2015-12-18 13:02:31 +01:00

165 lines
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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "export_nel.h"
#include "export_appdata.h"
#include "../nel_export/std_afx.h"
#include "../nel_export/nel_export.h"
#include "nel/3d/vegetable_shape.h"
using namespace NLMISC;
using namespace NL3D;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CExportNel::buildVegetableShape (NL3D::CVegetableShape& skeletonShape, INode& node, TimeValue time)
// Is it a tri object ?
bool res = false;
// Get a pointer on the object's node
ObjectState os = node.EvalWorldState(time);
Object *obj = os.obj;
// Check if there is an object
if (obj)
if (obj->CanConvertToType(Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0)))
// Get a triobject from the node
TriObject *tri = (TriObject *) obj->ConvertToType(time, Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0));
if (tri)
// Note that the TriObject should only be deleted
// if the pointer to it is not equal to the object
// pointer that called ConvertToType()
bool deleteIt=false;
if (obj != tri)
deleteIt = true;
// Build a mesh base structure
CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild buildBaseMesh;
CMaxMeshBaseBuild maxBaseBuild;
// Get the node matrix
Matrix3 nodeMatrixMax;
CMatrix nodeMatrix;
getLocalMatrix (nodeMatrixMax, node, time);
convertMatrix (nodeMatrix, nodeMatrixMax);
buildBaseMeshInterface (buildBaseMesh, maxBaseBuild, node, time, nodeMatrix);
// Build a mesh
CMesh::CMeshBuild buildMesh;
buildMeshInterface (*tri, buildMesh, buildBaseMesh, maxBaseBuild, node, time, NULL);
// Has UV 1
if ((buildMesh.VertexFlags & CVertexBuffer::TexCoord0Flag) == 0)
// Error
outputErrorMessage ("Can't build vegetable mesh: need UV1 coordinates");
// Build a mesh
CMesh mesh; (buildBaseMesh, buildMesh);
// Number of matrix block
if (mesh.getNbMatrixBlock () != 1)
// Error
outputErrorMessage ("The object can't be skinned");
// Number of render pass
if (mesh.getNbRdrPass (0) != 1)
// Error
outputErrorMessage ("The object must have less than one material!");
// Build a vegetable mesh
CVegetableShapeBuild vegetableBuild;
// Copy the vertex buffer
vegetableBuild.VB = mesh.getVertexBuffer ();
// Copy the primitive block
vegetableBuild.PB = mesh.getRdrPassPrimitiveBlock (0, 0);
// Get the appdata
vegetableBuild.AlphaBlend = CExportNel::getScriptAppData (&node, NEL3D_APPDATA_VEGETABLE_ALPHA_BLEND, 0) == 0;
// Alpha blend ?
if (vegetableBuild.AlphaBlend)
// Default options
vegetableBuild.PreComputeLighting = true;
vegetableBuild.DoubleSided = true;
// Lighted ?
vegetableBuild.Lighted = CExportNel::getScriptAppData (&node, NEL3D_APPDATA_VEGETABLE_ALPHA_BLEND_ON_LIGHTED, 0) == 0;
// Lighted ?
vegetableBuild.Lighted = CExportNel::getScriptAppData (&node, NEL3D_APPDATA_VEGETABLE_ALPHA_BLEND_OFF_LIGHTED, 0) != 2;
// Precompute light ?
vegetableBuild.PreComputeLighting = CExportNel::getScriptAppData (&node, NEL3D_APPDATA_VEGETABLE_ALPHA_BLEND_OFF_LIGHTED, 0) == 0;
// Double sided ?
vegetableBuild.DoubleSided = CExportNel::getScriptAppData (&node, NEL3D_APPDATA_VEGETABLE_ALPHA_BLEND_OFF_DOUBLE_SIDED, 0) != BST_UNCHECKED;
// PreComputeLighting?
if (vegetableBuild.PreComputeLighting)
// BestSidedPreComputeLighting?
vegetableBuild.BestSidedPreComputeLighting= CExportNel::getScriptAppData (&node, NEL3D_APPDATA_VEGETABLE_FORCE_BEST_SIDED_LIGHTING, 0) != BST_UNCHECKED;
// Max bend weight
vegetableBuild.MaxBendWeight = CExportNel::getScriptAppData (&node, NEL3D_APPDATA_BEND_FACTOR, NEL3D_APPDATA_BEND_FACTOR_DEFAULT);
// BendMode
vegetableBuild.BendCenterMode = (CVegetableShapeBuild::TBendCenterMode)CExportNel::getScriptAppData (&node, NEL3D_APPDATA_BEND_CENTER, 0);
// Build it (vegetableBuild);
// Ok
res = true;
if (deleteIt)
return res;
// ***************************************************************************