kervala 62053d8189 Changed: Updated translations
branch : compatibility-develop
2015-11-22 18:09:46 +01:00

714 lines
233 KiB

*HASH_VALUE outpost ID name description
_5B321558ABD3F7D2 fyros_outpost_04.outpost Malmont Farm "Outpost founded in 2489, abandoned in 2494\n Challenge for expert-rank guilds\n An outpost constructed to the south of the Malmount and the Dragon's Tail, its activity concentrated on mining resources in this hostile region. A portion of its resources were transported to the village of Dyron and the two workshops nearby. The remaining materials were brought along the road to Pyr under heavy escort."
_50ED8AA90BF8EFF5 fyros_outpost_09.outpost Hightowers Farm "Outpost founded in 2491, abandoned in 2494\n Challenge for advanced-rank guilds\n An outpost whose activity developed under the influence of the Frahar Hunters, who wished to mine the resources of the region. Frequent warrior patrols from this tribe made great contributions to securing the deposits, allowing the harvesters to prospect without fear of being attacked."
_53FC998C546B1C65 fyros_outpost_13.outpost West Blackburn Border Post "Outpost founded in 2490, abandoned in 2494\n Challenge for confirmed-rank guilds\n Constructed atop a nexus situated at the border of the Burnt Forest, this outpost was used to keep up a constant surveillance over the forest's infernos to avoid them spreading to the oasis region. The soldiers of the empire considered it an honor to be posted to the Western Front."
_89C748F535AAF4B7 fyros_outpost_14.outpost Blackburn Trade Post "Outpost founded in 2489, abandoned in 2494\n Challenge for apprentice-rank guilds\n This outpost was one of the first meeting points established in the Burning Desert. Travelers coming from the south stopped here frequently to rest and trade before reaching the capital. It takes its name from the Burnt Forest which lies to the south-west."
_6BA8D5A58D8A1A4E fyros_outpost_25.outpost Southend Dune Farm "Outpost founded in 2490, abandoned in 2494\n Challenge for expert-rank guilds\n This outpost, installed on a nexus discovered by the Kamis in the south of the region, was the cause of friction between the authorities of Pyr and the Fyros clans who refused to give their allegiance to the empire. After being paid a considerable tribute, the chiefs of these barbarians finally tolerated the farm's existence."
_CA34A30E77B90623 fyros_outpost_27.outpost Woodburn Magic Pole "Outpost founded in 2490, abandoned in 2494\n Challenge for master-rank guilds\n This outpost, established in the heart of the Burnt Forest, was controlled by imperial elementalists who wished to exploit the power of the fire. New spells were created thanks to the experiments carried out by the magicians, giving the art of mysteries the status as a proper art of war within Fyros society."
_BDE3EE74BFBEBE61 fyros_outpost_28.outpost Woodburn Stronghold "Outpost founded in 2491, abandoned in 2494\n Challenge for master-rank guilds\n Outpost which was fortified on the orders of the Regent Leanon. It protected the Burnt Forest from looters and enemies of the empire. Throughout its duration, the garrison which defended it had to regularly face the Scorchers tribe, magicians who longed to get at the founts of enchanted fire."
_FD20D1D4049E722D tryker_outpost_06.outpost Greenvale Trade Post "Outpost founded in 2489, abandoned in 2493\n Challenge for apprentice-rank guilds\n Constructed to the west of Fairhaven in a small leafy valley surrounded by cliffs, this outpost very quickly developed many trading activities, notably with the village of Windermeer. Nevertheless, it endured continual attacks by bandits."
_5B18CB8946250B0A tryker_outpost_10.outpost Fount Porch Trade Post "Outpost founded in 2486, abandoned in 2493\n Challenge for advanced-rank guilds\n The trading activity at this exchange post was developed by the Smugglers tribe. The merchant guilds of the Tryker federation tried several times to control the transactions taking place in the region, but with little success. A popular saying goes that you can find anything at the Fountporch, even the impossible."
_4EFEA1E7C0439509 tryker_outpost_16.outpost Graveyard Gate Research Centre "Outpost founded in 2489, abandoned in 2493 \n Challenge for expert-rank guilds\n When a prospector discovered strange bones near this outpost, scholars from the Federation examined them but were unable to identify their origins. A research centre was set up despite protests from the Beachcombers, who weren't too keen on seeing hordes of drills invade the area around Graveyard Walk. This area was sacred to them, being considered a ritual path towards the tribe's burial ground."
_D8762257F536008A tryker_outpost_22.outpost Twintops Workshop "Outpost founded in 2487, abandoned in 2493\n Challenge for expert-rank guilds\n A workshop which expanded under the influence of a rich Tryker craftsman. Scandal broke out when it was discovered that he owed his fortune to a close collaboration with the Slavers tribe. The craftsman was arrested, and the outpost was then run by a federal guild until it was abandoned."
_B11ACD519839AD43 tryker_outpost_24.outpost Windway Workshop "Outpost founded in 2484, abandoned in 2493\n Challenge for confirmed-rank guilds\n This outpost was built around the first big trepan installed by the Karavan in the New Lands. Thanks to this machine blessed by Jena, the craftsmen of the Silt Sculptors tribe were among the first ones to experiment with the new materials from the depths of Atys. They are the forerunners of the outposts' craft industry."
_D35FE6C01736C84C tryker_outpost_29.outpost Loria Stronghold "Outpost founded in 2490, abandoned in 2493\n Challenge for master-rank guilds\n After its big trepan was installed this outpost was attacked by the Lagoon Brothers, who took the precious resources extracted by the drill. A federal army regiment was sent to reconquer the outpost. The soldiers wiped out the pirates and then built a stronghold which they dedicated to Loria, the famous Tryker heroine."
_14719DD3A0341BBF tryker_outpost_31.outpost Whirling Strongold "Outpost founded in 2489, abandoned in 2493\n Challenge for master-rank guilds\n The strategic positioning of this outpost, next to the vortex leading to Liberty Lake, for a long time made it a favored target of the bandits and other pirates who stalked the Lagoons of Loria. A fort was constructed in order to repel these attacks. Numerous clashes occurred at its walls before the outpost was abandoned."
_A8E93FA99BDB4436 zorai_outpost_02.outpost Gu-Qin Workshop "Outpost founded in 2490, abandoned in 2494\n Challenge for expert-rank guilds\n A workshop which developed under the influence of a Zoraï craftsman named Gu-Qin, who had decided to brave the threat of the Goo. Unfortunately he was contaminated by the purple plague. Despite his apprentices' care he lapsed into madness. He disappeared one winter's night; until the outpost was abandoned a few years later, the craftsmen of the workshop swore that they would sometimes hear his demented laughter brought to them through the jungle on the breeze."
_CAD14424711A6CBD zorai_outpost_08.outpost Qai-Du Workshop "Outpost founded in 2490, abandoned in 2494\n Challenge for apprentice-rank guilds\n This workshop was set up by the master jeweller Qai-Du, celebrated member of the Icon Worshippers tribe. His knowledge and piety did much to gain recognition of Zoraï crafts amongst traditionalists, who had long considered the manufacturing of profane objects as a waste of time."
_9AF53CB170CAA29D zorai_outpost_10.outpost Sai-Shun Stronghold "Outpost founded in 2490, abandoned in 2494\n Challenge for confirmed-rank guilds\n Built in the middle of the Maiden Grove jungle, the Sai-Shun stronghold was in the front line of the campaign against the Kitins which began in 2490. General Sai-Shun established his quarters in the outpost and swore he would not leave the area before the threat of the Swarming was warded off. He kept his word and fought for two years alongside the Force of Fraternity."
_E344209D01FD73B5 zorai_outpost_15.outpost Zo-Kian Ruins Workshop "Outpost founded in 2492, abandoned in 2494\n Challenge for master-rank guilds\n This outpost was established to the north-east of the ruins of Zo-Kian, originally a small village founded by Zoraï hunters. These hunters trailed gibbaïs, who at the time were numerous in that part of the jungle, laughing off their people's superstition that to kill those animals, which were so similar to homins, brought bad luck. One night the village was attacked by hordes of unknown creatures and completely destroyed. A few years later explorers discovered the existence of superior gibbaïs in the region. Many think that they were responsible for the end of Zo-Kian and that they must have been reacting to the hunters' attacks."
_A9B1E17037E0BF79 zorai_outpost_16.outpost Lost Valley Stronghold "Outpost founded in 2491, abandoned in 2494\n Challenge for master-rank guilds\n This outpost was fortified following repeated attacks by animals contaminated by the Goo. Hotbeds of infection were discovered to the north-west, in the Lost Valley. Several expeditions were sent to try and destroy it, but with little success. When the tree-bore in the outpost began to wilt, contaminated by the purple plague, it sounded the death knell for the fortress which was quickly abandoned."
_E897424AD4725452 zorai_outpost_22.outpost Demon's Crossroads Diplomatic Outpost "Outpost founded in 2492, abandoned in 2494\n Challenge for advanced-rank guilds\n Soon after the installation of a tree-bore in this outpost, a jungle demon was attracted by the Kamic activity and hung around the surrounding area. He was seething with rage for he was wasted by the Goo. A Zoraï sage, member of the Company of the Eternal Tree, found him and managed to cure his illness. The demon transformed into a luminous spirit then blessed the Zoraï, who became a saint among saints. After this miracle the outpost served as a meeting place for Kamists from the whole region."
_0F508D96CC6A8DA7 zorai_outpost_29.outpost Great Outback Workshop "Outpost founded in 2491, abandoned in 2494\n Challenge for expert-rank guilds\n This outpost's activity was developed in the desert region of the Knot of Dementia by Cardarus Vekian, a Fyros gunsmith. The absence of excessive vegetation enabled the artisan to use his people's manufacturing techniques, which are based on the use of fire, without the risk of starting a blaze. Though wary at first, the traders of Zora ended up taking an interest in the Fyros' work. Vekian became a renowned craftsman throughout the Witherings and many Zoraï warriors were proud to bear weapons from his forge."
_6FE48772D9E253F3 matis_outpost_03.outpost Fearing Fen Farm "Outpost founded in 2492, abandoned in 2493\n Challenge for expert-rank guilds\n Established near the Fearing Fen, the activity of this outpost is centred on harvesting resources and cleaning the marshes invaded by the Goo. Clashes occurred with the Ecowarriors tribe when they discovered that the contaminated materials weren't destroyed but instead were sent to Yrkanis or to the south-east to undergo various experiments. This led them to accuse the Matis of spreading the Goo. The royal scientists categorically denied these allegations, assuring them that every precaution was taken to avoid contamination."
_640FA7D9C6414BD7 matis_outpost_07.outpost Finder's Farm "Outpost founded in 2491, abandoned in 2493\n Challenge for confirmed-rank guilds\n A Matis scholar, searching for divine inspiration, decided to settle at the outpost to profit from the big trepan and to have access to the rare materials sanctified by the Goddess. He carried out numerous experiments, and, notably, discovered a new drilling powder which made several founts rise to the surface at once. The outpost became a meeting place for prospectors wishing to try this miracle powder. "
_D6CD5001FB9E622C matis_outpost_15.outpost Psykopla Knoll Trading Post "Outpost founded in 2491, abandoned in 2493\n Challenge for apprentice-rank guilds\n A small merchant guild developed trade at this outpost. Initially, many prospectors bartered their material at the site of this big trepan installed by the Karavan. A Tryker peddler had the idea of setting up a structure to facilitate these exchanges, for a modest commission. He created a guild with the Matis merchants which prospered until the outpost was closed."
_DCD910ED7E62A2C2 matis_outpost_17.outpost Wooky Workshop "Outpost founded in 2490, abandoned in 2493\n Challenge for advanced-rank guilds\n A workshop built near to a vortex leading to the depths of the Prime Roots. It was the first to be established in the Verdant Heights. Its name refers to the beginning of a period of intense activity for the Matis people: setting up outposts, fighting the kitins, and establishing new trading routes."
_34B4FC4C6451CC84 matis_outpost_24.outpost Westgrove Stronghold "Outpost founded in 2492, abandoned in 2493\n Challenge for master-rank guilds\n An outpost constructed in the wooded depths of the Grove of Confusion. It was fortified to fight the Dryads tribe, fanatical homins who see themselves as defenders of the plants. Many Matis botanists, accused of torturing the Atysian flora, have perished into their hands."
_0C19BCC74DB35B36 matis_outpost_27.outpost Ginti Workshop "Outpost founded in 2491, abandoned in 2493\n Challenge for master-rank guilds\n Sevalda Ginti was one of the most renowned Matis botanists of the 25th century. She was the disciple of Bravichi Lenardi. When the Karavan placed the big trepans in the Grove of Confusion, she left Yrkanis' greenhouse to go and work deep in the jungle. She carried out much research and perfected armor-crafting thanks to her discoveries on resins. She disappeared in mysterious circumstances."
_F1B1343B89EF309D matis_outpost_30.outpost Berello Gorge Border Post "Outpost founded in 2491, abandoned in 2493\n Challenge for expert-rank guilds\n Fortified under the command of the Matis captain Arcando Berello, this border post was the site of many confrontations with the Woven Bridles tribe. The stakes were high, as whoever controlled the outpost controlled the passage between the oases in the north and the arid plateaus in the south of the region. Berello demonstrated tenacity and tactical skill, and even the Fyros barbarians came to respect their enemy."
_431F0D331FF1DD57 marauder_light_melee_fighter_b.outpost_squad Marauder Warriors Squad
_431F0D331FF1E157 marauder_light_melee_fighter_c.outpost_squad Marauder Warriors Squad
_431F0D331FF1E557 marauder_light_melee_fighter_d.outpost_squad Marauder Warriors Squad
_431F0D331FF1E957 marauder_light_melee_fighter_e.outpost_squad Marauder Warriors Squad
_431F0D331FF1ED57 marauder_light_melee_fighter_f.outpost_squad Marauder Warriors Squad
_243AE24310D10D5D marauder_light_range_fighter_b.outpost_squad Marauder Range Fighters Squad
_243AE24310D1115D marauder_light_range_fighter_c.outpost_squad Marauder Range Fighters Squad
_243AE24310D1155D marauder_light_range_fighter_d.outpost_squad Marauder Range Fighters Squad
_243AE24310D1195D marauder_light_range_fighter_e.outpost_squad Marauder Range Fighters Squad
_243AE24310D11D5D marauder_light_range_fighter_f.outpost_squad Marauder Range Fighters Squad
_302F323E1AB2D6B3 marauder_light_mixed_fighter_b.outpost_squad Marauder Fighters Squad
_302F323E1AB2DAB3 marauder_light_mixed_fighter_c.outpost_squad Marauder Fighters Squad
_302F323E1AB2DEB3 marauder_light_mixed_fighter_d.outpost_squad Marauder Fighters Squad
_302F323E1AB2E2B3 marauder_light_mixed_fighter_e.outpost_squad Marauder Fighters Squad
_302F323E1AB2E6B3 marauder_light_mixed_fighter_f.outpost_squad Marauder Fighters Squad
_CA7E8470D81A655E free_squad_light_melee_fighter_b.outpost_squad Militiamen Squad "A squad of eight apprentice mercenaries, composed of warriors and two healers, equipped with rapid weapons and light armor."
_EA0D947415F96160 free_squad_light_melee_fighter_c.outpost_squad Militiamen Squad "A squad of eight confirmed mercenaries, composed of warriors and two healers, equipped with rapid weapons and light armor."
_0EDB1B3AD99DEBE8 free_squad_light_melee_fighter_d.outpost_squad Militiamen Squad "A squad of eight advanced mercenaries, composed of warriors and two healers, equipped with rapid weapons and light armor."
_0EDB4543550E13E4 free_squad_light_melee_fighter_e.outpost_squad Militiamen Squad "A squad of eight expert mercenaries, composed of warriors and two healers, equipped with rapid weapons and light armor."
_0EDB094359F5B7EC free_squad_light_melee_fighter_f.outpost_squad Militiamen Squad "A squad of eight master mercenaries, composed of warriors and two healers, equipped with rapid weapons and light armor."
_AEFD62A80D8439DC outpost_squad_light_melee_fighter_b.outpost_squad Squad of skirmishers "A squad of eight apprentice mercenaries, composed of warriors and two healers, equipped with rapid weapons and light armor"
_2E1546AC0EC331DB outpost_squad_light_melee_fighter_c.outpost_squad Squad of skirmishers "A squad of eight confirmed mercenaries, composed of warriors and two healers, equipped with rapid weapons and light armor"
_916FBA4FBDE5DA3D outpost_squad_light_melee_fighter_d.outpost_squad Squad of skirmishers "A squad of eight advanced mercenaries, composed of warriors and two healers, equipped with rapid weapons and light armor"
_907FBADAFFF4F647 outpost_squad_light_melee_fighter_e.outpost_squad Squad of skirmishers "A squad of eight expert mercenaries, composed of warriors and two healers, equipped with rapid weapons and light armor"
_928FBACBFFE5F030 outpost_squad_light_melee_fighter_f.outpost_squad Squad of skirmishers "A squad of eight master mercenaries, composed of warriors and two healers, equipped with rapid weapons and light armor"
_DA9562D33825667D outpost_squad_medium_melee_fighter_b.outpost_squad Squad of battlers "A squad of eight apprentice mercenaries, composed of warriors in medium armor equipped with light weapons, some carrying a shield, and a healer"
_99846A5376667671 outpost_squad_medium_melee_fighter_c.outpost_squad Squad of battlers "A squad of eight confirmed mercenaries, composed of warriors in medium armor equipped with light weapons, some carrying a shield, and a healer"
_C8A275AF3AE0C006 outpost_squad_medium_melee_fighter_d.outpost_squad Squad of battlers "A squad of eight advanced mercenaries, composed of warriors in medium armor equipped with light weapons, some carrying a shield, and a healer"
_CA4365AF3A89E4F7 outpost_squad_medium_melee_fighter_e.outpost_squad Squad of battlers "A squad of eight expert mercenaries, composed of warriors in medium armor equipped with light weapons, some carrying a shield, and a healer"
_A9D285AF3A98E406 outpost_squad_medium_melee_fighter_f.outpost_squad Squad of battlers "A squad of eight master mercenaries, composed of warriors in medium armor equipped with light weapons, some carrying a shield, and a healer"
_31917ACDA8B6D507 outpost_squad_heavy_melee_fighter_b.outpost_squad Squad of heavy warriors "A squad of eight apprentice mercenaries, composed of warriors in heavy armor equipped with two-handed weapons, and a healer"
_74E072CC28BEB902 outpost_squad_heavy_melee_fighter_c.outpost_squad Squad of heavy warriors "A squad of eight confirmed mercenaries, composed of warriors in heavy armor equipped with two-handed weapons, and a healer"
_5F9729077C762AA3 outpost_squad_heavy_melee_fighter_d.outpost_squad Squad of heavy warriors "A squad of eight advanced mercenaries, composed of warriors in heavy armor equipped with two-handed weapons, and a healer"
_A1B645117B762A2E outpost_squad_heavy_melee_fighter_e.outpost_squad Squad of heavy warriors "A squad of eight expert mercenaries, composed of warriors in heavy armor equipped with two-handed weapons, and a healer"
_A1B73FFA7D762A1F outpost_squad_heavy_melee_fighter_f.outpost_squad Squad of heavy warriors "A squad of eight master mercenaries, composed of warriors in heavy armor equipped with two-handed weapons, and a healer"
_2B09BFC50EF80C5E outpost_squad_tank_b.outpost_squad Squad of protectors "A squad of eight apprentice mercenaries, composed of warriors in heavy armor equipped with light weapons and shields, and a healer"
_2A29C1BE0F38DC5C outpost_squad_tank_c.outpost_squad Squad of protectors "A squad of eight confirmed mercenaries, composed of warriors in heavy armor equipped with light weapons and shields, and a healer"
_F8B55F7529227DE0 outpost_squad_tank_d.outpost_squad Squad of protectors "A squad of eight advanced mercenaries, composed of warriors in heavy armor equipped with light weapons and shields, and a healer"
_BB755F75CCB341E7 outpost_squad_tank_e.outpost_squad Squad of protectors "A squad of eight expert mercenaries, composed of warriors in heavy armor equipped with light weapons and shields, and a healer"
_35F55F7508B37D65 outpost_squad_tank_f.outpost_squad Squad of protectors "A squad of eight master mercenaries, composed of warriors in heavy armor equipped with light weapons and shields, and a healer"
_5601C36FA8D20761 outpost_squad_light_range_fighter_b.outpost_squad Squad of gunfighters "A squad of eight apprentice mercenaries, composed of shooters in medium armor equipped with pistols, and a healer"
_76A0D373A5B10363 outpost_squad_light_range_fighter_c.outpost_squad Squad of gunfighters "A squad of eight confirmed mercenaries, composed of shooters in medium armor equipped with pistols, and a healer"
_A5F22FBC0B41E9D0 outpost_squad_light_range_fighter_d.outpost_squad Squad of gunfighters "A squad of eight advanced mercenaries, composed of shooters in medium armor equipped with pistols, and a healer"
_A50259C547B211CC outpost_squad_light_range_fighter_e.outpost_squad Squad of gunfighters "A squad of eight expert mercenaries, composed of shooters in medium armor equipped with pistols, and a healer"
_A5121DC50B99B5D4 outpost_squad_light_range_fighter_f.outpost_squad Squad of gunfighters "A squad of eight master mercenaries, composed of shooters in medium armor equipped with pistols, and a healer"
_C403E2D6AEC519C7 outpost_squad_medium_range_fighter_b.outpost_squad Squad of gunners "A squad of eight apprentice mercenaries, composed of shooters in medium armor equipped with rifles, and a healer"
_C323E4CFAF05E9C5 outpost_squad_medium_range_fighter_c.outpost_squad Squad of gunners "A squad of eight confirmed mercenaries, composed of shooters in medium armor equipped with rifles, and a healer"
_89DC33F311346898 outpost_squad_medium_range_fighter_d.outpost_squad Squad of gunners "A squad of eight advanced mercenaries, composed of shooters in medium armor equipped with rifles, and a healer"
_4C9C33F3B4C52C9F outpost_squad_medium_range_fighter_e.outpost_squad Squad of gunners "A squad of eight expert mercenaries, composed of shooters in medium armor equipped with rifles, and a healer"
_C61C33F3F0C5681D outpost_squad_medium_range_fighter_f.outpost_squad Squad of gunners "A squad of eight master mercenaries, composed of shooters in medium armor equipped with rifles, and a healer"
_1043FDD2C7CB4EF4 outpost_squad_heavy_range_fighter_b.outpost_squad Squad of artillery shooters "A squad of eight apprentice mercenaries, composed of shooters equipped with machine guns and grenade launchers, and a healer"
_1192F5D147D332F8 outpost_squad_heavy_range_fighter_c.outpost_squad Squad of artillery shooters "A squad of eight confirmed mercenaries, composed of shooters equipped with machine guns and grenade launchers, and a healer"
_99F2301FEE875442 outpost_squad_heavy_range_fighter_d.outpost_squad Squad of artillery shooters "A squad of eight advanced mercenaries, composed of shooters equipped with machine guns and grenade launchers, and a healer"
_DB114C29ED8754CD outpost_squad_heavy_range_fighter_e.outpost_squad Squad of artillery shooters "A squad of eight expert mercenaries, composed of shooters equipped with machine guns and grenade launchers, and a healer"
_DB124612EF8754BE outpost_squad_heavy_range_fighter_f.outpost_squad Squad of artillery shooters "A squad of eight master mercenaries, composed of shooters equipped with machine guns and grenade launchers, and a healer"
_70CFDE9FE7F12A5B outpost_squad_light_mixed_fighter_b.outpost_squad Squad of harriers "A squad of eight apprentice mercenaries, composed of warriors and shooters equipped with rapid weapons and pistols, and a healer"
_6DBEDAA107803A5F outpost_squad_light_mixed_fighter_c.outpost_squad Squad of harriers "A squad of eight confirmed mercenaries, composed of warriors and shooters equipped with rapid weapons and pistols, and a healer"
_BBDA84BDC96B2A68 outpost_squad_light_mixed_fighter_d.outpost_squad Squad of harriers "A squad of eight advanced mercenaries, composed of warriors and shooters equipped with rapid weapons and pistols, and a healer"
_F75BACB9C96B5471 outpost_squad_light_mixed_fighter_e.outpost_squad Squad of harriers "A squad of eight expert mercenaries, composed of warriors and shooters equipped with rapid weapons and pistols, and a healer"
_BB5250C1C96B1871 outpost_squad_light_mixed_fighter_f.outpost_squad Squad of harriers "A squad of eight master mercenaries, composed of warriors and shooters equipped with rapid weapons and pistols, and a healer"
_314148BBFC1D44FA outpost_squad_medium_mixed_fighter_b.outpost_squad Squad of fighters "A squad of eight apprentice mercenaries, composed of warriors and shooters equipped with light weapons and rifles, some carrying a shield, and a healer"
_30614AB4FD5D14F8 outpost_squad_medium_mixed_fighter_c.outpost_squad Squad of fighters "A squad of eight confirmed mercenaries, composed of warriors and shooters equipped with light weapons and rifles, some carrying a shield, and a healer"
_AE1C15053C1DCD73 outpost_squad_medium_mixed_fighter_d.outpost_squad Squad of fighters "A squad of eight advanced mercenaries, composed of warriors and shooters equipped with light weapons and rifles, some carrying a shield, and a healer"
_71DC1505DFAE917A outpost_squad_medium_mixed_fighter_e.outpost_squad Squad of fighters "A squad of eight expert mercenaries, composed of warriors and shooters equipped with light weapons and rifles, some carrying a shield, and a healer"
_EB5C15051BAECDF8 outpost_squad_medium_mixed_fighter_f.outpost_squad Squad of fighters "A squad of eight master mercenaries, composed of warriors and shooters equipped with light weapons and rifles, some carrying a shield, and a healer"
_83F65F3F71561BD2 outpost_squad_nukers_b.outpost_squad Squad of elementalists "A squad of eight apprentice mercenaries, composed of magicians skilled in destruction spells, and a healer"
_84362F3D307621CB outpost_squad_nukers_c.outpost_squad Squad of elementalists "A squad of eight confirmed mercenaries, composed of magicians skilled in destruction spells, and a healer"
_58207E496F02F1FB outpost_squad_nukers_d.outpost_squad Squad of elementalists "A squad of eight advanced mercenaries, composed of magicians skilled in destruction spells, and a healer"
_FBB14250F2C2F5FB outpost_squad_nukers_e.outpost_squad Squad of elementalists "A squad of eight expert mercenaries, composed of magicians skilled in destruction spells, and a healer"
_37B17ECE2C42F9FB outpost_squad_nukers_f.outpost_squad Squad of elementalists "A squad of eight master mercenaries, composed of magicians skilled in destruction spells, and a healer"
_A60073A524657344 outpost_squad_offensive_linkers_b.outpost_squad Squad of disturbers "A squad of eight apprentice mercenaries, composed of magicians skilled in offensive link spells (debilitating and elementary), and a healer"
_E441839AA3547BC4 outpost_squad_offensive_linkers_c.outpost_squad Squad of disturbers "A squad of eight confirmed mercenaries, composed of magicians skilled in offensive link spells (debilitating and elementary), and a healer"
_C95D4E469B8A51DF outpost_squad_offensive_linkers_d.outpost_squad Squad of disturbers "A squad of eight advanced mercenaries, composed of magicians skilled in offensive link spells (debilitating and elementary), and a healer"
_C90672385D2B41DF outpost_squad_offensive_linkers_e.outpost_squad Squad of disturbers "A squad of eight expert mercenaries, composed of magicians skilled in offensive link spells (debilitating and elementary), and a healer"
_C9157248FCBA61DF outpost_squad_offensive_linkers_f.outpost_squad Squad of disturbers "A squad of eight master mercenaries, composed of magicians skilled in offensive link spells (debilitating and elementary), and a healer"
_0CA62202F8B8D9E1 outpost_squad_mixed_casters_b.outpost_squad Squad of magicians "A squad of eight apprentice mercenaries, composed of magicians who follow different schools of magic (destructive and relieving)"
_8B952A8236F9E9D6 outpost_squad_mixed_casters_c.outpost_squad Squad of magicians "A squad of eight confirmed mercenaries, composed of magicians who follow different schools of magic (destructive and relieving)"
_660DE14ACBEFDAD3 outpost_squad_mixed_casters_d.outpost_squad Squad of magicians "A squad of eight advanced mercenaries, composed of magicians who follow different schools of magic (destructive and relieving)"
_28AED14ACB98FEC5 outpost_squad_mixed_casters_e.outpost_squad Squad of magicians "A squad of eight expert mercenaries, composed of magicians who follow different schools of magic (destructive and relieving)"
_C73DF14ACBA7FED5 outpost_squad_mixed_casters_f.outpost_squad Squad of magicians "A squad of eight master mercenaries, composed of magicians who follow different schools of magic (destructive and relieving)"
_27C70004295AFD33 driller_bountybeaches_kami_u1_100a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_27C700046A5AFD33 driller_bountybeaches_kami_u1_150a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_27C70004296AFD33 driller_bountybeaches_kami_u1_200a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_5223406B8AC3F2A5 driller_bountybeaches_kami_u2_100a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_B43AE8DBD548D9F4 driller_bountybeaches_kami_u2_150a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_5223406B8AD3F2A5 driller_bountybeaches_kami_u2_200a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_B285735D1C570E40 driller_bountybeaches_kami_u3_100a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_B285735D5D570E40 driller_bountybeaches_kami_u3_150a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_B285735D1C670E40 driller_bountybeaches_kami_u3_200a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_D8CA151470F9417D driller_bountybeaches_kami_u4_100a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_D8CA1514B1F9417D driller_bountybeaches_kami_u4_150a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_D8CA15147009417D driller_bountybeaches_kami_u4_200a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_40213497BD469797 driller_bountybeaches_karavan_u1_100a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_40713497BD469797 driller_bountybeaches_karavan_u1_150a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_40213897BD469797 driller_bountybeaches_karavan_u1_200a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_57B84C949990AB65 driller_bountybeaches_karavan_u2_100a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_344B6E0E2EE83210 driller_bountybeaches_karavan_u2_150a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_57B850949990AB65 driller_bountybeaches_karavan_u2_200a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_155C215B40A809FB driller_bountybeaches_karavan_u3_100a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_15AC215B40A809FB driller_bountybeaches_karavan_u3_150a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_155C255B40A809FB driller_bountybeaches_karavan_u3_200a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_83F0DA2890B1565B driller_bountybeaches_karavan_u4_100a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_8340DA2890B1565B driller_bountybeaches_karavan_u4_150a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_83F0DE2890B1565B driller_bountybeaches_karavan_u4_200a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_03912D6F5054EBF7 driller_citiesofintuition_kami_u1_50a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_1A28456DEC9EFFC5 driller_citiesofintuition_kami_u2_50a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_594C2A3553B65953 driller_citiesofintuition_kami_u3_50a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_4660D30362BFAABB driller_citiesofintuition_kami_u4_50a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_1BA9D853164E187F driller_citiesofintuition_karavan_u1_50a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_DACEA81747D13C04 driller_citiesofintuition_karavan_u2_50a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_CB67AF2F6E83263A driller_citiesofintuition_karavan_u3_50a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_402BF182855E8B68 driller_citiesofintuition_karavan_u4_50a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_83B6EBF2A31BB739 driller_couloirbrule_kami_u1_150a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_83B6EBF3A31BB739 driller_couloirbrule_kami_u1_150b.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_83B6EBF2A3CBBB39 driller_couloirbrule_kami_u1_200a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_83B6EBF3A3CBBB39 driller_couloirbrule_kami_u1_200b.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_83B6EBF2A31BBB39 driller_couloirbrule_kami_u1_250a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_83B6EBF3A31BBB39 driller_couloirbrule_kami_u1_250b.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_5F00FFC0BAB2CF36 driller_couloirbrule_kami_u2_150a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_5F00FFC1BAB2CF36 driller_couloirbrule_kami_u2_150b.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_5F00FFC0BA62D336 driller_couloirbrule_kami_u2_200a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_5F00FFC1BA62D336 driller_couloirbrule_kami_u2_200b.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_5F00FFC0BAB2D336 driller_couloirbrule_kami_u2_250a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_5F00FFC1BAB2D336 driller_couloirbrule_kami_u2_250b.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_0618594EF9D6B4FD driller_couloirbrule_kami_u3_150a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_0618594FF9D6B4FD driller_couloirbrule_kami_u3_150b.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_0618594EF986B8FD driller_couloirbrule_kami_u3_200a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_0618594FF986B8FD driller_couloirbrule_kami_u3_200b.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_0618594EF9D6B8FD driller_couloirbrule_kami_u3_250a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_0618594FF9D6B8FD driller_couloirbrule_kami_u3_250b.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_5621AAB6E6EA5DCA driller_couloirbrule_kami_u4_150a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_5621AAB7E6EA5DCA driller_couloirbrule_kami_u4_150b.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_5621AAB6E69A61CA driller_couloirbrule_kami_u4_200a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_5621AAB7E69A61CA driller_couloirbrule_kami_u4_200b.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_5621AAB6E6EA61CA driller_couloirbrule_kami_u4_250a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_5621AAB7E6EA61CA driller_couloirbrule_kami_u4_250b.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_9DFD943F87EF73E0 driller_couloirbrule_karavan_u1_150a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_DDFD943F87EF73E0 driller_couloirbrule_karavan_u1_150b.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_9DFD804087EF73E0 driller_couloirbrule_karavan_u1_200a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_DDFD804087EF73E0 driller_couloirbrule_karavan_u1_200b.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_9DFD944087EF73E0 driller_couloirbrule_karavan_u1_250a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_DDFD944087EF73E0 driller_couloirbrule_karavan_u1_250b.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_CE80B8C4062443A4 driller_couloirbrule_karavan_u2_150a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_0E80B8C4062443A4 driller_couloirbrule_karavan_u2_150b.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_CE80A4C5062443A4 driller_couloirbrule_karavan_u2_200a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_0E80A4C5062443A4 driller_couloirbrule_karavan_u2_200b.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_CE80B8C5062443A4 driller_couloirbrule_karavan_u2_250a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_0E80B8C5062443A4 driller_couloirbrule_karavan_u2_250b.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_F532A2FAB7CD4ABC driller_couloirbrule_karavan_u3_150a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_3532A2FAB7CD4ABC driller_couloirbrule_karavan_u3_150b.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_F5328EFBB7CD4ABC driller_couloirbrule_karavan_u3_200a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_35328EFBB7CD4ABC driller_couloirbrule_karavan_u3_200b.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_F532A2FBB7CD4ABC driller_couloirbrule_karavan_u3_250a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_3532A2FBB7CD4ABC driller_couloirbrule_karavan_u3_250b.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_0C0D0728EBA18C0F driller_couloirbrule_karavan_u4_150a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_4C0D0728EBA18C0F driller_couloirbrule_karavan_u4_150b.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_0C0DF329EBA18C0F driller_couloirbrule_karavan_u4_200a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_4C0DF329EBA18C0F driller_couloirbrule_karavan_u4_200b.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_0C0D0729EBA18C0F driller_couloirbrule_karavan_u4_250a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_4C0D0729EBA18C0F driller_couloirbrule_karavan_u4_250b.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_077EFFE25C972BFC driller_dunesofexil_kami_u1_100a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_077EFFE25C973FFC driller_dunesofexil_kami_u1_150a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_077EFFE25C972BFD driller_dunesofexil_kami_u1_200a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_E499E608F912E1CA driller_dunesofexil_kami_u2_100a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_86B3CFA68D1A6381 driller_dunesofexil_kami_u2_150a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_86B3CFA68D1A4F82 driller_dunesofexil_kami_u2_200a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_375CD6BDB22C59BB driller_dunesofexil_kami_u3_100a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_375CD6BDB22C6DBB driller_dunesofexil_kami_u3_150a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_375CD6BDB22C59BC driller_dunesofexil_kami_u3_200a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_6B301811CBA79EE5 driller_dunesofexil_kami_u4_100a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_6B301811CBA7B2E5 driller_dunesofexil_kami_u4_150a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_6B301811CBA79EE6 driller_dunesofexil_kami_u4_200a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_B0C28F47AFCE74AB driller_dunesofexil_karavan_u1_100a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_B0C28F4CAFCE74AB driller_dunesofexil_karavan_u1_150a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_B0C28F47EFCE74AB driller_dunesofexil_karavan_u1_200a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_7868EEF4634679E4 driller_dunesofexil_karavan_u2_100a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_20CC2FD450AE3E5E driller_dunesofexil_karavan_u2_150a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_20CC2FCF90AE3E5E driller_dunesofexil_karavan_u2_200a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_E716DB0A9C1AAAE0 driller_dunesofexil_karavan_u3_100a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_E716DB0F9C1AAAE0 driller_dunesofexil_karavan_u3_150a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_E716DB0ADC1AAAE0 driller_dunesofexil_karavan_u3_200a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_BB1ED26327E89E71 driller_dunesofexil_karavan_u4_100a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_BB1ED26827E89E71 driller_dunesofexil_karavan_u4_150a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_BB1ED26367E89E71 driller_dunesofexil_karavan_u4_200a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_6857140A297BD112 driller_enchantedisle_kami_u1_100a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_6857140A6A7BD112 driller_enchantedisle_kami_u1_150a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_6857140A298BD112 driller_enchantedisle_kami_u1_200a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_F5CAFCE19469ADD3 driller_enchantedisle_kami_u2_100a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_93B35471CBE4C684 driller_enchantedisle_kami_u2_150a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_93B354718AF4C684 driller_enchantedisle_kami_u2_200a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_F31587631C78E21F driller_enchantedisle_kami_u3_100a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_F31587635D78E21F driller_enchantedisle_kami_u3_150a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_F31587631C88E21F driller_enchantedisle_kami_u3_200a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_195A291A701A155C driller_enchantedisle_kami_u4_100a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_195A291AB11A155C driller_enchantedisle_kami_u4_150a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_195A291A702A155C driller_enchantedisle_kami_u4_200a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_81B1489DBD676B76 driller_enchantedisle_karavan_u1_100a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_8101489DBD676B76 driller_enchantedisle_karavan_u1_150a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_81B14C9DBD676B76 driller_enchantedisle_karavan_u1_200a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_758B82142E0906EF driller_enchantedisle_karavan_u2_100a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_9898609A99B17F44 driller_enchantedisle_karavan_u2_150a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_9848649A99B17F44 driller_enchantedisle_karavan_u2_200a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_56EC356140C9DDDA driller_enchantedisle_karavan_u3_100a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_563C356140C9DDDA driller_enchantedisle_karavan_u3_150a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_56EC396140C9DDDA driller_enchantedisle_karavan_u3_200a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_C480EE2E90D22A3A driller_enchantedisle_karavan_u4_100a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_C4D0EE2E90D22A3A driller_enchantedisle_karavan_u4_150a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_C480F22E90D22A3A driller_enchantedisle_karavan_u4_200a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_F1DB7B25F42C7CB2 driller_fleetinggarden_kami_u1_100a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_1F08FC026C3B4069 driller_fleetinggarden_kami_u1_50a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_61E51BAD950C4665 driller_fleetinggarden_kami_u2_100a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_4A643C69CDA439DA driller_fleetinggarden_kami_u2_50a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_E7AFDFF0E278B2E7 driller_fleetinggarden_kami_u3_100a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_AAC66F5B5F385974 driller_fleetinggarden_kami_u3_50a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_FC37BE416C46A678 driller_fleetinggarden_kami_u4_100a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_D00B1112B3DA90B0 driller_fleetinggarden_kami_u4_50a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_4BB0CA779F970E16 driller_fleetinggarden_karavan_u1_100a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_03C01D62D0E3CF7C driller_fleetinggarden_karavan_u1_50a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_AC19BFE9CAF34E7D driller_fleetinggarden_karavan_u2_100a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_1A5735606C2DE34A driller_fleetinggarden_karavan_u2_50a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_3C6DDB842A65A169 driller_fleetinggarden_karavan_u3_100a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_D8FB0A28D34541E0 driller_fleetinggarden_karavan_u3_50a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_924F0EC1509A2326 driller_fleetinggarden_karavan_u4_100a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_468FC3F6E24E8E40 driller_fleetinggarden_karavan_u4_50a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_05D6B7FAE6EBDB2B driller_frahartowers_kami_u1_100a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_05D6B7FAE63BDB2B driller_frahartowers_kami_u1_150a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_42538BEDDFB8730C driller_frahartowers_kami_u1_50a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_E120CBC8FD82F328 driller_frahartowers_kami_u2_100a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_E120CBC8FDD2F328 driller_frahartowers_kami_u2_150a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_01785BB1103B9791 driller_frahartowers_kami_u2_50a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_883825563CA6D8EF driller_frahartowers_kami_u3_100a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_883825563CF6D8EF driller_frahartowers_kami_u3_150a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_F21162C8354DA1CB driller_frahartowers_kami_u3_50a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_D84176BE29BA81BC driller_frahartowers_kami_u4_100a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_D84176BE290A81BC driller_frahartowers_kami_u4_150a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_67D5A41C4EC8E6F5 driller_frahartowers_kami_u4_50a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
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_1F1D6047CA0F97D2 driller_frahartowers_karavan_u1_150a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
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_50A070CC49446796 driller_frahartowers_karavan_u2_100a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_50A084CC49446796 driller_frahartowers_karavan_u2_150a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_AA8D67C0A1AC7F2A driller_frahartowers_karavan_u2_50a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
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_77526E02FAED6EAE driller_frahartowers_karavan_u3_150a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
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_8E2DBF302EC1B001 driller_frahartowers_karavan_u4_100a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_8E2DD3302EC1B001 driller_frahartowers_karavan_u4_150a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_45DF0A547806D73D driller_frahartowers_karavan_u4_50a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
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_769BE32AB63C64AD driller_groveconfusion_kami_u1_150b.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_768BE325F63C64AD driller_groveconfusion_kami_u1_200a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_769BE325F63C64AD driller_groveconfusion_kami_u1_200b.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_768BE32AF63C64AD driller_groveconfusion_kami_u1_250a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_769BE32AF63C64AD driller_groveconfusion_kami_u1_250b.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_E69583B2571C2E60 driller_groveconfusion_kami_u2_150a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_E6A583B2571C2E60 driller_groveconfusion_kami_u2_150b.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_E69583AD971C2E60 driller_groveconfusion_kami_u2_200a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_E6A583AD971C2E60 driller_groveconfusion_kami_u2_200b.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_E69583B2971C2E60 driller_groveconfusion_kami_u2_250a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_E6A583B2971C2E60 driller_groveconfusion_kami_u2_250b.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
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_6C6F47F5A4889AE2 driller_groveconfusion_kami_u3_150b.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_6C5F47F0E4889AE2 driller_groveconfusion_kami_u3_200a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_6C6F47F0E4889AE2 driller_groveconfusion_kami_u3_200b.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_6C5F47F5E4889AE2 driller_groveconfusion_kami_u3_250a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_6C6F47F5E4889AE2 driller_groveconfusion_kami_u3_250b.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
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_81F726462E568E73 driller_groveconfusion_kami_u4_150b.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_81E726416E568E73 driller_groveconfusion_kami_u4_200a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_81F726416E568E73 driller_groveconfusion_kami_u4_200b.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_81E726466E568E73 driller_groveconfusion_kami_u4_250a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_81F726466E568E73 driller_groveconfusion_kami_u4_250b.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
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_1160327761A7FA11 driller_groveconfusion_karavan_u1_150b.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_D070327761A7F611 driller_groveconfusion_karavan_u1_200a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_D070327761A7FA11 driller_groveconfusion_karavan_u1_200b.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_1170327761A7F611 driller_groveconfusion_karavan_u1_250a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_1170327761A7FA11 driller_groveconfusion_karavan_u1_250b.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
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_72C927E98C033A78 driller_groveconfusion_karavan_u2_150b.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_31D927E98C033678 driller_groveconfusion_karavan_u2_200a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_31D927E98C033A78 driller_groveconfusion_karavan_u2_200b.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_72D927E98C033678 driller_groveconfusion_karavan_u2_250a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_72D927E98C033A78 driller_groveconfusion_karavan_u2_250b.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
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_021D4384EC758D64 driller_groveconfusion_karavan_u3_150b.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_C12D4384EC758964 driller_groveconfusion_karavan_u3_200a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_C12D4384EC758D64 driller_groveconfusion_karavan_u3_200b.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_022D4384EC758964 driller_groveconfusion_karavan_u3_250a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_022D4384EC758D64 driller_groveconfusion_karavan_u3_250b.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_58FF76C112AA0B21 driller_groveconfusion_karavan_u4_150a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_58FF76C112AA0F21 driller_groveconfusion_karavan_u4_150b.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_170F76C112AA0B21 driller_groveconfusion_karavan_u4_200a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_170F76C112AA0F21 driller_groveconfusion_karavan_u4_200b.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_580F76C112AA0B21 driller_groveconfusion_karavan_u4_250a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_580F76C112AA0F21 driller_groveconfusion_karavan_u4_250b.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
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_04B6ABF1685ACF2F driller_groveofumbra_kami_u1_150a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_04B6ABF1680AD32F driller_groveofumbra_kami_u1_200a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
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_7558466A5C3409A6 driller_groveofumbra_kami_u2_150a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_E000BFBF7FA1EB2C driller_groveofumbra_kami_u2_200a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
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_8718194DBE15CCF3 driller_groveofumbra_kami_u3_150a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_8718194DBEC5D0F3 driller_groveofumbra_kami_u3_200a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_D7216AB5ABD975C0 driller_groveofumbra_kami_u4_100a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_D7216AB5AB2975C0 driller_groveofumbra_kami_u4_150a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_D7216AB5ABD979C0 driller_groveofumbra_kami_u4_200a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
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_1EFD543E4C2E8BD6 driller_groveofumbra_karavan_u1_150a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_1EFD403F4C2E8BD6 driller_groveofumbra_karavan_u1_200a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
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_4F8064C4CB635B9A driller_groveofumbra_karavan_u2_200a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
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_763262F97C0C62B2 driller_groveofumbra_karavan_u3_150a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_76324EFA7C0C62B2 driller_groveofumbra_karavan_u3_200a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_8D0DB327B0E0A405 driller_groveofumbra_karavan_u4_100a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_8D0DC727B0E0A405 driller_groveofumbra_karavan_u4_150a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_8D0DB328B0E0A405 driller_groveofumbra_karavan_u4_200a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
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_A9E7041E2D9AD533 driller_havenofpurity_kami_u1_150a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
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_D44344858E03CAA5 driller_havenofpurity_kami_u2_150a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
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_34A577772097E640 driller_havenofpurity_kami_u3_150a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_99963D5A7AB555EA driller_havenofpurity_kami_u3_50a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_5AEA192E3339197D driller_havenofpurity_kami_u4_100a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_5AEA192E7439197D driller_havenofpurity_kami_u4_150a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_A89F8EC267C9FEB8 driller_havenofpurity_kami_u4_50a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
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_C29138B180866F97 driller_havenofpurity_karavan_u1_150a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_5C2EFC863C120308 driller_havenofpurity_karavan_u1_50a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
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_D92850AE5CD08365 driller_havenofpurity_karavan_u2_150a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_8DB1200BFB37D3CC driller_havenofpurity_karavan_u2_50a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
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_97CC257503E8E1FB driller_havenofpurity_karavan_u3_150a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
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_0510DE4253F12E5B driller_havenofpurity_karavan_u4_100a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_0560DE4253F12E5B driller_havenofpurity_karavan_u4_150a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_CB3E6F6F61941C37 driller_havenofpurity_karavan_u4_50a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
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_8115C7FAE62BCB2F driller_hiddensource_kami_u1_150a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_8115C7FAE6DBCF2F driller_hiddensource_kami_u1_200a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
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_5D5FDBC8FDC2E32C driller_hiddensource_kami_u2_150a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_5D5FDBC8FD72E72C driller_hiddensource_kami_u2_200a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
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_047735563CE6C8F3 driller_hiddensource_kami_u3_150a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_047735563C96CCF3 driller_hiddensource_kami_u3_200a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_548086BE29AA71C0 driller_hiddensource_kami_u4_100a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_548086BE29FA71C0 driller_hiddensource_kami_u4_150a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_548086BE29AA75C0 driller_hiddensource_kami_u4_200a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_9B5C5C47CAFF87D6 driller_hiddensource_karavan_u1_100a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_9B5C7047CAFF87D6 driller_hiddensource_karavan_u1_150a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_9B5C5C48CAFF87D6 driller_hiddensource_karavan_u1_200a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
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_CCDF94CC4934579A driller_hiddensource_karavan_u2_150a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_CCDF80CD4934579A driller_hiddensource_karavan_u2_200a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
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_F3917E02FADD5EB2 driller_hiddensource_karavan_u3_150a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_F3916A03FADD5EB2 driller_hiddensource_karavan_u3_200a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_0A6CCF302EB1A005 driller_hiddensource_karavan_u4_100a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_0A6CE3302EB1A005 driller_hiddensource_karavan_u4_150a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_0A6CCF312EB1A005 driller_hiddensource_karavan_u4_200a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
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_6E6E1FBC3A415820 driller_imperialdunes_kami_u2_50a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_D586794A79653DE8 driller_imperialdunes_kami_u3_50a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_E48FCAB26679E6B6 driller_imperialdunes_kami_u4_50a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_981E38763BC2EB06 driller_imperialdunes_karavan_u1_50a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_C9A15CFBFAE7BBCA driller_imperialdunes_karavan_u2_50a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_F0534631EB80C2E2 driller_imperialdunes_karavan_u3_50a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_072EAB5F60440435 driller_imperialdunes_karavan_u4_50a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_F38BCB2C34ACACB3 driller_knollofdissent_kami_u1_100a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_F38BCB3134ACACB3 driller_knollofdissent_kami_u1_150a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
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_63956BB4D58C7666 driller_knollofdissent_kami_u2_100a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_63956BB9D58C7666 driller_knollofdissent_kami_u2_150a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_4C148C700D2469DB driller_knollofdissent_kami_u2_50a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_E95F2FF722F8E2E8 driller_knollofdissent_kami_u3_100a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_E95F2FFC22F8E2E8 driller_knollofdissent_kami_u3_150a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_AC76BF629FB88975 driller_knollofdissent_kami_u3_50a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_FEE70E48ACC6D679 driller_knollofdissent_kami_u4_100a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_FEE70E4DACC6D679 driller_knollofdissent_kami_u4_150a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_D2BB6119F35AC0B1 driller_knollofdissent_kami_u4_50a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
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_8E601A7EDF173E17 driller_knollofdissent_karavan_u1_150a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_05706D691063FF7D driller_knollofdissent_karavan_u1_50a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
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_EFC90FF00A737E7E driller_knollofdissent_karavan_u2_150a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
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_7F1D2B8B6AE5D16A driller_knollofdissent_karavan_u3_150a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_DAAB5A2F13C571E1 driller_knollofdissent_karavan_u3_50a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
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_D5FF5EC8901A5327 driller_knollofdissent_karavan_u4_150a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_483F13FD22CEBE41 driller_knollofdissent_karavan_u4_50a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
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_B93A9335748C3CB1 driller_knotofdementia_kami_u1_150a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_B93A9330B48C3CB1 driller_knotofdementia_kami_u1_200a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_81E0F2DD280441EA driller_knotofdementia_kami_u2_100a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
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_294433B8556C0664 driller_knotofdementia_kami_u2_200a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_AF0EF7FB62D872E6 driller_knotofdementia_kami_u3_100a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_AF0EF70062D872E6 driller_knotofdementia_kami_u3_150a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_AF0EF7FBA2D872E6 driller_knotofdementia_kami_u3_200a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_C496D64CECA66677 driller_knotofdementia_kami_u4_100a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_C496D651ECA66677 driller_knotofdementia_kami_u4_150a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_C496D64C2CA66677 driller_knotofdementia_kami_u4_200a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_130FE2821FF7CE15 driller_knotofdementia_karavan_u1_100a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_540FE2821FF7CE15 driller_knotofdementia_karavan_u1_150a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_131FE2821FF7CE15 driller_knotofdementia_karavan_u1_200a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_7EFDBE43AC6AB6EC driller_knotofdementia_karavan_u2_100a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_B578D7F44A530E7C driller_knotofdementia_karavan_u2_150a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_7488D7F44A530E7C driller_knotofdementia_karavan_u2_200a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
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_45CCF38FAAC56168 driller_knotofdementia_karavan_u3_150a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_04DCF38FAAC56168 driller_knotofdementia_karavan_u3_200a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_5AAE26CCD0FAE325 driller_knotofdementia_karavan_u4_100a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_9BAE26CCD0FAE325 driller_knotofdementia_karavan_u4_150a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_5ABE26CCD0FAE325 driller_knotofdementia_karavan_u4_200a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
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_F6DA7B2FF67D5CB1 driller_lagoonsofloria_kami_u1_150b.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_F6CA7B2A367D5CB1 driller_lagoonsofloria_kami_u1_200a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_F6DA7B2A367D5CB1 driller_lagoonsofloria_kami_u1_200b.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_F6CA7B2F367D5CB1 driller_lagoonsofloria_kami_u1_250a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_F6DA7B2F367D5CB1 driller_lagoonsofloria_kami_u1_250b.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
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_66E41BB7975D2664 driller_lagoonsofloria_kami_u2_150b.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_66D41BB2D75D2664 driller_lagoonsofloria_kami_u2_200a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_66E41BB2D75D2664 driller_lagoonsofloria_kami_u2_200b.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_66D41BB7D75D2664 driller_lagoonsofloria_kami_u2_250a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_66E41BB7D75D2664 driller_lagoonsofloria_kami_u2_250b.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
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_ECAEDFFAE4C992E6 driller_lagoonsofloria_kami_u3_150b.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_EC9EDFF524C992E6 driller_lagoonsofloria_kami_u3_200a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_ECAEDFF524C992E6 driller_lagoonsofloria_kami_u3_200b.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_EC9EDFFA24C992E6 driller_lagoonsofloria_kami_u3_250a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_ECAEDFFA24C992E6 driller_lagoonsofloria_kami_u3_250b.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_0126BE4B6E978677 driller_lagoonsofloria_kami_u4_150a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_0136BE4B6E978677 driller_lagoonsofloria_kami_u4_150b.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_0126BE46AE978677 driller_lagoonsofloria_kami_u4_200a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_0136BE46AE978677 driller_lagoonsofloria_kami_u4_200b.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_0126BE4BAE978677 driller_lagoonsofloria_kami_u4_250a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_0136BE4BAE978677 driller_lagoonsofloria_kami_u4_250b.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
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_919FCA7CA1E8F215 driller_lagoonsofloria_karavan_u1_150b.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_50AFCA7CA1E8EE15 driller_lagoonsofloria_karavan_u1_200a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_50AFCA7CA1E8F215 driller_lagoonsofloria_karavan_u1_200b.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_91AFCA7CA1E8EE15 driller_lagoonsofloria_karavan_u1_250a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_91AFCA7CA1E8F215 driller_lagoonsofloria_karavan_u1_250b.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
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_F208BFEECC44327C driller_lagoonsofloria_karavan_u2_150b.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_B118BFEECC442E7C driller_lagoonsofloria_karavan_u2_200a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_B118BFEECC44327C driller_lagoonsofloria_karavan_u2_200b.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_F218BFEECC442E7C driller_lagoonsofloria_karavan_u2_250a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_F218BFEECC44327C driller_lagoonsofloria_karavan_u2_250b.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
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_825CDB892CB68568 driller_lagoonsofloria_karavan_u3_150b.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_416CDB892CB68168 driller_lagoonsofloria_karavan_u3_200a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_416CDB892CB68568 driller_lagoonsofloria_karavan_u3_200b.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_826CDB892CB68168 driller_lagoonsofloria_karavan_u3_250a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_826CDB892CB68568 driller_lagoonsofloria_karavan_u3_250b.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
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_D83E0EC652EB0725 driller_lagoonsofloria_karavan_u4_150b.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_974E0EC652EB0325 driller_lagoonsofloria_karavan_u4_200a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_974E0EC652EB0725 driller_lagoonsofloria_karavan_u4_200b.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_D84E0EC652EB0325 driller_lagoonsofloria_karavan_u4_250a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_D84E0EC652EB0725 driller_lagoonsofloria_karavan_u4_250b.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
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_EE36EFCC5079FE9F driller_maidengrove_kami_u3_50a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
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_7814DF5D6501DDF0 driller_maidengrove_kami_u4_50a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
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_E00C13CF93BE3A50 driller_maidengrove_karavan_u2_100a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
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_7B5EB6636AF89A63 driller_maidengrove_karavan_u4_100a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_4B0B233674CC6CAC driller_maidengrove_karavan_u4_50a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
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_AA1643625EE88573 driller_majesticgarden_kami_u3_50a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_D05BE519B28ABCAF driller_majesticgarden_kami_u4_50a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_0310F169CF93FB7B driller_majesticgarden_karavan_u1_50a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_1AA709676BDD0F49 driller_majesticgarden_karavan_u2_50a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_D84BDE2FD2F56DDF driller_majesticgarden_karavan_u3_50a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_46DF97FDE1FEBA3F driller_majesticgarden_karavan_u4_50a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
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_A23FD3BBFDF1AF3D driller_oflovakoasis_kami_u2_100a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_C29763A410AA53A6 driller_oflovakoasis_kami_u2_50a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_49572D493C159404 driller_oflovakoasis_kami_u3_100a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_B3306ABB35BC5DE0 driller_oflovakoasis_kami_u3_50a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_99607EB129293DD1 driller_oflovakoasis_kami_u4_100a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_28F4AC0F4E37A20A driller_oflovakoasis_kami_u4_50a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
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_FBA2CF2B002B758C driller_oflovakoasis_karavan_u1_50a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_11BF78BF49B323AB driller_oflovakoasis_karavan_u2_100a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_6BAC6FB3A11B3B3F driller_oflovakoasis_karavan_u2_50a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_387162F5FA5C2AC3 driller_oflovakoasis_karavan_u3_100a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_32F61BEEED97A3C1 driller_oflovakoasis_karavan_u3_50a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_4F4CC7232E306C16 driller_oflovakoasis_karavan_u4_100a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_06FE124778759352 driller_oflovakoasis_karavan_u4_50a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
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_E8B9E736E810FA94 driller_thefount_kami_u1_150a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_E1367F17258DCE87 driller_thefount_kami_u1_50a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_FF00FF33C45A0E62 driller_thefount_kami_u2_100a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_FF50FF33C45A0E62 driller_thefount_kami_u2_150a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_12B9A39CE4B29E4B driller_thefount_kami_u2_50a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_3E24E4FA6B7268F0 driller_thefount_kami_u3_100a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_3E74E4FA6B7268F0 driller_thefount_kami_u3_150a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_37CBADD6D54BA562 driller_thefount_kami_u3_50a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_2B388DC7BB7BB958 driller_thefount_kami_u4_100a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_2B888DC7BB7BB958 driller_thefount_kami_u4_150a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_5046F2004A0FE7B6 driller_thefount_kami_u4_50a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_CC8DA3DD02578FE1 driller_thefount_karavan_u1_100a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
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_4BC273A133DAC766 driller_thefount_karavan_u2_150a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
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_FC6B7AB95A8CB19C driller_thefount_karavan_u3_150a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
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_ECDFDB01E2A8FAD4 driller_thesavagedunes_kami_u3_150a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_ECDFDBFC22A8FAD4 driller_thesavagedunes_kami_u3_200a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_0167BA4D6C76EE65 driller_thesavagedunes_kami_u4_100a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_0167BA526C76EE65 driller_thesavagedunes_kami_u4_150a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_0167BA4DAC76EE65 driller_thesavagedunes_kami_u4_200a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
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_91E0C6839FC75603 driller_thesavagedunes_karavan_u1_150a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_50F0C6839FC75603 driller_thesavagedunes_karavan_u1_200a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
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_B159BBF5CA23966A driller_thesavagedunes_karavan_u2_200a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
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_41ADD7902A95E956 driller_thesavagedunes_karavan_u3_200a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
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_D87F0ACD50CA6B13 driller_thesavagedunes_karavan_u4_150a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_978F0ACD50CA6B13 driller_thesavagedunes_karavan_u4_200a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
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_24F643F66AA9F67D driller_thevoid_kami_u1_200b.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
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_24F657F66AA9F67D driller_thevoid_kami_u1_250b.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
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_55797B7AE9DEC641 driller_thevoid_kami_u2_150b.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_1579677BE9DEC641 driller_thevoid_kami_u2_200a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_5579677BE9DEC641 driller_thevoid_kami_u2_200b.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_15797B7BE9DEC641 driller_thevoid_kami_u2_250a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_55797B7BE9DEC641 driller_thevoid_kami_u2_250b.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
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_7A8B85B49A87CD58 driller_thevoid_kami_u3_150b.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_3A8B71B59A87CD58 driller_thevoid_kami_u3_200a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_7A8B71B59A87CD58 driller_thevoid_kami_u3_200b.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_3A8B85B59A87CD58 driller_thevoid_kami_u3_250a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_7A8B85B59A87CD58 driller_thevoid_kami_u3_250b.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
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_9306CADECE5B0FAC driller_thevoid_kami_u4_150b.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_5306B6DFCE5B0FAC driller_thevoid_kami_u4_200a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_9306B6DFCE5B0FAC driller_thevoid_kami_u4_200b.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_5306CADFCE5B0FAC driller_thevoid_kami_u4_250a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_9306CADFCE5B0FAC driller_thevoid_kami_u4_250b.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
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_372D8CA413FD86E7 driller_thevoid_karavan_u1_150b.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_772D8CA413ED86E2 driller_thevoid_karavan_u1_200a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_772D8CA413FD86E2 driller_thevoid_karavan_u1_200b.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_772D8CA413ED86E7 driller_thevoid_karavan_u1_250a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_772D8CA413FD86E7 driller_thevoid_karavan_u1_250b.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
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_D80D56578307266F driller_thevoid_karavan_u2_150b.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_180D565783F7266A driller_thevoid_karavan_u2_200a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_180D56578307266A driller_thevoid_karavan_u2_200b.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_180D565783F7266F driller_thevoid_karavan_u2_250a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
_180D56578307266F driller_thevoid_karavan_u2_250b.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
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_2479C2D94A51D2AA driller_thevoid_karavan_u3_150b.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_6479C2D94A41D2A5 driller_thevoid_karavan_u3_200a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_6479C2D94A51D2A5 driller_thevoid_karavan_u3_200b.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_6479C2D94A41D2AA driller_thevoid_karavan_u3_250a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_6479C2D94A51D2AA driller_thevoid_karavan_u3_250b.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
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_AF47B66A1E59C903 driller_thevoid_karavan_u4_150b.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_EF47B66A1E49C9FE driller_thevoid_karavan_u4_200a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_EF47B66A1E59C9FE driller_thevoid_karavan_u4_200b.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_EF47B66A1E49C903 driller_thevoid_karavan_u4_250a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_EF47B66A1E59C903 driller_thevoid_karavan_u4_250b.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
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_A86A0737A420AE97 driller_upperbog_kami_u1_150a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_A81A0B37A420AE97 driller_upperbog_kami_u1_200a.outpost_building Offering for Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
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_BFB12334806AC265 driller_upperbog_kami_u2_200a.outpost_building Offering for Crystal Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Double Consumables
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_FE2504FB27821CF3 driller_upperbog_kami_u3_150a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_FED508FB27821CF3 driller_upperbog_kami_u3_200a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_EBE9ADC8778B6D5B driller_upperbog_kami_u4_100a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_EB39ADC8778B6D5B driller_upperbog_kami_u4_150a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
_EBE9B1C8778B6D5B driller_upperbog_kami_u4_200a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
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_8C3EC3DEBE6757E4 driller_upperbog_karavan_u1_150a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
_8C3EC3DEBE6743E5 driller_upperbog_karavan_u1_200a.outpost_building Offering for Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables
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_BC1C9ABA169C659F driller_upperbog_karavan_u3_150a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
_BC1C9ABA169C51A0 driller_upperbog_karavan_u3_200a.outpost_building Offering for Rapid Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
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_EE8603DC0F6902AD driller_windsofmuse_kami_u3_50a.outpost_building Offering for Hardy Tree-Bore Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x1.5)
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_4B5B374633BC70BA driller_windsofmuse_karavan_u4_50a.outpost_building Offering for Superior Big Trepan Raw materials for crafting + Consumables (speed x2)
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_1B67A0193668832F placeholder_couloirbrule_a.outpost_building Constructible space Revert to an empty space
_1B67A4193668832F placeholder_couloirbrule_b.outpost_building Constructible space Revert to an empty space
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_32CB312A75AFA7BF placeholder_groveconfusion_b.outpost_building Constructible space Revert to an empty space
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_5E77B40F34C75F37 placeholder_hiddensource_a.outpost_building Constructible space Revert to an empty space
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_703B7930F2AF8FC6 placeholder_knollofdissent_a.outpost_building Constructible space Revert to an empty space
_B01B092EB85E57CA placeholder_knotofdementia_a.outpost_building Constructible space Revert to an empty space
_320C292EF5EE3FC4 placeholder_lagoonsofloria_a.outpost_building Constructible space Revert to an empty space
_720C292EF5EE3FC4 placeholder_lagoonsofloria_b.outpost_building Constructible space Revert to an empty space
_058753F1E51903C4 placeholder_libertylake_a.outpost_building Constructible space Revert to an empty space
_86663BE4A5890FD3 placeholder_maidengrove_a.outpost_building Constructible space Revert to an empty space
_2F6B752EF04F13C6 placeholder_majesticgarden_a.outpost_building Constructible space Revert to an empty space
_5EF6802079A7572A placeholder_oflovakoasis_a.outpost_building Constructible space Revert to an empty space
_73786B38884FF7AF placeholder_thefount_a.outpost_building Constructible space Revert to an empty space
_30EB911CF52F3BCB placeholder_thesavagedunes_a.outpost_building Constructible space Revert to an empty space
_202AFBD5F3FF7E84 placeholder_thevoid_a.outpost_building Constructible space Revert to an empty space
_202AFBD5F3FF7E85 placeholder_thevoid_b.outpost_building Constructible space Revert to an empty space
_2F881F3B480017B0 placeholder_upperbog_a.outpost_building Constructible space Revert to an empty space
_45563FF2A5D923E3 placeholder_windsofmuse_a.outpost_building Constructible space Revert to an empty space
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