// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "stdafx.h" //#include "tile_edit_dll.h" #include "resource.h" #include "Browse.h" #include "custom.h" #include "getval.h" using namespace NL3D; using namespace NLMISC; extern CTileBank tileBank2; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Browse dialog Browse::Browse(int nland, CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CDialog(Browse::IDD, pParent) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(Browse) SubGroup0 = FALSE; SubGroup1 = FALSE; SubGroup2 = FALSE; SubGroup3 = FALSE; SubGroup4 = FALSE; SubGroup5 = FALSE; SubGroup6 = FALSE; SubGroup7 = FALSE; SubGroup10 = FALSE; SubGroup11 = FALSE; SubGroup8 = FALSE; SubGroup9 = FALSE; Oriented = FALSE; //}}AFX_DATA_INIT land=nland; m_128x128=0; } void Browse::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(Browse) DDX_Radio(pDX, IDC_128X128, m_128x128); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_VIEW, m_ctrl); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_INFONUM, m_infotexte); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_JOUR, m_rb_jour); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_SUBGROUP0, SubGroup0); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_SUBGROUP1, SubGroup1); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_SUBGROUP2, SubGroup2); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_SUBGROUP3, SubGroup3); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_SUBGROUP4, SubGroup4); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_SUBGROUP5, SubGroup5); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_SUBGROUP6, SubGroup6); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_SUBGROUP7, SubGroup7); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_SUBGROUP10, SubGroup10); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_SUBGROUP11, SubGroup11); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_SUBGROUP8, SubGroup8); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_SUBGROUP9, SubGroup9); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_ORIENTED, Oriented); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(Browse, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(Browse) ON_WM_SIZE() ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_ALPHA, OnAlpha) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_128X128, OnChangeVariety) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_JOUR, OnJour) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_NUIT, OnNuit) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_OK, OnOk) ON_WM_RBUTTONDOWN() ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_OK2, OnUpdateTiles) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BATCH_LOAD, OnBatchLoad) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SUBGROUP0, OnSubgroup0) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SUBGROUP1, OnSubgroup1) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SUBGROUP2, OnSubgroup2) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SUBGROUP3, OnSubgroup3) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SUBGROUP4, OnSubgroup4) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SUBGROUP5, OnSubgroup5) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SUBGROUP6, OnSubgroup6) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SUBGROUP7, OnSubgroup7) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SUBGROUP8, OnSubgroup8) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SUBGROUP9, OnSubgroup9) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SUBGROUP10, OnSubgroup10) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SUBGROUP11, OnSubgroup11) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_EXPORT_BORDER, OnExportBorder) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_ZOOM5, OnChangeVariety) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_ZOOM6, OnChangeVariety) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDCANCEL, OnCancel) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CANCEL, OnCancel) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_DISPLACE, OnChangeVariety) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_IMPORT_BORDER2, OnImportBorder) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Browse message handlers BOOL Browse::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) { // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class return CDialog::PreCreateWindow(cs); } DWORD thread_id; int thread_actif = 0; Browse *pDialog; int ccount=0; LRESULT Browse::WindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class if (ccount==0 && message==WM_PAINT) { Init(); } if (message==WM_KEYUP || message==WM_KEYDOWN) { RECT parent,client; GetWindowRect(&parent); m_ctrl.GetWindowRect(&client); if (m_ctrl.MousePos.x<(client.right - parent.left) && m_ctrl.MousePos.x>0 && m_ctrl.MousePos.y<(client.bottom - client.top) && m_ctrl.MousePos.y>0) { m_ctrl.SendMessage(message,wParam,lParam); } } if (message==WM_MOUSEMOVE) { m_ctrl.MousePos.x = LOWORD(lParam); m_ctrl.MousePos.y = HIWORD(lParam); RECT client, parent; ClientToScreen (&m_ctrl.MousePos); m_ctrl.ScreenToClient (&m_ctrl.MousePos); m_ctrl.GetWindowRect(&client); GetWindowRect(&parent); if (m_ctrl.MousePos.x<0) m_ctrl.MousePos.x=0; if (m_ctrl.MousePos.x>client.right-client.left) m_ctrl.MousePos.x=client.right-client.left; if (m_ctrl.MousePos.y<0) m_ctrl.MousePos.y=0; if (m_ctrl.MousePos.y>client.bottom-client.top) m_ctrl.MousePos.y=client.bottom-client.top; m_ctrl.ClientToScreen (&m_ctrl.MousePos); ScreenToClient (&m_ctrl.MousePos); if (lbutton) //on dessine le carre de selection { selection = 1; RECT current; SIZE size; size.cx = size.cy = 1; current.left = OriginalPos.x; current.top = OriginalPos.y; current.right = m_ctrl.MousePos.x; current.bottom = m_ctrl.MousePos.y; if (current.left>current.right) {int temp = current.left; current.left = current.right; current.right = temp;} if (current.top>current.bottom) {int temp = current.bottom; current.bottom = current.top; current.top = temp;} CDC *pDC = GetDC(); m_ctrl.DrawDragRect(pDC,NULL,size,&last_sel,size); //on efface l'ancien carre m_ctrl.UpdateSelection(¤t, (int)wParam, m_128x128); //on affiche les modifes m_ctrl.DrawDragRect(pDC,¤t,size,NULL,size); //on affiche le nouveau carre ::ReleaseDC(*this,*pDC); last_sel = current; } } if (message==WM_DROPFILES) { m_ctrl.PostMessage(WM_DROPFILES,wParam,lParam); } if (message==WM_COMMAND && !thread_actif) { int button = LOWORD(wParam); if (button==IDC_ZOOM1 || button==IDC_ZOOM2 || button==IDC_ZOOM3) { m_ctrl.Zoom = button - IDC_ZOOM1 +1; m_ctrl.UpdateSize(m_128x128); m_ctrl.scrollpos = 0; SetScrollPos(SB_VERT,0,true); m_ctrl.RedrawWindow(); } else if (button==IDC_INFONUM) { m_ctrl.InfoTexte = 1; m_ctrl.RedrawWindow(); } else if (button==IDC_FILENAME) { m_ctrl.InfoTexte =2; m_ctrl.RedrawWindow(); } else if (button==IDC_GROUP) { m_ctrl.InfoTexte = 3; m_ctrl.RedrawWindow(); } else if (button>=10 && button<=15) m_ctrl.PostMessage(WM_COMMAND,wParam,lParam); } if (message==WM_LBUTTONDOWN) { int xPos = LOWORD(lParam); // horizontal position of cursor int yPos = HIWORD(lParam); // vertical position of cursor if (lbutton) //on dessine le carre de selection { selection = 1; RECT current; SIZE size; size.cx = size.cy = 1; current.left = OriginalPos.x; current.top = OriginalPos.y; current.right = m_ctrl.MousePos.x; current.bottom = m_ctrl.MousePos.y; if (current.left>current.right) {int temp = current.left; current.left = current.right; current.right = temp;} if (current.top>current.bottom) {int temp = current.bottom; current.bottom = current.top; current.top = temp;} CDC *pDC = GetDC(); m_ctrl.DrawDragRect(pDC,NULL,size,&last_sel,size); //on efface l'ancien carre m_ctrl.UpdateSelection(¤t,(int)wParam, m_128x128); //on affiche les modifes ::ReleaseDC(*this,*pDC); last_sel = current; } RECT p,rect; p.left = m_ctrl.MousePos.x; p.top = m_ctrl.MousePos.y; ClientToScreen(&p); m_ctrl.GetClientRect(&rect); POINT pt; pt.x = p.left; pt.y = p.top; m_ctrl.ScreenToClient(&pt); if (pt.x>=rect.left && pt.x=rect.top && pt.ySelected = p->Selected?0:7; else p->Selected = 1; CDC *pDC = NULL; int indexx=0; for (p=m_ctrl.InfoList.GetFirst(m_128x128);p!=m_ctrl.InfoList.GetLast(m_128x128);++p, indexx++) { if (p!=pp && p->Selected) { if (!(wParam&MK_CONTROL)) { p->Selected = 0; if (pDC==NULL) pDC = m_ctrl.GetDC(); m_ctrl.DrawTile(p,pDC,1,m_128x128); } } else { if (p==pp) { if (pDC==NULL) pDC = m_ctrl.GetDC(); m_ctrl.DrawTile(p,pDC,1,m_128x128); } } } if (pDC) ::ReleaseDC(*this,*pDC); } } else { if (!(wParam&MK_CONTROL) && !(wParam&MK_SHIFT)) { tilelist::iterator p = m_ctrl.InfoList.GetFirst(m_128x128); CDC *pDC = NULL; for (int i = 0; iSelected) { if (pDC==NULL) pDC = m_ctrl.GetDC(); //m_ctrl.InfoList.setSelection (i, 0); p->Selected = 0; m_ctrl.DrawTile(p,pDC,1,m_128x128); } p++; } if (pDC) ::ReleaseDC(*this,*pDC); } } lbutton = 1; SIZE size; size.cx = size.cy = 1; last_sel.top = xPos; last_sel.left = yPos; last_sel.bottom = xPos; last_sel.right = yPos; OriginalPos.x=xPos; OriginalPos.y=yPos; } } if (message==WM_LBUTTONUP || message==WM_NCLBUTTONUP) { RECT p; p.left = m_ctrl.MousePos.x; p.top = m_ctrl.MousePos.y; ClientToScreen(&p); POINT pt; pt.x = p.left; pt.y = p.top; m_ctrl.ScreenToClient(&pt); int index = m_ctrl.GetIndex(&pt, m_128x128); if (!selection && index!=-1) { int i = 0; } else if (selection) { CDC *pDC = GetDC(); CSize size; size.cx = size.cy = 1; m_ctrl.DrawDragRect(pDC,NULL,size,&last_sel,size); ::ReleaseDC(*this,*pDC); int index=0; for (tilelist::iterator p = m_ctrl.InfoList.GetFirst(m_128x128);p!=m_ctrl.InfoList.GetLast(m_128x128);++p, index++) { if (p->Selected&3) { p->Selected=2; } else p->Selected = 0; } } selection =0; lbutton = 0; } if (message==WM_KEYDOWN) { int toto = 0; } if (message==WM_SIZE && m_ctrl.count_ ) { int x = LOWORD(lParam); int y = HIWORD(lParam); int i = std::max (1, m_ctrl.GetNbTileLine()); int j = std::max (1, m_ctrl.GetNbTileColumn()); int pos = m_ctrl.GetScrollPos(SB_VERT); int hview = (m_ctrl.InfoList.GetSize(m_128x128)/i + 1)*(m_ctrl.sizeicon_y + m_ctrl.spacing_y) + m_ctrl.spacing_y; m_ctrl.scrollpos = (pos*hview)/SCROLL_MAX; RECT clientrect,rect; m_ctrl.GetWindowRect(&clientrect); InvalidateRect(NULL,false); GetWindowRect(&rect); m_ctrl.SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0, std::max (100, x - 120), y - 20, SWP_NOMOVE); int iFirst,iLast; m_ctrl.GetVisibility(iFirst, iLast, m_128x128); m_ctrl.UpdateBar(iFirst, iLast, m_128x128); return 0; } if (message==WM_VSCROLL || message==WM_MOUSEWHEEL) { SCROLLINFO inf; RECT rect_scroll,rect_clip; int scrollcode,pos; inf.fMask = SIF_ALL; GetScrollInfo(SB_VERT,&inf); m_ctrl.GetClientRect(&rect_scroll); int i = m_ctrl.GetNbTileLine(); int hview = (m_ctrl.InfoList.GetSize(m_128x128)/i + 2)*(m_ctrl.sizeicon_y + m_ctrl.spacing_y) + m_ctrl.spacing_y; if (message==WM_MOUSEWHEEL) { int inc = ((int)(short)HIWORD(wParam))/WHEEL_DELTA; pos = inf.nPos - inc*(((m_ctrl.sizeicon_y+m_ctrl.spacing_y)*SCROLL_MAX)/(hview - m_ctrl.spacing_y)); } else { scrollcode = LOWORD(wParam); pos = inf.nTrackPos; switch (scrollcode) { case SB_BOTTOM: pos = SCROLL_MAX - inf.nPage; break; case SB_PAGEDOWN: pos = inf.nPos + inf.nPage; break; case SB_PAGEUP: pos = inf.nPos - inf.nPage; break; case SB_LINEUP: pos = inf.nPos - (((m_ctrl.sizeicon_y+m_ctrl.spacing_y)*SCROLL_MAX)/(hview - m_ctrl.spacing_y)); break; case SB_LINEDOWN: pos = inf.nPos + (((m_ctrl.sizeicon_y+m_ctrl.spacing_y)*SCROLL_MAX)/(hview - m_ctrl.spacing_y)); break; case SB_TOP: pos = 0; break; case SB_THUMBPOSITION: case SB_ENDSCROLL: pos = inf.nPos; break; } } if (pos<0) pos = 0; if (pos>(SCROLL_MAX - (int)inf.nPage)) pos = SCROLL_MAX - inf.nPage; SetScrollPos(SB_VERT,pos,1); rect_scroll.bottom -= rect_scroll.top; rect_scroll.top = 0; rect_clip = rect_scroll; int scroll_pixel = m_ctrl.scrollpos; int old_iFV,old_iLV; m_ctrl.GetVisibility(old_iFV, old_iLV, m_128x128); m_ctrl.scrollpos = (pos*hview)/(SCROLL_MAX); int iFV,iLV; m_ctrl.GetVisibility(iFV, iLV, m_128x128); if (iFV>old_iLV || iLV(rect_clip.bottom - rect_clip.top)) scroll_pixel = 0; else pDC->ScrollDC(0,scroll_pixel,&rect_scroll,&rect_clip,NULL,NULL); tilelist::iterator p = m_ctrl.InfoList.GetFirst(m_128x128); CBrush brush (GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE)); if (scroll_pixel<0) { rect_scroll.top = rect_scroll.bottom + scroll_pixel; pDC->FillRect(&rect_scroll,&brush); if ((iLV-i)FillRect(&rect_scroll,&brush); int k; for (k = 0;km_ctrl.count_=0; OnDestroy(); } if (message==WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK) { m_ctrl.SendMessage(WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK,wParam,lParam); } pDialog=this; return CDialog::WindowProc(message, wParam, lParam); } unsigned long Browse::MyControllingFunction( void* pParam ) { thread_actif = 1; Browse *br = (Browse*)pParam; br->m_ctrl.lockInsertion = 1; int iFV,iLV; br->m_ctrl.GetVisibility(iFV, iLV, br->m_128x128); br->m_ctrl.UpdateBar(iFV, iLV, br->m_128x128); tilelist::iterator p = br->m_ctrl.InfoList.GetFirst(br->m_128x128); tilelist::iterator plast = p; for (int i=0;im_ctrl.InfoList.GetSize(br->m_128x128);i++) { int *ld; int rot=0; std::string path; LPBITMAPINFO pBmp; std::vector* bits; switch (br->m_128x128) { case 0: path = tileBank2.getTile (tileBank2.getTileSet (br->m_ctrl.InfoList._tileSet)->getTile128 (i))-> getRelativeFileName ((CTile::TBitmap)(br->m_ctrl.Texture-1)); break; case 1: path = tileBank2.getTile (tileBank2.getTileSet (br->m_ctrl.InfoList._tileSet)->getTile256 (i))-> getRelativeFileName ((CTile::TBitmap)(br->m_ctrl.Texture-1)); break; case 2: { int index=tileBank2.getTileSet (br->m_ctrl.InfoList._tileSet)->getTransition (i)->getTile(); if (index!=-1) { path = tileBank2.getTile (index)->getRelativeFileName ((CTile::TBitmap)(br->m_ctrl.Texture-1)); if (br->m_ctrl.Texture==3) rot = tileBank2.getTile (index)->getRotAlpha (); } else path.clear(); } break; case 3: // Get diplacement filename path = tileBank2.getDisplacementMap (tileBank2.getTileSet (br->m_ctrl.InfoList._tileSet)->getDisplacementTile ((CTileSet::TDisplacement)i)); break; } std::vector* pAlpha=NULL; switch (br->m_ctrl.Texture) { case 1: ld = &p->loaded; pBmp = &p->BmpInfo; bits = &p->Bits; pAlpha = &p->alphaBits; break; case 2: ld = &p->nightLoaded; pBmp = &p->nightBmpInfo; bits = &p->nightBits; pAlpha = &p->alphaBits; break; case 3: ld = &p->alphaLoaded; pBmp = &p->alphaBmpInfo; bits = &p->alphaBits; break; } if (!path.empty() && _LoadBitmap(tileBank2.getAbsPath() + path, pBmp, *bits, pAlpha, rot)) { *ld=1; int iFV,iLV; br->m_ctrl.GetVisibility(iFV, iLV, br->m_128x128); if (i<=iLV && i>=iFV) { CDC *pDC = br->m_ctrl.GetDC(); br->m_ctrl.DrawTile(p,pDC,1,br->m_128x128); ::ReleaseDC(*br,*pDC); } } p++; } br->m_ctrl.lockInsertion = 0; thread_actif = 0; return 1; } void Browse::LoadInThread(void) { if (!thread_actif) MyControllingFunction (this); } void Browse::Init() { UpdateData (); lbutton = 0; selection = 0; control = 0; m_ctrl.lockInsertion = 0; oldsel = -1; HKEY regkey; unsigned long value; unsigned long type; int cx=-1,cy=-1,x=-1,y=-1; char sWindowpl[256]; if (RegOpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,REGKEY_TILEDIT,®key)==ERROR_SUCCESS) { value=256; type=REG_SZ; if (RegQueryValueEx(regkey,REGKEY_WNDPL,0,&type,(unsigned char *)&sWindowpl,&value)==ERROR_SUCCESS) { WINDOWPLACEMENT wndpl; sscanf(sWindowpl,"%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d", &wndpl.flags, &wndpl.ptMaxPosition.x,&wndpl.ptMaxPosition.y, &wndpl.ptMinPosition.x,&wndpl.ptMinPosition.y, &wndpl.rcNormalPosition.bottom,&wndpl.rcNormalPosition.left,&wndpl.rcNormalPosition.right,&wndpl.rcNormalPosition.top, &wndpl.showCmd); wndpl.length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT); this->SetWindowPlacement(&wndpl); } value=256; type=REG_SZ; if (RegQueryValueEx(regkey,REGKEY_LASTPATH,0,&type,(unsigned char *)&sWindowpl,&value)!=ERROR_SUCCESS) m_ctrl.LastPath.clear(); else m_ctrl.LastPath=(const char*)sWindowpl; value=4; type=REG_DWORD; if (RegQueryValueEx(regkey,REGKEY_BUTTONZOOM,0,&type,(unsigned char *)&m_ctrl.Zoom,&value)!=ERROR_SUCCESS) m_ctrl.Zoom = 3; value=4; type=REG_DWORD; if (RegQueryValueEx(regkey,REGKEY_BUTTONVARIETY,0,&type,(unsigned char *)&m_128x128,&value)!=ERROR_SUCCESS) m_128x128 = 0; value=4; type=REG_DWORD; if (RegQueryValueEx(regkey,REGKEY_BUTTONTEXTURE,0,&type,(unsigned char *)&m_ctrl.Texture,&value)!=ERROR_SUCCESS) m_ctrl.Texture = 1; value=4; type=REG_DWORD; if (RegQueryValueEx(regkey,REGKEY_BUTTONTEXTINFO,0,&type,(unsigned char *)&m_ctrl.InfoTexte,&value)!=ERROR_SUCCESS) m_ctrl.InfoTexte = 1; RegCloseKey(regkey); } CButton *button = (CButton*)GetDlgItem(IDC_ZOOM1 + m_ctrl.Zoom -1); button->SetCheck(1); button = (CButton*)GetDlgItem(IDC_JOUR + m_ctrl.Texture -1); button->SetCheck(1); button = (CButton*)GetDlgItem(IDC_INFONUM + m_ctrl.InfoTexte -1); button->SetCheck(1); if (cx!=-1 && cy!=-1 && x!=-1 && y!=-1) SetWindowPos(0,x,y,cx,cy,0); m_ctrl.Init(land, m_128x128); SelectionTerritoire *slt = (SelectionTerritoire*)GetParent(); ccount=1; RECT rect; this->GetWindowRect(&rect); SendMessage(WM_SIZE,rect.right - rect.left,rect.bottom - rect.top); //force resize SelectionTerritoire *parent = (SelectionTerritoire*)GetParent(); // The land CTileSet *tileSet=tileBank2.getTileSet (land); if (tileSet->getOriented()) Oriented = 1; else Oriented = 0; // 128 m_ctrl.InfoList.theList128.resize (tileSet->getNumTile128 ()); int i; for (i=0; igetNumTile128 (); i++) { m_ctrl.InfoList.theList128[i].id=i; m_ctrl.InfoList.theList128[i].Selected=0; m_ctrl.InfoList.theList128[i].loaded=0; m_ctrl.InfoList.theList128[i].nightLoaded=0; m_ctrl.InfoList.theList128[i].alphaLoaded=0; } m_ctrl.InfoList.Reload (0, tileSet->getNumTile128 (), 0); // 256 m_ctrl.InfoList.theList256.resize (tileSet->getNumTile256 ()); for (i=0; igetNumTile256 (); i++) { m_ctrl.InfoList.theList256[i].id=i; m_ctrl.InfoList.theList256[i].Selected=0; m_ctrl.InfoList.theList256[i].loaded=0; m_ctrl.InfoList.theList256[i].nightLoaded=0; m_ctrl.InfoList.theList256[i].alphaLoaded=0; } m_ctrl.InfoList.Reload (0, tileSet->getNumTile256 (), 1); // Transition for (i=0; iDefautPath + parent->CurrentTerritory; LoadInThread(); UpdateData (FALSE); OnChangeVariety(); } void Browse::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { CDialog::OnSize(nType, cx, cy); } void Browse::OnAlpha () { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here m_ctrl.Texture = 3; LoadInThread(); m_ctrl.RedrawWindow(); } void Browse::OnJour () { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here m_ctrl.Texture = 1; LoadInThread(); m_ctrl.RedrawWindow(); } void Browse::OnNuit () { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here m_ctrl.Texture = 2; LoadInThread(); m_ctrl.RedrawWindow(); } void Browse::OnNum() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here m_ctrl.Sort = 1; m_ctrl.SendMessage(WM_PAINT); } void Browse::OnCancel() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here if (thread_actif) return; if (::MessageBox (NULL, "Are you sure you want to cancel?", "Cancel", MB_OK|MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNO)==IDYES) { this->SendMessage(WM_CLOSE); CDialog::OnCancel(); /* EndDialog(0);*/ } } void Browse::UpdateAll(void) { } void Browse::OnDestroy() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here HKEY regkey; WINDOWPLACEMENT wndpl; this->GetWindowPlacement(&wndpl); char sWindowpl[256]; sprintf(sWindowpl,"%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d", wndpl.flags, wndpl.ptMaxPosition.x,wndpl.ptMaxPosition.y, wndpl.ptMinPosition.x,wndpl.ptMinPosition.y, wndpl.rcNormalPosition.bottom,wndpl.rcNormalPosition.left,wndpl.rcNormalPosition.right,wndpl.rcNormalPosition.top, wndpl.showCmd); if (RegCreateKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,REGKEY_TILEDIT,®key)==ERROR_SUCCESS) { //int sel = ((CComboBox*)GetDlgItem(IDC_LISTTYPE))->GetCurSel(); RegSetValueEx(regkey,REGKEY_WNDPL,0,REG_SZ,(const unsigned char*)sWindowpl,(DWORD)strlen(sWindowpl)); RegSetValueEx(regkey,REGKEY_LASTPATH,0,REG_SZ,(const unsigned char*)m_ctrl.LastPath.c_str(),(DWORD)strlen(m_ctrl.LastPath.c_str())); RegSetValueEx(regkey,REGKEY_BUTTONZOOM,0,REG_DWORD,(const unsigned char*)&m_ctrl.Zoom,4); RegSetValueEx(regkey,REGKEY_BUTTONVARIETY,0,REG_DWORD,(const unsigned char*)&m_128x128,4); RegSetValueEx(regkey,REGKEY_BUTTONTEXTURE,0,REG_DWORD,(const unsigned char*)&m_ctrl.Texture,4); RegSetValueEx(regkey,REGKEY_BUTTONSORT,0,REG_DWORD,(const unsigned char*)&m_ctrl.Sort,4); RegSetValueEx(regkey,REGKEY_BUTTONTEXTINFO,0,REG_DWORD,(const unsigned char*)&m_ctrl.InfoTexte,4); RegCloseKey(regkey); } } void Browse::OnOk() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here if (thread_actif) return; // trap - Don't know if this is the right place to do this UpdateData (); CTileSet *tileSet=tileBank2.getTileSet (land); tileSet->setOriented(Oriented?true:false); this->SendMessage(WM_CLOSE); EndDialog(1); } void Browse::OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default m_ctrl.PostMessage(WM_RBUTTONDOWN,point.x,point.y); CDialog::OnRButtonDown(nFlags, point); } void Browse::OnSelchangeListtype() { } void Browse::OnUpdateTiles() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here LoadInThread(); } void Browse::OnChangeVariety() { UpdateData(); m_ctrl.UpdateSize (m_128x128); // Enable window GetDlgItem (IDC_JOUR)->EnableWindow (m_128x128!=3); GetDlgItem (IDC_NUIT)->EnableWindow (m_128x128!=3); GetDlgItem (IDC_ALPHA)->EnableWindow (m_128x128==2); GetDlgItem (IDC_BATCH_LOAD)->EnableWindow (m_128x128==2); if ((m_ctrl.Texture==3)&&(m_128x128!=2)) { m_ctrl.Texture=2; ((CButton*)GetDlgItem (IDC_ALPHA))->SetCheck (0); ((CButton*)GetDlgItem (IDC_NUIT))->SetCheck (1); } if ((m_ctrl.Texture!=1)&&(m_128x128==3)) { m_ctrl.Texture=1; ((CButton*)GetDlgItem (IDC_ALPHA))->SetCheck (0); ((CButton*)GetDlgItem (IDC_NUIT))->SetCheck (0); ((CButton*)GetDlgItem (IDC_JOUR))->SetCheck (1); } m_ctrl.Invalidate (); UpdateData(FALSE); } void Browse::OnBatchLoad () { CFileDialog sFile (true, NULL, NULL, OFN_ENABLESIZING, "PNG Bitmap (*.png)|*.png|Targa bitmap (*.tga)|*.tga|All files (*.*)|*.*||",NULL); if (sFile.DoModal()==IDOK) { char sDrive[256]; char sPath[256]; char sName[256]; char sExt[256]; _splitpath (sFile.GetPathName(), sDrive, sPath, sName, sExt); // look for some numbers.. char *sNumber=sName+strlen(sName)-1; while ((sNumber>sName)&&(*sNumber>='0')&&(*sNumber<='9')) { sNumber--; } sNumber[1]=0; bool rotate=false; if (::MessageBox (NULL, "Do you want to use rotation to reuse alpha tiles ?", "Import rotated tiles", MB_OK|MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNO)==IDYES) rotate=true; for (int i=0; igetTransition (transition); if (tileBank2.getTile (trans->getTile())->getRelativeFileName (CTile::alpha).empty()) { // Continue ? int ok; // Try to load transition with rotation for (int rot=0; rot<4; rot++) { // Try to load a tile with a file name like /tiletransition0.tga char sName2[256]; char sFinal[256]; sprintf (sName2, "%s%02d", sName, (int)transition); _makepath (sFinal, sDrive, sPath, sName2, sExt); FILE *pFile=fopen (sFinal, "rb"); // Close the file and add the tile if opened if (pFile) { fclose (pFile); ok=m_ctrl.InfoList.setTileTransitionAlpha (i, sFinal, (4-rot)%4); // End break; } // Rotate the transition transition=CTileSet::rotateTransition (transition); if (!rotate) break; } if (!ok) break; } } else { // Current transition CTileSet::TTransition transition=(CTileSet::TTransition)i; // Transition to patch CTileSetTransition* trans=tileBank2.getTileSet (land)->getTransition (transition); if (tileBank2.getTile (trans->getTile())->getRelativeFileName (m_ctrl.Texture==1?CTile::diffuse:CTile::additive).empty()) { // Try to load a tile with a file name like /tiletransition0.tga char sName2[256]; char sFinal[256]; sprintf (sName2, "%s%02d", sName, (int)transition); _makepath (sFinal, sDrive, sPath, sName2, sExt); FILE *pFile=fopen (sFinal, "rb"); // Close the file and add the tile if opened if (pFile) { fclose (pFile); if (!m_ctrl.InfoList.setTileTransition (i, sFinal, m_ctrl.Texture==1?CTile::diffuse:CTile::additive)) break; } } } } m_ctrl.Invalidate (); } } void Browse::UpdateFlags () { SubGroup0=0; SubGroup1=0; SubGroup2=0; SubGroup3=0; SubGroup4=0; SubGroup5=0; SubGroup6=0; SubGroup7=0; SubGroup8=0; SubGroup9=0; SubGroup10=0; SubGroup11=0; // Flags uint or=0, and=0xffffffff; bool find=false; // For each for (int i=0;igetTile128 (i); break; case 1: // Tile index index=tileBank2.getTileSet (land)->getTile256 (i); break; case 2: // Tile index index=tileBank2.getTileSet (land)->getTransition (i)->getTile (); break; case 3: // not found index=-1; break; default: nlassert (0); // no! } // valid flags if (index!=-1) { // Get flags or|=tileBank2.getTile (index)->getGroupFlags (); and&=tileBank2.getTile (index)->getGroupFlags (); // Find one find=true; } } } // Valid ctrl GetDlgItem (IDC_SUBGROUP0)->EnableWindow (find?TRUE:FALSE); GetDlgItem (IDC_SUBGROUP1)->EnableWindow (find?TRUE:FALSE); GetDlgItem (IDC_SUBGROUP2)->EnableWindow (find?TRUE:FALSE); GetDlgItem (IDC_SUBGROUP3)->EnableWindow (find?TRUE:FALSE); GetDlgItem (IDC_SUBGROUP4)->EnableWindow (find?TRUE:FALSE); GetDlgItem (IDC_SUBGROUP5)->EnableWindow (find?TRUE:FALSE); GetDlgItem (IDC_SUBGROUP6)->EnableWindow (find?TRUE:FALSE); GetDlgItem (IDC_SUBGROUP7)->EnableWindow (find?TRUE:FALSE); GetDlgItem (IDC_SUBGROUP8)->EnableWindow (find?TRUE:FALSE); GetDlgItem (IDC_SUBGROUP9)->EnableWindow (find?TRUE:FALSE); GetDlgItem (IDC_SUBGROUP10)->EnableWindow (find?TRUE:FALSE); GetDlgItem (IDC_SUBGROUP11)->EnableWindow (find?TRUE:FALSE); // Find at least one tile ? if (find) { // Set UI SubGroup0=(and&0x1)?1:(or&0x1)?2:0; SubGroup1=(and&0x2)?1:(or&0x2)?2:0; SubGroup2=(and&0x4)?1:(or&0x4)?2:0; SubGroup3=(and&0x8)?1:(or&0x8)?2:0; SubGroup4=(and&0x10)?1:(or&0x10)?2:0; SubGroup5=(and&0x20)?1:(or&0x20)?2:0; SubGroup6=(and&0x40)?1:(or&0x40)?2:0; SubGroup7=(and&0x80)?1:(or&0x80)?2:0; SubGroup8=(and&0x100)?1:(or&0x100)?2:0; SubGroup9=(and&0x200)?1:(or&0x200)?2:0; SubGroup10=(and&0x400)?1:(or&0x400)?2:0; SubGroup11=(and&0x800)?1:(or&0x800)?2:0; } // Update UI data UpdateData (FALSE); } void Browse::Flags (int flagNumber, bool go) { // For each for (int i=0;igetTile128 (i); break; case 1: // Tile index index=tileBank2.getTileSet (land)->getTile256 (i); break; case 2: // Tile index index=tileBank2.getTileSet (land)->getTransition (i)->getTile (); break; default: nlassert (0); // no! } // valid flags if (index!=-1) { // Get flags uint value=tileBank2.getTile (index)->getGroupFlags (); // Clear flag value&=~(1<setGroupFlags (value); } } } } void Browse::OnSubgroup0() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here // Check if clicked UpdateData (); if (SubGroup0==2) { SubGroup0=0; UpdateData (FALSE); } nlassert (SubGroup0!=2); if (SubGroup0==0) Flags (0, false); if (SubGroup0==1) Flags (0, true); } void Browse::OnSubgroup1() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here // Check if clicked UpdateData (); if (SubGroup1==2) { SubGroup1=0; UpdateData (FALSE); } nlassert (SubGroup1!=2); if (SubGroup1==0) Flags (1, false); if (SubGroup1==1) Flags (1, true); } void Browse::OnSubgroup2() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here // Check if clicked UpdateData (); if (SubGroup2==2) { SubGroup2=0; UpdateData (FALSE); } nlassert (SubGroup2!=2); if (SubGroup2==0) Flags (2, false); if (SubGroup2==1) Flags (2, true); } void Browse::OnSubgroup3() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here // Check if clicked UpdateData (); if (SubGroup3==2) { SubGroup3=0; UpdateData (FALSE); } nlassert (SubGroup3!=2); if (SubGroup3==0) Flags (3, false); if (SubGroup3==1) Flags (3, true); } void Browse::OnSubgroup4() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here // Check if clicked UpdateData (); if (SubGroup4==2) { SubGroup4=0; UpdateData (FALSE); } nlassert (SubGroup4!=2); if (SubGroup4==0) Flags (4, false); if (SubGroup4==1) Flags (4, true); } void Browse::OnSubgroup5() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here // Check if clicked UpdateData (); if (SubGroup5==2) { SubGroup5=0; UpdateData (FALSE); } nlassert (SubGroup5!=2); if (SubGroup5==0) Flags (5, false); if (SubGroup5==1) Flags (5, true); } void Browse::OnSubgroup6() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here // Check if clicked UpdateData (); if (SubGroup6==2) { SubGroup6=0; UpdateData (FALSE); } nlassert (SubGroup6!=2); if (SubGroup6==0) Flags (6, false); if (SubGroup6==1) Flags (6, true); } void Browse::OnSubgroup7() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here // Check if clicked UpdateData (); if (SubGroup7==2) { SubGroup7=0; UpdateData (FALSE); } nlassert (SubGroup7!=2); if (SubGroup7==0) Flags (7, false); if (SubGroup7==1) Flags (7, true); } void Browse::OnSubgroup8() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here // Check if clicked UpdateData (); if (SubGroup8==2) { SubGroup8=0; UpdateData (FALSE); } nlassert (SubGroup8!=2); if (SubGroup8==0) Flags (8, false); if (SubGroup8==1) Flags (8, true); } void Browse::OnSubgroup9() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here // Check if clicked UpdateData (); if (SubGroup9==2) { SubGroup9=0; UpdateData (FALSE); } nlassert (SubGroup9!=2); if (SubGroup9==0) Flags (9, false); if (SubGroup9==1) Flags (9, true); } void Browse::OnSubgroup10() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here // Check if clicked UpdateData (); if (SubGroup10==2) { SubGroup10=0; UpdateData (FALSE); } nlassert (SubGroup10!=2); if (SubGroup10==0) Flags (10, false); if (SubGroup10==1) Flags (10, true); } void Browse::OnSubgroup11() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here // Check if clicked UpdateData (); if (SubGroup11==2) { SubGroup11=0; UpdateData (FALSE); } nlassert (SubGroup11!=2); if (SubGroup11==0) Flags (11, false); if (SubGroup11==1) Flags (11, true); } void Browse::OnExportBorder() { // Select a file CFileDialog sFile (false, NULL, NULL, OFN_ENABLESIZING, "PNG Bitmap (*.png)|*.png|Targa bitmap (*.tga)|*.tga|All files (*.*)|*.*||",NULL); if (sFile.DoModal()==IDOK) { // Get the border of the bank std::vector array; // 256 or 128 ? int width, height; tileBank2.getTileSet (land)->getBorder128 (m_ctrl.Texture==1?CTile::diffuse:CTile::additive)->get (width, height, array); // Make a bitmap if (width&&height) { NLMISC::CBitmap bitmap; bitmap.resize (width, height, NLMISC::CBitmap::RGBA); // Get pixel CRGBA *pPixel=(CRGBA*)&bitmap.getPixels()[0]; // Make a copy for (int i=0; iR=array[i].R; pPixel->G=array[i].G; pPixel->B=array[i].B; pPixel->A=array[i].A; pPixel++; } // Write the bitmap bool error=false; CString pathName=sFile.GetPathName(); try { COFile file; if (file.open ((const char*)pathName)) { // Export bitmap.writeTGA (file, 32); } else error=true; } catch (const Exception& e) { const char *toto=e.what (); error=true; } // Error during export ? if (error) { // Error message char tmp[512]; sprintf (tmp, "Can't write bitmap %s", (const char*)pathName); MessageBox (tmp, "Export border", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } } } } void Browse::OnImportBorder() { // Select a file CFileDialog sFile (true, NULL, NULL, OFN_ENABLESIZING, "PNG Bitmap (*.png)|*.png|Targa bitmap (*.tga)|*.tga|All files (*.*)|*.*||",NULL); if (sFile.DoModal()==IDOK) { // Get the border of the bank std::vector array(128*128); // The bitmap NLMISC::CBitmap bitmap; // Read the bitmap bool error=false; CString pathName=sFile.GetPathName(); try { CIFile file; if (file.open ((const char*)pathName)) { // Export bitmap.load (file); } else error=true; } catch (const Exception& e) { const char *toto=e.what (); error=true; } // Error during import ? if (error) { // Error message char tmp[512]; sprintf (tmp, "Can't read bitmap %s", (const char*)pathName); MessageBox (tmp, "Import border", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } // Get pixel CRGBA *pPixel=(CRGBA*)&bitmap.getPixels()[0]; // Good size if ((bitmap.getWidth()==128)&&(bitmap.getHeight()==128)) { // Make a copy for (int i=0; i<128*128; i++) { // Copy the pixel array[i].R=pPixel->R; array[i].G=pPixel->G; array[i].B=pPixel->B; array[i].A=pPixel->A; pPixel++; } } else { // Error message char tmp[512]; sprintf (tmp, "The bitmap must have a size of 128x128 (%s)", (const char*)pathName); MessageBox (tmp, "Import border", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } // 256 or 128 ? CTileBorder border; border.set (128, 128, array); tileBank2.getTileSet (land)->setBorder (m_ctrl.Texture==1?CTile::diffuse:CTile::additive, border); // Message MessageBox ("The border has been changed.", "Import border", MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION); } }