//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // guild related messages //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GUILD_PLAYER_BAG_FULL () { [You cannot take this item from your guild : your bag is full] } GUILD_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS () { [&CHK&This Name is already used. Please choose another One] } GUILD_NAME_BAD_SIZE() { [&CHK&Guild names must have a length of at least three characters, and no more than fifty.] } GUILD_NAME_BAD_CHAR() { [&CHK&Guild names must contains only alphabetic characters and blanks. Names cant start or end with a Blank.] } GUILD_DESC_BAD_SIZE() { [&CHK&Guild descriptions length cant exceed two hundred characters] } GUILD_DESC_BAD_CHAR() { [&CHK&Guild descriptions must contains only alphabetic characters and blanks. Descriptions cannot start or end with a Blank. A blank cannot follow another one] } GUILD_NAME_BAD_WORD() { [&CHK&The name you chose contains forbidden words] } GUILD_DESCRIPTION_BAD_WORD() { [&CHK&The description you chose contains forbidden words] } GUILD_INVITED_CHARACTER_MUST_BE_ONLINE() { [&CHK&Invited character must be online.] } GUILD_INVITE_ONLY_LOCAL_GUILD() { [&CHK&Vous ne pouvez pas inviter quelqu'un dans votre guilde si vous n'êtes pas sur le continent.] } GUILD_ALREADY_IN_A_GUILD() { [&CHK&You are already in a guild.] } GUILD_INVALID_NAME () { [&CHK&Invalid guild name.] } GUILD_INVALID_DESCRIPTION () { [&CHK&Invalid guild description.] } GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY (int m) { [&CHK&You need $m$ dins to create a guild.] } GUILD_CREATED () { [&AROUND&Vous avez réussi à créer une guilde.] } GUILD_DESTROYED() { [&SYS& you were the last member of your guild. So it is destroyed.] } GUILD_BAD_SESSION () { [&CHK&Please retry this operation : guild parameters have just been modified by someone.] } GUILD_INSUFFICIENT_GRADE () { [&CHK&You dont have a sufficient grade in your guild.] } GUILD_SET_GRADE_OFFICER(player a, string_id b, string_id str) { [&SYS&$a$ named $b$ officer of your guild $str$.] } GUILD_SET_GRADE_HIGHOFFICER(player a, string_id b, string_id str) { [&SYS&$a$ named $b$ high officer of your guild $str$.] } GUILD_SET_GRADE_MEMBER(player a, string_id b, string_id str) { [&SYS&$a$ degraded $b$ as member of your guild $str$.] } GUILD_SET_LEADER(player a, string_id b, string_id str) { [&SYS&$a$ named $b$ leader of your guild $str$.] } GUILD_GRADE_FULL (string_id p) { [&CHK&There are not enough members in your guild to change the grade of $p$ to the one you chose.] } GUILD_ALREADY_HAS_JOIN_PROPOSAL (player p) { [&CHK&$p$ already has a guild join proposal.] } GUILD_ALREADY_MEMBER(player p) { [&CHK&$p$ is already member of a guild.] } GUILD_JOIN_PROPOSAL (player p, string_id g) { [$p$ invites you to join the guild $g$.] } GUILD_REFUSE_JOIN(player a) { [&AROUND&$a$ refuse de rejoindre votre guilde.] } GUILD_YOU_JOIN(string_id str) { [&AROUND&Vous rejoignez la guilde $str$.] } GUILD_JOIN(player a) { [&AROUND&$a$ rejoint votre guilde.] } GUILD_NEW_LEADER(string_id a) { [&SYS&$a$ is now the new leader of your guild.] } GUILD_KICK_MEMBER(player a, string_id b) { [&AROUND&$a$ a chassé $b$ de votre guilde.] } GUILD_QUIT(player a) { [&AROUND&$a$ a quitté votre guilde.] } GUILD_YOU_QUIT(string_id str) { [&AROUND&Vous quittez la guilde $str$.] } GUILD_MAX_MEMBER_COUNT ( int i ) { [&CHK&Votre guilde a atteint le nombre maximum de membres ($i$).] } GUILD_MAX_MEMBER_COUNT_INVITE ( int i ) { [&CHK&Votre guilde a déjà atteint le nombre maximum de membres ($i$).] } GUILD_ICOMPATIBLE_ALLEGIANCE( player p, faction b) { [&CHK&Le joueur $p$ a une allegeance $b$ incompatible avec les allegeances de votre guilde.] } GUILD_NOT_MEMBER () { [&SYS&You are not member of any guild.] } GUILD_USER_DELETED ( player a ) { [&SYS&$a$ was deleted by its player.] } GUILD_IS_PROXY() { [&CHK&Vous ne pouvez executer cette action qu'à partir du teritoire du jeu, hors vous êtes dans une instance.] } SOLE_PLACE( place p ) { place_lonely_param[$p$] } SOLE_STRING_ID( string_id i ) { [$i$] } GUILD_ROOM( string_id i ) { [To Guild "$i$".] } PLAYER_ROOM( player p ) { [To player "$p$".] } TELEPORT_NO_PET () { [&CHK&You must put all your animals in a stable before using this teleport.] } TELEPORT_BAD_SESSION () { [&CHK&The destinations of this teleporter have been updated. Please re-enter this teleport.] } GUILD_BUILDING_BAD_GRADE() { [&CHK&Your guild grade is not sufficient to perform this action.] } GUILD_BUILDING_ALREADY_BOUGHT() { [&CHK&Your guild already has a building.] } GUILD_RM_ALREADY_BOUGHT() { [&CHK&Your guild already bought this rolemaster.] } GUILD_BUILDING_NEEDED() { [&CHK&You need a guild building to perform this action.] } PLAYER_BUILDING_BAD_FAME( int i, race r ) { [&CHK&To buy a building here, you need a fame of $i$ toward the $r$ people .] } GUILD_BUILDING_BAD_FAME( int i, race r ) { [&CHK&To buy a building here, your guild need a fame of $i$ toward the $r$ people .] } GUILD_BUILDING_BAD_MONEY( int i ) { [&CHK&To buy a building here, you need $i$ dins.] } CHARGE_BAD_GRADE () { [&CHK&You don't have a sufficient guild grade to perform this operation.] } CHARGE_END (dyn_string_id id) { [&SYS&Your guild lose control of charge $id$.] } CHARGE_GOT (dyn_string_id id) { [&SYS&Your guild was selected for the following charge : $id$.] } MAX_CHARGE_REACHED () { [&CHK&your guild has already applied for the maximum number of charges.] } GUILD_ITEM_CANT_BE_PUT() { [&CHK&This item cannot be put in the guild inventory.] } GUILD_ITEM_BAD_SESSION() { [&CHK&Someone is manipulating this item. Please retry.] } GUILD_ITEM_DONT_HAVE_RIGHTS() { [&CHK&you are not allowed to perform that action] } GUILD_ITEM_MAX_BULK() { [&CHK&The guild warehouse id full.] } CHARGE_APPLY(dyn_string_id str) { [&SYS& your guild applied for the charge "$str$".] } CANT_ACCESS_GUILD_INVENTORY() { [&SYS&Vous devez être dans le bâtiment ou prêt d'un avant poste de votre guilde pour pouvoir accéder à son inventaire.] } GUILD_GAIN_CHARGE_POINT (int points) { [&SYS&Your guild gained $points$ charge points] } GUILD_XP_GAIN () { [&XP&Your guild gained experience points] }