2016-09-24 14:22:22 +02:00

286 lines
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// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MainFrm.h : interface of the CMainFrame class
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if !defined(AFX_MAINFRM_H__D9ABC57D_9514_49B1_A65F_1CC64C6D6BB6__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_MAINFRM_H__D9ABC57D_9514_49B1_A65F_1CC64C6D6BB6__INCLUDED_
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "nel/misc/stream.h"
#include "nel/misc/file.h"
#include "MasterTree.h"
#include <string>
#include "../export/export.h"
#include "../../3d/ligo/worldeditor/worldeditor_interface.h" // MasterCB
#include "easy_cfg.h"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Interface to the tools
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
class IWorldEditor;
class IGeorges;
class ILogicEditor;
class CMainFrame;
class CExportCBDlg;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Do not parse following directories
#define MAX_SYS_DIR 7
extern char *gSysDir[MAX_SYS_DIR];
// Do not display files with those extensions
extern char *gInvalidExt[MAX_INVALID_EXT];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct SEnvironnement : public IEasyCFG
// Master params
sint32 MasterX, MasterY;
sint32 MasterTreeX, MasterTreeY;
sint32 MasterTreeCX, MasterTreeCY;
bool MasterTreeLocked;
std::string ContinentsDir;
std::string DefaultDFNDir;
std::string DefaultGameElemDir;
// WorldEditor params
bool WorldEdOpened;
sint32 WorldEdX, WorldEdY, WorldEdCX, WorldEdCY;
// Georges params
bool GeorgesOpened;
sint32 GeorgesX, GeorgesY, GeorgesCX, GeorgesCY;
// LogicEditor params
bool LogicEditorOpened;
sint32 LogicEditorX, LogicEditorY, LogicEditorCX, LogicEditorCY;
// Export params
SExportOptions ExportOptions;
SEnvironnement ();
bool load (const std::string &filename);
bool save (const std::string &filename);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CMasterCB : public IMasterCB
CMainFrame *_MainFrame;
std::vector<std::string> _PrimZoneList;
std::string _Text;
std::vector<std::string> _GroupPrimList;
CMasterCB ();
void setMainFrame (CMainFrame*pMF); // Link to master
// Accessors
std::vector<std::string> &getAllPrimZoneNames ();
// Overridables
// setAllPrimZoneNames : called when the list of patatoid changes
virtual void setAllPrimZoneNames (std::vector<std::string> &primZoneList);
// transfert : called when WE want to transfert text to georges
virtual void multiTransfert (const std::vector<std::string> &vText, bool append);
virtual void transfert (const std::string &sText);
// Selection line up and down
virtual void lineUp ();
virtual void lineDown ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CMainFrame : public CFrameWnd
SEnvironnement _Environnement;
IWorldEditor *_WorldEditor;
HMODULE _WorldEditorModule;
IGeorges *_Georges;
HMODULE _GeorgesModule;
ILogicEditor *_LogicEditor;
HMODULE _LogicEditorModule;
CMasterTreeDlg *_Tree;
std::string _ActivePath;
CMasterCB _MasterCB;
std::string _MasterExeDir;
CExport *_Export;
CExportCBDlg *_ExportCBDlg;
CMainFrame ();
virtual ~CMainFrame ();
void getAllInterfaces (); // Load all dlls and get tools interfaces
void releaseAllInterfaces ();
void openFile (const std::string &fname);
void openDir (const std::string &fname);
void openDirParse (const std::string &sBaseName, const std::string &sRelativeName);
void openContinentCfgFile (const std::string &filename);
// ***********
// ***********
void openWorldEditor ();
void openWorldEditorFile (const std::string &fileName);
void closeWorldEditor ();
// *******
// *******
void openGeorges ();
void openGeorgesFile (const std::string &fileName);
void closeGeorges ();
void georgesSetPathesFromActive (); // Set Path from _ActiveContinent/_ActiveWorld/etc...
void georgesPutGroupText (const std::vector<std::string> &vText, bool append);
void georgesPutText (const std::string &sText);
void georgesLineUp ();
void georgesLineDown ();
void georgesCreatePlantName ();
// ***********
// ***********
void openLogicEditor ();
void openLogicEditorFile (const std::string &fileName);
void closeLogicEditor ();
// *****
// *****
// Tree and directories manipulation
bool createDirIfNotExist (const std::string& dirName, const std::string& errorMsg);
void deltree (const std::string &dirName);
void copytree (const std::string &srcDir, const std::string &dstDir);
void displayLastErrorDialog ();
void updateTree ();
// Continent methods
// -----------------
void continentNew ();
void continentOpen (const std::string &contName);
void continentProperties (const std::string &contName);
void continentNewRegion (const std::string &contName);
void continentDelete (const std::string &contName);
// Active path
void setActivePath (const std::string &contName);
std::string getActivePath () { return _ActivePath; }
// Region methods
// --------------
void regionOpen (const std::string &path);
void regionRename (const std::string &path);
void regionNewPrim (const std::string &path);
void regionNewGeorges (const std::string &path);
void regionNewSubRegion (const std::string &path);
void regionDelete (const std::string &path);
// File methods
// ------------
void fileOpen (const std::string &sFileFullName);
void fileRename (const std::string &sFileFullName);
void fileDelete (const std::string &sFileFullName);
void copy (const std::string &sPathSrc, const std::string &sPathDst);
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void AssertValid () const;
virtual void Dump (CDumpContext& dc) const;
virtual BOOL PreCreateWindow (CREATESTRUCT& cs);
virtual BOOL PreTranslateMessage (MSG*pMsg);
afx_msg void OnSize (UINT nType, int cx, int cy);
afx_msg void OnMove (int x, int y);
afx_msg int OnCreate (LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);
afx_msg BOOL OnEraseBkgnd (CDC* pDC);
// Menu methods
afx_msg void onContinentSave ();
afx_msg void onContinentExport ();
afx_msg void OnContinentDelete ();
afx_msg void onOptionsTreeLock ();
afx_msg void onOptionsSetContinentsDir ();
afx_msg void onOptionsSetDefaultDFNDir ();
afx_msg void onOptionsSetDefaultGameElemDir ();
afx_msg void onWindowsWorldEditor ();
afx_msg void onWindowsGeorges ();
afx_msg void onWindowsLogicEditor ();
afx_msg void onWindowsReset ();
afx_msg void OnClose ();
// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove member functions here.
// DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code!
// Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
#endif // !defined(AFX_MAINFRM_H__D9ABC57D_9514_49B1_A65F_1CC64C6D6BB6__INCLUDED_)