2016-01-24 17:08:32 +01:00

2109 lines
65 KiB

// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "export_nel.h"
#include "export_appdata.h"
#include "export_radial_normal.h"
#include "../nel_export/std_afx.h"
#include "../nel_export/nel_export.h"
#include "../nel_export/nel_export_scene.h"
#include "nel/3d/texture_file.h"
#include "nel/3d/texture_blend.h"
#include "nel/3d/mesh_mrm.h"
#include "nel/3d/mesh_mrm_skinned.h"
#include "nel/3d/mesh_multi_lod.h"
#include "nel/3d/coarse_mesh_manager.h"
#include "nel/3d/water_shape.h"
#include "nel/3d/meshvp_wind_tree.h"
#include <nel/misc/polygon.h>
#include <nel/misc/path.h>
#include <nel/misc/aabbox.h>
using namespace NLMISC;
using namespace NL3D;
// ***************************************************************************
void buildNeLMatrix (CMatrix& tm, const CVector& scale, const CQuat& rot, const CVector& pos)
CMatrix scaleTM, rotTM, posTM;
scaleTM.scale (scale);
rotTM.setRot (rot);
posTM.setPos (pos);
// ***************************************************************************
CMesh::CMeshBuild* CExportNel::createMeshBuild(INode& node, TimeValue tvTime, CMesh::CMeshBaseBuild*& baseBuild, const CMatrix &masterNodeMat, bool isMorphTarget)
CMesh::CMeshBuild *pMeshBuild = new CMesh::CMeshBuild();
baseBuild = new CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild();
// Get a pointer on the object's node
ObjectState os = node.EvalWorldState(tvTime);
Object *obj = os.obj;
// Check if there is an object
if (obj)
// Object can be converted in triObject ?
if (obj->CanConvertToType(Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0)))
// Get a triobject from the node
TriObject *tri = (TriObject*)obj->ConvertToType(tvTime, Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0));
if (tri)
// Note that the TriObject should only be deleted
// if the pointer to it is not equal to the object
// pointer that called ConvertToType()
bool deleteIt=false;
if (obj != tri)
deleteIt = true;
// Description of materials
CMaxMeshBaseBuild maxBaseBuild;
// Fill the build interface of CMesh
// Reset the material array of the buildMesh because it will be rebuild by the exporter
// Get the node matrix
Matrix3 nodeMatrixMax;
CMatrix nodeMatrix;
getLocalMatrix (nodeMatrixMax, node, tvTime);
convertMatrix (nodeMatrix, nodeMatrixMax);
buildBaseMeshInterface (*baseBuild, maxBaseBuild, node, tvTime, nodeMatrix);
buildMeshInterface (*tri, *pMeshBuild, *baseBuild, maxBaseBuild, node, tvTime, NULL, CMatrix::Identity, masterNodeMat, isMorphTarget);
// Delete the triObject if we should...
if (deleteIt)
tri = NULL;
// Return the shape pointer or NULL if an error occured.
return pMeshBuild;
// ***************************************************************************
static void copyMultiLodMeshBaseLod0Infos(CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild &dst, const CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild &src)
dst.DefaultScale = src.DefaultScale;
dst.DefaultRotQuat = src.DefaultRotQuat;
dst.DefaultPos = src.DefaultPos;
dst.CollisionMeshGeneration = src.CollisionMeshGeneration;
// ***************************************************************************
// Export a mesh
NL3D::IShape *CExportNel::buildShape (INode& node, TimeValue time, const TInodePtrInt *nodeMap, bool buildLods)
// Is this a multi lod object ?
bool multiLodObject = false;
// Here, we must check what kind of node we can build with this mesh.
// For the time, just Triobj is supported.
NL3D::IShape *retShape = NULL;
// If skinning, disable skin modifier
if (nodeMap)
enableSkinModifier (node, false);
// Get a pointer on the object's node
ObjectState os = node.EvalWorldState(time);
Object *obj = os.obj;
// Check if there is an object
if (obj)
Class_ID clid = obj->ClassID();
// is the object a particle system ? (we do this defore meshs, because for now there is a mesh in max scenes to say where a particle system is...)
return buildParticleSystem(node, time);
if (clid.PartA() == NEL_WAVE_MAKER_CLASS_ID_A)
return buildWaveMakerShape(node, time);
// is it a remanent segment
sint useRemanence = getScriptAppData (&node, NEL3D_APPDATA_USE_REMANENCE, 0);
if (useRemanence)
return buildRemanence(node, time);
// is the object a flare ?
if (clid.PartA() == NEL_FLARE_CLASS_ID_A /*&& clid.PartB() == NEL_FLARE_CLASS_ID_B*/)
return buildFlare(node, time);
// Object can be converted in triObject ?
if (obj->CanConvertToType(Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0)))
// Get a triobject from the node
TriObject *tri = (TriObject *) obj->ConvertToType(time, Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0));
if (tri)
// Note that the TriObject should only be deleted
// if the pointer to it is not equal to the object
// pointer that called ConvertToType()
bool deleteIt=false;
if (obj != tri)
deleteIt = true;
if (hasWaterMaterial(node, time)) // is this a water shape ?
retShape = buildWaterShape(node, time);
// Mesh base ?
CMeshBase *meshBase = NULL;
// Get the node matrix
Matrix3 nodeMatrixMax;
CMatrix nodeMatrix;
getLocalMatrix (nodeMatrixMax, node, time);
convertMatrix (nodeMatrix, nodeMatrixMax);
// Is a multi lod object ?
uint lodCount=getScriptAppData (&node, NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_NAME_COUNT, 0);
if (lodCount && buildLods)
// This is a multilod object
multiLodObject = true;
// Listy of material names
std::vector<std::string> listMaterialName;
// Make the root mesh
CMeshMultiLod::CMeshMultiLodBuild multiLodBuild;
multiLodBuild.LodMeshes.reserve (lodCount+1);
// Resize to one
bool isTransparent;
bool isOpaque;
multiLodBuild.LodMeshes.resize (1);
multiLodBuild.LodMeshes[0].MeshGeom=buildMeshGeom (node, time, nodeMap, multiLodBuild.BaseMesh,
listMaterialName, isTransparent, isOpaque, nodeMatrix);
multiLodBuild.LodMeshes[0].DistMax=getScriptAppData (&node, NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_DIST_MAX, NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_DIST_MAX_DEFAULT);
multiLodBuild.LodMeshes[0].BlendLength=getScriptAppData (&node, NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_BLEND_LENGTH, NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_BLEND_LENGTH_DEFAULT);
if (isTransparent)
if (isOpaque)
// Bacup scale, rot and pos, etc...
CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild bkupMeshBase;
copyMultiLodMeshBaseLod0Infos(bkupMeshBase, multiLodBuild.BaseMesh);
// Build a world to local matrix
CMatrix worldToNodeMatrix;
// Is first slot is skinned ?
INode *rootSkel=getSkeletonRootBone (node);
// For all the other lods
for (uint lod=0; lod<lodCount; lod++)
// Get the name
std::string nodeName=getScriptAppData (&node, NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_NAME+lod, "");
// Get the node
INode *lodNode=_Ip->GetINodeByName(nodeName.c_str());
if (lodNode)
// Index of the lod in the build structure
uint index=multiLodBuild.LodMeshes.size();
// Resize the build structure
multiLodBuild.LodMeshes.resize (index+1);
// Get matrix node
CMatrix nodeTM;
convertMatrix (nodeTM, lodNode->GetNodeTM (time));
// Get the parent matrix
CMatrix parentMatrix;
if (rootSkel)
// Yes..
CMatrix tmp;
convertMatrix (tmp, rootSkel->GetNodeTM (time));
buildNeLMatrix (parentMatrix, bkupMeshBase.DefaultScale, bkupMeshBase.DefaultRotQuat, bkupMeshBase.DefaultPos);
// Fill the structure
multiLodBuild.LodMeshes[index].MeshGeom=buildMeshGeom (*lodNode, time, nodeMap, multiLodBuild.BaseMesh,
listMaterialName, isTransparent, isOpaque, parentMatrix);
multiLodBuild.LodMeshes[index].DistMax=getScriptAppData (lodNode, NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_DIST_MAX, NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_DIST_MAX_DEFAULT);
multiLodBuild.LodMeshes[index].BlendLength=getScriptAppData (lodNode, NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_BLEND_LENGTH, NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_BLEND_LENGTH_DEFAULT);
if (isTransparent)
if (isOpaque)
// Restaure default pos, scale and rot, etc...
copyMultiLodMeshBaseLod0Infos(multiLodBuild.BaseMesh, bkupMeshBase);
// Make a CMeshMultiLod mesh object
CMeshMultiLod *multiMesh = new CMeshMultiLod; // FIXME: there is a delete bug with CMeshMultiLod exported from max!!!
// Build it
// Return this pointer
meshBase = multiMesh;
// ** force material to be animatable
if (CExportNel::getScriptAppData (&node, NEL3D_APPDATA_EXPORT_ANIMATED_MATERIALS, 0) != 0)
/// todo hulud: check if material are animated before
for (uint i=0; i<listMaterialName.size(); i++)
meshBase->setAnimatedMaterial (i, listMaterialName[i]);
// Array of name for the material
CMaxMeshBaseBuild maxBaseBuild;
// Fill the build interface of CMesh
CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild buildBaseMesh;
buildBaseMeshInterface (buildBaseMesh, maxBaseBuild, node, time, nodeMatrix);
CMesh::CMeshBuild buildMesh;
buildMeshInterface (*tri, buildMesh, buildBaseMesh, maxBaseBuild, node, time, nodeMap);
if( hasLightMap( node, time ) && _Options.bExportLighting )
calculateLM(&buildMesh, &buildBaseMesh, node, time, maxBaseBuild.FirstMaterial, _Options.OutputLightmapLog);
// optimized materials remap
std::vector<sint> materialRemap;
// MRM mesh ?
if (getScriptAppData (&node, NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_MRM, 0))
// Build a MRM parameters block
CMRMParameters parameters;
buildMRMParameters (node, parameters);
// Get the blend shapes that can be linked
std::vector<CMesh::CMeshBuild*> bsList;
getBSMeshBuild (bsList, node, time, nodeMap!=NULL);
// CMeshMRM or CMeshMRMSkinned ?
* Here, export plugin choose between CMeshMRM and CMeshMRMSkinned
if (CMeshMRMSkinned::isCompatible(buildMesh) && bsList.empty())
// Make a CMesh object
CMeshMRMSkinned* meshMRMSkinned=new CMeshMRMSkinned;
// Build the mesh with the build interface
meshMRMSkinned->build (buildBaseMesh, buildMesh, parameters);
// optimize number of material
// Return this pointer
// Make a CMesh object
CMeshMRM* meshMRM=new CMeshMRM;
// Build the mesh with the build interface
meshMRM->build (buildBaseMesh, buildMesh, bsList, parameters);
// optimize number of material
// Return this pointer
// Make a CMesh object
CMesh* mesh=new CMesh;
// Build the mesh with the build interface
mesh->build (buildBaseMesh, buildMesh);
// Must be done after the build to update vertex links
// Pass to buildMeshMorph if the original mesh is skinned or not
buildMeshMorph (buildMesh, node, time, nodeMap!=NULL);
mesh->setBlendShapes (buildMesh.BlendShapes);
// optimize number of material
// Return this pointer
// Animate materials (must do it after optimizeMaterialUsage());
if (CExportNel::getScriptAppData (&node, NEL3D_APPDATA_EXPORT_ANIMATED_MATERIALS, 0) != 0)
for (uint i=0; i<maxBaseBuild.NumMaterials; i++)
// get the material name of the original material (not remaped)
std::string matName= maxBaseBuild.MaterialInfo[i].MaterialName;
// get the remaped material id.
sint dstMatId= materialRemap[i];
// if this material still exist in the final data
// animate it
meshBase->setAnimatedMaterial (dstMatId, matName);
// check wether this mesh is auto-animated. Force to false if in view mode
if ( !_View && (CExportNel::getScriptAppData (&node, NEL3D_APPDATA_AUTOMATIC_ANIMATION, 0) != 0) )
// yes, it is
// Return the mesh base
retShape = meshBase;
// Delete the triObject if we should...
if (deleteIt)
tri = NULL;
// If skinning, renable skin modifier
if (nodeMap)
enableSkinModifier (node, true);
// Set the dist max for this shape
if (retShape && !multiLodObject && buildLods)
// Get the dist max for this node
float distmax = getScriptAppData (&node, NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_DIST_MAX, NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_DIST_MAX_DEFAULT);
retShape->setDistMax (distmax);
// Return the shape pointer or NULL if an error occured.
return retShape;
// ***************************************************************************
// Get the normal of a face for a given corner in localSpace
Point3 CExportNel::getLocalNormal (int face, int corner, Mesh& mesh)
// Vertex number
int nVertex=mesh.faces[face].v[corner];
// Pointer on a render vertex
RVertex *pRVertex=mesh.getRVertPtr(nVertex);
// Smoothing group of the face
DWORD nSmoothGroup=mesh.faces[face].smGroup;
// No group ?
if (nSmoothGroup==0)
// Return face normal
return mesh.getFaceNormal (face);
// Specified normal
if(pRVertex->rFlags & SPECIFIED_NORMAL)
return pRVertex->rn.getNormal();
// Get the number of normals in this vertex
int nNumNormal=pRVertex->rFlags & NORCT_MASK;
// If only on normal, get it
if (nNumNormal==1)
return pRVertex->rn.getNormal();
// Else look for the good one
else if (nNumNormal>1)
// Enum other normals and find the one with same smoothing group flags
for (int nNormal=0; nNormal<nNumNormal; nNormal++)
// Get the normal's pointer
RNormal* pNormal=&pRVertex->ern[nNormal];
if (pNormal->getSmGroup()&nSmoothGroup)
return pNormal->getNormal();
// Return face normal
return mesh.getFaceNormal (face);
// ***************************************************************************
// Build a base mesh interface
void CExportNel::buildBaseMeshInterface (NL3D::CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild& buildMesh, CMaxMeshBaseBuild& maxBaseBuild, INode& node,
TimeValue time, const CMatrix& nodeBasis)
// *** ***************
// *** Exports some flags
// *** ***************
// shadow
buildMesh.bCastShadows = (node.CastShadows() != 0);
buildMesh.bRcvShadows = (node.RcvShadows() != 0);
// Export RealTime lighting info.
NL3D::CMaterial::TShader shader;
bool needVp = hasMaterialWithShaderForVP(node, time, shader);
if (!needVp)
buildMesh.UseLightingLocalAttenuation= CExportNel::getScriptAppData (&node, NEL3D_APPDATA_USE_LIGHT_LOCAL_ATTENUATION, BST_UNCHECKED) == BST_CHECKED;
// For now, all v.p that depends on material shader fon't handle local attenuation
buildMesh.UseLightingLocalAttenuation = false;
// Export Camera Third person related
sint appDataCameraCol= CExportNel::getScriptAppData (&node, NEL3D_APPDATA_CAMERA_COLLISION_MESH_GENERATION, 0);
// 3 means ForceCameraCol and Hide. Hide is encoded in the IG (not in the mesh)
buildMesh.CollisionMeshGeneration= NL3D::CMeshBase::ForceCameraCol;
buildMesh.CollisionMeshGeneration= (NL3D::CMeshBase::TCameraCollisionGenerate)appDataCameraCol;
// *** ****************
// *** Export materials
// *** ****************
// Build materials in NeL format and get the number of materials exported in NeL format
buildMaterials (buildMesh.Materials, maxBaseBuild, node, time);
// Special: Add VertexColor If WindTree
// What Vertexprogram is used??
int vpId= CExportNel::getScriptAppData (&node, NEL3D_APPDATA_VERTEXPROGRAM_ID, 0);
// Setup vertexProgram
case 0:
case 1:
// Force VertexColor
maxBaseBuild.NeedVertexColor= true;
// Some check. should have one rempa vertMap channel table by material
nlassert (maxBaseBuild.MaterialInfo.size()==maxBaseBuild.NumMaterials);
// *** *****************************
// *** Export default transformation
// *** *****************************
// Get the node matrix
Matrix3 localTM;
convertMatrix (localTM, nodeBasis);
// Get the translation, rotation, scale of the node
CVector pos, scale;
CQuat rot;
decompMatrix (scale, rot, pos, localTM);
// Set the default values
buildMesh.DefaultRotEuler=CVector (0,0,0);
buildMesh.DefaultPivot=CVector (0,0,0);
Modifier *pMorphMod = getModifier (&node, MAX_MORPHER_CLASS_ID);
if (pMorphMod != NULL)
for (uint32 i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
INode *pNode = (INode*)pMorphMod->GetReference (101+i);
if (pNode == NULL)
// get factor here !
std::string sTemp = pNode->GetName();
buildMesh.BSNames.push_back (sTemp);
// Ok, done.
// ***************************************************************************
// Build a mesh interface
void CExportNel::buildMeshInterface (TriObject &tri, CMesh::CMeshBuild& buildMesh, const NL3D::CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild& buildBaseMesh,
const CMaxMeshBaseBuild& maxBaseBuild, INode& node, TimeValue time, const TInodePtrInt* nodeMap,
const CMatrix& newBasis, const CMatrix& finalSpace, bool isMorphTarget)
// Get a pointer on the 3dsmax mesh
Mesh *pMesh=&tri.mesh;
// Build normals.
// * "buildRenderNormals()" smooth faces that are not in the same material but at least in the same smoothing group.
// * "buildNormals()" smooth faces that are in the same material and at least in the same smoothing group.
// * I have choose buildRenderNormals (Hulud).
pMesh->buildRenderNormals(); // I prefer this way to compute normals (Hulud)
// Put default vertex flags. xyz and normals...
// Is this mesh skined ?
bool skined=(nodeMap!=NULL);
// *** ***************************
// *** Compute the export matrix
// *** ***************************
// *** If the mesh is skined, vertices will be exported in world space.
// *** If the mesh is not skined, vertices will be exported in offset space.
// Compute matrices: object -> export space and the inverted one.
CMatrix ToExportSpace;
CMatrix FromExportSpace;
if (skined)
// *** Get an "object to world" matrix
// Simply go into world space
Matrix3 tm=node.GetObjectTM(time);
convertMatrix (ToExportSpace, tm);
FromExportSpace.invert ();
// *** Get an "object to local" matrix
* In max, vertices are not in a pre specified basis. We must transform them by an object matrix (ObjectTM)
* to get them in the world basis. This matrix can change regarding the pipline flow of max.
* We will call local matrix the 3dsmax node offset matrix.
* We will call object matrix the matrix an object needs to be multiplied by to transform it into world space.
* We will call transformation matrix the matrix given by the animation of the node.
* We will call parent matrix the node matrix of the parent node of this node.
* We will call node matrix the complete transformation of a node without the local matrix.
* Our model vertices will be exported in local basis.
* The entire transformation used to transform the points in 3dsmax is: ( parent * transformation * local )
* objectToLocal = ( transformation-1 * parent-1 * object )
* But, parent * transformation = node
* objectToLocal = ( node-1 * object )
// Get the invert node matrix
Matrix3 invNodeTM=node.GetNodeTM(time);
// Get the object matrix
Matrix3 objectTM=node.GetObjectTM(time);
// Compute the local to world matrix
Matrix3 objectToLocal=objectTM*invNodeTM;
// Invert matrix in NeL format
convertMatrix (ToExportSpace, objectToLocal);
FromExportSpace.invert ();
// *** *********************
// *** Look for RGB vertices
// *** *********************
// Does the mesh have RGB vertices ? 0 is the color vertex channel.
if (pMesh->mapSupport (0) && maxBaseBuild.NeedVertexColor)
// Add flag for color vertices
// *** ***************************
// *** Build remap uv channel data
// *** ***************************
// Get the uv flags
uint mappingChannelUsed = 0;
uint i;
for (i=0; i<MAX_MAX_TEXTURE; i++)
// This UV channel is used ?
if (maxBaseBuild.UVRouting[i] == i)
mappingChannelUsed |= 1<<i;
// Set the Uv routing
const uint count = std::min((uint)MAX_MAX_TEXTURE, (uint)CVertexBuffer::MaxStage);
for (i=0; i<count; i++)
if (maxBaseBuild.UVRouting[i] == 0xff)
buildMesh.UVRouting[i] = i;
buildMesh.UVRouting[i] = maxBaseBuild.UVRouting[i];
for (; i<CVertexBuffer::MaxStage; i++)
buildMesh.UVRouting[i] = i;
// *** ***************
// *** Export vertices
// *** ***************
// Number of vertices
int nNumVertices=pMesh->getNumVerts();
// Resize the vertex table
buildMesh.Vertices.resize (nNumVertices);
// Export vertex
for (int vertex=0; vertex<nNumVertices; vertex++)
// Transforme the vertex in local coordinate
Point3 v=pMesh->getVert(vertex);
CVector vv=ToExportSpace*CVector (v.x, v.y, v.z);
// Build a NeL vertex
// *** ************
// *** Export faces
// *** ************
// Number of faces
int nNumFaces=pMesh->getNumFaces();
// Resize the vertex table
buildMesh.Faces.resize (nNumFaces);
// Get the smoothing groups flag that use a radial vertices
CRadialVertices radialVertices;
radialVertices.init (&node, pMesh, time, *_Ip, *this);
// Export vertex
for (int face=0; face<nNumFaces; face++)
// Max face pointer
Face *pFace=&pMesh->faces[face];
// Does it use a radial normal ?
bool useRadialNormal = radialVertices.isUsingRadialNormals (face);
// *** ******************
// *** Export material ID
// *** ******************
// Material index used by this face
sint nMaterialID=(sint)pFace->getMatID();
// Trunc the ID cause max take MatID%MatCount as final matID.
// So MatId can be > than the number of material at this mod.
if (maxBaseBuild.NumMaterials>0)
// Material offset
// Get the material ID
// Get the smooth group
buildMesh.Faces[face].SmoothGroup = pFace->smGroup;
// Ref on the material
const CMaterial &material = buildBaseMesh.Materials[nMaterialID];
// Info about the material
CRGBA diffuse = material.getDiffuse ();
CRGBA color = material.getColor ();
uint8 opacity = material.getOpacity ();
bool isLighted = material.isLighted ();
// Check the matId is valid
nlassert (buildMesh.Faces[face].MaterialId>=0);
nlassert (buildMesh.Faces[face].MaterialId<(sint)(maxBaseBuild.FirstMaterial+maxBaseBuild.NumMaterials));
// Does this object use a vertex program that need specific vertex format ?
bool vpColorVertex = false;
uint vertexProgram = getScriptAppData (&node, NEL3D_APPDATA_VERTEXPROGRAM_ID, 0);
switch (vertexProgram)
case 1:
// Wind tree
vpColorVertex = true;
// Export the 3 corners
for (int corner=0; corner<3; corner++)
// *** *************
// *** Export vertex
// *** *************
// Corner pointer
CMesh::CCorner *pCorner=&buildMesh.Faces[face].Corner[corner];
// Vertex index
// Does this face use radial normal ?
Point3 vNormal;
if (useRadialNormal)
// Get the local normal
vNormal = radialVertices.getLocalNormal (pCorner->Vertex, face);
// Normal value in local
vNormal = getLocalNormal (face, corner, *pMesh);
// *** *************
// *** Export normal
// *** *************
// *** Transform normal in world coordinate
// Make a plane with the normal
CPlane plane (vNormal.x, vNormal.y, vNormal.z, 0.f);
// Use transformation of the plane to transforme the normal in world coordinate. (plane * M-1)
// Store the normal
// Renormalize for security
// *** **********
// *** Export Uvs
// *** **********
// Num of channels used in this material
int nNumChannelUsed=maxBaseBuild.MaterialInfo[nMaterialID-maxBaseBuild.FirstMaterial].RemapChannel.size();
// For each mapping channels used by this material
int uv;
for (uv=0; uv<nNumChannelUsed; uv++)
// No explicit channel or unsupported mapping channel, fill with garbage
// Corresponding max channel
int nMaxChan=maxBaseBuild.MaterialInfo[nMaterialID-maxBaseBuild.FirstMaterial].RemapChannel[uv]._IndexInMaxMaterial;
// Not a generated mapping channel ?
if (nMaxChan>=0)
if( ! pMesh->mapSupport(nMaxChan) )
nMaxChan = maxBaseBuild.MaterialInfo[nMaterialID-maxBaseBuild.FirstMaterial].RemapChannel[uv]._IndexInMaxMaterialAlternative;
Matrix3 uvMatrix;
if (maxBaseBuild.MaterialInfo[nMaterialID-maxBaseBuild.FirstMaterial].TextureMatrixEnabled)
uvMatrix = maxBaseBuild.MaterialInfo[nMaterialID-maxBaseBuild.FirstMaterial].RemapChannel[uv]._UVMatrix;
// Crop values
float fCropU=maxBaseBuild.MaterialInfo[nMaterialID-maxBaseBuild.FirstMaterial].RemapChannel[uv]._CropU;
float fCropV=maxBaseBuild.MaterialInfo[nMaterialID-maxBaseBuild.FirstMaterial].RemapChannel[uv]._CropV;
float fCropW=maxBaseBuild.MaterialInfo[nMaterialID-maxBaseBuild.FirstMaterial].RemapChannel[uv]._CropW;
float fCropH=maxBaseBuild.MaterialInfo[nMaterialID-maxBaseBuild.FirstMaterial].RemapChannel[uv]._CropH;
// Check kind of channel and if channel is supported
if ((nMaxChan>=0)&&(nMaxChan<MAX_MESHMAPS)&&pMesh->mapSupport(nMaxChan))
// *** Explicit channel
// Get a pointer on Mappingvertex for this channel
TVFace *pMapFace=pMesh->mapFaces(nMaxChan);
// Get the index of the mapping vertex
DWORD nMapVert=pMapFace[face].getTVert (corner);
// Check it's a valid channel (not a color channel ie !=0)
nlassert (nMaxChan>0);
nlassert (nMaxChan<MAX_MESHMAPS);
// Pointer on the mapping vertex
UVVert *pMapVert=&pMesh->mapVerts(nMaxChan)[nMapVert];
// Transforme the UV vertex
Point3 uvTransformed=(*pMapVert)*uvMatrix;
// Crop it
// Max UV coordinate origine is the BottomLeft corner. In NeL, it is in the TopLeft corner.
// So, inverse the V coordinate
// Store value
// For other channels, fill with garbage..
for (; uv<nNumChannelUsed; uv++)
// *** ************
// *** Export Alpha
// *** ************
// Export alpha vertex ?
pCorner->Color.A = 255;
if ( (maxBaseBuild.MaterialInfo[nMaterialID-maxBaseBuild.FirstMaterial].AlphaVertex) &&
(buildMesh.VertexFlags&CVertexBuffer::PrimaryColorFlag) )
// Must have vertex color in the vertex buffer
nlassert (buildMesh.VertexFlags&CVertexBuffer::PrimaryColorFlag);
// Get the channel
uint channel = maxBaseBuild.MaterialInfo[nMaterialID-maxBaseBuild.FirstMaterial].AlphaVertexChannel;
// Channel supported ?
if (pMesh->mapSupport (channel))
// Get a pointer on Mappingvertex for this channel. Channel 0 is the color channel.
TVFace *pMapVert=pMesh->mapFaces (channel);
// Get the index of the mapping vertex
DWORD nMapVert=pMapVert[face].getTVert (corner);
// Pointer on the alpha vertex. channel is the color channel to use.
UVVert *pColorVert=&pMesh->mapVerts(channel)[nMapVert];
// Set the alpha
float fR=(pColorVert->x*255.f+0.5f);
float fG=(pColorVert->y*255.f+0.5f);
float fB=(pColorVert->z*255.f+0.5f);
float fA=(fR+fG+fB)/3;
clamp (fA, 0.f, 255.f);
// Modulate the alpha
pCorner->Color.A = (uint8) ((pCorner->Color.A*opacity) / 255);
// *** ************
// *** Export Color
// *** ************
// Export colors ?
if ( ( (maxBaseBuild.MaterialInfo[nMaterialID-maxBaseBuild.FirstMaterial].ColorVertex) &&
(buildMesh.VertexFlags&CVertexBuffer::PrimaryColorFlag) ) || vpColorVertex )
// Get a pointer on Mappingvertex for this channel. Channel 0 is the color channel.
TVFace *pMapVert=pMesh->mapFaces(0);
// Get the index of the mapping vertex
DWORD nMapVert=pMapVert[face].getTVert (corner);
// Pointer on the Color vertex. Channel 0 is the color channel.
UVVert *pColorVert=&pMesh->mapVerts(0)[nMapVert];
// Store the color
float fR=(pColorVert->x*255.f+0.5f);
float fG=(pColorVert->y*255.f+0.5f);
float fB=(pColorVert->z*255.f+0.5f);
clamp (fR, 0.f, 255.f);
clamp (fG, 0.f, 255.f);
clamp (fB, 0.f, 255.f);
// Modulate the color
if (!vpColorVertex)
uint8 alphaBackup = pCorner->Color.A;
pCorner->Color.modulateFromColor (pCorner->Color, isLighted ? diffuse : color);
pCorner->Color.A = alphaBackup;
// *** **************
// *** Export Weights
// *** **************
if (skined)
// Add skinning information to the buildMesh struct
uint error=buildSkinning (buildMesh, *nodeMap, node);
// Error code ?
if (error!=NoError)
char msg[512];
sprintf (msg, "%s skin: %s", getName (node).c_str(), ErrorMessage[error]);
MessageBox (NULL, msg, "NeL export", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
// Active skinning
// *** ***********************************************************
// *** interface mesh for Correct normals and MRM at junction **
// *** ***********************************************************
// clear for MRM info
// don't do it for morph target (unusefull and slow)
// Apply normal correction if there is a mesh interface
if (skined)
applyInterfaceToMeshBuild(node, buildMesh, NLMISC::CMatrix::Identity, time);
// go from export space to local
// and then go to world space
Matrix3 toWorldMax = node.GetObjectTM(time);
NLMISC::CMatrix toWorld;
convertMatrix(toWorld, toWorldMax);
applyInterfaceToMeshBuild(node, buildMesh, toWorld * FromExportSpace, time);
// *** ***************************
// *** Export VertexProgram.
// *** ***************************
NL3D::CMaterial::TShader shader;
// If there is one material that need a specific vp ?
// If there is, this override any vertex program setupped there
if (CExportNel::hasMaterialWithShaderForVP(node, time, shader))
NL3D::IMeshVertexProgram *vp = buildMeshMaterialShaderVP(shader, &buildMesh);
// build the appropriate vp
buildMesh.MeshVertexProgram = vp;
else // standard case
// What Vertexprogram is used??
int vpId= CExportNel::getScriptAppData (&node, NEL3D_APPDATA_VERTEXPROGRAM_ID, 0);
// Setup vertexProgram
case 0:
buildMesh.MeshVertexProgram= NULL;
case 1:
// smartPtr set it.
buildMesh.MeshVertexProgram= new CMeshVPWindTree;
CMeshVPWindTree &vpwt= *(CMeshVPWindTree*)(IMeshVertexProgram*)buildMesh.MeshVertexProgram;
// Read the AppData
CVPWindTreeAppData apd;
getScriptAppDataVPWT (&node, apd);
// transform it to the vpwt.
nlassert(CVPWindTreeAppData::HrcDepth == CMeshVPWindTree::HrcDepth);
vpwt.SpecularLighting= apd.SpecularLighting == BST_CHECKED;
// read all levels.
float nticks= CVPWindTreeAppData::NumTicks;
for(uint i=0; i<CVPWindTreeAppData::HrcDepth;i++)
float scale;
// read frequency
scale= apd.FreqScale;
vpwt.Frequency[i]= float(apd.Frequency[i])/nticks * scale;
vpwt.FrequencyWindFactor[i]= float(apd.FrequencyWindFactor[i])/nticks * scale;
// read Distance
scale= apd.DistScale;
vpwt.PowerXY[i]= float(apd.DistXY[i])/nticks * scale;
vpwt.PowerZ[i]= float(apd.DistZ[i])/nticks * scale;
// read Bias. expand to -2,2
vpwt.Bias[i]= float(apd.Bias[i])/nticks*4 -2;
// Ok, done.
// ***************************************************************************
void CExportNel::getBSMeshBuild (std::vector<CMesh::CMeshBuild*> &bsList, INode &node, TimeValue time, bool skined)
Modifier *pMorphMod = getModifier (&node, MAX_MORPHER_CLASS_ID);
if (pMorphMod == NULL)
uint32 i, j;
CMatrix finalSpace = CMatrix::Identity;
if (skined)
convertMatrix(finalSpace, node.GetNodeTM(time));
CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild *dummyMBB = NULL;
std::auto_ptr<CMesh::CMeshBuild> baseMB(createMeshBuild (node, time, dummyMBB, finalSpace));
delete dummyMBB;
dummyMBB = NULL;
if (baseMB.get() == NULL) return;
j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
INode *pNode = (INode*)pMorphMod->GetReference (101+i);
if (pNode == NULL)
bsList.resize(j, NULL);
j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
INode *pNode = (INode*)pMorphMod->GetReference (101+i);
if (pNode == NULL)
CBlendShape bs;
CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild *pMBB = NULL;
// get the meshbuild of the morhp target
bsList[j] = createMeshBuild (*pNode, time, pMBB, finalSpace, true);
delete pMBB;
// copy src normals from src mesh for vertices that are on interfaces
CMesh::CMeshBuild *mb = bsList[j];
if (mb)
if (baseMB->InterfaceVertexFlag.size() != 0)
for(uint k = 0; k < mb->Faces.size(); ++k)
for(uint l = 0; l < 3; ++l)
uint vert = mb->Faces[k].Corner[l].Vertex;
if (vert < baseMB->InterfaceVertexFlag.size() && baseMB->InterfaceVertexFlag[vert])
mb->Faces[k].Corner[l].Normal = baseMB->Faces[k].Corner[l].Normal;
// ***************************************************************************
void CExportNel::buildMRMParameters (Animatable& node, CMRMParameters& params)
// Lods count
// Divisor
// Get skin reduction parmaters
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
nlassert (0); // no!
// Distance finest
// Distance middle
// Distance coarsest
// ***************************************************************************
IMeshGeom *CExportNel::buildMeshGeom (INode& node, TimeValue time, const TInodePtrInt *nodeMap,
CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild &buildBaseMesh,
std::vector<std::string>& listMaterialName,
bool& isTransparent, bool& isOpaque, const CMatrix& parentMatrix)
DWORD t = timeGetTime();
// Here, we must check what kind of node we can build with this mesh.
// For the time, just Triobj is supported.
IMeshGeom *meshGeom=NULL;
// Skinning at this lod ?
if (!isSkin (node))
// If skinning, disable skin modifier
if (nodeMap)
enableSkinModifier (node, false);
// Get a pointer on the object's node
ObjectState os = node.EvalWorldState(time);
Object *obj = os.obj;
// Check if there is an object
if (obj)
// Object can be converted in triObject ?
if (obj->CanConvertToType(Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0)))
// Get a triobject from the node
TriObject *tri = (TriObject *) obj->ConvertToType(time, Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0));
if (tri)
// Note that the TriObject should only be deleted
// if the pointer to it is not equal to the object
// pointer that called ConvertToType()
bool deleteIt = (obj != tri);
// Coarse mesh ?
bool coarseMesh=(getScriptAppData (&node, NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_COARSE_MESH, 0)!=0) && (!_View);
// No skeleton shape
if (coarseMesh)
// Array of name for the material
CMaxMeshBaseBuild maxBaseBuild;
// Append material to the base
buildBaseMeshInterface (buildBaseMesh, maxBaseBuild, node, time, parentMatrix);
// Get the node matrix
Matrix3 nodeMatrixMax;
CMatrix nodeMatrix;
getLocalMatrix (nodeMatrixMax, node, time);
convertMatrix (nodeMatrix, nodeMatrixMax);
// Get the node to parent matrix
CMatrix nodeToParentMatrix;
nodeToParentMatrix = parentMatrix.inverted () * nodeMatrix;
// Fill the build interface of CMesh
CMesh::CMeshBuild buildMesh;
buildMeshInterface (*tri, buildMesh, buildBaseMesh, maxBaseBuild, node, time, nodeMap, nodeToParentMatrix);
// Append material names
for (uint i=0; i<maxBaseBuild.MaterialInfo.size(); i++)
// Is opaque, transparent ?
if( buildBaseMesh.Materials[i+maxBaseBuild.FirstMaterial].getBlend() )
// Push the name
listMaterialName.push_back (maxBaseBuild.MaterialInfo[i].MaterialName);
if( hasLightMap( node, time ) && _Options.bExportLighting )
calculateLM(&buildMesh, &buildBaseMesh, node, time, maxBaseBuild.FirstMaterial, _Options.OutputLightmapLog);
// MRM mesh ?
if (getScriptAppData (&node, NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_MRM, 0) && (!coarseMesh) )
// Build a MRM parameters block
CMRMParameters parameters;
buildMRMParameters (node, parameters);
// Make a CMesh object
CMeshMRMGeom* meshMRMGeom=new CMeshMRMGeom;
// Get the blend shapes but in mesh build form
std::vector<CMesh::CMeshBuild*> bsList;
getBSMeshBuild (bsList, node, time, nodeMap!=NULL);
// Build the mesh with the build interface
meshMRMGeom->build (buildMesh, bsList, buildBaseMesh.Materials.size(), parameters);
// Return this pointer
for (uint32 bsListIt = 0; bsListIt < bsList.size(); ++bsListIt)
delete bsList[bsListIt];
bsList[bsListIt] = NULL;
// Make a CMesh object
CMeshGeom* mGeom=new CMeshGeom;
// Coarse mesh ?
if (coarseMesh)
// Force vertex format
// Build the mesh with the build interface
mGeom->build(buildMesh, buildBaseMesh.Materials.size());
// Return this pointer
// Delete the triObject if we should...
if (deleteIt)
tri = NULL;
// If skinning, renable skin modifier
if (nodeMap)
enableSkinModifier (node, true);
if (InfoLog)
InfoLog->display("buildMeshGeom : %d ms\n", timeGetTime()-t);
if (InfoLog)
InfoLog->display("End of %s \n", node.GetName());
// Return the shape pointer or NULL if an error occured.
return meshGeom;
// ***************************************************************************
void CExportNel::buildMeshMorph (CMesh::CMeshBuild& buildMesh, INode &node, TimeValue time, bool skined)
Modifier *pMorphMod = getModifier (&node, MAX_MORPHER_CLASS_ID);
if (pMorphMod == NULL)
uint32 i, j;
uint32 nNbVertVB = 0;
bool wantTangentSpace = buildMesh.MeshVertexProgram == NULL ? false
: buildMesh.MeshVertexProgram->needTangentSpace();
uint tangentSpaceTexCoord = 0;
if (wantTangentSpace)
for (uint k = 0; k < CVertexBuffer::MaxStage; ++k)
if (buildMesh.VertexFlags & (CVertexBuffer::TexCoord0Flag << k)) tangentSpaceTexCoord = k;
nlassert(tangentSpaceTexCoord != 0);
nlassert(buildMesh.NumCoords[tangentSpaceTexCoord] == 3);
for (i = 0; i < buildMesh.VertLink.size(); ++i)
if (buildMesh.VertLink[i].VertVB > nNbVertVB)
nNbVertVB = buildMesh.VertLink[i].VertVB;
++nNbVertVB; // Because we have the highest index to transform to a number
// Orignal number of polygons
uint polyCount = buildMesh.Faces.size();
uint vertexCount = buildMesh.Vertices.size();
for (i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
INode *pNode = (INode*)pMorphMod->GetReference (101+i);
if (pNode == NULL)
CBlendShape bs;
CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild *pMBB;
CMatrix finalSpace = CMatrix::Identity;
if (skined)
convertMatrix(finalSpace, node.GetNodeTM(time));
// get the meshbuild of the morhp target
CMesh::CMeshBuild *pMB = createMeshBuild (*pNode, time, pMBB, finalSpace, true);
// Same number of faces and vertices ?
if (vertexCount != pMB->Vertices.size())
char message[512];
smprintf (message, 512, "The morph target \"%s\" in slot %d has not the same vertex count than the original object \"%s\".", pNode->GetName(), i+1, node.GetName());
outputErrorMessage (message);
// Same number of faces and vertices ?
if (polyCount != pMB->Faces.size())
char message[512];
smprintf (message, 512, "The morph target \"%s\" in slot %d has not the same polygon count than the original object \"%s\".", pNode->GetName(), i+1, node.GetName());
outputErrorMessage (message);
bs.Name = pNode->GetName();
bool bIsDeltaPos = false;
bs.deltaPos.resize (nNbVertVB, CVector::Null);
bool bIsDeltaNorm = false;
bs.deltaNorm.resize (nNbVertVB, CVector::Null);
bool bIsDeltaUV = false;
bs.deltaUV.resize (nNbVertVB, CUV(0.0f,0.0f));
bool bIsDeltaCol = false;
bs.deltaCol.resize (nNbVertVB, CRGBAF(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f));
bool bIsDeltaTgSpace = false;
if (wantTangentSpace)
bs.deltaTgSpace.resize (nNbVertVB, CVector::Null);
bs.VertRefs.resize (nNbVertVB, 0xffffffff);
for (j = 0; j < buildMesh.VertLink.size(); ++j)
uint32 nFace = buildMesh.VertLink[j].nFace;
uint32 nCorner = buildMesh.VertLink[j].nCorner;
uint32 VertRef = buildMesh.Faces[nFace].Corner[nCorner].Vertex;
uint32 VertTar = pMB->Faces[nFace].Corner[nCorner].Vertex;
uint32 iVB = buildMesh.VertLink[j].VertVB;
CVector delta = pMB->Vertices[VertTar] - buildMesh.Vertices[VertRef];
if (delta.norm() > 0.001f)
bs.deltaPos[iVB] = delta;
bs.VertRefs[iVB] = iVB;
bIsDeltaPos = true;
// check for normal change only if the vertex is not on an interface
if (buildMesh.InterfaceVertexFlag.size() == 0 || !buildMesh.InterfaceVertexFlag[VertRef])
CVector NormRef = buildMesh.Faces[nFace].Corner[nCorner].Normal;
CVector NormTar = pMB->Faces[nFace].Corner[nCorner].Normal;
delta = NormTar - NormRef;
if (delta.norm() > 0.001f)
bs.deltaNorm[iVB] = delta;
bs.VertRefs[iVB] = iVB;
bIsDeltaNorm = true;
if (wantTangentSpace)
CUVW TgSpaceRef = buildMesh.Faces[nFace].Corner[nCorner].Uvws[tangentSpaceTexCoord];
CUVW TgSpaceTar = pMB->Faces[nFace].Corner[nCorner].Uvws[tangentSpaceTexCoord];
CUVW deltaTS = TgSpaceTar - TgSpaceRef;
float normDeltaTS = ::sqrtf(deltaTS.U * deltaTS.U + deltaTS.V * deltaTS.V + deltaTS.W * deltaTS.W);
if (normDeltaTS > 0.001f)
bs.deltaTgSpace[iVB].set(deltaTS.U, deltaTS.V, deltaTS.W);
bs.VertRefs[iVB] = iVB;
bIsDeltaTgSpace = true;
CUV UVRef = (CUV) buildMesh.Faces[nFace].Corner[nCorner].Uvws[0];
CUV UVTar = (CUV) pMB->Faces[nFace].Corner[nCorner].Uvws[0];
CUV deltaUV = UVTar - UVRef;
if ((deltaUV.U*deltaUV.U + deltaUV.V*deltaUV.V) > 0.0001f)
bs.deltaUV[iVB] = deltaUV;
bs.VertRefs[iVB] = iVB;
bIsDeltaUV = true;
CRGBAF RGBARef = buildMesh.Faces[nFace].Corner[nCorner].Color;
CRGBAF RGBATar = pMB->Faces[nFace].Corner[nCorner].Color;
if ((deltaRGBA.R*deltaRGBA.R + deltaRGBA.G*deltaRGBA.G +
deltaRGBA.B*deltaRGBA.B + deltaRGBA.A*deltaRGBA.A) > 0.0001f)
bs.deltaCol[iVB] = deltaRGBA;
bs.VertRefs[iVB] = iVB;
bIsDeltaCol = true;
// Delete unused items
sint32 nNbVertUsed = nNbVertVB;
sint32 nDstPos = 0;
for (j = 0; j < nNbVertVB; ++j)
if (bs.VertRefs[j] == 0xffffffff) // Is vertex UNused
else // Vertex used
if (nDstPos != (sint32) j)
bs.VertRefs[nDstPos] = bs.VertRefs[j];
bs.deltaPos[nDstPos] = bs.deltaPos[j];
bs.deltaNorm[nDstPos] = bs.deltaNorm[j];
bs.deltaUV[nDstPos] = bs.deltaUV[j];
bs.deltaCol[nDstPos] = bs.deltaCol[j];
if (wantTangentSpace)
bs.deltaTgSpace[nDstPos] = bs.deltaTgSpace[j];
if (bIsDeltaPos)
bs.deltaPos.resize (nNbVertUsed);
bs.deltaPos.resize (0);
if (bIsDeltaNorm)
bs.deltaNorm.resize (nNbVertUsed);
bs.deltaNorm.resize (0);
if (bIsDeltaUV)
bs.deltaUV.resize (nNbVertUsed);
bs.deltaUV.resize (0);
if (bIsDeltaCol)
bs.deltaCol.resize (nNbVertUsed);
bs.deltaCol.resize (0);
if (bIsDeltaTgSpace)
bs.deltaTgSpace.resize (nNbVertUsed);
bs.deltaTgSpace.resize (0);
bs.VertRefs.resize (nNbVertUsed);
// Add the new blend shape
buildMesh.BlendShapes.push_back (bs);
// ***************************************************************************
NL3D::IShape *CExportNel::buildWaveMakerShape(INode& node, TimeValue time)
NL3D::CWaveMakerShape *wms = new CWaveMakerShape;
float radius = 3;
float intensity = 1;
float period = 1;
uint32 poolID = 0;
int impulsionMode;
CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2 (node, "period", (ParamType2)TYPE_FLOAT, &period, time);
CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2 (node, "intensity", (ParamType2)TYPE_FLOAT, &intensity, time);
CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2 (node, "radius", (ParamType2)TYPE_FLOAT, &radius, time);
CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2 (node, "poolID", (ParamType2)TYPE_FLOAT, &poolID, time);
CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2 (node, "impulsionMode", (ParamType2)TYPE_BOOL, &impulsionMode, time);
wms->setImpulsionMode(impulsionMode != 0);
// Get the node matrix
Matrix3 localTM;
getLocalMatrix (localTM, node, time);
Point3 pos = localTM.GetRow(3);
NLMISC::CVector nelPos;
convertVector(nelPos, pos);
return wms;
// ***************************************************************************
NL3D::IShape *CExportNel::buildWaterShape(INode& node, TimeValue time)
// must have a water material
nlassert(hasWaterMaterial(node, time));
// Get a pointer on the object's node
ObjectState os = node.EvalWorldState(time);
Object *obj = os.obj;
if (!obj) return NULL;
// Get a triobject from the node
TriObject *tri = (TriObject *) obj->ConvertToType(time, Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0));
if (!tri) return NULL;
// Note that the TriObject should only be deleted
// if the pointer to it is not equal to the object
// pointer that called ConvertToType()
bool deleteIt=false;
if (obj != tri)
deleteIt = true;
// Get a pointer on the 3dsmax mesh
Mesh *pMesh = &tri->mesh;
// take all vertices, and build their convex hull to get correct ordering (though we only support convex shapes for now)
CPolygon dest;
// compute export matrix
// Get the invert node matrix
Matrix3 invNodeTM=node.GetNodeTM(time);
// Get the object matrix
Matrix3 objectTM=node.GetObjectTM(time);
// Compute the local to world matrix
Matrix3 objectToLocal = objectTM * invNodeTM;
CMatrix ToExportSpace;
// Invert matrix in NeL format
convertMatrix (ToExportSpace, objectToLocal);
// Number of vertices
int numVerts = pMesh->getNumVerts();
for (int vertex=0; vertex < numVerts; ++vertex)
// Transform the vertex in local coordinate
Point3 v = pMesh->getVert(vertex);
CVector vv = ToExportSpace * CVector(v.x, v.y, v.z);
static const float proj[] = { 1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0 };
CMatrix projMat;
CPolygon2D projDest(dest, projMat); // project the poly
CPolygon2D convexPoly;
uint CHNumVerts = convexPoly.Vertices.size();
CWaterShape *ws = new CWaterShape;
// get water material
// Get primary material pointer of the node
Mtl* pNodeMat=node.GetMtl();
if ((pNodeMat!=NULL) && isClassIdCompatible (*pNodeMat, Class_ID(NEL_MTL_A,NEL_MTL_B)))
nlassert(pNodeMat != NULL);
nlassert(pNodeMat->NumSubMtls() == 0); // no submaterial allowed
// we use displacement, bump, and reflection map
// look for available maps
// Look for enable map
int mapEnable1;
int mapEnable2;
int mapEnable3;
int mapEnable4;
int mapEnable5;
int mapEnable6;
int mapEnable7;
CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2 (*pNodeMat, "bEnableSlot_1", (ParamType2)TYPE_BOOL, &mapEnable1, time);
CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2 (*pNodeMat, "bEnableSlot_2", (ParamType2)TYPE_BOOL, &mapEnable2, time);
CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2 (*pNodeMat, "bEnableSlot_3", (ParamType2)TYPE_BOOL, &mapEnable3, time);
CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2 (*pNodeMat, "bEnableSlot_4", (ParamType2)TYPE_BOOL, &mapEnable4, time);
CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2 (*pNodeMat, "bEnableSlot_5", (ParamType2)TYPE_BOOL, &mapEnable5, time);
CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2 (*pNodeMat, "bEnableSlot_6", (ParamType2)TYPE_BOOL, &mapEnable6, time);
CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2 (*pNodeMat, "bEnableSlot_7", (ParamType2)TYPE_BOOL, &mapEnable7, time);
if (!(mapEnable1!=0) || !(mapEnable5!=0) || !(mapEnable6!=0))
nlinfo("ERROR : BuildWaterShape : didn't found all required map when exporting water node %s , see material.txt for help", node.GetName());
// need these maps to do the job
return NULL;
/// Build a texture from each map
Texmap *maxDisplaceMap = NULL;
Texmap *maxBumpMap = NULL;
Texmap *maxEnvMap = NULL;
Texmap *maxDiffuseMap = NULL;
Texmap *maxEnvMap2 = NULL;
Texmap *maxEnvMapUnderWater = NULL;
Texmap *maxEnvMapUnderWater2 = NULL;
CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2 (*pNodeMat, "tTexture_1", (ParamType2)TYPE_TEXMAP, &maxEnvMap, time);
CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2 (*pNodeMat, "tTexture_2", (ParamType2)TYPE_TEXMAP, &maxEnvMap2, time);
CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2 (*pNodeMat, "tTexture_3", (ParamType2)TYPE_TEXMAP, &maxEnvMapUnderWater, time);
CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2 (*pNodeMat, "tTexture_4", (ParamType2)TYPE_TEXMAP, &maxEnvMapUnderWater2, time);
CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2 (*pNodeMat, "tTexture_5", (ParamType2)TYPE_TEXMAP, &maxBumpMap, time);
CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2 (*pNodeMat, "tTexture_6", (ParamType2)TYPE_TEXMAP, &maxDisplaceMap, time);
CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2 (*pNodeMat, "tTexture_7", (ParamType2)TYPE_TEXMAP, &maxDiffuseMap, time);
if (!maxDisplaceMap || !isClassIdCompatible(*maxDisplaceMap, Class_ID (BMTEX_CLASS_ID,0)))
nlinfo("ERROR : BuildWaterShape : displace map is not a valid bitmap (when exporting water node : %s)", node.GetName());
return NULL;
if (!maxBumpMap || !isClassIdCompatible(*maxBumpMap, Class_ID (BMTEX_CLASS_ID,0)))
nlinfo("ERROR : BuildWaterShape : bump map is not a valid bitmap (when exporting water node : %s)", node.GetName());
return NULL;
if (!maxEnvMap || !isClassIdCompatible(*maxEnvMap, Class_ID (BMTEX_CLASS_ID,0)))
nlinfo("ERROR : BuildWaterShape : env map is not a valid bitmap (when exporting water node : %s)", node.GetName());
return NULL;
if (mapEnable7 && maxDiffuseMap)
if (!isClassIdCompatible(*maxDiffuseMap, Class_ID (BMTEX_CLASS_ID,0)))
nlinfo("ERROR : BuildWaterShape : diffuse map is not a valid bitmap (when exporting water node : %s)", node.GetName());
return NULL;
if (mapEnable2 && maxEnvMap2)
if (!isClassIdCompatible(*maxEnvMap2, Class_ID (BMTEX_CLASS_ID,0)))
nlinfo("ERROR : BuildWaterShape : refraction map is not a valid bitmap (when exporting water node : %s)", node.GetName());
return NULL;
if (mapEnable3 && maxEnvMapUnderWater)
if (!isClassIdCompatible(*maxEnvMapUnderWater, Class_ID (BMTEX_CLASS_ID,0)))
nlinfo("ERROR : BuildWaterShape : spcular map is not a valid bitmap (when exporting water node : %s)", node.GetName());
return NULL;
if (mapEnable4 && maxEnvMapUnderWater2)
if (!isClassIdCompatible(*maxEnvMapUnderWater2, Class_ID (BMTEX_CLASS_ID,0)))
nlinfo("ERROR : BuildWaterShape : opacity map is not a valid bitmap (when exporting water node : %s)", node.GetName());
return NULL;
// List of channels used by this texture (we don't use it though)
CMaterialDesc _3dsTexChannel;
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<ITexture> bumpMap = buildATexture (*maxBumpMap, _3dsTexChannel, time);
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<ITexture> displaceMap = buildATexture (*maxDisplaceMap, _3dsTexChannel, time);
if (bumpMap->supportSharing() && displaceMap->supportSharing())
if (bumpMap->getShareName() == displaceMap->getShareName())
nlinfo("Water shape : bump map and displacement map should not be the same");
return NULL;
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<ITexture> colorMap = NULL;
if (maxDiffuseMap)
colorMap = buildATexture (*maxDiffuseMap, _3dsTexChannel, time);
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<ITexture> envMap = NULL;
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<ITexture> envMapUnderWater = NULL;
if (maxEnvMap)
if (!maxEnvMap2)
envMap = buildATexture (*maxEnvMap, _3dsTexChannel, time);
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<ITexture> tex0, tex1;
tex0 = buildATexture (*maxEnvMap, _3dsTexChannel, time);
tex1 = buildATexture (*maxEnvMap2, _3dsTexChannel, time);
envMap = new CTextureBlend;
(static_cast<CTextureBlend *>((ITexture *) envMap))->setBlendTexture(0, tex0);
(static_cast<CTextureBlend *>((ITexture *) envMap))->setBlendTexture(1, tex1);
if (maxEnvMapUnderWater)
if (!maxEnvMapUnderWater2)
envMapUnderWater = buildATexture (*maxEnvMapUnderWater, _3dsTexChannel, time);
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<ITexture> tex0, tex1;
tex0 = buildATexture (*maxEnvMapUnderWater, _3dsTexChannel, time);
tex1 = buildATexture (*maxEnvMapUnderWater2, _3dsTexChannel, time);
envMapUnderWater = new CTextureBlend;
(static_cast<CTextureBlend *>((ITexture *) envMapUnderWater))->setBlendTexture(0, tex0);
(static_cast<CTextureBlend *>((ITexture *) envMapUnderWater))->setBlendTexture(1, tex1);
nlinfo("buildWaterShape : Texture have been built");
ws->setEnvMap(0, (ITexture *) envMap);
ws->setEnvMap(1, (ITexture *) envMapUnderWater);
ws->setHeightMap(0, (ITexture *) displaceMap);
ws->setHeightMap(1, (ITexture *) bumpMap);
/// rertrieve bump maps scale and speed
NLMISC::CVector2f bumpMapScale;
NLMISC::CVector2f bumpMapSpeed;
NLMISC::CVector2f displaceMapScale;
NLMISC::CVector2f displaceMapSpeed;
CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2(node, "fBumpUScale", (ParamType2)TYPE_FLOAT, &bumpMapScale.x, 0);
CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2(node, "fBumpVScale", (ParamType2)TYPE_FLOAT, &bumpMapScale.y, 0);
CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2(node, "fBumpUSpeed", (ParamType2)TYPE_FLOAT, &bumpMapSpeed.x, 0);
CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2(node, "fBumpVSpeed", (ParamType2)TYPE_FLOAT, &bumpMapSpeed.y, 0);
CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2(node, "fDisplaceMapUScale", (ParamType2)TYPE_FLOAT, &displaceMapScale.x, 0);
CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2(node, "fDisplaceMapVScale", (ParamType2)TYPE_FLOAT, &displaceMapScale.y, 0);
CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2(node, "fDisplaceMapUSpeed", (ParamType2)TYPE_FLOAT, &displaceMapSpeed.x, 0);
CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2(node, "fDisplaceMapVSpeed", (ParamType2)TYPE_FLOAT, &displaceMapSpeed.y, 0);
ws->setHeightMapScale(0, displaceMapScale);
ws->setHeightMapScale(1, bumpMapScale);
ws->setHeightMapSpeed(0, displaceMapSpeed);
ws->setHeightMapSpeed(1, bumpMapSpeed);
// scene envmap usage
int waterUseSceneEnvMapAbove = 0;
int waterUseSceneEnvMapUnder = 0;
CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2 (*pNodeMat, "bWaterUseSceneEnvMapAbove", (ParamType2)TYPE_BOOL, &waterUseSceneEnvMapAbove, time);
CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2 (*pNodeMat, "bWaterUseSceneEnvMapUnder", (ParamType2)TYPE_BOOL, &waterUseSceneEnvMapUnder, time);
ws->setUseSceneWaterEnvMap(0, waterUseSceneEnvMapAbove != 0);
ws->setUseSceneWaterEnvMap(1, waterUseSceneEnvMapUnder != 0);
if (colorMap != NULL)
if (pMesh->getNumTVerts() == 0) // no mapping
nlinfo("ERROR : BuildWaterShape : diffuse map found, but no mapping has been applied (when exporting water node : %s)", node.GetName());
return NULL;
ws->setColorMap((ITexture *) colorMap);
uint i0, i1, i2;
projDest.getBestTriplet(i0, i1, i2);
//nlinfo("i0 = %d, i1 = %d, i2 = %d", i0, i1, i2);
NLMISC::CVector v0, v1, v2;
CExportNel::convertVector(v0, objectToLocal * pMesh->getVert(i0));
CExportNel::convertVector(v1, objectToLocal * pMesh->getVert(i1));
CExportNel::convertVector(v2, objectToLocal * pMesh->getVert(i2));
// get texture matrix
Matrix3 texMat;
NLMISC::CMatrix A, B, C;
A.setRot(NLMISC::CVector(v0.x, v0.y, 1), NLMISC::CVector(v1.x, v1.y, 1), NLMISC::CVector(v2.x, v2.y, 1));
Point3 uv[3] = { pMesh->getTVert(i0) * texMat, pMesh->getTVert(i1) * texMat, pMesh->getTVert(i2) * texMat };
float cropU = 0.f, cropV = 0.f, cropW = 1.f, cropH = 1.f;
// crop result
#define BMTEX_CROP_APPLY "apply"
#define BMTEX_CROP_U_NAME "clipu"
#define BMTEX_CROP_V_NAME "clipv"
#define BMTEX_CROP_W_NAME "clipw"
#define BMTEX_CROP_H_NAME "cliph"
int bApply;
bool bRes=getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2 (*maxDiffuseMap, BMTEX_CROP_APPLY, (ParamType2)TYPE_BOOL, &bApply, time);
nlassert (bRes);
if (bApply)
bool bRes;
bRes=getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2 (*maxDiffuseMap, BMTEX_CROP_U_NAME, (ParamType2)TYPE_FLOAT, &cropU, time);
nlassert (bRes);
bRes=getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2 (*maxDiffuseMap, BMTEX_CROP_V_NAME, (ParamType2)TYPE_FLOAT, &cropV, time);
nlassert (bRes);
bRes=getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2 (*maxDiffuseMap, BMTEX_CROP_W_NAME, (ParamType2)TYPE_FLOAT, &cropW, time);
nlassert (bRes);
bRes=getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2 (*maxDiffuseMap, BMTEX_CROP_H_NAME, (ParamType2)TYPE_FLOAT, &cropH, time);
nlassert (bRes);
C.setRot(NLMISC::CVector(uv[0].x * cropW + cropU, (1.f - uv[0].y) * cropH + cropV, 1),
NLMISC::CVector(uv[1].x * cropW + cropU, (1.f - uv[1].y) * cropH + cropV, 1),
NLMISC::CVector(uv[2].x * cropW + cropU, (1.f - uv[2].y) * cropH + cropV, 1)
B = C * A.inverted();
CVector r0 = B * CVector(v0.x, v0.y, 1.f);
CVector r1 = B * CVector(v1.x, v1.y, 1.f);
CVector r2 = B * CVector(v2.x, v2.y, 1.f);
ws->setColorMapMat(NLMISC::CVector2f(B.getI().x, B.getI().y),
NLMISC::CVector2f(B.getJ().x, B.getJ().y),
NLMISC::CVector2f(B.getK().x, B.getK().y));
/// water height factor
float waterHeightFactor = 1.f;
CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2(node, "fWaterHeightFactor", (ParamType2)TYPE_FLOAT, &waterHeightFactor, 0);
// pool id
uint32 poolID;
CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2(node, "iWaterPoolID", (ParamType2)TYPE_INT, &poolID, 0);
// Export default transformation
// Get the node matrix
Matrix3 localTM;
getLocalMatrix (localTM, node, time);
// Get the translation, rotation, scale of the node
CVector pos, scale;
CQuat rot;
decompMatrix (scale, rot, pos, localTM);
// Set the default values
// See if splash enabled
int splashEnabled = 1;
CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2 (*pNodeMat, "bEnableWaterSplash", (ParamType2)TYPE_BOOL, &splashEnabled, time);
ws->enableSplash(splashEnabled != 0);
// Delete the triObject if we should...
if (deleteIt)
tri = NULL;
nlinfo("WaterShape : build succesful");
return ws;
nlinfo("ERROR : BuildWaterShape : must have a NeL material : %s)", node.GetName());
return NULL;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CExportNel::buildMeshAABBox(INode &node, NLMISC::CAABBox &dest, TimeValue time)
ObjectState os = node.EvalWorldState(time);
Object *obj = os.obj;
if (!obj) return false;
if (!obj->CanConvertToType(Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0))) return false;
// Get a triobject from the node
TriObject *tri = (TriObject*)obj->ConvertToType(time, Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0));
if (!tri) return false;
// Note that the TriObject should only be deleted
// if the pointer to it is not equal to the object
// pointer that called ConvertToType()
bool deleteIt = false;
if (obj != tri)
deleteIt = true;
Mesh &mesh = tri->GetMesh();
Matrix3 toWorld = node.GetObjectTM(time);
Box3 bbox = mesh.getBoundingBox(&toWorld);
Point3 maxMin = bbox.Min();
Point3 maxMax = bbox.Max();
CVector nelMin, nelMax;
convertVector(nelMin, maxMin);
convertVector(nelMax, maxMax);
dest.setMinMax(nelMin, nelMax);
if (deleteIt)
tri = NULL;
return true;