
422 lines
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// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#if !defined(AFX_GEORGES_EDITDOC_H__266E6547_220E_4A6E_9285_5F91BCD53E5B__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_GEORGES_EDITDOC_H__266E6547_220E_4A6E_9285_5F91BCD53E5B__INCLUDED_
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/georges/type.h"
#include "nel/georges/form.h"
#include "nel/georges/form_dfn.h"
#include "nel/georges/form_loader.h"
#include "plugin_interface.h"
class CLeftView;
class CGeorgesEditView;
class CGeorgesEditDoc;
* This class is the sub object in the leftview tree.
* The CGeorgesEditDocSub pointers are stored in the CTreeCtrl user data. The current CGeorgesEditDocSub edited in the right view
* is the current ledfview CTreeCtrl selection.
* To get the node or the DFN entry from a CGeorgesEditDocSub, use the form name stored in the CGeorgesEditDocSub and make a
* getNodeByName / getValueByName.
class CGeorgesEditDocSub
// What is the sub object ?
enum TSub
Null, // Nothing in this node (root ?)
Header, // Header node
Type, // This node is a type
Dfn, // This node is a dfn
Form, // This node is a form
CGeorgesEditDocSub ();
// Delete sub objects
~CGeorgesEditDocSub ();
// Get the type of the sub object
bool isEditable () const;
// Is Subobject editable
TSub getType () const;
// Get the my id in the parent children array
uint getIdInParent () const;
// Get the sub object name
const std::string& getName () const;
// Get the form name
const std::string& getFormName () const;
// Get the sub object children
uint getChildrenCount ();
void removeChildren (uint child);
CGeorgesEditDocSub *getChild (uint child);
CGeorgesEditDocSub *getParent ();
// Get the slot number
uint getSlot () const;
// Create a sub object
void create (TSub type, const char *name, uint structId, const char *formName, uint slot);
// Add a sub object
CGeorgesEditDocSub *add (TSub type, const char *name, uint structId, const char *formName, uint slot);
// Clean the struct
void clean ();
// Get item image
int getItemImage (CGeorgesEditDoc *doc) const;
uint _StructId;
std::string _Name;
std::string _FormName;
TSub _Type;
std::vector<CGeorgesEditDocSub*> _Children;
CGeorgesEditDocSub *_Parent;
uint _Slot;
* To get the current sub object, use getSelectedObject.
* When the structure of the document changes (and the left tree too), CGeorgesEditDoc::updateDocumentStructure must be called.
* This method destroy and construct the CGeorgesEditDocSub tree and the leftView CTreeCtrl.
* To change of sub selection, call changeSubSelection.
* When the left / right view need update, (document changes, sub object selection change..), call the right view getXXXFromDocument() method.
* When the document need update from the left / right view, (right view widget edition), call the left / right view setXXXToDocument () method.
class CGeorgesEditDoc : public CDocument, public NLGEORGES::IEditDocument
friend class IAction;
protected: // create from serialization only
* Call this method when the document have been modified (not the structure but the document values).
* After this call, any CGeorgesEditDocSub pointers in this document are invalid.
bool modify (class IAction *action, bool modified = true, bool setHeaderStateToModified = true);
// Set the modified state of the document
void setModifiedState (bool modified);
// Attributes
// Return the root node for a slot
NLGEORGES::CFormElm *getRootNode (uint slot);
// Trick, when this flag is true, no modification (made by modified()) can be made.
bool NoModification;
// A form loader
NLGEORGES::CFormLoader FormLoader;
// The root sub object
CGeorgesEditDocSub RootObject;
* Return the current sub object
* Warning, it you call modify or any method that call updateDocumentStructure (), this pointer is not valid anymore.
CGeorgesEditDocSub *getSelectedObject ();
// Change the sub selection. If subSelection == NULL, select the content
void changeSubSelection (CGeorgesEditDocSub *subSelection, CView *view);
void changeSubSelection (uint subId, CView *view);
// Switch focus to the given view
CView *switchToView(CView* pNewView);
// Get the type pointer
NLGEORGES::CType *getTypePtr ();
// Get the DFN pointer
NLGEORGES::CFormDfn *getDfnPtr ();
// Get the form document pointer
NLGEORGES::CForm *getFormPtr ();
// Get the header pointer
NLGEORGES::CFileHeader *getHeaderPtr ();
// Get the left view
CLeftView *getLeftView ();
// Get the right view
CGeorgesEditView *getRightView ();
* Update the document structure. Call this when the document structure have been modified.
* It erases the sub object structure, rebuild it and rebuild the leftview tree.
* After this call, any CGeorgesEditDocSub pointers in this document are invalid.
void updateDocumentStructure ();
* Call when the view is actived / disactivated
void onActivateView (bool activate);
// Notify the plugins that this value has changed
void notifyPlugins (const char *valueName);
// Load a form file
bool loadFormFile (const char *filename);
// Add a parent form to the file
bool addParent (const char *filename);
// Document is a type ?
virtual bool isType () const;
// Document is a dfn ?
virtual bool isDfn () const;
// Docuemnt is a form ?
virtual bool isForm () const;
// overload setPathName to update plugin
void SetPathName(LPCTSTR lpszPathName, BOOL bAddToMRU);
// Internal methods to construct the sub object structre
CGeorgesEditDocSub *addStruct (CGeorgesEditDocSub *parent, NLGEORGES::CFormElmStruct *_struct, NLGEORGES::CFormDfn *rootDfn, const char *name, uint structId, const char *formName, uint slot);
// Internal methods to construct the sub object structre
CGeorgesEditDocSub *addArray (CGeorgesEditDocSub *parent, NLGEORGES::CFormElmArray *array, NLGEORGES::CFormDfn *rootDfn, const char *name, uint structId, const char *formName, uint slot);
// Log system
void logValueChange (const char *valueName, const char *newValue, bool present);
void flushValueChange ();
std::map<std::string, std::string> _LastLogs;
// Undo / redo system
uint _UndoModify;
std::vector<IAction*> _UndoBuffer;
std::vector<IAction*> _RedoBuffer;
void clearUndo ();
void clearRedo ();
// The value
// From IEditDocument
NLGEORGES::UForm *getForm ();
void getDfnFilename (std::string &dfnName);
void bind (NLGEORGES::IEditPlugin *plugin, NLGEORGES::IEditDocumentPlugin *document);
bool getActiveNode (std::string &dfnName);
void refreshView ();
void getFilename (std::string &pathname);
void getTitle (std::string &pathname);
void setValue (const char *valueName, const char *value, uint slot);
// Operations
// Plugin informations
class CPlugin
// Constructor
CPlugin (NLGEORGES::IEditPlugin *plugin, NLGEORGES::IEditDocumentPlugin *pluginInterface);
// The plugin document interface
NLGEORGES::IEditDocumentPlugin *PluginInterface;
NLGEORGES::IEditPlugin *Plugin;
// Array of plugin informations
std::vector<CPlugin> PluginArray;
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
virtual BOOL OnOpenDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName);
virtual BOOL OnSaveDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName);
// Implementation
virtual ~CGeorgesEditDoc();
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void AssertValid() const;
virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;
// Generated message map functions
afx_msg void OnUpdateFileSaveAll(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnEditUndo();
afx_msg void OnUpdateEditUndo(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnEditRedo();
afx_msg void OnUpdateEditRedo(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
class CGeorgesEditDocType : public CGeorgesEditDoc
protected: // create from serialization only
CGeorgesEditDocType() {}
// Document is a type ?
bool isType () const;
// Operations
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
virtual BOOL OnNewDocument();
// Generated message map functions
// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove member functions here.
// DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code !
class CGeorgesEditDocDfn : public CGeorgesEditDoc
protected: // create from serialization only
CGeorgesEditDocDfn() {}
// Document is a dfn ?
bool isDfn () const;
// Operations
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
virtual BOOL OnNewDocument();
// Generated message map functions
// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove member functions here.
// DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code !
class CGeorgesEditDocForm : public CGeorgesEditDoc
protected: // create from serialization only
CGeorgesEditDocForm() {}
// Docuemnt is a form ?
bool isForm () const;
// Init the document
bool initDocument (const char *dfnName, bool newElement);
// Fetch a backup buffer
void fetch (uint buffer);
// Fetch a backup buffer
void hold (uint buffer);
// Operations
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
virtual BOOL OnNewDocument();
// Generated message map functions
afx_msg void OnEditFetch1();
afx_msg void OnEditFetch3();
afx_msg void OnEditFetch4();
afx_msg void OnEditFetch2();
afx_msg void OnEditHold1();
afx_msg void OnEditHold2();
afx_msg void OnEditHold3();
afx_msg void OnEditHold4();
// Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
#endif // !defined(AFX_GEORGES_EDITDOC_H__266E6547_220E_4A6E_9285_5F91BCD53E5B__INCLUDED_)