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Georges Editor Help
<A href="#Config file">Config file</A><BR>
<A href="#User privilege">User privilege</A><BR>
<A href="#Custom icon">Custom icon</A><BR>
<A href="#Georges expression syntax">Georges expression syntax</A><BR>
<A href="#Georges file formats">Georges file formats</A>
<A name="Config file"></A>
Config file
Your "georges.cfg" config file MUST have the following entries:
<li>root_search_directory = "l:\"; // (Root search path for georges files)</li>
<li>typ_dfn_sub_folder = "dfn"; // (Sub directory for types and dfn files)</li>
<li>remember_list_size = 11; // (Size of remember list in combobox)</li>
<li>max_undo = 20; // (Size of the undo buffer)</li>
<li>default_type = "default.typ"; // (Default type used when insert a new element in a DFN)</li>
<li>default_dfn = "default.dfn"; // (Default dfn used when insert a new element in a DFN)</li>
<li>plugins = { }; // (List of plugins to load with georges)</li>
<li>superuser = 1; // (User mode. 0 for normal user, 1 for super user)</li>
<li>user_type = { }; // (List of form type editable by a normal user. Superuser edit all kind of form)</li>
<A name="Custom icon"></A>
Custom icons
To have a custom icon for a form type (for exemple ".item"), place an icon file named "item.ico" in the Georges "DFN & TYPES" directory.
then your file will shown with your custom icon in file explorer and in the georges file browser. <P>You can customise georges icons too.
If can do the same thing to customise a special DFN or TYPE value in the left view of your document.
<P>You can customise internal icons too. To do this, create one of the following icons:
<li>header.ico (Header of the document)</li>
<li>type.ico (Type document)</li>
<li>dfn.ico (Dfn document)</li>
<li>root.ico (first node of the document)</li>
<li>array.ico (Array node of the document)</li>
<li>typedoc.ico (Type node of the document)</li>
<li>struct.ico (Struct node of the document)</li>
<li>vstruct.ico (Virtual struct node of the document)</li>
<li>hold.ico (Hold buffers)</li>
<A name="User privilege"></A>
User privilege
<P>There is two privilege levels, user and superuser. To be a superuser, set to 1 the value superuser in georges.cfg.
The user can't edit / open DFN and Type files, can't open the properties window. The user can create / modify only
a subset of the forms. This subset is defined in the georges.cfg file by the parameter "user_type".
<P>For exemple, if the user must only edit the files "*.animation" and "*.skeleton", set the config file like this:<BR> user_type = { "animation", "skeleton" };
<A name="Georges expression syntax"></A>
Georges expression syntax
Georges expression syntax depends the type of value you edit. Non-numerical or numerical.<BR>
Numerical types are value of type UnsignedInt, SignedInt, Double. <BR>
Non-numerical are value of type Color, String, Filename.<BR>
Non-numerical expression syntax
Some exemples of Georges non-numerical expressions:
foo // Simple string<BR>
".Entities[0].Position.X" // Reference on a form string<BR>
{sqrt (24 * 2)} // Numerical expression converted in text<BR>
myname{".Level"*2}.creature // Strings and expressions concatenation<BR>
non_num_expression: non_num_expression non_num_expression<BR>
| string<BR>
| value_reference<BR>
| numerical_expression<BR>
| constants<BR>
value_reference: "value_form_name"<BR>
numerical_expression: {numerical_expression_options num_expression (see above)}<BR>
numerical_expression_options: | $zN // Pad left the number with zeros until the size of the number reach N<BR>
constants: "$filename" : form filename<BR>
Numerical expression syntax
Some exemples of Georges numerical expressions:
1 // Simple number<BR>
1+1 // Basic operator<BR>
(1+2)*3 // Parentesis<BR>
sin (pi) // Math functions<BR>
2+$filename*4 // Operation with the number in the form filename<BR>
2+".Entities[0].Position.X"*4 // Operation with a form value<BR>
num_expression: '-' num_expression<BR>
| '!' num_expression // Returns true if a equal false, else false (logical not)<BR>
| '~' num_expression // Returns ~ round(a) (bitwise not)<BR>
| '(' num_expression ')'<BR>
| num_expression operator num_expression<BR>
| function1 '(' num_expression ')'<BR>
| function2 '(' num_expression ',' num_expression ')'<BR>
| number<BR>
| constant<BR>
| value_reference<BR>
| value_existance<BR>
operator: '*' // Calculates (a * b)<BR>
| '/' // Calculates (a / b)<BR>
| '%' // Calculates the remainder of (a / b)<BR>
| '+' // Calculates (a + b)<BR>
| '-' // Calculates (a - b)<BR>
| '<<' // Returns round(a) left 32 bits unsigned shift by round(b)<BR>
| '>>' // Returns round(a) right 32 bits unsigned shift by round(b)<BR>
| '<-' // Returns round(a) left 32 bits signed shift by round(b)<BR>
| '->' // Returns round(a) right 32 bits signed shift by round(b)<BR>
| '<' // Returns true if a is strictly smaller than b<BR>
| '<=' // Returns true if a is smaller or equal than b<BR>
| '>' // Returns true if a is strictly bigger than b<BR>
| '>=' // Returns true if a is bigger or equal than b<BR>
| '==' // Returns true if a equal b, else returns false (warning, performs a floating point comparison)<BR>
| '!=' // Returns false if a equal b, else returns true (warning, performs a floating point comparison)<BR>
| '&' // Returns round(a) & round(b) over 32 bits<BR>
| '|' // Returns round(a) | round(b) over 32 bits<BR>
| '^' // Returns round(a) ^ round(b) over 32 bits<BR>
| '&&' // Returns true if a equal true and b equal true else returns false<BR>
| '||' // Returns true if a equal true or b equal true else returns false<BR>
| '^^' // Returns true if a equal true and b equal false, or, a equal false and b equal 1.0, else returns false<BR>
function1: abs // Calculates the absolute value<BR>
| acos // Calculates the arccosine<BR>
| asin // Calculates the arcsine<BR>
| atan // Calculates the arctangent<BR>
| ceil // Calculates the ceiling of a value ( ceil(-1.1) = -1, ceil(1.1) = 2 )<BR>
| cos // Calculates the cosine<BR>
| cosh // Calculates the hyperbolic cosine<BR>
| exp // Calculates the exponential<BR>
| exponent // Calculates the exponent of a floating point value<BR>
| floor // Calculates the floor of a value ( floor(-1.1) = -2, floor(1.1) = 1 )<BR>
| int // Calculates the C style integer value ( int(-1.6) = -1, int(1.6) = 1 )<BR>
| log // Calculates logarithms<BR>
| log10 // Calculates base-10 logarithms<BR>
| mantissa // Calculates the mantissa of a floating point value<BR>
| round // Calculates the nearest integer value ( round(-1.6) = -2, round(1.1) = 1 )<BR>
| sin // Calculate sines<BR>
| sinh // Calculate hyperbolic sines <BR>
| sq // Calculates the square<BR>
| sqrt // Calculates the square root<BR>
| tan // Calculates the tangent <BR>
| tanh // Calculates the hyperbolic tangent <BR>
function2: max // Returns the larger of two values<BR>
| min // Returns the smaller of two values<BR>
| atan2 // Calculates the arctangent of arg0/arg1<BR>
| pow // Calculates a raised at the power of b<BR>
| rand // Calculates a pseudo random value (arg0 <= randomValue < arg1)<BR>
number: [0-9]+ // Unsigned decimal integer<BR>
| "0x"[0-9a-fA-F]+ // Unsigned hexadecimal integer<BR>
| "0"[0-7]+ // Unsigned octal integer<BR>
| [0-9]*.[0-9]+ // Unsigned floating point value<BR>
| [0-9]*.[0-9]+[eE]-?[0-9]*.[0-9]+ // Unsigned floating point value with signed exponent<BR>
constant: e // 2.7182818284590452353602874713527<BR>
| pi // 3.1415926535897932384626433832795<BR>
| $filename // Returns the number found at the end of the form filename<BR>
value_reference: \"value_form_name\" // Return the value string. Must be a litteral expression. Return error if the value doesn't exist.<BR>
value_existance: \"#value_form_name\" // Return 1 if the form value is filled else 0. Return error if the value doesn't exist.<BR>
Operator precedence
0 - unary operator (-, ~, !)<BR>
1 - *, /, %<BR>
2 - +, -, <BR>
3 - <<, >>, <-, -><BR>
4 - <, <=, >, >=<BR>
5 - ==, !=<BR>
6 - &<BR>
7 - |<BR>
8 - ^<BR>
9 - &&<BR>
10 - ||<BR>
11 - ^^<BR>
<A name="Georges file formats"></A>
Georges file formats
There is 3 kind of files:<BR><BR>
Type files (*.typ), define a basic element type (string, color, number with default values, limit, enums and graphic user interface).<BR>
Dfn files (*.dfn), define a structure composed of basic elements, array of basic element, sub structures, array of sub structures and virtual sub structures.<BR>
Form files (*.dfn_name), implement a Dfn file (the name of the Dfn based file is dfn_name.dfn).<BR>