getLanguage(); }else{ global $DEFAULT_LANGUAGE; $lang = $DEFAULT_LANGUAGE; } $variables = parse_ini_file( $AMS_TRANS . '/' . $lang . '.ini', true ); $mailText = array(); foreach ( $variables['email'] as $key => $value ){ $mailText[$key] = $value; } switch($type){ case "REPLY": $webUser = new WebUsers($receiver); if($webUser->getReceiveMail()){ $subject = $mailText['email_subject_new_reply'] . $ticketObj->getTId() ."]"; $txt = $mailText['email_body_new_reply_1']. $ticketObj->getTId() . $mailText['email_body_new_reply_2'] . $ticketObj->getTitle() . $mailText['email_body_new_reply_3'] . $content . $mailText['email_body_new_reply_4']; self::send_mail($receiver,$subject,$txt, $ticketObj->getTId(),$sendingId); } break; case "NEW": $webUser = new WebUsers($receiver); if($webUser->getReceiveMail()){ $subject = $mailText['email_subject_new_ticket'] . $ticketObj->getTId() ."]"; $txt = $mailText['email_body_new_ticket_1'] . $ticketObj->getTId() . $mailText['email_body_new_ticket_2'] . $ticketObj->getTitle() . $mailText['email_body_new_ticket_3'] . $content . $mailText['email_body_new_ticket_4']; self::send_mail($receiver,$subject,$txt, $ticketObj->getTId(), $sendingId); } break; case "WARNAUTHOR": $subject = $mailText['email_subject_warn_author'] . $ticketObj->getTId() ."]"; $txt = $mailText['email_body_warn_author_1'] . $ticket->getTitle() .$mailText['email_body_warn_author_2'].$fromEmail.$mailText['email_body_warn_author_3']. $fromEmail. $mailText['email_body_warn_author_4'] ; self::send_mail($receiver,$subject,$txt, $ticketObj->getTId(), $sendingId); break; case "WARNSENDER": $subject = $mailText['email_subject_warn_sender']; $txt = $mailText['email_body_warn_sender']; self::send_mail($receiver,$subject,$txt, $ticketObj->getTId(), $sendingId); break; case "WARNUNKNOWNSENDER": $subject = $mailText['email_subject_warn_unknown_sender']; $txt = $mailText['email_body_warn_unknown_sender']; self::send_mail($receiver,$subject,$txt, $ticketObj->getTId(), $sendingId); break; } } } public static function send_mail($recipient, $subject, $body, $ticket_id = 0, $from = NULL) { $id_user = NULL; if(is_numeric($recipient)) { $id_user = $recipient; $recipient = NULL; } $query = "INSERT INTO email (Recipient,Subject,Body,Status,Attempts,Sender,UserId,MessageId,TicketId) VALUES (:recipient, :subject, :body, :status, :attempts, :sender, :id_user, :messageId, :ticketId)"; $values = array('recipient' => $recipient, 'subject' => $subject, 'body' => $body, 'status' => 'NEW', 'attempts'=> 0, 'sender' => $from,'id_user' => $id_user, 'messageId' => 0, 'ticketId'=> $ticket_id); $db = new DBLayer("lib"); $db->execute($query, $values); } //the main function function cron() { global $cfg; global $MAIL_LOG_PATH; $default_groupemail = $cfg['mail']['default_groupemail']; $default_groupname = $cfg['mail']['default_groupname']; /* $inbox_host = $cfg['mail']['host']; $oms_reply_to = "Ryzom Ticketing Support ";*/ global $MAIL_DIR; error_log("========================================================\n", 3, $MAIL_LOG_PATH); error_log("mailing cron Job started at: ". Helpers::outputTime(time(),0) . "\n", 3, $MAIL_LOG_PATH); //creates child process $pid = self::mail_fork(); $pidfile = '/tmp/ams_cron_email_pid'; if($pid) { // We're the parent process, do nothing! //INFO: if $pid = //-1: "Could not fork!\n"; // 0: "In child!\n"; //>0: "In parent!\n"; } else { //deliver new mail //make db connection here because the children have to make the connection. $this->db = new DBLayer("lib"); //if $pidfile doesn't exist yet, then start sending the mails that are in the db. if(!file_exists($pidfile)) { //create the file and write the child processes id in it! $pid = getmypid(); $file = fopen($pidfile, 'w'); fwrite($file, $pid); fclose($file); //select all new & failed emails & try to send them //$emails = db_query("select * from email where status = 'NEW' or status = 'FAILED'"); $statement = $this->db->executeWithoutParams("select * from email where Status = 'NEW' or Status = 'FAILED'"); $emails = $statement->fetchAll(); foreach($emails as $email) { $message_id = self::new_message_id($email['TicketId']); //if recipient isn't given, then use the email of the id_user instead! if(!$email['Recipient']) { $email['Recipient'] = Ticket_User::get_email_by_user_id($email['UserId']); } //create sending email adres based on the $sender id which refers to the department id if($email['Sender'] == NULL) { $from = $default_groupname ." <".$default_groupemail.">"; } else { $group = Support_Group::getGroup($email['Sender']); $from = $group->getName()." <".$group->getGroupEmail().">"; } $headers = "From: $from\r\n" . "Message-ID: " . $message_id ; if(mail($email['Recipient'], $email['Subject'], $email['Body'], $headers)) { $status = "DELIVERED"; error_log("Emailed {$email['Recipient']}\n", 3, $MAIL_LOG_PATH); } else { $status = "FAILED"; error_log("Email to {$email['Recipient']} failed\n", 3, $MAIL_LOG_PATH); } //change the status of the emails. $this->db->execute('update email set Status = ?, MessageId = ?, Attempts = Attempts + 1 where MailId = ?', array($status, $message_id, $email['MailId'])); } unlink($pidfile); } // Check mail $sGroups = Support_Group::getGroups(); //decrypt passwords in the db! $crypter = new MyCrypt($cfg['crypt']); foreach($sGroups as $group){ $group->setIMAP_Password($crypter->decrypt($group->getIMAP_Password())); } $defaultGroup = new Support_Group(); $defaultGroup->setSGroupId(0); $defaultGroup->setGroupEmail($default_groupemail); $defaultGroup->setIMAP_MailServer($cfg['mail']['default_mailserver']); $defaultGroup->setIMAP_Username($cfg['mail']['default_username']); $defaultGroup->setIMAP_Password($cfg['mail']['default_password']); //add default group to the list $sGroups[] = $defaultGroup; foreach($sGroups as $group){ //check if group has mailing stuff filled in! if($group->getGroupEmail() != "" && $group->getIMAP_MailServer() != "" && $group->getIMAP_Username() != "" && $group->getIMAP_Password() != ""){ $mbox = imap_open($group->getIMAP_MailServer(), $group->getIMAP_Username(), $group->getIMAP_Password()) or die('Cannot connect to mail server: ' . imap_last_error()); $message_count = imap_num_msg($mbox); for ($i = 1; $i <= $message_count; ++$i) { //return task ID $tkey = self::incoming_mail_handler($mbox, $i,$group); if($tkey) { //TODO: base file on Ticket + timestamp $file = fopen($MAIL_DIR."/ticket".$tkey, 'w'); error_log("Email was written to ".$MAIL_DIR."/ticket".$tkey."\n", 3, $MAIL_LOG_PATH); fwrite($file, imap_fetchheader($mbox, $i) . imap_body($mbox, $i)); fclose($file); //mark message $i of $mbox for deletion! imap_delete($mbox, $i); } } //delete marked messages imap_expunge($mbox); imap_close($mbox); } } error_log("Child Cron job finished at ". Helpers::outputTime(time(),0) . "\n", 3, $MAIL_LOG_PATH); error_log("========================================================\n", 3, $MAIL_LOG_PATH); } } function new_message_id($ticketId) { $time = time(); $pid = getmypid(); global $cfg; global $ams_mail_count; $ams_mail_count = ($ams_mail_count == '') ? 1 : $ams_mail_count + 1; return ""; } function get_ticket_id_from_subject($subject){ $startpos = strpos($subject, "[Ticket #"); if($startpos){ $tempString = substr($subject, $startpos+9); $endpos = strpos($tempString, "]"); if($endpos){ $ticket_id = substr($tempString, 0, $endpos); }else{ $ticket_id = 0; } }else{ $ticket_id = 0; } return $ticket_id; } function incoming_mail_handler($mbox,$i,$group){ global $MAIL_LOG_PATH; $header = imap_header($mbox, $i); $subject = self::decode_utf8($header->subject); $entire_email = imap_fetchheader($mbox, $i) . imap_body($mbox, $i); $subject = self::decode_utf8($header->subject); $to = $header->to[0]->mailbox; $from = $header->from[0]->mailbox . '@' . $header->from[0]->host; $fromEmail = $header->from[0]->mailbox . '@' . $header->from[0]->host; $txt = self::get_part($mbox, $i, "TEXT/PLAIN"); //$html = self::get_part($mbox, $i, "TEXT/HTML"); //get the id out of the email address of the person sending the email. if($from !== NULL && !is_numeric($from)){ $from = Ticket_User::get_id_from_email($from); } //get ticket_id out of the message-id or else out of the subject line $ticket_id = 0; if(isset($header->references)){ $pieces = explode(".", $header->references); if($pieces[0] == "load_With_TId($ticket_id); //if email is sent from an existing email address in the db (else it will give an error while loading the user object) if($from != "FALSE"){ $user = new Ticket_User(); $user->load_With_TUserId($from); //if user has access to it! if((Ticket_User::isMod($user) or ($ticket->getAuthor() == $user->getTUserId())) and $txt != ""){ Ticket::createReply($txt, $user->getTUserId(), $ticket->getTId(), 0); error_log("Email found that is a reply to a ticket at:".$group->getGroupEmail()."\n", 3, $MAIL_LOG_PATH); }else{ //if user has no access to it //Warn real ticket owner + person that send the mail Mail_Handler::send_ticketing_mail($ticket->getAuthor(),$ticket, NULL , "WARNAUTHOR" , NULL); Mail_Handler::send_ticketing_mail($from ,$ticket, NULL , "WARNSENDER" , NULL); error_log("Email found that was a reply to a ticket, though send by another user to ".$group->getGroupEmail()."\n", 3, $MAIL_LOG_PATH); } }else{ //if a reply to a ticket is being sent by a non-user! //Warn real ticket owner + person that send the mail Mail_Handler::send_ticketing_mail($ticket->getAuthor() ,$ticket, NULL , "WARNAUTHOR" , NULL); Mail_Handler::send_ticketing_mail($fromEmail ,$ticket, NULL , "WARNUNKNOWNSENDER" , NULL); error_log("Email found that was a reply to a ticket, though send by an unknown email address to ".$group->getGroupEmail()."\n", 3, $MAIL_LOG_PATH); } return $ticket_id .".".time(); }else if($from != "FALSE"){ //if ticket_id isn't found, create a new ticket! //if an existing email address mailed the ticket //if not default group, then forward it by giving the $group->getSGroupId's param $newTicketId = Ticket::create_Ticket($subject, $txt,1, $from, $from, $group->getSGroupId()); error_log("Email regarding new ticket found at:".$group->getGroupEmail()."\n", 3, $MAIL_LOG_PATH); return $newTicketId .".".time(); }else{ //if it's a email that has nothing to do with ticketing, return 0; error_log("Email found that isn't a reply or new ticket, at:".$group->getGroupEmail()."\n", 3, $MAIL_LOG_PATH); return 0; } } function decode_utf8($str) { preg_match_all("/=\?UTF-8\?B\?([^\?]+)\?=/i",$str, $arr); for ($i=0;$isubtype) { return $primary_mime_type[(int) $structure->type] . '/' .$structure->subtype; } return "TEXT/PLAIN"; } function get_part($stream, $msg_number, $mime_type, $structure = false, $part_number = false) { if(!$structure) { $structure = imap_fetchstructure($stream, $msg_number); } if($structure) { if($mime_type == self::get_mime_type($structure)) { if(!$part_number) { $part_number = "1"; } $text = imap_fetchbody($stream, $msg_number, $part_number); if($structure->encoding == 3) { return imap_base64($text); } else if($structure->encoding == 4) { return imap_qprint($text); } else { return $text; } } if($structure->type == 1) /* multipart */ { while(list($index, $sub_structure) = each($structure->parts)) { if($part_number) { $prefix = $part_number . '.'; } else { $prefix = ''; } $data = self::get_part($stream, $msg_number, $mime_type, $sub_structure,$prefix . ($index + 1)); if($data) { return $data; } } // END OF WHILE } // END OF MULTIPART } // END OF STRUTURE return false; } // END OF FUNCTION }