//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // phrases management //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PHRASE_BUY(sphrase s, int cost) { (cost>1) phrase_buy [&ITM&You have just learnt "$s$" for $cost$ skill points.] phrase_buy_1 [&ITM&You have just learnt "$s$" for one skill point.] } PHRASE_BUY_COMBAT(sphrase s, int cost) { (cost>1) phrase_buy_combat [&ITM&You learn the "$s$" combat action for $cost$ skill points.] phrase_buy_combat_1 [&ITM&You learn the "$s$" combat action for one skill point.] } PHRASE_BUY_MAGIC(sphrase s, int cost) { (cost>1) phrase_buy_magic [&ITM&You learn the "$s$" spell for $cost$ skill points.] phrase_buy_magic_1 [&ITM&You learn the "$s$" spell for one skill point.] } PHRASE_BUY_FABER(sphrase s, int cost) { (cost>1) phrase_buy_faber [&ITM&You learn the "$s$" craft plan for $cost$ skill points.] phrase_buy_faber_1 [&ITM&You learn the "$s$" craft plan for one skill point.] } PHRASE_CHARAC_BUY(characteristic c, int value, int cost) { phrase_characteristic_buy [&ITM&You increase your $c$ at $value$ for $cost$ skill points.] } PHRASE_USE_PREDEF(sphrase s) { phrase_use_predef [&SPLM&You use $s$.] } PHRASE_NOT_ENOUGH_CREDIT() { phrase_missing_credit [&CHKCB&Not enough credit to validate the action.] } PHRASE_NOT_ENOUGH_FOCUS() { phrase_not_enough_focus [&CHKCB&Not enough focus to validate the action.] }