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// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include <string>
namespace NL3D
class UInstance;
namespace NLMISC
class CConfigFile;
/** This class allows to setup a model color's when color are encoded in various texture files.
* It contains a set of slots description. Each slot match a part of a model whose color can be modified.
* As an example, "skin", "hair" may be slots.
* Each slot can have a limited number of colors. Each color must have its extension
* The manager is initialized from a set of textures files.
* The slot color each texture represents is encoded in the texture name
* Example:
* ...
* Once the slots description have been filled, we can change model's colors for a given slot
* \warning all slot should be created before textures are parsed
class CColorSlotManager
typedef std::vector<std::string> TStringVect;
typedef std::pair<uint, uint> TIntCouple;
typedef std::vector<TIntCouple> TIntCoupleVect;
typedef std::vector<uint> TUIntVect;
enum { NotFound = (uint) -1 };
/// ctor
/** Add a slot containing file extensions
* \return the slot id
uint addSlot(const TStringVect &slotDescs);
/** Init slots from a config file. This config file is the same that the one that is in the 'panoply_maker' tool
* \param startSlot id of the first slot that has been added
* \param numSlots
* \return true is sucess
bool addSlotsFromConfigFile(NLMISC::CConfigFile &cf, uint &startSlot, uint &numSlots);
/** Search if an extension is in a slot
* \return a pair (slot ID, extension index) or (NotFound, 0)
std::pair<uint, uint> findFileExtensionInSlot(const std::string &ext) const;
/// Set a separator for slot extensions. By default it is an underscore '_'
void setExtensionSeparator(const char *separator) { _Separator = separator; }
/** Add a texture name. Its name will be parsed to see which slot colors it contains.
* \warning The necessary slots should have been added, otherwise parsing will fail
* \return True if the texture has been added successfully
bool addTexture(const char *texName);
/** Add all texture from the given path. You can also provides a list of valid extensions for the files, though
* a default one is provided (TGA, DDS)
* \param path the path textures should be retrieved from.
* \param validExtensions an array of the valid bitmap files extensions.
* \param numExtensions number of texture extensions in the array
* \return true if all texture where added successfully
bool addTexturesFromPath(const std::string &path,
const char *validExtensions[] = _DefaultTextureExtension,
uint numExtensions = _NumDefaultTextureExtensions
/** Modify a slot of an instance.
* \warning on the first call, all slot are set to their default value (0)
* \param instance the instance to change
* \param slotID The slot to change
* \param the value to assign to that slot
* \return true if all slots where changed successfully
* NB : If you must activate a texture slot on an instance, you should do it before calling this method.
bool setInstanceSlot(NL3D::UInstance instance, uint slotID, uint value) const;
/** Modify several slots of an instance. This is usually faster than several calls to setInstanceSlot (single slot version)
* \warning on the first call, all slot are set to their default value (0)
* \param instance the instance to change
* \param slotIDs An array of pairs (slotID, slotValue)
* \param numValues Number of values in the array
* \return true if all slots where changed successfully
* NB : If you must activate a texture slot on an instance, you should do it before calling this method.
bool setInstanceSlot(NL3D::UInstance instance, TIntCouple *slotIDs, uint numValues) const;
/// Reset all textures names
void resetTextures();
/// Reset all slots
void resetSlots();
typedef std::vector<TStringVect> TSlotVect;
typedef std::map<std::string, TUIntVect > TTex2Slots; // from a texture name, tells which slots it can use
TSlotVect _Slots;
TTex2Slots _TexMap;
std::string _Separator;
static const char *_DefaultTextureExtension[];
static const uint _NumDefaultTextureExtensions;
/** Parse a texture name and fills a vector with the ids of the slots it contains (if one is provided)
* It also remove the extensions from the fileName
* If it fails, the ids vector if left unmodified
* \param texNameWithoutExtensions A string that will be fill with the tex name with no extensions if the call succeed (and if not NULL)
* \param slotsId a vector that will be filled with couples (slotID, extensionID)
* \return true if the filename is correct (must contain at least one slot)
bool parseTexName(const char *texName, std::string *texNameWithoutExtensions = NULL,
TIntCoupleVect *slotsId = NULL) const;
/** Change a texture name with the given parameters.
* \return true if the name changed
bool changeTexName(std::string &name, TIntCouple *slotIDs, uint numValues, bool &everyThingOk) const;
// GLOBAL //
/// Manage slot and color for instances.
extern CColorSlotManager ColorSlotManager;
/// Initialize the Color slot manager for the client.
void initColorSlotManager();