
185 lines
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// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// world_editor.h : main header file for the WORLD_EDITOR application
#if !defined(AFX_WORLD_EDITOR_H__534BE790_9E70_4D87_B709_1445991D5824__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_WORLD_EDITOR_H__534BE790_9E70_4D87_B709_1445991D5824__INCLUDED_
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
#ifndef __AFXWIN_H__
#error include 'stdafx.h' before including this file for PCH
#include "resource.h" // main symbols
#include <nel/ligo/primitive_class.h>
#include "imagelist_ex.h"
#include "plugin_interface.h"
//#include "color_edit_wnd.h"
#include "nel/ligo/ligo_config.h"
// Base registry key
#define BASE_REGISTRY_KEY "Software\\Nevrax\\NeL World Editor"
// CWorldEditorApp:
// See world_editor.cpp for the implementation of this class
class CMyLigoConfig : public NLLIGO::CLigoConfig
virtual void errorMessage (const char *format, ... );
class CWorldEditorApp : public CWinApp
friend class CProjectSettings;
// Helpers
bool yesNoMessage (const char *format, ... );
void errorMessage (const char *format, ... );
void infoMessage (const char *format, ... );
void syntaxError (const char *filename, xmlNodePtr, const char *format, ...);
bool getPropertyString (std::string &result, const char *filename, xmlNodePtr xmlNode, const char *propName);
// The image list
CImageListEx ImageList;
// Exe path
std::string ExePath;
// Doc path (for node class html help file)
std::string DocPath;
// Load any extension plugin
virtual void loadPlugins();
/// Configuration file for plugins
NLMISC::CConfigFile PluginConfig;
/// Vector of loaded plugins.
std::vector<IPluginCallback*> Plugins;
/// list of primitives associated to plugin displayer
std::map<std::string, IPrimitiveDisplayer*> PrimitiveDisplayers;
/// The ligo config
CMyLigoConfig Config;
/// Get the first active configuration of a primitive. Return -1 else.
sint getActiveConfiguration (const NLLIGO::IPrimitive &primitive, uint searchBegin = 0) const;
/// Reload the configuration file
bool reloadPrimitiveConfiguration ();
/// Configuration
class CConfiguration
Activated = false;
bool Activated;
std::vector<CConfiguration> Configurations;
// Read the path config file
bool initPath (const char *filename, class CSplashScreen &splashScreen);
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
virtual BOOL InitInstance();
// Implementation
afx_msg void OnAppAbout();
afx_msg void OnFileOpen();
afx_msg void OnFileSave();
afx_msg void OnFileSaveAs();
// for main frame window only
void deletePlugins();
extern CWorldEditorApp theApp;
class CMainFrame *getMainFrame ();
void invalidateLeftView ();
std::string standardizePath (const char *str);
std::string formatString (const char *str);
inline void transformVector (NLMISC::CVector &toTransform, float angle, const NLMISC::CVector &pivot)
float cosa = (float)cos (angle);
float sina = (float)sin (angle);
toTransform -= pivot;
float temp = cosa * toTransform.x - sina * toTransform.y;
toTransform.y = sina * toTransform.x + cosa * toTransform.y;
toTransform.x = temp;
toTransform += pivot;
std::string numberize (const char *oldString, uint value);
bool getZoneNameFromXY (sint32 x, sint32 y, std::string &zoneName);
bool openFile (const char *url);
uint getRegKey(HKEY key, LPCTSTR subkey, LPTSTR retdata);
void setEditTextMultiLine (CEdit &edit, const char *text);
void setEditTextMultiLine (CEdit &edit, const std::vector<std::string> &vect);
//void setEditTextMultiLine (ColorEditWnd &edit, const char *text);
//void setEditTextMultiLine (ColorEditWnd &edit, const std::vector<std::string> &vect);
//void setEditTextMultiLine (CListBox &listBox, const char *text);
void setEditTextMultiLine (CListBox &listBox, const std::vector<std::string> &vect);
bool setWindowTextUTF8 (HWND hwnd, const char *textUtf8);
bool getWindowTextUTF8 (HWND hwnd, CString &textUtf8);
HTREEITEM insertItemUTF8 (HWND hwnd, const char *textUtf8, HTREEITEM hParent = TVI_ROOT, HTREEITEM hInsertAfter = TVI_LAST);
HTREEITEM insertItemUTF8 (HWND hwnd, const char *textUtf8, int nImage, int nSelectedImage, HTREEITEM hParent = TVI_ROOT, HTREEITEM hInsertAfter = TVI_LAST);
bool setItemTextUTF8 ( HWND hwnd, HTREEITEM hItem, LPCTSTR lpszItem );
bool isPrimitiveVisible (const NLLIGO::IPrimitive *primitive);
std::string getTextureFile(const std::string &filename);
// ***************************************************************************
// Class to enable / disable interaction
class CNoInteraction
CNoInteraction ();
~CNoInteraction ();
// Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
#endif // !defined(AFX_WORLD_EDITOR_H__534BE790_9E70_4D87_B709_1445991D5824__INCLUDED_)