
474 lines
13 KiB

// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// world_editor_doc.h : interface of the CWorldEditorDoc class
#if !defined(AFX_WORLD_EDITOR_DOC_H__79C92BF7_274F_4B2C_A546_91B7E5218C49__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_WORLD_EDITOR_DOC_H__79C92BF7_274F_4B2C_A546_91B7E5218C49__INCLUDED_
#include <nel/ligo/primitive_class.h>
#include <nel/../../src/ligo/zone_region.h>
#include <hash_set>
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
// Data
struct CLigoData
uint8 PosX;
uint8 PosY;
uint8 Rot;
uint8 Flip;
std::string ZoneName;
std::string SharingMatNames[4];
uint8 SharingCutEdges[4];
bool operator!= (const CLigoData& other) const
return (PosX != other.PosX) ||
(PosY != other.PosY) ||
(Rot != other.Rot) ||
(Flip != other.Flip) ||
(ZoneName != other.ZoneName) ||
(SharingMatNames[0] != other.SharingMatNames[0]) ||
(SharingMatNames[1] != other.SharingMatNames[1]) ||
(SharingMatNames[2] != other.SharingMatNames[2]) ||
(SharingMatNames[3] != other.SharingMatNames[3]) ||
(SharingCutEdges[0] != other.SharingCutEdges[0]) ||
(SharingCutEdges[1] != other.SharingCutEdges[1]) ||
(SharingCutEdges[2] != other.SharingCutEdges[2]) ||
(SharingCutEdges[3] != other.SharingCutEdges[3]);
// Primitive locator
class CDatabaseLocator
friend class CWorldEditorDoc;
friend class CDatabaseLocatorPointer;
// Default cstor, reserve some room
CDatabaseLocator ()
_LocateStack.reserve (10);
_LocateStack.resize (1);
XSubPrim = 0xffffffff;
Y = 0xffffffff;
CDatabaseLocator (uint region, sint32 x, sint32 y);
bool operator== (const CDatabaseLocator &other) const;
bool operator< (const CDatabaseLocator &other) const
const uint size = _LocateStack.size ();
const uint otherSize = other._LocateStack.size ();
const uint minSize = std::min (size, otherSize);
uint i;
for (i=0; i<minSize; i++)
if (_LocateStack[i] < other._LocateStack[i])
return true;
if (_LocateStack[i] > other._LocateStack[i])
return false;
return (size < otherSize);
uint getDatabaseIndex () const;
virtual void getParent ();
std::string getPathName () const;
// Region X, Y
sint32 XSubPrim, Y;
// The locate stack
std::vector<uint> _LocateStack;
// Primitive pointer
class CDatabaseLocatorPointer : public CDatabaseLocator
bool next ();
void getRoot (uint i);
void getRoot (const std::string& rootFileName);
std::string& getRootFileName(NLLIGO::IPrimitive* rootNode);
bool firstChild ();
bool nextChild ();
bool previousChild ();
virtual void getParent ();
void appendChild (CDatabaseLocator &dest) const;
bool operator== (const CDatabaseLocatorPointer &other) const;
const NLLIGO::IPrimitive *Primitive;
class CWorldEditorDoc : public CDocument
friend class CDatabaseLocator;
friend class CDatabaseLocatorPointer;
friend class CActionLigoTile;
friend class CActionLigoMove;
friend class CActionLigoResize;
friend class CActionImportPrimitive;
friend class CActionLoadPrimitive;
friend class CActionNewPrimitive;
friend class CActionClearPrimitives;
friend class CActionDelete;
friend class CActionAddPrimitiveByClass;
friend class CActionAddLandscape;
friend class CActionDeleteDatabaseElement;
friend class CActionAddPrimitive;
friend class CToolsLogicTree;
friend class CMainFrame;
friend class CActionNewLandscape;
friend class CActionXChgDatabaseElement;
protected: // create from serialization only
// Attributes
// Methods
// Get the data directory
const std::string &getDataDir () const;
// Get the default save path
void getFilePath(uint primIndex,std::string&);
// Set the data directory
void setDataDir (const char *dir);
// Get the path of selected primitive
const std::string &getPathOfSelectedPrimitive() const;
// Set the path of selected primitive
void setPathOfSelectedPrimitive(const std::string&);
// Serial
void serial (NLMISC::IStream &s);
// Modify the document
void beginModification ();
// Add a modification at the document in a undo/redo session. Return false if the redo method has failed and the action is deleted.
bool addModification (class IAction *action);
void endModification ();
bool inModificationMode() const {return _ModificationMode;}
// Notify the document it as been modified without possible undo
void noUndoModification ();
// Notify an undo / redo on in ligo mode
void redo ();
void undo ();
// Is undo / redo available ?
bool undoAvailable () const;
bool redoAvailable () const;
// Notify modification
void modifyDatabase (uint dbIndex);
void modifyProject ();
// *** Acces Zone region
uint regionIDToDatabaseElementID (uint landscape) const;
const NLLIGO::CZoneRegion &getZoneRegion (uint landscape) const;
const NLLIGO::CZoneRegion &getZoneRegionAbsolute (uint landscape) const;
// Get ligo data at a specific locator
void getLigoData (CLigoData &data, const CDatabaseLocator &locator);
// Get a specific zone among all zones
bool getZoneAmongRegions (CDatabaseLocator &locator, class CBuilderZoneRegion*& pBZRfrom, sint32 x, sint32 y);
// *** Acces Prim region
// Get primitives count
uint getNumDatabaseElement () const;
// Get a primitive filename
const std::string &getDatabaseElement (uint primitive) const;
// Get a primitive
const NLLIGO::CPrimitives &getDatabaseElements (uint primitive) const;
// Get a primitive formated name
void getPrimitiveDisplayName (std::string &result, uint primitive) const;
// Is a primitive already loaded in the document ?
bool isPrimitiveLoaded(const std::string &primPath);
// Is a landscape ?
bool isLandscape (uint dbIndex) const;
// Is a primitive ?
bool isPrimitive (uint dbIndex) const;
// Is an editable primtive ?
bool isEditable (uint dbIndex) const;
// Update default values
void updateDefaultValues (uint dnIndex);
// Reset default values. onlyZero flag reset id only iof id is 0
void resetUniqueID (const NLLIGO::IPrimitive &primitive, bool onlyZero = false);
struct TPropertyNonUnique
const NLLIGO::IPrimitive *Primitive;
std::string PropertyName;
// Regenerate any ID that is not unique (i.e. any id that is found in the received hash_set).
// All the valid or regenerated ID are then inserted in the hash_set
void forceIDUniqueness(const NLLIGO::IPrimitive &primitive, CHashSet<std::string> &ids, std::vector<TPropertyNonUnique> &nonUnique);
bool updateDefaultValuesInternal (NLLIGO::IPrimitive &primitive);
// Delete a primitive, for actions only
void deletePrimitive (const CDatabaseLocator &locator);
// Insert a primitive, for actions only
void insertPrimitive (const CDatabaseLocator &locator, NLLIGO::IPrimitive *primitive);
// Create a primitive, for actions only
const NLLIGO::IPrimitive *createPrimitive (const CDatabaseLocator &locator, const char *className, const char *primName,
const NLMISC::CVector &initPos, float deltaPos, const std::vector<NLLIGO::CPrimitiveClass::CInitParameters> &initParameters);
// Init a primitive parameters
void initPrimitiveParameters (const NLLIGO::CPrimitiveClass &primClass, NLLIGO::IPrimitive &primitive,
const std::vector<NLLIGO::CPrimitiveClass::CInitParameters> &initParameters);
// Get a locator with a primitive
void getLocator (CDatabaseLocatorPointer &locator, const NLLIGO::IPrimitive *primitive) const;
void getLocator (CDatabaseLocatorPointer &locatorDest, const CDatabaseLocator &locator) const;
void getFirstLocator (CDatabaseLocatorPointer &locator) const;
// *** File modification
void updateFiles ();
static bool checkFileDate (const char *filename, uint32 date);
/* // Get ligo data at a specific locator
void getLigoData (CLigoData &data, const CDatabaseLocator &locator);
// Get a specific zone among all zones
bool getZoneAmongRegions (CDatabaseLocator &locator, class CBuilderZoneRegion*& pBZRfrom, sint32 x, sint32 y);*/
// Get document context
const std::string &getContext () const
return _Context;
// Get document context
void setContext (const char *context)
_Context = context;
void modifyPropertyDlg();
// Data directory
std::string _DataDir;
// Document context
std::string _Context;
// Path of selected primitive
std::string _PathOfSelectedPrimitive;
// Set the modified mode for the document
void updateModifiedState ();
// Clear changes
void clearModifications ();
// List of landscape, deprecated, for compatibility
struct CLandscapeDeprecated
CLandscapeDeprecated ()
Modified = false;
std::string Filename;
NLLIGO::CZoneRegion ZoneRegion;
void serial (NLMISC::IStream &s);
bool Modified;
uint32 LastModifedTime;
// List of primitive, deprecated, for compatibility
struct CPrimitiveDeprecated
CPrimitiveDeprecated ()
Modified = false;
std::string Filename;
NLLIGO::CPrimitives Primitives;
void serial (NLMISC::IStream &s);
bool Modified;
uint32 LastModifedTime;
// Database
class CDatabaseElement
// Landscape or primitive ?
enum TType
// Constructor
CDatabaseElement ();
CDatabaseElement (TType type);
// Landscape or primitive ?
TType Type;
// Global
std::string Filename;
void serial (NLMISC::IStream &s);
bool Modified;
bool Editable;
uint32 LastModifedTime;
// Landscape
NLLIGO::CZoneRegion ZoneRegion;
// Primitives
NLLIGO::CPrimitives Primitives;
// set of used alias in the primitives
std::set<uint32> UsedAliases;
// The database
class CDatabaseList : public std::list<CDatabaseElement>
const CDatabaseElement& operator[] (uint index) const
return *(_PointerArray[index]);
CDatabaseElement& operator[] (uint index)
return *(_PointerArray[index]);
// Recompute pointer array
void recomputePointerArray ()
_PointerArray.clear ();
std::list<CDatabaseElement>::iterator ite = begin ();
while (ite != end ())
_PointerArray.push_back (&(*ite));
// The pointer array
std::vector<CDatabaseElement*> _PointerArray;
CDatabaseList _DataHierarchy;
// Undo / redo / modification flags
std::vector< std::vector<IAction*> > _Actions;
std::vector<IAction*> _CurrentAction;
bool _NoModificationUndo;
uint _Undo;
uint _LastSaveUndo;
bool _ModificationMode;
bool _Modified;
uint32 _LastModifedTime;
// Operations
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
virtual BOOL OnNewDocument();
virtual BOOL OnOpenDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName);
virtual BOOL OnSaveDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName);
virtual BOOL OnCmdMsg(UINT nID, int nCode, void* pExtra, AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO* pHandlerInfo);
bool newDocument ();
bool loadDocument (const char *filename);
// Implementation
virtual ~CWorldEditorDoc();
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void AssertValid() const;
virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;
// Generated message map functions
afx_msg void OnFileOpen();
afx_msg void OnFileSave();
afx_msg void OnFileSaveAs();
class CWorldEditorDoc *getDocument ();
// Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
#endif // !defined(AFX_WORLD_EDITOR_DOC_H__79C92BF7_274F_4B2C_A546_91B7E5218C49__INCLUDED_)