2015-12-18 13:02:31 +01:00

363 lines
7.8 KiB

-- This script rename texture files in material
-- Include some NeL stuff
include ""
NelRenameSampleFilename = "c:/dir/name.ext"
NelRenameSample = "Bip01 toto"
NelRenamePropertiesMaterial = 1
NelRenamePropertiesNode = 2
NelRenameSelectionAlways = 1
NelRenameSelectionSearch = 2
NelRenameActionReplace = 1
NelRenameActionPrefix = 2
NelRenameActionPostfix = 3
NelRenameFilterDir = 1
NelRenameFilterDirName = 2
NelRenameFilterDirNameExt = 3
NelRenameFilterName = 4
NelRenameFilterNameExt = 5
NelRenameFilterExt = 6
rollout rename_rollout "Properties"
group "Global settings"
RadioButtons RenameWhat "Properties to rename" labels:#("Material", "Node") align:#left
RadioButtons SelectionMode "String selection" labels:#("Apply to all the string", "Search pattern in the string") align:#left
RadioButtons Action "Action to perform" labels:#("Replace", "Prefix", "Postfix") align:#left
Label RemplaceWithLabel "Remplace / Prefix / Postfix with:" align:#left
EditText RemplaceWith "" width:500 align:#left
RadioButtons PathNameFilter "Path name filter" labels:#("c:/dir", "c:/dir/name", "c:/dir/name.ext", "name", "name.ext", ".ext") align:#left
Label Sample "" align:#left
group "Replace"
Label FindWhatLabel "Find what:" align:#left
EditText FindWhat "" width:500 align:#left
CheckBox MatchWholeWordOnly "Match whole word only" checked:true
CheckBox MatchCase "Match case" checked:false
fn replaceString str pattern_to_search =
local result, position, match, temp_str
-- Default, doesn't match
match = false
if SelectionMode.state == NelRenameSelectionSearch then
-- Match all the word ?
if MatchWholeWordOnly.checked == true then
if str == pattern_to_search then
match = true
-- Find pattern
result = ""
temp_str = str
while (temp_str != "") do
-- Find the pattern in the temp_str ?
position = findString temp_str pattern_to_search
if position != undefined then
-- Contact the fist part
result = result + (substring temp_str 1 (position-1)) + RemplaceWith.text
-- Remove the pattern
temp_str = substring temp_str (position+pattern_to_search.count) -1
-- Match
match = true
-- Final
result = result + temp_str
temp_str = ""
-- If replace, return the result
if Action.state == NelRenameActionReplace then
return result
else if SelectionMode.state == NelRenameSelectionAlways then
-- Always match
match = true
-- Match ?
if match == true then
if Action.state == NelRenameActionReplace then
return RemplaceWith.text
else if Action.state == NelRenameActionPrefix then
return RemplaceWith.text + str
else if Action.state == NelRenameActionPostfix then
return str + RemplaceWith.text
return str
fn isFilename =
if RenameWhat.state == NelRenamePropertiesMaterial then
return true
return false
fn modifyString filename =
local dir, name, ext, find_what, prefix, name_to_modify, postfix
-- Find what
find_what = FindWhat.text
-- Get the bitmap file
if MatchCase.checked == false then
filename = lowercase filename
find_what = lowercase find_what
-- Filename
prefix = ""
name_to_modify = ""
postfix = ""
if isFilename() then
-- Extract different part of the path string
dir = adjustPathStringForScript ((getFilenamePath filename)) + "/"
name = getFilenameFile filename
ext = getFilenameType filename
-- Build the final filename
if PathNameFilter.state == NelRenameFilterDir then
name_to_modify = dir
postfix = name + ext
else if PathNameFilter.state == NelRenameFilterDirName then
name_to_modify = dir + name
postfix = ext
else if PathNameFilter.state == NelRenameFilterDirNameExt then
name_to_modify = dir + name + ext
else if PathNameFilter.state == NelRenameFilterName then
prefix = dir
name_to_modify = name
postfix = ext
else if PathNameFilter.state == NelRenameFilterNameExt then
prefix = dir
name_to_modify = name + ext
else -- if PathNameFilter.state == NelRenameFilterExt then
prefix = dir + name
name_to_modify = ext
name_to_modify = filename
-- Replace
return (prefix + (replaceString name_to_modify find_what) + postfix)
fn updateSample =
if isFilename() then
Sample.text = "Sample: \"" + NelRenameSampleFilename + "\" -> \"" + (modifyString NelRenameSample) + "\""
Sample.text = "Sample: \"" + NelRenameSample + "\" -> \"" + (modifyString NelRenameSample) + "\""
fn updateSearchMode =
if SelectionMode.state == NelRenameSelectionSearch then
MatchWholeWordOnly.enabled = true
FindWhat.enabled = true
MatchCase.enabled = true
else if SelectionMode.state == NelRenameSelectionAlways then
MatchWholeWordOnly.enabled = false
FindWhat.enabled = false
MatchCase.enabled = false
fn updatePathNameFilter =
PathNameFilter.enabled = isFilename()
on FindWhat changed text do
updateSample ()
on RemplaceWith changed text do
updateSample ()
on SelectionMode changed state do
updateSearchMode ()
updateSample ()
on Action changed state do
updateSample ()
on PathNameFilter changed state do
updateSample ()
on MatchWholeWordOnly changed state do
updateSample ()
on MatchCase changed state do
updateSample ()
on RenameWhat changed state do
updatePathNameFilter ()
updateSample ()
local countRenamed
fn renameMaterial material =
local find_what_lower, map, filename, position, mat
-- Text to find in lower case
find_what_lower = lowercase FindWhat.text
-- Std material
if ((classof material) == Standardmaterial) then
-- For each maps
for map in material.maps do
-- Map defined ?
if (map != undefined) then
-- Map is a bitmap file ?
if (classof map) == Bitmaptexture then
-- Get the bitmap file
filename = map.filename
-- Modify it
filename = modifyString filename
-- Change something ?
if (filename != map.filename) then
-- Remplace !
map.filename = filename
-- Count replaces
countRenamed = countRenamed + 1
if ((classof material) == Multimaterial) then
for mat in material.materialList do
renameMaterial mat
fn do_it =
-- Reset count
countRenamed = 0
-- For each node in the project
if (RenameWhat.state == NelRenamePropertiesMaterial) then
local mat
for mat in sceneMaterials do
-- Rename its material
renameMaterial mat
local node
for node in objects do
-- Rename its material
previousname = = filename = modifyString
if ( != previousname) then
countRenamed = countRenamed + 1
-- Add to total sum
return countRenamed
include ""
on rename_rollout open do
updateSearchMode ()
updateSample ()
gc ()
if rename_floater != undefined do
closerolloutfloater rename_floater
rename_floater = newRolloutFloater "NeL rename bitmap" 550 874
addrollout rename_rollout rename_floater rolledUp:false