///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // sentences related to entity's death ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DEATH_XP_DEATH( int i, int j ) { [&XP&Your death penalty reached the amount of $j$ points. You have currently earned $i$.] } DEATH_KILLER(entity e) { death_killer [&SYS&You have killed $e.da$ $e$.] } DEATH_VICTIM(entity e) { (e = 0) death_victim_0 [&SYS&You have been killed.] death_victim [&SYS&You have been killed by $e.da$ $e$.] } DEATH_SELF_KILL() { death_self_kill [&SYS&You killed yourself.] } DEATH_SELF_KILL_SPECTATORS_PLAYER(player p) { (p.gender = male) death_self_kill_spectators_pm [&SYS&$p$ killed himself.] death_self_kill_spectators_pf [&SYS&$p$ killed herself.] } DEATH_SELF_KILL_SPECTATORS_NPC(bot b) { (b.gender = male) death_self_kill_spectators_bm [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ killed himself.] death_self_kill_spectators_bf [&SYS&$b.da$ $b$ killed herself.] } DEATH_SELF_KILL_SPECTATORS_CREATURE(creature c) { death_self_kill_spectators_c [&SYS&$c.da$ $c$ killed itself.] } DEATH_SPECTATORS(entity killer, entity victim) { death_spectators [&SYS&$victim.da$ $victim$ have been killed by $killer.da$ $killer$.] } // death messages OPS_DEATH_KAMI_RESURECT () { [&SYS&The Kamis honor the pact: Sap flows through you once again as you resuscitate.] } OPS_DEATH_CARAVAN_RESURECT () { [&SYS&The Karavan works its craft and you exist once more.] } OPS_DEATH_PERMANENT_KILLED () { [&CHK&You no longer have a valid resurrection pact. You return to the humus from which you first emerged.] }