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// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "group_frame.h"
#include "view_text.h"
#include "view_link.h"
#include "ctrl_button.h"
class CCtrlLink : public CCtrlButton
CCtrlLink (const TCtorParam &param) : CCtrlButton(param)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CGroupParagraph : public CInterfaceGroup
enum EAlign
Bottom = 0,
CGroupParagraph(const TCtorParam &param);
// dtor
* add a child element to the group at the last position
* 'order' of the element is set to the last order + 1
* \param child : pointer to the child element
void addChild (CViewBase* child, bool deleteOnRemove=true);
* add a link element to the group at the last position
* \param child : pointer to the child element
void addChildLink (CViewLink* child, bool deleteOnRemove=true);
/** add a child before the element at the given index.
* 'order' of the element is set to 0
* \return true if there was enough room for that child
bool addChildAtIndex(CViewBase *child, uint index, bool deleteOnRemove = true);
* add a text child element to the group, using the text template
* \param line : text to be added
* \param color : text color
void addTextChild (const ucstring& line,const NLMISC::CRGBA &textColor, bool multiLine = true);
* add a text child element to the group, using the text template
* \param line : text to be added
void addTextChild (const ucstring& line, bool multiLine = true);
/// Same as adding a text child but the text will be taken from the string manager
void addTextChildID (uint32 id, bool multiLine = true);
// the same, but with id taken from the database
void addTextChildID (const std::string &dbPath, bool multiLine = true);
void delChild (CViewBase* child);
void delChild(uint index);
CViewBase *getChild(uint index) const { return _Elements[index].Element; }
void deleteAllChildren();
// void removeHead();
// Get the number of children
uint getNumChildren() const { return (uint)_Elements.size(); }
// Get the number of active children
uint getNumActiveChildren() const;
* set the template that will be used to add text;
* \templ : a CViewText object. Only its font size, color and shadow are required.
void setTextTemplate(const CViewText& templ);
* set the template that will be used to add text;
* \templ : a CViewText object. Only its font size, color and shadow are required.
CViewText * getTextTemplatePtr()
return &_Templ;
* parse the element and initalize it
* \paral cur : pointer to the node describing this element
* \param parentGroup : the parent group of this element
* \return true if success
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
//virtual uint32 getMemory();
* init or reset the children element coords. Orverloaded from CInterfaceGroup because we begin with the last inserted element here
virtual void updateCoords();
virtual void checkCoords();
virtual void draw();
virtual bool handleEvent (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor& eventDesc);
virtual void clearViews();
virtual void clearControls();
virtual void clearGroups();
void setSpace (sint32 s) { _Space = s; }
virtual CInterfaceElement* getElement (const std::string &id)
{ return CInterfaceGroup::getElement (id); }
sint32 getNbElement() { return (sint32)_Elements.size(); }
sint32 getSpace() { return _Space; }
void forceSizeW (sint32 newSizeW);
void forceSizeH (sint32 newSizeH);
void setMinW(sint32 minW);
void setMinH(sint32 minH);
sint32 getMinW() const {return _MinW;}
sint32 getMinH() const {return _MinH;}
// set the rank for the element at the given index (used to reinsert container after they have been turned into popups)
void setOrder(uint index, uint order) { _Elements[index].Order = order; }
uint getOrder(uint index) const { return _Elements[index].Order; }
// get element of index or -1 if not found
sint32 getElementIndex(CViewBase* child) const;
// swap 2 entries in the list (and also their orders)
// void swapChildren(uint index1, uint index2);
// deleteOnRemove flag
void setDelOnRemove(uint index, bool delOnRemove);
bool getDelOnRemove(uint index) const;
void setTopSpace(uint topSpace)
_TopSpace = topSpace;
uint getTopSpace()
return _TopSpace;
void setIndent(uint indent) { _Indent = indent; }
void setFirstViewIndent(sint indent)
_FirstViewIndentView = indent;
// Set the HTML group used for links
void setBrowseGroup (CInterfaceElement *group)
_BrowseGroup = group;
/// \from CInterfaceElement
void onInvalidateContent();
sint32 getMaxUsedW() const;
sint32 getMinUsedW() const;
// Content validated
bool _ContentValidated;
// Where to add next element
EAlign _AddElt;
// Where to align the newly added element
EAlign _Align;
// Space between two elements in pixel
sint32 _Space;
// Text template
CViewText _Templ;
// Current id of the view
sint32 _IdCounter;
// Do we have a color under the element pointed by the mouse
bool _Over;
// If over is true so we have a color
// Current elt over the pointer
sint32 _OverElt;
struct CElementInfo
uint Order; // Used to sort the window by their insertion order.
// This is used to put back a window at the right place if it was turned into a popup.
CViewBase *Element;
bool EltDeleteOnRemove;
friend struct CRemoveViewPred;
friend struct CRemoveCtrlPred;
friend struct CRemoveGroupPred;
// The list is forced to be at least this size in updateCoords().
sint32 _MinW;
sint32 _MinH;
// To conserve elements in the order they have been added
// (the element drawn are stored in _views, _contrlos or _childrengroups of cinterfacegroup
std::vector<CElementInfo> _Elements;
// Last parent width
sint32 _LastW;
// Top space
uint _TopSpace;
// Indent
uint _Indent; // Left margin
sint _FirstViewIndentView; // Additionnal left margin for the first view
// A link structure
class CLink
CLink(CViewLink *link);
// The link view
CViewLink *Link;
// The three control button
CCtrlLink *CtrlLink[3];
// The links
std::vector<CLink> _Links;
// The HTML group used
CInterfaceElement *_BrowseGroup;
// void setHSGroup (CViewBase *child, EAlign addElt, EAlign align);
// void setHSParent(CViewBase *view, EAlign addElt, EAlign align, uint space);
/* End of group_paragraph.h */