// NeL - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/nel/>
// Copyright (C) 2010  Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

// Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
// Used by tile_edit_exe.rc
#define IDS_LIBDESCRIPTION              1
#define IDS_CATEGORY                    2
#define IDS_CLASS_NAME                  3
#define ID_SELECT                       3
#define IDOKGROUP                       3
#define ID_ADD                          3
#define ID_ROT1                         3
#define IDRESET                         3
#define IDS_PARAMS                      4
#define IDCANCELGROUP                   4
#define ID_SAVE                         4
#define ID_DEL                          4
#define ID_ROT2                         4
#define IDS_SPIN                        5
#define ID_SAVE_AS                      5
#define ID_ROT3                         5
#define ID_EXPORT                       6
#define IDD_PANEL                       101
#define IDD_TERRITOIRE                  101
#define IDC_CURSOR1                     104
#define IDD_TERRITOIREMANAGER           106
#define IDD_GETSTR                      108
#define IDD_BROWSER                     112
#define IDB_BITMAP1                     116
#define IDD_GROUPE                      121
#define IDD_CUSTOM                      123
#define IDD_VIEWPOPUP                   124
#define IDD_COLUMN                      125
#define IDD_EDIT_LIST                   126
#define IDD_DIALOG1                     127
#define IDB_BITMAP2                     128
#define IDB_BITMAP3                     129
#define IDB_BITMAP4                     130
#define IDB_BITMAP5                     131
#define IDD_CHOOSE_VEGET                132
#define IDI_ICON1                       134
#define IDC_CLOSEBUTTON                 1000
#define IDC_DOSTUFF                     1000
#define IDC_BUTTON_GO                   1005
#define IDC_ADD_TERRITOIRE              1005
#define IDC_REMOVE_TERRITOIRE           1006
#define IDC_LIST_TERRITOIRE             1007
#define IDC_EDIT_ADD_TERRITOIRE         1008
#define IDC_ADD_TILESET                 1008
#define IDC_ADD_TERRITOIRE2             1009
#define IDC_REMOVE_TILESET              1009
#define IDC_ADD_TERRITOIRE3             1010
#define IDC_TILE_SET                    1010
#define IDC_EDIT_TERRITOIRE             1011
#define IDC_EDIT_TILESET                1012
#define IDC_EDIT_CHILDREN               1013
#define IDC_CHOOSE_VEGET                1013
#define IDC_EDIT_MONTER                 1014
#define IDC_EDIT_DESCENDRE              1015
#define IDC_JOUR                        1020
#define IDC_NUIT                        1021
#define IDC_BUMP                        1022
#define IDC_ALPHA                       1022
#define IDC_ZOOM1                       1023
#define IDC_ZOOM2                       1024
#define IDC_ZOOM3                       1025
#define IDC_NUM                         1026
#define IDC_128X128                     1026
#define IDC_SORTGROUP                   1027
#define IDC_ZOOM5                       1027
#define IDC_ZOOM6                       1028
#define IDC_DISPLACE                    1029
#define IDC_OK                          1048
#define IDC_CANCEL                      1049
#define IDC_INFONUM                     1050
#define IDC_FILENAME                    1051
#define IDC_GROUP                       1052
#define IDC_OK2                         1053
#define IDC_BATCH_LOAD                  1054
#define IDC_EXPORT_BORDER               1055
#define IDC_IMPORT_BORDER2              1056
#define IDC_VIEW                        1062
#define IDC_LISTGROUP                   1063
#define IDC_ADD_GROUP                   1064
#define IDC_REMOVE_GROUP                1065
#define IDC_GETFLAG                     1066
#define IDC_SETFLAG                     1067
#define IDC_BRIGHT                      1071
#define IDC_BTOP                        1072
#define IDC_BLEFT                       1073
#define IDC_BBOTTOM                     1074
#define IDC_THETILE                     1076
#define IDC_OR                          1077
#define IDC_AND                         1078
#define IDC_LIST1                       1079
#define IDC_COMBO1                      1080
#define ID_ROT0                         1081
#define IDC_SUBGROUP0                   1082
#define IDC_SUBGROUP1                   1083
#define IDC_SUBGROUP2                   1084
#define IDC_PATH                        1084
#define IDC_SUBGROUP3                   1085
#define IDC_BROWSE                      1085
#define IDC_SUBGROUP4                   1086
#define IDC_SURFACE_DATA                1086
#define IDC_SUBGROUP5                   1087
#define IDC_SUBGROUP6                   1088
#define IDC_SUBGROUP7                   1089
#define IDC_SUBGROUP8                   1090
#define IDC_SUBGROUP9                   1091
#define IDC_SUBGROUP10                  1092
#define IDC_SUBGROUP11                  1093
#define IDC_ORIENTED                    1094
#define IDC_COLOR                       1456
#define IDC_EDIT                        1490
#define IDC_SPIN                        1496
#define ID_INSERER                      40001
#define IDM_INSERER                     40005
#define ID_SUPPRIMER                    40006

// Next default values for new objects
#define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        135
#define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE         40007
#define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE         1087
#define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE           101