// NeL - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "shapes_exporter.h" using namespace NLMISC; using namespace NL3D; using namespace std; Settings::Settings() { preview_width = 0; preview_height = 0; preview_quality = 0; output_steps_z = 0; output_steps_x = 0; output_width = 0; output_height = 0; output_antialiasing = 0; output_quality = 0; output_background = CRGBA::Black; light_ambiant = CRGBA::White; light_diffuse = CRGBA::White; light_specular = CRGBA::White; light_direction = CVector(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); } ShapesExporter::ShapesExporter():Driver(NULL), Scene(NULL) { } ShapesExporter::~ShapesExporter() { // delete the scene Driver->deleteScene(Scene); // release all textures and others elements Driver->release(); // delete the driver delete Driver; } bool ShapesExporter::init() { if (!settings.output_width) return false; // create OpenGL driver Driver = UDriver::createDriver(); if (!Driver) return false; // create a window Driver->setDisplay(UDriver::CMode((uint16)(settings.output_width * settings.output_antialiasing), (uint16)(settings.output_height * settings.output_antialiasing), 32, true)); // set the title Driver->setWindowTitle(ucstring("NeL images exporter")); // Create a scene Scene = Driver->createScene(true); if (!Scene) return false; return true; } bool ShapesExporter::parseConfigFile(const string &filename) { CConfigFile cf; try { // load the config file cf.load(filename); } catch(exception &e) { nlwarning("can't parse config file : %s", filename.c_str()); nlwarning(e.what()); return false; } // input path try { settings.input_path = CPath::standardizePath(cf.getVar("input_path").asString()); } catch (EUnknownVar &) { } // output path try { settings.output_path = CPath::standardizePath(cf.getVar("output_path").asString()); } catch (EUnknownVar &) { } // output format try { settings.output_format = cf.getVar("output_format").asString(); } catch (NLMISC::EUnknownVar &) { settings.output_format = "jpg"; } // add search pathes try { CConfigFile::CVar &search_pathes = cf.getVar("search_pathes"); for (uint i=0; i < (uint)search_pathes.size(); ++i) CPath::addSearchPath(CPath::standardizePath(search_pathes.asString(i))); } catch(EUnknownVar &) { } // add recusrive search pathes try { CConfigFile::CVar &recursive_search_pathes = cf.getVar("recursive_search_pathes"); for (uint i=0; i< (uint)recursive_search_pathes.size(); ++i) CPath::addSearchPath(CPath::standardizePath(recursive_search_pathes.asString(i)), true, false); } catch(EUnknownVar &) { } // add extension remapping try { CConfigFile::CVar &extensions_remapping = cf.getVar("extensions_remapping"); if (extensions_remapping.size()%2 != 0) { nlwarning ("extensions_remapping must have a multiple of 2 entries (ex: extensions_remapping={\"dds\",\"tga\"};)"); } else { for (uint i=0; i < (uint)extensions_remapping.size(); i+=2) CPath::remapExtension(extensions_remapping.asString(i), extensions_remapping.asString(i+1), true); } } catch (EUnknownVar &) { } // preview format try { settings.preview_format = cf.getVar("preview_format").asString(); } catch (NLMISC::EUnknownVar &) { settings.preview_format = "jpg"; } // preview image width try { settings.preview_width = cf.getVar("preview_width").asInt(); } catch (NLMISC::EUnknownVar &) { settings.preview_width = 256; } // preview image height try { settings.preview_height = cf.getVar("preview_height").asInt(); } catch (NLMISC::EUnknownVar &) { settings.preview_height = 256; } // preview jpeg image quality try { settings.preview_quality = (uint8)cf.getVar("preview_quality").asInt(); } catch (NLMISC::EUnknownVar &) { settings.preview_quality = 90; } // output background color try { CConfigFile::CVar &var = cf.getVar("output_background"); settings.output_background.R = (uint8)var.asInt(0); settings.output_background.G = (uint8)var.asInt(1); settings.output_background.B = (uint8)var.asInt(2); } catch (EUnknownVar &) { settings.output_background = CRGBA::Black; } // light ambiant color try { CConfigFile::CVar &var = cf.getVar("light_ambiant"); settings.light_ambiant.R = (uint8)var.asInt(0); settings.light_ambiant.G = (uint8)var.asInt(1); settings.light_ambiant.B = (uint8)var.asInt(2); } catch (EUnknownVar &) { settings.light_ambiant = CRGBA::White; } // light diffuse color try { CConfigFile::CVar &var = cf.getVar("light_diffuse"); settings.light_diffuse.R = (uint8)var.asInt(0); settings.light_diffuse.G = (uint8)var.asInt(1); settings.light_diffuse.B = (uint8)var.asInt(2); } catch (EUnknownVar &) { settings.light_diffuse = CRGBA::White; } // light specular color try { CConfigFile::CVar &var = cf.getVar("light_specular"); settings.light_specular.R = (uint8)var.asInt(0); settings.light_specular.G = (uint8)var.asInt(1); settings.light_specular.B = (uint8)var.asInt(2); } catch (EUnknownVar &) { settings.light_specular = CRGBA::White; } // light direction try { CConfigFile::CVar &var = cf.getVar("light_direction"); settings.light_direction = CVector(var.asFloat(0), var.asFloat(1), var.asFloat(2)); } catch (EUnknownVar &) { settings.light_direction = CVector(0.f, 1.f, 0.f); } // output steps z number try { settings.output_steps_z = cf.getVar("output_steps_z").asInt(); } catch (NLMISC::EUnknownVar &) { settings.output_steps_z = 10; } // output steps x number try { settings.output_steps_x = cf.getVar("output_steps_x").asInt(); } catch (NLMISC::EUnknownVar &) { settings.output_steps_x = 10; } // output image width try { settings.output_width = cf.getVar("output_width").asInt(); } catch (NLMISC::EUnknownVar &) { settings.output_width = 256; } // output image height try { settings.output_height = cf.getVar("output_height").asInt(); } catch (NLMISC::EUnknownVar &) { settings.output_height = 256; } // output image antialiasing try { settings.output_antialiasing = (uint8)cf.getVar("output_antialiasing").asInt(); } catch (NLMISC::EUnknownVar &) { settings.output_antialiasing = 2; } // output jpeg image quality try { settings.output_quality = (uint8)cf.getVar("output_quality").asInt(); } catch (NLMISC::EUnknownVar &) { settings.output_quality = 90; } return true; } bool ShapesExporter::setupLight(const CVector &position, const CVector &direction) { // create the light ULight *Light = ULight::createLight(); if (!Light) return false; // set mode of the light Light->setMode(ULight::DirectionalLight); // set position of the light // Light->setupDirectional(settings.light_ambiant, settings.light_diffuse, settings.light_specular, settings.light_direction); Light->setupPointLight(settings.light_ambiant, settings.light_diffuse, settings.light_specular, position, direction + settings.light_direction); // set and enable the light Driver->setLight(0, *Light); Driver->enableLight(0); return true; } void ShapesExporter::setCamera(CAABBox &bbox, UTransform &entity, bool high_z) { CVector pos(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); CQuat quat(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f); NL3D::UInstance inst; inst.cast(entity); if (!inst.empty()) { inst.getDefaultPos(pos); inst.getDefaultRotQuat(quat); /* if (quat.getAxis().isNull()) { quat.set(0, 0, 0, 0); inst.setRotQuat(quat); } */ // quat.set(1.f, 1.f, 0.f, 0.f); // inst.setRotQuat(quat); // inst.getRotQuat(quat); // check for presence of all textures from each sets bool allGood = true; for(uint s = 0; s < 5; ++s) { inst.selectTextureSet(s); uint numMat = inst.getNumMaterials(); // by default, all textures are present allGood = true; for(uint i = 0; i < numMat; ++i) { UInstanceMaterial mat = inst.getMaterial(i); for(sint j = 0; j <= mat.getLastTextureStage(); ++j) { // if a texture is missing if (mat.isTextureFile(j) && mat.getTextureFileName(j) == "CTextureMultiFile:Dummy") allGood = false; } } // if all textures have been found for this set, skip other sets if (allGood) break; } } // fix scale (some shapes have a different value) entity.setScale(1.f, 1.f, 1.f); UCamera Camera = Scene->getCam(); CVector max_radius = bbox.getHalfSize(); CVector center = bbox.getCenter(); entity.setPivot(center); center += pos; float fov = float(20.0*Pi/180.0); Camera.setPerspective (fov, 1.0f, 0.1f, 1000.0f); float radius = max(max(max_radius.x, max_radius.y), max_radius.z); if (radius == 0.f) radius = 1.f; float left, right, bottom, top, znear, zfar; Camera.getFrustum(left, right, bottom, top, znear, zfar); float dist = radius / (tan(fov/2)); CVector eye(center); /* if (axis == CVector::I) eye.y -= dist+radius; else if (axis == CVector::J) eye.x += dist+radius; */ // quat.normalize(); CVector ax(quat.getAxis()); // float angle = quat.getAngle(); /* if (ax.isNull()) { if (int(angle*100.f) == int(NLMISC::Pi * 200.f)) { ax = CVector::J; } } else */ if (ax.isNull() || ax == CVector::I) { ax = CVector::I; } else if (ax == -CVector::K) { ax = -CVector::J; } /* else if (ax.x < -0.9f && ax.y == 0.f && ax.z == 0.f) { ax = -CVector::J ; } */ // ax.normalize(); eye -= ax * (dist+radius); if (high_z) eye.z += max_radius.z/1.0f; Camera.lookAt(eye, center); setupLight(eye, center - eye); } bool ShapesExporter::exportShape(const string &filename, const string &output_path) { // get scene camera if (Scene->getCam().empty()) { nlwarning("can't get camera from scene"); return false; } //CParticleSystem::forceDisplayBBox(true); // add an entity to the scene UInstance Entity = Scene->createInstance(filename); // if we can't create entity, skip it if (Entity.empty()) { nlwarning("can't create instance from %s", filename.c_str()); return false; } // get AABox of Entity CAABBox bbox; Entity.getShapeAABBox(bbox); setCamera(bbox , Entity); Scene->animate(1.0); Scene->render(); if(CFile::getExtension(filename) == "ps") { UParticleSystemInstance *psi = static_cast(&Entity); if(psi) { psi->getSystemBBox(bbox); setCamera(bbox, Entity); } // first pass to detect bbox & duration CAABBox bbox2; double duration = 0.0; renderPS(Entity, output_path, duration, bbox2); Scene->deleteInstance(Entity); // second pass to actually take screenshots Entity = Scene->createInstance(filename); setCamera(bbox, Entity, true); renderPS(Entity, output_path, duration, bbox2); } else { renderShape(Entity, output_path); } // delete entity Scene->deleteInstance(Entity); return true; } bool ShapesExporter::exportSkeleton(const string &skeleton, const vector &parts, const string &output_path) { // get scene camera UCamera Camera = Scene->getCam(); if (Camera.empty()) { nlwarning("can't get camera from scene"); return false; } // add a skeleton to the scene USkeleton Skeleton = Scene->createSkeleton(skeleton); // if we can't create entity, skip it if (Skeleton.empty()) { nlwarning("can't create skeleton from %s", skeleton.c_str()); return false; } vector Entities(parts.size()); for(size_t i = 0; i < parts.size(); ++i) { Entities[i] = Scene->createInstance(parts[i]); // if we can't create entity, skip it if (Entities[i].empty()) { nlwarning("can't create instance from %s", parts[i].c_str()); return false; } if (!Skeleton.bindSkin(Entities[i])) { nlwarning("can't bind %s to skeleton", parts[i].c_str()); return false; } } // get AABox of Entity CAABBox bbox; Skeleton.computeCurrentBBox(bbox, NULL); setCamera(bbox, Skeleton); renderShape(Skeleton, output_path); // delete entities for(size_t i = 0; i < Entities.size(); ++i) { Skeleton.detachSkeletonSon(Entities[i]); Scene->deleteInstance(Entities[i]); } // delete skeleton Scene->deleteSkeleton(Skeleton); return true; } /* bool ShapesExporter::exportAnimation(const std::string &animation, const std::string &skeleton, const std::vector &parts, const std::string &output_path) { UPlayListManager *PlayListManager = Scene->createPlayListManager(); UAnimationSet *AnimSet = Driver->createAnimationSet(); // uint anim_id = AnimSet->addAnimation("anim.anim", "anim_name", false); // uint weight_id = AnimSet->addSkeletonWeight("file.wgt", "skel_name"): // UAnimation *anim = AnimSet->getAnimation(anim_id); // anim->getEndTime(); // UPlayList *playlist = playlist_manager->createPlayList(AnimSet); // playlist->registerTransform(Skeleton); // playlist->setAnimation(0, anim_id); // playlist->setTimeOrigin(newSlot, time); // playlist->setWeightSmoothness(newSlot, 1.0f); // get scene camera UCamera Camera = Scene->getCam(); if (Camera.empty()) { nlwarning("can't get camera from scene"); return false; } // add a skeleton to the scene USkeleton Skeleton = Scene->createSkeleton(skeleton); // if we can't create entity, skip it if (Skeleton.empty()) { nlwarning("can't create skeleton from %s", skeleton.c_str()); return false; } std::vector Entities(parts.size()); for(size_t i = 0; i < parts.size(); ++i) { Entities[i] = Scene->createInstance(parts[i]); // if we can't create entity, skip it if (Entities[i].empty()) { nlwarning("can't create instance from %s", parts[i].c_str()); return false; } if (!Skeleton.bindSkin(Entities[i])) { nlwarning("can't bind %s to skeleton", parts[i].c_str()); return false; } } // get AABox of Entity CAABBox bbox; Skeleton.computeCurrentBBox(bbox, NULL); setCamera(); // camera will look at skeleton Camera.lookAt(CVector(center.x + dist - radius, center.y, center.z), center); renderAllImages(Skeleton, CVector::J, output_path); // delete entities for(size_t i = 0; i < Entities.size(); ++i) { Skeleton.detachSkeletonSon(Entities[i]); Scene->deleteInstance(Entities[i]); } // delete skeleton Scene->deleteSkeleton(Skeleton); Scene->deletePlayListManager(PlayListManager); Driver->deleteAnimationSet(AnimSet); // m_playlist->emptyPlayList(); // m_playlist->resetAllChannels(); // m_playlistman->deletePlayList(m_playlist); return true; } */ bool ShapesExporter::saveOneImage(const string &filename) { CBitmap btm; Driver->getBuffer(btm); // resamble bitmap only if antialiasing is enabled if (settings.output_antialiasing > 1) btm.resample(settings.output_width, settings.output_height); COFile fs; if (fs.open(filename)) { if (settings.output_format == "png") { if (!btm.writePNG(fs, 24)) { nlwarning("can't save image to PNG"); return false; } } else if (settings.output_format == "jpg") { if (!btm.writeJPG(fs, settings.output_quality)) { nlwarning("can't save image to JPG"); return false; } } else if (settings.output_format == "tga") { if (!btm.writeTGA(fs, 24)) { nlwarning("can't save image to TGA"); return false; } } } else { nlwarning("can't create %s", filename.c_str()); return false; } return true; } bool ShapesExporter::renderShape(UTransform &entity, const string &output_path) { CQuat quat(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f); CVector axis1 = CVector::J, axis2 = CVector::K; int orientation1 = -1, orientation2 = 1; NL3D::UInstance inst; inst.cast(entity); if (!inst.empty()) { // inst.getDefaultRotQuat(quat); inst.getRotQuat(quat); /* if (!quat.getAxis().isNull()) { CVector a = quat.getAxis(); if (a.z != 0 && a.x == 0.f) { axis1 = CVector::J; orientation1 = -1; } if (a.y != 0.f) { axis2 = CVector::J; } } */ } // main loop for (uint step_z = 0; step_z < settings.output_steps_z; ++step_z) { CQuat z(axis1, orientation1 * (float)step_z * ((float)NLMISC::Pi*2.f / (float)settings.output_steps_z)); for (uint step_x = 0; step_x < settings.output_steps_x; ++step_x) { CQuat x(axis2, orientation2 * (float)step_x * ((float)NLMISC::Pi*2.f / (float)settings.output_steps_x)); entity.setRotQuat(quat * z * x); string filename = CPath::standardizePath(output_path) + toString("%03d_%03d.%s", step_z, step_x, settings.output_format.c_str()); // the background is black Driver->clearBuffers(settings.output_background); // render the scene Scene->render(); if(!saveOneImage(filename)) return false; } } return true; } bool ShapesExporter::renderPS(UInstance &entity, const string &output_path, double &duration, CAABBox &bbox) { TGlobalAnimationTime time = 0.0, startTime = 0.0f; uint step = 0; static uint NbFrame = 100; double deltaTime = 0.05f; if (duration > 0.0f) deltaTime = duration / NbFrame; // main loop while(true) { uint nbparticle = 0; time += deltaTime; Scene->animate(time); UParticleSystemInstance *psi = static_cast(&entity); CTransformShape *e = entity.getObjectPtr(); CParticleSystemModel *psm = dynamic_cast(e); if(psm->getPS()) { nbparticle = psm->getPS()->getCurrNumParticles(); if(duration == 0.0f && time <= 10.0) { // after 10s we stop computing the bbox CAABBox bbox2; psm->getPS()->forceComputeBBox(bbox2); bbox = CAABBox::computeAABBoxUnion(bbox, bbox2); //bbox = bbox2; } } if(psi) { //psi->getSystemBBox(bbox); setCamera(bbox, entity, true); } // the background is black Driver->clearBuffers(settings.output_background); // render the scene Scene->render(); if(nbparticle > 0) { if(startTime == 0.0f) startTime = time; } if(duration > 0.0f) { string filename = CPath::standardizePath(output_path) + toString("000_%03d.%s", step, settings.output_format.c_str()); step++; if(!saveOneImage(filename)) return false; } if(time >= 30.0 || (nbparticle == 0 && startTime > 0.0f) || (duration != 0.0f && time > duration)) break; } if(duration > 0.0f) { if(step > 0) { FILE *fp = fopen(string(CPath::standardizePath(output_path)+"nb_steps.txt").c_str(), "w"); if(fp) { fprintf(fp, "%d", step); fclose(fp); } } nlinfo("PS duration %f after %f with nothing with %d steps, dt %f", duration, startTime, step, deltaTime); } if(time >= 30.0) duration = 10.0f; // for infinite duration animation, only take first 10s else duration = time; return true; } bool ShapesExporter::createThumbnail(const string &filename, const string &path) { string output_path = path; // Select which frame we'll use to do the thumnail uint selectedFrame = 0; if(CFile::getExtension(filename) == "ps") { FILE *fp = fopen(string(CPath::standardizePath(output_path)+"nb_steps.txt").c_str(), "r"); if(fp) { char str[100]; if (!fgets(str, 100, fp)) strcpy(str, "0"); fclose(fp); NLMISC::fromString(std::string(str), selectedFrame); selectedFrame /= 2; } } CIFile in; // create a thumbail from first image if (in.open(output_path + toString("/000_%03d.", selectedFrame) + settings.output_format)) { CBitmap bitmap; bitmap.load(in); bitmap.resample(settings.preview_width, settings.preview_height); output_path += "/thumb"; // create directory for thumbnail if (!CFile::isExists(output_path) && !CFile::createDirectory(output_path)) { nlwarning("can't create %s", output_path.c_str()); return false; } COFile out; if (out.open(output_path + "/" + CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(filename) + "." + settings.preview_format)) { if (settings.preview_format == "png") { if (!bitmap.writePNG(out, 24)) { nlwarning("can't save image to PNG"); return false; } } else if (settings.preview_format == "jpg") { if (!bitmap.writeJPG(out, settings.preview_quality)) { nlwarning("can't save image to JPG"); return false; } } else if (settings.preview_format == "tga") { if (!bitmap.writeTGA(out, 24)) { nlwarning("can't save image to TGA"); return false; } } } else { nlwarning("can't create %s", filename.c_str()); return false; } } return true; } std::string ShapesExporter::findSkeleton(const std::string &shape) { std::string baseFilename = CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(shape); // work in 60% of cases std::string skeleton = CPath::lookup(baseFilename + ".skel", false, false, false); if (!skeleton.empty()) return skeleton; // remove last part std::string::size_type pos = baseFilename.rfind("_"); if (pos != std::string::npos) { skeleton = CPath::lookup(baseFilename.substr(0, pos) + ".skel", false, false, false); if (!skeleton.empty()) return skeleton; pos = baseFilename.find("_"); std::vector filenames; CPath::getFileListByName("skel", baseFilename.substr(pos), filenames); if (filenames.size() == 1) { skeleton = filenames[0]; return skeleton; } } int gender = 0; if (baseFilename.find("_hom_") != std::string::npos) { gender = 1; } else if (baseFilename.find("_hof_") != std::string::npos) { gender = 2; } // bipeds if (gender > 0) { // karavan if (baseFilename.find("ca_") == 0) return gender == 1 ? "ca_hom_armor01.skel":"ca_hof_armor01.skel"; return gender == 1 ? "fy_hom_skel.skel":"fy_hof_skel.skel"; } nlwarning("can't find skeleton for %s", shape.c_str()); // goo mobs // CPath::getFileListByName("max", "_hof_", filenames); return ""; }