2016-01-24 17:08:32 +01:00

202 lines
6.8 KiB

rm log.log 2> /dev/null
echo > log.log
# ********************
# Make the config file
# ********************
# Get the timeout
land_exporter_timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_build_timeout" | sed -e 's/ligo_build_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'`
rm land_exporter.cfg
echo "// land_exporter.cfg" > land_exporter.cfg
# OutZoneDir is Where to put all .zone generated
#dir_gamedata=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_gamedata_directory" | sed -e 's/build_gamedata_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'`
#echo "OutZoneDir = \"$dir_gamedata/processes/ligo/output\";" >> land_exporter.cfg
echo "OutZoneDir = \"output\";" >> land_exporter.cfg
echo "OutIGDir = \"../ig/ig_land_ligo\";" >> land_exporter.cfg
echo "AdditionnalIGOutDir = \"../ig/ig_other\";" >> land_exporter.cfg
# RefZoneDir is Where the reference zones are
dir_database=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'`
dir_ligosrc=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "ligo_source_directory" | sed -e 's/ligo_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'`
dir_ligobricks=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "ligo_bricks_directory" | sed -e 's/ligo_bricks_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'`
dir_dfn=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "level_design_dfn_directory" | sed -e 's/level_design_dfn_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'`
continent_file=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "continent_file" | sed -e 's/continent_file//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'`
dir_world=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "level_design_world_directory" | sed -e 's/level_design_world_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'`
# dir_continents=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "continents_directory" | sed -e 's/continents_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'`
echo "RefZoneDir = \"$dir_ligobricks/zones\";" >> land_exporter.cfg
echo "RefIGDir = \"$dir_ligobricks/igs\";" >> land_exporter.cfg
echo "AdditionnalIGInDir = \"$dir_ligobricks/igs\";" >> land_exporter.cfg
# echo "ContinentsDir = \"$dir_continents\";" >> land_exporter.cfg
echo "ContinentsDir = \"$dir_world\";" >> land_exporter.cfg
# LigoBankDir is Where all .ligozone are (those used by the .land)
echo "LigoBankDir = \"$dir_ligobricks/zoneligos\";" >> land_exporter.cfg
# TileBankFile is the .bank file (used to know if a tile is oriented and the like)
name_bank=`cat ../../cfg/properties.cfg | grep "bank_name" | sed -e 's/bank_name//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'`
echo "TileBankFile = $name_bank" >> land_exporter.cfg
# ColorMapFile
cmf=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_colormap" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_colormap//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'`
echo "ColorMapFile = \"$dir_database/$dir_ligosrc/$cmf\";" >> land_exporter.cfg
# HeightMapFile1 is the grayscale .tga file (127 is 0, 0 is -127*ZFactor and 255 is +128*ZFactor)
hmf1=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_heightmap1" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_heightmap1//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'`
echo "HeightMapFile1 = \"$dir_database/$dir_ligosrc/$hmf1\";" >> land_exporter.cfg
# ZFactor1 is the heightmap factor
zf1=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_zfactor1" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_zfactor1//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'`
echo "ZFactor1 = $zf1;" >> land_exporter.cfg
# HeightMapFile2 is the grayscale .tga file (127 is 0, 0 is -127*ZFactor and 255 is +128*ZFactor)
hmf2=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_heightmap2" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_heightmap2//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'`
echo "HeightMapFile2 = \"$dir_database/$dir_ligosrc/$hmf2\";" >> land_exporter.cfg
# ZFactor2 is the heightmap factor
zf2=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_zfactor2" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_zfactor2//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'`
echo "ZFactor2 = $zf2;" >> land_exporter.cfg
# ZoneLight is Roughly light the zone (0-none, 1-patch, 2-noise)
echo "ZoneLight = 0;" >> land_exporter.cfg
# CellSize is the size of the cell (zone size) in meter
echo "CellSize = 160;" >> land_exporter.cfg
# Threshild is the weld threshold in meter
echo "Threshold = 1;" >> land_exporter.cfg
# Where to take dfn files
echo "DFNDir = \"$dir_dfn\";" >> land_exporter.cfg
# CMB input directory
echo "RefCMBDir = \"$dir_ligobricks/cmb\";" >> land_exporter.cfg
# CMB output directory
echo "OutCMBDir = \"../rbank/cmb\";" >> land_exporter.cfg
#input .continent file
echo "ContinentFile = \"$dir_world/$continent_file\";" >> land_exporter.cfg
# Force export of collisions and additionnal igs
echo "ExportCollisions = 1;" >> land_exporter.cfg
echo "ExportAdditionnalIGs = 1;" >> land_exporter.cfg
# ZoneRegionFile is the .land to compute
land_name=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_land" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_land//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'`
echo "ZoneRegionFile = \"$dir_database/$dir_ligosrc/$land_name\";" >> land_exporter.cfg
# if there is no .land then do not generate all zones and zone welded
if test -z "$land_name" ; then
echo No .land set -- Exiting --
# *******************
# launch the exporter
# *******************
echo ------- >> log.log
echo --- Generate ligo zone >> log.log
echo ------- >> log.log
echo -------
echo --- Generate ligo zone
echo -------
date >> log.log
echo Exporting
$exec_timeout $land_exporter_timeout land_export.exe land_exporter.cfg
# rename *.[zZ][oO][nN][eE][lL] *.[zZ][oO][nN][eE]
# script is just too slow to do renaming... And we can't call directly dos command
cd output
cd ..
# **************
# Copy the zones
# **************
cd ../zone
mkdir zone_exported 2> /dev/null
# Try to copy ligo zone if any
# ****************************
ligo_flag=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "process_to_complete" | grep "ligo"`
cd ../ligo/output
list_zone=`ls -1 *.[zZ][oO][nN][eE]*`
for filename in $list_zone ; do
echo "Checking $filename for update"
if test -e ../../zone/zone_exported/$filename ; then
must_update=`diff --binary -q $filename ../../zone/zone_exported/$filename` ;
must_update=YES ;
if test -n "$must_update" ; then
echo " Updating"
cp -u -p $filename ../../zone/zone_exported/$filename ;
# Idle
cd $dir_current
# delete files only present in the zone_exported directory
if ( test "$ligo_flag" )
cd ./zone_exported
list_zone=`ls -1 *.[zZ][oO][nN][eE]*`
for filename in $list_zone ; do
if test -e ../../ligo/output/$filename ; then
must_update=NO ;
echo "Removing $filename"
rm $filename ;
# Idle
cd ..