2013-10-30 19:14:29 +02:00

2626 lines
68 KiB

// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// world_editor_doc.cpp : implementation of the CWorldEditorDoc class
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "action.h"
#include "world_editor.h"
#include "main_frm.h"
#include "world_editor_doc.h"
#include "display.h"
#include "dialog_properties.h"
#include "editor_primitive.h"
#include "file_dialog_ex.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace NLMISC;
using namespace NLLIGO;
using namespace NL3D;
// ***************************************************************************
// CWorldEditorDoc
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CWorldEditorDoc, CDocument)
// ***************************************************************************
// CWorldEditorDoc construction/destruction
_ModificationMode = false;
clearModifications ();
clearModifications ();
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL CWorldEditorDoc::OnNewDocument()
if (!CDocument::OnNewDocument())
return FALSE;
// Main frame ?
CMainFrame *mainFrame = getMainFrame ();
if (mainFrame)
mainFrame->updateData ();
return newDocument () ? TRUE : FALSE;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CWorldEditorDoc::newDocument ()
/*if (IsWindow(PropertyDialog))
PropertyDialog.ShowWindow (SW_HIDE);*/
std::list<CDialogProperties*>::iterator it = PropertiesDialogs.begin();
while ( it != PropertiesDialogs.end() )
(*it)->ShowWindow( SW_HIDE );
delete (*it);
_DataDir = "";
_Context = "";
// Erase all editable root primitive
CDatabaseList::iterator ite = _DataHierarchy.begin();
while (ite != _DataHierarchy.end())
CDatabaseList::iterator next = ite;
if (ite->Editable)
_DataHierarchy.erase (ite);
ite = next;
_DataHierarchy.recomputePointerArray ();
// Init the landscape
CMainFrame *mainFrame = getMainFrame ();
if (mainFrame)
mainFrame->initLandscapeData ();
clearModifications ();
// Invalidate all
if (getMainFrame ())
getMainFrame ()->invalidateTools ();
invalidateLeftView ();
// Invalidate pointers
InvalidateAllPrimitives ();
if (getMainFrame())
// we verify the structures of the primitives, and mark the incorrect nodes
return true;
// ***************************************************************************
// CWorldEditorDoc diagnostics
#ifdef _DEBUG
void CWorldEditorDoc::AssertValid() const
void CWorldEditorDoc::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const
#endif //_DEBUG
// ***************************************************************************
// CWorldEditorDoc commands
CWorldEditorDoc *getDocument ()
if (getMainFrame ())
return (CWorldEditorDoc *)(getMainFrame ()->GetActiveDocument ());
return NULL;
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL CWorldEditorDoc::OnOpenDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName)
// Timer enabled ?
getMainFrame ()->TimerEnabled = false;
// Result
newDocument ();
bool res = loadDocument (lpszPathName) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// Timer enabled ?
getMainFrame ()->TimerEnabled = true;
return res;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CWorldEditorDoc::loadDocument (const char *filename)
bool result = true;
// Get path name
string path = NLMISC::CFile::getPath (filename);
// Backup current path
string backupPath = CPath::getCurrentPath ();
// Set current path
CPath::setCurrentPath (path.c_str ());
// Load the document
CIFile file;
if ( (filename))
// Load the document in XML
CIXml xml;
xml.init (file);
// Get root node
bool success = false;
xmlNodePtr rootNode = xml.getRootNode ();
if (rootNode)
// Good header ?
if (strcmp ((const char *)(rootNode->name), "NEL_WORLD_EDITOR_PROJECT") ==0)
// Read the version
int version = -1;
// Read the parameters
xmlNodePtr node = CIXml::getFirstChildNode (rootNode, "VERSION");
if (node)
string versionString;
if (CIXml::getContentString (versionString, node))
version = atoi (versionString.c_str ());
if (version == -1)
// Error
theApp.syntaxError (filename, rootNode, "No version node");
// Old format, serial it
if (version <= 1)
file.close ();
CIFile file2;
nlverify ( (filename));
CIXml xml2;
xml2.init (file2);
serial (xml2);
// Done
success = true;
// Read it
theApp.syntaxError (filename, node, "Unknown file version");
// Read data directory
node = CIXml::getFirstChildNode (rootNode, "DATA_DIRECTORY");
if (node)
CIXml::getPropertyString (_DataDir, node, "VALUE");
// Read data directory
node = CIXml::getFirstChildNode (rootNode, "CONTEXT");
if (node)
CIXml::getPropertyString (_Context, node, "VALUE");
// Read the database element
node = CIXml::getFirstChildNode (rootNode, "DATABASE_ELEMENT");
if (node)
// Get the type
string type;
if (theApp.getPropertyString (type, filename, node, "TYPE"))
// Read the filename
string filenameChild;
if (theApp.getPropertyString (filenameChild, filename, node, "FILENAME"))
// Is it a landscape ?
if (type == "landscape")
_DataHierarchy.push_back (CDatabaseElement (CDatabaseElement::Landscape));
_DataHierarchy.recomputePointerArray ();
// Get the primitives
xmlNodePtr primitives = CIXml::getFirstChildNode (node, "PRIMITIVES");
if (primitives)
// Read it
_DataHierarchy.back () (primitives, filename, theApp.Config);
// Set the filename
_DataHierarchy.back ().Filename = filenameChild;
_DataHierarchy.push_back (CDatabaseElement (CDatabaseElement::Primitive));
_DataHierarchy.recomputePointerArray ();
// Set the filename
_DataHierarchy.back ().Filename = filenameChild;
while (node = CIXml::getNextChildNode (node, "DATABASE_ELEMENT"));
// Done
success = true;
// Error
theApp.syntaxError (filename, rootNode, "Unknown file header : %s", rootNode->name);
if (!success)
result = false;
newDocument ();
// Last time
_LastModifedTime = NLMISC::CFile::getFileModificationDate (filename);
// Load the files
uint i;
for (i=0; i<_DataHierarchy.size (); i++)
if (_DataHierarchy[i].Editable)
// Not modified
_DataHierarchy[i].Modified = false;
getMainFrame()->launchLoadingDialog(toString("loading %s", _DataHierarchy[i].Filename.c_str()).c_str());
// Landscape ?
if (_DataHierarchy[i].Type == CDatabaseElement::Landscape)
// Load the landscape
CIFile fileIn;
if ( (_DataHierarchy[i].Filename))
CIXml xml(true);
xml.init (fileIn);
_DataHierarchy[i].ZoneRegion.serial (xml);
// Last time
_DataHierarchy[i].LastModifedTime = NLMISC::CFile::getFileModificationDate (_DataHierarchy[i].Filename);
if (!theApp.yesNoMessage ("Can't open file %s for reading. Continue reading ?", _DataHierarchy[i].Filename.c_str ()))
result = false;
catch (Exception& e)
theApp.errorMessage ("Error reading file %s : %s", _DataHierarchy[i].Filename.c_str (), e.what ());
// Checks
nlassert (_DataHierarchy[i].Type == CDatabaseElement::Primitive);
// Load the primitive
CIFile fileIn;
if ( (_DataHierarchy[i].Filename))
// Xml stream
CIXml xmlIn;
xmlIn.init (fileIn);
// set the primitive context
CPrimitiveContext::instance().CurrentPrimitive = &_DataHierarchy[i].Primitives;
// Read it
if (!_DataHierarchy[i] (xmlIn.getRootNode (), _DataHierarchy[i].Filename.c_str(), theApp.Config))
theApp.errorMessage ("Error reading file %s", _DataHierarchy[i].Filename.c_str ());
// cleanup the primitive context
CPrimitiveContext::instance().CurrentPrimitive = NULL;
// Last time
_DataHierarchy[i].LastModifedTime = NLMISC::CFile::getFileModificationDate (_DataHierarchy[i].Filename);
if (!theApp.yesNoMessage ("Can't open file %s for reading. Continue reading ?", _DataHierarchy[i].Filename.c_str ()))
result = false;
catch (Exception& e)
theApp.errorMessage ("Error reading file %s : %s", _DataHierarchy[i].Filename.c_str (), e.what ());
/* // Not modified
_DataHierarchy[i].Modified = false;*/
// Init the landscape
CMainFrame *mainFrame = getMainFrame ();
if (mainFrame)
mainFrame->initLandscapeData ();
// Reset document changes
clearModifications ();
catch (Exception &e)
theApp.errorMessage ("Error reading file %s : %s", filename, e.what ());
result = false;
theApp.errorMessage ("Can't open the file %s for reading.", filename);
result = false;
// Invalidate some stuff
invalidateLeftView ();
getMainFrame ()->invalidateTools ();
// Invalidate pointers
InvalidateAllPrimitives ();
// Restaure current path
CPath::setCurrentPath (backupPath.c_str ());
// Initialize default values
for (uint j=0; j<_DataHierarchy.size(); ++j)
if (_DataHierarchy[j].Type == CDatabaseElement::Primitive)
updateDefaultValues (j);
// Check property types
for (uint j=0; j<_DataHierarchy.size(); ++j)
if (_DataHierarchy[j].Type == CDatabaseElement::Primitive)
updateDefaultValues (j);
// Warn the plugins
uint i;
for (i=0; i<theApp.Plugins.size(); ++i)
for (uint j=0; j<_DataHierarchy.size(); ++j)
if (_DataHierarchy[j].Editable)
if (_DataHierarchy[j].Type == CDatabaseElement::Primitive)
return result;
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL CWorldEditorDoc::OnSaveDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName)
BOOL result = TRUE;
// Get path name
string path = NLMISC::CFile::getPath (lpszPathName);
// Backup current path
string backupPath = CPath::getCurrentPath ();
// Set current path
CPath::setCurrentPath (path.c_str ());
// Timer enabled ?
getMainFrame ()->TimerEnabled = false;
// Save land files
for (uint i=0; i<_DataHierarchy.size (); i++)
if (_DataHierarchy[i].Editable)
// Make path relative
string relativeFileName = _DataHierarchy[i].Filename;
CPath::makePathRelative (NLMISC::CFile::getPath (lpszPathName).c_str (), relativeFileName);
if (relativeFileName != _DataHierarchy[i].Filename)
_DataHierarchy[i].Filename = relativeFileName;
modifyProject ();
// Modified
if (_DataHierarchy[i].Modified)
// Landscape ?
if (_DataHierarchy[i].Type == CDatabaseElement::Landscape)
// Save the landscape
// Got a filename ?
if (_DataHierarchy[i].Filename.empty ())
CFileDialogEx dialog (BASE_REGISTRY_KEY, "land", FALSE, "land", NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY|OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, "NeL Ligo Landscape Files (*.land)|*.land|All Files (*.*)|*.*||", getMainFrame ());
if (dialog.DoModal() == IDOK)
_DataHierarchy[i].Filename = dialog.GetPathName();
// Open the primitive file for writing
COFile fileOut;
if ( (_DataHierarchy[i].Filename, false, false, true))
// Be careful with the flushing of the COXml object
COXml xmlOut;
xmlOut.init (&fileOut);
_DataHierarchy[i].ZoneRegion.serial (xmlOut);
// Done
_DataHierarchy[i].Modified = false;
if (!theApp.yesNoMessage ("Can't open file %s for writing. Continue saving ?", _DataHierarchy[i].Filename.c_str ()))
result = FALSE;
_DataHierarchy[i].LastModifedTime = NLMISC::CFile::getFileModificationDate (_DataHierarchy[i].Filename);
catch (Exception& e)
theApp.errorMessage ("Error writing file %s : %s", _DataHierarchy[i].Filename.c_str (), e.what ());
// Checks
nlassert (_DataHierarchy[i].Type == CDatabaseElement::Primitive);
// Save the primitive
// Got a filename ?
if (_DataHierarchy[i].Filename.empty ())
CFileDialogEx dialog (BASE_REGISTRY_KEY, "primitive", FALSE, "primitive", NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY|OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, "NeL Ligo Primitive Files (*.primitive)|*.primitive|All Files (*.*)|*.*||", getMainFrame ());
if (dialog.DoModal() == IDOK)
string pathFromDialog = dialog.GetPathName();
// Remove uppercase in filename
string::size_type pos = pathFromDialog.rfind ("\\", 0);
for (uint j=pos+1 ; j<pathFromDialog.size() ; j++)
pathFromDialog[j] = toLower(pathFromDialog[j]);
_DataHierarchy[i].Filename = pathFromDialog;
getMainFrame ()->invalidateTools ();
// Open the primitive file for writing
COFile fileOut;
if ( (_DataHierarchy[i].Filename, false, false, true))
COXml xmlOut;
xmlOut.init (&fileOut);
// Write the document
_DataHierarchy[i].Primitives.write (xmlOut.getDocument (), _DataHierarchy[i].Filename.c_str ());
// Flush it
xmlOut.flush ();
// Done
_DataHierarchy[i].Modified = false;
// Invalidate tools
getMainFrame ()->invalidateToolsParam ();
// Last time
fileOut.close ();
if (!theApp.yesNoMessage ("Can't open file %s for writing. Continue saving ?", _DataHierarchy[i].Filename.c_str ()))
result = FALSE;
_DataHierarchy[i].LastModifedTime = NLMISC::CFile::getFileModificationDate (_DataHierarchy[i].Filename);
catch (Exception& e)
theApp.errorMessage ("Error writing file %s : %s", _DataHierarchy[i].Filename.c_str (), e.what ());
// Invalidate title
CDatabaseLocatorPointer locator;
locator.getRoot (i);
InvalidatePrimitive (locator, LogicTreeParam);
// Document modified ?
if (_Modified)
// Save the document
COFile file;
if ( (lpszPathName, false, false, true))
// Save the document in XML
COXml xml;
xml.init (&file);
// Create the document
xmlNodePtr rootNode = xmlNewDocNode (xml.getDocument (), NULL, (const xmlChar*)"NEL_WORLD_EDITOR_PROJECT", NULL);
xmlDocSetRootElement (xml.getDocument (), rootNode);
// Version
xmlNodePtr node = xmlNewChild ( rootNode, NULL, (const xmlChar*)"VERSION", NULL);
xmlNodePtr text = xmlNewText ((const xmlChar *)toString (WORLD_EDITOR_FILE_VERSION).c_str ());
xmlAddChild (node, text);
node = xmlNewChild ( rootNode, NULL, (const xmlChar*)"DATA_DIRECTORY", NULL);
xmlSetProp (node, (const xmlChar*)"VALUE", (const xmlChar*)_DataDir.c_str ());
node = xmlNewChild ( rootNode, NULL, (const xmlChar*)"CONTEXT", NULL);
xmlSetProp (node, (const xmlChar*)"VALUE", (const xmlChar*)_Context.c_str ());
// Database
for (uint i=0; i<_DataHierarchy.size (); i++)
if (_DataHierarchy[i].Editable)
// New element
node = xmlNewChild ( rootNode, NULL, (const xmlChar*)"DATABASE_ELEMENT", NULL);
xmlSetProp (node, (const xmlChar*)"FILENAME", (const xmlChar*)_DataHierarchy[i].Filename.c_str ());
// Type
bool landscape = isLandscape (i);
xmlSetProp (node, (const xmlChar*)"TYPE", (const xmlChar*)(landscape?"landscape":"primitive"));
// Write properties ?
if (landscape)
node = xmlNewChild ( node, NULL, (const xmlChar*)"PRIMITIVES", NULL);
_DataHierarchy[i].Primitives.write (node, lpszPathName);
// Not modified
_Modified = false;
// Last time
file.close ();
catch (Exception &e)
theApp.errorMessage ("Error writing file %s : %s", lpszPathName, e.what ());
result = FALSE;
result = FALSE;
_LastModifedTime = NLMISC::CFile::getFileModificationDate (lpszPathName);
// No modification is for this level of undo
_LastSaveUndo = _Undo;
_NoModificationUndo = false;
updateModifiedState ();
// Timer enabled
getMainFrame ()->TimerEnabled = true;
// Restaure current path
CPath::setCurrentPath (backupPath.c_str ());
return result;
// ***************************************************************************
void CWorldEditorDoc::serial (NLMISC::IStream &s)
// Serial
int version = s.serialVersion (2);
s.xmlSerial (_DataDir, "DATA_DIRECTORY");
if (version>0)
s.xmlSerial (_Context, "CONTEXT");
// Old structures
vector<CLandscapeDeprecated> landscapes;
vector<CPrimitiveDeprecated> primitives;
s.xmlPush ("LANDSCAPE");
s.serialCont (landscapes);
s.xmlPop ();
s.xmlPush ("PRIMITIVES");
s.serialCont (primitives);
s.xmlPop ();
// * Convert in new structures
// Resvere
// _DataHierarchy.reserve (landscapes.size () + primitives.size ());
// Copy landscapes
uint i;
for (i=0; i<landscapes.size (); i++)
// Add an element
_DataHierarchy.push_back (CDatabaseElement (CDatabaseElement::Landscape));
_DataHierarchy.recomputePointerArray ();
// Copy
_DataHierarchy.back ().Filename = landscapes[i].Filename;
// Copy primitives
for (i=0; i<primitives.size (); i++)
// Add an element
_DataHierarchy.push_back (CDatabaseElement (CDatabaseElement::Primitive));
_DataHierarchy.recomputePointerArray ();
// Copy
_DataHierarchy.back ().Filename = primitives[i].Filename;
s.xmlPop ();
// ***************************************************************************
void CWorldEditorDoc::updateModifiedState ()
// Modification flag
bool modified = _NoModificationUndo | (_Undo != _LastSaveUndo);
SetModifiedFlag (modified?TRUE:FALSE);
if (modified)
CString title = GetTitle ();
if ( (title.GetLength()<2) || (title[title.GetLength()-1] != '*') || (title[title.GetLength()-2] != ' ') )
SetTitle (title+" *");
string title = (const char*)GetTitle ();
if ( (title.size ()>=2) && (title[title.size()-1] == '*') && (title[title.size()-2] == ' ') )
title.resize (title.size () - 2);
SetTitle (title.c_str());
// ***************************************************************************
void CWorldEditorDoc::noUndoModification ()
_NoModificationUndo = true;
updateModifiedState ();
// ***************************************************************************
void CWorldEditorDoc::undo ()
// Should not be in modification mode
nlassertex (_ModificationMode == false, ("In modification mode !"));
if (_Undo > 0)
// Undo actions
for (uint i=0; i<_Actions[_Undo].size (); i++)
_Actions[_Undo][_Actions[_Undo].size ()-i-1]->undo ();
updateModifiedState ();
// ***************************************************************************
void CWorldEditorDoc::redo ()
// Should not be in modification mode
nlassertex (_ModificationMode == false, ("In modification mode !"));
if (_Undo < _Actions.size ())
// Undo actions
for (uint i=0; i<_Actions[_Undo].size (); i++)
_Actions[_Undo][i]->redo ();
updateModifiedState ();
// ***************************************************************************
void CWorldEditorDoc::clearModifications ()
for (uint i=0; i<_Actions.size (); i++)
for (uint j=0; j<_Actions[i].size (); j++)
delete _Actions[i][j];
_Actions.clear ();
_NoModificationUndo = false;
_Undo = 0;
_LastSaveUndo = 0;
_Modified = false;
// ***************************************************************************
const string &CWorldEditorDoc::getDataDir () const
return _DataDir;
// ***************************************************************************
void CWorldEditorDoc::getFilePath(uint primIndex,string & relativeFileName)
CPath::makePathRelative ((NLMISC::CFile::getPath ((LPCTSTR)CWorldEditorDoc::GetPathName())).c_str(), relativeFileName);
// ***************************************************************************
void CWorldEditorDoc::setDataDir (const char *dir)
_DataDir = dir;
modifyProject ();
noUndoModification ();
// ***************************************************************************
const string& CWorldEditorDoc::getPathOfSelectedPrimitive() const
return _PathOfSelectedPrimitive;
// ***************************************************************************
void CWorldEditorDoc::setPathOfSelectedPrimitive(const std::string& s)
_PathOfSelectedPrimitive = s;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CWorldEditorDoc::getZoneAmongRegions (CDatabaseLocator &locator, class CBuilderZoneRegion*& pBZRfrom, sint32 x, sint32 y)
uint32 nNbRegion = _DataHierarchy.size ();
int regionId = -1;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < nNbRegion; ++i)
// Landscape ?
if (_DataHierarchy[i].Type == CDatabaseElement::Landscape)
const NLLIGO::CZoneRegion &region = getZoneRegionAbsolute (i);
if ((x < region.getMinX ())||(x > region.getMaxX ())||(y < region.getMinY ())||(y > region.getMaxY ()))
if (region.getName (x, y) != STRING_UNUSED)
pBZRfrom = getMainFrame ()->_ZoneBuilder->_ZoneRegions[regionId];
locator = CDatabaseLocator (regionId, x, y);
return true;
// The zone is not present in other region so it is an empty or oob zone of the current region
const NLLIGO::CZoneRegion &region = getZoneRegion(pBZRfrom->RegionId);
if ((x < region.getMinX ())||(x > region.getMaxX ())||(y < region.getMinY ())||(y > region.getMaxY ()))
return false; // Out Of Bound
locator = CDatabaseLocator (pBZRfrom->RegionId, x, y);
return true;
// ***************************************************************************
const NLLIGO::CZoneRegion &CWorldEditorDoc::getZoneRegion (uint landscape) const
uint index = regionIDToDatabaseElementID (landscape);
return _DataHierarchy[index].ZoneRegion;
// ***************************************************************************
uint CWorldEditorDoc::regionIDToDatabaseElementID (uint landscape) const
uint32 nNbRegion = _DataHierarchy.size ();
uint32 i;
for (i = 0; i < nNbRegion; ++i)
// Landscape ?
if (_DataHierarchy[i].Type == CDatabaseElement::Landscape)
if (landscape == 0)
return i;
landscape --;
// Should be found
return i;
// ***************************************************************************
const NLLIGO::CZoneRegion &CWorldEditorDoc::getZoneRegionAbsolute (uint landscape) const
nlassert (isLandscape (landscape));
return _DataHierarchy[landscape].ZoneRegion;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CWorldEditorDoc::addModification (class IAction *action)
// Should be in modification mode
nlassertex (_ModificationMode == true, ("Not in modification mode !"));
// Push first the action
uint actionId = _CurrentAction.size ();
_CurrentAction.push_back (action);
// Do the action
if (!action->redo ())
// Delete all new actions
nlassert (_CurrentAction.size ()>0);
for (uint a=_CurrentAction.size ()-1; a>actionId; a--)
// Undo
_CurrentAction[a]->undo ();
delete _CurrentAction[a];
delete action;
_CurrentAction.pop_back ();
return false;
return true;
// ***************************************************************************
void CWorldEditorDoc::getLigoData (CLigoData &data, const CDatabaseLocator &locator)
NLLIGO::CZoneRegion &region = _DataHierarchy[locator.getDatabaseIndex ()].ZoneRegion;
nlassert ((locator.XSubPrim >= region.getMinX ()) && (locator.XSubPrim <= region.getMaxX ()) && (locator.Y >= region.getMinY ()) && (locator.Y <= region.getMaxY ()));
data.PosX = region.getPosX (locator.XSubPrim, locator.Y);
data.PosY = region.getPosY (locator.XSubPrim, locator.Y);
data.ZoneName = region.getName (locator.XSubPrim, locator.Y);
data.Rot = region.getRot (locator.XSubPrim, locator.Y);
data.Flip = region.getFlip (locator.XSubPrim, locator.Y);
data.SharingMatNames[0] = region.getSharingMatNames (locator.XSubPrim, locator.Y, 0);
data.SharingMatNames[1] = region.getSharingMatNames (locator.XSubPrim, locator.Y, 1);
data.SharingMatNames[2] = region.getSharingMatNames (locator.XSubPrim, locator.Y, 2);
data.SharingMatNames[3] = region.getSharingMatNames (locator.XSubPrim, locator.Y, 3);
data.SharingCutEdges[0] = region.getSharingCutEdges (locator.XSubPrim, locator.Y, 0);
data.SharingCutEdges[1] = region.getSharingCutEdges (locator.XSubPrim, locator.Y, 1);
data.SharingCutEdges[2] = region.getSharingCutEdges (locator.XSubPrim, locator.Y, 2);
data.SharingCutEdges[3] = region.getSharingCutEdges (locator.XSubPrim, locator.Y, 3);
// ***************************************************************************
void CWorldEditorDoc::CLandscapeDeprecated::serial (NLMISC::IStream &s)
s.serialVersion (0);
s.serial (Filename);
// ***************************************************************************
void CWorldEditorDoc::CPrimitiveDeprecated::serial (NLMISC::IStream &s)
s.serialVersion (0);
s.serial (Filename);
// ***************************************************************************
CWorldEditorDoc::CDatabaseElement::CDatabaseElement ()
Type = Undefined;
Editable = true;
Modified = false;
// ***************************************************************************
CWorldEditorDoc::CDatabaseElement::CDatabaseElement (TType type)
Type = type;
if (Type == Landscape)
Primitives.RootNode->addPropertyByName ("class", new CPropertyString ("landscape"));
Editable = true;
Modified = false;
// ***************************************************************************
void CWorldEditorDoc::beginModification ()
nlassertex (_ModificationMode == false, ("Already in modification mode !"));
_ModificationMode = true;
// Erase current action
_CurrentAction.clear ();
// ***************************************************************************
void CWorldEditorDoc::endModification ()
nlassertex (_ModificationMode == true, ("Not in modification mode !"));
_ModificationMode = false;
// Add a undo entry if some actions have been performed
if (!_CurrentAction.empty ())
// Remove next actions
for (uint i=_Undo; i<_Actions.size (); i++)
for (uint j=0; j<_Actions[i].size (); j++)
delete _Actions[i][j];
// Place the current action
_Actions.resize (_Undo+1);
_Actions[_Undo] = _CurrentAction;
// Invalidate save position
if (_Undo < _LastSaveUndo)
_LastSaveUndo = -1;
updateModifiedState ();
// check if we need to send an update to the plugins
bool needUpdate = false;
std::vector<IAction*>::iterator first(_CurrentAction.begin()), last(_CurrentAction.end());
for (; first != last; ++first)
needUpdate |= (*first)->isAffectingContent();
if (needUpdate)
for (uint i=0; i<theApp.Plugins.size(); ++i)
for (uint j=0; j<_DataHierarchy.size(); ++j)
if (_DataHierarchy[j].Type == CDatabaseElement::Primitive)
// ***************************************************************************
uint CWorldEditorDoc::getNumDatabaseElement () const
return _DataHierarchy.size ();
// ***************************************************************************
const std::string &CWorldEditorDoc::getDatabaseElement (uint primitive) const
return _DataHierarchy[primitive].Filename;
// ***************************************************************************
const NLLIGO::CPrimitives &CWorldEditorDoc::getDatabaseElements (uint primitive) const
return _DataHierarchy[primitive].Primitives;
// ***************************************************************************
void CWorldEditorDoc::getLocator (CDatabaseLocatorPointer &locator, const IPrimitive *primitive) const
static std::vector<uint> cache;
cache.clear ();
// Get the first
const IPrimitive *current = primitive;
const IPrimitive *parent = current->getParent ();
while (parent)
// Get the child id
uint childId;
nlverify (parent->getChildId (childId, current));
cache.push_back (childId);
current = parent;
parent = current->getParent ();
// Root node
uint i;
CWorldEditorDoc *doc = getDocument ();
uint count = doc->getNumDatabaseElement ();
for (i=0; i<count; i++)
if (doc->getDatabaseElements (i).RootNode == current)
nlassert (i<count);
cache.push_back (i);
// Cash size
count = cache.size ();
locator._LocateStack.resize (count);
for (i=0; i<count; i++)
locator._LocateStack[i] = cache[count-i-1];
// Set the pointer
locator.Primitive = primitive;
// ***************************************************************************
void CWorldEditorDoc::getLocator (CDatabaseLocatorPointer &locatorDest, const CDatabaseLocator &locator) const
nlassert (locator._LocateStack.size ()>0);
// Copy the stack
locatorDest._LocateStack = locator._LocateStack;
// Get the first primitive
locatorDest.Primitive = _DataHierarchy[locator._LocateStack[0]].Primitives.RootNode;
// Get into the stack
uint stackSize = locator._LocateStack.size ();
for (uint i=1; i<stackSize; i++)
// Get the child
nlverify (locatorDest.Primitive->getChild (locatorDest.Primitive, locator._LocateStack[i]));
// ***************************************************************************
void CWorldEditorDoc::getFirstLocator (CDatabaseLocatorPointer &locator) const
// Set as end
locator._LocateStack[0] = 0xffffffff;
locator.Primitive = NULL;
// Is a first primitive ?
if (_DataHierarchy.size ())
locator._LocateStack[0] = 0;
// ***************************************************************************
void CWorldEditorDoc::deletePrimitive (const CDatabaseLocator &locator)
// Locate it
CDatabaseLocatorPointer locatorDest;
getLocator (locatorDest, locator);
// Get the parent
IPrimitive *parent = const_cast<IPrimitive*>(locatorDest.Primitive)->getParent ();
nlassert (parent);
// Get the child id
uint childId;
nlverify (parent->getChildId (childId, locatorDest.Primitive));
// Delete the child
nlverify (parent->removeChild (childId));
// ***************************************************************************
void CWorldEditorDoc::insertPrimitive (const CDatabaseLocator &locator, IPrimitive *primitive)
nlassert (locator._LocateStack.size ()>0);
// Get the first primitive
IPrimitive *prim = _DataHierarchy[locator._LocateStack[0]].Primitives.RootNode;
// Get into the stack
uint stackSize = locator._LocateStack.size ();
uint i;
for (i=1; i<stackSize-1; i++)
// Get the child
nlverify (prim->getChild (prim, locator._LocateStack[i]));
// Set the context
CPrimitiveContext::instance().CurrentPrimitive = &_DataHierarchy[locator._LocateStack[0]].Primitives;
// Insert the primitive in the parent
nlverify (prim->insertChild (primitive, locator._LocateStack[i]));
// unset the context
CPrimitiveContext::instance().CurrentPrimitive = NULL;
// ***************************************************************************
uint32 getUniqueId ()
// Wait 1 ms
sint64 time = NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime ();
sint64 time2;
while ((time2 = NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime ()) == time)
return (uint32)time2;
// ***************************************************************************
void CWorldEditorDoc::initPrimitiveParameters (const CPrimitiveClass &primClass, IPrimitive &primitive,
const std::vector<CPrimitiveClass::CInitParameters> &initParameters)
// Other parameters
for (uint p=0; p<initParameters.size (); p++)
// The property
const CPrimitiveClass::CInitParameters &parameter = initParameters[p];
// Look for it in the class
uint cp;
for (cp=0; cp<primClass.Parameters.size (); cp++)
// Good one ?
if (primClass.Parameters[cp].Name == initParameters[p].Name)
// The primitive type
CPrimitiveClass::CParameter::TType type;
// Found ?
if (cp<primClass.Parameters.size ())
type = primClass.Parameters[cp].Type;
// Name ?
if (initParameters[p].Name == "name")
type = CPrimitiveClass::CParameter::String;
// Continue ?
if (cp<primClass.Parameters.size () || (initParameters[p].Name == "name"))
// Default value ?
if (!parameter.DefaultValue.empty ())
// Type of property
switch (type)
case CPrimitiveClass::CParameter::Boolean:
case CPrimitiveClass::CParameter::ConstString:
case CPrimitiveClass::CParameter::String:
// Some feedback
if (parameter.DefaultValue.size () > 1)
theApp.errorMessage ("Warning: parameter (%s) in class name (%s) has more than 1 default value (%d).",
parameter.Name.c_str (), primClass.Name.c_str (), parameter.DefaultValue.size ());
if (
(cp<primClass.Parameters.size () && !primClass.Parameters[cp].Visible)
|| parameter.DefaultValue[0].GenID)
// Remove this property
primitive.removePropertyByName (parameter.Name.c_str ());
// Add this property
primitive.addPropertyByName (parameter.Name.c_str (),
new CPropertyString ((parameter.DefaultValue[0].GenID ? toString (getUniqueId ()) :
"").c_str ()));
case CPrimitiveClass::CParameter::ConstStringArray:
case CPrimitiveClass::CParameter::StringArray:
bool Visible = false;
uint i;
if (cp<primClass.Parameters.size () && !primClass.Parameters[cp].Visible)
Visible = true;
for (i=0; i<parameter.DefaultValue.size (); i++)
// Generate a unique id ?
if (parameter.DefaultValue[i].GenID)
Visible = true;
if (Visible)
// Remove this property
primitive.removePropertyByName (parameter.Name.c_str ());
// Add this property
CPropertyStringArray *str = new CPropertyStringArray ();
str->StringArray.resize (parameter.DefaultValue.size ());
for (i=0; i<parameter.DefaultValue.size (); i++)
// Generate a unique id ?
if (parameter.DefaultValue[i].GenID)
str->StringArray[i] = toString (getUniqueId ());
str->StringArray[i] = "";
primitive.addPropertyByName (parameter.Name.c_str (), str);
// Some feedback
theApp.errorMessage ("Warning: parameter (%s) doesn't exist in class (%s).",
initParameters[p].Name.c_str (), primClass.Name.c_str ());
// ***************************************************************************
const NLLIGO::IPrimitive *CWorldEditorDoc::createPrimitive (const CDatabaseLocator &locator, const char *className, const char *primName,
const CVector &initPos, float deltaPos,
const std::vector<CPrimitiveClass::CInitParameters> &initParameters)
// Get the prim class
const CPrimitiveClass *primClass = theApp.Config.getPrimitiveClass (className);
if (primClass)
// Create the base primitive
IPrimitive *primitive = NULL;
switch (primClass->Type)
case CPrimitiveClass::Node:
primitive = new CPrimNodeEditor;
case CPrimitiveClass::Point:
CPrimPointEditor *point = new CPrimPointEditor;
primitive = point;
point->Point.CVector::operator= (initPos);
case CPrimitiveClass::Path:
primitive = new CPrimPathEditor;
case CPrimitiveClass::Zone:
primitive = new CPrimZoneEditor;
case CPrimitiveClass::Alias:
primitive = new CPrimAliasEditor;
case CPrimitiveClass::Bitmap:
primitive = new CPrimBitmap;
nlassert (primitive);
// Add properties
primitive->addPropertyByName ("class", new CPropertyString (className));
primitive->addPropertyByName ("name", new CPropertyString (primName, primName[0] == 0));
// Init with default parameters
std::vector<CPrimitiveClass::CInitParameters> tempParam;
tempParam.reserve (primClass->Parameters.size ());
for (uint i=0; i<primClass->Parameters.size (); i++)
tempParam.push_back (primClass->Parameters[i]);
initPrimitiveParameters (*primClass, *primitive, tempParam);
// Init with option parameters
initPrimitiveParameters (*primClass, *primitive, initParameters);
// Insert the primitive
insertPrimitive (locator, primitive);
// The new pos
CVector newPos = initPos;
newPos.x += deltaPos;
// Create static children
uint c;
for (c=0; c<primClass->StaticChildren.size (); c++)
// The child ref
const CPrimitiveClass::CChild &child = primClass->StaticChildren[c];
// The new locator
CDatabaseLocator childLocator = locator;
childLocator._LocateStack.push_back (0);
// Create the child
const NLLIGO::IPrimitive *childPrim = createPrimitive (childLocator, child.ClassName.c_str (),
child.Name.c_str (), newPos, deltaPos, primClass->StaticChildren[c].Parameters);
// The new pos
newPos.y += deltaPos;
// Canceled ?
if (c<primClass->StaticChildren.size ())
deletePrimitive (locator);
return NULL;
// Prim file ?
if (primClass->Type == CPrimitiveClass::Bitmap)
// Create a dialog file
CFileDialogEx dialog (BASE_REGISTRY_KEY, "image", TRUE, primClass->FileExtension.c_str (), NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY|OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT,
(primClass->FileType+" (*."+primClass->FileExtension+")|*."+primClass->FileExtension+"|All Files (*.*)|*.*||").c_str (), getMainFrame ());
if (dialog.DoModal() == IDOK)
// Save filename
static_cast<CPrimBitmap*>(primitive)->init (dialog.GetPathName ());
// Continue ?
if (primitive)
// Auto init ?
if (!primClass->AutoInit)
// Make a vector of locator
CDatabaseLocatorPointer locatorPtr;
getLocator (locatorPtr, locator);
std::list<NLLIGO::IPrimitive*> locators;
locators.push_back (const_cast<IPrimitive*> (locatorPtr.Primitive));
// Yes, go
CDialogProperties dialogProperty (locators, getMainFrame ());
dialogProperty.DoModal ();
// Eval the default name property
string name;
if (!primitive->getPropertyByName ("name", name) || name.empty())
const CPrimitiveClass *primClass = theApp.Config.getPrimitiveClass (*primitive);
if (primClass)
uint i;
for (i=0; i<primClass->Parameters.size(); i++)
if (primClass->Parameters[i].Name == "name")
std::string result;
primClass->Parameters[i].getDefaultValue (result, *primitive, *primClass, NULL);
if (!result.empty())
primitive->removePropertyByName ("name");
primitive->addPropertyByName ("name", new CPropertyString (result.c_str(), true));
// Init primitive default values
primitive->initDefaultValues (theApp.Config);
// Done
return primitive;
theApp.errorMessage ("Unknown primitive class name : %s", className);
return NULL;
// ***************************************************************************
void CWorldEditorDoc::getPrimitiveDisplayName (std::string &result, uint primitive) const
// Return a formated string
result = formatString (NLMISC::CFile::getFilename (getDatabaseElement (primitive)).c_str ());
if (result.empty ())
result = "Untitled";
if (_DataHierarchy[primitive].Modified && _DataHierarchy[primitive].Editable)
result += " *";
// ***************************************************************************
void CWorldEditorDoc::modifyDatabase (uint dbIndex)
if (_DataHierarchy[dbIndex].Editable)
_DataHierarchy[dbIndex].Modified = true;
if (isLandscape (dbIndex))
modifyProject ();
// Invalidate title
CDatabaseLocatorPointer locator;
locator.getRoot (dbIndex);
InvalidatePrimitive (locator, LogicTreeParam);
// plugin callback
// for (uint i=0; i<theApp.Plugins.size(); ++i)
// theApp.Plugins[i]->primitiveChanged(locator.Primitive);
// ***************************************************************************
void CWorldEditorDoc::modifyProject ()
_Modified = true;
// ***************************************************************************
void CWorldEditorDoc::updateFiles ()
// Landscape
uint i;
for (i=0; i<_DataHierarchy.size (); i++)
// Check date
if (!checkFileDate (_DataHierarchy[i].Filename.c_str (), _DataHierarchy[i].LastModifedTime))
// Ask for reloading
if (theApp.yesNoMessage ("The file \"%s\" has been modified.\nReload it ?", _DataHierarchy[i].Filename.c_str ()))
// Clear modification
clearModifications ();
// Landscape ?
if (_DataHierarchy[i].Type == CDatabaseElement::Landscape)
CIFile fileIn;
if ( (_DataHierarchy[i].Filename))
CIXml xml(true);
xml.init (fileIn);
_DataHierarchy[i].ZoneRegion.serial (xml);
theApp.errorMessage ("Can't open file %s for reading.", _DataHierarchy[i].Filename.c_str ());
// Last time
_DataHierarchy[i].LastModifedTime = NLMISC::CFile::getFileModificationDate (_DataHierarchy[i].Filename);
catch (Exception& e)
theApp.errorMessage ("Error reading file %s : %s", _DataHierarchy[i].Filename.c_str (), e.what ());
CIFile fileIn;
if ( (_DataHierarchy[i].Filename))
// Xml stream
CIXml xmlIn;
xmlIn.init (fileIn);
// Read it
CPrimitiveContext::instance().CurrentPrimitive = &(_DataHierarchy[i].Primitives);
if (!_DataHierarchy[i] (xmlIn.getRootNode (), _DataHierarchy[i].Filename.c_str(), theApp.Config))
theApp.errorMessage ("Error reading file %s", _DataHierarchy[i].Filename.c_str ());
CPrimitiveContext::instance().CurrentPrimitive = NULL;
CPrimitiveContext::instance().CurrentPrimitive = NULL;
// Last time
_DataHierarchy[i].LastModifedTime = NLMISC::CFile::getFileModificationDate (_DataHierarchy[i].Filename);
theApp.errorMessage ("Can't open file %s for reading.", _DataHierarchy[i].Filename.c_str ());
catch (Exception& e)
theApp.errorMessage ("Error reading file %s : %s", _DataHierarchy[i].Filename.c_str (), e.what ());
// Invalidate views
invalidateLeftView ();
// Get the new date
_DataHierarchy[i].LastModifedTime = NLMISC::CFile::getFileModificationDate (_DataHierarchy[i].Filename);
// Check date
if (!checkFileDate (GetPathName (), _LastModifedTime))
// Ask for reloading
if (theApp.yesNoMessage ("The file \"%s\" has been modified.\nReload it ?", (const char*)GetPathName ()))
newDocument ();
loadDocument (GetPathName ());
// Get the new date
_LastModifedTime = NLMISC::CFile::getFileModificationDate ((const char*)GetPathName ());
// ***************************************************************************
bool CWorldEditorDoc::checkFileDate (const char *filename, uint32 date)
// File exist ?
if (!NLMISC::CFile::fileExists (filename))
return true;
// Check each file in the project
return NLMISC::CFile::getFileModificationDate (filename) == date;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CWorldEditorDoc::undoAvailable () const
return _Undo > 0;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CWorldEditorDoc::redoAvailable () const
return _Undo < _Actions.size ();
// ***************************************************************************
bool CWorldEditorDoc::isPrimitiveLoaded(const std::string &primPath)
uint i = 0, count = getNumDatabaseElement();
string curPath;
while (i < count)
getFilePath(i, curPath);
if (primPath == curPath)
if (i < count)
return true;
return false;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CWorldEditorDoc::isLandscape (uint dbIndex) const
return _DataHierarchy[dbIndex].Type == CDatabaseElement::Landscape;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CWorldEditorDoc::isPrimitive (uint dbIndex) const
return _DataHierarchy[dbIndex].Type == CDatabaseElement::Primitive;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CWorldEditorDoc::isEditable (uint dbIndex) const
return _DataHierarchy[dbIndex].Editable;
// ***************************************************************************
void CWorldEditorDoc::resetUniqueID (const NLLIGO::IPrimitive &primitive, bool onlyZero)
// Got a primitive class ?
const CPrimitiveClass *_class = theApp.Config.getPrimitiveClass (primitive);
if (_class)
// For each parameters
uint i;
for (i=0; i<_class->Parameters.size (); i++)
// String or string array ?
if (_class->Parameters[i].Type == CPrimitiveClass::CParameter::String)
// Default value available ?
if (!_class->Parameters[i].DefaultValue.empty ())
// Unique Id ?
if (_class->Parameters[i].DefaultValue[0].GenID)
string propVal;
primitive.getPropertyByName(_class->Parameters[i].Name.c_str(), propVal);
if (!onlyZero || propVal.empty() || propVal == "0")
// Remove it
CDatabaseLocatorPointer locator;
getLocator (locator, &primitive);
addModification (new CActionSetPrimitivePropertyString (locator, _class->Parameters[i].Name.c_str (), toString (getUniqueId ()).c_str (), false));
else if (_class->Parameters[i].Type == CPrimitiveClass::CParameter::StringArray)
uint j;
for (j=0; j<_class->Parameters[i].DefaultValue.size (); j++)
// Unique Id ?
if (_class->Parameters[i].DefaultValue[j].GenID)
string propVal;
primitive.getPropertyByName(_class->Parameters[j].Name.c_str(), propVal);
if (!onlyZero || propVal.empty() || propVal == "0")
// The doesn't exist ?
std::vector<string> result;
std::vector<string> *resultPtr = NULL;
primitive.getPropertyByName (_class->Parameters[i].Name.c_str (), resultPtr);
// Copy
if (resultPtr)
result = *resultPtr;
// Resize
if (result.size ()<=j)
result.resize (j+1);
// Set the value
result[j] = toString (getUniqueId ());
CDatabaseLocatorPointer locator;
getLocator (locator, &primitive);
addModification (new CActionSetPrimitivePropertyStringArray (locator, _class->Parameters[i].Name.c_str (), result, false));
// Recurcive call
uint i;
const uint count = primitive.getNumChildren ();
for (i=0; i<count; i++)
// Get the child
const IPrimitive *child;
nlverify (primitive.getChild (child, i));
resetUniqueID (*child, onlyZero);
// ***************************************************************************
void CWorldEditorDoc::forceIDUniqueness(const NLLIGO::IPrimitive &primitive, CHashSet<std::string> &ids, std::vector<TPropertyNonUnique> &nonUnique)
// Got a primitive class ?
const CPrimitiveClass *_class = theApp.Config.getPrimitiveClass (primitive);
if (_class)
// For each parameters
uint i;
for (i=0; i<_class->Parameters.size (); i++)
// String or string array ?
if (_class->Parameters[i].Type == CPrimitiveClass::CParameter::String)
// Default value available ?
if (!_class->Parameters[i].DefaultValue.empty ())
// Unique Id ?
if (_class->Parameters[i].DefaultValue[0].GenID)
string propVal;
primitive.getPropertyByName(_class->Parameters[i].Name.c_str(), propVal);
if (ids.find(propVal) != ids.end())
// store it in the list of non unique id
TPropertyNonUnique nu;
nu.Primitive = &primitive;
nu.PropertyName = _class->Parameters[i].Name;
// // regenerate it
// CDatabaseLocatorPointer locator;
// getLocator (locator, &primitive);
// addModification (new CActionSetPrimitivePropertyString (locator, _class->Parameters[i].Name.c_str (), toString (getUniqueId ()).c_str (), false));
// regenCount++;
primitive.getPropertyByName(_class->Parameters[i].Name.c_str(), propVal);
else if (_class->Parameters[i].Type == CPrimitiveClass::CParameter::StringArray)
uint j;
for (j=0; j<_class->Parameters[i].DefaultValue.size (); j++)
// Unique Id ?
if (_class->Parameters[i].DefaultValue[j].GenID)
string propVal;
primitive.getPropertyByName(_class->Parameters[j].Name.c_str(), propVal);
if (ids.find(propVal) != ids.end())
// store it in the list of non unique id
TPropertyNonUnique nu;
nu.Primitive = &primitive;
nu.PropertyName = _class->Parameters[j].Name;
// // The doesn't exist ?
// std::vector<string> result;
// std::vector<string> *resultPtr = NULL;
// primitive.getPropertyByName (_class->Parameters[i].Name.c_str (), resultPtr);
// // Copy
// if (resultPtr)
// result = *resultPtr;
// // Resize
// if (result.size ()<=j)
// result.resize (j+1);
// // Set the value
// result[j] = toString (getUniqueId ());
// CDatabaseLocatorPointer locator;
// getLocator (locator, &primitive);
// addModification (new CActionSetPrimitivePropertyStringArray (locator, _class->Parameters[i].Name.c_str (), result, false));
// regenCount++;
primitive.getPropertyByName(_class->Parameters[j].Name.c_str(), propVal);
// Recursive call
uint i;
const uint count = primitive.getNumChildren ();
for (i=0; i<count; i++)
// Get the child
const IPrimitive *child;
nlverify (primitive.getChild (child, i));
forceIDUniqueness (*child, ids, nonUnique);
// ***************************************************************************
void CWorldEditorDoc::modifyPropertyDlg()
/*if (PropertyDialog.IsWindowVisible() &&PropertyDialog.isModified())
if(theApp.yesNoMessage("Some entries seem to be modified.\nWould you like to save the last primitive?"))
PropertyDialog.updateModification ();
// ***************************************************************************
bool CWorldEditorDoc::updateDefaultValuesInternal (NLLIGO::IPrimitive &primitive)
// Modified
bool modified = false;
// Got a primitive class ?
const CPrimitiveClass *_class = theApp.Config.getPrimitiveClass (primitive);
if (_class)
// For each parameters
uint i;
for (i=0; i<_class->Parameters.size (); i++)
// First check the primitive property has to good type
IProperty *prop;
if (primitive.getPropertyByName (_class->Parameters[i].Name.c_str (), prop))
// String to array ?
CPropertyString *propString = dynamic_cast<CPropertyString *> (prop);;
const bool classStringArray = _class->Parameters[i].Type == CPrimitiveClass::CParameter::StringArray ||
_class->Parameters[i].Type == CPrimitiveClass::CParameter::ConstStringArray;
if (propString && classStringArray)
// Build an array string
vector<string> array;
if (!propString->String.empty())
array.push_back (propString->String);
prop = new CPropertyStringArray (array);
primitive.removePropertyByName (_class->Parameters[i].Name.c_str ());
primitive.addPropertyByName (_class->Parameters[i].Name.c_str (), prop);
modified = true;
// Array to string ?
CPropertyStringArray *propStringArray = dynamic_cast<CPropertyStringArray *> (prop);
if (propStringArray && !classStringArray)
// Build an array string
string str;
if (!propStringArray->StringArray.empty())
str = propStringArray->StringArray[0];
prop = new CPropertyString (str);
primitive.removePropertyByName (_class->Parameters[i].Name.c_str ());
primitive.addPropertyByName (_class->Parameters[i].Name.c_str (), prop);
modified = true;
// String or string array ?
if (_class->Parameters[i].Type == CPrimitiveClass::CParameter::String)
// Default value available ?
if (!_class->Parameters[i].DefaultValue.empty ())
// Unique Id ?
if (_class->Parameters[i].DefaultValue[0].GenID)
// The doesn't exist ?
string result;
if (!primitive.getPropertyByName (_class->Parameters[i].Name.c_str (), result))
// Add it !
primitive.addPropertyByName (_class->Parameters[i].Name.c_str (), new CPropertyString (toString (getUniqueId ()).c_str ()));
modified = true;
// Hidden ?
else if (!_class->Parameters[i].Visible)
// The doesn't exist ?
string result;
if (!primitive.getPropertyByName (_class->Parameters[i].Name.c_str (), result))
// Add it !
primitive.addPropertyByName (_class->Parameters[i].Name.c_str (), new CPropertyString (""));
modified = true;
else if ( (_class->Parameters[i].Type == CPrimitiveClass::CParameter::StringArray) ||
(_class->Parameters[i].Type == CPrimitiveClass::CParameter::ConstStringArray) )
uint j;
for (j=0; j<_class->Parameters[i].DefaultValue.size (); j++)
// Unique Id ?
if (_class->Parameters[i].DefaultValue[j].GenID)
// The doesn't exist ?
std::vector<string> result;
std::vector<string> *resultPtr = NULL;
if (!primitive.getPropertyByName (_class->Parameters[i].Name.c_str (), resultPtr) || (resultPtr->size ()<=j))
// Copy
if (resultPtr)
result = *resultPtr;
// Resize
if (result.size ()<=j)
result.resize (j+1);
// Resize to it
primitive.removePropertyByName (_class->Parameters[i].Name.c_str ());
// Set the value
result[j] = toString (getUniqueId ());
// Add the new property array
primitive.addPropertyByName (_class->Parameters[i].Name.c_str (), new CPropertyStringArray (result));
modified = true;
// Hidden ?
else if (!_class->Parameters[i].Visible)
// The doesn't exist ?
std::vector<string> result;
std::vector<string> *resultPtr = NULL;
if (!primitive.getPropertyByName (_class->Parameters[i].Name.c_str (), resultPtr) || (resultPtr->size ()<=j))
// Copy
if (resultPtr)
result = *resultPtr;
// Resize
if (result.size ()<=j)
result.resize (j+1);
// Resize to it
primitive.removePropertyByName (_class->Parameters[i].Name.c_str ());
// Set the value
result[j] = "";
// Add the new property array
primitive.addPropertyByName (_class->Parameters[i].Name.c_str (), new CPropertyStringArray (result));
modified = true;
// Default value available ?
if (!_class->Parameters[i].DefaultValue.empty ())
// Hidden ?
if (!_class->Parameters[i].Visible)
// The doesn't exist ?
string result;
if (!primitive.getPropertyByName (_class->Parameters[i].Name.c_str (), result))
// Add it !
primitive.addPropertyByName (_class->Parameters[i].Name.c_str (), new CPropertyString (""));
modified = true;
// Recurcive call
uint i;
const uint count = primitive.getNumChildren ();
for (i=0; i<count; i++)
// Get the child
IPrimitive *child;
nlverify (primitive.getChild (child, i));
modified |= updateDefaultValuesInternal (*child);
return modified;
// ***************************************************************************
void CWorldEditorDoc::updateDefaultValues (uint dbIndex)
// Ref on the db
CDatabaseElement &dbElm = _DataHierarchy[dbIndex];
// Primitive is valid
if (dbElm.Primitives.RootNode)
// Modify something ?
if (updateDefaultValuesInternal (*dbElm.Primitives.RootNode))
// Information
theApp.infoMessage ("In file (%s) : Some primitives have been modified to initialise their default values\nor to change their properties type.", dbElm.Filename.c_str ());
// Invalidate the document
modifyDatabase (dbIndex);
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL CWorldEditorDoc::OnCmdMsg(UINT nID, int nCode, void* pExtra,
// If pHandlerInfo is NULL, then handle the message
if (pHandlerInfo == NULL)
CCmdUI* pCmdUI=(CCmdUI*)pExtra;
// Filter the commands sent to a text color menu option
for (uint i = ID_WINDOWS_PLUGINS+1; i < ID_WINDOWS_PLUGINS+1+theApp.Plugins.size(); i++)
if (nID ==(UINT) (i))
if (nCode == CN_COMMAND)
else if (nCode == CN_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI)
// Update UI element state
return TRUE;
// If we didn't process the command, call the base class
// version of OnCmdMsg so the message-map can handle the message
return CDocument::OnCmdMsg(nID, nCode, pExtra, pHandlerInfo);
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// CDatabaseLocator
// ***************************************************************************
uint CDatabaseLocator::getDatabaseIndex () const
return _LocateStack[0];
// ***************************************************************************
void CDatabaseLocator::getParent ()
_LocateStack.resize (_LocateStack.size ()-1);
// ***************************************************************************
// CDatabaseLocatorPointer
// ***************************************************************************
void CDatabaseLocatorPointer::getParent ()
nlassert (Primitive);
CDatabaseLocator::getParent ();
// Get the parent pointer
Primitive = Primitive->getParent ();
// ***************************************************************************
bool CDatabaseLocatorPointer::operator== (const CDatabaseLocatorPointer &other) const
return CDatabaseLocator::operator== (other);
// ***************************************************************************
void CDatabaseLocatorPointer::appendChild (CDatabaseLocator &dest) const
nlassert (Primitive);
dest._LocateStack = _LocateStack;
dest._LocateStack.push_back (Primitive->getNumChildren ());
dest.XSubPrim = 0xffffffff;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CDatabaseLocatorPointer::next ()
// Should not be end
if (_LocateStack[0] == 0xffffffff)
return false;
// Get the document
CWorldEditorDoc *doc = getDocument ();
// We are in a primitive ?
if (Primitive)
// Some children to visite ?
if (Primitive->getNumChildren () > 0)
// Get the first child
nlverify (Primitive->getChild (Primitive, 0));
// Push
_LocateStack.push_back (0);
// Done
return true;
// Try to visit a brother
const IPrimitive *parent = Primitive->getParent ();
// Have a parent ?
while (parent)
// The child Id
uint childId;
nlverify (parent->getChildId (childId, Primitive));
if (childId < parent->getNumChildren ())
nlassert (_LocateStack.back () == childId-1);
_LocateStack.back () = childId;
nlverify (parent->getChild (Primitive, childId));
return true;
// Get next parent
Primitive = parent;
parent = parent->getParent ();
// Unstack
_LocateStack.pop_back ();
// Next primitive Id
nlassert (_LocateStack.size () == 1);
Primitive = NULL;
if (_LocateStack[0] < doc->_DataHierarchy.size ())
return true;
// End
_LocateStack[0] = 0xffffffff;
return false;
Primitive = doc->_DataHierarchy[_LocateStack[0]].Primitives.RootNode;
return true;
// ***************************************************************************
void CDatabaseLocatorPointer::getRoot (uint i)
XSubPrim = 0xffffffff;
_LocateStack.clear ();
_LocateStack.push_back (i);
// Get the document
CWorldEditorDoc *doc = getDocument ();
Primitive = doc->_DataHierarchy[i].Primitives.RootNode;
// ***************************************************************************
void CDatabaseLocatorPointer::getRoot (const string& rootFileName)
XSubPrim = 0xffffffff;
_LocateStack.clear ();
// Get the document
CWorldEditorDoc *doc = getDocument ();
uint count = doc->getNumDatabaseElement ();
uint i=0;
_LocateStack.push_back (i);
exception e("Bad primitive File Name. Please refresh.");
// ***************************************************************************
string& CDatabaseLocatorPointer::getRootFileName (IPrimitive* rootPrim)
// Get the document
CWorldEditorDoc *doc = getDocument ();
uint count = doc->getNumDatabaseElement ();
uint i=0;
if(doc->_DataHierarchy[i].Primitives.RootNode ==rootPrim)
exception e("Bad primitive File Name. Please refresh.");
return doc->_DataHierarchy[i].Filename;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CDatabaseLocatorPointer::firstChild ()
XSubPrim = 0xffffffff;
// Should not be end
if (_LocateStack[0] == 0xffffffff)
return false;
// Get the document
CWorldEditorDoc *doc = getDocument ();
// Some children to visite ?
if (Primitive->getNumChildren () > 0)
// Get the first child
nlverify (Primitive->getChild (Primitive, 0));
// Push
_LocateStack.push_back (0);
// Done
return true;
// Primitive doesn't exist
Primitive = NULL;
// Push
_LocateStack.push_back (0);
// Done
return false;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CDatabaseLocatorPointer::nextChild ()
// Try to visit a brother
const IPrimitive *parent = Primitive->getParent ();
// Have a parent ?
nlassert (parent);
// The child Id
uint childId;
nlverify (parent->getChildId (childId, Primitive));
if (childId < parent->getNumChildren ())
nlassert (_LocateStack.back () == childId-1);
_LocateStack.back () = childId;
nlverify (parent->getChild (Primitive, childId));
return true;
// Get next parent
Primitive = parent;
parent = parent->getParent ();
// Unstack
_LocateStack.pop_back ();
return false;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CDatabaseLocatorPointer::previousChild ()
// Try to visit a brother
const IPrimitive *parent = Primitive->getParent ();
// Have a parent ?
nlassert (parent);
// The child Id
uint childId;
nlverify (parent->getChildId (childId, Primitive));
if (childId > 0)
nlassert (_LocateStack.back () == childId+1);
_LocateStack.back () = childId;
nlverify (parent->getChild (Primitive, childId));
return true;
// Get next parent
Primitive = parent;
parent = parent->getParent ();
// Unstack
_LocateStack.pop_back ();
return false;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CDatabaseLocator::operator== (const CDatabaseLocator &other) const
return _LocateStack == other._LocateStack;
// ***************************************************************************
std::string CDatabaseLocator::getPathName () const
// Get the doc
CWorldEditorDoc *doc = getDocument ();
// First string
string path;
doc->getPrimitiveDisplayName (path, _LocateStack[0]);
// Next
const IPrimitive *prim = doc->_DataHierarchy[_LocateStack[0]].Primitives.RootNode;
for (uint i=1; i<_LocateStack.size (); i++)
// Add the child
prim->getChild (prim, _LocateStack[i]);
// Get its name
path += ".";
string name;
if (prim->getPropertyByName ("name", name))
path += name;
return path;
// ***************************************************************************
CDatabaseLocator::CDatabaseLocator (uint region, sint32 x, sint32 y)
_LocateStack.push_back (getDocument ()->regionIDToDatabaseElementID(region));
XSubPrim = x;
Y = y;
// ***************************************************************************
void CWorldEditorDoc::OnFileOpen()
theApp.OnFileOpen ();
// ***************************************************************************
void CWorldEditorDoc::OnFileSave()
theApp.OnFileSave ();
// ***************************************************************************
void CWorldEditorDoc::OnFileSaveAs()
theApp.OnFileSaveAs ();
// ***************************************************************************