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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef NL_SSTRING_H
#define NL_SSTRING_H
//#include "types_nl.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdio>
#include "stream.h"
#include "path.h"
#include "string_common.h"
namespace NLMISC
// advanced class declaration...
//class CVectorSString;
class CSString;
typedef std::vector<CSString> CVectorSString;
* CSString : std::string with more functionalities and case insensitive compare
* \author Daniel Miller
* \author Nevrax
* \date 2003
class CSString: public std::string
/// ctor
/// ctor
CSString(const char *s);
/// ctor
CSString(const std::string &s);
/// ctor
CSString(char c);
/// ctor
CSString(int i,const char *fmt="%d");
/// ctor
CSString(uint32 u,const char *fmt="%u");
/// ctor
CSString(double d,const char *fmt="%f");
/// ctor
CSString(const char *s,const char *fmt);
/// ctor
CSString(const std::string &s,const char *fmt);
/// ctor
CSString(const std::vector<NLMISC::CSString>& v,const std::string& separator="\n");
/// Const [] operator
std::string::const_reference operator[](std::string::size_type idx) const;
/// Non-Const [] operator
std::string::reference operator[](std::string::size_type idx);
/// Return the first character, or '\\0' is the string is empty
char operator*();
/// Return the n right hand most characters of a string
char back() const;
/// Return the n left hand most characters of a string
CSString left(uint32 count) const;
/// Return the n right hand most characters of a string
CSString right(uint32 count) const;
/// Return the string minus the n left hand most characters of a string
CSString leftCrop(uint32 count) const;
/// Return the string minus the n right hand most characters of a string
CSString rightCrop(uint32 count) const;
/// Return sub string up to but not including first instance of given character, starting at 'iterator'
/// on exit 'iterator' indexes first character after extracted string segment
CSString splitToWithIterator(char c,uint32& iterator) const;
/// Return sub string up to but not including first instance of given character
CSString splitTo(char c) const;
/// Return sub string up to but not including first instance of given character
CSString splitTo(char c,bool truncateThis=false,bool absorbSeparator=true);
/// Return sub string up to but not including first instance of given character
CSString splitTo(const char *s,bool truncateThis=false);
/// Return sub string up to but not including first non-quote encapsulated '//'
CSString splitToLineComment(bool truncateThis=false, bool useSlashStringEscape=true);
/// Return sub string from character following first instance of given character on
CSString splitFrom(char c) const;
/// Return sub string from character following first instance of given character on
CSString splitFrom(const char *s) const;
/// Behave like a s strtok() routine, returning the sun string extracted from (and removed from) *this
CSString strtok(const char *separators,
bool useSmartExtensions=false, // if true then match brackets etc (and refine with following args)
bool useAngleBrace=false, // - treat '<' and '>' as brackets
bool useSlashStringEscape=true, // - treat '\' as escape char so "\"" == '"'
bool useRepeatQuoteStringEscape=true); // - treat """" as '"')
/// Return first word (blank separated) - can remove extracted word from source string
CSString firstWord(bool truncateThis=false);
/// Return first word (blank separated)
CSString firstWordConst() const;
/// Return sub string remaining after the first word
CSString tailFromFirstWord() const;
/// Count the number of words in a string
uint32 countWords() const;
/// Extract the given word
CSString word(uint32 idx) const;
/// Return first word or quote-encompassed sub-string - can remove extracted sub-string from source string
CSString firstWordOrWords(bool truncateThis=false,bool useSlashStringEscape=true,bool useRepeatQuoteStringEscape=true);
/// Return first word or quote-encompassed sub-string
CSString firstWordOrWordsConst(bool useSlashStringEscape=true,bool useRepeatQuoteStringEscape=true) const;
/// Return sub string following first word (or quote-encompassed sub-string)
CSString tailFromFirstWordOrWords(bool useSlashStringEscape=true,bool useRepeatQuoteStringEscape=true) const;
/// Count the number of words (or quote delimited sub-strings) in a string
uint32 countWordOrWords(bool useSlashStringEscape=true,bool useRepeatQuoteStringEscape=true) const;
/// Extract the given words (or quote delimited sub-strings)
CSString wordOrWords(uint32 idx,bool useSlashStringEscape=true,bool useRepeatQuoteStringEscape=true) const;
/// Return first line - can remove extracted line from source string
CSString firstLine(bool truncateThis=false);
/// Return first line
CSString firstLineConst() const;
/// Return sub string remaining after the first line
CSString tailFromFirstLine() const;
/// Count the number of lines in a string
uint32 countLines() const;
/// Extract the given line
CSString line(uint32 idx) const;
/// A handy utility routine for knowing if a character is a white space character or not (' ','\t','\n','\r',26)
static bool isWhiteSpace(char c);
/// Test whether character matches '{', '(','[' or '<' (the '<' test depends on the useAngleBrace parameter
static bool isOpeningDelimiter(char c,bool useAngleBrace=false);
/// Test whether character matches '}', ')',']' or '>' (the '>' test depends on the useAngleBrace parameter
static bool isClosingDelimiter(char c,bool useAngleBrace=false);
/// Test whether character matches '\'' or '\"'
static bool isStringDelimiter(char c);
/// Tests whether the character 'b' is the closing delimiter or string delimiter corresponding to character 'a'
static bool isMatchingDelimiter(char a,char b);
/// A handy utility routine for knowing if a character is a valid component of a file name
static bool isValidFileNameChar(char c);
/// A handy utility routine for knowing if a character is a valid first char for a keyword (a..z, '_')
static bool isValidKeywordFirstChar(char c);
/// A handy utility routine for knowing if a character is a valid subsequent char for a keyword (a..z, '_', '0'..'9')
static bool isValidKeywordChar(char c);
/// A handy utility routine for knowing if a character is printable (isValidFileNameChar + more basic punctuation)
static bool isPrintable(char c);
/// A handy utility routine for knowing if a character is a hex digit 0..9, a..f
static bool isHexDigit(char c);
/// A handy utility routine for converting a hex digit to a numeric value 0..15
static char convertHexDigit(char c);
// a handy routine that tests whether a given string contains binary characters or not. Only characters>32 + isWhiteSpace() are valid
bool isValidText();
// a handy routine that tests whether a given string is a valid file name or not
// "\"hello there\\bla\"" is valid
// "hello there\\bla" is not valid - missing quotes
// "\"hello there\"\\bla" is not valid - text after quotes
bool isValidFileName() const;
// a second handy routine that tests whether a given string is a valid file name or not
// equivalent to ('\"'+*this+'\"').isValidFileName()
// "\"hello there\\bla\"" is not valid - too many quotes
// "hello there\\bla" is valid
bool isValidUnquotedFileName() const;
// a handy routine that tests whether or not a given string is a valid keyword
bool isValidKeyword() const;
// a handy routine that tests whether or not a given string is quote encapsulated
bool isQuoted( bool useAngleBrace=false, // treat '<' and '>' as brackets
bool useSlashStringEscape=true, // treat '\' as escape char so "\"" == '"'
bool useRepeatQuoteStringEscape=true) const; // treat """" as '"'
/// Search for the closing delimiter matching the opening delimiter at position 'startPos' in the 'this' string
/// on error returns startPos
uint32 findMatchingDelimiterPos(bool useAngleBrace,bool useSlashStringEscape,bool useRepeatQuoteStringEscape,uint32 startPos=0) const;
/// Extract a chunk from the 'this' string
/// if first non-blank character is a string delimiter or an opening delimiter then extracts up to the matching closing delimiter
/// in all other cases an empty string is returned
/// the return string includes the opening blank characters (it isn't stripped)
CSString matchDelimiters(bool truncateThis=false,
bool useAngleBrace=false, // treat '<' and '>' as brackets
bool useSlashStringEscape=true, // treat '\' as escape char so "\"" == '"'
bool useRepeatQuoteStringEscape=true); // treat """" as '"'
/// copy out section of string up to separator character, respecting quotes (but not brackets etc)
/// on error tail after returned string doesn't begin with valid separator character
CSString splitToStringSeparator( char separator,
bool truncateThis=false,
bool useSlashStringEscape=true, // treat '\' as escape char so "\"" == '"'
bool useRepeatQuoteStringEscape=true, // treat """" as '"'
bool truncateSeparatorCharacter=false); // if true tail begins after separator char
/// copy out section of string up to separator character, respecting quotes, brackets, etc
/// on error tail after returned string doesn't begin with valid separator character
/// eg: splitToSeparator(','); - this might be used to split some sort of ',' separated input
CSString splitToSeparator( char separator,
bool truncateThis=false,
bool useAngleBrace=false, // treat '<' and '>' as brackets
bool useSlashStringEscape=true, // treat '\' as escape char so "\"" == '"'
bool useRepeatQuoteStringEscape=true, // treat """" as '"'
bool truncateSeparatorCharacter=false); // if true tail begins after separator char
CSString splitToSeparator( char separator,
bool useAngleBrace=false, // treat '<' and '>' as brackets
bool useSlashStringEscape=true, // treat '\' as escape char so "\"" == '"'
bool useRepeatQuoteStringEscape=true) const; // treat """" as '"'
/// copy out section of string up to any of a given set of separator characters, respecting quotes, brackets, etc
/// on error tail after returned string doesn't begin with valid separator character
/// eg: splitToOneOfSeparators(",;",true,false,false,true); - this might be used to split a string read from a CSV file
CSString splitToOneOfSeparators( const CSString& separators,
bool truncateThis=false,
bool useAngleBrace=false, // treat '<' and '>' as brackets
bool useSlashStringEscape=true, // treat '\' as escape char so "\"" == '"'
bool useRepeatQuoteStringEscape=true, // treat """" as '"'
bool truncateSeparatorCharacter=false, // if true tail begins after separator char
bool splitStringAtBrackets=true); // if true consider brackets as breaks in the string
CSString splitToOneOfSeparators( const CSString& separators,
bool useAngleBrace=false, // treat '<' and '>' as brackets
bool useSlashStringEscape=true, // treat '\' as escape char so "\"" == '"'
bool useRepeatQuoteStringEscape=true) const; // treat """" as '"'
/// Return true if the string is a single block encompassed by a pair of delimiters
/// eg: "((a)(b)(c))" or "(abc)" return true wheras "(a)(b)(c)" or "abc" return false
bool isDelimitedMonoBlock( bool useAngleBrace=false, // treat '<' and '>' as brackets
bool useSlashStringEscape=true, // treat '\' as escape char so "\"" == '"'
bool useRepeatQuoteStringEscape=true // treat """" as '"'
) const;
/// Return the sub string with leading and trailing delimiters ( such as '(' and ')' or '[' and ']' ) removed
/// if the string isn't a delimited monoblock then the complete string is returned
/// eg "((a)b(c))" returns "(a)b(c)" whereas "(a)b(c)" returns the identical "(a)b(c)"
CSString stripBlockDelimiters( bool useAngleBrace=false, // treat '<' and '>' as brackets
bool useSlashStringEscape=true, // treat '\' as escape char so "\"" == '"'
bool useRepeatQuoteStringEscape=true // treat """" as '"'
) const;
/// Append the individual words in the string to the result vector
/// retuns true on success
bool splitWords(CVectorSString& result) const;
/// Append the individual "wordOrWords" elements in the string to the result vector
/// retuns true on success
bool splitWordOrWords(CVectorSString& result,bool useSlashStringEscape=true,bool useRepeatQuoteStringEscape=true) const;
/// Append the individual lines in the string to the result vector
/// retuns true on success
bool splitLines(CVectorSString& result) const;
/// Append the separator-separated elements in the string to the result vector
/// retuns true on success
bool splitBySeparator( char separator, CVectorSString& result,
bool useAngleBrace=false, // treat '<' and '>' as brackets
bool useSlashStringEscape=true, // treat '\' as escape char so "\"" == '"'
bool useRepeatQuoteStringEscape=true, // treat """" as '"'
bool skipBlankEntries=false // dont add blank entries to the result vector
) const;
/// Append the separator-separated elements in the string to the result vector
/// retuns true on success
bool splitByOneOfSeparators( const CSString& separators, CVectorSString& result,
bool useAngleBrace=false, // treat '<' and '>' as brackets
bool useSlashStringEscape=true, // treat '\' as escape char so "\"" == '"'
bool useRepeatQuoteStringEscape=true, // treat """" as '"'
bool retainSeparators=false, // have the separators turn up in the result vector
bool skipBlankEntries=false // dont add blank entries to the result vector
) const;
/// join an array of strings to form a single string (appends to the existing content of this string)
/// if this string is not empty then a separator is added between this string and the following
const CSString& join(const std::vector<CSString>& strings, const CSString& separator="");
const CSString& join(const std::vector<CSString>& strings, char separator);
/// Return a copy of the string with leading and trainling spaces removed
CSString strip() const;
/// Return a copy of the string with leading spaces removed
CSString leftStrip() const;
/// Return a copy of the string with trainling spaces removed
CSString rightStrip() const;
/// Making an upper case copy of a string
CSString toUpper() const;
/// Making a lower case copy of a string
CSString toLower() const;
/// encapsulate string in quotes, adding escape characters as necessary
CSString quote( bool useSlashStringEscape=true, // treat '\' as escape char so "\"" == '"'
bool useRepeatQuoteStringEscape=true // treat """" as '"'
) const;
/// if a string is not already encapsulated in quotes then return quote() else return *this
CSString quoteIfNotQuoted( bool useSlashStringEscape=true, // treat '\' as escape char so "\"" == '"'
bool useRepeatQuoteStringEscape=true // treat """" as '"'
) const;
/// if a string is not a single word and is not already encapsulated in quotes then return quote() else return *this
CSString quoteIfNotAtomic( bool useSlashStringEscape=true, // treat '\' as escape char so "\"" == '"'
bool useRepeatQuoteStringEscape=true // treat """" as '"'
) const;
/// strip delimiting quotes and clear through escape characters as necessary
CSString unquote(bool useSlashStringEscape=true, // treat '\' as escape char so "\"" == '"'
bool useRepeatQuoteStringEscape=true // treat """" as '"'
) const;
/// equivalent to if (isQuoted()) unquote()
CSString unquoteIfQuoted(bool useSlashStringEscape=true,
bool useRepeatQuoteStringEscape=true
) const;
/// encode special characters such as quotes, gt, lt, etc to xml encoding
/// the isParameter paramter is true if the string is to be used in an XML parameter block
CSString encodeXML(bool isParameter=false) const;
/// decode special characters such as quotes, gt, lt, etc from xml encoding
CSString decodeXML() const;
/// verifies whether a string contains sub-strings that correspond to xml special character codes
bool isEncodedXML() const;
/// verifies whether a string contains any XML incompatible characters
/// in this case the string can be converted to xml compatible format via encodeXML()
/// the isParameter paramter is true if the string is to be used in an XML parameter block
bool isXMLCompatible(bool isParameter=false) const;
/// Replacing all occurences of one string with another
CSString replace(const char *toFind,const char *replacement) const;
/// Find index at which a sub-string starts (case not sensitive) - if sub-string not found then returns string::npos
std::string::size_type find(const char *toFind, std::string::size_type startLocation=0) const;
/// Find index at which a sub-string starts (case NOT sensitive) - if sub-string not found then returns string::npos
std::string::size_type findNS(const char *toFind, std::string::size_type startLocation=0) const;
/// Return true if this contains given sub string
bool contains(const char *toFind) const;
/// Return true if this contains given sub string
bool contains(int character) const;
/// Handy atoi routines...
int atoi() const;
sint32 atosi() const;
uint32 atoui() const;
sint64 atoi64() const;
sint64 atosi64() const;
uint64 atoui64() const;
/// A handy atof routine...
double atof() const;
/// assignment operator
CSString& operator=(const char *s);
/// assignment operator
CSString& operator=(const std::string &s);
/// assignment operator
CSString& operator=(char c);
/// assignment operator
CSString& operator=(int i);
/// assignment operator
CSString& operator=(uint32 u);
/// assignment operator
CSString& operator=(double d);
/// Case insensitive string compare
bool operator==(const CSString &other) const;
/// Case insensitive string compare
bool operator==(const std::string &other) const;
/// Case insensitive string compare
bool operator==(const char* other) const;
/// Case insensitive string compare
bool operator!=(const CSString &other) const;
/// Case insensitive string compare
bool operator!=(const std::string &other) const;
/// Case insensitive string compare
bool operator!=(const char* other) const;
/// Case insensitive string compare
bool operator<=(const CSString &other) const;
/// Case insensitive string compare
bool operator<=(const std::string &other) const;
/// Case insensitive string compare
bool operator<=(const char* other) const;
/// Case insensitive string compare
bool operator>=(const CSString &other) const;
/// Case insensitive string compare
bool operator>=(const std::string &other) const;
/// Case insensitive string compare
bool operator>=(const char* other) const;
/// Case insensitive string compare
bool operator>(const CSString &other) const;
/// Case insensitive string compare
bool operator>(const std::string &other) const;
/// Case insensitive string compare
bool operator>(const char* other) const;
/// Case insensitive string compare
bool operator<(const CSString &other) const;
/// Case insensitive string compare
bool operator<(const std::string &other) const;
/// Case insensitive string compare
bool operator<(const char* other) const;
//@name Easy concatenation operator to build strings
template <class T>
CSString &operator <<(const T &value)
operator +=(NLMISC::toString(value));
return *this;
// specialisation for C string
CSString &operator <<(const char *value)
static_cast<std::string*>(this)->operator +=(value);
return *this;
// specialisation for character
CSString &operator <<(char value)
static_cast<std::string*>(this)->operator +=(value);
return *this;
// specialisation for std::string
CSString &operator <<(const std::string &value)
static_cast<std::string*>(this)->operator +=(value);
return *this;
// specialisation for CSString
CSString &operator <<(const CSString &value)
static_cast<std::string*>(this)->operator +=(value);
return *this;
/// Case insensitive string compare (useful for use as map keys, see less<CSString> below)
bool icompare(const std::string &other) const;
/// Serial
void serial( NLMISC::IStream& s );
/// Read a text file into a string
bool readFromFile(const CSString& fileName);
/// Write a string to a text file
// returns true on success, false on failure
bool writeToFile(const CSString& fileName) const;
/// Write a string to a text file
// if the file already exists and its content is identicall to our own then it is not overwritten
// returns true on success (including the case where the file exists and is not overwritten), false on failure
bool writeToFileIfDifferent(const CSString& fileName) const;
* Vector of CSString compatible with vector<string>
//typedef std::vector<CSString> CVectorSString;
/*CVectorSString &operator = (CVectorSString &left, const std::vector<std::string> &right)
left = reinterpret_cast<CVectorSString&>(right);
CVectorSString &operator = (CVectorSString &left, const std::vector<CSString> &right)
left = reinterpret_cast<CVectorSString&>(right);
//class CVectorSString : public std::vector<CSString>
// // cast to and convert from std::vector<std::string>
// operator std::vector<std::string>& ()
// {
// return reinterpret_cast<std::vector<std::string>&>(*this);
// }
// operator const std::vector<std::string>& () const
// {
// return reinterpret_cast<const std::vector<std::string>&>(*this);
// }
// CVectorSString& operator= ( const std::vector<std::string>& v )
// {
// *this = reinterpret_cast<const CVectorSString&>(v);
// return *this;
// }
// // simple ctors
// CVectorSString() {}
// CVectorSString( const CVectorSString& v ) { operator=(v); }
// // ctors for building from different vetor types
// CVectorSString( const std::vector<CSString>& v ): std::vector<CSString>(v) {}
// CVectorSString( const std::vector<std::string>& v ): std::vector<CSString>(*(std::vector<CSString>*)&v) {}
// // ctor for extracting sub_section of another vector
// CVectorSString( const const_iterator& first, const const_iterator& last ): std::vector<CSString>(first,last) {}
* Inlines
inline CSString::CSString()
inline CSString::CSString(const char *s)
*(std::string *)this=s;
inline CSString::CSString(const std::string &s)
*(std::string *)this=s;
inline CSString::CSString(char c)
*(std::string *)this=c;
inline CSString::CSString(int i,const char *fmt)
char buf[1024];
inline CSString::CSString(uint32 u,const char *fmt)
char buf[1024];
inline CSString::CSString(double d,const char *fmt)
char buf[1024];
inline CSString::CSString(const char *s,const char *fmt)
char buf[1024];
inline CSString::CSString(const std::string &s,const char *fmt)
char buf[1024];
inline CSString::CSString(const std::vector<NLMISC::CSString>& v,const std::string& separator)
for (uint32 i=0;i<v.size();++i)
if (i>0)
inline char CSString::operator*()
if (empty())
return 0;
return (*this)[0];
inline char CSString::back() const
return (*this)[size()-1];
inline CSString CSString::right(uint32 count) const
if (count>=size())
return *this;
return substr(size()-count);
inline CSString CSString::rightCrop(uint32 count) const
if (count>=size())
return CSString();
return substr(0,size()-count);
inline CSString CSString::left(uint32 count) const
return substr(0,count);
inline CSString CSString::leftCrop(uint32 count) const
if (count>=size())
return CSString();
return substr(count);
inline CSString CSString::splitToWithIterator(char c,uint32& iterator) const
uint32 i;
CSString result;
for (i=iterator;i<size() && (*this)[i]!=c;++i)
iterator= i;
return result;
inline bool CSString::isWhiteSpace(char c)
return c==' ' || c=='\t' || c=='\n' || c=='\r' || c==26;
inline bool CSString::isOpeningDelimiter(char c,bool useAngleBrace)
return c=='(' || c=='[' || c=='{' || (useAngleBrace && c=='<');
inline bool CSString::isClosingDelimiter(char c,bool useAngleBrace)
return c==')' || c==']' || c=='}' || (useAngleBrace && c=='>');
inline bool CSString::isStringDelimiter(char c)
return c=='\"' || c=='\'';
inline bool CSString::isMatchingDelimiter(char a,char b)
return (a=='(' && b==')') || (a=='[' && b==']') ||
(a=='{' && b=='}') || (a=='<' && b=='>') ||
(a=='\"' && b=='\"') || (a=='\'' && b=='\'');
inline bool CSString::isValidFileNameChar(char c)
if (c>='a' && c<='z') return true;
if (c>='A' && c<='Z') return true;
if (c>='0' && c<='9') return true;
if (c=='_') return true;
if (c==':') return true;
if (c=='/') return true;
if (c=='\\') return true;
if (c=='.') return true;
if (c=='#') return true;
if (c=='-') return true;
return false;
inline bool CSString::isPrintable(char c)
if (isValidFileNameChar(c)) return true;
if (c==' ') return true;
if (c=='*') return true;
if (c=='?') return true;
if (c=='!') return true;
if (c=='@') return true;
if (c=='&') return true;
if (c=='|') return true;
if (c=='+') return true;
if (c=='=') return true;
if (c=='%') return true;
if (c=='<') return true;
if (c=='>') return true;
if (c=='(') return true;
if (c==')') return true;
if (c=='[') return true;
if (c==']') return true;
if (c=='{') return true;
if (c=='}') return true;
if (c==',') return true;
if (c==';') return true;
if (c=='$') return true;
if ((uint8)c==156) return true; // Sterling Pound char causing error in gcc 4.1.2
if (c=='^') return true;
if (c=='~') return true;
if (c=='\'') return true;
if (c=='\"') return true;
return false;
inline bool CSString::isQuoted(bool useAngleBrace,bool useSlashStringEscape,bool useRepeatQuoteStringEscape) const
return (left(1)=="\"") && (right(1)=="\"") && isDelimitedMonoBlock(useAngleBrace,useSlashStringEscape,useRepeatQuoteStringEscape);
inline bool CSString::isValidKeywordFirstChar(char c)
if (c>='a' && c<='z') return true;
if (c>='A' && c<='Z') return true;
if (c=='_') return true;
return false;
inline bool CSString::isValidKeywordChar(char c)
if (c>='a' && c<='z') return true;
if (c>='A' && c<='Z') return true;
if (c>='0' && c<='9') return true;
if (c=='_') return true;
return false;
inline bool CSString::isHexDigit(char c)
if (c>='0' && c<='9') return true;
if (c>='A' && c<='F') return true;
if (c>='a' && c<='f') return true;
return false;
inline char CSString::convertHexDigit(char c)
if (c>='0' && c<='9') return c-'0';
if (c>='A' && c<='F') return c-'A'+10;
if (c>='a' && c<='f') return c-'a'+10;
return 0;
inline CSString& CSString::operator=(const char *s)
*(std::string *)this=s;
return *this;
inline CSString& CSString::operator=(const std::string &s)
*(std::string *)this=s;
return *this;
inline CSString& CSString::operator=(char c)
*(std::string *)this=c;
return *this;
inline CSString& CSString::operator=(int i)
CSString other(i);
*this = other;
return *this;
inline CSString& CSString::operator=(uint32 u)
CSString other(u);
*this = other;
return *this;
inline CSString& CSString::operator=(double d)
CSString other(d);
*this = other;
return *this;
inline bool CSString::operator==(const CSString &other) const
return stricmp(c_str(),other.c_str())==0;
inline bool CSString::operator==(const std::string &other) const
return stricmp(c_str(),other.c_str())==0;
inline bool CSString::operator==(const char* other) const
return stricmp(c_str(),other)==0;
inline bool CSString::operator!=(const CSString &other) const
return stricmp(c_str(),other.c_str())!=0;
inline bool CSString::operator!=(const std::string &other) const
return stricmp(c_str(),other.c_str())!=0;
inline bool CSString::operator!=(const char* other) const
return stricmp(c_str(),other)!=0;
inline bool CSString::operator<=(const CSString &other) const
return stricmp(c_str(),other.c_str())<=0;
inline bool CSString::operator<=(const std::string &other) const
return stricmp(c_str(),other.c_str())<=0;
inline bool CSString::operator<=(const char* other) const
return stricmp(c_str(),other)<=0;
inline bool CSString::operator>=(const CSString &other) const
return stricmp(c_str(),other.c_str())>=0;
inline bool CSString::operator>=(const std::string &other) const
return stricmp(c_str(),other.c_str())>=0;
inline bool CSString::operator>=(const char* other) const
return stricmp(c_str(),other)>=0;
inline bool CSString::operator>(const CSString &other) const
return stricmp(c_str(),other.c_str())>0;
inline bool CSString::operator>(const std::string &other) const
return stricmp(c_str(),other.c_str())>0;
inline bool CSString::operator>(const char* other) const
return stricmp(c_str(),other)>0;
inline bool CSString::operator<(const CSString &other) const
return stricmp(c_str(),other.c_str())<0;
inline bool CSString::operator<(const std::string &other) const
return stricmp(c_str(),other.c_str())<0;
inline bool CSString::operator<(const char* other) const
return stricmp(c_str(),other)<0;
inline std::string::const_reference CSString::operator[](std::string::size_type idx) const
static char zero=0;
if (idx >= size())
return zero;
return data()[idx];
inline std::string::reference CSString::operator[](std::string::size_type idx)
static char zero=0;
if (idx >= size())
return zero;
return const_cast<std::string::value_type&>(data()[idx]);
inline bool CSString::icompare(const std::string &other) const
return stricmp(c_str(),other.c_str())<0;
inline void CSString::serial( NLMISC::IStream& s )
s.serial( reinterpret_cast<std::string&>( *this ) );
inline CSString operator+(const CSString& s0,char s1)
return CSString(s0)+s1;
inline CSString operator+(const CSString& s0,const char* s1)
return CSString(s0)+s1;
inline CSString operator+(const CSString& s0,const std::string& s1)
return CSString(s0)+s1;
inline CSString operator+(const CSString& s0,const CSString& s1)
return CSString(s0)+s1;
inline CSString operator+(char s0,const CSString& s1)
return CSString(s0)+s1;
inline CSString operator+(const char* s0,const CSString& s1)
return CSString(s0)+s1;
#ifndef NL_COMP_VC10
// TODO: check if it can be disabled for other compilers too
inline CSString operator+(const std::string& s0,const CSString& s1)
return s0+static_cast<const std::string&>(s1);
#endif // NL_COMP_VC10
// *** The following was commented out by Sadge because there were strange compilation/ link issues ***
// *** The '<' operator was implemented instead ***
//namespace std
// /*
// * less<CSString> is case insensitive
// */
// template <>
// struct less<NLMISC::CSString> : public std::binary_function<NLMISC::CSString, NLMISC::CSString, bool>
// {
// bool operator()(const NLMISC::CSString& x, const NLMISC::CSString& y) const { return x.icompare(y); }
// };
//} // std
//namespace std
// /*
// * less<CSString> is case insensitive
// */
// template <>
// struct less<NLMISC::CSString> : public std::binary_function<NLMISC::CSString, NLMISC::CSString, bool>
// {
// bool operator()(const NLMISC::CSString& x, const NLMISC::CSString& y) const { return x.icompare(y); }
// };
//} // std
* Instead of overriding std::less, please use the following predicate.
* For example, declare your map as:
* std::map<NLMISC::CSString, CMyDataClass, NLMISC::CUnsensitiveSStringLessPred> MyMap;
* Caution: a map declared without CUnsensitiveSStringLessPred will behave as a
* standard string map.
* \see also CUnsensitiveStrLessPred in misc/string_conversion.h
* for a similar predicate with std::string.
struct CUnsensitiveSStringLessPred : public std::less<NLMISC::CSString>
bool operator()(const NLMISC::CSString& x, const NLMISC::CSString& y) const { return x < y; /*.icompare(y);*/ }
#endif // NL_SSTRING_H
/* End of sstring.h */