kerozcak 4d7293d0f5 Changed: #1315 Adding work i have done so far.
branch : gsoc2011-kerozcak
2011-06-09 18:23:29 +02:00

391 lines
12 KiB

* Global state for SimpleTest and kicker script in future versions.
* @package SimpleTest
* @subpackage UnitTester
* @version $Id: simpletest.php 2011 2011-04-29 08:22:48Z pp11 $
* include SimpleTest files
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/reflection_php5.php');
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/default_reporter.php');
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/compatibility.php');
* Registry and test context. Includes a few
* global options that I'm slowly getting rid of.
* @package SimpleTest
* @subpackage UnitTester
class SimpleTest {
* Reads the SimpleTest version from the release file.
* @return string Version string.
static function getVersion() {
$content = file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/VERSION');
return trim($content[0]);
* Sets the name of a test case to ignore, usually
* because the class is an abstract case that should
* @param string $class Add a class to ignore.
static function ignore($class) {
$registry = &SimpleTest::getRegistry();
$registry['IgnoreList'][strtolower($class)] = true;
* Scans the now complete ignore list, and adds
* all parent classes to the list. If a class
* is not a runnable test case, then it's parents
* wouldn't be either. This is syntactic sugar
* to cut down on ommissions of ignore()'s or
* missing abstract declarations. This cannot
* be done whilst loading classes wiithout forcing
* a particular order on the class declarations and
* the ignore() calls. It's just nice to have the ignore()
* calls at the top of the file before the actual declarations.
* @param array $classes Class names of interest.
static function ignoreParentsIfIgnored($classes) {
$registry = &SimpleTest::getRegistry();
foreach ($classes as $class) {
if (SimpleTest::isIgnored($class)) {
$reflection = new SimpleReflection($class);
if ($parent = $reflection->getParent()) {
* Puts the object to the global pool of 'preferred' objects
* which can be retrieved with SimpleTest :: preferred() method.
* Instances of the same class are overwritten.
* @param object $object Preferred object
* @see preferred()
static function prefer($object) {
$registry = &SimpleTest::getRegistry();
$registry['Preferred'][] = $object;
* Retrieves 'preferred' objects from global pool. Class filter
* can be applied in order to retrieve the object of the specific
* class
* @param array|string $classes Allowed classes or interfaces.
* @return array|object|null
* @see prefer()
static function preferred($classes) {
if (! is_array($classes)) {
$classes = array($classes);
$registry = &SimpleTest::getRegistry();
for ($i = count($registry['Preferred']) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
foreach ($classes as $class) {
if (SimpleTestCompatibility::isA($registry['Preferred'][$i], $class)) {
return $registry['Preferred'][$i];
return null;
* Test to see if a test case is in the ignore
* list. Quite obviously the ignore list should
* be a separate object and will be one day.
* This method is internal to SimpleTest. Don't
* use it.
* @param string $class Class name to test.
* @return boolean True if should not be run.
static function isIgnored($class) {
$registry = &SimpleTest::getRegistry();
return isset($registry['IgnoreList'][strtolower($class)]);
* Sets proxy to use on all requests for when
* testing from behind a firewall. Set host
* to false to disable. This will take effect
* if there are no other proxy settings.
* @param string $proxy Proxy host as URL.
* @param string $username Proxy username for authentication.
* @param string $password Proxy password for authentication.
static function useProxy($proxy, $username = false, $password = false) {
$registry = &SimpleTest::getRegistry();
$registry['DefaultProxy'] = $proxy;
$registry['DefaultProxyUsername'] = $username;
$registry['DefaultProxyPassword'] = $password;
* Accessor for default proxy host.
* @return string Proxy URL.
static function getDefaultProxy() {
$registry = &SimpleTest::getRegistry();
return $registry['DefaultProxy'];
* Accessor for default proxy username.
* @return string Proxy username for authentication.
static function getDefaultProxyUsername() {
$registry = &SimpleTest::getRegistry();
return $registry['DefaultProxyUsername'];
* Accessor for default proxy password.
* @return string Proxy password for authentication.
static function getDefaultProxyPassword() {
$registry = &SimpleTest::getRegistry();
return $registry['DefaultProxyPassword'];
* Accessor for default HTML parsers.
* @return array List of parsers to try in
* order until one responds true
* to can().
static function getParsers() {
$registry = &SimpleTest::getRegistry();
return $registry['Parsers'];
* Set the list of HTML parsers to attempt to use by default.
* @param array $parsers List of parsers to try in
* order until one responds true
* to can().
static function setParsers($parsers) {
$registry = &SimpleTest::getRegistry();
$registry['Parsers'] = $parsers;
* Accessor for global registry of options.
* @return hash All stored values.
protected static function &getRegistry() {
static $registry = false;
if (! $registry) {
$registry = SimpleTest::getDefaults();
return $registry;
* Accessor for the context of the current
* test run.
* @return SimpleTestContext Current test run.
static function getContext() {
static $context = false;
if (! $context) {
$context = new SimpleTestContext();
return $context;
* Constant default values.
* @return hash All registry defaults.
protected static function getDefaults() {
return array(
'Parsers' => false,
'MockBaseClass' => 'SimpleMock',
'IgnoreList' => array(),
'DefaultProxy' => false,
'DefaultProxyUsername' => false,
'DefaultProxyPassword' => false,
'Preferred' => array(new HtmlReporter(), new TextReporter(), new XmlReporter()));
* @deprecated
static function setMockBaseClass($mock_base) {
$registry = &SimpleTest::getRegistry();
$registry['MockBaseClass'] = $mock_base;
* @deprecated
static function getMockBaseClass() {
$registry = &SimpleTest::getRegistry();
return $registry['MockBaseClass'];
* Container for all components for a specific
* test run. Makes things like error queues
* available to PHP event handlers, and also
* gets around some nasty reference issues in
* the mocks.
* @package SimpleTest
class SimpleTestContext {
private $test;
private $reporter;
private $resources;
* Clears down the current context.
* @access public
function clear() {
$this->resources = array();
* Sets the current test case instance. This
* global instance can be used by the mock objects
* to send message to the test cases.
* @param SimpleTestCase $test Test case to register.
function setTest($test) {
$this->test = $test;
* Accessor for currently running test case.
* @return SimpleTestCase Current test.
function getTest() {
return $this->test;
* Sets the current reporter. This
* global instance can be used by the mock objects
* to send messages.
* @param SimpleReporter $reporter Reporter to register.
function setReporter($reporter) {
$this->reporter = $reporter;
* Accessor for current reporter.
* @return SimpleReporter Current reporter.
function getReporter() {
return $this->reporter;
* Accessor for the Singleton resource.
* @return object Global resource.
function get($resource) {
if (! isset($this->resources[$resource])) {
$this->resources[$resource] = new $resource();
return $this->resources[$resource];
* Interrogates the stack trace to recover the
* failure point.
* @package SimpleTest
* @subpackage UnitTester
class SimpleStackTrace {
private $prefixes;
* Stashes the list of target prefixes.
* @param array $prefixes List of method prefixes
* to search for.
function __construct($prefixes) {
$this->prefixes = $prefixes;
* Extracts the last method name that was not within
* Simpletest itself. Captures a stack trace if none given.
* @param array $stack List of stack frames.
* @return string Snippet of test report with line
* number and file.
function traceMethod($stack = false) {
$stack = $stack ? $stack : $this->captureTrace();
foreach ($stack as $frame) {
if ($this->frameLiesWithinSimpleTestFolder($frame)) {
if ($this->frameMatchesPrefix($frame)) {
return ' at [' . $frame['file'] . ' line ' . $frame['line'] . ']';
return '';
* Test to see if error is generated by SimpleTest itself.
* @param array $frame PHP stack frame.
* @return boolean True if a SimpleTest file.
protected function frameLiesWithinSimpleTestFolder($frame) {
if (isset($frame['file'])) {
$path = substr(SIMPLE_TEST, 0, -1);
if (strpos($frame['file'], $path) === 0) {
if (dirname($frame['file']) == $path) {
return true;
return false;
* Tries to determine if the method call is an assert, etc.
* @param array $frame PHP stack frame.
* @return boolean True if matches a target.
protected function frameMatchesPrefix($frame) {
foreach ($this->prefixes as $prefix) {
if (strncmp($frame['function'], $prefix, strlen($prefix)) == 0) {
return true;
return false;
* Grabs a current stack trace.
* @return array Fulle trace.
protected function captureTrace() {
if (function_exists('debug_backtrace')) {
return array_reverse(debug_backtrace());
return array();