#include <QApplication> #include "nel/misc/app_context.h" #include "nel/misc/path.h" #include "words_dicDlg.h" #ifdef NL_OS_UNIX #include <stdlib.h> #endif // NL_OS_UNIX #ifndef NL_WORDS_DIC_CFG #define NL_WORDS_DIC_CFG "." #endif int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // Standard initialization // If you are not using these features and wish to reduce the size // of your final executable, you should remove from the following // the specific initialization routines you do not need. NLMISC::CApplicationContext myApplicationContext; #ifdef NL_OS_UNIX std::string homeDir = getenv("HOME"); NLMISC::CPath::addSearchPath( homeDir + "/.nel"); #endif // NL_OS_UNIX NLMISC::CPath::addSearchPath(NL_WORDS_DIC_CFG); Q_INIT_RESOURCE(words_dic_Qt); QApplication app(argc, argv); CWords_dicDlg wordsDic; wordsDic.show(); return app.exec(); }