // INDEX 2258 template_task_forage_give_10_title_2 [Gather kitin remains for study for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 63DA6C049DD26084 // INDEX 2259 template_task_forage_give_10_title_3 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need kitin remains for study] // HASH_VALUE E7EE9C309D26A88D // INDEX 2260 template_task_forage_give_10_title_4 [Provide $f.member$ with kitin remains for study] // HASH_VALUE 795146E1474BC923 // INDEX 2261 template_task_forage_give_10_title_5 [Special order for kitin remains for study for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 205096512CE67B60 // INDEX 2262 template_task_forage_give_10_title_6 [An order for kitin remains for study for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 1DF4BEA698D77753 // INDEX 2263 template_task_forage_give_10_title_7 [Collect some kitin remains for study for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 5DA218F7B87A6DCE // INDEX 2264 template_task_forage_give_10_title_8 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need someone to assemble some kitin remains for study] // HASH_VALUE 1CDCA3C8C4F2C78F // INDEX 2265 template_task_forage_give_10_title_9 [Provide $f.mda$ $f.member$ with some kitin remains for study] // HASH_VALUE 3298FFFD9BD8350F // INDEX 2266 template_task_forage_give_10_title_10 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need someone to gather some kitin remains for study] //tribe welcomer / goo // HASH_VALUE 017F053C4CFCD235 // INDEX 2267 template_task_forage_give_11_title_1 [Forage goo remains for study for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE C39FCD3D4CFC0633 // INDEX 2268 template_task_forage_give_11_title_2 [Gather goo remains for study for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE A1E8C6D17DD1DECF // INDEX 2269 template_task_forage_give_11_title_3 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need some goo remains for study] // HASH_VALUE 37A7149DAADE5690 // INDEX 2270 template_task_forage_give_11_title_4 [Supply $f.member$ with some goo remains for study] // HASH_VALUE 2D6E0642D51458EC // INDEX 2271 template_task_forage_give_11_title_5 [Special order for goo remains for study for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 79F209F55ED38250 // INDEX 2272 template_task_forage_give_11_title_6 [An order for goo remains for study for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 7696314ACAC47E43 // INDEX 2273 template_task_forage_give_11_title_7 [Collect some goo remains for study for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 1E17FCA41C7C5927 // INDEX 2274 template_task_forage_give_11_title_8 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need someone to assemble some goo remains for study] // HASH_VALUE 5940D24DD141EEEC // INDEX 2275 template_task_forage_give_11_title_9 [Provide $f.mda$ $f.member$ with goo remains for study] // HASH_VALUE F11F1B64D9A46C3F // INDEX 2276 template_task_forage_give_11_title_10 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need someone to gather some goo remains for study] //tribe welcomer / conservateur // HASH_VALUE 46E625E94C6A9843 // INDEX 2277 template_task_forage_give_12_title_1 [Forage some preservatives for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 0806EDEA4C6ACC41 // INDEX 2278 template_task_forage_give_12_title_2 [Gather some preservatives for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 60AAED069D375533 // INDEX 2279 template_task_forage_give_12_title_3 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ are short of preservatives] // HASH_VALUE 2F118B24B6177D31 // INDEX 2280 template_task_forage_give_12_title_4 [Supply $f.member$ with some preservatives] // HASH_VALUE 907986D93D7D2970 // INDEX 2281 template_task_forage_give_12_title_5 [Special order for preservatives for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 1FCD2429406D0530 // INDEX 2282 template_task_forage_give_12_title_6 [An order for preservatives for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 1C714C7EAC5E0123 // INDEX 2283 template_task_forage_give_12_title_7 [Collect some preservatives for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 935D7BE82A87B753 // INDEX 2284 template_task_forage_give_12_title_8 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need someone to collect some preservatives] // HASH_VALUE 26B9AA5567012E1C // INDEX 2285 template_task_forage_give_12_title_9 [Provide $f.mda$ $f.member$ with some preservatives] // HASH_VALUE 93622AEE03A2C7DD // INDEX 2286 template_task_forage_give_12_title_10 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need someone to gather some preservatives] //Kami / construction // HASH_VALUE C17D2E0D49DC7A1E // INDEX 2287 template_task_forage_give_13_title_1 [Forage some building raw materials for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE 839DF60E49DCAE1C // INDEX 2288 template_task_forage_give_13_title_2 [Gather some building raw materials for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE 5A6B2D2A7160D408 // INDEX 2289 template_task_forage_give_13_title_3 [The Kami need some building raw materials] // HASH_VALUE 9DCEFD66119C7A20 // INDEX 2290 template_task_forage_give_13_title_4 [Supply the Kami with some building raw materials] // HASH_VALUE BD263E43CDC0E997 // INDEX 2291 template_task_forage_give_13_title_5 [Special order for building raw materials for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE 7AF1B5190AF8711E // INDEX 2292 template_task_forage_give_13_title_6 [An order for building raw materials for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE FD4EE700D5D51821 // INDEX 2293 template_task_forage_give_13_title_7 [Forage building materials for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE BF6EAF01D5D54C1F // INDEX 2294 template_task_forage_give_13_title_8 [Gather building materials for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE 1C3A4DBCA71A2F04 // INDEX 2295 template_task_forage_give_13_title_9 [The Kami need some building materials] // HASH_VALUE 7D703A2CAF70C071 // INDEX 2296 template_task_forage_give_13_title_10 [Provide the Kami with some building materials] //Kami / insects // HASH_VALUE 700AE48C97369081 // INDEX 2297 template_task_forage_give_14_title_1 [Forage some insects for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE 322AAC8D9736C47F // INDEX 2298 template_task_forage_give_14_title_2 [Gather some insects for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE F44E1BD0C83F0872 // INDEX 2299 template_task_forage_give_14_title_3 [The Kami want to get hold of some insects] // HASH_VALUE A3E68F0A9DC4FC60 // INDEX 2300 template_task_forage_give_14_title_4 [Supply the Kami with some insects] // HASH_VALUE FF4C0A0C1AA9BF2D // INDEX 2301 template_task_forage_give_14_title_5 [Special order for insects for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE ACC5B04F6F48FCD2 // INDEX 2302 template_task_forage_give_14_title_6 [An order for insects for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE A969D8A4DB39F8C5 // INDEX 2303 template_task_forage_give_14_title_7 [Collect some insects for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE 8FC4DE94C8209A58 // INDEX 2304 template_task_forage_give_14_title_8 [The Kami need someone to collect some insects] // HASH_VALUE 1CE4A9C515B9638A // INDEX 2305 template_task_forage_give_14_title_9 [Provide the Kami with some insects] // HASH_VALUE 4ED5D6D9F461BF9C // INDEX 2306 template_task_forage_give_14_title_10 [The Kami need someone to gather some insects] //Kami / food // HASH_VALUE 578938F5EA743C56 // INDEX 2307 template_task_forage_give_15_title_1 [Forage some food for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE 19A900F66B947454 // INDEX 2308 template_task_forage_give_15_title_2 [Gather some food for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE CCB0844952E9777F // INDEX 2309 template_task_forage_give_15_title_3 [The Kami need some food] // HASH_VALUE E3B68F97DDC3F85C // INDEX 2310 template_task_forage_give_15_title_4 [Supply the Kami with some food] // HASH_VALUE 299A88044E302BB2 // INDEX 2311 template_task_forage_give_15_title_5 [Special order for food for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE AA12522A2CA74F71 // INDEX 2312 template_task_forage_give_15_title_6 [An order for food for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE A7B67A7FD8B84B64 // INDEX 2313 template_task_forage_give_15_title_7 [Collect some food for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE 728EDA9008F09AE5 // INDEX 2314 template_task_forage_give_15_title_8 [The Kami need someone to collect some food] // HASH_VALUE D3466C64C31A7391 // INDEX 2315 template_task_forage_give_15_title_9 [Fetch some food for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE 728E49D8F371B39C // INDEX 2316 template_task_forage_give_15_title_10 [The Kami need someone to gather some food] //Kami / kitin // HASH_VALUE ECBEF2FBEB26E41E // INDEX 2317 template_task_forage_give_16_title_1 [Forage some kitin remains for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE AEDEBAFCEB26181C // INDEX 2318 template_task_forage_give_16_title_2 [Gather some kitin remains for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE 9604B801AC897B79 // INDEX 2319 template_task_forage_give_16_title_3 [The Kami need some kitin remains] // HASH_VALUE BADC240988ABC5CA // INDEX 2320 template_task_forage_give_16_title_4 [Supply the Kami with some kitin remains] // HASH_VALUE 4525E157FB9F042C // INDEX 2321 template_task_forage_give_16_title_5 [Special order for kitin remains for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE 7EFE6DA0309A71C7 // INDEX 2322 template_task_forage_give_16_title_6 [An order for kitin remains for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE 7BA295F59C8B6DBA // INDEX 2323 template_task_forage_give_16_title_7 [Collect some kitin remains for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE 0E90CF4B8F277C01 // INDEX 2324 template_task_forage_give_16_title_8 [The Kami need someone to gather some kitin remains] // HASH_VALUE CAFFA5C114B82B8E // INDEX 2325 template_task_forage_give_16_title_9 [Provide the Kami with kitin remains] // HASH_VALUE 0E90CF4B8F277C01 // INDEX 2326 template_task_forage_give_16_title_10 [The Kami need someone to gather some kitin remains] //Kami / goo // HASH_VALUE 44F7ED200626D97B // INDEX 2327 template_task_forage_give_17_title_1 [Forage goo remains for study for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE 0617B52106260D79 // INDEX 2328 template_task_forage_give_17_title_2 [Gather goo remains for study for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE 70C66DB5C8576400 // INDEX 2329 template_task_forage_give_17_title_3 [The Kami need some goo remains for study] // HASH_VALUE 7E5C1404D9B5E7CF // INDEX 2330 template_task_forage_give_17_title_4 [Supply the Kami with some goo remains] // HASH_VALUE 26DC51C427A637A6 // INDEX 2331 template_task_forage_give_17_title_5 [Special order for goo remains for study for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE D9482E6DCD111EE3 // INDEX 2332 template_task_forage_give_17_title_6 [An order for goo remains for study for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE D6EC56C239021AD6 // INDEX 2333 template_task_forage_give_17_title_7 [Collect some goo remains for study for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE 423CD34478786CCD // INDEX 2334 template_task_forage_give_17_title_8 [The Kami need someone to gather goo remains for study] // HASH_VALUE F606D83BF56F9BFB // INDEX 2335 template_task_forage_give_17_title_9 [Provide the Kami with goo remains for study] // HASH_VALUE 69DA90182C9E291D // INDEX 2336 template_task_forage_give_17_title_10 [The Kami need someone to gather some goo remains for study] //Kami / conservateur // HASH_VALUE EBFE3BF22B06282A // INDEX 2337 template_task_forage_give_18_title_1 [Forage some preservatives for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE AD1E03F32B065C28 // INDEX 2338 template_task_forage_give_18_title_2 [Gather some preservatives for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE D80C59C12BAA5747 // INDEX 2339 template_task_forage_give_18_title_3 [The Kami are short of preservatives] // HASH_VALUE FE9E140D1C1BC9C8 // INDEX 2340 template_task_forage_give_18_title_4 [Supply the Kami with some preservatives] // HASH_VALUE 89E7D15B8F0F082A // INDEX 2341 template_task_forage_give_18_title_5 [Special order for preservatives for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE 7F2349A1AFABA1C3 // INDEX 2342 template_task_forage_give_18_title_6 [An order for preservatives for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE 7CC771F61B9C9DB6 // INDEX 2343 template_task_forage_give_18_title_7 [Collect some preservatives for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE 0E1BABFC23D81F5B // INDEX 2344 template_task_forage_give_18_title_8 [The Kami need someone to collect some preservatives] // HASH_VALUE 5E6FA9BF587A1B92 // INDEX 2345 template_task_forage_give_18_title_9 [Provide the Kami with preservatives] // HASH_VALUE 0FB5AB4C0E38ACFD // INDEX 2346 template_task_forage_give_18_title_10 [The Kami need someone to gather some preservatives] //Karavan / construction // HASH_VALUE C17DE76EE65C8E1E // INDEX 2347 template_task_forage_give_19_title_1 [Forage some building raw materials for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE 839DAF6FE65CC21C // INDEX 2348 template_task_forage_give_19_title_2 [Gather some building raw materials for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE FC40061D06FB08ED // INDEX 2349 template_task_forage_give_19_title_3 [The Karavan need some building raw materials] // HASH_VALUE 1784A2D3CE431D31 // INDEX 2350 template_task_forage_give_19_title_4 [Supply the Karavan with some building raw materials] // HASH_VALUE FE263E4368D6C28F // INDEX 2351 template_task_forage_give_19_title_5 [Special order for building raw materials for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE 7AD73A8F0849711E // INDEX 2352 template_task_forage_give_19_title_6 [An order for building raw materials for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE FD4EE76E2D3CF826 // INDEX 2353 template_task_forage_give_19_title_7 [Forage building materials for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE BF6EAF6F2D3C2C24 // INDEX 2354 template_task_forage_give_19_title_8 [Gather building materials for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE 61CE75B4056BBCF5 // INDEX 2355 template_task_forage_give_19_title_9 [The Karavan need some building materials] // HASH_VALUE 199E066F7402391E // INDEX 2356 template_task_forage_give_19_title_10 [Supply the Karavan with some building materials] //prospector / construction, welcomer / construction, scout / construction // HASH_VALUE 567999A52C44FC4E // INDEX 2357 template_task_forage_give_1_title_1 [Forage some building raw materials] // HASH_VALUE 189961A62C44304C // INDEX 2358 template_task_forage_give_1_title_2 [Gather some building raw materials] // HASH_VALUE AFAB05481FCC1831 // INDEX 2359 template_task_forage_give_1_title_3 [$giver$ needs some building raw materials] // HASH_VALUE 8999E91E327DF495 // INDEX 2360 template_task_forage_give_1_title_4 [Supply $giver$ with some building raw materials] // HASH_VALUE C61A7803743A180E // INDEX 2361 template_task_forage_give_1_title_5 [Special order for building raw materials] // HASH_VALUE 6A9B14A5A8FB2F6D // INDEX 2362 template_task_forage_give_1_title_6 [An order for building raw materials] // HASH_VALUE 662A009BC3E490A3 // INDEX 2363 template_task_forage_give_1_title_7 [Forage building materials] // HASH_VALUE A96ACC9CC3B5BCA8 // INDEX 2364 template_task_forage_give_1_title_8 [Gather building materials] // HASH_VALUE 717A25DA5586732D // INDEX 2365 template_task_forage_give_1_title_9 [$giver$ needs some building materials] // HASH_VALUE 2F58050B34975831 // INDEX 2366 template_task_forage_give_1_title_10 [Supply $giver$ with some building materials] //Karavan / insects // HASH_VALUE 70F0690295879081 // INDEX 2367 template_task_forage_give_20_title_1 [Forage some insects for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE 321031039587C47F // INDEX 2368 template_task_forage_give_20_title_2 [Gather some insects for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE 6615FE2A61A00169 // INDEX 2369 template_task_forage_give_20_title_3 [The Karavan want to get hold of some insects] // HASH_VALUE 00286DF49E842456 // INDEX 2370 template_task_forage_give_20_title_4 [Supply the Karavan with some insects] // HASH_VALUE FF4C0A7A72109F32 // INDEX 2371 template_task_forage_give_20_title_5 [Special order for insects for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE 47DB8947B048FCD2 // INDEX 2372 template_task_forage_give_20_title_6 [An order for insects for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE D44BB85DE8BA84B2 // INDEX 2373 template_task_forage_give_20_title_7 [Collect insects for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE 7BA622D23E604DEA // INDEX 2374 template_task_forage_give_20_title_8 [The Karavan need someone to collect insects] // HASH_VALUE 8918945A560B4890 // INDEX 2375 template_task_forage_give_20_title_9 [Provide the Karavan with insects] // HASH_VALUE E48026DF7C8C2A67 // INDEX 2376 template_task_forage_give_20_title_10 [The Karavan need someone to forage for insects] //Karavan / food // HASH_VALUE F9A9A09FD266A087 // INDEX 2377 template_task_forage_give_21_title_1 [Forage food for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE FBC968A052D6DC77 // INDEX 2378 template_task_forage_give_21_title_2 [Gather food for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE 8728605D52F91F84 // INDEX 2379 template_task_forage_give_21_title_3 [The Karavan are short of food] // HASH_VALUE E401E082DEA55489 // INDEX 2380 template_task_forage_give_21_title_4 [Supply the Karavan with food] // HASH_VALUE C61A9C044E30E413 // INDEX 2381 template_task_forage_give_21_title_5 [Special order for food for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE AA125298E9FA2F76 // INDEX 2382 template_task_forage_give_21_title_6 [An order for food for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE 2858242A5B1910E8 // INDEX 2383 template_task_forage_give_21_title_7 [Collect food for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE 7B6F516FFE1F51E7 // INDEX 2384 template_task_forage_give_21_title_8 [The Karavan need someone to collect food] // HASH_VALUE 8828885A55EBFC8F // INDEX 2385 template_task_forage_give_21_title_9 [Provide the Karavan with food] // HASH_VALUE 0C7016E0BB8C5DF3 // INDEX 2386 template_task_forage_give_21_title_10 [The Karavan need someone to forage for food] //Karavan / kitin // HASH_VALUE C33FDD916D6424C7 // INDEX 2387 template_task_forage_give_22_title_1 [Forage kitin remains for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE A8225A013C525ED2 // INDEX 2388 template_task_forage_give_22_title_2 [Gather kitin remains for study for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE 63EA51BE04C77504 // INDEX 2389 template_task_forage_give_22_title_3 [The Karavan need kitin remains for study] // HASH_VALUE DD1FCD66F6C2108C // INDEX 2390 template_task_forage_give_22_title_4 [Supply the Karavan with kitin remains for study] // HASH_VALUE 1E695C587E4E390F // INDEX 2391 template_task_forage_give_22_title_5 [Special order for kitin remains for study for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE FEDE572D271082A6 // INDEX 2392 template_task_forage_give_22_title_6 [An order for kitin remains for study for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE 8D28A93E4CA744A5 // INDEX 2393 template_task_forage_give_22_title_7 [Collect kitin remains for study for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE 5F38A8C27648CF73 // INDEX 2394 template_task_forage_give_22_title_8 [The Karavan need someone to assemble kitin remains for study] // HASH_VALUE 00E01A2E0D0E1676 // INDEX 2395 template_task_forage_give_22_title_9 [Provide the Karavan with kitin remains for study] // HASH_VALUE E0ED9C5BF3D8A497 // INDEX 2396 template_task_forage_give_22_title_10 [The Karavan need someone to forage for kitin remains for study] //Karavan / goo // HASH_VALUE 9F4DCAC920E89E39 // INDEX 2397 template_task_forage_give_23_title_1 [Forage for goo remains for study for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE A12D8E1947260D79 // INDEX 2398 template_task_forage_give_23_title_2 [Gather goo remains for study for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE 245F356B68C9615D // INDEX 2399 template_task_forage_give_23_title_3 [The Karavan need goo remains for study] // HASH_VALUE F48F6A5F229BD187 // INDEX 2400 template_task_forage_give_23_title_4 [Supply the Karavan with goo remains for study] // HASH_VALUE 242D51C4278CBC1C // INDEX 2401 template_task_forage_give_23_title_5 [Special order for goo remains for study for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE D948E7CE6A9132E3 // INDEX 2402 template_task_forage_give_23_title_6 [An order for goo remains for study for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE B6F8096A9B5EDF89 // INDEX 2403 template_task_forage_give_23_title_7 [Collect goo remains for study for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE C33A941B37BDB320 // INDEX 2404 template_task_forage_give_23_title_8 [The Karavan need someone to assemble goo remains for study] // HASH_VALUE C155FEDB711002CF // INDEX 2405 template_task_forage_give_23_title_9 [Provide the Karavan with goo remains for study] // HASH_VALUE 9F74B8C231A4DBC7 // INDEX 2406 template_task_forage_give_23_title_10 [The Karavan need someone to forage for goo remains for study] //Karavan / conservateur // HASH_VALUE EBFE3B60836D082F // INDEX 2407 template_task_forage_give_24_title_1 [Forage some preservatives for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE AD1E0361836D3C2D // INDEX 2408 template_task_forage_give_24_title_2 [Gather some preservatives for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE A2EF59BE969A30F8 // INDEX 2409 template_task_forage_give_24_title_3 [The Karavan are short of preservatives] // HASH_VALUE 00C891001A05480E // INDEX 2410 template_task_forage_give_24_title_4 [Supply the Karavan with preservatives] // HASH_VALUE 8738D15B8FF58DA0 // INDEX 2411 template_task_forage_give_24_title_5 [Special order for preservatives for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE 7F2302024C2BB5C3 // INDEX 2412 template_task_forage_give_24_title_6 [An order for preservatives for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE 7CC72A57B81CB1B6 // INDEX 2413 template_task_forage_give_24_title_7 [Collect some preservatives for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE 712CE3F0DB26B3CC // INDEX 2414 template_task_forage_give_24_title_8 [The Karavan need someone to collect some preservatives] // HASH_VALUE A3EF81BB17EB1D03 // INDEX 2415 template_task_forage_give_24_title_9 [Provide the Karavan with preservatives] // HASH_VALUE 41B7C74C5BA23665 // INDEX 2416 template_task_forage_give_24_title_10 [The Karavan need someone to forage for preservatives] //double fame prospector / construction // HASH_VALUE 696F020C64612213 // INDEX 2417 template_task_forage_give_25_title_1 [Forage building raw materials for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends ] // HASH_VALUE 2B8FCA0D645F5611 // INDEX 2418 template_task_forage_give_25_title_2 [Gather building raw materials for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE B0C359916823E306 // INDEX 2419 template_task_forage_give_25_title_3 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need building raw materials] // HASH_VALUE 1CF202A8E3CA3A6C // INDEX 2420 template_task_forage_give_25_title_4 [Supply $giver$'s $f.member$ friends with building raw materials] // HASH_VALUE 6073DE968CEE932B // INDEX 2421 template_task_forage_give_25_title_5 [Special order for building raw materials for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 8DE07F032EE10386 // INDEX 2422 template_task_forage_give_25_title_6 [An order for building raw materials for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 35D436FE908369AF // INDEX 2423 template_task_forage_give_25_title_7 [Forage building materials for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE F7F4FEFF90839DAD // INDEX 2424 template_task_forage_give_25_title_8 [Gather building materials for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE AF330D99CDB1529D // INDEX 2425 template_task_forage_give_25_title_9 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need building materials] // HASH_VALUE 4C29D6ED99470706 // INDEX 2426 template_task_forage_give_25_title_10 [Provide $giver$'s $f.member$ friends with building materials] //double fame prospector / insects // HASH_VALUE 065D4168DF4AF135 // INDEX 2427 template_task_forage_give_26_title_1 [Forage insects for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE C87D0969DF4A2533 // INDEX 2428 template_task_forage_give_26_title_2 [Gather insects for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 89AEEE856AB7912F // INDEX 2429 template_task_forage_give_26_title_3 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends want to get hold of some insects] // HASH_VALUE EC3309CDCC6E058D // INDEX 2430 template_task_forage_give_26_title_4 [Supply $giver$'s $f.member$ friends with insects] // HASH_VALUE 37D2590AD55710BB // INDEX 2431 template_task_forage_give_26_title_5 [Special order for insects for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 6BF35AE312959C25 // INDEX 2432 template_task_forage_give_26_title_6 [An order for insects for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE FAE34AC52BC3C926 // INDEX 2433 template_task_forage_give_26_title_7 [Collect insects for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE CA408DF869E79780 // INDEX 2434 template_task_forage_give_26_title_8 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need someone to collect insects] // HASH_VALUE 53D1B489C0E11AAF // INDEX 2435 template_task_forage_give_26_title_9 [Provide $giver$'s $f.member$ friends with insects] // HASH_VALUE 3250C1F1165F8C29 // INDEX 2436 template_task_forage_give_26_title_10 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need someone to forage for insects] //double fame prospector / food // HASH_VALUE 770F5ACEBC8DBD34 // INDEX 2437 template_task_forage_give_27_title_1 [Forage for food for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 3DD2AD141FE89D7E // INDEX 2438 template_task_forage_give_27_title_2 [Gather food for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE D131B8E4B2E8FEB4 // INDEX 2439 template_task_forage_give_27_title_3 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends are short of food] // HASH_VALUE EB43FDCDF027788C // INDEX 2440 template_task_forage_give_27_title_4 [Supply $giver$'s $f.member$ friends with food] // HASH_VALUE E2E2C1E8687425A4 // INDEX 2441 template_task_forage_give_27_title_5 [Special order for food for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE E298A1284C41A0FF // INDEX 2442 template_task_forage_give_27_title_6 [An order for food for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE DF3CC97DB8329CF2 // INDEX 2443 template_task_forage_give_27_title_7 [Collect some food for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE EEF900F768F78B80 // INDEX 2444 template_task_forage_give_27_title_8 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need someone to collect food] // HASH_VALUE 93A1B416A3AB16AB // INDEX 2445 template_task_forage_give_27_title_9 [Provide $giver$'s $f.member$ friends with food] // HASH_VALUE F20FC5EE1628BBC6 // INDEX 2446 template_task_forage_give_27_title_10 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need someone to forage for food] //double fame prospector / kitin // HASH_VALUE AEBD5CB343A58F05 // INDEX 2447 template_task_forage_give_28_title_1 [Forage for kitin remains for study for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE C4EA7FE556969F63 // INDEX 2448 template_task_forage_give_28_title_2 [Gather kitin remains for study for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE D5F83D130089FF23 // INDEX 2449 template_task_forage_give_28_title_3 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need kitin remains for study] // HASH_VALUE 63FB8FA18371D373 // INDEX 2450 template_task_forage_give_28_title_4 [Supply $giver$'s $f.member$ friends with kitin remains for study] // HASH_VALUE 56EFABE8E195AA98 // INDEX 2451 template_task_forage_give_28_title_5 [Special order for kitin remains for study for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 22F628C9895D22F9 // INDEX 2452 template_task_forage_give_28_title_6 [An order for kitin remains for study for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE B3C03BA65FB08919 // INDEX 2453 template_task_forage_give_28_title_7 [Collect kitin remains for study for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE BD37FC9DFD3CADAF // INDEX 2454 template_task_forage_give_28_title_8 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need someone to assemble some kitin remains for study] // HASH_VALUE 72EE0667CC1FB48C // INDEX 2455 template_task_forage_give_28_title_9 [Provide $giver$'s $f.member$ friends with kitin remains for study] // HASH_VALUE EB2DB2D24A4C4C1C // INDEX 2456 template_task_forage_give_28_title_10 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need someone to forage for kitin remains for study] //double fame prospector / goo // HASH_VALUE 019A6A1C44006FD5 // INDEX 2457 template_task_forage_give_29_title_1 [Forage for goo remains for study for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE C5455FB5A973ADCC // INDEX 2458 template_task_forage_give_29_title_2 [Gather goo remains for study for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE AE88F0A10B39612A // INDEX 2459 template_task_forage_give_29_title_3 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need goo remains for study] // HASH_VALUE 2470734EE773BFCC // INDEX 2460 template_task_forage_give_29_title_4 [Supply $giver$'s $f.member$ friends with goo remains for study] // HASH_VALUE 4AC5E32C3A950190 // INDEX 2461 template_task_forage_give_29_title_5 [Special order for goo remains for study for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE F38C285F865957C7 // INDEX 2462 template_task_forage_give_29_title_6 [An order for goo remains for study for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 193F7AF3D3E42E19 // INDEX 2463 template_task_forage_give_29_title_7 [Collect goo remains for study for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 200DB1E3E1856FA4 // INDEX 2464 template_task_forage_give_29_title_8 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need someone to assemble goo remains for study] // HASH_VALUE 4B7EB9F5D7CF1693 // INDEX 2465 template_task_forage_give_29_title_9 [Provide $giver$'s $f.member$ friends with goo remains for study] // HASH_VALUE 029D4FCB76250D17 // INDEX 2466 template_task_forage_give_29_title_10 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need someone to forage for goo remains for study] //prospector / insects, welcomer / insects, scout / insects // HASH_VALUE CCEBC37D6851ACAC // INDEX 2467 template_task_forage_give_2_title_1 [Forage some insects] // HASH_VALUE CE0B8B8BE8C1E89C // INDEX 2468 template_task_forage_give_2_title_2 [Gather some insects] // HASH_VALUE 0B5EBFF776AB4C8B // INDEX 2469 template_task_forage_give_2_title_3 [$giver$ wants to get hold of some insects] // HASH_VALUE 59DAF0431B21BFB6 // INDEX 2470 template_task_forage_give_2_title_4 [Supply $giver$ with some insects] // HASH_VALUE 253957A71B783FB1 // INDEX 2471 template_task_forage_give_2_title_5 [Special order for insects] // HASH_VALUE EF957038EF3488F3 // INDEX 2472 template_task_forage_give_2_title_6 [An order for insects] // HASH_VALUE 582A948058C9AC3B // INDEX 2473 template_task_forage_give_2_title_7 [Collect some insects] // HASH_VALUE E404B6B2768CDE81 // INDEX 2474 template_task_forage_give_2_title_8 [$giver$ needs someone to collect some insects] // HASH_VALUE 301A98508974C83E // INDEX 2475 template_task_forage_give_2_title_9 [Provide $giver$ with insects] // HASH_VALUE F536EEE81F4D1F07 // INDEX 2476 template_task_forage_give_2_title_10 [$giver$ needs someone to forage for insects] //double fame prospector / conservateur // HASH_VALUE A568A63ED371D46C // INDEX 2477 template_task_forage_give_30_title_1 [Forage preservatives for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 67886E3FD371086A // INDEX 2478 template_task_forage_give_30_title_2 [Gather preservatives for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE EC193D5A4E75CF20 // INDEX 2479 template_task_forage_give_30_title_3 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends are short of preservatives] // HASH_VALUE 060AF62E8D4EDA00 // INDEX 2480 template_task_forage_give_30_title_4 [Supply $giver$'s $f.member$ friends with preservatives] // HASH_VALUE ADD063C3A2FED214 // INDEX 2481 template_task_forage_give_30_title_5 [Special order for preservatives for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 9967439368F3DAA7 // INDEX 2482 template_task_forage_give_30_title_6 [An order for preservatives for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 2578A194CB4EA5A0 // INDEX 2483 template_task_forage_give_30_title_7 [Collect preservatives for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 8B20626B83BE84E1 // INDEX 2484 template_task_forage_give_30_title_8 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need someone to collect preservatives] // HASH_VALUE AE89398C3F38E717 // INDEX 2485 template_task_forage_give_30_title_9 [Provide $giver$'s $f.member$ friends with preservatives] // HASH_VALUE 0ED6766C6E8F849E // INDEX 2486 template_task_forage_give_30_title_10 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need someone to forage for preservatives] //prospector / food, welcomer / food, scout / food // HASH_VALUE C0FAE46AEAF0A49A // INDEX 2487 template_task_forage_give_3_title_1 [Forage some food] // HASH_VALUE 443A746CEAF00C96 // INDEX 2488 template_task_forage_give_3_title_2 [Gather some food] // HASH_VALUE 1E94C4D146A10C98 // INDEX 2489 template_task_forage_give_3_title_3 [$giver$ is short of food] // HASH_VALUE 58EAE4435B317FB5 // INDEX 2490 template_task_forage_give_3_title_4 [Supply $giver$ with some food] // HASH_VALUE 649897999B5716B6 // INDEX 2491 template_task_forage_give_3_title_5 [Special order for food] // HASH_VALUE 5A44D737ABF87373 // INDEX 2492 template_task_forage_give_3_title_6 [An order for food] // HASH_VALUE EA88543ADBD93B56 // INDEX 2493 template_task_forage_give_3_title_7 [Collect some food] // HASH_VALUE C7CEB2AEB65CDE0E // INDEX 2494 template_task_forage_give_3_title_8 [$giver$ needs someone to collect some food] // HASH_VALUE 2FFA4C4F44D49864 // INDEX 2495 template_task_forage_give_3_title_9 [Provide $giver$ with food] // HASH_VALUE F5FF1D85DF0C2304 // INDEX 2496 template_task_forage_give_3_title_10 [$giver$ needs someone to forage for food] //prospector / kitin, welcomer / kitin, scout / kitin // HASH_VALUE 07E6D5015BF5B859 // INDEX 2497 template_task_forage_give_4_title_1 [Collect some kitin remains for study] // HASH_VALUE 56C1CB0CEE1673AF // INDEX 2498 template_task_forage_give_4_title_2 [Gather some kitin remains for study] // HASH_VALUE 873A0EA3B73C8CC2 // INDEX 2499 template_task_forage_give_4_title_3 [$giver$ needs some kitin remains for study] // HASH_VALUE D0A27617D2248D9C // INDEX 2500 template_task_forage_give_4_title_4 [Supply $giver$ with some kitin remains for study] // HASH_VALUE EB4F5C850CA0342B // INDEX 2501 template_task_forage_give_4_title_5 [Special order for kitin remains for study] // HASH_VALUE 0A42ADACEF04BC66 // INDEX 2502 template_task_forage_give_4_title_6 [An order for kitin remains for study] // HASH_VALUE 2DDA678D0C6B1EBB // INDEX 2503 template_task_forage_give_4_title_7 [Collect kitin remains for study] // HASH_VALUE DC130F6EAA345AB3 // INDEX 2504 template_task_forage_give_4_title_8 [$giver$ needs someone to assemble some kitin remains for study] // HASH_VALUE 0E86DDA19402563E // INDEX 2505 template_task_forage_give_4_title_9 [Provide $giver$ with some kitin remains for study] // HASH_VALUE 2923AEDBD82A10E8 // INDEX 2506 template_task_forage_give_4_title_10 [$giver$ needs someone to forage for kitin remains for study] //prospector / goo, welcomer / goo, scout / goo // HASH_VALUE C07AC4060586DCAA // INDEX 2507 template_task_forage_give_5_title_1 [Forage some goo remains for study] // HASH_VALUE 829A8C07058610A8 // INDEX 2508 template_task_forage_give_5_title_2 [Gather some goo remains for study] // HASH_VALUE C50645D376C3A829 // INDEX 2509 template_task_forage_give_5_title_3 [$giver$ needs some goo remains for study] // HASH_VALUE 91175AC4362679F5 // INDEX 2510 template_task_forage_give_5_title_4 [Supply $giver$ with some goo remains for study] // HASH_VALUE C4DF0F1317509632 // INDEX 2511 template_task_forage_give_5_title_5 [Special order for goo remains for study] // HASH_VALUE 6E449905B079A013 // INDEX 2512 template_task_forage_give_5_title_6 [An order for goo remains for study] // HASH_VALUE 6BE8C15A1C6A9C06 // INDEX 2513 template_task_forage_give_5_title_7 [Collect some goo remains for study] // HASH_VALUE 9B9A2BD5E80091E3 // INDEX 2514 template_task_forage_give_5_title_8 [$giver$ needs someone to assemble some goo remains for study] // HASH_VALUE E716902F9FB2B845 // INDEX 2515 template_task_forage_give_5_title_9 [Provide $giver$ with some goo remains for study] // HASH_VALUE 55FC6FD6EF9AADE1 // INDEX 2516 template_task_forage_give_5_title_10 [$giver$ needs someone to forage for goo remains for study] //prospector / conservateur, welcomer / conservateur, scout / conservateur // HASH_VALUE 54DA548D1915A0AC // INDEX 2517 template_task_forage_give_6_title_1 [Forage some preservatives] // HASH_VALUE 971A208E19E6CCB1 // INDEX 2518 template_task_forage_give_6_title_2 [Gather some preservatives] // HASH_VALUE D965F0855A26F4B1 // INDEX 2519 template_task_forage_give_6_title_3 [$giver$ is short of preservatives] // HASH_VALUE 73B1DDA4DC019429 // INDEX 2520 template_task_forage_give_6_title_4 [Supply $giver$ with some preservatives] // HASH_VALUE 27EA8FAA53B967B6 // INDEX 2521 template_task_forage_give_6_title_5 [Special order for preservatives] // HASH_VALUE AF33B439AB3AE013 // INDEX 2522 template_task_forage_give_6_title_6 [An order for preservatives] // HASH_VALUE ECF7DC8ED65AD052 // INDEX 2523 template_task_forage_give_6_title_7 [Collect some preservatives] // HASH_VALUE 635B831AD1446384 // INDEX 2524 template_task_forage_give_6_title_8 [$giver$ needs someone to collect some preservatives] // HASH_VALUE 4A2110C6071B89C9 // INDEX 2525 template_task_forage_give_6_title_9 [Provide $giver$ with some preservatives] // HASH_VALUE 4D66E65DFBD3D482 // INDEX 2526 template_task_forage_give_6_title_10 [$giver$ needs someone to forage for preservatives] //tribe welcomer / construction // HASH_VALUE 61270995DA9EDE8B // INDEX 2527 template_task_forage_give_7_title_1 [Forage some building raw materials for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 2347D196DA9E1289 // INDEX 2528 template_task_forage_give_7_title_2 [Gather some building raw materials for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 9D3F417175536D29 // INDEX 2529 template_task_forage_give_7_title_3 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need some building raw materials] // HASH_VALUE CDA6E93CD19C7634 // INDEX 2530 template_task_forage_give_7_title_4 [Supply $f.member$ with some building raw materials] // HASH_VALUE 03FC37FD8A4801B3 // INDEX 2531 template_task_forage_give_7_title_5 [Special order for building raw materials for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 285FD65F118A269C // INDEX 2532 template_task_forage_give_7_title_6 [An order for building raw materials for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 5836D1F7F639883A // INDEX 2533 template_task_forage_give_7_title_7 [Forage building materials for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 1A5699F8F639BC38 // INDEX 2534 template_task_forage_give_7_title_8 [Gather building materials for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 897219A89A2A3DF7 // INDEX 2535 template_task_forage_give_7_title_9 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need building materials] // HASH_VALUE 0D8649D49A7E8500 // INDEX 2536 template_task_forage_give_7_title_10 [Provide $f.member$ with building materials] //tribe welcomer / insects // HASH_VALUE 1E7805D29EC845FF // INDEX 2537 template_task_forage_give_8_title_1 [Forage some insects for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE E098CDD39EC879FD // INDEX 2538 template_task_forage_give_8_title_2 [Gather some insects for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 7C9BB66FB8EA1667 // INDEX 2539 template_task_forage_give_8_title_3 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ want to get hold of some insects] // HASH_VALUE 0AF73CBE45E8BC57 // INDEX 2540 template_task_forage_give_8_title_4 [Provide $f.member$ with some insects] // HASH_VALUE 5A34F4033B0D2F46 // INDEX 2541 template_task_forage_give_8_title_5 [Special order for insects for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 694DC86BB51EF58C // INDEX 2542 template_task_forage_give_8_title_6 [An order for insects for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 66F1F0C0210FF17F // INDEX 2543 template_task_forage_give_8_title_7 [Collect some insects for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 362B8981248CBBDF // INDEX 2544 template_task_forage_give_8_title_8 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need someone to gather some insects] // HASH_VALUE 65D9D5E24D2A41BB // INDEX 2545 template_task_forage_give_8_title_9 [Provide $f.mda$ $f.member$ with some insects] // HASH_VALUE 362B8981248CBBDF // INDEX 2546 template_task_forage_give_8_title_10 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need someone to gather some insects] //tribe welcomer / food // HASH_VALUE 9D5F31AF0B063B72 // INDEX 2547 template_task_forage_give_9_title_1 [Forage some food for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 5F7FF9B00B066F70 // INDEX 2548 template_task_forage_give_9_title_2 [Gather some food for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 44E33C8845D08C5B // INDEX 2549 template_task_forage_give_9_title_3 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ are short of food] // HASH_VALUE D7AAC24C9A50CCB3 // INDEX 2550 template_task_forage_give_9_title_4 [Supply $f.member$ with some food] // HASH_VALUE BA5CEC71EEDA063A // INDEX 2551 template_task_forage_give_9_title_5 [Special order for food for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 05FA3C21B2F7BF8A // INDEX 2552 template_task_forage_give_9_title_6 [An order for food for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 029E64761EE8BB7D // INDEX 2553 template_task_forage_give_9_title_7 [Collect some food for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 7796CA6AD220EE7B // INDEX 2554 template_task_forage_give_9_title_8 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need someone to collect some food] // HASH_VALUE 49B2487071449C9B // INDEX 2555 template_task_forage_give_9_title_9 [Provide $f.mda$ $f.member$ with food] // HASH_VALUE 5E1B7982638CEE6B // INDEX 2556 template_task_forage_give_9_title_10 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need someone to gather some food] /* OLD VALUE : [Forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, and I will pay you $reward$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 3FA21013D9E82F5F // INDEX 2557 template_task_forage_give_intro_1_money [Forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$ and I will pay you $reward$ dapper(s).] /* OLD VALUE : [Forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, and I will pay you $reward$. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE 17972066DC29DEC0 // INDEX 2558 template_task_forage_give_intro_1_money_timed [Forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$ and I will pay you $reward$ dapper(s).\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [Forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, and I will be grateful to you. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE D321F847CFD9D621 // INDEX 2559 template_task_forage_give_intro_1_fame_timed [Forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$ and $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you.\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [Forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, and I will be grateful to you.] */ // HASH_VALUE FDD6A9383C134FBB // INDEX 2560 template_task_forage_give_intro_1_fame [Forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$ and $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you] /* OLD VALUE : [Harvest $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$ and $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$, and I will pay you $reward$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 04B7BE467EFC43C5 // INDEX 2561 template_task_forage_give_intro_2_money [Forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$ and $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$ and I will pay you $reward$ dapper(s).] /* OLD VALUE : [Harvest $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$ and $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$, and I will pay you $reward$. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE 1EDB59A4AD4081E8 // INDEX 2562 template_task_forage_give_intro_2_money_timed [Forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$ and $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$ and I will pay you $reward$ dapper(s).\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [Harvest some $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$ and $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$, and I will be grateful to you. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE ACF1245C2B4DAFE2 // INDEX 2563 template_task_forage_give_intro_2_fame_timed [Forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$ and $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$ and $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you.\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [Harvest some $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$ and $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$, and I will be grateful to you.] */ // HASH_VALUE 157CA999184D6977 // INDEX 2564 template_task_forage_give_intro_2_fame [Forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$ and $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$ and $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you] /* OLD VALUE : [Gather $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$ and $qt3$ $i3$ of level $ql3$, and I will pay you $reward$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 409E7BD790A82817 // INDEX 2565 template_task_forage_give_intro_3_money [Forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$ and $qt3$ $i3$ of level $ql3$ and I will pay you $reward$ dapper(s).] /* OLD VALUE : [Gather $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$ and $qt3$ $i3$ of level $ql3$, and I will pay you $reward$. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE 16E9CAE6986EAF7D // INDEX 2566 template_task_forage_give_intro_3_money_timed [Forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$ and $qt3$ $i3$ of level $ql3$ and I will pay you $reward$ dapper(s).\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [Gather some $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$ and $qt3$ $i3$ of level $ql3$, and I will be grateful to you. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE 43494DB25650346F // INDEX 2567 template_task_forage_give_intro_3_fame_timed [Forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$ and $qt3$ $i3$ of level $ql3$ and $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you.\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [Gather some $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$ and $qt3$ $i3$ of level $ql3$, and I will be grateful to you.] */ // HASH_VALUE 14050F613C2C9911 // INDEX 2568 template_task_forage_give_intro_3_fame [Forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$ and $qt3$ $i3$ of level $ql3$ and $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you] /* OLD VALUE : [Clean up the land, forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, and I will pay you $reward$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 3CD3E7D10D7B9410 // INDEX 2569 template_task_forage_intro_1_money [Clean up the land, forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$ and I will pay you $reward$ dapper(s).] /* OLD VALUE : [Clean up the land, forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, and I will pay you $reward$. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE 4FD3753CA4F00FD3 // INDEX 2570 template_task_forage_intro_1_money_timed [Clean up the land, forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$ and I will pay you $reward$ dapper(s).\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [Clean up the land, forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, and I will be grateful to you. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE 878D607AFC1FF1C9 // INDEX 2571 template_task_forage_intro_1_fame_timed [Clean up the land, forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$ and $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you.\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [Clean up the land, forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, and I will be grateful to you.] */ // HASH_VALUE 844CB119242AE176 // INDEX 2572 template_task_forage_intro_1_fame [Clean up the land, forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$ and $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you.] /* OLD VALUE : [Clean up the land, forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$ and $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$, and I will pay you $reward$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 473AEA96E52A97FC // INDEX 2573 template_task_forage_intro_2_money [Clean up the land, forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$ and $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$ and I will pay you $reward$ dapper(s).] /* OLD VALUE : [Clean up the land, forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$ and $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$, and I will pay you $reward$. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE 1D8539A5EDF01E62 // INDEX 2574 template_task_forage_intro_2_money_timed [Clean up the land, forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$ and $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$ and I will pay you $reward$ dapper(s).\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [Clean up the land, forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$ and $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$, and I will be grateful to you. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE 4AE5BC71ABD2A354 // INDEX 2575 template_task_forage_intro_2_fame_timed [Clean up the land, forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$ and $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$ and $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you.\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [Clean up the land, forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$ and $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$, and I will be grateful to you.] */ // HASH_VALUE 1BA17E4E91AE08F6 // INDEX 2576 template_task_forage_intro_2_fame [Clean up the land, forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$ and $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$ and $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you.] /* OLD VALUE : [Clean up the land, forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$ and $qt3$ $i3$ of level $ql3$, and I will pay you $reward$.] */ // HASH_VALUE ABFF944F7BB90FEA // INDEX 2577 template_task_forage_intro_3_money [Clean up the land, forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$ and $qt3$ $i3$ of level $ql3$ and I will pay you $reward$ dapper(s).] /* OLD VALUE : [Clean up the land, forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$ and $qt3$ $i3$ of level $ql3$, and I will pay you $reward$. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE AE4043B053AE1F3D // INDEX 2578 template_task_forage_intro_3_money_timed [Clean up the land, forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$ and $qt3$ $i3$ of level $ql3$ and I will pay you $reward$ dapper(s).\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [Clean up the land, forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$ and $qt3$ $i3$ of level $ql3$, and I will be grateful to you. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE A1F03B110F38F71E // INDEX 2579 template_task_forage_intro_3_fame_timed [Clean up the land, forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$ and $qt3$ $i3$ of level $ql3$ and $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you.\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [Clean up the land, forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$ and $qt3$ $i3$ of level $ql3$, and I will be grateful to you.] */ // HASH_VALUE 992AB4AB39EDA80F // INDEX 2580 template_task_forage_intro_3_fame [Clean up the land, forage $qt1$ $i1$ of level $ql1$, $qt2$ $i2$ of level $ql2$ and $qt3$ $i3$ of level $ql3$ and $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you.] //default_text // HASH_VALUE A7C366962F909C5E // INDEX 2581 template_task_give_item_0_title_1 [Take something to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 29D97785173AD72E // INDEX 2582 template_task_give_item_0_title_2 [Deliver something to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 4E21D492160973B4 // INDEX 2583 template_task_give_item_0_title_3 [Bring something to $region$] // HASH_VALUE D83997A3D481CCC3 // INDEX 2584 template_task_give_item_0_title_4 [Transport something to $region$] // HASH_VALUE E7F11AF75A019BB2 // INDEX 2585 template_task_give_item_0_title_5 [A delivery for $giver$ to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 969A9F0CFD53A73C // INDEX 2586 template_task_give_item_0_title_6 [$giver$ needs someone to make a delivery to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 4FE329A4695DE079 // INDEX 2587 template_task_give_item_0_title_7 [$giver$ needs a carrier for a delivery to $region$] // HASH_VALUE BCF3BEE6D4C4BEA3 // INDEX 2588 template_task_give_item_0_title_8 [$giver$ is looking for a carrier who is going to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 86A0CCC0612C2716 // INDEX 2589 template_task_give_item_0_title_9 [$giver$ wants something taken to $region$] // HASH_VALUE A4C671379D3D27FB // INDEX 2590 template_task_give_item_0_title_10 [$giver$ wants something delivered to $region$] //double fame supplier / heavy package // HASH_VALUE 9F3F08A7E2A12781 // INDEX 2591 template_task_give_item_10_title_1 [Take a heavy parcel to $region$ for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE ACFD394CDE367355 // INDEX 2592 template_task_give_item_10_title_2 [Deliver a heavy parcel to $region$ for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE C6B11AD389AD0986 // INDEX 2593 template_task_give_item_10_title_3 [Bring a heavy parcel to $region$ for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 24C3D2E7C7111204 // INDEX 2594 template_task_give_item_10_title_4 [Transport a heavy parcel to $region$ for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 47B3FDC00E670064 // INDEX 2595 template_task_give_item_10_title_5 [A heavy parcel to be delivered to $region$ for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 2DBCF3CA4CBDB283 // INDEX 2596 template_task_give_item_10_title_6 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need someone to deliver a heavy parcel to $region$] // HASH_VALUE D2CB2B55767FE558 // INDEX 2597 template_task_give_item_10_title_7 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need a carrier to deliver a heavy parcel to $region$] // HASH_VALUE F6F54B876177BC40 // INDEX 2598 template_task_give_item_10_title_8 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends are looking for a carrier who is going to $region$ to take a heavy parcel] // HASH_VALUE F1BA4C48C9D96C77 // INDEX 2599 template_task_give_item_10_title_9 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends want a heavy parcel taken to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 676582F4C71D7C46 // INDEX 2600 template_task_give_item_10_title_10 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends want a heavy parcel brought to $region$] //double fame supplier / medicine // HASH_VALUE 8004EE40D6B611BB // INDEX 2601 template_task_give_item_11_title_1 [Take some medicine to $region$ for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 12F9BEC76CAFE5CF // INDEX 2602 template_task_give_item_11_title_2 [Deliver some medicine to $region$ for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE DE4A80A3DF56F20D // INDEX 2603 template_task_give_item_11_title_3 [Bring some medicine to $region$ for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 7A6CBB6EDFAA78D4 // INDEX 2604 template_task_give_item_11_title_4 [Transport some medicine to $region$ for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 19B047F999956521 // INDEX 2605 template_task_give_item_11_title_5 [Some medicine to be delivered to $region$ for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE BE87F6C8DECF78C1 // INDEX 2606 template_task_give_item_11_title_6 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need someone to deliver some medicine to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 02AA5486D362FE05 // INDEX 2607 template_task_give_item_11_title_7 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need a carrier to deliver some medicine to $region$] // HASH_VALUE B9B490927236E7FF // INDEX 2608 template_task_give_item_11_title_8 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends are looking for a carrier who is going to $region$ to take some medicine] // HASH_VALUE 344CBB7CDEEA7882 // INDEX 2609 template_task_give_item_11_title_9 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends want some medicine brought to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 9E1536662E7B6763 // INDEX 2610 template_task_give_item_11_title_10 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends want some medicine delivered to $region$] //double fame messenger / report, patrolman / report // HASH_VALUE B9732560E7342068 // INDEX 2611 template_task_give_item_12_title_1 [Take a report to $region$ for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE DC7D1E4B98FD819D // INDEX 2612 template_task_give_item_12_title_2 [Deliver a report to $region$ for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 9727FDEBD68EA5F2 // INDEX 2613 template_task_give_item_12_title_3 [Bring a report to $region$ for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 71A46E539887F51C // INDEX 2614 template_task_give_item_12_title_4 [Transport a report to $region$ for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 27430B6CC22E4AEE // INDEX 2615 template_task_give_item_12_title_5 [A report to be delivered to $region$ for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 205395E64E4FE49F // INDEX 2616 template_task_give_item_12_title_6 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need someone to dispatch a report to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 58152386DD230F71 // INDEX 2617 template_task_give_item_12_title_7 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need a messenger to dispatch a report to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 9D087DA5DAB5934C // INDEX 2618 template_task_give_item_12_title_8 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends are looking for a messenger who is going to $region$ to take a report] // HASH_VALUE 08A132275699D71C // INDEX 2619 template_task_give_item_12_title_9 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends want a report sent to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 2E094ECDA24EC833 // INDEX 2620 template_task_give_item_12_title_10 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends want a report delivered to $region$] //double fame messenger / order, patrolman / order // HASH_VALUE 76C32D6A53182066 // INDEX 2621 template_task_give_item_13_title_1 [Take an order to $region$ for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 5E58574B172C559F // INDEX 2622 template_task_give_item_13_title_2 [Deliver an order to $region$ for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE D5472599698E9DE5 // INDEX 2623 template_task_give_item_13_title_3 [Bring an order to $region$ for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 04A46646D6A71DCA // INDEX 2624 template_task_give_item_13_title_4 [Transport an order to $region$ for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE A91E446C415D1EF0 // INDEX 2625 template_task_give_item_13_title_5 [An order to be delivered to $region$ for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 64715156018A035D // INDEX 2626 template_task_give_item_13_title_6 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need someone to take an order to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 154ADF40DC5617CE // INDEX 2627 template_task_give_item_13_title_7 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need a messenger to deliver an order to $region$] // HASH_VALUE A4D54E18233A78D1 // INDEX 2628 template_task_give_item_13_title_8 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends are looking for a messenger who is going to $region$ to deliver an order for them] // HASH_VALUE 5E48F4142AE70362 // INDEX 2629 template_task_give_item_13_title_9 [$giver$ wants an order of his $f.member$ friends to be taken to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 980EBD7D07B70762 // INDEX 2630 template_task_give_item_13_title_10 [$giver$ wants an order of his $f.member$ friends to be delivered to $region$] //double fame messenger / message, patrolman / message /* OLD VALUE : [Take a message to $region$ for $giver$'s friends.] */ // HASH_VALUE FECEB0DEA5044190 // INDEX 2631 template_task_give_item_18_title [Deliver a message to $region$ for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] //supplier / light package // HASH_VALUE D8784C92D55CBC23 // INDEX 2632 template_task_give_item_1_title_1 [Take a light parcel to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 28F5AAF2080684A7 // INDEX 2633 template_task_give_item_1_title_2 [Deliver a light parcel to $region$] // HASH_VALUE A9B8C44471F98E64 // INDEX 2634 template_task_give_item_1_title_3 [Bring a light parcel to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 0C0F57C5AA18BC75 // INDEX 2635 template_task_give_item_1_title_4 [Transport a light parcel to $region$] // HASH_VALUE DAB22A8F4E93E0E5 // INDEX 2636 template_task_give_item_1_title_5 [A light parcel to deliver to $region$ for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE 2C941442D9D869E4 // INDEX 2637 template_task_give_item_1_title_6 [$giver$ needs someone to deliver a light parcel to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 555633094008996B // INDEX 2638 template_task_give_item_1_title_7 [$giver$ needs a carrier to deliver a light parcel to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 0B3EF42CA2A6C544 // INDEX 2639 template_task_give_item_1_title_8 [$giver$ is looking for a carrier who is going to $region$ to carry a light parcel] // HASH_VALUE E7E0AA43DEB7AA49 // INDEX 2640 template_task_give_item_1_title_9 [$giver$ wants a light parcel taken to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 27E03DBF7B4D8836 // INDEX 2641 template_task_give_item_1_title_10 [$giver$ wants a light parcel delivered to $region$] //supplier / medium package // HASH_VALUE B62AF9FD29A2CEDA // INDEX 2642 template_task_give_item_2_title_1 [Take a medium-sized parcel to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 038F3B77F5BDF012 // INDEX 2643 template_task_give_item_2_title_2 [Deliver a medium-sized parcel to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 706E71ED89426CDF // INDEX 2644 template_task_give_item_2_title_3 [Bring a medium-sized parcel to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 2458354071CE691E // INDEX 2645 template_task_give_item_2_title_4 [Transport a medium-sized parcel to $region$] // HASH_VALUE D64AC5986C698658 // INDEX 2646 template_task_give_item_2_title_5 [A medium-sized parcel to deliver to $region$ for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE 95DA26F9B78A164F // INDEX 2647 template_task_give_item_2_title_6 [$giver$ needs someone to deliver a medium-sized parcel to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 77D020241BBE3FCF // INDEX 2648 template_task_give_item_2_title_7 [$giver$ needs a carrier to deliver a medium-sized parcel to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 92197825FD2D32C8 // INDEX 2649 template_task_give_item_2_title_8 [$giver$ is looking for a carrier who is going to $region$ to carry a medium-sized parcel] // HASH_VALUE AB1B5AA93A1DD425 // INDEX 2650 template_task_give_item_2_title_9 [$giver$ wants a medium-sized parcel taken to $region$] // HASH_VALUE E72C5A8E5843799C // INDEX 2651 template_task_give_item_2_title_10 [$giver$ wants a medium-sized parcel delivered to $region$] //supplier / heavy package // HASH_VALUE 1959348ED45CBC23 // INDEX 2652 template_task_give_item_3_title_1 [Take a heavy parcel to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 27B5AAF20856BCA1 // INDEX 2653 template_task_give_item_3_title_2 [Deliver a heavy parcel to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 2C58B44071F98E69 // INDEX 2654 template_task_give_item_3_title_3 [Bring a heavy parcel to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 0C0F57CA2DB8AC71 // INDEX 2655 template_task_give_item_3_title_4 [Transport a heavy parcel to $region$] // HASH_VALUE D9722A8F4EE318DF // INDEX 2656 template_task_give_item_3_title_5 [A heavy parcel to deliver to $region$ for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE 2B9414421AB951E0 // INDEX 2657 template_task_give_item_3_title_6 [$giver$ needs someone to deliver a heavy parcel to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 55564717BFC8896B // INDEX 2658 template_task_give_item_3_title_7 [$giver$ needs a carrier to deliver a heavy parcel to $region$] // HASH_VALUE F5C9DE53BF0AF127 // INDEX 2659 template_task_give_item_3_title_8 [$giver$ is looking for carrier who is going to $region$ to carry a heavy parcel] // HASH_VALUE 6A809A3FDEB7AA4E // INDEX 2660 template_task_give_item_3_title_9 [$giver$ wants a heavy parcel taken to $region$] // HASH_VALUE AA802DBB7B4D883B // INDEX 2661 template_task_give_item_3_title_10 [$giver$ wants a heavy parcel delivered to $region$] //supplier / medicine // HASH_VALUE AA24378CA9B38261 // INDEX 2662 template_task_give_item_4_title_1 [Take some medicine to $region$] // HASH_VALUE A7596F6497BA6F62 // INDEX 2663 template_task_give_item_4_title_2 [Deliver some medicine to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 5864AC8A4C1187AF // INDEX 2664 template_task_give_item_4_title_3 [Bring some medicine to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 5727501059C4A4BB // INDEX 2665 template_task_give_item_4_title_4 [Transport some medicine to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 7A14F9850E6605A8 // INDEX 2666 template_task_give_item_4_title_5 [Some medicine to deliver to $region$ for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE BDA6DA80AB8454DE // INDEX 2667 template_task_give_item_4_title_6 [$giver$ needs someone to deliver some medicine to $region$] // HASH_VALUE B23960C4EFA7B29C // INDEX 2668 template_task_give_item_4_title_7 [$giver$ needs a carrier to deliver some medicine to $region$] // HASH_VALUE CD82B8C5D116A595 // INDEX 2669 template_task_give_item_4_title_8 [$giver$ is looking for a carrier who is going to $region$ to carry some medicine] // HASH_VALUE 931195466DECEFF5 // INDEX 2670 template_task_give_item_4_title_9 [$giver$ wants some medicine taken to $region$] // HASH_VALUE CF22952B8B12946C // INDEX 2671 template_task_give_item_4_title_10 [$giver$ wants some medicine delivered to $region$] //messenger / report, patrolman / report // HASH_VALUE 57FA6B736CB58222 // INDEX 2672 template_task_give_item_5_title_1 [Take $giver$'s report to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 615F4064C7E6E46F // INDEX 2673 template_task_give_item_5_title_2 [Deliver $giver$'s report to $region$] // HASH_VALUE AE3547FAD9118A62 // INDEX 2674 template_task_give_item_5_title_3 [Bring $giver$'s report to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 742753C3AF953F2B // INDEX 2675 template_task_give_item_5_title_4 [Transport $giver$'s report to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 6050189F4973911C // INDEX 2676 template_task_give_item_5_title_5 [$giver$'s report to deliver to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 2D26465E0D50F3FC // INDEX 2677 template_task_give_item_5_title_6 [$giver$ needs someone to dispatch a report to $region$] // HASH_VALUE BCFA71304512819C // INDEX 2678 template_task_give_item_5_title_7 [$giver$ needs a messenger to dispatch a report to $region$] // HASH_VALUE F0C9059CC3D23101 // INDEX 2679 template_task_give_item_5_title_8 [$giver$ is looking for a messenger who is going to $region$ to carry a report] // HASH_VALUE 092F2D923E36A8D3 // INDEX 2680 template_task_give_item_5_title_9 [$giver$ wants a report taken to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 43F5F6FB1B06ACD3 // INDEX 2681 template_task_give_item_5_title_10 [$giver$ wants a report delivered to $region$] //messenger / order, ambassador / order, tribe / order, welcomer / order, patrolman / order // HASH_VALUE 82DF377057652A8F // INDEX 2682 template_task_give_item_6_title_1 [Take an order to $region$ for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE A01A6C4E22F01DA2 // INDEX 2683 template_task_give_item_6_title_2 [Deliver an order to $region$ for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE 42683BA69CB03F12 // INDEX 2684 template_task_give_item_6_title_3 [Bring an order to $region$ for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE 37C6087343C833D7 // INDEX 2685 template_task_give_item_6_title_4 [Transport an order to $region$ for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE EBE0596F4C21E6F3 // INDEX 2686 template_task_give_item_6_title_5 [An order to be delivered to $region$ for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE E061651C516EAF6C // INDEX 2687 template_task_give_item_6_title_6 [$giver$ needs someone to take an order to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 00182DA0F84DA05A // INDEX 2688 template_task_give_item_6_title_7 [$giver$ needs a messenger to take an order to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 2F38ACA9C0F90A36 // INDEX 2689 template_task_give_item_6_title_8 [$giver$ is looking for a messenger who is going to $region$ to deliver an order] // HASH_VALUE 35602D92889E8820 // INDEX 2690 template_task_give_item_6_title_9 [$giver$ wants an order sent to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 81151EA9AE06A4C6 // INDEX 2691 template_task_give_item_6_title_10 [$giver$ wants an order delivered to $region$] //messenger / message, ambassador / message, tribe / message, welcomer / message, patrolman / message // HASH_VALUE 3F9807FD5C9C10CD // INDEX 2692 template_task_give_item_7_title_1 [Take a message to $region$ for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE 021BBA07B1204B96 // INDEX 2693 template_task_give_item_7_title_2 [Deliver a message to $region$ for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE 25A771B6724B3805 // INDEX 2694 template_task_give_item_7_title_3 [Bring a message to $region$ for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE 0D610166260769E7 // INDEX 2695 template_task_give_item_7_title_4 [Transport a message to $region$ for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE DD623A6B0A76D4B6 // INDEX 2696 template_task_give_item_7_title_5 [A message to be delivered to $region$ for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE 975A0A5A7B8259FD // INDEX 2697 template_task_give_item_7_title_6 [$giver$ needs someone to dispatch a message to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 2A2CD731AF464598 // INDEX 2698 template_task_give_item_7_title_7 [$giver$ needs a messenger to dispatch a message to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 6F98E15B1948FA45 // INDEX 2699 template_task_give_item_7_title_8 [$giver$ is looking for a messenger who is going to $region$ to deliver a message] // HASH_VALUE 8CEF159F298A74C2 // INDEX 2700 template_task_give_item_7_title_9 [$giver$ wants a message sent to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 4890CCC08EEB0B0E // INDEX 2701 template_task_give_item_7_title_10 [$giver$ wants a message taken to $region$] //double fame supplier / light package // HASH_VALUE 5E5E20ABE3A12781 // INDEX 2702 template_task_give_item_8_title_1 [Take a light parcel to $region$ for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE AD3D394CDEE63B5B // INDEX 2703 template_task_give_item_8_title_2 [Deliver a light parcel to $region$ for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 43112AD789AD0981 // INDEX 2704 template_task_give_item_8_title_3 [Bring a light parcel to $region$ for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 24C3D2E244712208 // INDEX 2705 template_task_give_item_8_title_4 [Transport a light parcel to $region$ for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 48F3FDC00E17C86A // INDEX 2706 template_task_give_item_8_title_5 [A light parcel to be delivered to $region$ for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE ECDB0BCE4DBDB283 // INDEX 2707 template_task_give_item_8_title_6 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need someone to deliver a light parcel to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 530B3B55767FD14A // INDEX 2708 template_task_give_item_8_title_7 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need a carrier to deliver a light parcel to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 354CE0EF20ECB0FF // INDEX 2709 template_task_give_item_8_title_8 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends are looking for a carrier who is going to $region$ to deliver a light parcel] // HASH_VALUE F1BA4C4346397C7B // INDEX 2710 template_task_give_item_8_title_9 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends want a light parcel taken to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 8E502A3086390FF7 // INDEX 2711 template_task_give_item_8_title_10 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends want a light parcel delivered to $region$] //double fame supplier / medium package // HASH_VALUE 8C0AB0B1AEEA5D34 // INDEX 2712 template_task_give_item_9_title_1 [Take a medium-sized parcel to $region$ for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 6E2F8ADACAB2667F // INDEX 2713 template_task_give_item_9_title_2 [Deliver a medium-sized parcel to $region$ for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE F6544506AC87D73D // INDEX 2714 template_task_give_item_9_title_3 [Bring a medium-sized parcel to $region$ for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 479DA09EF7B43D37 // INDEX 2715 template_task_give_item_9_title_4 [Transport a medium-sized parcel to $region$ for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 75E6130CF798E6D1 // INDEX 2716 template_task_give_item_9_title_5 [A medium-sized parcel to be delivered to $region$ for $giver$'s $f.member$ friends] // HASH_VALUE CA8DB839B603C43A // INDEX 2717 template_task_give_item_9_title_6 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need someone to deliver a medium-sized parcel to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 2EC1E1B998F9BE65 // INDEX 2718 template_task_give_item_9_title_7 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends need a carrier to deliver a medium-sized parcel to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 15EA5CA5D03968AF // INDEX 2719 template_task_give_item_9_title_8 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends are looking for a carrier who is going to $region$ to take a medium-sized parcel] // HASH_VALUE 4D20761F0A742CE1 // INDEX 2720 template_task_give_item_9_title_9 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends want a medium-sized parcel taken to $region$] // HASH_VALUE 6B461B9646852CC6 // INDEX 2721 template_task_give_item_9_title_10 [$giver$'s $f.member$ friends want a medium-sized parcel delivered to $region$] /* OLD VALUE : [Take $qt1$ $i1$ to $dest1$ for me, please, he is in $region$, I will pay you $reward$.] */ // HASH_VALUE DAE07E0F822D3601 // INDEX 2722 template_task_give_item_intro_1_money [Take $qt1$ $i1$ to $dest1$ for me, you will find him in $region$ and I will pay you $reward$ dapper(s).] /* OLD VALUE : [Take $qt1$ $i1$ to $dest1$ for me, please, he is in $region$, I will pay you $reward$. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE B2D58E62856EE562 // INDEX 2723 template_task_give_item_intro_1_money_timed [Take $qt1$ $i1$ to $dest1$ for me, you will find him in $region$ and I will pay you $reward$ dapper(s).\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [Take $qt1$ $i1$ to $dest1$ for me, please, he is in $region$, I will be grateful to you. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE 6E5F6643781EDDC3 // INDEX 2724 template_task_give_item_intro_1_fame_timed [Take $qt1$ $i1$ to $dest1$ for me, you will find him in $region$ and $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you.\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [Take $qt1$ $i1$ to $dest1$ for me, please, he is in $region$, I will be grateful to you.] */ // HASH_VALUE 981417347058565D // INDEX 2725 template_task_give_item_intro_1_fame [Take $qt1$ $i1$ to $dest1$ for me, you will find him in $region$ and $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you.] //default text with bandits // HASH_VALUE 76A2AB6A42174BC4 // INDEX 2726 template_task_kill_npc_0_title_bandit_1 [Kill some $target$ in $region$ for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE BDCEC51A90393A78 // INDEX 2727 template_task_kill_npc_0_title_bandit_2 [Eliminate some $target$ in $region$ for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE 7552AB650168FE18 // INDEX 2728 template_task_kill_npc_0_title_bandit_3 [Fight the $target$ in $region$ for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE 9B1EF01B7833C33F // INDEX 2729 template_task_kill_npc_0_title_bandit_4 [Wipe out some $target$ in $region$ for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE D411B61F95044506 // INDEX 2730 template_task_kill_npc_0_title_bandit_5 [$giver$ needs some help to eliminate some $target$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 79436E9C81196051 // INDEX 2731 template_task_kill_npc_0_title_bandit_6 [$giver$ needs some help to kill some $target$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 38F3824996D94C51 // INDEX 2732 template_task_kill_npc_0_title_bandit_7 [$giver$ needs some help to fight the $target$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 430A0E8DC229A5CF // INDEX 2733 template_task_kill_npc_0_title_bandit_8 [$giver$ needs some help to wipe out some $target$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE D7326F637B6240F5 // INDEX 2734 template_task_kill_npc_0_title_bandit_9 [$giver$ needs someone to kill some $target$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 95325B5EBD2D91F1 // INDEX 2735 template_task_kill_npc_0_title_bandit_10 [$giver$ needs someone to fight the $target$ in $region$] //default text with tribe // HASH_VALUE A0AC824520A5089B // INDEX 2736 template_task_kill_npc_0_title_tribe_1 [Kill some $target.member$ in $region$ for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE F6C520C6BF94A5F3 // INDEX 2737 template_task_kill_npc_0_title_tribe_2 [Eliminate some $target.member$ in $region$ for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE 9F5C8240DFF6BBEF // INDEX 2738 template_task_kill_npc_0_title_tribe_3 [Fight the $target.member$ in $region$ for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE 79ACADF2A23D9A1A // INDEX 2739 template_task_kill_npc_0_title_tribe_4 [Wipe out some $target.member$ in $region$ for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE 79A000B94B7F7311 // INDEX 2740 template_task_kill_npc_0_title_tribe_5 [$giver$ needs some help to wipe out some $target.member$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 02993CDEB7AF527D // INDEX 2741 template_task_kill_npc_0_title_tribe_6 [$giver$ needs some help to kill some $target.member$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE C149508BCC6F3E7D // INDEX 2742 template_task_kill_npc_0_title_tribe_7 [$giver$ needs some help to fight the $target.member$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 79A000B94B7F7311 // INDEX 2743 template_task_kill_npc_0_title_tribe_8 [$giver$ needs some help to wipe out some $target.member$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 05F407C86786935E // INDEX 2744 template_task_kill_npc_0_title_tribe_9 [$giver$ needs someone to kill some $target.member$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE C3F4F3C3A951E45A // INDEX 2745 template_task_kill_npc_0_title_tribe_10 [$giver$ needs someone to fight the $target.member$ in $region$] //Karavan // HASH_VALUE D8A4A0520AC6382D // INDEX 2746 template_task_kill_npc_1_title_bandit_1 [Kill some $target$ for the Karavan in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 78866AA7980CDA97 // INDEX 2747 template_task_kill_npc_1_title_bandit_2 [Eliminate some $target$ for the Karavan in $region$] // HASH_VALUE D754A04DC917EB81 // INDEX 2748 template_task_kill_npc_1_title_bandit_3 [Fight the $target$ for the Karavan in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 63CDDD84DA35B827 // INDEX 2749 template_task_kill_npc_1_title_bandit_4 [Wipe out some $target$ for the Karavan in $region$] // HASH_VALUE F21D53E87B82A099 // INDEX 2750 template_task_kill_npc_1_title_bandit_5 [The Karavan need some help to eliminate some $target$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 1118986F0EAC2D87 // INDEX 2751 template_task_kill_npc_1_title_bandit_6 [The Karavan need some help to kill some $target$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 3D5D886A0E5C198C // INDEX 2752 template_task_kill_npc_1_title_bandit_7 [The Karavan need some help to fight the $target$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 4D295CC0AD5E1EAF // INDEX 2753 template_task_kill_npc_1_title_bandit_8 [The Karavan need some help to wipe out some $target$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE C3D66A67370329C7 // INDEX 2754 template_task_kill_npc_1_title_bandit_9 [The Karavan need someone to kill some $target$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 82271DBB36B329C2 // INDEX 2755 template_task_kill_npc_1_title_bandit_10 [The Karavan need someone to fight the $target$ in $region$] //Karavan // HASH_VALUE FA8402821B97B416 // INDEX 2756 template_task_kill_npc_1_title_tribe_1 [Kill some $target.member$ for the Karavan in $region$] // HASH_VALUE BE740D2F21969ADB // INDEX 2757 template_task_kill_npc_1_title_tribe_2 [Eliminate some $target.member$ for the Karavan in $region$] // HASH_VALUE F934027DDAE8676A // INDEX 2758 template_task_kill_npc_1_title_tribe_3 [Fight the $target.member$ for the Karavan in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 749E596DFC151A57 // INDEX 2759 template_task_kill_npc_1_title_tribe_4 [Wipe out some $target.member$ for the Karavan in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 7B73212AB11892C5 // INDEX 2760 template_task_kill_npc_1_title_tribe_5 [The Karavan need some help to eliminate some $target.member$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE A1663D2B190EC23A // INDEX 2761 template_task_kill_npc_1_title_tribe_6 [The Karavan need some help to kill some $target.member$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE CDAB2D2619BEAE3F // INDEX 2762 template_task_kill_npc_1_title_tribe_7 [The Karavan need some help to fight the $target.member$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 588BF1733DACC36B // INDEX 2763 template_task_kill_npc_1_title_tribe_8 [The Karavan need some help to wipe out some $target.member$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 1C11733C91CDD9ED // INDEX 2764 template_task_kill_npc_1_title_tribe_9 [The Karavan need someone to kill some $target.member$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE DB622690907DD9E8 // INDEX 2765 template_task_kill_npc_1_title_tribe_10 [The Karavan need someone to fight the $target.member$ in $region$] //Kami // HASH_VALUE AC50BC64337AA9C3 // INDEX 2766 template_task_kill_npc_2_title_bandit_1 [Kill some $target$ for the Kami in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 4A47C1F3477C2238 // INDEX 2767 template_task_kill_npc_2_title_bandit_2 [Eliminate some $target$ for the Kami in $region$] // HASH_VALUE AB00BC5FF2CB5C17 // INDEX 2768 template_task_kill_npc_2_title_bandit_3 [Fight the $target$ for the Kami in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 8C814E1AAEE1D439 // INDEX 2769 template_task_kill_npc_2_title_bandit_4 [Wipe out some $target$ for the Kami in $region$] // HASH_VALUE E897BA7264DB0B2A // INDEX 2770 template_task_kill_npc_2_title_bandit_5 [The Kami need help to eliminate some $target$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 0792FFF9F7059818 // INDEX 2771 template_task_kill_npc_2_title_bandit_6 [The Kami need help to kill some $target$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 33D7EFF4F7B5841D // INDEX 2772 template_task_kill_npc_2_title_bandit_7 [The Kami need help to fight the $target$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 43A3C34A96B78940 // INDEX 2773 template_task_kill_npc_2_title_bandit_8 [The Kami need help to wipe out some $target$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 82F29745CDF6FCCC // INDEX 2774 template_task_kill_npc_2_title_bandit_9 [The Kami need someone to kill some $target$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 40F283400FC14DC8 // INDEX 2775 template_task_kill_npc_2_title_bandit_10 [The Kami need someone to fight the $target$ in $region$] //Kami // HASH_VALUE 603AED899FA1E132 // INDEX 2776 template_task_kill_npc_2_title_tribe_1 [Kill some $target.member$ for the Kami in $region$] // HASH_VALUE E7287EC5F542B6ED // INDEX 2777 template_task_kill_npc_2_title_tribe_2 [Eliminate some $target.member$ for the Kami in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 5FEAED845EF29486 // INDEX 2778 template_task_kill_npc_2_title_tribe_3 [Fight the $target.member$ for the Kami in $region$] // HASH_VALUE F8A8868962CB055E // INDEX 2779 template_task_kill_npc_2_title_tribe_4 [Wipe out some $target.member$ for the Kami in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 71ED88B49A71FD56 // INDEX 2780 template_task_kill_npc_2_title_tribe_5 [The Kami need help to eliminate some $target.member$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 97E0A4B502672DCB // INDEX 2781 template_task_kill_npc_2_title_tribe_6 [The Kami need help to kill some $target.member$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE C32594B0021719D0 // INDEX 2782 template_task_kill_npc_2_title_tribe_7 [The Kami need help to fight the $target.member$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 4E0558FD26052EFC // INDEX 2783 template_task_kill_npc_2_title_tribe_8 [The Kami need help to wipe out some $target.member$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE B0B42FAAB91A4F35 // INDEX 2784 template_task_kill_npc_2_title_tribe_9 [The Kami need someone to kill some $target.member$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 6EB41BA5FBE5A031 // INDEX 2785 template_task_kill_npc_2_title_tribe_10 [The Kami need someone to fight the $target.member$ in $region$] //double fame // HASH_VALUE E8736C3404D3EA0B // INDEX 2786 template_task_kill_npc_3_title_bandit_1 [Kill some $target$ for $giver$'s $f$ friends in $region$] // HASH_VALUE B24FE1E7D63F617F // INDEX 2787 template_task_kill_npc_3_title_bandit_2 [Eliminate some $target$ for $giver$'s $f$ friends in $region$] // HASH_VALUE E7236C2FC3249D5F // INDEX 2788 template_task_kill_npc_3_title_bandit_3 [Fight the $target$ for $giver$'s $f$ friends in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 5DDA8F62EA048409 // INDEX 2789 template_task_kill_npc_3_title_bandit_4 [Wipe out some $target$ for $giver$'s $f$ friends in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 6DE332857019C52A // INDEX 2790 template_task_kill_npc_3_title_bandit_5 [$giver$'s $f$ friends need help to eliminate some $target$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 1215EA025C2EE075 // INDEX 2791 template_task_kill_npc_3_title_bandit_6 [$giver$'s $f$ friends need help to kill some $target$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE D1C5FEAF71EECC75 // INDEX 2792 template_task_kill_npc_3_title_bandit_7 [$giver$'s $f$ friends need help to fight the $target$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE DCDC8AF39D3E25F3 // INDEX 2793 template_task_kill_npc_3_title_bandit_8 [$giver$'s $f$ friends need help to wipe out some $target$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE D1A6BCECDD8D11D4 // INDEX 2794 template_task_kill_npc_3_title_bandit_9 [$giver$'s $f$ friends need someone to kill some $target$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE FDEBACE7DD3DFDD9 // INDEX 2795 template_task_kill_npc_3_title_bandit_10 [$giver$'s $f$ friends need someone to fight the $target$ in $region$] //double fame // HASH_VALUE 7289F5B5931576C2 // INDEX 2796 template_task_kill_npc_3_title_tribe_1 [Kill some $target.member$ for $giver$'s $f$ friends in $region$] // HASH_VALUE B881BF0D316566BD // INDEX 2797 template_task_kill_npc_3_title_tribe_2 [Eliminate some $target.member$ for $giver$'s $f$ friends in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 7139F5B052662916 // INDEX 2798 template_task_kill_npc_3_title_tribe_3 [Fight the $target.member$ for $giver$'s $f$ friends in $region$] // HASH_VALUE EC1C1B19741A0D8A // INDEX 2799 template_task_kill_npc_3_title_tribe_4 [Wipe out some $target.member$ for $giver$'s $f$ friends in $region$] // HASH_VALUE C7ADE2ABC954CEFF // INDEX 2800 template_task_kill_npc_3_title_tribe_5 [$giver$'s $f$ friends need help to eliminate some $target.member$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 9B6BB84492C4D2A1 // INDEX 2801 template_task_kill_npc_3_title_tribe_6 [$giver$'s $f$ friends need help to kill some $target.member$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 5A1BCCF1A784BEA1 // INDEX 2802 template_task_kill_npc_3_title_tribe_7 [$giver$'s $f$ friends need help to fight the $target.member$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 12727C1F2694F335 // INDEX 2803 template_task_kill_npc_3_title_tribe_8 [$giver$'s $f$ friends need help to wipe out some $target.member$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 61F461A8E8EFA687 // INDEX 2804 template_task_kill_npc_3_title_tribe_9 [$giver$'s $f$ friends need someone to kill some $target.member$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 8D3951A3E89F928C // INDEX 2805 template_task_kill_npc_3_title_tribe_10 [$giver$'s $f$ friends need someone to fight the $target.member$ in $region$] //tribe // HASH_VALUE 79424A7BBBED0802 // INDEX 2806 template_task_kill_npc_4_title_bandit_1 [Kill some $target$ for $f.mda$ $f.member$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 14C5BD2919B67E5A // INDEX 2807 template_task_kill_npc_4_title_bandit_2 [Eliminate some $target$ for $f.mda$ $f.member$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 78F24A767A3EBB56 // INDEX 2808 template_task_kill_npc_4_title_bandit_3 [Fight the $target$ for $f.mda$ $f.member$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 14F4AD597BD36250 // INDEX 2809 template_task_kill_npc_4_title_bandit_4 [Wipe out some $target$ for $f.mda$ $f.member$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 85C47F38F97454FB // INDEX 2810 template_task_kill_npc_4_title_bandit_5 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need help to eliminate some $target$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE DA2CA9CBC15246AB // INDEX 2811 template_task_kill_npc_4_title_bandit_6 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need help to kill some $target$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE D9DCA9C680A3F9FF // INDEX 2812 template_task_kill_npc_4_title_bandit_7 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need help to fight the $target$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 1641A2F6E0D50AAC // INDEX 2813 template_task_kill_npc_4_title_bandit_8 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need help to wipe out some $target$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 53F126CA079DEEB1 // INDEX 2814 template_task_kill_npc_4_title_bandit_9 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need someone to kill some $target$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 12A13A771C5DDAB1 // INDEX 2815 template_task_kill_npc_4_title_bandit_10 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need someone to fight the $target$ in $region$] //tribe // HASH_VALUE 30AC292D64C37D0A // INDEX 2816 template_task_kill_npc_4_title_tribe_1 [Kill some $target.member$ for $f.mda$ $f.member$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 6F9BDD04C2344404 // INDEX 2817 template_task_kill_npc_4_title_tribe_2 [Eliminate some $target.member$ for $f.mda$ $f.member$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 2F5C29282314305E // INDEX 2818 template_task_kill_npc_4_title_tribe_3 [Fight the $target.member$ for $f.mda$ $f.member$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE BDCA2261323D4102 // INDEX 2819 template_task_kill_npc_4_title_tribe_4 [Wipe out some $target.member$ for $f.mda$ $f.member$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 71E8D2A12736EC60 // INDEX 2820 template_task_kill_npc_4_title_tribe_5 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need help to eliminate some $target.member$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 34F659F11A8D4F80 // INDEX 2821 template_task_kill_npc_4_title_tribe_6 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need help to kill some $target.member$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 33A659ECD9DE02D4 // INDEX 2822 template_task_kill_npc_4_title_tribe_7 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need help to fight the $target.member$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 6F7CABCB3A9FBAD2 // INDEX 2823 template_task_kill_npc_4_title_tribe_8 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need help to wipe out some $target.member$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE DC47F40C3D33E0DD // INDEX 2824 template_task_kill_npc_4_title_tribe_9 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need someone to kill some $target.member$ in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 9BF708B952F3CCDD // INDEX 2825 template_task_kill_npc_4_title_tribe_10 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need someone to fight the $target.member$ in $region$] /* OLD VALUE : [Kill $qt$ members of $target$, a notorious gang of bandits, I will pay you $reward$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 20C52573F537CAAC // INDEX 2826 template_task_kill_npc_intro_bandit_money [Kill $qt$ members of $target$, notorious bandits, I will pay you $reward$.] /* OLD VALUE : [Kill $qt$ members of $target$, a notorious gang of bandits, I'll pay you $reward$ dappers but make it quick cause it's really urgent!] */ // HASH_VALUE 3C2931C24037F420 // INDEX 2827 template_task_kill_npc_intro_bandit_money_timed [Kill $qt$ members of $target$, notorious bandits, I will pay you $reward$ dappers.\n But do it quickly, cause it's really urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [Kill $qt$ members of $target$, a notorious gang of bandits, I'll be truely grateful, but make it quick cause it's really urgent!] */ // HASH_VALUE 8A54F133F990C5D8 // INDEX 2828 template_task_kill_npc_intro_bandit_fame_timed [Kill $qt$ members of $target$, notorious bandits, $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be very grateful to you.\n Mais faites vite, car c'est très urgent.] /* OLD VALUE : [Kill $qt$ members of $target$, a notorious gang of bandits, I'll be truely grateful.] */ // HASH_VALUE AE3D9A6442C92C0A // INDEX 2829 template_task_kill_npc_intro_bandit_fame [Kill $qt$ members of $target$, notorious bandits, $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be very grateful to you.] /* OLD VALUE : [Kill $qt$ members of $target.ia$ $target$, an enemy tribe, and I'll pay you $reward$ dappers.] */ // HASH_VALUE B9C6924F5CE6340B // INDEX 2830 template_task_kill_npc_intro_tribe_money [Kill $qt$ $target.member$, an enemy tribe and I will pay you $reward$ dappers.] /* OLD VALUE : [Kill $qt$ members of $target.ia$ $target$, an enemy tribe, I'll pay you $reward$ dappers but be swift cause it's very urgent!] */ // HASH_VALUE CE879DD216D3CEAA // INDEX 2831 template_task_kill_npc_intro_tribe_money_timed [Kill $qt$ $target.member$, an enemy tribe, I will pay you $reward$ dappers.\n But don't waste any time, because it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [Kill $qt$ members of $target.ia$ $target$, an enemy tribe, I'll be grateful to you, but be swift cause it's very urgent!] */ // HASH_VALUE 965E999C075C8586 // INDEX 2832 template_task_kill_npc_intro_tribe_fame_timed [Kill $qt$ $target.member$, an enemy tribe, $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be very grateful to you.\n But don't waste any time, because it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [Kill $qt$ members of $target.ia$ $target$, an enemy tribe, I'll be grateful to you.] */ // HASH_VALUE 187D4B5221A2DD0B // INDEX 2833 template_task_kill_npc_intro_tribe_fame [Kill $qt$ $target.member$, an enemy tribe, $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be very grateful to you.] // HASH_VALUE 13317A07D69A9A0A // INDEX 2834 template_task_kill_npc_objective_bandit_1 [Kill $qt$ $target$.] //default text // HASH_VALUE EC684A8AEAC93FCD // INDEX 2835 template_task_kill_species_0_title_1 [Kill some animals in $region$] // HASH_VALUE EC350A006A90905E // INDEX 2836 template_task_kill_species_0_title_2 [Hunt down some animals in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 2C65E60FE6E1A0A5 // INDEX 2837 template_task_kill_species_0_title_3 [Slaughter some animals in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 6BA8D4F9C31AB415 // INDEX 2838 template_task_kill_species_0_title_4 [Regulate the species in $region$] // HASH_VALUE F912735D8D0FFEF3 // INDEX 2839 template_task_kill_species_0_title_5 [$giver$ needs someone to kill some animals in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 2C154CCF030944F3 // INDEX 2840 template_task_kill_species_0_title_6 [$giver$ needs someone to hunt down some animals in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 3CC7D9DDA85048E0 // INDEX 2841 template_task_kill_species_0_title_7 [$giver$ needs someone to wipe out some animals in $region$] // HASH_VALUE F63C2D2D2D991FF1 // INDEX 2842 template_task_kill_species_0_title_8 [$giver$ needs someone to regulate the species in $region$] // HASH_VALUE A5613479CD19C87B // INDEX 2843 template_task_kill_species_0_title_9 [$giver$ wants to wipe out some animals in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 5FD688C952629F8C // INDEX 2844 template_task_kill_species_0_title_10 [$giver$ wants to regulate the species in $region$] //captain / carnivore, welcomer / carnivore, patrolman / carnivore, tribe / carnivore, hunter / carnivore, Kami / carnivore, Karavan / carnivore // HASH_VALUE A79E2612675B8665 // INDEX 2845 template_task_kill_species_1_title_1 [Kill the carnivores that are decimating herds in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 930D6EEA3D06B0C7 // INDEX 2846 template_task_kill_species_1_title_2 [Hunt down the carnivores that are decimating herds in $region$] // HASH_VALUE D33D4AF9B957C00E // INDEX 2847 template_task_kill_species_1_title_3 [Slaughter the carnivores that are decimating herds in $region$] // HASH_VALUE D1BD4ADE7D26D810 // INDEX 2848 template_task_kill_species_1_title_4 [Eliminate the carnivores that are decimating herds in $region$] // HASH_VALUE C8588D531ED0E8EB // INDEX 2849 template_task_kill_species_1_title_5 [$giver$ needs someone to kill carnivores that are decimating herds in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 93ADF621DF91EB94 // INDEX 2850 template_task_kill_species_1_title_6 [$giver$ needs someone to hunt down the carnivores that are decimating herds in $region$] // HASH_VALUE E39F3DC77BC66849 // INDEX 2851 template_task_kill_species_1_title_7 [$giver$ needs someone to wipe out the carnivores that are decimating herds in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 4500535E08ED25FD // INDEX 2852 template_task_kill_species_1_title_8 [$giver$ needs someone to get rid of the carnivores that are decimating herds in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 4C399863A08FE8E4 // INDEX 2853 template_task_kill_species_1_title_9 [$giver$ wants to wipe out the carnivores that are decimating herds in $region$] // HASH_VALUE AE9AAEFA2DB6A598 // INDEX 2854 template_task_kill_species_1_title_10 [$giver$ wants to get rid of the carnivores that are decimating herds in $region$] //captain / herbivore, welcomer / herbivore, patrolman / herbivore, tribe / herbivore, hunter / herbivore, Kami / herbivore, Karavan / herbivore // HASH_VALUE 42C084155CD56C17 // INDEX 2855 template_task_kill_species_2_title_1 [Kill the species of herbivores that are devouring all the plants in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 7AAD3858D186BF9E // INDEX 2856 template_task_kill_species_2_title_2 [Hunt down the species of herbivores that are devouring all the plants in $region$] // HASH_VALUE B5DC116E44519CEA // INDEX 2857 template_task_kill_species_2_title_3 [Wipe out the species of herbivores that are devouring all the plants in $region$] // HASH_VALUE B85D144C11A6E7E7 // INDEX 2858 template_task_kill_species_2_title_4 [Eliminate the species of herbivores that are devouring all the plants in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 6008A29D1B872C4B // INDEX 2859 template_task_kill_species_2_title_5 [$giver$ needs someone to kill the species of herbivores that are devouring all the plants in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 0FD8AE72E3D0492B // INDEX 2860 template_task_kill_species_2_title_6 [$giver$ needs someone to hunt down the species of herbivores that are devouring all the plants in $region$] // HASH_VALUE CA3F07350F467720 // INDEX 2861 template_task_kill_species_2_title_7 [$giver$ needs someone to wipe out the species of herbivores that are devouring all the plants in $region$] // HASH_VALUE F2E59A75086B82F6 // INDEX 2862 template_task_kill_species_2_title_8 [$giver$ needs someone to get rid of the species of herbivores that are devouring all the plants in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 33D962D1340FF7BB // INDEX 2863 template_task_kill_species_2_title_9 [$giver$ wants to wipe out the species of herbivores that are devouring all the plants in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 5B7FF5112D340291 // INDEX 2864 template_task_kill_species_2_title_10 [$giver$ wants to get rid of the species of herbivores that are devouring all the plants in $region$] // HASH_VALUE A352605EB52AEBC5 // INDEX 2865 template_task_kill_species_3_title_1 [Kill the intelligent plants that are flourishing in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 60621C3DB1F8DC5F // INDEX 2866 template_task_kill_species_3_title_2 [Destroy the intelligent plants that are flourishing in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 69976E51ACCD7B3F // INDEX 2867 template_task_kill_species_3_title_3 [Cut down the intelligent plants that are invading $region$] // HASH_VALUE 1A208266885F72C4 // INDEX 2868 template_task_kill_species_3_title_4 [Eliminate the intelligent plants that are invading $region.da$ $region$] // HASH_VALUE D7C12D7A7D4A9A65 // INDEX 2869 template_task_kill_species_3_title_5 [$giver$ needs someone to kill the intelligent plants that are invading $region.da$ $region$] // HASH_VALUE C164B692C94E601E // INDEX 2870 template_task_kill_species_3_title_6 [$giver$ needs someone to destroy the intelligent plants that are invading $region.da$ $region$] // HASH_VALUE E26243E4A4424DC4 // INDEX 2871 template_task_kill_species_3_title_7 [$giver$ needs someone to destroy the intelligent plants that are flourishing in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 1FFF402C1A811956 // INDEX 2872 template_task_kill_species_3_title_8 [$giver$ needs someone to get rid of the intelligent plants that are flourishing in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 8E90C64DFE7B2AD8 // INDEX 2873 template_task_kill_species_3_title_9 [$giver$ wants to cut down the intelligent plants that are flourishing in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 32215E8DD50219CE // INDEX 2874 template_task_kill_species_3_title_10 [$giver$ wants to get rid of the intelligent plants that are invading $region.da$ $region$] //captain / kitin, welcomer / kitin, patrolman / kitin, tribe / kitin, hunter / kitin, Kami / kitin, Karavan / kitin // HASH_VALUE 0B6993D2808F8CB6 // INDEX 2875 template_task_kill_species_4_title_1 [Kill the kitins that are attacking anything that moves in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 6029B37B71BEB227 // INDEX 2876 template_task_kill_species_4_title_2 [Hunt down the kitins that are attacking anything that moves in $region$] // HASH_VALUE D996310D0DFAABA7 // INDEX 2877 template_task_kill_species_4_title_3 [Wipe out the kitins that are attacking anything that moves in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 9ED98F6FB1DEDA70 // INDEX 2878 template_task_kill_species_4_title_4 [Eliminate the kitins that are attacking anything that moves in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 004095260103A76E // INDEX 2879 template_task_kill_species_4_title_5 [$giver$ needs someone to kill the kitins that are attacking anything that moves in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 01C23BEEC59B6CC7 // INDEX 2880 template_task_kill_species_4_title_6 [$giver$ needs someone to hunt down the kitins that are attacking anything that moves in $region$] // HASH_VALUE B0BB8258AF7E6AA9 // INDEX 2881 template_task_kill_species_4_title_7 [$giver$ needs someone to wipe out the kitins that are attacking anything that moves in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 9A1986F937F3F1BE // INDEX 2882 template_task_kill_species_4_title_8 [$giver$ needs someone to get rid of the kitins that are attacking anything that moves in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 1955DDF4D447EA44 // INDEX 2883 template_task_kill_species_4_title_9 [$giver$ wants to wipe out the kitins that are attacking anything that moves in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 03B3E1955CBC7159 // INDEX 2884 template_task_kill_species_4_title_10 [$giver$ wants to get rid of the kitins that are attacking anything that moves in $region$] //captain / goo, welcomer / goo, patrolman / goo, tribe / goo, hunter / goo, Kami / goo, Karavan / goo // HASH_VALUE 34C8A9EECDD6925E // INDEX 2885 template_task_kill_species_5_title_1 [Kill the animals infected by the goo before the plague spreads all over $region$] // HASH_VALUE 8245542BF11B2260 // INDEX 2886 template_task_kill_species_5_title_2 [Hunt down the animals infected by the goo before the plague spreads all over $region$] // HASH_VALUE 26DD37B53659C1C3 // INDEX 2887 template_task_kill_species_5_title_3 [Wipe out the animals infected by the goo before the plague spreads all over $region$] // HASH_VALUE C0F5301F313B4AA9 // INDEX 2888 template_task_kill_species_5_title_4 [Eliminate the animals infected by the goo before the plague spreads all over $region$] // HASH_VALUE 809D055F231F481E // INDEX 2889 template_task_kill_species_5_title_5 [$giver$ needs someone to kill the animals infected by the goo before the plague spreads all over $region$] // HASH_VALUE 714CFDF3365E504B // INDEX 2890 template_task_kill_species_5_title_6 [$giver$ needs someone to hunt down the animals infected by the goo before the plague spreads all over $region$] // HASH_VALUE D2D723082FDBDAE2 // INDEX 2891 template_task_kill_species_5_title_7 [$giver$ needs someone to wipe out the animals infected by the goo before the plague spreads all over $region$] // HASH_VALUE 8FA025E2A47C100E // INDEX 2892 template_task_kill_species_5_title_8 [$giver$ needs someone to get rid of some animals infected by the goo before the plague spreads all over $region$] // HASH_VALUE 3B717EA454A45A7D // INDEX 2893 template_task_kill_species_5_title_9 [$giver$ wants to wipe out the animals infected by the goo before the plague spreads all over $region$] // HASH_VALUE F83A807EC94590A9 // INDEX 2894 template_task_kill_species_5_title_10 [$giver$ wants to get rid of some animals infected by the goo before the plague spreads all over $region$] //captain / degen, welcomer / degen, patrolman / degen, tribe / degen, hunter / degen, Kami / degen, Karavan / degen // HASH_VALUE CC6E0F3089FF267C // INDEX 2895 template_task_kill_species_6_title_1 [Kill the primitive beings in $region$ who keep attacking travelers] // HASH_VALUE 2690CA8684B22B4F // INDEX 2896 template_task_kill_species_6_title_2 [Hunt down the primitive beings in $region$ who keep attacking travelers] // HASH_VALUE E206CBD3CEFF2705 // INDEX 2897 template_task_kill_species_6_title_3 [Wipe out the primitive beings in $region$ who keep attacking travelers] // HASH_VALUE 6440A67AC4D25398 // INDEX 2898 template_task_kill_species_6_title_4 [Eliminate the primitive beings in $region$ who keep attacking travelers] // HASH_VALUE 13340E4EC76ABE79 // INDEX 2899 template_task_kill_species_6_title_5 [$giver$ needs someone to kill the primitive beings in $region$ who keep attacking travelers] // HASH_VALUE 9D1E683E8E820DDE // INDEX 2900 template_task_kill_species_6_title_6 [$giver$ needs someone to hunt down the primitive beings in $region$ who keep attacking travelers] // HASH_VALUE 76229963C272E3D1 // INDEX 2901 template_task_kill_species_6_title_7 [$giver$ needs someone to wipe out the primitive beings in $region$ who keep attacking travelers] // HASH_VALUE 0BC8C718CD764D25 // INDEX 2902 template_task_kill_species_6_title_8 [$giver$ needs someone to get rid of the primitive beings in $region$ who keep attacking travelers] // HASH_VALUE DFBCF4FFE73B636C // INDEX 2903 template_task_kill_species_6_title_9 [$giver$ wants to wipe out the primitive beings in $region$ who keep attacking travelers] // HASH_VALUE 746222B4F23FCDC0 // INDEX 2904 template_task_kill_species_6_title_10 [$giver$ wants to get rid of the primitive beings in $region$ who keep attacking travelers] /* OLD VALUE : [Kill $qt1$ $r1$, and I will pay you $reward$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 35D6CE8F51508B3B // INDEX 2905 template_task_kill_species_intro_1_money [Kill $qt1$ $r1$ and I will pay you $reward$ dapper(s).] /* OLD VALUE : [Kill $qt1$ $r1$, and I will pay you $reward$. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE CC4B4952645019A6 // INDEX 2906 template_task_kill_species_intro_1_money_timed [Kill $qt1$ $r1$ and I will pay you $reward$ dapper(s).\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [Kill $qt1$ $r1$, and I will be grateful to you. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE 247A2B489C0A04E4 // INDEX 2907 template_task_kill_species_intro_1_fame_timed [Kill $qt1$ $r1$ and $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you.\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [Kill $qt1$ $r1$, and I will be grateful to you.] */ // HASH_VALUE 4C851BF599E75583 // INDEX 2908 template_task_kill_species_intro_1_fame [Kill $qt1$ $r1$ and $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you] /* OLD VALUE : [Kill $qt1$ $r1$ and $qt2$ $r2$, and I will pay you $reward$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 71D42F26F4ECA475 // INDEX 2909 template_task_kill_species_intro_2_money [Kill $qt1$ $r1$ and $qt2$ $r2$ and I will pay you $reward$ dapper(s).] /* OLD VALUE : [Kill $qt1$ $r1$ and $qt2$ $r2$, and I will pay you $reward$. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE 8BF8CA842330E298 // INDEX 2910 template_task_kill_species_intro_2_money_timed [Kill $qt1$ $r1$ and $qt2$ $r2$ and I will pay you $reward$ dapper(s).\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [Kill $qt1$ $r1$ and $qt2$ $r2$, and I will be grateful to you. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE 190E953CA13D1092 // INDEX 2911 template_task_kill_species_intro_2_fame_timed [Kill $qt1$ $r1$ and $qt2$ $r2$ and $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you.\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [Kill $qt1$ $r1$ and $qt2$ $r2$, and I will be grateful to you.] */ // HASH_VALUE 82991A798E3DCA27 // INDEX 2912 template_task_kill_species_intro_2_fame [Kill $qt1$ $r1$ and $qt2$ $r2$ and $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you] /* OLD VALUE : [Kill $qt1$ $r1$, $qt2$ $r2$ and $qt3$ $r3$, and I will pay you $reward$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 58B4DDF27E67DE6E // INDEX 2913 template_task_kill_species_intro_3_money [Kill $qt1$ $r1$, $qt2$ $r2$ and $qt3$ $r3$ and I will pay you $reward$ dapper(s).] /* OLD VALUE : [Kill $qt1$ $r1$, $qt2$ $r2$ and $qt3$ $r3$, and I will pay you $reward$. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE 87F81B15988B79CC // INDEX 2914 template_task_kill_species_intro_3_money_timed [Kill $qt1$ $r1$, $qt2$ $r2$ and $qt3$ $r3$ and I will pay you $reward$ dapper(s).\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [Kill $qt1$ $r1$, $qt2$ $r2$ and $qt3$ $r3$, and I will be grateful to you. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE 0505490F26A14484 // INDEX 2915 template_task_kill_species_intro_3_fame_timed [Kill $qt1$ $r1$, $qt2$ $r2$ and $qt3$ $r3$ and $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you.\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [Kill $qt1$ $r1$, $qt2$ $r2$ and $qt3$ $r3$, and I will be grateful to you.] */ // HASH_VALUE F20503A48F2CC9C1 // INDEX 2916 template_task_kill_species_intro_3_fame [Kill $qt1$ $r1$, $qt2$ $r2$ and $qt3$ $r3$ and $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you] //default text // HASH_VALUE D5A9840385BA3C69 // INDEX 2917 template_task_loot_give_0_title_1 [Collect some animal raw materials] // HASH_VALUE B9C6E686A84122FD // INDEX 2918 template_task_loot_give_0_title_2 [Head off on the hunt to gather some raw materials] // HASH_VALUE 24951DD5A3BA5EE3 // INDEX 2919 template_task_loot_give_0_title_3 [Provide $giver$ with some animal raw materials] // HASH_VALUE 015E9CB91B583CD0 // INDEX 2920 template_task_loot_give_0_title_4 [Special order for animal raw materials] // HASH_VALUE D8055CAE19C94076 // INDEX 2921 template_task_loot_give_0_title_5 [An order for animal raw materials] // HASH_VALUE 98D5F4776E60B092 // INDEX 2922 template_task_loot_give_0_title_6 [Forage some animal raw materials] // HASH_VALUE C03CDCDF935C1F1E // INDEX 2923 template_task_loot_give_0_title_7 [$giver$ needs some animal raw materials] // HASH_VALUE 069AEBDD1ACFAF6E // INDEX 2924 template_task_loot_give_0_title_8 [$giver$ is looking for someone to supply animal raw materials] // HASH_VALUE 4121B7CA86126618 // INDEX 2925 template_task_loot_give_0_title_9 [$giver$ needs a hunter to replenish the stock of raw materials] // HASH_VALUE E6B38EE0671208F8 // INDEX 2926 template_task_loot_give_0_title_10 [$giver$ wants to build up the stock of animal raw materials] //Karavan / kitin // HASH_VALUE E400CAC0504146D0 // INDEX 2927 template_task_loot_give_10_title_1 [Collect some kitin raw materials for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE CC27FDD36D03F7A3 // INDEX 2928 template_task_loot_give_10_title_2 [Head off on the hunt and collect some kitin morsels for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE 5C396A5916FC8E20 // INDEX 2929 template_task_loot_give_10_title_3 [Supply the Karavan with some kitin raw materials] // HASH_VALUE C7C70952FB85819E // INDEX 2930 template_task_loot_give_10_title_4 [Special order for kitin morsels for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE E75CA26BE4504ADD // INDEX 2931 template_task_loot_give_10_title_5 [An order for kitin raw materials for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE B9587AE522399967 // INDEX 2932 template_task_loot_give_10_title_6 [Collect up some kitin raw materials for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE 734F49C3A75A578B // INDEX 2933 template_task_loot_give_10_title_7 [The Karavan need some kitin morsels] // HASH_VALUE 76E344D41A0E2B59 // INDEX 2934 template_task_loot_give_10_title_8 [The Karavan are looking for someone to supply kitin raw materials] // HASH_VALUE 1EA9923152EF6C12 // INDEX 2935 template_task_loot_give_10_title_9 [The Karavan need a hunter to replenish the stock of kitin morsels] // HASH_VALUE 8C13EEB8255887FB // INDEX 2936 template_task_loot_give_10_title_10 [The Karavan want to build up the stock of kitin raw materials] //ambassador / bone, welcomer / bone, scout / bone // HASH_VALUE 2A07C78F13955C5E // INDEX 2937 template_task_loot_give_11_title_1 [Collect some bones] // HASH_VALUE B405167EB2FEF885 // INDEX 2938 template_task_loot_give_11_title_2 [Head off on the hunt and collect some bones] // HASH_VALUE 18EAD4439C0FFFB6 // INDEX 2939 template_task_loot_give_11_title_3 [Supply $giver$ with some bones] // HASH_VALUE 66F89FA492654BAA // INDEX 2940 template_task_loot_give_11_title_4 [Special order for bones] // HASH_VALUE AB0EE82BE875A021 // INDEX 2941 template_task_loot_give_11_title_5 [An order for bones] // HASH_VALUE 6DE4D086339A2467 // INDEX 2942 template_task_loot_give_11_title_6 [Collect up some bones] // HASH_VALUE 5A255772181583A4 // INDEX 2943 template_task_loot_give_11_title_7 [$giver$ needs bones] // HASH_VALUE 06E721F2AE8689D3 // INDEX 2944 template_task_loot_give_11_title_8 [$giver$ is looking for a supplier of bones] // HASH_VALUE A76BAE6569FCB1F1 // INDEX 2945 template_task_loot_give_11_title_9 [$giver$ needs a hunter to replenish the stock of bones] // HASH_VALUE 12267109F5C4F318 // INDEX 2946 template_task_loot_give_11_title_10 [$giver$ wants to build up the stock of bones] //hunter / bone // HASH_VALUE 998971F905A977C5 // INDEX 2947 template_task_loot_give_12_title_1 [Help $giver$ to collect some bones] // HASH_VALUE 06EC6F367914E6CC // INDEX 2948 template_task_loot_give_12_title_2 [Head off on the hunt to help $giver$ gather some bones] // HASH_VALUE 8785A2CEF859E1B2 // INDEX 2949 template_task_loot_give_12_title_3 [Lend a hand to $giver$ in collecting up some bones] // HASH_VALUE 4E05E582A0E537EE // INDEX 2950 template_task_loot_give_12_title_4 [Help $giver$ complete a special order for bones] // HASH_VALUE BAB82D99E66CF93C // INDEX 2951 template_task_loot_give_12_title_5 [$giver$ is asking for a hand in gathering some bones] // HASH_VALUE 861951F799896FC6 // INDEX 2952 template_task_loot_give_12_title_6 [Help $giver$ forage for some bones] // HASH_VALUE DDD812384C9C608E // INDEX 2953 template_task_loot_give_12_title_7 [$giver$ needs some help to collect some bones] // HASH_VALUE E0963C2D0E0119EB // INDEX 2954 template_task_loot_give_12_title_8 [$giver$ needs a hand in gathering up some bones] // HASH_VALUE A553BA0C0950A504 // INDEX 2955 template_task_loot_give_12_title_9 [$giver$ is asking for help in collecting up some bones] // HASH_VALUE E3E3B326A5928DF6 // INDEX 2956 template_task_loot_give_12_title_10 [$giver$ needs some help to build up the stock of bones] //tribe / bone // HASH_VALUE 7F4AB70B5197F8C2 // INDEX 2957 template_task_loot_give_13_title_1 [Collect some bones for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 72C9D8381B8DEFB4 // INDEX 2958 template_task_loot_give_13_title_2 [Head off on the hunt and collect some bones for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE D7AAC2BFDA40CCAF // INDEX 2959 template_task_loot_give_13_title_3 [Supply $f.member$ with some bones] // HASH_VALUE 75510163A1275C03 // INDEX 2960 template_task_loot_give_13_title_4 [Special order for bones for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 82A68FB6E5A6FCCF // INDEX 2961 template_task_loot_give_13_title_5 [An order for bones for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 8B59D0129E9F2CA3 // INDEX 2962 template_task_loot_give_13_title_6 [Collect up some bones for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE AAAC7F1CF4145FA1 // INDEX 2963 template_task_loot_give_13_title_7 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need bones] // HASH_VALUE B40A8228CAB986A0 // INDEX 2964 template_task_loot_give_13_title_8 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ are looking for a supplier of bones] // HASH_VALUE 33F5BED5AD3E0F09 // INDEX 2965 template_task_loot_give_13_title_9 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need a hunter to replenish their stock of bones] // HASH_VALUE E8086D2FC0D77FF1 // INDEX 2966 template_task_loot_give_13_title_10 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ want to build up their stock of bones] //tribe / blood // HASH_VALUE 7F4A7B159167F8C2 // INDEX 2967 template_task_loot_give_18_title_1 [Collect some blood for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 72D800395B8DEFB4 // INDEX 2968 template_task_loot_give_18_title_2 [Head off on the hunt and collect some blood for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE D7AAC2B05C50C0AF // INDEX 2969 template_task_loot_give_18_title_3 [Supply $f.member$ with some blood] // HASH_VALUE B5510163A1368404 // INDEX 2970 template_task_loot_give_18_title_4 [Special order for blood for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 82A653C02576FCCF // INDEX 2971 template_task_loot_give_18_title_5 [An order for blood for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 0D69C4129E9F2C94 // INDEX 2972 template_task_loot_give_18_title_6 [Collect up some blood for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE AA9C109C4474584E // INDEX 2973 template_task_loot_give_18_title_7 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need some blood] // HASH_VALUE F4DA8228CAB94AAA // INDEX 2974 template_task_loot_give_18_title_8 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ are looking for a supplier of blood] // HASH_VALUE 33F582DFED0E0F09 // INDEX 2975 template_task_loot_give_18_title_9 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need a hunter to replenish their stock of blood] // HASH_VALUE E8086D2FFD7783EE // INDEX 2976 template_task_loot_give_18_title_10 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ want to build up their stock of blood] //ambassador / meat, welcomer / meat, scout / meat // HASH_VALUE EA88544AD6A95756 // INDEX 2977 template_task_loot_give_1_title_1 [Collect some meat] // HASH_VALUE 607F61A6A2CA8D86 // INDEX 2978 template_task_loot_give_1_title_2 [Head off on the hunt to gather some meat] // HASH_VALUE D54A00435B317FC5 // INDEX 2979 template_task_loot_give_1_title_3 [Supply $giver$ with some meat] // HASH_VALUE E20897999B5756A8 // INDEX 2980 template_task_loot_give_1_title_4 [Special order for meat] // HASH_VALUE 5A44D747A6C88F73 // INDEX 2981 template_task_loot_give_1_title_5 [An order for meat] // HASH_VALUE A6557B7D20D8A34E // INDEX 2982 template_task_loot_give_1_title_6 [Fetch some meat] // HASH_VALUE 6A556C6687C25EAF // INDEX 2983 template_task_loot_give_1_title_7 [$giver$ needs some meat] // HASH_VALUE E17DF1F9B9C2A595 // INDEX 2984 template_task_loot_give_1_title_8 [$giver$ is looking for someone to supply meat] // HASH_VALUE 51CC96A2AB4D3141 // INDEX 2985 template_task_loot_give_1_title_9 [$giver$ needs a hunter to replenish the meat stocks] // HASH_VALUE 0A1CFCFF7397171D // INDEX 2986 template_task_loot_give_1_title_10 [$giver$ wants to build up the meat stocks] //Karavan / blood // HASH_VALUE DFA059EE9D25A855 // INDEX 2987 template_task_loot_give_20_title_1 [Collect some blood for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE C4506469524C3A36 // INDEX 2988 template_task_loot_give_20_title_2 [Head off on the hunt and collect some blood for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE 24E171FE9D640856 // INDEX 2989 template_task_loot_give_20_title_3 [Supply the Karavan with some blood] // HASH_VALUE AC104CE5F3AEE834 // INDEX 2990 template_task_loot_give_20_title_4 [Special order for blood for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE E2FC31993134AC62 // INDEX 2991 template_task_loot_give_20_title_5 [An order for blood for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE 446C34FE43B7420B // INDEX 2992 template_task_loot_give_20_title_6 [Collect up some blood for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE 43B62F4FE329309A // INDEX 2993 template_task_loot_give_20_title_7 [The Karavan need blood] // HASH_VALUE 15FCD7EFB8F10175 // INDEX 2994 template_task_loot_give_20_title_8 [The Karavan are looking for someone to supply blood] // HASH_VALUE D649BF02F9898A47 // INDEX 2995 template_task_loot_give_20_title_9 [The Karavan need a hunter to replenish their stock of blood] // HASH_VALUE 18F1FD3B9E551E1A // INDEX 2996 template_task_loot_give_20_title_10 [The Karavan want to build up their stock of blood] //ambassador / fur, welcomer / fur, scout / fur // HASH_VALUE E838F46C483C4C0A // INDEX 2997 template_task_loot_give_21_title_1 [Collect some fur] // HASH_VALUE B4CE8182343EF885 // INDEX 2998 template_task_loot_give_21_title_2 [Head off on the hunt and collect some fur] // HASH_VALUE 194BE4435BE107A4 // INDEX 2999 template_task_loot_give_21_title_3 [Supply $giver$ with some fur] // HASH_VALUE A918AF97555A0F6D // INDEX 3000 template_task_loot_give_21_title_4 [Special order for fur] // HASH_VALUE EEF0A4C2705A5424 // INDEX 3001 template_task_loot_give_21_title_5 [An order for fur] // HASH_VALUE 24F12481449A73B3 // INDEX 3002 template_task_loot_give_21_title_6 [Collect up some fur] // HASH_VALUE 69B87B2407D1ABB2 // INDEX 3003 template_task_loot_give_21_title_7 [$giver$ needs fur] // HASH_VALUE 257ED5F9B9C2A521 // INDEX 3004 template_task_loot_give_21_title_8 [$giver$ is looking for someone to supply fur] // HASH_VALUE A8CCBE6569FCE48C // INDEX 3005 template_task_loot_give_21_title_9 [$giver$ needs a hunter to replenish the stock of fur] // HASH_VALUE 36D0810FF6C4F318 // INDEX 3006 template_task_loot_give_21_title_10 [$giver$ wants to build up the stock of fur] //hunter / fur // HASH_VALUE 9989A494060A87C5 // INDEX 3007 template_task_loot_give_22_title_1 [Help $giver$ to collect some fur] // HASH_VALUE DD6B667F79141986 // INDEX 3008 template_task_loot_give_22_title_2 [Head off on the hunt to help $giver$ collect some fur] // HASH_VALUE 8785D569F9BAF1B2 // INDEX 3009 template_task_loot_give_22_title_3 [Lend a hand to $giver$ in collecting up some fur] // HASH_VALUE 94BDB6C24D96B5AE // INDEX 3010 template_task_loot_give_22_title_4 [Help $giver$ to complete a special order for fur] // HASH_VALUE DE623D9FE76CF93C // INDEX 3011 template_task_loot_give_22_title_5 [$giver$ is asking for a hand in gathering some fur] // HASH_VALUE 478A64945095FF0B // INDEX 3012 template_task_loot_give_22_title_6 [Help $giver$ to gather some fur] // HASH_VALUE DF3CA53F9FFC9830 // INDEX 3013 template_task_loot_give_22_title_7 [$giver$ needs some help in gathering some fur] // HASH_VALUE F16FF1D0F477B8C3 // INDEX 3014 template_task_loot_give_22_title_8 [$giver$ needs a hand to gather some fur] // HASH_VALUE E6BCCC39AFCA434B // INDEX 3015 template_task_loot_give_22_title_9 [$giver$ is asking for help to gather some fur] // HASH_VALUE E444C326A592C091 // INDEX 3016 template_task_loot_give_22_title_10 [$giver$ needs some help to build up the stock of fur] //tribe / fur // HASH_VALUE B17E39B0BAAC0F2A // INDEX 3017 template_task_loot_give_23_title_1 [Collect some fur for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 42D06BDE6FE98D7D // INDEX 3018 template_task_loot_give_23_title_2 [Head off on the hunt and collect some fur for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE D7AAC24C5581E4B3 // INDEX 3019 template_task_loot_give_23_title_3 [Supply $f.member$ with some fur] // HASH_VALUE C9AD9F2C712EEFA9 // INDEX 3020 template_task_loot_give_23_title_4 [Special order for fur for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE B4DA115B4EBB1337 // INDEX 3021 template_task_loot_give_23_title_5 [An order for fur for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE B5B315D8792C3903 // INDEX 3022 template_task_loot_give_23_title_6 [Collect up some fur for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 5AED972082848794 // INDEX 3023 template_task_loot_give_23_title_7 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need fur] // HASH_VALUE B56B9228CAB9B93B // INDEX 3024 template_task_loot_give_23_title_8 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ are looking for a supplier of fur] // HASH_VALUE 33F5F170AE9F1F09 // INDEX 3025 template_task_loot_give_23_title_9 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need a hunter to replenish their stock of fur] // HASH_VALUE A71CBEE123C1B97E // INDEX 3026 template_task_loot_give_23_title_10 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ want to build up the stock of fur] //hunter / plant // HASH_VALUE D818DB4693A7720C // INDEX 3027 template_task_loot_give_27_title_1 [Help $giver$ to collect some pieces of intelligent plants] // HASH_VALUE 16FA02363C59A1C0 // INDEX 3028 template_task_loot_give_27_title_2 [Head off on the hunt to help $giver$ to collect some pieces of intelligent plants] // HASH_VALUE C6140C1B8657DCF9 // INDEX 3029 template_task_loot_give_27_title_3 [Lend a hand to $giver$ in collecting up some pieces of intelligent plants] // HASH_VALUE D34CED74DA33A0F5 // INDEX 3030 template_task_loot_give_27_title_4 [Help $giver$ to complete a special order for pieces of intelligent plants] // HASH_VALUE 719B1488B5EEEB34 // INDEX 3031 template_task_loot_give_27_title_5 [$giver$ is asking for a hand in gathering some pieces of intelligent plants] // HASH_VALUE 183C5E8B0D46B607 // INDEX 3032 template_task_loot_give_27_title_6 [Help $giver$ collect some pieces of intelligent plants] // HASH_VALUE 1760A443AB8A5203 // INDEX 3033 template_task_loot_give_27_title_7 [$giver$ needs some help to gather some pieces of intelligent plants] // HASH_VALUE 023ED31DDED95EFD // INDEX 3034 template_task_loot_give_27_title_8 [$giver$ needs a hand to gather some pieces of intelligent plants] // HASH_VALUE 5F6FEB35ECAE0F80 // INDEX 3035 template_task_loot_give_27_title_9 [$giver$ is asking for help to gather some pieces of intelligent plants] // HASH_VALUE 4DB14DF33A0EB777 // INDEX 3036 template_task_loot_give_27_title_10 [$giver$ needs some help to rebuild the stock of pieces of intelligent plants] //tribe / plant // HASH_VALUE 412D9BC46CE6A6C4 // INDEX 3037 template_task_loot_give_28_title_1 [Collect some pieces of intelligent plants for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE FC60BDA75B4BF9BE // INDEX 3038 template_task_loot_give_28_title_2 [Head off on the hunt and collect some pieces of intelligent plants for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE E879A4996BE38AED // INDEX 3039 template_task_loot_give_28_title_3 [Supply $f.member$ with some pieces of intelligent plants] // HASH_VALUE B50F0B6D2BBE4172 // INDEX 3040 template_task_loot_give_28_title_4 [Special order for pieces of intelligent plants for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 4489736F00F5AAD1 // INDEX 3041 template_task_loot_give_28_title_5 [An order for pieces of intelligent plants for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE F75FE2FD5E4EE31B // INDEX 3042 template_task_loot_give_28_title_6 [Collect up some pieces of intelligent plants for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE E92BB6DF92A25395 // INDEX 3043 template_task_loot_give_28_title_7 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need some pieces of intelligent plants] // HASH_VALUE 42087D6F0948F0ED // INDEX 3044 template_task_loot_give_28_title_8 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ are looking for a supplier of pieces of intelligent plants] // HASH_VALUE 728428223B3C0A50 // INDEX 3045 template_task_loot_give_28_title_9 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need a hunter to replenish their stock of pieces of intelligent plants] // HASH_VALUE FD2A7C1C77828A01 // INDEX 3046 template_task_loot_give_28_title_10 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ want to rebuild their stock of pieces of intelligent plants] //hunter / meat // HASH_VALUE 9989A408C209A3C5 // INDEX 3047 template_task_loot_give_2_title_1 [Help $giver$ to collect some meat] // HASH_VALUE C34C9B36791419DB // INDEX 3048 template_task_loot_give_2_title_2 [Head off on the hunt to help $giver$ gather some meat] // HASH_VALUE CC11A55DDFE214E9 // INDEX 3049 template_task_loot_give_2_title_3 [Lend a hand to $giver$ in fetching some meat] // HASH_VALUE 94BDB6360995D1AE // INDEX 3050 template_task_loot_give_2_title_4 [Help $giver$ to complete a special order for meat] // HASH_VALUE DEA9F98FA96CF93C // INDEX 3051 template_task_loot_give_2_title_5 [$giver$ is asking for a hand in gathering some meat] // HASH_VALUE 356A749570A48322 // INDEX 3052 template_task_loot_give_2_title_6 [Help $giver$ gather up some meat] // HASH_VALUE 9E88E6381FC4B078 // INDEX 3053 template_task_loot_give_2_title_7 [$giver$ needs some help in collecting some meat] // HASH_VALUE F16FF1D0116678CA // INDEX 3054 template_task_loot_give_2_title_8 [$giver$ needs a hand to gather some meat] // HASH_VALUE E22CCC39AFCA143A // INDEX 3055 template_task_loot_give_2_title_9 [$giver$ is asking for help to gather some meat] // HASH_VALUE 913967AF78CFE97D // INDEX 3056 template_task_loot_give_2_title_10 [$giver$ needs some help to rebuild the meat stocks] //double fame hunter / meat // HASH_VALUE D16D9C1A4D01198D // INDEX 3057 template_task_loot_give_31_title_1 [Help collect some meat for $giver$'s $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 0F4FC30AF6B34841 // INDEX 3058 template_task_loot_give_31_title_2 [Head off on the hunt to help collect some meat for $giver$'s $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE AC2EB6F117D7AEC6 // INDEX 3059 template_task_loot_give_31_title_3 [Lend a hand to collect up some meat for $giver$'s $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 0ACBA4BBE92E268A // INDEX 3060 template_task_loot_give_31_title_4 [Help to complete a special order for meat for $giver$'s $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 99A64F22963FFF27 // INDEX 3061 template_task_loot_give_31_title_5 [$giver$ is asking for a hand in gathering some meat for some $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE B652C4CCF521DD02 // INDEX 3062 template_task_loot_give_31_title_6 [Help gather some meat for $giver$'s $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 3F6BDFDD8CDB66F6 // INDEX 3063 template_task_loot_give_31_title_7 [$giver$ needs some help to gather some meat for some $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE DA0C17F676090ABA // INDEX 3064 template_task_loot_give_31_title_8 [$giver$ needs a hand to collect up some meat for some $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE C6A7BF3AA9B8920F // INDEX 3065 template_task_loot_give_31_title_9 [$giver$ is asking for help to gather some meat for some $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 56E1DECB978416F2 // INDEX 3066 template_task_loot_give_31_title_10 [$giver$'s $f$ friends need help to rebuild their stock of meat] //double fame hunter / kitin // HASH_VALUE 293F82812B976878 // INDEX 3067 template_task_loot_give_32_title_1 [Help $giver$'s $f$ friends to collect some kitin morsels] // HASH_VALUE 6721A971D449972C // INDEX 3068 template_task_loot_give_32_title_2 [Head off on the hunt to help $giver$'s $f$ friends to collect some kitin morsels] // HASH_VALUE 4DFFE0F70D5D83F7 // INDEX 3069 template_task_loot_give_32_title_3 [Lend a hand to $giver$'s $f$ friends in collecting up some kitin morsels] // HASH_VALUE 210A5FEC269ABFAF // INDEX 3070 template_task_loot_give_32_title_4 [Help complete a special order for kitin raw materials for $giver$'s $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE CBFA8FF756948B54 // INDEX 3071 template_task_loot_give_32_title_5 [$giver$'s $f$ friends are looking for a hand in gathering some kitin raw materials] // HASH_VALUE F04EB9F9564E078F // INDEX 3072 template_task_loot_give_32_title_6 [Help collect some kitin raw materials for $giver$'s $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 36C1D5AF372FE591 // INDEX 3073 template_task_loot_give_32_title_7 [$giver$ needs some help to gather some kitin raw materials for some $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 4B032B90DD263276 // INDEX 3074 template_task_loot_give_32_title_8 [$giver$ needs a hand to gather some kitin morsels for some $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 50D38D11D2C59203 // INDEX 3075 template_task_loot_give_32_title_9 [$giver$ is asking for some help to gather some kitin raw materials for some $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 7D1401FE694FCEF5 // INDEX 3076 template_task_loot_give_32_title_10 [$giver$'s $f$ friends need some help to rebuild their stock of kitin morsels] //double fame hunter / bone // HASH_VALUE 6777CA6FEACED9A6 // INDEX 3077 template_task_loot_give_33_title_1 [Help to collect some bones for $giver$'s $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE BFD3D76B7693D062 // INDEX 3078 template_task_loot_give_33_title_2 [Head off on the hunt to help collect some bones for $giver$'s $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 6F092BD77257D68A // INDEX 3079 template_task_loot_give_33_title_3 [Lend a hand to $giver$'s $f$ friends in collecting up some bones] // HASH_VALUE B2AD566E9D2D59CE // INDEX 3080 template_task_loot_give_33_title_4 [Help complete a special order for bones for $giver$'s $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE B1147A50348AA72A // INDEX 3081 template_task_loot_give_33_title_5 [$giver$ is asking for a hand in gathering some bones for some $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE AB78628D8C0D00F3 // INDEX 3082 template_task_loot_give_33_title_6 [Help gather up some bones for $giver$'s $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 57D90A0B2A260EF9 // INDEX 3083 template_task_loot_give_33_title_7 [$giver$ needs some help to gather some bones for some $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 702DAB22C16F7DFB // INDEX 3084 template_task_loot_give_33_title_8 [$giver$ needs a hand to gather some bones for some $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 89CEAD0D033E23D9 // INDEX 3085 template_task_loot_give_33_title_9 [$giver$ is asking for help in collecting up some bones for some $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE D831DECB97BBDAFF // INDEX 3086 template_task_loot_give_33_title_10 [$giver$'s $f$ friends need help to rebuild their stock of bones] //double fame hunter / blood // HASH_VALUE C1F1B07BCDF0C9AF // INDEX 3087 template_task_loot_give_34_title_1 [Help collect some blood for $giver$'s $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE FFD3D76B76A2F863 // INDEX 3088 template_task_loot_give_34_title_2 [Head off on the hunt to help collect some blood for $giver$'s $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 6CED3EB1252733C4 // INDEX 3089 template_task_loot_give_34_title_3 [Lend a hand to collect up some blood for $giver$'s $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE F2AD566E9D3C81CF // INDEX 3090 template_task_loot_give_34_title_4 [Help complete a special order for blood for $giver$'s $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE EEB47E4D348AA72A // INDEX 3091 template_task_loot_give_34_title_5 [$giver$ is asking for a hand in gathering some blood for some $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 69E766823D5EDD61 // INDEX 3092 template_task_loot_give_34_title_6 [Help collect up some blood for $giver$'s $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 94790E082A260EF9 // INDEX 3093 template_task_loot_give_34_title_7 [$giver$ needs some help to gather some blood for some $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 702DAB13437F71FB // INDEX 3094 template_task_loot_give_34_title_8 [$giver$ needs a hand to gather some blood for some $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 914FD2246A0D56DB // INDEX 3095 template_task_loot_give_34_title_9 [$giver$ is asking for help to gather some blood for some $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 1831DECB97CA0200 // INDEX 3096 template_task_loot_give_34_title_10 [$giver$'s $f$ friends need help to rebuild their stock of blood] //double fame hunter / fur // HASH_VALUE D0718F15F521DDAD // INDEX 3097 template_task_loot_give_35_title_1 [Help collect some fur for $giver$'s $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 0C63C16E53142812 // INDEX 3098 template_task_loot_give_35_title_2 [Head off on the hunt to help to collect some fur for $giver$'s $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 2DBEE4E467C55F79 // INDEX 3099 template_task_loot_give_35_title_3 [Lend a hand in collecting up some fur for $giver$'s $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 012D3508C56D95CD // INDEX 3100 template_task_loot_give_35_title_4 [Help complete a special order for fur for $giver$'s $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE D850BB74CBE7EC3D // INDEX 3101 template_task_loot_give_35_title_5 [$giver$ is asking for a hand in gathering some fur for some $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE D7D9D38F5FDCA9FF // INDEX 3102 template_task_loot_give_35_title_6 [Help $giver$ to collect up some fur for some $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 7E154B2FC183530C // INDEX 3103 template_task_loot_give_35_title_7 [$giver$ needs some help to gather some fur for some $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE DE42F7BBAF740E56 // INDEX 3104 template_task_loot_give_35_title_8 [$giver$ needs a hand to gather some fur for some $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 9D1017C3576E868D // INDEX 3105 template_task_loot_give_35_title_9 [$giver$ is asking for help in collecting up some fur for some $f$ friends] // HASH_VALUE 5A71DECB97844503 // INDEX 3106 template_task_loot_give_35_title_10 [$giver$'s $f$ friends need help to rebuild their stock of fur] //tribe / meat // HASH_VALUE 029E64869B48D77D // INDEX 3107 template_task_loot_give_3_title_1 [Collect some meat for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 42D06B3355CAC234 // INDEX 3108 template_task_loot_give_3_title_2 [Head off on the hunt and gather some meat for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE D7AAC24C9E70A4BA // INDEX 3109 template_task_loot_give_3_title_3 [Supply $f.member$ with some meat] // HASH_VALUE 38CCEC71EEDA462C // INDEX 3110 template_task_loot_give_3_title_4 [Special order for meat for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 05FA3C312F57DB8A // INDEX 3111 template_task_loot_give_3_title_5 [An order for meat for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 2AECFCCA4D7F01CE // INDEX 3112 template_task_loot_give_3_title_6 [Collect up some meat for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE AA9C7FA1C104844E // INDEX 3113 template_task_loot_give_3_title_7 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need some meat] // HASH_VALUE 7A1687D6E59F21EC // INDEX 3114 template_task_loot_give_3_title_8 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ are looking for someone to provide meat] // HASH_VALUE C5E409791654864A // INDEX 3115 template_task_loot_give_3_title_9 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need a hunter to replenish the meat stocks] // HASH_VALUE A9F253916D68BFA2 // INDEX 3116 template_task_loot_give_3_title_10 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ want someone to build up the meat stocks] //ambassador / kitin, welcomer / kitin, scout / kitin // HASH_VALUE ACF404805CA59C4F // INDEX 3117 template_task_loot_give_6_title_1 [Collect some kitin raw materials] // HASH_VALUE BCEBD7E90DB5B5F2 // INDEX 3118 template_task_loot_give_6_title_2 [Head off on the hunt and collect some kitin morsels] // HASH_VALUE D1525A0D7732BC1B // INDEX 3119 template_task_loot_give_6_title_3 [Supply $giver$ with some kitin raw materials] // HASH_VALUE 6779C7A1BF495BB4 // INDEX 3120 template_task_loot_give_6_title_4 [Special order for kitin morsels] // HASH_VALUE AF50DC2BF0B4A05C // INDEX 3121 template_task_loot_give_6_title_5 [An order for kitin raw materials] // HASH_VALUE A91C54FBC2EB57B6 // INDEX 3122 template_task_loot_give_6_title_6 [Collect up some kitin raw materials] // HASH_VALUE 2CE47C1F5AD5AFB4 // INDEX 3123 template_task_loot_give_6_title_7 [$giver$ needs some kitin morsels] // HASH_VALUE DD854BC3F11A2FEB // INDEX 3124 template_task_loot_give_6_title_8 [$giver$ is looking for someone to supply kitin raw materials] // HASH_VALUE 82429BD4C4FE6A61 // INDEX 3125 template_task_loot_give_6_title_9 [$giver$ needs a hunter to replenish the stock of kitin morsels] // HASH_VALUE EE7C0B8F6C70859D // INDEX 3126 template_task_loot_give_6_title_10 [$giver$ wants to build up the stock of kitin raw materials] //tribe / kitin // HASH_VALUE E9D6C37A72B385F4 // INDEX 3127 template_task_loot_give_8_title_1 [Collect some kitin raw materials for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 7AAF99A37644AC21 // INDEX 3128 template_task_loot_give_8_title_2 [Head off on the hunt and collect some kitin morsels for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 89F8D72E33AEE590 // INDEX 3129 template_task_loot_give_8_title_3 [Supply $f.member$ with some kitin raw materials] // HASH_VALUE D008BED0A90D1D6E // INDEX 3130 template_task_loot_give_8_title_4 [Special order for kitin morsels for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE EC329B2506C28901 // INDEX 3131 template_task_loot_give_8_title_5 [An order for kitin raw materials for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 67E016B52B7A4EE5 // INDEX 3132 template_task_loot_give_8_title_6 [Collect up some kitin raw materials for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 059E0502DF7B45BD // INDEX 3133 template_task_loot_give_8_title_7 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need some kitin morsels] // HASH_VALUE 6D7208F202114305 // INDEX 3134 template_task_loot_give_8_title_8 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ are looking for a supplier of kitin raw materials] // HASH_VALUE 8EF777458815FC78 // INDEX 3135 template_task_loot_give_8_title_9 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need a hunter to replenish their stock of kitin morsels] // HASH_VALUE 5FB4FFB49C2D1977 // INDEX 3136 template_task_loot_give_8_title_10 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ want to build up their stock of kitin raw materials] //Kami / kitin // HASH_VALUE A300CAC0B52B6DD8 // INDEX 3137 template_task_loot_give_9_title_1 [Collect some kitin raw materials for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE CC41785D6FB2F7A3 // INDEX 3138 template_task_loot_give_9_title_2 [Head off on the hunt and collect some kitin morsels for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE 8593B97BE1BB9141 // INDEX 3139 template_task_loot_give_9_title_3 [Supply the Kami with some kitin raw materials] // HASH_VALUE C9760952FB9FFC28 // INDEX 3140 template_task_loot_give_9_title_4 [Special order for kitin morsels for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE A65CA26B493A71E5 // INDEX 3141 template_task_loot_give_9_title_5 [An order for kitin raw materials for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE B972F56F24E89967 // INDEX 3142 template_task_loot_give_9_title_6 [Collect up some kitin raw materials for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE D7A4A401AC696B8B // INDEX 3143 template_task_loot_give_9_title_7 [The Kami need some kitin morsels] // HASH_VALUE D638385DFB77BBF4 // INDEX 3144 template_task_loot_give_9_title_8 [The Kami are looking for a supplier of kitin raw materials] // HASH_VALUE B23376A8295E9F30 // INDEX 3145 template_task_loot_give_9_title_9 [The Kami need a hunter to provide them with some kitin morsels] // HASH_VALUE FA21261A9092D6BB // INDEX 3146 template_task_loot_give_9_title_10 [The Kami are asking for some kitin raw materials] /* OLD VALUE : [I need $qt1$ $i1$ of quality $ql1$, bring some back for me and I'll pay you $reward$ dappers.] */ // HASH_VALUE 4C4162899D60F8B3 // INDEX 3147 template_task_loot_give_intro_1_money [I need $qt1$ $i1$ of quality $ql1$. If you bring some back for me, I will pay you $reward$ dappers.] /* OLD VALUE : [I need $qt1$ $i1$ of quality $ql1$, bring some back for me and I'll pay you $reward$ dappers. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE 4F8211EA75550806 // INDEX 3148 template_task_loot_give_intro_1_money_timed [I need $qt1$ $i1$ of quality $ql1$. If you bring some back for me, I will pay you $reward$ dappers.\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [I need $qt1$ $i1$ of quality $ql1$, bring some back for me and I'll be grateful to you. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE 3ED09B9F4AB164FE // INDEX 3149 template_task_loot_give_intro_1_fame_timed [I need $qt1$ $i1$ of quality $ql1$. If you bring some back for me, $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you.\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [I need $qt1$ $i1$ of quality $ql1$, bring some back for me and I'll be grateful to you.] */ // HASH_VALUE A75B20DC37B1D693 // INDEX 3150 template_task_loot_give_intro_1_fame [I need $qt1$ $i1$ of quality $ql1$. If you bring some back for me, $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you.] /* OLD VALUE : [I need $qt1$ $i1$ of quality $ql1$ and $qt2$ $i2$ of quality $ql2$, bring some back for me and I'll pay you $reward$ dappers.] */ // HASH_VALUE A4A3E8BCA5666E81 // INDEX 3151 template_task_loot_give_intro_2_money [I need $qt1$ $i1$ of quality $ql1$ and $qt2$ $i2$ of quality $ql2$. If you bring some back for me, I will pay you $reward$ dappers.] /* OLD VALUE : [I need $qt1$ $i1$ of quality $ql1$ and $qt2$ $i2$ of quality $ql2$, bring some back for me and I'll pay you $reward$ dappers. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE A7E4971D7D5B7ED4 // INDEX 3152 template_task_loot_give_intro_2_money_timed [I need $qt1$ $i1$ of quality $ql1$ and $qt2$ $i2$ of quality $ql2$. If you bring some back for me, I will pay you $reward$ dappers.\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [I need $qt1$ $i1$ of quality $ql1$ and $qt2$ $i2$ of quality $ql2$, bring some back for me and I'll be grateful to you. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE 963221D252B7DACC // INDEX 3153 template_task_loot_give_intro_2_fame_timed [I need $qt1$ $i1$ of quality $ql1$ and $qt2$ $i2$ of quality $ql2$. If you bring some back for me, $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you.\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [I need $qt1$ $i1$ of quality $ql1$ and $qt2$ $i2$ of quality $ql2$, bring some back for me and I'll be grateful to you.] */ // HASH_VALUE FFBDA60F3FB74C61 // INDEX 3154 template_task_loot_give_intro_2_fame [I need $qt1$ $i1$ of quality $ql1$ and $qt2$ $i2$ of quality $ql2$. If you bring some back for me, $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you.] /* OLD VALUE : [I need $qt1$ $i1$ of quality $ql1$, $qt2$ $i2$ of quality $ql2$ and $qt3$ $i3$ of quality $ql3$, bring some back for me and I'll pay you $reward$ dappers.] */ // HASH_VALUE FE907EB74ECB556C // INDEX 3155 template_task_loot_give_intro_3_money [I need $qt1$ $i1$ of quality $ql1$, $qt2$ $i2$ of quality $ql2$ and $qt3$ $i3$ of quality $ql3$. If you bring some back for me, I will pay you $reward$ dappers.] /* OLD VALUE : [I need $qt1$ $i1$ of quality $ql1$, $qt2$ $i2$ of quality $ql2$ and $qt3$ $i3$ of quality $ql3$, bring some back for me and I'll pay you $reward$ dappers. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE D4DBCDC65691DCD2 // INDEX 3156 template_task_loot_give_intro_3_money_timed [I need $qt1$ $i1$ of quality $ql1$, $qt2$ $i2$ of quality $ql2$ and $qt3$ $i3$ of quality $ql3$. If you bring some back for me, I will pay you $reward$ dappers.\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [I need $qt1$ $i1$ of quality $ql1$, $qt2$ $i2$ of quality $ql2$ and $qt3$ $i3$ of quality $ql3$, bring some back for me and I'll be grateful to you. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE 494AAF898EBAB225 // INDEX 3157 template_task_loot_give_intro_3_fame_timed [I need $qt1$ $i1$ of quality $ql1$, $qt2$ $i2$ of quality $ql2$ and $qt3$ $i3$ of quality $ql3$. If you bring some back for me, $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you.\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [I need $qt1$ $i1$ of quality $ql1$, $qt2$ $i2$ of quality $ql2$ and $qt3$ $i3$ of quality $ql3$, bring some back for me and I'll be grateful to you.] */ // HASH_VALUE 46090028B6C5A2D2 // INDEX 3158 template_task_loot_give_intro_3_fame [I need $qt1$ $i1$ of quality $ql1$, $qt2$ $i2$ of quality $ql2$ and $qt3$ $i3$ of quality $ql3$. If you bring some back for me, $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you.] // HASH_VALUE A2DF83AFAA1B21D9 // INDEX 3159 template_task_supply_buy_item_botchat_1 [For a good price I'll buy $i1.pda$ $i1$] // HASH_VALUE DA7F14F0046BA6C9 // INDEX 3160 template_task_supply_buy_item_botchat_10 [For a good price I'll buy :\n - $i1$\n - $i2$\n - $i3$\n - $i4$\n - $i5$\n - $i6$\n - $i7$\n - $i8$\n - $i9$\n - $i10$\n ] // HASH_VALUE 0CDEABA377AAB58C // INDEX 3161 template_task_supply_buy_item_botchat_2 [For a good price I'll buy :\n - $i1$\n - $i2$\n ] // HASH_VALUE 14B0ABAD80DD5AB0 // INDEX 3162 template_task_supply_buy_item_botchat_3 [For a good price I'll buy :\n - $i1$\n - $i2$\n - $i3$\n ] // HASH_VALUE 1DB25FAD021F2A19 // INDEX 3163 template_task_supply_buy_item_botchat_4 [For a good price I'll buy :\n - $i1$\n - $i2$\n - $i3$\n - $i4$\n ] // HASH_VALUE 77F4DFDA02BFBA4E // INDEX 3164 template_task_supply_buy_item_botchat_5 [For a good price I'll buy :\n - $i1$\n - $i2$\n - $i3$\n - $i4$\n - $i5$\n ] // HASH_VALUE 048A6FFA4DBFE272 // INDEX 3165 template_task_supply_buy_item_botchat_6 [For a good price I'll buy :\n - $i1$\n - $i2$\n - $i3$\n - $i4$\n - $i5$\n - $i6$\n ] // HASH_VALUE 0DFD141E5591E27C // INDEX 3166 template_task_supply_buy_item_botchat_7 [For a good price I'll buy :\n - $i1$\n - $i2$\n - $i3$\n - $i4$\n - $i5$\n - $i6$\n - $i7$\n ] // HASH_VALUE 8F3FF4875E93967C // INDEX 3167 template_task_supply_buy_item_botchat_8 [For a good price I'll buy :\n - $i1$\n - $i2$\n - $i3$\n - $i4$\n - $i5$\n - $i6$\n - $i7$\n - $i8$\n ] // HASH_VALUE 8FDF84C0B8D516A9 // INDEX 3168 template_task_supply_buy_item_botchat_9 [For a good price I'll buy :\n - $i1$\n - $i2$\n - $i3$\n - $i4$\n - $i5$\n - $i6$\n - $i7$\n - $i8$\n - $i9$\n ] //any // HASH_VALUE 4A79D047FC697C19 // INDEX 3169 template_task_supply_buy_item_title [What do you want to buy?] // HASH_VALUE CCD676FA73F2A374 // INDEX 3170 template_task_supply_sell_item_botchat_1 [I sell imported $i1.pia$ $i1$.] // HASH_VALUE 9B8474146CB27705 // INDEX 3171 template_task_supply_sell_item_botchat_10 [I sell these imported objects :\n - $i1$\n - $i2$\n - $i3$\n - $i4$\n - $i5$\n - $i6$\n - $i7$\n - $i8$\n - $i9$\n - $i10$\n ] // HASH_VALUE 0EC383D79E110EB8 // INDEX 3172 template_task_supply_sell_item_botchat_2 [I sell these imported objects :\n - $i1$\n - $i2$\n ] // HASH_VALUE 17F628FBA6E30EC2 // INDEX 3173 template_task_supply_sell_item_botchat_3 [I sell these imported objects :\n - $i1$\n - $i2$\n - $i3$\n ] // HASH_VALUE 9938F864AFE5C2C2 // INDEX 3174 template_task_supply_sell_item_botchat_4 [I sell these imported objects :\n - $i1$\n - $i2$\n - $i3$\n - $i4$\n ] // HASH_VALUE 99D88899092742EF // INDEX 3175 template_task_supply_sell_item_botchat_5 [I sell these imported objects :\n - $i1$\n - $i2$\n - $i3$\n - $i4$\n - $i5$\n ] // HASH_VALUE E4D8B0BD96BDD20F // INDEX 3176 template_task_supply_sell_item_botchat_6 [I sell these imported objects :\n - $i1$\n - $i2$\n - $i3$\n - $i4$\n - $i5$\n - $i6$\n ] // HASH_VALUE ECAAB0C79F307733 // INDEX 3177 template_task_supply_sell_item_botchat_7 [I sell these imported objects :\n - $i1$\n - $i2$\n - $i3$\n - $i4$\n - $i5$\n - $i6$\n - $i7$\n ] // HASH_VALUE F5AC64C72172579C // INDEX 3178 template_task_supply_sell_item_botchat_8 [I sell these imported objects :\n - $i1$\n - $i2$\n - $i3$\n - $i4$\n - $i5$\n - $i6$\n - $i7$\n - $i8$\n ] // HASH_VALUE 4FEEE4F42112E7D5 // INDEX 3179 template_task_supply_sell_item_botchat_9 [I sell these imported objects :\n - $i1$\n - $i2$\n - $i3$\n - $i4$\n - $i5$\n - $i6$\n - $i7$\n - $i8$\n - $i9$\n ] //any // HASH_VALUE 1A79DA5F95F57769 // INDEX 3180 template_task_supply_sell_item_title [What do you sell ?] //default text // HASH_VALUE FF8B40B8DEEA89DB // INDEX 3181 template_task_target_species_0_title_1 [Locate the animal population of $region$] // HASH_VALUE B8985693FBB1415B // INDEX 3182 template_task_target_species_0_title_2 [Make an inventory of the animal population of $region$] // HASH_VALUE 32BF64B35BB73835 // INDEX 3183 template_task_target_species_0_title_3 [Study the animal population of $region$] // HASH_VALUE E930370DE9E07FA4 // INDEX 3184 template_task_target_species_0_title_4 [Track down the animals of $region$] // HASH_VALUE 29186E93E6AB1619 // INDEX 3185 template_task_target_species_0_title_5 [Trail the animals of $region$] // HASH_VALUE 81ED2B9970EF3943 // INDEX 3186 template_task_target_species_0_title_6 [$giver$ needs someone to locate the animal population of $region$] // HASH_VALUE BC4899118FD43A29 // INDEX 3187 template_task_target_species_0_title_7 [$giver$ needs someone to make an inventory of the animal population of $region$] // HASH_VALUE 557E178B9CAAA208 // INDEX 3188 template_task_target_species_0_title_8 [$giver$ needs someone to study the animal population of $region$] // HASH_VALUE 15C980CD41C55DE7 // INDEX 3189 template_task_target_species_0_title_9 [$giver$ needs someone to track down the animals of $region$] // HASH_VALUE B7A39758CFDA2FE8 // INDEX 3190 template_task_target_species_0_title_10 [$giver$ needs someone to trail the animals of $region$] //captain / carnivore, patrolman / carnivore, hunter / carnivore, scout / carnivore // HASH_VALUE 29B5D84C8694A46F // INDEX 3191 template_task_target_species_1_title_1 [Locate the predators of $region$] // HASH_VALUE 5AD2E92674EBBCE6 // INDEX 3192 template_task_target_species_1_title_2 [Make an inventory of the predators of $region$] // HASH_VALUE 170BAF9914A163BC // INDEX 3193 template_task_target_species_1_title_3 [Study the predators of $region$] // HASH_VALUE 5EAA91C6ACC59B6B // INDEX 3194 template_task_target_species_1_title_4 [Track down the predators of $region$] // HASH_VALUE 58CAA79A55A163AF // INDEX 3195 template_task_target_species_1_title_5 [Trail the predators of $region$] // HASH_VALUE 264B7A38135888E8 // INDEX 3196 template_task_target_species_1_title_6 [$giver$ needs someone to locate the predators of $region$] // HASH_VALUE A194E4F774BE65B0 // INDEX 3197 template_task_target_species_1_title_7 [$giver$ needs someone to make an inventory of the predators of $region$] // HASH_VALUE 7FA8AF1F4454BD9C // INDEX 3198 template_task_target_species_1_title_8 [$giver$ needs someone to study the predators of $region$] // HASH_VALUE FE3163D8D43578B9 // INDEX 3199 template_task_target_species_1_title_9 [$giver$ needs someone to track down the predators of $region$] // HASH_VALUE 7A88B31F445489A1 // INDEX 3200 template_task_target_species_1_title_10 [$giver$ needs someone to trail the predators of $region$] //captain / herbivore, patrolman / herbivore, hunter / herbivore, scout / herbivore // HASH_VALUE 24869F6EAB1483B3 // INDEX 3201 template_task_target_species_2_title_1 [Locate the herbivores of $region$] // HASH_VALUE 49168933E10D1EEE // INDEX 3202 template_task_target_species_2_title_2 [Make an inventory of the herbivores of $region$] // HASH_VALUE 2789E34BC8298374 // INDEX 3203 template_task_target_species_2_title_3 [Study the herbivores of $region$] // HASH_VALUE 832A700AA796628D // INDEX 3204 template_task_target_species_2_title_4 [Track down the herbivores of $region$] // HASH_VALUE 6848DB4CC8298367 // INDEX 3205 template_task_target_species_2_title_5 [Trail the herbivores of $region$] // HASH_VALUE 696602D014D599D0 // INDEX 3206 template_task_target_species_2_title_6 [$giver$ needs someone to locate the herbivores of $region$] // HASH_VALUE B11218A9FC468568 // INDEX 3207 template_task_target_species_2_title_7 [$giver$ needs someone to make an inventory of the herbivores of $region$] // HASH_VALUE 7A79764169D49CE0 // INDEX 3208 template_task_target_species_2_title_8 [$giver$ needs someone to study the herbivores of $region$] // HASH_VALUE FFAE74C017500051 // INDEX 3209 template_task_target_species_2_title_9 [$giver$ needs someone to track down the herbivores of $region$] // HASH_VALUE 75597A4169D468E5 // INDEX 3210 template_task_target_species_2_title_10 [$giver$ needs someone to trail the herbivores of $region$] //captain / kitin, patrolman / kitin, hunter / kitin, scout / kitin // HASH_VALUE 6624778EE9B52721 // INDEX 3211 template_task_target_species_3_title_1 [Locate the kitins of $region$] // HASH_VALUE 71EDBD2D5F0F7589 // INDEX 3212 template_task_target_species_3_title_2 [Make an inventory of the kitins of $region$] // HASH_VALUE 8459CB41E8DABF64 // INDEX 3213 template_task_target_species_3_title_3 [Study the kitins of $region$] // HASH_VALUE E9D5E378E9343AAD // INDEX 3214 template_task_target_species_3_title_4 [Track down the kitins of $region$] // HASH_VALUE C518C3422999B758 // INDEX 3215 template_task_target_species_3_title_5 [Trail the kitins of $region$] // HASH_VALUE E7C68366BC9F4FDD // INDEX 3216 template_task_target_species_3_title_6 [$giver$ needs someone to locate the kitins of $region$] // HASH_VALUE 0EE2009F03A0F005 // INDEX 3217 template_task_target_species_3_title_7 [$giver$ needs someone to make an inventory of the kitins of $region$] // HASH_VALUE BC174E61CF7F0F4E // INDEX 3218 template_task_target_species_3_title_8 [$giver$ needs someone to study the kitins of $region$] // HASH_VALUE A7782ACD95B081E7 // INDEX 3219 template_task_target_species_3_title_9 [$giver$ needs someone to track down the kitins of $region$] // HASH_VALUE B7F75261CF7FDB53 // INDEX 3220 template_task_target_species_3_title_10 [$giver$ needs someone to trail the kitins of $region$] //captain / goo, patrolman / goo, hunter / goo, scout / goo // HASH_VALUE E9CE37A278F69A1A // INDEX 3221 template_task_target_species_4_title_1 [Locate the animal population infected by the goo in $region$] // HASH_VALUE D98CF3E6895F092B // INDEX 3222 template_task_target_species_4_title_2 [Make an inventory of the animal population infected by the goo in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 0239B3F015DC7AB9 // INDEX 3223 template_task_target_species_4_title_3 [Study the animal population infected by the goo in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 500C87716CDEFAC1 // INDEX 3224 template_task_target_species_4_title_4 [Track down the animal population infected by the goo in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 43F8ABF115DC7AAC // INDEX 3225 template_task_target_species_4_title_5 [Trail the animal population infected by the goo in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 95CFD50AA33835EA // INDEX 3226 template_task_target_species_4_title_6 [$giver$ needs someone to locate the animal population infected by the goo in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 8CC2E84E49F97CAD // INDEX 3227 template_task_target_species_4_title_7 [$giver$ needs someone to make an inventory of the animal population infected by the goo in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 3FC10E7536B6B347 // INDEX 3228 template_task_target_species_4_title_8 [$giver$ needs someone to study the animal population infected by the goo in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 8E1110DA43B9D38B // INDEX 3229 template_task_target_species_4_title_9 [$giver$ needs someone to track down the animal population infected by the goo in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 3AA1127536B67F4C // INDEX 3230 template_task_target_species_4_title_10 [$giver$ needs someone to trail the animal population infected by the goo in $region$] //captain / degen, patrolman / degen, hunter / degen, scout / degen // HASH_VALUE 2F4C2908DA7235DE // INDEX 3231 template_task_target_species_5_title_1 [Locate the primitive beings in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 73C8399F89B601C4 // INDEX 3232 template_task_target_species_5_title_2 [Make an inventory of the primitive beings in $region$] // HASH_VALUE F24C94ED6EB5DA20 // INDEX 3233 template_task_target_species_5_title_3 [Study the primitive beings in $region$] // HASH_VALUE B2882235B25CEC27 // INDEX 3234 template_task_target_species_5_title_4 [Track down the primitive beings in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 330B8CEE6EB5DA13 // INDEX 3235 template_task_target_species_5_title_5 [Trail the primitive beings in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 83906C898B9E45FC // INDEX 3236 template_task_target_species_5_title_6 [$giver$ needs someone to locate the primitive beings in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 7CD5C94BA2D2DC14 // INDEX 3237 template_task_target_species_5_title_7 [$giver$ needs someone to make an inventory of the primitive beings in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 853F00DB98324E0B // INDEX 3238 template_task_target_species_5_title_8 [$giver$ needs someone to study the primitive beings in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 767720EC317A6A0A // INDEX 3239 template_task_target_species_5_title_9 [$giver$ needs someone to track down the primitive beings in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 801F04DB98321A10 // INDEX 3240 template_task_target_species_5_title_10 [$giver$ needs someone to trail the primitive beings in $region$] //captain / plant, patrolman / plant, hunter / plant, scout / plant // HASH_VALUE 81BB0CD08AE65C2A // INDEX 3241 template_task_target_species_6_title_1 [Locate the intelligent plants in $region$] // HASH_VALUE E78C5E96B8320B0B // INDEX 3242 template_task_target_species_6_title_2 [Make an inventory of the intelligent plants in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 04E070A661E0F7EA // INDEX 3243 template_task_target_species_6_title_3 [Study the intelligent plants in $region$] // HASH_VALUE C39F68A761E0F7DC // INDEX 3244 template_task_target_species_6_title_4 [Track the intelligent plants in $region$] // HASH_VALUE A1AF40C5EB899F5A // INDEX 3245 template_task_target_species_6_title_5 [Trail intelligent plants in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 411C8B4B5C3C7645 // INDEX 3246 template_task_target_species_6_title_6 [$giver$ needs someone to locate the intelligent plants in $region$] // HASH_VALUE 8E69A50495FDF9DE // INDEX 3247 template_task_target_species_6_title_7 [$giver$ needs someone to make an inventory of the intelligent plants in $region$] // HASH_VALUE D7AEE3A348A67557 // INDEX 3248 template_task_target_species_6_title_8 [$giver$ needs someone to study the intelligent plants in $region$] // HASH_VALUE D28EE7A348A63D56 // INDEX 3249 template_task_target_species_6_title_9 [$giver$ needs someone to track the intelligent plants in $region$] // HASH_VALUE D28EE7A348A6415C // INDEX 3250 template_task_target_species_6_title_10 [$giver$ needs someone to trail the intelligent plants in $region$] /* OLD VALUE : [I need to know if there are any $r1.p$ in $region$, come back and tell me if you see any, and I will pay you $reward$.] */ // HASH_VALUE DE937C0200D67323 // INDEX 3251 template_task_target_species_intro_1_money [I need to know if there are any $r1.p$ in $region$. If you find any, I will pay you $reward$ dappers.] /* OLD VALUE : [I need to know if there are any $r1.p$ in $region$, come back and tell me if you see any, and I will pay you $reward$. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE F8B717602F1AB146 // INDEX 3252 template_task_target_species_intro_1_money_timed [I need to know if there are any $r1.p$ in $region$. If you find any, I will pay you $reward$ dappers.\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [I need to know if there are any $r1.p$ in $region$, come back and tell me if you see any, and I will be grateful to you. But be quick, it's very urgent!] */ // HASH_VALUE D7622508AAE73CC3 // INDEX 3253 template_task_target_species_intro_1_fame_timed [I need to know if there are any $r1.p$ in $region$. If you find any, $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be very grateful to you.\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [I need to know if there are any $r1.p$ in $region$, come back and tell me if you see any, and I will be grateful to you.] */ // HASH_VALUE BD3E8AAA7BA3FEA0 // INDEX 3254 template_task_target_species_intro_1_fame [I need to know if there are any $r1.p$ in $region$. If you find any, $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be very grateful to you.] /* OLD VALUE : [I need to know if there are any $r1.p$ and $r2.p$ in $region$, come back and tell me if you see any, and I will pay you $reward$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 817411D5D56B7BAA // INDEX 3255 template_task_target_species_intro_2_money [I need to know if there are any $r1.p$ and any $r2.p$ in $region$. If you find both types, I will pay you $reward$ dappers.] /* OLD VALUE : [I need to know if there are any $r1.p$ and $r2.p$ in $region$, if you see any, I will pay you $reward$. But be quick, it's very urgent!] */ // HASH_VALUE 84B5C036AD608BFD // INDEX 3256 template_task_target_species_intro_2_money_timed [I need to know if there are any $r1.p$ and any $r2.p$ in $region$. If you find both types, I will pay you $reward$ dappers.\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [I need to know if there are any $r1.p$ and $r2.p$ in $region$, come back and tell me if you see any, and I will be grateful to you. But be quick, it's very urgent!] */ // HASH_VALUE 60428072323199F9 // INDEX 3257 template_task_target_species_intro_2_fame_timed [I need to know if there are any $r1.p$ and $r2.p$ in $region$. If you find both types, $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be very grateful to you.\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [I need to know if there are any $r1.p$ and $r2.p$ in $region$, come back and tell me if you see any, and I will be grateful to you.] */ // HASH_VALUE 884D701F2FF0EA98 // INDEX 3258 template_task_target_species_intro_2_fame [I need to know if there are any $r1.p$ and $r2.p$ in $region$. If you find both types, $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be very grateful to you.] /* OLD VALUE : [I need to find out if there are any $r1.p$, $r2.p$ and $r3.p$ in $region$, come back and tell me if you see any, and I will pay you $reward$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 12515A9B36207CBD // INDEX 3259 template_task_target_species_intro_3_money [I need to know if there are any $r1.p$, any $r2.p$ and any $r3.p$ in $region$. If you find all of these types, I will pay you $reward$ dappers.] /* OLD VALUE : [I need to find out if there are any $r1.p$, $r2.p$ and $r3.p$ in $region$, come back and tell me if you see any, and I will pay you $reward$. But be quick, it's very urgent!] */ // HASH_VALUE E89CA9AA3EE60323 // INDEX 3260 template_task_target_species_intro_3_money_timed [I need to know if there are any $r1.p$, any $r2.p$ and any $r3.p$ in $region$. If you find all of these types, I will pay you $reward$ dappers.\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [I need to find out if there are any $r1.p$, $r2.p$ and $r3.p$ in $region$, come back and tell me if you see any, and I will be grateful to you. But be quick, it's very urgent!] */ // HASH_VALUE 9A229DA9A0E8A4ED // INDEX 3261 template_task_target_species_intro_3_fame_timed [I need to know if there are any $r1.p$, any $r2.p$ and any $r3.p$ in $region$. If you find all of these types, $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be very grateful to you.\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [I need to find out if there are any $r1.p$, $r2.p$ and $r3.p$ in $region$, come back and tell me if you see any, and I will be grateful to you.] */ // HASH_VALUE C22D8D569DA7F58C // INDEX 3262 template_task_target_species_intro_3_fame [I need to know if there are any $r1.p$, any $r2.p$ and any $r3.p$ in $region$. If you find all of these types, $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be very grateful to you.] /* OLD VALUE : [I need to find out if there are any $r1.pia$ $r1.p$, $r2.pia$ $r2.p$, $r3.pia$ $r3.p$ and $r4.pia$ $r4.p$ in $region$, come back and tell me if you see any, and I will pay you $reward$.] */ // HASH_VALUE 04932EC23B17FCF1 // INDEX 3263 template_task_target_species_intro_4_money [I need to know if there are any $r1.p$, any $r2.p$, any $r3.p$ and any $r4.p$ in $region$. If you find all of these types, I will pay you $reward$ dappers.] /* OLD VALUE : [I need to find out if there are any $r1.pia$ $r1.p$, $r2.pia$ $r2.p$, $r3.pia$ $r3.p$ and $r4.pia$ $r4.p$ in $region$, come back and tell me if you see any, and I will pay you $reward$. But be quick, it's very urgent!] */ // HASH_VALUE 60E8E28D6126E035 // INDEX 3264 template_task_target_species_intro_4_money_timed [I need to know if there are any $r1.p$, any $r2.p$, any $r3.p$ and any $r4.p$ in $region$. If you find all of these types, I will pay you $reward$ dappers.\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [I need to find out if there are any $r1.pia$ $r1.p$, $r2.pia$ $r2.p$, $r3.pia$ $r3.p$ and $r4.pia$ $r4.p$ in $region$, come back and tell me if you see any, and I will be grateful to you. But be quick, it's very urgent!] */ // HASH_VALUE C2EA835713ACD434 // INDEX 3265 template_task_target_species_intro_4_fame_timed [I need to know if there are any $r1.p$, any $r2.p$, any $r3.p$ and any $r4.p$ in $region$. If you find all of these types, $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be very grateful to you.\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [I need to find out if there are any $r1.pia$ $r1.p$, $r2.pia$ $r2.p$, $r3.pia$ $r3.p$ and $r4.pia$ $r4.p$ in $region$, come back and tell me if you see any, and I will be grateful to you.] */ // HASH_VALUE BFA9D4F63BB7C4E1 // INDEX 3266 template_task_target_species_intro_4_fame [I need to know if there are any $r1.p$, any $r2.p$, any $r3.p$ and any $r4.p$ in $region$. If you find all of these types, $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be very grateful to you.] //default text // HASH_VALUE 85F991FA73C523D4 // INDEX 3267 template_task_visit_place_0_title_1 [Go on a tour of inspection for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE 9895D3B81B39B7C5 // INDEX 3268 template_task_visit_place_0_title_2 [Explore the territory for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE BA7C4179A0ED1F6F // INDEX 3269 template_task_visit_place_0_title_3 [Carry out some reconnaissance of the area for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE 9E152FF9EB55A3BE // INDEX 3270 template_task_visit_place_0_title_4 [Carry out explorations for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE 6D7B45A018B478E6 // INDEX 3271 template_task_visit_place_0_title_5 [Head off on reconnaissance for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE 9C6A2E628743DF2A // INDEX 3272 template_task_visit_place_0_title_6 [$giver$ needs someone to head off on reconnaissance] // HASH_VALUE BBA591F6766DF889 // INDEX 3273 template_task_visit_place_0_title_7 [$giver$ needs someone for a tour of inspection] // HASH_VALUE 598D8C4472463154 // INDEX 3274 template_task_visit_place_0_title_8 [$giver$ needs someone to carry out some reconnaissance of the area] // HASH_VALUE A041AA0674BF2896 // INDEX 3275 template_task_visit_place_0_title_9 [$giver$ needs someone to carry out explorations] // HASH_VALUE E0B38EF330966C36 // INDEX 3276 template_task_visit_place_0_title_10 [$giver$ needs more information about the area] //patrolman, scout, welcomer // HASH_VALUE 85F991FA73C523D4 // INDEX 3277 template_task_visit_place_1_title_1 [Go on a tour of inspection for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE 9895D3B81B39B7C5 // INDEX 3278 template_task_visit_place_1_title_2 [Explore the territory for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE BA7C4179A0ED1F6F // INDEX 3279 template_task_visit_place_1_title_3 [Carry out some reconnaissance of the area for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE 9E152FF9EB55A3BE // INDEX 3280 template_task_visit_place_1_title_4 [Carry out explorations for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE 6D7B45A018B478E6 // INDEX 3281 template_task_visit_place_1_title_5 [Head off on reconnaissance for $giver$] // HASH_VALUE 9C6A2E628743DF2A // INDEX 3282 template_task_visit_place_1_title_6 [$giver$ needs someone to head off on reconnaissance] // HASH_VALUE BBA591F6766DF889 // INDEX 3283 template_task_visit_place_1_title_7 [$giver$ needs someone for a tour of inspection] // HASH_VALUE 598D8C4472463154 // INDEX 3284 template_task_visit_place_1_title_8 [$giver$ needs someone to carry out some reconnaissance of the area] // HASH_VALUE A041AA0674BF2896 // INDEX 3285 template_task_visit_place_1_title_9 [$giver$ needs someone to carry out explorations] // HASH_VALUE E0B38EF330966C36 // INDEX 3286 template_task_visit_place_1_title_10 [$giver$ needs more information about the area] //Kami // HASH_VALUE FE9481FB875B48C3 // INDEX 3287 template_task_visit_place_2_title_1 [Go on a tour of inspection for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE D99A7801D7975EC1 // INDEX 3288 template_task_visit_place_2_title_2 [Explore the territory for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE 76DAE875E1F2C4B8 // INDEX 3289 template_task_visit_place_2_title_3 [Carry out some reconnaissance of the area for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE B2AB54E864F093BF // INDEX 3290 template_task_visit_place_2_title_4 [Carry out explorations for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE E61635A12C4A9DD5 // INDEX 3291 template_task_visit_place_2_title_5 [Head off on reconnaissance for the Kami] // HASH_VALUE 472A5644D9D79B01 // INDEX 3292 template_task_visit_place_2_title_6 [The Kami need someone to head off on reconnaissance] // HASH_VALUE 6665B9D8C801B460 // INDEX 3293 template_task_visit_place_2_title_7 [The Kami need someone for a tour of inspection] // HASH_VALUE 044DB426C4DAED2B // INDEX 3294 template_task_visit_place_2_title_8 [The Kami need someone to carry out some reconnaissance of the area] // HASH_VALUE 6BA7EB4410C2E864 // INDEX 3295 template_task_visit_place_2_title_9 [The Kami need someone to carry out some explorations] // HASH_VALUE 8B73B6D5822A280D // INDEX 3296 template_task_visit_place_2_title_10 [The Kami need more information about the area] //Karavan // HASH_VALUE FE943A5C24DB5CC3 // INDEX 3297 template_task_visit_place_3_title_1 [Go on a tour of inspection for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE 31015806D7975E2F // INDEX 3298 template_task_visit_place_3_title_2 [Explore the territory for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE 76DAE8E33959A4BD // INDEX 3299 template_task_visit_place_3_title_3 [Carry out some reconnaissance of the area for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE 4F2B68E864F04C20 // INDEX 3300 template_task_visit_place_3_title_4 [Carry out explorations for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE E616EE02C9CAB1D5 // INDEX 3301 template_task_visit_place_3_title_5 [Head off on reconnaissance for the Karavan] // HASH_VALUE 82DAE30F45757777 // INDEX 3302 template_task_visit_place_3_title_6 [The Karavan need someone to head off on reconnaissance] // HASH_VALUE DDEB8EFD5DF3C3D1 // INDEX 3303 template_task_visit_place_3_title_7 [The Karavan need someone to go on a tour of inspection] // HASH_VALUE 3AD363E30D23BF4E // INDEX 3304 template_task_visit_place_3_title_8 [The Karavan need someone to carry out some reconnaissance of the area] // HASH_VALUE 83675E621CBE56DC // INDEX 3305 template_task_visit_place_3_title_9 [The Karavan need someone to carry out some explorations] // HASH_VALUE A7C5B9324746094F // INDEX 3306 template_task_visit_place_3_title_10 [The Karavan need more information about the area] //tribe // HASH_VALUE 9E3E5C83181DAC30 // INDEX 3307 template_task_visit_place_4_title_1 [Go on a tour of inspection for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE FAFEE81A327F48B8 // INDEX 3308 template_task_visit_place_4_title_2 [Explore the territory for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE D1C2D26C025634D1 // INDEX 3309 template_task_visit_place_4_title_3 [Carry out some reconnaissance of the area for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 436DB855049A6E47 // INDEX 3310 template_task_visit_place_4_title_4 [Carry out explorations for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 86C01029BD0C0142 // INDEX 3311 template_task_visit_place_4_title_5 [Head off on reconnaissance for $f.mda$ $f.member$] // HASH_VALUE 3FE0E7E8F1E24B44 // INDEX 3312 template_task_visit_place_4_title_6 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need someone to head off on reconnaissance] // HASH_VALUE D5382B936D28AA57 // INDEX 3313 template_task_visit_place_4_title_7 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need someone to go on a tour of inspection] // HASH_VALUE 340FA40826933556 // INDEX 3314 template_task_visit_place_4_title_8 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need someone to carry out some reconnaissance of the area] // HASH_VALUE 98E14A87C6179CFC // INDEX 3315 template_task_visit_place_4_title_9 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need someone to carry out some explorations] // HASH_VALUE 35EB621EBAA27FA9 // INDEX 3316 template_task_visit_place_4_title_10 [$f.mda$ $f.member$ need more information about the area] /* OLD VALUE : [I need to find out what's going on in $op1$, if you go for me I'll pay you $reward$ dappers.] */ // HASH_VALUE DEBFF0DE6B14E051 // INDEX 3317 template_task_visit_place_intro_1_money [I need to find out what's going on in $op1$. If you go there, I will pay you $reward$ dapper(s).] /* OLD VALUE : [I need to find out what's going on in $op1$, if you go for me I'll pay you $reward$ dappers. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE B40A3FED73DA67B7 // INDEX 3318 template_task_visit_place_intro_1_money_timed [I need to find out what's going on in $op1$. If you go there, I will pay you $reward$ dapper(s).\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [I need to find out what's going on in $op1$, if you go for me I'll be grateful to you. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE E16AC2B931BCECA9 // INDEX 3319 template_task_visit_place_intro_1_fame_timed [I need to find out what's going on in $op1$. If you go there, $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you.\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [I need to find out what's going on in $op1$, if you go for me I'll be grateful to you.] */ // HASH_VALUE B22684961798514B // INDEX 3320 template_task_visit_place_intro_1_fame [I need to find out what's going on in $op1$. If you go there, $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you.] /* OLD VALUE : [I need to find out what's going on in $op1$ and in $op2$, if you go for me I'll pay you $reward$ dappers.] */ // HASH_VALUE B92313D2EA4B4630 // INDEX 3321 template_task_visit_place_intro_2_money [I need to find out what's going on in $op1$ and $op2$. If you go there, I will pay you $reward$ dapper(s).] /* OLD VALUE : [I need to find out what's going on in $op1$ and in $op2$, if you go for me I'll pay you $reward$ dappers. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE CC23A13D81C0C1F3 // INDEX 3322 template_task_visit_place_intro_2_money_timed [I need to find out what's going on in $op1$ and $op2$. If you go there, I will pay you $reward$ dapper(s).\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [I need to find out what's going on in $op1$ and in $op2$, if you go for me I'll be grateful to you. But be quick, it's very urgent.] */ // HASH_VALUE 04DD8C7BD9EFA3E9 // INDEX 3323 template_task_visit_place_intro_2_fame_timed [I need to find out what's going on in $op1$ and $op2$. If you go there, $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you.\n But be quick, it's very urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [I need to find out what's going on in $op1$ and in $op2$, if you go for me I'll be grateful to you.] */ // HASH_VALUE 019CDD1A01FA9396 // INDEX 3324 template_task_visit_place_intro_2_fame [I need to find out what's going on in $op1$ and $op2$. If you go there, $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be grateful to you.] /* OLD VALUE : [I need to find out what's going on in $op1$, in $op2$ and in $op3$ if you go for me I'll pay you $reward$ dappers.] */ // HASH_VALUE A973EFD3DA4F5950 // INDEX 3325 template_task_visit_place_intro_3_money [I need you to find out what's going on in $op1$, $op2$ and $op3$. If you go there, I will pay you$reward$ dapper(s).] /* OLD VALUE : [I need to find out what's going on in $op1$, in $op2$ and in $op3$ if you go for me I'll pay you $reward$ dappers. But be quick, it's very urgent!] */ // HASH_VALUE 9F4FF78CB0ACB260 // INDEX 3326 template_task_visit_place_intro_3_money_timed [I need you to find out what's going on in $op1$, $op2$ and $op3$. If you go there, I will pay you$reward$ dapper(s).\n But do it quickly, cause it's really urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [I need to find out what's going on in $op1$, in $op2$ and in $op3$ if you go for me I'll be grateful to you. But be quick, it's very urgent!] */ // HASH_VALUE 6CAE5FE8B72C7C20 // INDEX 3327 template_task_visit_place_intro_3_fame_timed [I need you to find out what's going on in $op1$, $op2$ and $op3$. If you go there, $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be very grateful to you.\n But do it quickly, cause it's really urgent!] /* OLD VALUE : [I need to find out what's going on in the $op1$, in $op2$ and in $op3$ if you go for me I'll be grateful to you.] */ // HASH_VALUE EA71EB270B78680B // INDEX 3328 template_task_visit_place_intro_3_fame [I need you to find out what's going on in $op1$, $op2$ and $op3$. If you go there, $f.mda$ $f.member$ will be very grateful to you.] // HASH_VALUE 2246D66F60E66D1C // INDEX 3329 too_encumbered [&CHK& You are too encumbered.] // HASH_VALUE 99D1E39BF2C94345 // INDEX 3330 toxic_cloud_defender_hit [&DMG&A toxic cloud hits you for $damage$ points of damage.] // HASH_VALUE A831EA686A6B0F51 // INDEX 3331 toxic_cloud_spectator_hit [&SYS&A toxic cloud hits $defender$ for $damage$ damage.] // HASH_VALUE 8A0F07F107423242 // INDEX 3332 unknown_crafted_item [&CHK&Item crafted by sentence is unknown by server! Crafting action aborted! Please report this bug with exact sentence used. Thanks!] // HASH_VALUE 5BF933972CE8035D // INDEX 3333 weapons_only_can_been_enchanted [&CHK&Only weapons can be enchanted.] // HASH_VALUE 5B696797E829035D // INDEX 3334 weapons_only_can_been_recharged [&CHK&Only weapons can be recharged.] // HASH_VALUE 496EBDD1F11D8F50 // INDEX 3335 whoami_newbguard [Greetings, young homin. If you get into bother come and find me and I shall rally to your defense.] // HASH_VALUE CE8BE46335B21A8A // INDEX 3336 whoami_newbmerchant_weapon [Greetings, young newcomer ! I sell a terrific selection of hand weapons. You'll need a weapon to fight the dangerous animals roaming the area!] // HASH_VALUE 3B4820734E6A4BC5 // INDEX 3337 you_not_have_loot_right [&CHK&You haven't the right to loot this carcass for the moment. ] // HASH_VALUE 0A6F00E7DAEA2ECB // INDEX 3338 you_not_have_quarter_right [&CHK&You haven't the right to quarter this carcass for the moment.]