// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "stdafx.h" #include "nel/misc/time_nl.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "resource.h" #include "nel/misc/entity_id.h" #include "nel/misc/geom_ext.h" #include "nel/misc/time_nl.h" #include "DialogLogin.h" #include using namespace NLMISC; using namespace NLLIGO; using namespace NLSOUND; using namespace NLNET; using namespace std; CFileDisplayer *ShardMonitorPluginLogDisplayer= NULL; // vl: important to add the next line or AfxGetApp() will returns 0 after AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CWinApp theApp; // *************************************************************************** extern "C" { void *createPlugin() { return new CPlugin(); } } // *************************************************************************** CPlugin::CPlugin() { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); NLMISC::createDebug(); ShardMonitorPluginLogDisplayer= new CFileDisplayer("world_editor_shard_monitor_plugin.log", true, "WORLD_EDITOR_SHARD_MONITOR_PLUGIN.LOG"); DebugLog->addDisplayer (ShardMonitorPluginLogDisplayer); InfoLog->addDisplayer (ShardMonitorPluginLogDisplayer); WarningLog->addDisplayer (ShardMonitorPluginLogDisplayer); ErrorLog->addDisplayer (ShardMonitorPluginLogDisplayer); AssertLog->addDisplayer (ShardMonitorPluginLogDisplayer); nlinfo("Starting shard monitor plugin..."); _DialogFlag = new CDialogFlags(NULL); m_Initialized = false; _Client = NULL; _Root = NULL; _RequestedDownload = 0; _EntityDisplayMode = EntityType; _DisplayHits = true; _EntityIcons = NULL; _CloseUpDisplayDistance = 10.f; std::fill(_CloseUpFlags, _CloseUpFlags + sizeofarray(_CloseUpFlags), true); _ConnectState = Disconnected; } // *************************************************************************** CPlugin::~CPlugin() { if (m_Initialized) { _PluginAccess->deleteRootPluginPrimitive(); _Root = NULL; m_Initialized = false; if (_PluginAccess) { _PluginAccess->deleteTexture(_EntityIcons); } } } // *************************************************************************** void CPlugin::progress (float progressValue) { } // *************************************************************************** void CPlugin::removeEntity (CEntityEntry &entity) { // Changes ? if (entity.Primitive) { std::map::iterator ite = _PrimitiveToString.find (entity.Primitive); if(ite != _PrimitiveToString.end()) { uint32 stringId = (*ite).second; _PrimitiveToString.erase(entity.Primitive); std::multimap::iterator ite2 = _StringToPrimitive.find (stringId); while ((ite2 != _StringToPrimitive.end()) && (ite2->first == stringId)) { std::multimap::iterator ite2delete = ite2; ite2++; _StringToPrimitive.erase(ite2delete); } } _PluginAccess->deletePluginPrimitive (entity.Primitive); entity.Primitive = NULL; entity.ColorDirty = true; } } /** Map a color of an entity to its aspect (color & icon) * \param di array giving the aspect for several value of the property. * \param value value for which aspect is queried * \param defaultValue value of the property that gives the default aspect */ static void getEntityColorFromValue(const TEntityDisplayInfoVect &di, uint value, uint defaultValue, CRGBA &destColor) { CRGBA defaultCol(127, 127, 127); for(uint k = 0; k < di.size(); ++k) { if (di[k].Value == defaultValue) { defaultCol = di[k].Color; } else if (di[k].Value == value) { destColor = di[k].Color; return; } } destColor = defaultCol; } static void getEntityIconFromValue(const TEntityDisplayInfoVect &di, uint value, uint defaultValue, CEntityIcon &destIcon) { CEntityIcon defaultIcon; for(uint k = 0; k < di.size(); ++k) { if (di[k].Value == defaultValue) { defaultIcon = di[k].Icon; } else if (di[k].Value == value) { destIcon = di[k].Icon; return; } } destIcon = defaultIcon; } static bool getEntityVisibilityFromValue(const TEntityDisplayInfoVect &di, uint value) { for(uint k = 0; k < di.size(); ++k) { if (di[k].Value == value) { return di[k].Visible; } } return true; } // *************************************************************************** void CPlugin::updateEntityAspect(CEntityEntry &entity) { if (!entity.Primitive) return; NLMISC::CRGBA color; bool visible = true; const TEntityDisplayInfoVect &di = _DialogFlag->getEntityDisplayInfos(_EntityDisplayMode); // update icons getEntityIconFromValue(_DialogFlag->getEntityDisplayInfos(EntityType), (uint) entity.EntityId.getType(), RYZOMID::unknown, entity.IconForEntityType); getEntityIconFromValue(_DialogFlag->getEntityDisplayInfos(EntityMode), (uint) entity.Mode, MBEHAV::UNKNOWN_MODE, entity.IconForEntityMode); // switch(_EntityDisplayMode) { case EntityType: getEntityColorFromValue(di, (uint) entity.EntityId.getType(), RYZOMID::unknown, color); visible = getEntityVisibilityFromValue(di, (uint) entity.EntityId.getType()); break; case EntityMode: getEntityColorFromValue(di, (uint) entity.Mode, MBEHAV::UNKNOWN_MODE, color); visible = getEntityVisibilityFromValue(di, (uint) entity.EntityId.getType()); break; case EntityHitPoints: { if (entity.MaxHitPoints == 0) { color = di[3].Color; } else { float ratio = (float) entity.HitPoints / (float) entity.MaxHitPoints; if (ratio > 0.5f) { color.blendFromui(di[1].Color, di[2].Color, (uint8) (255.f * 2.f * (ratio - 0.5f))); } else { color.blendFromui(di[0].Color, di[1].Color, (uint8) (255.f * 2.f * ratio)); } } } break; case EntityAlive: { if (entity.MaxHitPoints == 0) { color = di[2].Color; } else { if (entity.HitPoints == 0) color = di[0].Color; else color = di[1].Color; } } break; default: nlassert(0); break; } if (color != entity.CurrentColor || entity.ColorDirty) { nlassert(entity.Primitive); entity.Primitive->removePropertyByName ("Color"); entity.Primitive->addPropertyByName ("Color", new CPropertyColor(color)); _PluginAccess->invalidatePluginPrimitive (entity.Primitive, QuadTree); entity.CurrentColor = color; entity.ColorDirty = false; } entity.Hidden = !visible; _PluginAccess->setPrimitiveHideFlag(*entity.Primitive, !visible); } // *************************************************************************** void serverSentAdd (CMessage &msgin, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase &netbase) { // Get the plugin CPlugin *plugin = (CPlugin *)(from->appId()); // Read the message version // Version 1 : added sheet id sint version = msgin.serialVersion(1); // Called when the server sent a ADD message uint32 count; msgin.serial(count); for (uint i = 0;i < count; i++) { uint32 id; uint32 stringId; CEntityId entityId; NLMISC::CSheetId sheetID; msgin.serial(id); msgin.serial(stringId); msgin.serial (entityId); if (version >= 1) { msgin.serial(sheetID); } // Resize the player array if (id >= plugin->_Entites.size()) plugin->_Entites.resize (id+1); std::vector Parameters; plugin->_Entites[id].Primitive = (CPrimPoint*)(plugin->_PluginAccess->createPluginPrimitive ("player", "", NLMISC::CVector::Null, 0, Parameters, plugin->_Root)); plugin->_Entites[id].EntityId = entityId; if (plugin->_Entites[id].Primitive) { if (stringId) { plugin->_PrimitiveToString.insert (std::map::value_type (plugin->_Entites[id].Primitive, stringId)); plugin->_StringToPrimitive.insert (std::multimap::value_type (stringId, plugin->_Entites[id].Primitive)); // Set the primitive name plugin->setPrimitiveName (plugin->_Entites[id].Primitive, stringId); } else { // Set the new name plugin->_Entites[id].Primitive->removePropertyByName ("name"); plugin->_Entites[id].Primitive->addPropertyByName ("name", new CPropertyString (sheetID.toString().c_str())); // Invalidate the name plugin->_PluginAccess->invalidatePluginPrimitive (plugin->_Entites[id].Primitive, LogicTreeParam); } // Set the entity id plugin->_Entites[id].Primitive->removePropertyByName ("entity id"); plugin->_Entites[id].Primitive->addPropertyByName ("entity id", new CPropertyString (entityId.toString().c_str())); // Set the sheet name plugin->_Entites[id].Primitive->removePropertyByName ("Sheet"); plugin->_Entites[id].Primitive->addPropertyByName ("Sheet", new CPropertyString (sheetID.toString().c_str())); // set start color plugin->updateEntityAspect(plugin->_Entites[id]); } } } // *************************************************************************** void serverSentPos (CMessage &msgin, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase &netbase) { // Get the plugin CPlugin *plugin = (CPlugin *)(from->appId()); // Read the message version sint version = msgin.serialVersion(0); // Called when the server sent a POS message uint32 count; msgin.serial(count); for (uint i = 0;i < count; i++) { uint32 id; msgin.serial(id); // Read position CPlugin::CEntityEntry &entity = plugin->_Entites[id]; float x, y, theta; msgin.serial (x); msgin.serial (y); msgin.serial (theta); // Changes ? if (entity.Primitive) { if ((entity.Primitive->Point.x != x) || (entity.Primitive->Point.y != y) || (entity.Primitive->Angle != theta)) { entity.Primitive->Point.x = x; entity.Primitive->Point.y = y; entity.Primitive->Angle = theta; plugin->_PluginAccess->invalidatePluginPrimitive (entity.Primitive, QuadTree); } } } } // *************************************************************************** void serverSentMiscProp (CMessage &msgin, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase &netbase) { // Get the plugin CPlugin *plugin = (CPlugin *)(from->appId()); // Read the message version sint version = msgin.serialVersion(0); // Called when the server sent a HIT_POINTS message uint32 count; msgin.serial(count); for (uint i = 0;i < count; i++) { uint32 id; msgin.serial(id); // Read hitpoints CPlugin::CEntityEntry &entity = plugin->_Entites[id]; sint32 hitPoints; sint32 maxHitPoints; uint8 mode; uint8 behaviour; msgin.serial (hitPoints); msgin.serial (maxHitPoints); msgin.serial(mode); msgin.serial(behaviour); // Changes ? if (entity.Primitive) { if (hitPoints < entity.HitPoints) { CPlugin::CHit hit; hit.EntityId = id; hit.HitTime = plugin->_CurrentTime; plugin->_HitList.push_front(hit); } entity.HitPoints = hitPoints; entity.MaxHitPoints = maxHitPoints; entity.Mode = (MBEHAV::EMode) mode; plugin->updateEntityAspect(entity); plugin->_Entites[id].Primitive->removePropertyByName ("HitPoints"); plugin->_Entites[id].Primitive->addPropertyByName ("HitPoints", new CPropertyString (toString(hitPoints))); plugin->_Entites[id].Primitive->removePropertyByName ("MaxHitPoints"); plugin->_Entites[id].Primitive->addPropertyByName ("MaxHitPoints", new CPropertyString (toString(maxHitPoints))); plugin->_Entites[id].Primitive->removePropertyByName ("Mode"); plugin->_Entites[id].Primitive->addPropertyByName ("Mode", new CPropertyString (MBEHAV::modeToString((MBEHAV::EMode) mode))); plugin->_Entites[id].Primitive->removePropertyByName ("Behaviour"); plugin->_Entites[id].Primitive->addPropertyByName ("Behaviour", new CPropertyString (MBEHAV::behaviourToString((MBEHAV::EBehaviour) mode))); plugin->_PluginAccess->invalidatePluginPrimitive (plugin->_Entites[id].Primitive, QuadTree); // if the primitive is the only one that is selected, then update the property dialog const std::list &currSel = plugin->_PluginAccess->getCurrentSelection(); if (currSel.size() == 1) { if (currSel.front() == plugin->_Entites[id].Primitive) { // properties for this primitive are currently displayed -> refresh plugin->_PluginAccess->refreshPropertyDialog(); } } } } } void serverSentParams(CMessage &msgin, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase &netbase) { CPlugin *plugin = (CPlugin *)(from->appId()); CConnectionMsg cm; cm.MsgType = CConnectionMsg::ServerParamsMsg; msgin.serial(cm.ServerParams.Version); msgin.serial(cm.ServerParams.LoginRequired); plugin->setConnectionMsg(cm); } void serverSentAuthentValid(CMessage &msgin, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase &netbase) { CPlugin *plugin = (CPlugin *)(from->appId()); CConnectionMsg cm; cm.MsgType = CConnectionMsg::AuthentValid; plugin->setConnectionMsg(cm); } void serverSentAuthentInvalid(CMessage &msgin, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase &netbase) { CPlugin *plugin = (CPlugin *)(from->appId()); CConnectionMsg cm; cm.MsgType = CConnectionMsg::AuthentInvalid; plugin->setConnectionMsg(cm); } // *************************************************************************** void CPlugin::authentValid() { if (_ConnectState == WaitingLoginConfirmation) { _ConnectState = Authentificated; updateConnectionState(); } } // *************************************************************************** void CPlugin::authentInvalid() { if (_ConnectState == WaitingLoginConfirmation) { if (_Client->connected()) { connectDisconnect(); updateConnectionState(); } MessageBox(NULL, getStringRsc(IDS_LOGIN_FAILED), getStringRsc(IDS_ERROR), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } } // *************************************************************************** void CPlugin::serverParamsReceived(const CServerParams &sp) { nlassert(sp.Version == 0); // version system not used now (since first version ...) if (_ConnectState != WaitingServerParams) return; if (sp.LoginRequired) { CDialogLogin dl; if (dl.DoModal() == IDOK) { CMessage msg; msg.setType("AUTHENT"); std::string login = (LPCTSTR)dl.m_Login; std::string password = (LPCTSTR)dl.m_Password; sint ver = msg.serialVersion(0); msg.serial(login); msg.serial(password); _Client->send(msg); _ConnectState = WaitingLoginConfirmation; updateConnectionState(); } else { if (_Client->connected()) { connectDisconnect(); updateConnectionState(); } } } else { // no need for a password, so we are already authentificated _ConnectState = Authentificated; updateConnectionState(); } } // *************************************************************************** void CPlugin::setEntityDisplayMode(TEntityDisplayMode edm) { if (edm == _EntityDisplayMode) return; _EntityDisplayMode = edm; updateDisplay(); } // *************************************************************************** void CPlugin::updateDisplay() { for(uint k = 0; k < _Entites.size(); ++k) { CPlugin::CEntityEntry &entity = _Entites[k]; if (entity.Primitive) { updateEntityAspect(entity); _PluginAccess->invalidatePluginPrimitive (entity.Primitive, QuadTree); } } } // *************************************************************************** void serverSentString (CMessage &msgin, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase &netbase) { // Get the plugin CPlugin *plugin = (CPlugin *)(from->appId()); // Read the message version sint version = msgin.serialVersion(0); // Called when the server sent a POS message uint32 count; msgin.serial(count); for (uint i = 0;i < count; i++) { uint32 stringId; string str; msgin.serial(stringId); msgin.serial(str); // Set the string plugin->_StringIdToString.insert (std::map::value_type (stringId, str)); // Modify entites // Changes ? std::multimap::iterator ite = plugin->_StringToPrimitive.find (stringId); while ((ite != plugin->_StringToPrimitive.end()) && (ite->first == stringId)) { // Set the name plugin->setPrimitiveName (ite->second, stringId); ite++; } } } // *************************************************************************** void serverSentRemove (CMessage &msgin, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase &netbase) { // Get the plugin CPlugin *plugin = (CPlugin *)(from->appId()); // Read the message version sint version = msgin.serialVersion(0); // Called when the server sent a POS message uint32 count; msgin.serial(count); for (uint i = 0;i < count; i++) { uint32 id; msgin.serial(id); plugin->removeEntity (plugin->_Entites[id]); } } // *************************************************************************** void serverSentInfo (CMessage &msgin, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase &netbase) { // Called when the server sent a INFO message string text; msgin.serial(text); printf("%s\n", text.c_str()); } // *************************************************************************** // All messages handled by this server #define NB_CB 9 TCallbackItem CallbackArray[NB_CB] = { { "ADD", serverSentAdd }, { "RMV", serverSentRemove }, { "POS", serverSentPos }, { "STR", serverSentString }, { "INFO", serverSentInfo }, { "MISC_PROP", serverSentMiscProp }, // Misc. properties { "SERVER_PARAMS", serverSentParams }, { "AUTHENT_VALID", serverSentAuthentValid }, { "AUTHENT_INVALID", serverSentAuthentInvalid }, }; // *************************************************************************** void CPlugin::init(IPluginAccess *pluginAccess) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); AfxEnableControlContainer(); try { _PluginAccess = pluginAccess; // Add the search paths NLMISC::CConfigFile::CVar *path = _PluginAccess->getConfigFile().getVarPtr("ShardMonitorPath"); if (path) { for(uint k = 0; k < (uint) path->size(); ++k) { NLMISC::CPath::addSearchPath(path->asString(k), false, false); } } // connect to the server here... // open the dialog flag window _DialogFlag->init(this); _DialogFlag->Create(IDD_DIALOG_FLAGS, CWnd::FromHandle(_PluginAccess->getMainWindow()->m_hWnd)); _DialogFlag->ShowWindow(TRUE); // Read the host where to connect in the client.cfg file _PluginActive=true; updateConnectionState(); // init the sheets std::string sheetIDPath = CPath::lookup("sheet_id.bin", false, false); if (sheetIDPath.empty()) { _PluginAccess->errorMessage(NULL, "Couldn't find sheet_id.bin, Please check shard monitor paths in world_editor_plugin.cfg.", "Warning", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } else { NLMISC::CSheetId::init(false); } } catch (Exception &e) { errorMessage (e.what ()); } } // *************************************************************************** void CPlugin::connectDisconnect() { try { _DialogFlag->UpdateData(); _DialogFlag->Download = 0; _DialogFlag->UpdateData(FALSE); if (!_Client || !_Client->connected()) { // Create the socket if (_Client) delete _Client; _Client = new CCallbackClient; // Init and Connect the client to the server located on port 3333 _Client->addCallbackArray (CallbackArray, NB_CB); _Client->getSockId ()->setAppId ((uint64)this); // connect to the server here... // Erase all the primitives uint i; for (i=0; i<_Entites.size(); i++) { removeEntity (_Entites[i]); } // Erase string cache _PrimitiveToString.clear (); _StringToPrimitive.clear (); _StringIdToString.clear (); // Read the host where to connect in the client.cfg file nlassert (_DialogFlag); _DialogFlag->UpdateData (TRUE); _SHost = (const char*)_DialogFlag->ShardCtrl.getCurrString(); _DialogFlag->ShardCtrl.onOK(); try { CInetAddress addr(_SHost+":48888"); _Client->connect(addr); } catch(ESocket &e) { errorMessage (e.what ()); return; } if (!_Client->connected()) { errorMessage ("The connection failed"); return; } // todo move the looking window { /* CMessage msg; msg.setType("WINDOW"); float xmin = 0; float xmax = 10000; float ymin = -10000; float ymax = 0; msg.serial (xmin); msg.serial (ymin); msg.serial (xmax); msg.serial (ymax); _Client->send(msg); */ _WMin = CVector(+0.0f, -10000.0f, 0.0f); _WMax = CVector(+10000.0f, +0.0f, 0.0f); } _ConnectState = WaitingServerParams; } else { // _Client->disconnect(); if (_Client->connected()) { errorMessage ("The disconnection failed"); delete _Client; _Client = NULL; return; } delete _Client; _Client = NULL; } updateConnectionState(); } catch (Exception &e) { errorMessage (e.what ()); delete _Client; _Client = NULL; } } // *************************************************************************** /// The current region has changed. void CPlugin::primitiveChanged(const NLLIGO::IPrimitive *root) { } // *************************************************************************** /// The listener has been moved on the map. void CPlugin::positionMoved(const NLMISC::CVector &position) { } // *************************************************************************** void CPlugin::lostPositionControl() { } // *************************************************************************** void CPlugin::onIdle() { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); static bool in = false; if (!in) { in = true; // during the first call, we create a Root primitive to store all players if (!m_Initialized) { m_Initialized = true; _Root = _PluginAccess->createRootPluginPrimitive("Shard Monitor"); // Set the new name _Root->removePropertyByName ("name"); _Root->addPropertyByName ("name", new CPropertyString ("Shard Monitor")); // Invalidate the name _PluginAccess->invalidatePluginPrimitive (_Root, LogicTreeParam); } else { if (_Client && _Client->connected()) { _ConnectionMsg.MsgType = CConnectionMsg::NoMsg; // first, we receive the stack of messages, which is composed of players information _Client->update(); // See if there's aconnection relarted msg switch(_ConnectionMsg.MsgType) { case CConnectionMsg::ServerParamsMsg: serverParamsReceived(_ConnectionMsg.ServerParams); break; case CConnectionMsg::AuthentValid: authentValid(); break; case CConnectionMsg::AuthentInvalid: authentInvalid(); break; default: // no-op break; } if (_ConnectState == Authentificated) { // here check window coordinates CVector vmin, vmax; _PluginAccess->getWindowCoordinates(vmin, vmax); if (vmin != _WMin || vmax != _WMax) { CMessage msg; msg.setType("WINDOW"); float xmin = vmin.x; float xmax = vmax.x; float ymin = vmin.y; float ymax = vmax.y; msg.serial (xmin); msg.serial (ymin); msg.serial (xmax); msg.serial (ymax); _Client->send(msg); _WMin = vmin; _WMax = vmax; } if (_CtrlRequestedDownload != _RequestedDownload) { _RequestedDownload = _CtrlRequestedDownload; CMessage msg; msg.setType("BANDW"); uint32 bandw = _RequestedDownload; msg.serial(bandw); _Client->send(msg); } } } } // Update strings updateConnectionState(); in = false; } } const uint HIT_TIME_IN_MS = 1000; // *************************************************************************** void CPlugin::displayHits(CDisplay &display) { std::list::iterator it = _HitList.begin(); while (it != _HitList.end()) { std::list::iterator tmpIt = it; ++ it; if (_CurrentTime - tmpIt->HitTime >= HIT_TIME_IN_MS) { _HitList.erase(tmpIt); } else { CEntityEntry &entity = _Entites[tmpIt->EntityId]; if (!entity.Hidden && _DisplayHits) { const CPrimPoint *point = dynamic_cast(entity.Primitive); if (point) { // Clip ? if (!display.isClipped (&point->Point, 1)) { const float HIT_SIZE = 10.f; uint dt = (uint) (_CurrentTime - tmpIt->HitTime); float currHitSize = HIT_SIZE * (float) dt / HIT_TIME_IN_MS; // Position in world CVector center = point->Point; display.worldToPixel (center); // Dot CVector corners[] = { CVector(0.5f, 1.f, 0.f), CVector(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.f), CVector(1.0f, -0.5f, 0.f), CVector(0.5f, -1.f, 0.f), CVector(-0.5f, -1.f, 0.f), CVector(-1.f, -0.5f, 0.f), CVector(-1.f, 0.5f, 0.f), CVector(-0.5f, 1.f, 0.f), }; const uint numCorners = sizeofarray(corners); for(uint k = 0; k < numCorners; ++k) { corners[k] = currHitSize * corners[k] + center; display.pixelToWorld(corners[k]); } const CRGBA HIT_COLOR(255, 0, 0); for(uint k = 0; k < numCorners; ++k) { display.lineRenderProxy(HIT_COLOR, corners[k], corners[(k + 1) % numCorners], 0); } } } } } } } // *************************************************************************** void CPlugin::pushIcon(CDisplay &display, sint stepX, sint stepY, NLMISC::CVector &currPos, const CEntityIcon &icon, const CPrimTexture &pt) { // if icon is NULL then no-op if (icon.X < 0 || icon.Y < 0) return; CVector center = currPos; display.worldToPixel(center); center.x += (float) stepX; center.y += (float) stepY; currPos = center; display.pixelToWorld(currPos); CVector tl(center.x - ENTITY_ICON_SIZE / 2, center.y + ENTITY_ICON_SIZE / 2, 0.f); CVector br(center.x + ENTITY_ICON_SIZE / 2, center.y - ENTITY_ICON_SIZE / 2, 0.f); display.pixelToWorld(tl); display.pixelToWorld(br); NLMISC::CQuadColorUV quvc; quvc.V0.set(tl.x, tl.y, 0.f); quvc.V1.set(br.x, tl.y, 0.f); quvc.V2.set(br.x, br.y, 0.f); quvc.V3.set(tl.x, br.y, 0.f); quvc.Color0 = quvc.Color1 = quvc.Color2 = quvc.Color3 = CRGBA::White; if (pt.getWidth() == 0 || pt.getHeight() == 0) { // if texture width is 0, then texture hasn't been found, so display the whole 'not found' texture quvc.Uv0.set(0.f, 0.f); quvc.Uv1.set(1.f, 0.f); quvc.Uv2.set(1.f, 1.f); quvc.Uv3.set(0.f, 1.f); } else { float invWidth = 1.f / pt.getWidth(); float invHeight = 1.f / pt.getHeight(); sint srcX = icon.X * ENTITY_ICON_SIZE; sint srcY = icon.Y * ENTITY_ICON_SIZE; quvc.Uv0.set(srcX * invWidth, srcY * invHeight); quvc.Uv1.set((srcX + ENTITY_ICON_SIZE) * invWidth, srcY * invHeight); quvc.Uv2.set((srcX + ENTITY_ICON_SIZE) * invWidth, (srcY + ENTITY_ICON_SIZE) * invHeight); quvc.Uv3.set(srcX * invWidth, (srcY + ENTITY_ICON_SIZE) * invHeight); } display.texQuadRenderProxy(quvc, 0); } // *************************************************************************** void CPlugin::displayCloseUp(CDisplay &display) { // init icon texture if not already done if (!_EntityIcons) { static bool createFailed = false; if (createFailed) return; HRSRC rsc = FindResource(AfxGetInstanceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_ENTITY_ICONS_TGA), "TGA"); if (rsc == NULL) { createFailed = true; return; } NLMISC::CBitmap bm; if (!_PluginAccess->buildNLBitmapFromTGARsc(rsc, AfxGetInstanceHandle(), bm)) { createFailed = true; return; } _EntityIcons = _PluginAccess->createTexture(); nlassert(_EntityIcons); _EntityIcons->buildFromNLBitmap(bm); } display.flush(); // must flush before we assign a next texture display.setLayerTexture(0, _EntityIcons); for(uint k = 0; k < _Entites.size(); ++k) { if (!_Entites[k].Hidden) { CEntityEntry &entity = _Entites[k]; const CPrimPoint *point = dynamic_cast(entity.Primitive); if (point) { // Clip ? if (!display.isClipped (&point->Point, 1)) { CVector currPos = point->Point; // display type of entity if (_CloseUpFlags[CloseUpEntityType]) // want to display the type as an icon ? { // see if there's an icon associated with current type pushIcon(display, ENTITY_ICON_SIZE / 2 + 4, 0, currPos, entity.IconForEntityType, *_EntityIcons); } if (_CloseUpFlags[CloseUpEntityMode]) // want to display the type as an icon ? { // see if there's an icon associated with current type pushIcon(display, ENTITY_ICON_SIZE + 4, 0, currPos, entity.IconForEntityMode, *_EntityIcons); } if (_CloseUpFlags[CloseUpEntityHP]) // want to display the type as an icon ? { if (entity.MaxHitPoints != 0) { uint iconIndex = 0; if (entity.HitPoints != 0) { iconIndex = 1 + (3 * entity.HitPoints) / entity.MaxHitPoints; } // icons position is hardcoded for now... pushIcon(display, ENTITY_ICON_SIZE + 4, 0, currPos, CEntityIcon(iconIndex, 2), *_EntityIcons); } } } } } } } // *************************************************************************** void CPlugin::postRender(CDisplay &display) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); _CurrentTime = NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime(); const uint HIT_TIME_IN_MS = 1000; // Display entities that are being hit displayHits(display); // Display close up details CVector oneMeter(1.f, 0.f, 0.f); display.worldVectorToFloatPixelVector(oneMeter); if (oneMeter.x >= _CloseUpDisplayDistance) { displayCloseUp(display); } } // *************************************************************************** bool CPlugin::yesNoMessage (const char *format, ... ) { char buffer[1024]; if (format) { va_list args; va_start( args, format ); sint ret = vsnprintf( buffer, 1024, format, args ); va_end( args ); } else { strcpy(buffer, "Unknown error"); } return _PluginAccess->yesNoMessage ("Plugin AI : %s", buffer); } // *************************************************************************** void CPlugin::errorMessage (const char *format, ... ) { char buffer[1024]; if (format) { va_list args; va_start( args, format ); sint ret = vsnprintf( buffer, 1024, format, args ); va_end( args ); } else { strcpy(buffer, "Unknown error"); } _PluginAccess->errorMessage ("Plugin AI : %s", buffer); } // *************************************************************************** void CPlugin::infoMessage (const char *format, ... ) { char buffer[1024]; if (format) { va_list args; va_start( args, format ); sint ret = vsnprintf( buffer, 1024, format, args ); va_end( args ); } else { strcpy(buffer, "Unknown error"); } _PluginAccess->infoMessage ("Plugin AI : %s", buffer); } // *************************************************************************** void CPlugin::updateConnectionState() { _DialogFlag->UpdateData (); _DialogFlag->Sent = ""; _DialogFlag->Received = ""; _DialogFlag->DownloadValue = (toString("%.1f kB/s", _DialogFlag->Download/1024.0)).c_str(); if (!_Client || !_Client->connected()) { _ConnectState = Disconnected; // Change the text _DialogFlag->ConnectCtrl.SetWindowText (getStringRsc(IDS_CONNECT)); _DialogFlag->State = getStringRsc(IDS_NOT_CONNECTED); } else { switch(_ConnectState) { case Authentificated: { static deque< pair > dataSize; dataSize.push_back( make_pair(NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime(), _Client->getBytesReceived()) ); if (dataSize.size() > 20) dataSize.pop_front(); double bandwidth = 0.0; if (dataSize.size() > 1) { uint dSize = (uint)(dataSize.back().second - dataSize.front().second); uint dt = (uint)(dataSize.back().first - dataSize.front().first); bandwidth = (double)dSize*1000.0 / dt; } // Change the text _DialogFlag->ConnectCtrl.SetWindowText (getStringRsc(IDS_DISCONNECT)); _DialogFlag->State = (LPCTSTR) (getStringRsc(IDS_CONNECTED_TO) + _SHost.c_str()); _DialogFlag->Sent = (toString ((uint32)_Client->getBytesSent ()) + (LPCTSTR) getStringRsc(IDS_BYTE_SENT)).c_str(); //_DialogFlag->Received = (toString ((uint32)_Client->getBytesReceived ()) + " bytes received").c_str(); _DialogFlag->Received = (toString("%.1f", bandwidth/1024.0) + " kB/s").c_str(); _DialogFlag->DownloadValue = (toString("%.1f kB/s", _DialogFlag->Download/1024.0)).c_str(); _CtrlRequestedDownload = _DialogFlag->Download; } break; case WaitingServerParams: _DialogFlag->ConnectCtrl.SetWindowText (getStringRsc(IDS_CANCEL_CONNECT)); _DialogFlag->State = (LPCTSTR) (getStringRsc(IDS_WAITING_SERVER_PARAMS) + _SHost.c_str()); break; case WaitingLoginConfirmation: { _DialogFlag->ConnectCtrl.SetWindowText (getStringRsc(IDS_CANCEL_CONNECT)); std::string label = (LPCTSTR) getStringRsc(IDS_WAITING_LOGIN_CONFIRMATION) +_SHost; switch((NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime() / 200) % 4) { case 0: label+= "-"; break; case 1: label+= "/"; break; case 2: label+= "|"; break; case 3: label+= "\\"; break; } _DialogFlag->State = label.c_str(); } break; default: nlassert(0); break; } } _DialogFlag->UpdateData (FALSE); } // *************************************************************************** void CPlugin::setPrimitiveName (NLLIGO::IPrimitive *primitive, uint32 stringId) { std::map::iterator ite = _StringIdToString.find (stringId); if (ite != _StringIdToString.end ()) { // Set the new name primitive->removePropertyByName ("name"); primitive->addPropertyByName ("name", new CPropertyString (ite->second.c_str())); } else { // Set the new name primitive->removePropertyByName ("name"); primitive->addPropertyByName ("name", new CPropertyString ("")); } // Invalidate the name _PluginAccess->invalidatePluginPrimitive (primitive, LogicTreeParam); } // *************************************************************************** bool CPlugin::isActive() { return _PluginActive; } // *************************************************************************** string& CPlugin::getName() { static string ret="Shard Monitor"; return ret; } // *************************************************************************** bool CPlugin::activatePlugin() { if(!_PluginActive) { _DialogFlag->ShowWindow(TRUE); _PluginActive=true; return true; } return false; } // *************************************************************************** bool CPlugin::closePlugin() { if(_PluginActive) { _DialogFlag->ShowWindow(FALSE); _PluginActive=false; return true; } return false; } // *************************************************************************** void CPlugin::setCloseUpFlag(TCloseUpFlag flag, bool on) { if (on == _CloseUpFlags[flag]) return; nlassert(flag < CloseUpFlagCount); _CloseUpFlags[flag] = on; updateDisplay(); } CString getStringRsc(UINT strID) { CString s; s.LoadString(strID); return s; }