2015-12-18 13:02:31 +01:00

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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "ig_lighter_lib.h"
#include "nel/misc/path.h"
#include "nel/pacs/retriever_bank.h"
#include "nel/pacs/global_retriever.h"
#include "nel/3d/scene_group.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace NLMISC;
using namespace NL3D;
using namespace NLPACS;
// ***************************************************************************
void CIgLighterLib::overSampleCell(CIGSurfaceLightBuild::CCellCorner &cell, uint nSampleReq,
const CLocalRetriever &localRetriever, CGlobalRetriever &globalRetriever,
sint retrieverInstanceId, const ULocalPosition &localPos, float cellSize,
float cellRaytraceDeltaZ)
uint sample;
nlassert(nSampleReq==2 || nSampleReq==4 || nSampleReq==8 || nSampleReq==16);
// Compute all localPosition according to overSampleGrid.
float s2= cellSize/2;
float s4= cellSize/4;
float s8= cellSize/8;
ULocalPosition localSamplePos[CInstanceLighter::MaxOverSamples];
// copy from localPos. Surface and estimation.
for(sample= 0; sample<nSampleReq; sample++)
localSamplePos[sample]= localPos;
// Special cases.
localSamplePos[0].Estimation+= CVector(-s4, -s4, 0);
localSamplePos[1].Estimation+= CVector(+s4, +s4, 0);
else if(nSampleReq==4)
localSamplePos[0].Estimation+= CVector(-s4, -s4, 0);
localSamplePos[1].Estimation+= CVector(+s4, -s4, 0);
localSamplePos[2].Estimation+= CVector(-s4, +s4, 0);
localSamplePos[3].Estimation+= CVector(+s4, +s4, 0);
else if(nSampleReq==8)
For all 16 samples, but skip ones such that we have this pattern (X == sample).
X . X .
. X . X
X . X .
. X . X
for(sample= 0; sample<16; sample++)
// Compute pos of the sample.
uint x= sample%4;
uint y= sample/4;
// Skip to have only 8 samples like above
if( (x+y) & 1 )
// Start at BL corner (-s2), get middle of sample (+s8) and there is 4 sample by line/column (*s4)
// NB: index= sample/2 because only 8 samples are computed.
localSamplePos[sample/2].Estimation.x+= -s2 + s8 + x*s4;
localSamplePos[sample/2].Estimation.y+= -s2 + s8 + y*s4;
else if(nSampleReq==16)
// For all 16 samples
for(sample= 0; sample<16; sample++)
// Compute pos of the sample.
uint x= sample%4;
uint y= sample/4;
// Start at BL corner (-s2), get middle of sample (+s8) and there is 4 sample by line/column (*s4)
localSamplePos[sample].Estimation.x+= -s2 + s8 + x*s4;
localSamplePos[sample].Estimation.y+= -s2 + s8 + y*s4;
// For each sample, verify if inSurface, and store into samples.
cell.NumOverSamples= 0;
for(sample= 0; sample<nSampleReq; sample++)
bool snapped;
localRetriever.snapToInteriorGround(localSamplePos[sample], snapped);
// If inSurface, add the sample to the list.
// build the globalPosition.
UGlobalPosition globalPos;
globalPos.InstanceId= retrieverInstanceId;
globalPos.LocalPosition= localSamplePos[sample];
// Get the result global Position
CVector pos= globalRetriever.getGlobalPosition(globalPos);
pos.z+= cellRaytraceDeltaZ;
cell.OverSamples[cell.NumOverSamples++]= pos;
// ***************************************************************************
void CIgLighterLib::lightIg(CInstanceLighter &instanceLighter,
const CInstanceGroup &igIn, CInstanceGroup &igOut, CInstanceLighter::CLightDesc &lightDesc,
CSurfaceLightingInfo &slInfo, const char *igName)
sint i;
// Setup.
// Init
// For interiors ig, disable Sun contrib according to ig.
lightDesc.DisableSunContribution= !igIn.getRealTimeSunContribution();
// Copy it to igOut, just to keep same setup data for in and out.
// Add obstacles.
std::vector<CInstanceLighter::CTriangle> obstacles;
// only if Shadowing On.
// Map of shape to load
std::map<string, IShape*> shapeMap;
// For all instances of igIn.
for(i=0; i<(sint)igIn.getNumInstance();i++)
// progress
instanceLighter.progress("Loading Shapes obstacles", float(i)/igIn.getNumInstance());
// Skip it?? IgLighterLib use the DontCastShadowForInterior flag. See doc of this flag
if(igIn.getInstance(i).DontCastShadow || igIn.getInstance(i).DontCastShadowForInterior)
// Get the instance shape name
string name= igIn.getShapeName(i);
bool shapeFound= true;
if (toLower (CFile::getExtension (name)) == "pacs_prim")
nlwarning("EXPORT BUG: Can't read %s (not a shape), should not be part of .ig!", name.c_str());
// Try to find the shape in the UseShapeMap.
std::map<string, IShape*>::const_iterator iteMap= lightDesc.UserShapeMap.find (name);
// If not found in userShape map, try to load it from the temp loaded ShapeBank.
if( iteMap == lightDesc.UserShapeMap.end() )
// Add a .shape at the end ?
if (name.find('.') == std::string::npos)
name += ".shape";
// Lookup the file
string nameLookup = CPath::lookup (name, false, false);
if (!nameLookup.empty())
name = nameLookup;
// Find the shape in the bank
iteMap= shapeMap.find (name);
if (iteMap==shapeMap.end())
// Input file
CIFile inputFile;
if ( (name))
// Load it
CShapeStream stream;
stream.serial (inputFile);
// Get the pointer
iteMap=shapeMap.insert (std::map<string, IShape*>::value_type (name, stream.getShapePointer ())).first;
// Error
nlwarning ("WARNING can't load shape %s\n", name.c_str());
shapeFound= false;
CMatrix matInst;
// Add triangles of this shape
CInstanceLighter::addTriangles(*iteMap->second, matInst, obstacles, i);
// Clean Up shapes.
std::map<string, IShape*>::iterator iteMap;
iteMap= shapeMap.begin();
while(iteMap!= shapeMap.end())
// delte shape
delete iteMap->second;
// delete entry in map
// next
iteMap= shapeMap.begin();
// Add pointLights of the IG.
for(i=0; i<(sint)igIn.getPointLightList().size();i++)
instanceLighter.addStaticPointLight( igIn.getPointLightList()[i], igName );
// Setup a CIGSurfaceLightBuild if needed.
CIGSurfaceLightBuild *igSurfaceLightBuild= NULL;
CGlobalRetriever *globalRetriever= slInfo.GlobalRetriever;
CRetrieverBank *retrieverBank= slInfo.RetrieverBank;
float cellSurfaceLightSize= slInfo.CellSurfaceLightSize;
if(retrieverBank && globalRetriever)
igSurfaceLightBuild= new CIGSurfaceLightBuild;
igSurfaceLightBuild->CellSize= cellSurfaceLightSize;
// col Identifier.
string colIdent= slInfo.ColIdentifierPrefix + slInfo.IgFileName + slInfo.ColIdentifierSuffix;
// For any retreiverInstance with this identifier.
uint numInstances= (uint)globalRetriever->getInstances().size();
for(uint instanceId=0; instanceId<numInstances; instanceId++)
const CRetrieverInstance &instance= globalRetriever->getInstance(instanceId);
// If this instance is an interior
if ( instance.getType() == CLocalRetriever::Interior )
uint localRetrieverId= instance.getRetrieverId();
const CLocalRetriever &localRetriever= retrieverBank->getRetriever(localRetrieverId);
// get the identifer of this localRetriever
string retIdent= localRetriever.getIdentifier();
// Match the ident??
if( retIdent.find(colIdent)!=string::npos )
// check CRetrieverLightGrid not already present
CIGSurfaceLightBuild::ItRetrieverGridMap itRgm;
itRgm= igSurfaceLightBuild->RetrieverGridMap.find(localRetrieverId);
if( itRgm != igSurfaceLightBuild->RetrieverGridMap.end() )
nlwarning ("ERROR Found 2 different collision retriever with same identifier: '%s'. The 2nd is discared\n", retIdent.c_str());
// Append CRetrieverLightGrid.
itRgm= igSurfaceLightBuild->RetrieverGridMap.insert(
make_pair(localRetrieverId, CIGSurfaceLightBuild::CRetrieverLightGrid() ) ).first;
CIGSurfaceLightBuild::CRetrieverLightGrid &rlg= itRgm->second;
// Resize Grids.
uint numSurfaces= (uint)localRetriever.getSurfaces().size();
rlg.Grids.resize( numSurfaces );
// Compute the bbox for all surfaces. (NB: local to the localRetriever).
vector<CAABBox> surfaceBBoxes;
// For each surface, compute it.
for(uint surfaceId=0; surfaceId<numSurfaces; surfaceId++)
// Progress.
char stmp[256];
sprintf(stmp, "Sample surfaces of %s", retIdent.c_str());
instanceLighter.progress(stmp, surfaceId / float(numSurfaces));
// Compute surface and size of the grid.
CIGSurfaceLightBuild::CSurface &surfDst= rlg.Grids[surfaceId];
// Snap Origin on cellSize
surfDst.Origin= surfaceBBoxes[surfaceId].getMin();
surfDst.Origin.x= floorf(surfDst.Origin.x/cellSurfaceLightSize) * cellSurfaceLightSize;
surfDst.Origin.y= floorf(surfDst.Origin.y/cellSurfaceLightSize) * cellSurfaceLightSize;
// Snap Width / Height on cellSize.
float sizex= surfaceBBoxes[surfaceId].getMax().x - surfDst.Origin.x;
float sizey= surfaceBBoxes[surfaceId].getMax().y - surfDst.Origin.y;
surfDst.Width= (uint)floorf(sizex/cellSurfaceLightSize) + 2;
surfDst.Height= (uint)floorf(sizey/cellSurfaceLightSize) + 2;
// Get Zcenter.
float zCenter= surfaceBBoxes[surfaceId].getCenter().z;
// Allocate elements.
surfDst.Cells.resize(surfDst.Width * surfDst.Height);
// For all elements
for(sint yCell=0; yCell<(sint)surfDst.Height; yCell++)
for(sint xCell=0; xCell<(sint)surfDst.Width; xCell++)
// compute pos of the cell.
ULocalPosition localPos;
localPos.Estimation.x= surfDst.Origin.x + xCell*cellSurfaceLightSize;
localPos.Estimation.y= surfDst.Origin.y + yCell*cellSurfaceLightSize;
localPos.Estimation.z= zCenter;
// snap the pos to the surface.
localPos.Surface= surfaceId;
bool snapped;
localRetriever.snapToInteriorGround(localPos, snapped);
// if snapped then this point is IN the surface.
CIGSurfaceLightBuild::CCellCorner &cell=
surfDst.Cells[yCell * surfDst.Width + xCell];
cell.InSurface= snapped;
// If ok, retrieve the global (ie world) position
// build a valid globalPosition.
UGlobalPosition globalPos;
globalPos.InstanceId= instanceId;
globalPos.LocalPosition= localPos;
// retrieve from globalRetriever.
cell.CenterPos= globalRetriever->getGlobalPosition(globalPos);
// Add a delta to simulate entity center
cell.CenterPos.z+= slInfo.CellRaytraceDeltaZ;
// OverSample
// No OverSample, just add CenterPos to the samples.
cell.NumOverSamples= 1;
cell.OverSamples[0]= cell.CenterPos;
// OverSample.
overSampleCell(cell, lightDesc.OverSampling, localRetriever,
*globalRetriever, instanceId, localPos, cellSurfaceLightSize,
// it is possible that no samples lies in surfaces (small surface).
// In this case, just copy CenterPos into samples.
cell.NumOverSamples= 1;
cell.OverSamples[0]= cell.CenterPos;
// For debug mesh only, get an approximate pos.
cell.CenterPos= localPos.Estimation + instance.getOrigin();
cell.CenterPos.z+= slInfo.CellRaytraceDeltaZ;
// Init cell defaults
cell.Dilated= false;
cell.SunContribution= 0;
// Run.
instanceLighter.light(igIn, igOut, lightDesc, obstacles, NULL, igSurfaceLightBuild);
// Output a debug mesh??
if(igSurfaceLightBuild && slInfo.BuildDebugSurfaceShape && !igSurfaceLightBuild->RetrieverGridMap.empty() )
// Do it for the sun and point lights.
for(uint i=0;i<2;i++)
// compute
CMesh::CMeshBuild meshBuild;
CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild meshBaseBuild;
CVector deltaPos= CVector::Null;
deltaPos.z= - slInfo.CellRaytraceDeltaZ + 0.1f;
// What kind of debug?
if( i==0 )
igSurfaceLightBuild->buildSunDebugMesh(meshBuild, meshBaseBuild, deltaPos);
igSurfaceLightBuild->buildPLDebugMesh(meshBuild, meshBaseBuild, deltaPos, igOut);
// build
CMesh mesh;, meshBuild);
// Save.
CShapeStream shapeStream;
COFile file;
if( i==0 );
// Clean.
delete igSurfaceLightBuild;