2015-03-07 17:01:14 +01:00

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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#if !defined(AFX_STAR_STOP_PARTICLE_SYSTEM_H__291E2631_42A1_4598_86AB_D6CE30C64DAF__INCLUDED_)
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#include "object_viewer.h"
#include "animation_dlg.h"
#include "ps_initial_pos.h"
#include "particle_workspace.h"
#include "nel/misc/vector.h"
#include "nel/misc/smart_ptr.h"
namespace NL3D
class CParticleSystem;
class CPSLocated;
class CPSLocatedBindable;
struct IPSMover;
class CParticleDlg;
class CAnimationDlg;
// CStartStopParticleSystem dialog
class CStartStopParticleSystem : public CDialog, public CObjectViewer::IMainLoopCallBack
// Construction
// state of the dialog
enum TState { Stopped, RunningSingle, RunningMultiple, PausedSingle, PausedMultiple };
CStartStopParticleSystem(CParticleDlg *particleDlg, CAnimationDlg *animationDLG); // standard constructor
// dtor
// Set currently active node of the workspace.
void setActiveNode(CParticleWorkspace::CNode *activeNode);
// Get current state
TState getState() const { return _State; }
/// return true if one or several system are being played
bool isRunning() const { return _State == RunningSingle || _State == RunningMultiple; }
/** Return true if a system is paused.
* Must call only if running
bool isPaused() const
return _State == PausedSingle || _State == PausedMultiple;
/// force the playing systems to stop
void stop();
/// force the active system to start
void start();
/// start all systems
void startMultiple();
/// toggle between start and stop
void toggle();
// pause the playing systems
void pause();
/// This remove any memorized instance from the system
// void reset();
/// return true when the display bbox button is pressed...
bool isBBoxDisplayEnabled();
// enable / disbale auto-count
void enableAutoCount(bool enable);
// reset the autocount the next time the system will be started
void resetAutoCount(CParticleWorkspace::CNode *node, bool reset = true);
// Dialog Data
CButton m_StartMultiplePicture;
CButton m_PausePicture;
CButton m_StopPicture;
CButton m_StartPicture;
BOOL m_DisplayBBox;
int m_SpeedSliderPos;
BOOL m_DisplayHelpers;
BOOL m_LinkPlayToScenePlay;
CString m_TriggerAnim;
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support
// Implementation
// Generated message map functions
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();
afx_msg void OnStartSystem();
afx_msg void OnStopSystem();
afx_msg void OnPause();
afx_msg void OnReleasedcaptureAnimSpeed(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult);
afx_msg void OnDisplayHelpers();
afx_msg void OnEnableAutoCount();
afx_msg void OnResetCount();
afx_msg void OnAutoRepeat();
afx_msg void OnLinkPlayToScenePlay();
afx_msg void OnLinkToSkeleton();
afx_msg void OnUnlinkFromSkeleton();
afx_msg void OnStartMultipleSystem();
afx_msg void OnBrowseAnim();
afx_msg void OnClearAnim();
afx_msg void OnRestickAll();
// current state
TState _State;
// Last number of particle that was displayed (keep this to avoid flickering)
sint _LastCurrNumParticles;
sint _LastMaxNumParticles;
sint _LastNumWantedFaces;
// last displayed date for the system
float _LastSystemDate;
bool _AutoRepeat;
float _LastSceneAnimFrame;
// the dialog that own this dialog
CParticleDlg *_ParticleDlg;
CAnimationDlg *_AnimationDLG;
//CPSInitialPos _SystemInitialPos;
CParticleWorkspace::CNode *_ActiveNode;
// list of fxs that are currently playing
typedef std::vector<NLMISC::CRefPtr<CParticleWorkspace::CNode> > TNodeVect;
TNodeVect _PlayingNodes;
// set of of fx that are being paused
void setSpeedSliderValue(float value);
// From CObjectViewer::IMainLoopCallBack : update display of number of particles
virtual void goPreRender();
virtual void goPostRender() {}
NL3D::CParticleSystem *getCurrPS() const { return _ActiveNode ? _ActiveNode->getPSPointer() : NULL; }
NL3D::CParticleSystemModel *getCurrPSModel() const { return _ActiveNode ? _ActiveNode->getPSModel() : NULL; }
// change speed of all ps
void setEllapsedTimeRatio(float value);
void forceActiveNode(CParticleWorkspace::CNode *activeNode);
/** helper : play a node and update tree
* NB : this doesn't update the '_PlayingNodes' list
* NB : no check is done on the state
* NB : the ps must have no loops
* \return True if the node could be played. May not be the case if the node has loops
void play(CParticleWorkspace::CNode &node);
void unpause(CParticleWorkspace::CNode &node);
void pause(CParticleWorkspace::CNode &node);
/** helper : stop a node, and update tree
* NB : this doesn't update the '_PlayingNodes' list
* NB : no check is done on the state
void stop(CParticleWorkspace::CNode &node);
// update ui to reflect the current state
void updateUIFromState();
// check is a node has loops
bool checkHasLoop(CParticleWorkspace::CNode &node);
// check if a node is inserted in the running list (it may be paused)
bool isRunning(CParticleWorkspace::CNode *node);
void restartAllFX();
// Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
#endif // !defined(AFX_STAR_STOP_PARTICLE_SYSTEM_H__291E2631_42A1_4598_86AB_D6CE30C64DAF__INCLUDED_)