2011-07-06 22:40:35 +03:00

821 lines
22 KiB

// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "stdligo.h"
#include "nel/ligo/ligo_config.h"
#include "nel/ligo/primitive.h"
#include "nel/misc/config_file.h"
#include "nel/misc/i_xml.h"
#include "nel/misc/path.h"
#include "nel/misc/file.h"
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
using namespace NLMISC;
namespace NLLIGO
// ***************************************************************************
: _DynamicAliasBitCount(32)
// ***************************************************************************
bool CLigoConfig::readConfigFile (const char *fileName, bool parsePrimitiveComboContent)
// The CF
CConfigFile cf;
// Load and parse the file
cf.load (fileName);
// Read the parameters
CConfigFile::CVar &cell_size = cf.getVar ("cell_size");
CellSize = cell_size.asFloat ();
CConfigFile::CVar &snap = cf.getVar ("snap");
Snap = snap.asFloat ();
CConfigFile::CVar &snapShot = cf.getVar ("zone_snapeshot_res");
ZoneSnapShotRes = (uint)snapShot.asInt ();
CConfigFile::CVar &primitiveClassFilename = cf.getVar ("primitive_class_filename");
PrimitiveClassFilename= primitiveClassFilename.asString ();
// Clear the previous classes
_Contexts.push_back ("default");
// Read the primitive class name
if (!PrimitiveClassFilename.empty())
return readPrimitiveClass (PrimitiveClassFilename.c_str(), parsePrimitiveComboContent);
return true;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CLigoConfig::readPrimitiveClass (const char *_fileName, bool parsePrimitiveComboContent)
// File exist ?
string filename = _fileName;
filename = CPath::lookup (_fileName, false, false, false);
if (filename.empty())
filename = _fileName;
// The context strings
set<string> contextStrings;
// Read the document
CIFile file;
if ( (filename))
// XML stream
CIXml xml;
xml.init (file);
// Get the root node
xmlNodePtr root = xml.getRootNode ();
nlassert (root);
// Check the header
if (strcmp ((const char*)root->name, "NEL_LIGO_PRIMITIVE_CLASS") == 0)
xmlNodePtr aliasBits = CIXml::getFirstChildNode (root, "ALIAS_DYNAMIC_BITS");
if (aliasBits)
string bits;
if (getPropertyString (bits, filename.c_str(), aliasBits, "BIT_COUNT"))
uint32 uBits;
NLMISC::fromString(bits, uBits);
_DynamicAliasBitCount = std::min((uint32)32, uBits);
return false;
// by default, set the size of dynamic alias to 32 bits
_DynamicAliasBitCount = 32;
xmlNodePtr indexFileNameNode = CIXml::getFirstChildNode (root, "ALIAS_STATIC_FILE_ID");
if (indexFileNameNode)
string indexFileName;
if (getPropertyString (indexFileName, filename.c_str(), indexFileNameNode, "FILE_NAME"))
if (CPath::lookup(indexFileName, false, false, true).empty())
// try to append the class file path
indexFileName = CFile::getPath(_fileName)+indexFileName;
// load the configuration file
nlwarning("Can't find XML element <FILE_NAME>, no file index available for alias" );
// by default, set the size of dynamic alias to 32 bits
_DynamicAliasBitCount = 32;
// Get the first primitive description
xmlNodePtr primitive = CIXml::getFirstChildNode (root, "PRIMITIVE");
if (primitive)
// Get the primitive name
std::string name;
if (getPropertyString (name, filename.c_str(), primitive, "CLASS_NAME"))
// Add the primitive
pair<std::map<std::string, CPrimitiveClass>::iterator, bool> insertResult =
_PrimitiveClasses.insert (std::map<std::string, CPrimitiveClass>::value_type (name, CPrimitiveClass ()));
if (insertResult.second)
if (!insertResult.first-> (primitive, filename.c_str(), name.c_str (), contextStrings, _ContextFilesLookup, *this, parsePrimitiveComboContent))
return false;
syntaxError (filename.c_str(), root, "Class (%s) already defined", name.c_str ());
return false;
primitive = CIXml::getNextChildNode (primitive, "PRIMITIVE");
while (primitive);
// Add the context strings
set<string>::iterator ite = contextStrings.begin ();
while (ite != contextStrings.end ())
if (*ite != "default")
_Contexts.push_back (*ite);
// Get the first primitive configuration
_PrimitiveConfigurations.reserve (_PrimitiveConfigurations.size()+CIXml::countChildren (root, "CONFIGURATION"));
xmlNodePtr configuration = CIXml::getFirstChildNode (root, "CONFIGURATION");
if (configuration)
// Get the configuration name
std::string name;
if (getPropertyString (name, filename.c_str(), configuration, "NAME"))
// Add the configuration
_PrimitiveConfigurations.resize (_PrimitiveConfigurations.size()+1);
if (!_PrimitiveConfigurations.back().read (configuration, filename.c_str(), name.c_str (), *this))
return false;
return false;
configuration = CIXml::getNextChildNode (configuration, "CONFIGURATION");
while (configuration);
// Ok
return true;
syntaxError (filename.c_str(), root, "Wrong root node, should be NEL_LIGO_PRIMITIVE_CLASS");
catch (const Exception &e)
errorMessage ("File read error (%s):%s", filename.c_str(), e.what ());
errorMessage ("Can't open the file %s for reading.", filename.c_str());
return false;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CLigoConfig::reloadIndexFile(const std::string &indexFileName)
if (_IndexFileName.empty() && indexFileName.empty())
nlwarning("CLigoConfig::reloadIndexFile: no file name specified and index file not previously loaded, can't load anything");
return false;
if (!_IndexFileName.empty() && !indexFileName.empty() && _IndexFileName != indexFileName)
nlwarning("CLigoConfig::reloadIndexFile: index file already loaded as '%s', can't load another file '%s'!",
return false;
if (_IndexFileName.empty())
_IndexFileName = indexFileName;
// load the configuration file
CConfigFile cf;
string pathName = CPath::lookup(_IndexFileName, false);
if (pathName.empty())
nlwarning("Can't find index file '%s' in search path, no file index available for alias", indexFileName.c_str());
return false;
// get the variable
CConfigFile::CVar *files = cf.getVarPtr("Files");
if (files != NULL)
for (uint i=0; i<files->size()/2; ++i)
string fileName;
uint32 index;
fileName = files->asString(i*2);
index = files->asInt(i*2+1);
if (isFileStaticAliasMapped(fileName))
// check that the mapping as not changed
if (getFileStaticAliasMapping(fileName) != index)
nlwarning("CLigoConfig::reloadIndexFile: the mapping for the file '%s' as changed from %u to %u in the config file, the change is ignored",
registerFileToStaticAliasTranslation(fileName, index);
return true;
// ***************************************************************************
NLMISC::CRGBA CLigoConfig::getPrimitiveColor (const NLLIGO::IPrimitive &primitive)
// Get the class
string className;
if (primitive.getPropertyByName ("class", className))
// Get the class
std::map<std::string, CPrimitiveClass>::iterator ite = _PrimitiveClasses.find (className);
if (ite != _PrimitiveClasses.end ())
return ite->second.Color;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CLigoConfig::isPrimitiveLinked (const NLLIGO::IPrimitive &primitive)
// Get the class
string className;
if (primitive.getPropertyByName ("class", className))
// Get the class
std::map<std::string, CPrimitiveClass>::iterator ite = _PrimitiveClasses.find (className);
if (ite != _PrimitiveClasses.end ())
return ite->second.LinkBrothers;
return false;
// ***************************************************************************
const NLLIGO::IPrimitive *CLigoConfig::getLinkedPrimitive (const NLLIGO::IPrimitive &primitive) const
// Get the parent
const IPrimitive *parent = primitive.getParent ();
if (parent)
uint childId;
if (parent->getChildId (childId, &primitive))
// Test the next primitive
// Get the primitive class
string className;
if (primitive.getPropertyByName ("class", className))
// Get the class
std::map<std::string, CPrimitiveClass>::const_iterator ite = _PrimitiveClasses.find (className);
if (ite != _PrimitiveClasses.end ())
if (ite->second.LinkBrothers)
// Add the next child
const IPrimitive *brother;
if (parent->getChild (brother, childId+1))
return brother;
return NULL;
// ***************************************************************************
const NLLIGO::IPrimitive *CLigoConfig::getPreviousLinkedPrimitive (const NLLIGO::IPrimitive &primitive) const
// Get the parent
const IPrimitive *parent = primitive.getParent ();
if (parent)
uint childId;
if (parent->getChildId (childId, &primitive))
// Test the previous primitive
if (childId > 0)
const IPrimitive *brother;
if (parent->getChild (brother, childId-1) && brother)
// Get the primitive class
string className;
if (brother->getPropertyByName ("class", className))
// Get the class
std::map<std::string, CPrimitiveClass>::const_iterator ite = _PrimitiveClasses.find (className);
if (ite != _PrimitiveClasses.end ())
if (ite->second.LinkBrothers)
// Return the previous child
return brother;
return NULL;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CLigoConfig::isPrimitiveDeletable (const NLLIGO::IPrimitive &primitive)
// If it is a static child, it can't be deleted.
if (isStaticChild (primitive))
return false;
// Get the class
string className;
if (primitive.getPropertyByName ("class", className))
// Get the class
std::map<std::string, CPrimitiveClass>::iterator ite = _PrimitiveClasses.find (className);
if (ite != _PrimitiveClasses.end ())
return ite->second.Deletable;
return false;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CLigoConfig::canBeChild (const NLLIGO::IPrimitive &child, const NLLIGO::IPrimitive &parent)
// Get the child class
string childClassName;
if (child.getPropertyByName ("class", childClassName))
// Get the parent class
const CPrimitiveClass *parentClass = getPrimitiveClass (parent);
if (parentClass)
// Search for the child class
uint i;
for (i=0; i<parentClass->DynamicChildren.size (); i++)
// The same ?
if (parentClass->DynamicChildren[i].ClassName == childClassName)
if (i<parentClass->DynamicChildren.size ())
return true;
for (i=0; i<parentClass->GeneratedChildren.size (); i++)
// The same ?
if (parentClass->GeneratedChildren[i].ClassName == childClassName)
return (i<parentClass->GeneratedChildren.size ());
return true;
// Only if it is a root node or parent class doesn't exist
string parentClassName;
return ( (parent.getParent () == NULL) || (!parent.getPropertyByName ("class", parentClassName) ) );
// ***************************************************************************
bool CLigoConfig::canBeRoot (const NLLIGO::IPrimitive &child)
// Get the child class
string childClassName;
if (child.getPropertyByName ("class", childClassName))
// Get the parent class
const CPrimitiveClass *parentClass = getPrimitiveClass ("root");
if (parentClass)
// Search for the child class
uint i;
for (i=0; i<parentClass->DynamicChildren.size (); i++)
// The same ?
if (parentClass->DynamicChildren[i].ClassName == childClassName)
return (i<parentClass->DynamicChildren.size ());
return true;
// Root class doesn't exist
return ( !getPrimitiveClass ("root") );
// ***************************************************************************
bool CLigoConfig::getPropertyString (std::string &result, const char *filename, xmlNodePtr xmlNode, const char *propName)
// Call the CIXml version
if (!CIXml::getPropertyString (result, xmlNode, propName))
// Output a formated error
syntaxError (filename, xmlNode, "Missing XML node property (%s)", propName);
return false;
return true;
// ***************************************************************************
void CLigoConfig::syntaxError (const char *filename, xmlNodePtr xmlNode, const char *format, ...)
va_list args;
va_start( args, format );
char buffer[1024];
vsnprintf( buffer, 1024, format, args );
va_end( args );
errorMessage ("(%s), node (%s), line (%p) :\n%s", filename, xmlNode->name, xmlNode->content, buffer);
// ***************************************************************************
void CLigoConfig::errorMessage (const char *format, ... )
// Make a buffer string
va_list args;
va_start( args, format );
char buffer[1024];
vsnprintf( buffer, 1024, format, args );
va_end( args );
nlwarning (buffer);
// ***************************************************************************
const std::vector<std::string> &CLigoConfig::getContextString () const
return _Contexts;
// ***************************************************************************
const CPrimitiveClass *CLigoConfig::getPrimitiveClass (const IPrimitive &primitive) const
const CPrimitiveClass *primClass = NULL;
// Get property class
string className;
if (primitive.getPropertyByName ("class", className))
std::map<std::string, CPrimitiveClass>::const_iterator ite = _PrimitiveClasses.find (className);
if (ite != _PrimitiveClasses.end ())
primClass = &(ite->second);
// Not found ?
if (!primClass)
// Root ?
if (!primitive.getParent ())
std::map<std::string, CPrimitiveClass>::const_iterator ite = _PrimitiveClasses.find ("root");
if (ite != _PrimitiveClasses.end ())
primClass = &(ite->second);
return primClass;
// ***************************************************************************
const CPrimitiveClass *CLigoConfig::getPrimitiveClass (const char *className) const
std::map<std::string, CPrimitiveClass>::const_iterator ite = _PrimitiveClasses.find (className);
if (ite != _PrimitiveClasses.end ())
return &(ite->second);
return NULL;
// ***************************************************************************
void CLigoConfig::resetPrimitiveConfiguration ()
_PrimitiveConfigurations.clear ();
// ***************************************************************************
bool CLigoConfig::isStaticChild (const NLLIGO::IPrimitive &primitive)
// Has a parent ?
const IPrimitive *parent = primitive.getParent ();
if (parent)
// Get the classes
const CPrimitiveClass *parentClass = getPrimitiveClass (*parent);
string className;
string name;
if (parentClass && primitive.getPropertyByName ("class", className) && primitive.getPropertyByName ("name", name))
// Does it belong to the static children ?
uint i;
for (i=0; i<parentClass->StaticChildren.size(); i++)
if (parentClass->StaticChildren[i].Name == name &&
parentClass->StaticChildren[i].ClassName == className)
// Found
return true;
return false;
// ***************************************************************************
/// Get the dynamic bit size for alias
uint32 CLigoConfig::getDynamicAliasSize() const
return _DynamicAliasBitCount;
// ***************************************************************************
/// Get the dynamic bit mask for alias
uint32 CLigoConfig::getDynamicAliasMask() const
// this 'strange' test because VC fail to generate a correct shift if
// _DynamicAliasBitCount is 32 bits.
// The generated code lead to no shift at all and return 0 instead of 0xffffffff
if (_DynamicAliasBitCount >= 32)
return 0xffffffff;
return (1U<<_DynamicAliasBitCount)-1;
// ***************************************************************************
/// Get the static bit size for alias
uint32 CLigoConfig::getStaticAliasSize() const
return 32-_DynamicAliasBitCount;
// ***************************************************************************
/// Get the static bit mask for alias
uint32 CLigoConfig::getStaticAliasMask() const
// the opposite of the dynamic mask
return ~getDynamicAliasMask();
// ***************************************************************************
/// Build an alias given a static and dynamic part
uint32 CLigoConfig::buildAlias(uint32 staticPart, uint32 dynamicPart, bool warnIfOverload) const
if (warnIfOverload)
if (staticPart != (staticPart & (getStaticAliasMask()>>getDynamicAliasSize())))
nlwarning("CLigoConfig::buildAlias: staticPart 0x%x is outside the mask 0x%x",
if (dynamicPart != (dynamicPart & getDynamicAliasMask()))
nlwarning("CLigoConfig::buildAlias: dynamicPart 0x%x is outside the mask 0x%x",
return dynamicPart | (staticPart << _DynamicAliasBitCount);
// ***************************************************************************
void CLigoConfig::registerFileToStaticAliasTranslation(const std::string &fileName, uint32 staticPart)
// check the existing mapping
std::map<std::string, uint32>::iterator first(_StaticAliasFileMapping.begin()), last(_StaticAliasFileMapping.end());
for (; first != last; ++first)
if (first->second == staticPart)
nlassertex(false, ("While registering static alias %u to file '%s', the alias is already assigned to file '%s'",
if ((staticPart<<getDynamicAliasSize()) != ((staticPart<<getDynamicAliasSize()) & getStaticAliasMask()))
nlwarning("CLigoConfig::registerStaticAliasTranslation: staticPart 0x%x(%u) is outside the mask 0x%x, the staticPart will be clipped to 0x%x(%u)",
staticPart & getStaticAliasMask(),
staticPart & getStaticAliasMask());
staticPart = (staticPart & getStaticAliasMask());
_StaticAliasFileMapping[fileName] = staticPart;
const std::string &CLigoConfig::getFileNameForStaticAlias(uint32 staticAlias) const
std::map<std::string, uint32>::const_iterator first(_StaticAliasFileMapping.begin()), last(_StaticAliasFileMapping.end());
for (; first != last; ++first)
if (first->second == staticAlias)
return first->first;
static string emptyString;
return emptyString;
// ***************************************************************************
uint32 CLigoConfig::getFileStaticAliasMapping(const std::string &fileName) const
std::map<std::string, uint32>::const_iterator it(_StaticAliasFileMapping.find(fileName));
if (it != _StaticAliasFileMapping.end())
return it->second;
// no mapping defined.
return 0;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CLigoConfig::isFileStaticAliasMapped(const std::string &fileName) const
std::map<std::string, uint32>::const_iterator it(_StaticAliasFileMapping.find(fileName));
if (it != _StaticAliasFileMapping.end())
return true;
// no mapping defined.
return false;
std::string CLigoConfig::aliasToString(uint32 fullAlias)
uint32 staticPart;
uint32 dynPart;
staticPart = (fullAlias & getStaticAliasMask())>>getDynamicAliasSize();
dynPart = fullAlias & getDynamicAliasMask();
return toString("(A:%u:%u)", staticPart, dynPart);
uint32 CLigoConfig::aliasFromString(std::string fullAlias)
uint32 staticPart;
uint32 dynPart;
sscanf(fullAlias.c_str(), "(A:%u:%u)", &staticPart, &dynPart);
return ((staticPart<<getDynamicAliasSize()) & getStaticAliasMask()) | (dynPart & getDynamicAliasMask());
void CLigoConfig::updateDynamicAliasBitCount(uint32 newDynamicAliasBitCount)
sint32 diff = _DynamicAliasBitCount - newDynamicAliasBitCount;
if (diff <= 0)
nlwarning("New bit count must be less than previous");
std::map<std::string, uint32>::iterator first(_StaticAliasFileMapping.begin()), last(_StaticAliasFileMapping.end());
for ( ; first != last; ++first)
first->second = first->second << diff;
_DynamicAliasBitCount = newDynamicAliasBitCount;