kaetemi 4864ce7a5a Add eye distance in 2D interface shift, re #43
branch : multipass-stereo
2013-06-26 17:24:23 +02:00

512 lines
15 KiB

// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// Includes
#include <nel/misc/types_nl.h>
#include <list>
#include <nel/misc/event_listener.h>
#include <nel/misc/command.h>
#include <nel/misc/log.h>
#include <nel/misc/displayer.h>
#include <nel/3d/u_camera.h>
#include <nel/3d/u_driver.h>
#include <nel/3d/u_text_context.h>
#include <nel/3d/u_instance.h>
#include <nel/3d/u_scene.h>
#include <nel/3d/u_3d_mouse_listener.h>
#include <nel/3d/u_material.h>
#include <nel/3d/u_landscape.h>
#include <nel/3d/stereo_ovr.h>
#include "network.h"
#include "snowballs_client.h"
#include "interface.h"
#include <nel/3d/driver_user.h>
#include <nel/3d/driver.h>
#include <nel/3d/pixel_program.h>
#include <nel/3d/material.h>
#include <nel/3d/u_texture.h>
// Namespaces
using namespace std;
using namespace NLMISC;
using namespace NL3D;
namespace SBCLIENT {
// Variables
CLog CommandsLog;
static list <string> StoredLines;
static uint32 NbStoredLines = 100;
// These variables are automatically set with the config file
static float CommandsBoxX, CommandsBoxY, CommandsBoxWidth;
static float CommandsBoxBorder;
static int CommandsNbLines;
static float CommandsLineHeight;
static int CommandsFontSize;
static CRGBA CommandsBackColor, CommandsFrontColor;
static UMaterial CommandsMaterial = NULL;
// Functions
// Display a string to the commands interface
void addLine (const string &line)
// Add the line
StoredLines.push_back (line);
// Clear old lines if too much lines are stored
while (StoredLines.size () > NbStoredLines)
StoredLines.pop_front ();
// Display used to display on the commands interface
class CCommandsDisplayer : public IDisplayer
virtual void doDisplay (const CLog::TDisplayInfo &args, const char *message)
bool needSpace = false;
string str;
if (args.LogType != CLog::LOG_NO)
str += logTypeToString(args.LogType);
needSpace = true;
if (needSpace) { str += ": "; needSpace = false; }
str += message;
addLine (str);
// Instance of the displayer
static CCommandsDisplayer CommandsDisplayer;
// Check if the user line is a command or not (a commands precede by a '/')
bool commandLine (const string &str)
string command = "";
if (str[0]=='/')
// If it's a command call it
command = str.substr(1);
// add the string in to the chat
addLine (string ("command> ") + str);
ICommand::execute (command, CommandsLog);
return true;
return false;
// Manage the user keyboard input
class CCommandsListener : public IEventListener
virtual void operator() ( const CEvent& event )
// If the interface is open, ignore keys for the command interface
if (interfaceOpen ()) return;
// Get the key
CEventChar &ec = (CEventChar&)event;
switch ( ec.Char )
case 13 : // RETURN : Send the chat message
// If the line is empty, do nothing
if ( _Line.size() == 0 ) break;
// If it's a command, execute it and don't send the command to the network
if ( ! commandLine( _Line ) )
// If online, send the chat line, otherwise, locally displays it
if (isOnline ())
sendChatLine (_Line);
addLine (string ("you said> ") + _Line);
// Reset the command line
_LastCommand = _Line;
_Line = "";
_MaxWidthReached = false;
case 8 : // BACKSPACE : remove the last character
if ( _Line.size() != 0 )
_Line.erase( _Line.end()-1 );
case 9 : // TAB : If it's a command, try to auto complete it
if (_Line.empty())
_Line = _LastCommand;
else if (!_Line.empty() && _Line[0] == '/')
string command = _Line.substr(1);
_Line = '/' + command;
case 27 : // ESCAPE : clear the command
_Line = "";
_MaxWidthReached = false;
default: // OTHERWISE : add the character to the line
if (! _MaxWidthReached)
_Line += (char)ec.Char;
CCommandsListener() : _MaxWidthReached( false )
const string& line() const
return _Line;
void setMaxWidthReached( bool b )
_MaxWidthReached = b;
string _Line;
bool _MaxWidthReached;
string _LastCommand;
// Instance of the listener
static CCommandsListener CommandsListener;
// This functions is automatically called when the config file changed (dynamically)
void cbUpdateCommands (CConfigFile::CVar &var)
if (var.Name == "CommandsBoxX") CommandsBoxX = var.asFloat ();
else if (var.Name == "CommandsBoxY") CommandsBoxY = var.asFloat ();
else if (var.Name == "CommandsBoxWidth") CommandsBoxWidth = var.asFloat ();
else if (var.Name == "CommandsBoxBorder") CommandsBoxBorder = var.asFloat ();
else if (var.Name == "CommandsNbLines") CommandsNbLines = var.asInt ();
else if (var.Name == "CommandsLineHeight") CommandsLineHeight = var.asFloat ();
else if (var.Name == "CommandsBackColor") CommandsBackColor.set (var.asInt(0), var.asInt(1), var.asInt(2), var.asInt(3));
else if (var.Name == "CommandsFrontColor") CommandsFrontColor.set (var.asInt(0), var.asInt(1), var.asInt(2), var.asInt(3));
else if (var.Name == "CommandsFontSize") CommandsFontSize = var.asInt ();
else nlwarning ("Unknown variable update %s", var.Name.c_str());
namespace {
CPixelProgram *a_DevPixelProgram = NULL;
UTextureFile *a_NelLogo;
void initCommands()
// Add the keyboard listener in the event server
Driver->EventServer.addListener (EventCharId, &CommandsListener);
// Add the command displayer to the standard log (to display NeL info)
CommandsLog.addDisplayer (&CommandsDisplayer);
#ifndef NL_RELEASE
DebugLog->addDisplayer (&CommandsDisplayer);
InfoLog->addDisplayer (&CommandsDisplayer);
WarningLog->addDisplayer (&CommandsDisplayer);
AssertLog->addDisplayer (&CommandsDisplayer);
ErrorLog->addDisplayer (&CommandsDisplayer);
// Add callback for the config file
ConfigFile->setCallback ("CommandsBoxX", cbUpdateCommands);
ConfigFile->setCallback ("CommandsBoxY", cbUpdateCommands);
ConfigFile->setCallback ("CommandsBoxWidth", cbUpdateCommands);
ConfigFile->setCallback ("CommandsBoxBorder", cbUpdateCommands);
ConfigFile->setCallback ("CommandsNbLines", cbUpdateCommands);
ConfigFile->setCallback ("CommandsLineHeight", cbUpdateCommands);
ConfigFile->setCallback ("CommandsBackColor", cbUpdateCommands);
ConfigFile->setCallback ("CommandsFrontColor", cbUpdateCommands);
ConfigFile->setCallback ("CommandsFontSize", cbUpdateCommands);
// Init the config file variable
cbUpdateCommands (ConfigFile->getVar ("CommandsBoxX"));
cbUpdateCommands (ConfigFile->getVar ("CommandsBoxY"));
cbUpdateCommands (ConfigFile->getVar ("CommandsBoxWidth"));
cbUpdateCommands (ConfigFile->getVar ("CommandsBoxBorder"));
cbUpdateCommands (ConfigFile->getVar ("CommandsNbLines"));
cbUpdateCommands (ConfigFile->getVar ("CommandsLineHeight"));
cbUpdateCommands (ConfigFile->getVar ("CommandsBackColor"));
cbUpdateCommands (ConfigFile->getVar ("CommandsFrontColor"));
cbUpdateCommands (ConfigFile->getVar ("CommandsFontSize"));
CommandsMaterial = Driver->createMaterial();
CommandsMaterial.setBlendFunc(UMaterial::srcalpha, UMaterial::invsrcalpha);
a_NelLogo = Driver->createTextureFile("nel128.tga");
CommandsMaterial.setTexture(dynamic_cast<NL3D::UTexture *>(a_NelLogo));
static const char *program_arbfp1 =
"PARAM c[1] = { { 1, 0 } };\n"
"MOV result.color.xzw, c[0].xyyx;\n"
"TEX result.color.y, fragment.texcoord[0], texture[0], 2D;\n"
static const char *program_fp40 =
"OPTION NV_fragment_program2;\n"
"PARAM c[1] = { { 1, 0 } };\n"
"TEMP RC;\n"
"TEMP HC;\n"
"OUTPUT oCol = result.color;\n"
"MOVR oCol.xzw, c[0].xyyx;\n"
"TEX oCol.y, fragment.texcoord[0], texture[0], 2D;\n"
static const char *program_ps_1_1 =
"def c0, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000\n"
"def c1, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000\n"
"def c2, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000\n"
"tex t0\n"
"mad r0.rgb, c2, t0, c1\n"
"mov r0.a, c0.b\n";
static const char *program_ps_2_0 =
"dcl_2d s0\n"
"def c0, 1.00000000, 0.00000000, 0, 0\n"
"dcl t0.xy\n"
"texld r0, t0, s0\n"
"mov r0.z, c0.y\n"
"mov r0.xw, c0.x\n"
"mov oC0, r0\n";
static const char *program_ps_3_0 =
"dcl_2d s0\n"
"def c0, 1.00000000, 0.00000000, 0, 0\n"
"dcl_texcoord0 v0.xy\n"
"mov oC0.xzw, c0.xyyx\n"
"texld oC0.y, v0, s0\n";
NL3D::IDriver *d = dynamic_cast<NL3D::CDriverUser *>(Driver)->getDriver();
if (d->supportPixelProgram(CPixelProgram::fp40))
a_DevPixelProgram = new CPixelProgram(program_fp40);
else if (d->supportPixelProgram(CPixelProgram::arbfp1))
a_DevPixelProgram = new CPixelProgram(program_arbfp1);
/*else if (d->supportPixelProgram(CPixelProgram::ps_3_0))
a_DevPixelProgram = new CPixelProgram(program_ps_3_0);
// Textures do not seem to work with ps_3_0...
else if (d->supportPixelProgram(CPixelProgram::ps_2_0))
a_DevPixelProgram = new CPixelProgram(program_ps_2_0);
else if (d->supportPixelProgram(CPixelProgram::ps_1_1))
a_DevPixelProgram = new CPixelProgram(program_ps_1_1);
void updateCommands()
// Snap to pixels (kind of ugly code, but looks better ingame)
uint32 _width, _height;
Driver->getWindowSize(_width, _height);
float width = (float)_width, height = (float)_height;
NL3D::CViewport vp = Driver->getViewport();
width *= vp.getWidth();
height *= vp.getHeight();
float CommandsLineHeight = CommandsFontSize / height;
float CommandsBoxX = ((float)(sint32)(SBCLIENT::CommandsBoxX * width)) / width;
float CommandsBoxWidth = ((float)(sint32)(SBCLIENT::CommandsBoxWidth * width)) / width;
float CommandsBoxY = ((float)(sint32)(SBCLIENT::CommandsBoxY * height)) / height;
float CommandsBoxHeight = ((float)(sint32)((CommandsNbLines + 1) * CommandsLineHeight * width)) / width;
float CommandsBoxBorderX = ((float)(sint32)(SBCLIENT::CommandsBoxBorder * width)) / width;
float CommandsBoxBorderY = ((float)(sint32)(SBCLIENT::CommandsBoxBorder * height)) / height;
if (StereoHMD)
float xshift, yshift;
StereoHMD->getInterface2DShift(xshift, yshift, 4.0f);
// snap to pixels
xshift = ((float)(sint32)(xshift * width)) / width;
yshift = ((float)(sint32)(yshift * height)) / height;
// adjust
CommandsBoxX += xshift;
CommandsBoxY += yshift;
// Display the background
Driver->setMatrixMode2D11 ();
CommandsMaterial.setColor(CRGBA::Blue); // Test to check which shader is displaying.
float x0 = CommandsBoxX - CommandsBoxBorderX;
float y0 = CommandsBoxY - CommandsBoxBorderY;
float x1 = CommandsBoxX + CommandsBoxWidth + CommandsBoxBorderX;
float y1 = CommandsBoxY + CommandsBoxHeight + CommandsBoxBorderY;
NL3D::IDriver *d = dynamic_cast<NL3D::CDriverUser *>(Driver)->getDriver();
bool fogEnabled = d->fogEnabled();
// Driver->drawQuad(CQuad(CVector(x0, y0, 0), CVector(x1, y0, 0), CVector(x1, y1, 0), CVector(x0, y1, 0)), CommandsMaterial);
CQuadUV quadUV;
quadUV.V0 = CVector(x0, y0, 0);
quadUV.V1 = CVector(x1, y0, 0);
quadUV.V2 = CVector(x1, y1, 0);
quadUV.V3 = CVector(x0, y1, 0);
quadUV.Uv0 = CUV(0, 1);
quadUV.Uv1 = CUV(1, 1);
quadUV.Uv2 = CUV(1, 0);
quadUV.Uv3 = CUV(0, 0);
Driver->drawQuad(quadUV, CommandsMaterial);
//Driver->drawBitmap(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0, *a_NelLogo);
Driver->drawQuad(CQuad(CVector(x0, y0, 0), CVector(x1, y0, 0), CVector(x1, y1, 0), CVector(x0, y1, 0)), CommandsMaterial);
// Set the text context
TextContext->setHotSpot (UTextContext::BottomLeft);
TextContext->setColor (CommandsFrontColor);
TextContext->setFontSize (CommandsFontSize);
// Display the user input line
ucstring line = ucstring("> ") + ucstring(CommandsListener.line()) + ucstring("_");
uint32 csi = TextContext->textPush(line);
float sw = TextContext->getStringInfo(csi).StringWidth / width; // make sure newly typed text is visible
TextContext->printAt(sw > CommandsBoxWidth ? CommandsBoxX - sw + CommandsBoxWidth : CommandsBoxX, CommandsBoxY, csi);
// Display stored lines
float yPos = CommandsBoxY;
list<string>::reverse_iterator rit = StoredLines.rbegin();
for (sint32 i = 0; i < CommandsNbLines; ++i)
yPos += CommandsLineHeight;
if (rit == StoredLines.rend()) break;
TextContext->printfAt(CommandsBoxX, yPos, (*rit).c_str());
void clearCommands ()
StoredLines.clear ();
void releaseCommands()
delete a_DevPixelProgram;
a_DevPixelProgram = NULL;
// Remove the displayers
#ifndef NL_RELEASE
// Remove callbacks for the config file
ConfigFile->setCallback("CommandsBoxX", NULL);
ConfigFile->setCallback("CommandsBoxY", NULL);
ConfigFile->setCallback("CommandsBoxWidth", NULL);
ConfigFile->setCallback("CommandsBoxBorder", NULL);
ConfigFile->setCallback("CommandsNbLines", NULL);
ConfigFile->setCallback("CommandsLineHeight", NULL);
ConfigFile->setCallback("CommandsBackColor", NULL);
ConfigFile->setCallback("CommandsFrontColor", NULL);
ConfigFile->setCallback("CommandsFontSize", NULL);
// Remove the keyboard listener from the server
Driver->EventServer.removeListener(EventCharId, &CommandsListener);
// Remove the material
NLMISC_COMMAND(clear,"clear the chat history","")
// check args, if there s not the right number of parameter, return bad
if(args.size() != 0) return false;
clearCommands ();
return true;
} /* namespace SBCLIENT */
/* end of file */