2010-05-27 07:31:08 -05:00

328 lines
7.6 KiB

// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "std_afx.h"
#include "nel_export.h"
#include "nel/misc/file.h"
#include "nel/3d/shape.h"
#include "nel/3d/animation.h"
#include "nel/3d/skeleton_shape.h"
#include "nel/3d/vegetable_shape.h"
#include "nel/3d/lod_character_shape.h"
#include "../nel_mesh_lib/export_nel.h"
#include "../nel_mesh_lib/export_appdata.h"
using namespace NL3D;
using namespace NLMISC;
// --------------------------------------------------
bool CNelExport::exportMesh (const char *sPath, INode& node, TimeValue time)
// Result to return
bool bRet=false;
// Eval the object a time
ObjectState os = node.EvalWorldState(time);
// Object exist ?
if (os.obj)
// Skeleton shape
CSkeletonShape *skeletonShape=NULL;
TInodePtrInt *mapIdPtr=NULL;
TInodePtrInt mapId;
// If model skinned ?
if (CExportNel::isSkin (node))
// Create a skeleton
INode *skeletonRoot=CExportNel::getSkeletonRootBone (node);
// Skeleton exist ?
if (skeletonRoot)
// Build a skeleton
skeletonShape=new CSkeletonShape();
// Add skeleton bind pos info
CExportNel::mapBoneBindPos boneBindPos;
CExportNel::addSkeletonBindPos (node, boneBindPos);
// Build the skeleton based on the bind pos information
_ExportNel->buildSkeletonShape (*skeletonShape, *skeletonRoot, &boneBindPos, mapId, time);
// Set the pointer to not NULL
// Erase the skeleton
if (skeletonShape)
delete skeletonShape;
DWORD t = timeGetTime();
if (InfoLog)
InfoLog->display("Beg buildShape %s \n", node.GetName());
// Export in mesh format
IShape* pShape=_ExportNel->buildShape (node, time, mapIdPtr, true);
if (InfoLog)
InfoLog->display("End buildShape in %d ms \n", timeGetTime()-t);
// Conversion success ?
if (pShape)
// Open a file
COFile file;
if ( (sPath))
// Create a streamable shape
CShapeStream shapeStream (pShape);
// Serial the shape
shapeStream.serial (file);
// All is good
catch (...)
// Delete the pointer
delete pShape;
return bRet;
// --------------------------------------------------
bool CNelExport::exportVegetable (const char *sPath, INode& node, TimeValue time)
bool bRet=false;
// Build a vegetable
NL3D::CVegetableShape vegetable;
if (_ExportNel->buildVegetableShape (vegetable, node, time))
// Open a file
COFile file;
if ( (sPath))
// Serial the shape
vegetable.serial (file);
// All is good
catch (Exception &e)
// Message box
const char *message = e.what();
_ExportNel->outputErrorMessage ("Error during vegetable serialisation");
return bRet;
// --------------------------------------------------
bool CNelExport::exportAnim (const char *sPath, std::vector<INode*>& vectNode, TimeValue time, bool scene)
// Result to return
bool bRet=false;
// Create an animation file
CAnimation animFile;
// For each node to export
for (uint n=0; n<vectNode.size(); n++)
// Get name
std::string nodeName="";
int prefixe = CExportNel::getScriptAppData (vectNode[n], NEL3D_APPDATA_EXPORT_ANIMATION_PREFIXE_NAME, 0);
// Set the name only if it is a scene animation
if (scene || prefixe)
// try to get the prefix from the appData if present. If not, takes it from the node name
nodeName = CExportNel::getScriptAppData (vectNode[n], NEL3D_APPDATA_INSTANCE_NAME, "");
if (nodeName == "") // not found ?
nodeName=CExportNel::getName (*vectNode[n]);
// Is a root ?
bool root = vectNode[n]->GetParentNode () == _Ip->GetRootNode();
// Add animation
_ExportNel->addAnimation (animFile, *vectNode[n], nodeName.c_str(), root);
if (vectNode.size())
// Open a file
COFile file;
if ( (sPath))
// Serial the animation
animFile.serial (file);
// All is good
catch (Exception& e)
if (_ErrorInDialog)
MessageBox (NULL, e.what(), "NeL export", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
nlwarning ("ERROR : %s", e.what ());
if (_ErrorInDialog)
MessageBox (NULL, "Can't open the file for writing.", "NeL export", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
nlwarning ("ERROR : Can't open the file (%s) for writing", sPath);
return bRet;
// --------------------------------------------------
bool CNelExport::exportSkeleton (const char *sPath, INode* pNode, TimeValue time)
// Result to return
bool bRet=false;
// Build the skeleton format
CSkeletonShape *skeletonShape=new CSkeletonShape();
TInodePtrInt mapId;
_ExportNel->buildSkeletonShape (*skeletonShape, *pNode, NULL, mapId, time);
// Open a file
COFile file;
if ( (sPath))
// Create a streamable shape
CShapeStream shapeStream (skeletonShape);
// Serial the shape
shapeStream.serial (file);
// All is good
catch (Exception &e)
nlwarning (e.what());
// Delete the pointer
delete skeletonShape;
return bRet;
// --------------------------------------------------
bool CNelExport::exportLodCharacter (const char *sPath, INode& node, TimeValue time)
// Result to return
bool bRet=false;
// Eval the object a time
ObjectState os = node.EvalWorldState(time);
// Object exist ?
if (os.obj)
// Skeleton shape
CSkeletonShape *skeletonShape=NULL;
TInodePtrInt *mapIdPtr=NULL;
TInodePtrInt mapId;
// If model skinned ?
if (CExportNel::isSkin (node))
// Create a skeleton
INode *skeletonRoot=CExportNel::getSkeletonRootBone (node);
// Skeleton exist ?
if (skeletonRoot)
// Build a skeleton
skeletonShape=new CSkeletonShape();
// Add skeleton bind pos info
CExportNel::mapBoneBindPos boneBindPos;
CExportNel::addSkeletonBindPos (node, boneBindPos);
// Build the skeleton based on the bind pos information
_ExportNel->buildSkeletonShape (*skeletonShape, *skeletonRoot, &boneBindPos, mapId, time);
// Set the pointer to not NULL
// Erase the skeleton
if (skeletonShape)
delete skeletonShape;
// Conversion success ?
CLodCharacterShapeBuild lodBuild;
if (_ExportNel->buildLodCharacter (lodBuild, node, time, mapIdPtr) )
// Open a file
COFile file;
if ( (sPath))
// Serial the shape
lodBuild.serial (file);
// All is good
catch (...)
return bRet;