kaetemi 3a7b5c6a46 Note
branch : feature-export-assimp
2015-09-20 19:06:07 +02:00

237 lines
7.9 KiB

// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2015 Winch Gate Property Limited
// Author: Jan Boon <>
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <nel/misc/types_nl.h>
#include "assimp_shape.h"
#include <assimp/postprocess.h>
#include <assimp/scene.h>
#include <assimp/Importer.hpp>
#include "scene_context.h"
#include <nel/misc/debug.h>
#include <nel/misc/path.h>
#include <nel/misc/tool_logger.h>
#include <nel/3d/mesh.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace NLMISC;
using namespace NL3D;
// TODO: buildParticleSystem ??
// TODO: buildWaveMakerShape ??
// TODO: buildRemanence ??
// TODO: buildFlare ??
// Probably specific settings we can only do in meta editor on a dummy node..
// TODO: pacs prim
// TODO: buildWaterShape specifics when node has water material
// TODO: CMeshMultiLod::CMeshMultiLodBuild multiLodBuild; export_mesh.cpp ln 228
// TODO: Skinned - reverse transform by skeleton root bone to align?
void assimpBuildBaseMesh(CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild &buildBaseMesh, CNodeContext &nodeContext)
const aiNode *node = nodeContext.InternalNode;
// TODO: Reference CExportNel::buildBaseMeshInterface
inline CVector convVector(const aiVector3D &av)
return CVector(-av.x, av.z, av.y); // COORDINATE CONVERSION
inline CRGBA convColor(const aiColor4D &ac)
return CRGBA(ac.r * 255.99f, ac.g * 255.99f, ac.b * 255.99f, ac.a * 255.99f);
bool assimpBuildMesh(CMesh::CMeshBuild &buildMesh, CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild &buildBaseMesh, CMeshUtilsContext &context, CNodeContext &nodeContext)
// *** If the mesh is skined, vertices will be exported in world space.
// *** If the mesh is not skined, vertices will be exported in offset space.
// TODO Support skinning
const aiNode *node = nodeContext.InternalNode;
// Basic validations before processing starts
for (unsigned int mi = 0; mi < node->mNumMeshes; ++mi)
// TODO: Maybe needs to be the same count too for all meshes, so compare with mesh 0
const aiMesh *mesh = context.InternalScene->mMeshes[node->mMeshes[mi]];
if (mesh->GetNumColorChannels() > 2)
tlerror(context.ToolLogger, context.Settings.SourceFilePath.c_str(),
"(%s) mesh->GetNumColorChannels() > 2", node->mName.C_Str());
return false;
if (mesh->GetNumUVChannels() > 1)
tlerror(context.ToolLogger, context.Settings.SourceFilePath.c_str(),
"(%s) mesh->GetNumUVChannels() > 1", node->mName.C_Str());
return false;
if (!mesh->HasNormals())
tlerror(context.ToolLogger, context.Settings.SourceFilePath.c_str(),
"(%s) !mesh->HasNormals()", node->mName.C_Str());
return false;
// TODO: UV Channels
for (uint i = 0; i < CVertexBuffer::MaxStage; ++i)
buildMesh.UVRouting[i] = i;
// Meshes in assimp are separated per material, so we need to re-merge them for the mesh build process
// This process also deduplicates vertices
sint32 numVertices = 0;
for (unsigned int mi = 0; mi < node->mNumMeshes; ++mi)
numVertices += context.InternalScene->mMeshes[node->mMeshes[mi]]->mNumVertices;
numVertices = 0;
map<CVector, sint32> vertexIdentifiers;
vector<vector<sint32> > vertexRemapping;
for (unsigned int mi = 0; mi < node->mNumMeshes; ++mi)
const aiMesh *mesh = context.InternalScene->mMeshes[node->mMeshes[mi]];
for (unsigned int vi = 0; vi < mesh->mNumVertices; ++vi)
CVector vec = convVector(mesh->mVertices[vi]);
map<CVector, sint32>::iterator vecit = vertexIdentifiers.find(vec);
if (vecit == vertexIdentifiers.end())
buildMesh.Vertices[numVertices] = vec;
vertexIdentifiers[vec] = numVertices;
vertexRemapping[mi][vi] = numVertices;
vertexRemapping[mi][vi] = vecit->second;
// Process all faces
// WONT IMPLEMENT: Radial faces generation... is linked to smoothing group...
// leave radial normals generation to modeling tool for now...
sint32 numFaces = 0;
for (unsigned int mi = 0; mi < node->mNumMeshes; ++mi)
numFaces += context.InternalScene->mMeshes[node->mMeshes[mi]]->mNumFaces;
numFaces = 0;
for (unsigned int mi = 0; mi < node->mNumMeshes; ++mi)
const aiMesh *mesh = context.InternalScene->mMeshes[node->mMeshes[mi]];
unsigned int numColorChannels = mesh->GetNumColorChannels(); // TODO: Maybe needs to be same on all mesh parts
for (unsigned int fi = 0; fi < mesh->mNumFaces; ++fi)
const aiFace &af = mesh->mFaces[fi];
if (af.mNumIndices != 3)
tlerror(context.ToolLogger, context.Settings.SourceFilePath.c_str(),
"(%s) Face %i on mesh %i has %i faces", node->mName.C_Str(), fi, mi, af.mNumIndices);
continue; // return false; Keep going, just drop the face for better user experience
CMesh::CFace &face = buildMesh.Faces[numFaces];
face.MaterialId = mi;
face.SmoothGroup = 0; // No smoothing group (bitfield)
face.Corner[0].Vertex = vertexRemapping[mi][af.mIndices[0]];
face.Corner[1].Vertex = vertexRemapping[mi][af.mIndices[1]];
face.Corner[2].Vertex = vertexRemapping[mi][af.mIndices[2]];
face.Corner[0].Normal = convVector(mesh->mNormals[af.mIndices[0]]);
face.Corner[0].Normal = convVector(mesh->mNormals[af.mIndices[1]]);
face.Corner[0].Normal = convVector(mesh->mNormals[af.mIndices[2]]);
if (numColorChannels > 0) // TODO: Verify
face.Corner[0].Color = convColor(mesh->mColors[0][af.mIndices[0]]);
face.Corner[1].Color = convColor(mesh->mColors[0][af.mIndices[1]]);
face.Corner[2].Color = convColor(mesh->mColors[0][af.mIndices[2]]);
if (numColorChannels > 1) // TODO: Verify
face.Corner[0].Specular = convColor(mesh->mColors[0][af.mIndices[0]]);
face.Corner[1].Specular = convColor(mesh->mColors[0][af.mIndices[1]]);
face.Corner[2].Specular = convColor(mesh->mColors[0][af.mIndices[2]]);
// TODO: Color modulate, alpha, use color alpha for vp tree, etc
// clear for MRM info
// TODO: Export VP
buildMesh.MeshVertexProgram = NULL;
return true;
bool assimpShape(CMeshUtilsContext &context, CNodeContext &nodeContext)
// Reference: export_mesh.cpp, buildShape
nodeContext.Shape = NULL;
const aiNode *node = nodeContext.InternalNode;
// Fill the build interface of CMesh
CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild buildBaseMesh;
assimpBuildBaseMesh(buildBaseMesh, nodeContext);
CMesh::CMeshBuild buildMesh;
if (!assimpBuildMesh(buildMesh, buildBaseMesh, context, nodeContext))
return false;
// Make a CMesh object
CMesh *mesh = new CMesh();
// Build the mesh with the build interface
mesh->build(buildBaseMesh, buildMesh);
// Reference: export_mesh.cpp, buildShape
// Must be done after the build to update vertex links
// Pass to buildMeshMorph if the original mesh is skinned or not
// buildMeshMorph(buildMesh, node, time, nodeMap != NULL);
// mesh->setBlendShapes(buildMesh.BlendShapes);
// optimize number of material
// mesh->optimizeMaterialUsage(materialRemap);
// Store mesh in context
nodeContext.Shape = mesh;
return true;
/* end of file */