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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/smart_ptr.h"
#include "nel/misc/aabbox.h"
#include "nel/misc/class_id.h"
#include "nel/misc/vector_2f.h"
#include "nel/misc/polygon.h"
#include "nel/3d/track.h"
#include "nel/3d/animation_time.h"
#include "nel/3d/shape.h"
#include "nel/3d/vertex_buffer.h"
#include "nel/3d/driver.h"
#include <memory>
namespace NL3D {
// class id for water
const NLMISC::CClassId WaterModelClassId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x41a0732e, 0x6c664506);
// class id for wave maker
const NLMISC::CClassId WaveMakerModelClassId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x16da3356, 0x7dec65fd);
const uint WATER_VERTEX_HARD_SIZE = sizeof(float[3]);
const uint WATER_VERTEX_SOFT_SIZE = sizeof(float[5]);
* A water shape.
* On recent gfx boards with 4 texture stages, it uses the following :
* -A environment map computed from the hemisphere that is above the water.
* -A bump map used to perturbate the envmap (bump map 1).
* -A bump map used to perturbate the bump map 1 (bump map 0). This simulate local water motion
* -A color map whose both alpha and rgb are modulated with the envmap to get transparency and color of the water.
* These maps can be scaled, but not rotated. The bump maps can scroll at regular speed over time
* The envmap, when set to a CTextureBlend, will automatically blend for all shape when CWaterPoolManager::setBlend is called.
* This may be used to simulate a night / day transition.
* The color / alpha map may have arbritrary orientation over the surface
* \author Nicolas Vizerie
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2001
class CWaterShape : public IShape
/* ***********************************************
* WARNING: This Class/Method must be thread-safe (ctor/dtor/serial): no static access for instance
* It can be loaded/called through CAsyncFileManager for instance
* ***********************************************/
///\name Object
/// ctor
/// dtor
/// serial this shape
void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f) throw(NLMISC::EStream);
/// inherited from IShape
virtual CTransformShape *createInstance(CScene &scene);
/// inherited from IShape
virtual bool clip(const std::vector<CPlane> &pyramid, const CMatrix &worldMatrix);
/// inherited from IShape. Does nothing. A new traverseRender() was set for that
virtual void render(IDriver * /* drv */, CTransformShape * /* trans */, bool /* opaquePass */) {}
/// inherited from IShape
virtual void getAABBox(NLMISC::CAABBox &bbox) const { bbox = _BBox; }
/// inherited from ishape
virtual float getNumTriangles (float distance);
/// inherited from ishape
virtual void flushTextures (IDriver &driver, uint selectedTexture);
///\name Geometry setup
/// all water shape that have the same weter id will share the same height map for wave propagations
void setWaterPoolID(uint32 id) { _WaterPoolID = id; }
uint32 getWaterPoolID() const { return _WaterPoolID; }
/// set the resolution for the grid that is used for tesselation
static void setScreenGridSize(uint32 x, uint32 y);
/// set the size of borders. This is needed when water move is high, to avoid hole on the border of the screen
static void setGridBorderSize(uint32 x, uint32 y);
static uint32 getScreenXGridSize() { return _XScreenGridSize; }
static uint32 getScreenYGridSize() { return _YScreenGridSize; }
static uint32 getXGridBorder() { return _XGridBorder; }
static uint32 getYGridBorder() { return _YGridBorder; }
// set a polygon that represent this shape. It must be a 2d polygon, with z kept to 0 everywhere
void setShape(const NLMISC::CPolygon2D &poly);
/// get the polygon used by this shape, in the object space
const NLMISC::CPolygon2D &getShape() const { return _Poly; }
/// get the polygon this shape, in world space, according to its default position
void getShapeInWorldSpace(NLMISC::CPolygon &poly) const;
/// get the polygon of this shape, in world space, according to a user matrix
void getShapeInWorldSpace(NLMISC::CPolygon &poly, const NLMISC::CMatrix &objMat) const;
/// Set a factor that is applied to waves height when they are displayed. default is 1
void setWaveHeightFactor(float f) { _WaveHeightFactor = f; }
/// Get the factor that is applied to waves height when they are displayed. default is 1
float getWaveHeightFactor() const { return _WaveHeightFactor; }
///\name Texture setup
// set the environment reflected by water. Index should be 0 for the above texture and 1 for the below texture
void setEnvMap(uint index, ITexture *envMap);
ITexture *getEnvMap(uint index) { nlassert(index < 2); return (ITexture *) _EnvMap[index];}
const ITexture *getEnvMap(uint index) const { nlassert(index < 2); return (const ITexture *) _EnvMap[index];}
/** Set a height map, used to generate a bumpmap (useful if supported by hardware...)
* NB : not to be confused with the height map used to modify the geometry, it only modify texture
void setHeightMap(uint k, ITexture *hm);
ITexture *getHeightMap(uint k);
const ITexture *getHeightMap(uint k) const;
void setHeightMapScale(uint k, const NLMISC::CVector2f &scale);
NLMISC::CVector2f getHeightMapScale(uint k) const;
void setHeightMapSpeed(uint k, const NLMISC::CVector2f &speed); // speed given in texture units
NLMISC::CVector2f getHeightMapSpeed(uint k) const;
// set a color map
void setColorMap(ITexture *map);
ITexture *getColorMap() { return _ColorMap; }
const ITexture *getColorMap() const { return _ColorMap; }
// set A 2x3 matrix used to compute position in colormap, from the x and y coordinates in world space
void setColorMapMat(const NLMISC::CVector2f &column0, const NLMISC::CVector2f &column1, const NLMISC::CVector2f &pos);
void getColorMapMat(NLMISC::CVector2f &column0, NLMISC::CVector2f &column1, NLMISC::CVector2f &pos);
///\name LOD
void setTransitionRatio(float percent) { _TransitionRatio = percent; }
float getTransitionRatio() const { return _TransitionRatio; }
/// \name access default tracks.
// @{
CTrackDefaultVector* getDefaultPos () {return &_DefaultPos;}
CTrackDefaultVector* getDefaultScale () {return &_DefaultScale;}
CTrackDefaultQuat* getDefaultRotQuat () {return &_DefaultRotQuat;}
// @}
/// \name Lighmap
// @{
/// Tells this shape that it can replace its colormap by a lightmap during the zone lighting
void enableLightMapping(bool enable = true) { _ComputeLightmap = enable; }
bool isLightMappingEnabled() const { return _ComputeLightmap; }
/// \name Misc flags
// @{
// Tells whether splashs are enabled (for client only, the flag in itself does nothing, and is here for convenience)
void enableSplash(bool enable) { _SplashEnabled = enable; }
bool isSplashEnabled() const { return _SplashEnabled; }
// Use envmap computed from scene instead of user envmap
void setUseSceneWaterEnvMap(uint index, bool enable) { nlassert(index < 2); _UsesSceneWaterEnvMap[index] = enable; }
bool getUseSceneWaterEnvMap(uint index) const { nlassert(index < 2); return _UsesSceneWaterEnvMap[index]; }
// TMP : get mean color of over envmap
CRGBA computeEnvMapMeanColor();
friend class CWaterModel;
void computeBBox();
void envMapUpdate();
void updateHeightMapNormalizationFactors();
static void initVertexProgram();
NLMISC::CAABBox _BBox; // computed from the poly
NLMISC::CPolygon2D _Poly;
uint32 _WaterPoolID;
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<ITexture> _EnvMap[2];
bool _UsesSceneWaterEnvMap[2];
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<ITexture> _BumpMap[2];
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<ITexture> _ColorMap;
NLMISC::CRGBA _EnvMapMeanColor;
bool _EnvMapMeanColorComputed;
NLMISC::CVector2f _HeightMapScale[2];
NLMISC::CVector2f _HeightMapSpeed[2];
NLMISC::CVector2f _ColorMapMatColumn0, _ColorMapMatColumn1, _ColorMapMatPos;
CTrackDefaultVector _DefaultPos;
CTrackDefaultVector _DefaultScale;
CTrackDefaultQuat _DefaultRotQuat;
float _TransitionRatio;
float _WaveHeightFactor;
bool _ComputeLightmap;
bool _SplashEnabled;
bool _HeightMapTouch[2];
float _HeightMapNormalizationFactor[2];
static uint32 _XScreenGridSize; // size with y rotation = 0
static uint32 _YScreenGridSize;
static uint32 _MaxGridSize; // size with max rotation around y (without borders)
static uint32 _XGridBorder;
static uint32 _YGridBorder;
static bool _GridSizeTouched;
static std::auto_ptr<CVertexProgram> _VertexProgramBump1;
static std::auto_ptr<CVertexProgram> _VertexProgramBump2;
static std::auto_ptr<CVertexProgram> _VertexProgramBump1Diffuse;
static std::auto_ptr<CVertexProgram> _VertexProgramBump2Diffuse;
static std::auto_ptr<CVertexProgram> _VertexProgramNoBump;
static std::auto_ptr<CVertexProgram> _VertexProgramNoBumpDiffuse;
static std::auto_ptr<CVertexProgram> _VertexProgramNoWave;
static std::auto_ptr<CVertexProgram> _VertexProgramNoWaveDiffuse;
/// A wave maker. It can generate waves where it is located
class CWaveMakerShape : public IShape
///\name Object
/// ctor
/// dtor
/// serial this shape
void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f) throw(NLMISC::EStream);
/// inherited from IShape
virtual CTransformShape *createInstance(CScene &scene);
/// inherited from IShape
virtual bool clip(const std::vector<CPlane> &pyramid, const CMatrix &worldMatrix);
/// inherited from IShape. Does nothing. A new traverseRender() was set for that
virtual void render(IDriver * /* drv */, CTransformShape * /* trans */, bool /* opaquePass */) {}
/// inherited from IShape
virtual void getAABBox(NLMISC::CAABBox &bbox) const;
/// inherited from ishape
virtual float getNumTriangles (float /* distance */) { return 0.f; }
/// inherited from ishape
virtual void flushTextures (IDriver &/* driver */, uint /* selectedTexture */) {}
/// set the period for this wave maker
void setPeriod(TAnimationTime period) { _Period = period; }
TAnimationTime getPeriod() const { return _Period; }
/// set the intensity of the waves
void setIntensity(float intensity) { _Intensity = intensity; }
float getIntensity() const { return _Intensity; }
/// radius of the impulsion
void setRadius(float radius) { _Radius = radius; }
float getRadius() const { return _Radius; }
/// set the water pool that's being modified
void setWaterPoolID(uint32 id) { _PoolID = id; }
uint32 getWaterPoolID() const { return _PoolID; }
/// use a periodic impulsion rather than a sinus
void setImpulsionMode(bool on = true) { _ImpulsionMode = on; }
bool getImpulsionMode() const { return _ImpulsionMode; }
CTrackDefaultVector* getDefaultPos () {return &_DefaultPos;}
friend class CWaveMakerModel;
TAnimationTime _Period;
float _Radius;
uint32 _PoolID;
float _Intensity;
bool _ImpulsionMode;
CTrackDefaultVector _DefaultPos;
} // NL3D
#endif // NL_WATER_SHAPE_H
/* End of water_shape.h */