2016-01-24 17:08:32 +01:00

1100 lines
32 KiB

// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
/*#include "std_header.h"
// test_col_world.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "zone_util.h"
#include "village.h"
#include "nel/misc/array_2d.h"
#include "nel/misc/config_file.h"
#include "nel/misc/path.h"
#include "nel/misc/file.h"
#include "nel/misc/vector_2f.h"
#include "nel/misc/triangle.h"
#include "nel/misc/polygon.h"
#include "nel/misc/smart_ptr.h"
#include "nel/misc/quad.h"
#include "nel/3d/frustum.h"
#include "nel/3d/viewport.h"
#include "nel/3d/scissor.h"
#include "nel/misc/aabbox.h"
#include "nel/misc/stream.h"
#include "3d/landscape.h"
#include "3d/zone.h"
#include "3d/quad_grid.h"
#include "3d/event_mouse_listener.h"
#include "3d/vertex_buffer.h"
#include "3d/material.h"
#include "3d/register_3d.h"
#include "3d/nelu.h"
#include "3d/scene_group.h"
#include "3d/shape_info.h"
#include "3d/packed_zone.h"
#include "3d/packed_world.h"
#include <string>
#include "nel/georges/u_form.h"
#include "nel/georges/u_form_elm.h"
#include "nel/georges/u_form_loader.h"
using namespace NLMISC;
using namespace NL3D;
static inline void pushVBQuad(NLMISC::CVector *&dest, const NLMISC::CQuad &quad)
*dest++ = quad.V0;
*dest++ = quad.V1;
*dest++ = quad.V2;
*dest++ = quad.V3;
class CZoneRefCount : public CRefCount
CZone Zone;
bool Loaded;
std::string Path;
std::string IGPath;
sint X;
sint Y;
CZoneRefCount() : Loaded(false) {}
static void viewportToScissor(const CViewport &vp, CScissor &scissor)
scissor.X = vp.getX();
scissor.Y = vp.getY();
scissor.Width = vp.getWidth();
scissor.Height = vp.getHeight();
// load list of continent from the .world sheet
static bool loadContinentList(const std::string &worldSheet, std::vector<std::string> &continentList)
NLGEORGES::UFormLoader *loader = NLGEORGES::UFormLoader::createLoader();
std::string path = CPath::lookup(worldSheet, false, false);
if (path.empty())
nlwarning("Path not found for %s.", worldSheet.c_str());
return false;
NLGEORGES::UForm *worldForm;
worldForm = loader->loadForm(path.c_str());
if (worldForm == NULL)
return false;
uint size;
NLGEORGES::UFormElm *pElt;
nlverify (worldForm->getRootNode().getNodeByName (&pElt, "continents list"));
nlwarning("node 'continents list' not found in a .world");
return false;
nlverify (pElt->getArraySize (size));
for (uint32 i = 0; i <size; ++i)
NLGEORGES::UFormElm *pEltOfList;
// Get the continent
if (pElt->getArrayNode (&pEltOfList, i) && pEltOfList)
std::string continentName;
pEltOfList->getValueByName (continentName, "continent_name");
if (CFile::getExtension(continentName).empty())
continentName += ".continent";
return true;
class CRemoveBorderLeavePred
CRemoveBorderLeavePred(uint16 zoneId) : ZoneId(zoneId) {}
bool operator()(const CTessFace *tf) const
return tf->Patch->getZone()->getZoneId() != ZoneId;
uint16 ZoneId;
static bool parseCamPos(CConfigFile &cf, CVector &camPos)
CConfigFile::CVar *camPosVar = cf.getVarPtr("CamPos");
if (camPosVar)
if (camPosVar->size() == 3)
camPos.x = camPosVar->asFloat(0);
camPos.y = camPosVar->asFloat(1);
camPos.z = camPosVar->asFloat(2);
return true;
// it is a zone name
sint zoneX, zoneY;
if (getZonePos(camPosVar->asString(), zoneX, zoneY))
camPos.x = 160.f * zoneX + 80.f;
camPos.y = 160.f * zoneY + 80.f;
camPos.z = 0.f;
return true;
return false;
static bool parseCamSpeed(CConfigFile &cf, float &camSpeed)
CConfigFile::CVar *camSpeedVar = cf.getVarPtr("CamSpeed");
if (camSpeedVar)
camSpeed = camSpeedVar->asFloat();
return true;
return false;
static bool newCamSpeedWanted = false;
static float newCamSpeed = FLT_MIN;
static bool newCamPosWanted = false;
static CVector newCamPos(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);
static void configFileChanged(const std::string &filename)
CConfigFile cf;
CVector camPos;
if (parseCamPos(cf, camPos))
if (camPos!= newCamPos)
newCamPos = camPos;
newCamPosWanted = true;
float camSpeed;
if (parseCamSpeed(cf, camSpeed))
if (camSpeed != newCamSpeed)
newCamSpeed= camSpeed;
newCamSpeedWanted = true;
catch(const EStream &)
printf("Error while reading config file\n");
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc != 2)
printf("usage : %s config_file_name.cfg\n", CFile::getFilename(argv[0]).c_str());
return -1;
std::string worldSheetName;
std::string cachePath;
// load all landscape zones
std::vector<std::string> zoneNames;
CConfigFile cf;
CVector camPos(18927.f, -24382.f, 0.f);
bool addLandscapeIG = false;
float camSpeed = 35.f;
parseCamPos(cf, camPos);
newCamPos = camPos;
parseCamSpeed(cf, camSpeed);
newCamSpeed = camSpeed;
CConfigFile::CVar &paths = cf.getVar("ZonesPaths");
for(uint k = 0; k < (uint) paths.size(); ++k)
std::vector<std::string> files;
CPath::getPathContent(paths.asString(k), true, false, true, files);
for(uint l = 0; l < files.size(); ++l)
std::string ext = CFile::getExtension(files[l]);
if (nlstricmp(ext, "zonel") == 0)
cachePath = cf.getVar("CachePath").asString();
CConfigFile::CVar *searchPaths = cf.getVarPtr("SearchPaths");
for(uint k = 0; k < (uint) searchPaths->size(); ++k)
CPath::addSearchPath(searchPaths->asString(k), true, false);
CConfigFile::CVar *addLandscapeIGVarPtr = cf.getVarPtr("AddLandscapeIG");
if (addLandscapeIGVarPtr)
addLandscapeIG = addLandscapeIGVarPtr->asInt() != 0;
catch(const EStream &)
printf("Error while reading config file\n");
return -1;
catch(const EConfigFile &e)
return -1;
CFile::addFileChangeCallback(argv[1], configFileChanged);
std::vector<CSmartPtr<CZoneRefCount> > zones;
sint zoneMinX, zoneMaxX;
sint zoneMinY, zoneMaxY;
bool firstZoneCorner = true;
for(uint k = 0; k < zoneNames.size(); ++k)
CSmartPtr<CZoneRefCount> zoneRef = new CZoneRefCount;
zoneRef->Path = zoneNames[k];
if (addLandscapeIG)
std::string igFileName = CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(zoneRef->Path) + ".ig";
zoneRef->IGPath = CPath::lookup(igFileName, false, false);
if (zoneRef->IGPath.empty())
nlwarning("Couldn't find ig %s. Maybe there's no ig for that zone.", igFileName.c_str());
//printf("Loading zone %d / %d \n", (int) k + 1, (int) zoneNames.size());
CVector2f zoneCornerMin, zoneCornerMax;
if (getZonePos(zoneNames[k], zoneRef->X, zoneRef->Y))
if (firstZoneCorner)
zoneMinX = zoneMaxX = zoneRef->X;
zoneMinY = zoneMaxY = zoneRef->Y;
firstZoneCorner = false;
zoneMinX = std::min(zoneMinX, zoneRef->X);
zoneMaxX = std::max(zoneMaxX, zoneRef->X);
zoneMinY = std::min(zoneMinY, zoneRef->Y);
zoneMaxY = std::max(zoneMaxY, zoneRef->Y);
if (zones.empty())
printf("No zones loaded \n");
return -1;
uint gridWidth = zoneMaxX - zoneMinX + 1;
uint gridHeight = zoneMaxY - zoneMinY + 1;
// build a grid of zones
CArray2D<CZoneRefCount *> zoneGrid;
CArray2D<TPackedZoneBaseSPtr> packedZoneGrid;
zoneGrid.init(gridWidth, gridHeight, NULL);
packedZoneGrid.init(gridWidth, gridHeight);
for(uint k = 0; k < zones.size(); ++k)
sint x = zones[k]->X - zoneMinX;
sint y = zones[k]->Y - zoneMinY;
zoneGrid(x, y) = zones[k];
// build grid for tris
CVector2f cornerMin, cornerMax;
cornerMin.set(zoneMinX * 160.f, zoneMinY * 160.f);
cornerMax.set((zoneMaxX + 1) * 160.f, (zoneMaxY + 1) * 160.f);
const float CELL_SIZE = 4.f; // resolution of tri grid
CVillageGrid vg;
vg.init(gridWidth, gridHeight, zoneMinX, zoneMinY);
std::vector<std::string> continentList;
CConfigFile::CVar *worldSheetPtr = cf.getVarPtr("WorldSheet");
if (!(worldSheetPtr && loadContinentList(worldSheetPtr->asString(), continentList)))
CConfigFile::CVar *continentSheetNames = cf.getVarPtr("ContinentSheetNames");
std::vector<CSmartPtr<CInstanceGroup> > igs;
if (!continentSheetNames)
nlwarning("No villages added to collisions");
for(uint k = 0; k < (uint) continentSheetNames->size(); ++k)
bool addVillages = true;
CConfigFile::CVar *addVillagesVar = cf.getVarPtr("AddVillages");
if (addVillagesVar)
addVillages = addVillagesVar->asBool();
if (addVillages)
for(uint k = 0; k < (uint) continentList.size(); ++k)
TShapeCache shapeCache;
// build each zone separatly
static std::vector<const CTessFace*> leaves;
uint currZoneIndex = 0;
for (sint y = 0; y < (sint) zoneGrid.getHeight(); ++y)
for (sint x = 0; x < (sint) zoneGrid.getWidth(); ++x)
if (zoneGrid(x, y))
std::string cacheFilename = CPath::standardizePath(cachePath) + CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(zoneGrid(x, y)->Path) + ".packed_zone";
bool mustRebuild = false;
// if there's any village on this zone that is more recent than the zone, then must rebuild the zone
const std::list<uint> &villageList = vg.VillageGrid(x, y);
for(std::list<uint>::const_iterator it = villageList.begin(); it != villageList.end(); ++it)
uint32 modifDate = vg.Villages[*it].FileModificationDate;
uint32 cacheDate = CFile::getFileModificationDate(cacheFilename);
if (modifDate > cacheDate)
mustRebuild = true;
// if landscape ig is reclaimed, see if it is more recent
if (!zoneGrid(x, y)->IGPath.empty())
if (CFile::getFileModificationDate(zoneGrid(x, y)->IGPath) >= CFile::getFileModificationDate(cacheFilename))
mustRebuild = true;
if (!mustRebuild)
mustRebuild = true;
// see if zone is present in cache and is valid
if (CFile::getFileModificationDate(cacheFilename) >= CFile::getFileModificationDate(zoneGrid(x, y)->Path))
// try to retrieve file from cache
CIFile f;;
CPackedZoneBase *pb;
packedZoneGrid(x, y) = pb;
mustRebuild = false;
printf("Retrieving zone %d / %d from cache\n", (int) currZoneIndex + 1, (int) zones.size());
catch(const EStream &)
if (mustRebuild)
printf("Rebuilding zone %d / %d \n", (int) currZoneIndex + 1, (int) zones.size());
CLandscape *landscape = new CLandscape;
landscape->setThreshold (8.f / (1000.f * 1000.f));
landscape->setTileMaxSubdivision (0);
// add wanted zone & all zones around for continuity
for (sint ly = y - 1; ly <= y + 1; ++ly)
if (ly < 0) continue;
if (ly >= (sint) gridHeight) break;
for (sint lx = x - 1; lx <= x + 1; ++lx)
if (lx < 0) continue;
if (lx >= (sint) gridWidth) break;
if (zoneGrid(lx, ly))
if (!zoneGrid(lx, ly)->Loaded)
CIFile stream;
{, ly)->Path);
zoneGrid(lx, ly)->Zone.serial(stream);
zoneGrid(lx, ly)->Loaded = true;
catch(const EStream &)
printf("Error while loading zone %s : zone not loaded \n");
if (zoneGrid(lx, ly)->Loaded)
landscape->addZone(zoneGrid(lx, ly)->Zone);
landscape->refineAll(CVector((x + zoneMinX) * 160.f + 80.f, (y + zoneMinY) * 160.f + 80.f, 1000.f));
// Dump tesselated triangles
leaves.erase(std::remove_if(leaves.begin(), leaves.end(), CRemoveBorderLeavePred(zoneGrid(x, y)->Zone.getZoneId())), leaves.end());
// gather and load list of villages ig
std::vector<CInstanceGroup *> igs;
if (addVillages)
const std::list<uint> &villageList = vg.VillageGrid(x, y);
for(std::list<uint>::const_iterator it = villageList.begin(); it != villageList.end(); ++it)
CVillage &village = vg.Villages[*it];
village.load(shapeCache); // load if needed
for(uint k = 0; k < village.IG.size(); ++k)
if (village.IG[k].IG)
CAABBox baseZoneBBox;
CVector zoneMinCorner((x + zoneMinX) * 160.f, (y + zoneMinY) * 160.f, 0.f);
baseZoneBBox.setMinMax(zoneMinCorner, zoneMinCorner + CVector(160.f, 160.f, 1.f));
CSmartPtr<CPackedZone32> pz32 = new CPackedZone32;
pz32->build(leaves, CELL_SIZE, igs, shapeCache, baseZoneBBox, (sint32) (x + zoneMinX), (sint32) (y + zoneMinY));
// try to convert to 16 bit indices to save some place
CSmartPtr<CPackedZone16> pz16 = pz32->buildPackedZone16();
if (pz16)
packedZoneGrid(x, y) = pz16;
packedZoneGrid(x, y) = pz32;
// write result in cache
if (!CFile::isExists(cachePath))
COFile f;;
CPackedZoneBase *pb = packedZoneGrid(x, y);
catch(const EStream &e)
printf("Error while writing packed zone to cache : \n %s \n", e.what());
delete landscape;
++ currZoneIndex;
std::vector<TPackedZoneBaseSPtr> packedZonesArray;
for (sint y = 0; y < (sint) packedZoneGrid.getHeight(); ++y)
for (sint x = 0; x < (sint) packedZoneGrid.getWidth(); ++x)
if (packedZoneGrid(x, y))
packedZonesArray.push_back(packedZoneGrid(x, y));
// build packed world
CPackedWorld pw;;
bool fly = true;
CConfigFile::CVar *flyVar = cf.getVarPtr("Fly");
if (flyVar)
fly = flyVar->asBool();
if (!fly) return 0;
// fly into scene
CNELU::init(1024, 768, CViewport(), 32, true, EmptyWindow, false, true);
catch(const Exception &e)
return -1;
CFrustum frust;
frust.init(-0.1f, 0.1f, -0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 150.f, 1);
CMatrix camMat;
IDriver *driver = CNELU::Driver;
CEvent3dMouseListener mouseListener;
CVertexBuffer vb;
vb.setPreferredMemory(CVertexBuffer::AGPVolatile, false);
CMaterial material;
printf("zone = %s \n", posToZoneName(camMat.getPos().x, camMat.getPos().y).c_str());
if (newCamPosWanted)
newCamPosWanted = false;
if (newCamSpeedWanted)
newCamSpeedWanted = false;
const CRGBA clearColor = CRGBA(0, 0, 127, 0);
driver->setupFog(frust.Far * 0.8f, frust.Far, clearColor);
CViewport vp;
vp.init(0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f);
CScissor scissor;
viewportToScissor(vp, scissor);
camMat = mouseListener.getViewMatrix();
driver->setFrustum(frust.Left, frust.Right, frust.Bottom, frust.Top, frust.Near, frust.Far, frust.Perspective);
const CVector localFrustCorners[8] =
CVector(frust.Left, frust.Near, frust.Top),
CVector(frust.Right, frust.Near, frust.Top),
CVector(frust.Right, frust.Near, frust.Bottom),
CVector(frust.Left, frust.Near, frust.Bottom),
CVector(frust.Left * frust.Far / frust.Near, frust.Far, frust.Top * frust.Far / frust.Near),
CVector(frust.Right * frust.Far / frust.Near, frust.Far, frust.Top * frust.Far / frust.Near),
CVector(frust.Right * frust.Far / frust.Near, frust.Far, frust.Bottom * frust.Far / frust.Near),
CVector(frust.Left * frust.Far / frust.Near, frust.Far, frust.Bottom * frust.Far / frust.Near)
// roughly compute covered zones
sint frustZoneMinX = INT_MAX;
sint frustZoneMaxX = INT_MIN;
sint frustZoneMinY = INT_MAX;
sint frustZoneMaxY = INT_MIN;
for(uint k = 0; k < sizeofarray(localFrustCorners); ++k)
CVector corner = camMat * localFrustCorners[k];
sint zoneX = (sint) (corner.x / 160.f) - zoneMinX;
sint zoneY = (sint) floorf(corner.y / 160.f) - zoneMinY;
frustZoneMinX = std::min(frustZoneMinX, zoneX);
frustZoneMinY = std::min(frustZoneMinY, zoneY);
frustZoneMaxX = std::max(frustZoneMaxX, zoneX);
frustZoneMaxY = std::max(frustZoneMaxY, zoneY);
const uint TRI_BATCH_SIZE = 10000; // batch size for rendering
//for (sint y = frustZoneMinY; y <= frustZoneMaxY; ++y)
//if (y < 0) continue;
//if (y >= (sint) gridHeight) break;
//for (sint x = frustZoneMinX; x <= frustZoneMaxX; ++x)
//if (x < 0) continue;
//if (x >= (sint) gridWidth) break;
//if (packedZoneGrid(x, y))
//packedZoneGrid(x, y)->render(vb, *driver, material, camMat, TRI_BATCH_SIZE, localFrustCorners);
for (sint y = 0; y <= (sint) gridHeight; ++y)
if (y < 0) continue;
if (y >= (sint) gridHeight) break;
for (sint x = 0; x <= (sint) gridWidth; ++x)
if (x < 0) continue;
if (x >= (sint) gridWidth) break;
if (packedZoneGrid(x, y))
packedZoneGrid(x, y)->render(vb, *driver, material, camMat, TRI_BATCH_SIZE, localFrustCorners);
// compute intersection with landscape & display a dot at that position
CVector lookAtPos = camMat.getPos() + 1000.f * camMat.getJ();
CVector inter;
static std::vector<CTriangle> triList;
bool interFound = pw.raytrace(camMat.getPos(), lookAtPos, inter, &triList);
if (!triList.empty())
vb.setNumVertices(3 * triList.size());
CVertexBufferReadWrite vba;
CVector *dest = vba.getVertexCoordPointer(0);
memcpy(dest, &triList[0], sizeof(CTriangle) * triList.size());
driver->renderRawTriangles(material, 0, triList.size());
if (interFound)
CQuad q;
q.V0 = inter - camMat.getI() + camMat.getK();
q.V1 = inter + camMat.getI() + camMat.getK();
q.V2 = inter + camMat.getI() - camMat.getK();
q.V3 = inter - camMat.getI() - camMat.getK();
CVertexBufferReadWrite vba;
CVector *dest = vba.getVertexCoordPointer(0);
pushVBQuad(dest, q);
driver->renderRawQuads(material, 0, 1);
// for(uint k = 0; k < sizeofarray(frustCorners); ++k)
// {
// frustCorners[k] = camMat * frustCorners[k];
// frustCorners[k].x -= cornerMin.x;
// frustCorners[k].y -= cornerMin.y;
// }
// // project frustum on x/y plane to see where to test polys
// sint minY = INT_MAX;
// CPolygon2D::TRasterVect silhouette;
// addQuadToSilhouette(frustCorners[0], frustCorners[1], frustCorners[2], frustCorners[3], silhouette, minY, CELL_SIZE);
// addQuadToSilhouette(frustCorners[1], frustCorners[5], frustCorners[6], frustCorners[2], silhouette, minY, CELL_SIZE);
// addQuadToSilhouette(frustCorners[4], frustCorners[5], frustCorners[6], frustCorners[7], silhouette, minY, CELL_SIZE);
// addQuadToSilhouette(frustCorners[0], frustCorners[4], frustCorners[7], frustCorners[3], silhouette, minY, CELL_SIZE);
// addQuadToSilhouette(frustCorners[0], frustCorners[1], frustCorners[5], frustCorners[4], silhouette, minY, CELL_SIZE);
// addQuadToSilhouette(frustCorners[3], frustCorners[7], frustCorners[6], frustCorners[2], silhouette, minY, CELL_SIZE);
// //
// driver->setPolygonMode(IDriver::Line);
// //
// material.setColor(CRGBA::White);
// //
// vb.setNumVertices(TRI_BATCH_SIZE * 3);
// {
// CVertexBufferReadWrite vba;
// vb.lock(vba);
// CVector *dest = vba.getVertexCoordPointer(0);
// const CVector *endDest = dest + TRI_BATCH_SIZE * 3;
// for(sint y = 0; y < (sint) silhouette.size(); ++y)
// {
// sint gridY = y + minY;
// if (gridY < 0) continue;
// if (gridY >= triGridHeight) continue;
// sint minX = silhouette[y].first;
// sint maxX = silhouette[y].second;
// for (sint x = minX; x <= maxX; ++x)
// {
// if (x < 0) continue;
// if (x >= triGridWidth) break;
// sint triRefIndex = triGrid(x, gridY);
// while (triRefIndex != -1)
// {
// CTriangle tri = tris[triRefs[triRefIndex].TriIndex];
// triRefIndex = triRefs[triRefIndex].NextTriRef;
// tri.V0.x += cornerMin.x;
// tri.V0.y += cornerMin.y;
// tri.V1.x += cornerMin.x;
// tri.V1.y += cornerMin.y;
// tri.V2.x += cornerMin.x;
// tri.V2.y += cornerMin.y;
// *dest++ = tri.V0;
// *dest++ = tri.V1;
// *dest++ = tri.V2;
// if (dest == endDest)
// {
// // flush batch
// vba.unlock();
// material.setColor(CRGBA(100, 100, 100));
// driver->setPolygonMode(IDriver::Filled);
// driver->renderRawTriangles(material, 0, TRI_BATCH_SIZE);
// material.setColor(CRGBA::White);
// driver->setPolygonMode(IDriver::Line);
// driver->renderRawTriangles(material, 0, TRI_BATCH_SIZE);
// // reclaim a new batch
// vb.lock(vba);
// dest = vba.getVertexCoordPointer(0);
// endDest = dest + TRI_BATCH_SIZE * 3;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// vba.unlock();
// uint numRemainingTris = TRI_BATCH_SIZE - ((endDest - dest) / 3);
// if (numRemainingTris)
// {
// material.setColor(CRGBA(100, 100, 100));
// driver->setPolygonMode(IDriver::Filled);
// driver->activeVertexBuffer(vb);
// driver->renderRawTriangles(material, 0, numRemainingTris);
// material.setColor(CRGBA::White);
// driver->setPolygonMode(IDriver::Line);
// driver->renderRawTriangles(material, 0, numRemainingTris);
// }
// }
// prepare 2D view
// const uint GRID_EXTENT = 20;
// sint currPosX = (sint) (camMat.getPos().x / CELL_SIZE);
// sint currPosY = (sint) (camMat.getPos().y / CELL_SIZE);
// driver->setFrustum( - (float) (GRID_EXTENT - 1) * CELL_SIZE, (float) (GRID_EXTENT - 1) * CELL_SIZE,
// - (float) (GRID_EXTENT - 1) * CELL_SIZE, (float) (GRID_EXTENT - 1) * CELL_SIZE, 0.f, 1.f, false);
// vp.init(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.4f ,0.4f);
// driver->setupViewport(vp);
// viewportToScissor(vp, scissor);
// driver->setupScissor(scissor);
// //
// driver->clear2D(CRGBA(0, 127, 0, 0));
// driver->clearZBuffer();
// CMatrix viewMatrix;
// viewMatrix.setRot(CVector::I, -CVector::K, CVector::J);
// viewMatrix.setPos(CVector(camMat.getPos().x, camMat.getPos().y, 0.f));
// viewMatrix.invert();
// driver->setupViewMatrix(viewMatrix);
// driver->setupModelMatrix(CMatrix::Identity);
// driver->setPolygonMode(IDriver::Filled);
// // draw covered portion of the grid
// material.setColor(CRGBA(127, 0, 0));
// {
// CVertexBufferReadWrite vba;
// vb.lock(vba);
// CVector *dest = vba.getVertexCoordPointer(0);
// sint numQuads = 0;
// for(sint y = 0; y < (sint) silhouette.size(); ++y)
// {
// if (silhouette[y].first > silhouette[y].second) continue;
// CQuad q;
// q.V0.x = silhouette[y].first * CELL_SIZE + cornerMin.x;
// q.V0.y = (y + minY) * CELL_SIZE + cornerMin.y;
// q.V1.x = (silhouette[y].second + 1) * CELL_SIZE + cornerMin.x;
// ++ numQuads;
// q.V1.y = q.V0.y;
// q.V2.x = q.V1.x;
// q.V2.y = q.V1.y + CELL_SIZE;
// q.V3.x = q.V0.x;
// q.V3.y = q.V2.y;
// pushVBQuad2D(dest, q);
// }
// nlassert(numQuads * 4 < TRI_BATCH_SIZE * 3);
// vba.unlock();
// driver->renderRawQuads(material, 0, numQuads);
// }
// */
// driver->setPolygonMode(IDriver::Line);
// // draw grid around & frustum
// {
// //
// material.setColor(CRGBA(127, 127, 127));
// {
// CVertexBufferReadWrite vba;
// vb.lock(vba);
// CVector *dest = vba.getVertexCoordPointer(0);
// for(sint x = currPosX - GRID_EXTENT; x <= currPosX + (sint) GRID_EXTENT; ++x)
// {
// pushVBLine2D(dest, CVector(x * CELL_SIZE, (currPosY + (sint) GRID_EXTENT) * CELL_SIZE, 0.f),
// CVector(x * CELL_SIZE, (currPosY - (sint) GRID_EXTENT) * CELL_SIZE, 0.f));
// }
// for(sint y = currPosY - GRID_EXTENT; y <= currPosY + (sint) GRID_EXTENT; ++y)
// {
// pushVBLine2D(dest, CVector((currPosX - (sint) GRID_EXTENT) * CELL_SIZE, y * CELL_SIZE, 0.f),
// CVector((currPosX + (sint) GRID_EXTENT) * CELL_SIZE, y * CELL_SIZE, 0.f));
// }
// vba.unlock();
// uint numTri = 2 * (2 * GRID_EXTENT + 1);
// nlassert(numTri <= TRI_BATCH_SIZE);
// driver->renderRawTriangles(material, 0, numTri);
// }
// material.setColor(CRGBA::Red);
// {
// CVertexBufferReadWrite vba;
// vb.lock(vba);
// CVector *dest = vba.getVertexCoordPointer(0);
// for(uint k = 0; k < sizeofarray(localFrustCorners); ++k)
// {
// frustCorners[k].x += cornerMin.x;
// frustCorners[k].y += cornerMin.y;
// }
// pushVBLine2D(dest, frustCorners[1], frustCorners[5]);
// pushVBLine2D(dest, frustCorners[5], frustCorners[6]);
// pushVBLine2D(dest, frustCorners[6], frustCorners[2]);
// pushVBLine2D(dest, frustCorners[2], frustCorners[1]);
// //
// pushVBLine2D(dest, frustCorners[5], frustCorners[4]);
// pushVBLine2D(dest, frustCorners[4], frustCorners[7]);
// pushVBLine2D(dest, frustCorners[7], frustCorners[6]);
// //
// pushVBLine2D(dest, frustCorners[4], frustCorners[0]);
// pushVBLine2D(dest, frustCorners[0], frustCorners[3]);
// pushVBLine2D(dest, frustCorners[3], frustCorners[7]);
// //
// pushVBLine2D(dest, frustCorners[0], frustCorners[1]);
// pushVBLine2D(dest, frustCorners[3], frustCorners[2]);
// //
// nlassert(12 <= TRI_BATCH_SIZE);
// vba.unlock();
// material.setColor(CRGBA::Red);
// driver->renderRawTriangles(material, 0, 12);
// }
// }
// // draw underlying geometry
// material.setColor(CRGBA::White);
// {
// CVertexBufferReadWrite vba;
// vb.lock(vba);
// CVector *dest = vba.getVertexCoordPointer(0);
// const CVector *endDest = dest + TRI_BATCH_SIZE * 3;
// // compute cam pos in tri grid
// currPosX = (sint) ((camMat.getPos().x - cornerMin.x) / CELL_SIZE);
// currPosY = (sint) ((camMat.getPos().y - cornerMin.y) / CELL_SIZE);
// for(sint y = currPosY - GRID_EXTENT; y < currPosY + (sint) GRID_EXTENT; ++y)
// {
// for(sint x = currPosX - GRID_EXTENT; x < currPosX + (sint) GRID_EXTENT; ++x)
// {
// if (y < 0) continue;
// if (y >= triGridHeight) break;
// if (x < 0) continue;
// if (x >= triGridWidth) break;
// sint triRefIndex = triGrid(x, y);
// while (triRefIndex != -1)
// {
// CTriangle tri = tris[triRefs[triRefIndex].TriIndex];
// tri.V0.x += cornerMin.x;
// tri.V0.y += cornerMin.y;
// tri.V1.x += cornerMin.x;
// tri.V1.y += cornerMin.y;
// tri.V2.x += cornerMin.x;
// tri.V2.y += cornerMin.y;
// triRefIndex = triRefs[triRefIndex].NextTriRef;
// pushVBTri2D(dest, tri);
// if (dest == endDest)
// {
// // flush batch
// vba.unlock();
// driver->renderRawTriangles(material, 0, TRI_BATCH_SIZE);
// // reclaim a new batch
// vb.lock(vba);
// dest = vba.getVertexCoordPointer(0);
// endDest = dest + TRI_BATCH_SIZE * 3;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// vba.unlock();
// uint numRemainingTris = TRI_BATCH_SIZE - ((endDest - dest) / 3);
// if (numRemainingTris)
// {
// driver->renderRawTriangles(material, 0, numRemainingTris);
// }
// }
uint NUM_RAYS = 10000;
if (CNELU::AsyncListener.isKeyPushed(KeyT))
printf("Starting raytracing test 1");
uint numHits = 0;
NLMISC::TTime startTime = CTime::getLocalTime();
for(uint k = 0; k < NUM_RAYS; ++k)
sint zone = rand() % packedZonesArray.size();
CPackedZoneBase *zonePtr = packedZonesArray[zone];
CVector cornerMin = zonePtr->Box.getMin();
CVector cornerMax = zonePtr->Box.getMax();
CVector start(frand(1.f) * (cornerMax.x - cornerMin.x) + cornerMin.x,
frand(1.f) * (cornerMax.y - cornerMin.y) + cornerMin.y,
frand(1.f) * (cornerMax.z - cornerMin.z) + cornerMin.z);
CVector end(frand(1.f) * (cornerMax.x - cornerMin.x) + cornerMin.x,
frand(1.f) * (cornerMax.y - cornerMin.y) + cornerMin.y,
frand(1.f) * (cornerMax.z - cornerMin.z) + cornerMin.z);
CVector inter;
bool result = pw.raytrace(start, end, inter);
if (result)
NLMISC::TTime endTime = CTime::getLocalTime();
float dt = (float) (endTime - startTime) / 1000.f;
printf("Total time = %.2f s\n", dt);
printf("Num rays = %d\n", (int) NUM_RAYS);
printf("Num hits = %d\n", (int) numHits);
printf("Num test per seconds = %.2f\n", (float) NUM_RAYS / dt);
if (CNELU::AsyncListener.isKeyPushed(KeyU))
printf("Starting raytracing test 2");
uint numHits = 0;
NLMISC::TTime startTime = CTime::getLocalTime();
for(uint k = 0; k < NUM_RAYS; ++k)
CVector start = camMat.getPos();
CVector end(start.x + (frand(200.f) - 100.f),
start.y + (frand(200.f) - 100.f),
start.z + (frand(5.f) - 2.5f));
CVector inter;
bool result = pw.raytrace(start, end, inter);
if (result)
NLMISC::TTime endTime = CTime::getLocalTime();
float dt = (float) (endTime - startTime) / 1000.f;
printf("Total time = %.2f s\n", dt);
printf("Num rays = %d\n", (int) NUM_RAYS);
printf("Num hits = %d\n", (int) numHits);
printf("Num test per seconds = %.2f\n", (float) NUM_RAYS / dt);
return 0;