// NeL - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "std_afx.h" #include "sound_anim_view.h" #include "sound_anim_dlg.h" #include "object_viewer.h" #include "nel/sound/sound_animation.h" #include "nel/sound/sound_anim_manager.h" #include "nel/sound/sound_anim_marker.h" using namespace std; using namespace NLMISC; using namespace NL3D; using namespace NLSOUND; IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CSoundAnimView, CWnd) BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CSoundAnimView, CWnd) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CSoundAnimView) ON_WM_LBUTTONDOWN() ON_WM_LBUTTONUP() ON_WM_MOUSEMOVE() ON_WM_PAINT() //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() bool CSoundAnimView::_Registered = false; CString CSoundAnimView::_WndClass; uint CSoundAnimView::_WndId = 0; const uint CSoundAnimView::_ZoomCount = 7; float CSoundAnimView::_ZoomValue[] = { 0.1f, 0.25f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 2.0f, 4.0f, 10.0f }; const float CSoundAnimView::_Scale = 200.0f; // 1 second equals 200 pixels CFont CSoundAnimView::_Font; CBrush CSoundAnimView::_FillBrush; CBrush CSoundAnimView::_MarkerBrush; CBrush CSoundAnimView::_SelectBrush; CPen CSoundAnimView::_RedPen; // *************************************************************************** bool CSoundAnimView::registerClass() { if (_Registered) { return true; } _WndClass = AfxRegisterWndClass(CS_VREDRAW | CS_HREDRAW, ::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW), (HBRUSH) ::GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH)); // Do some additional initialization of static veriables _Font.CreateFont(14, 0, 0, 0, FW_NORMAL, FALSE, FALSE, 0, ANSI_CHARSET, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, DEFAULT_QUALITY, DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_SWISS, _T("Arial")); _FillBrush.CreateSolidBrush(RGB(230, 245, 245)); _MarkerBrush.CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0, 0, 0)); _SelectBrush.CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0, 210, 210)); _RedPen.CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(255, 0, 0)); _Registered = true; return true; } // *************************************************************************** void CSoundAnimView::Create(CObjectViewer* objView, CAnimationDlg* animDlg, CSoundAnimDlg* sndDlg, const RECT& rect) { registerClass(); _ObjView = objView; _AnimationDlg = animDlg; _SoundAnimDlg = sndDlg; _Zoom = 1.0f; _Cursor = 0; _TimeStart = 0.0f; _TimeEnd = 0.0f; _TimeOffset = 0.0f; _PixelsTotal = 0; _PixelsOffset = 0; _PixelsViewH = rect.right - rect.left; _PixelsViewV = rect.bottom - rect.top; _Dragging = false; _SelectedAnim = 0; _SelectedMarker = 0; // Find the zoom index dynamically so we can change the _ZoomValue array // withou risk of using a bad _ZoomIndex for (uint i = 0; i < _ZoomCount; i++) { if (_ZoomValue[i] == 1.0f) { _ZoomIndex = i; break; } } CWnd::Create((LPCTSTR) _WndClass, _T("Sound Animation"), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, rect, (CWnd*) sndDlg, ++_WndId); } // ******************************************************** void CSoundAnimView::changeTimeScale() { _PixelsTotal = timeToPixel(_TimeEnd - _TimeStart); _PixelsOffset = timeToPixel(_TimeOffset - _TimeStart); if (_PixelsTotal < _PixelsViewH) { _PixelsOffset = 0; _TimeOffset = _TimeStart; _SoundAnimDlg->updateScroll(0, 0, 0); } else if (_PixelsOffset + _PixelsViewH > _PixelsTotal) { _PixelsOffset = _PixelsTotal - _PixelsViewH; _TimeOffset = _TimeStart + pixelToTime(_PixelsOffset); _SoundAnimDlg->updateScroll(_PixelsOffset, 0, _PixelsTotal - _PixelsViewH); } else { _SoundAnimDlg->updateScroll(_PixelsOffset, 0, _PixelsTotal - _PixelsViewH); } Invalidate(); } // ******************************************************** void CSoundAnimView::changeScroll(uint curpos) { _PixelsOffset = curpos; _TimeOffset = _TimeStart + pixelToTime(_PixelsOffset); Invalidate(); } // ******************************************************** void CSoundAnimView::zoomIn() { if (_ZoomIndex < _ZoomCount - 1) { _ZoomIndex++; _Zoom = _ZoomValue[_ZoomIndex]; } changeTimeScale(); } // ******************************************************** void CSoundAnimView::zoomOut() { if (_ZoomIndex > 0) { _ZoomIndex--; _Zoom = _ZoomValue[_ZoomIndex]; } changeTimeScale(); } // ******************************************************** void CSoundAnimView::setAnimTime(float animStart, float animEnd) { _TimeStart = animStart / _AnimationDlg->getSpeed(); _TimeEnd = animEnd / _AnimationDlg->getSpeed(); changeTimeScale(); } // ******************************************************** void CSoundAnimView::mark() { insertMarkerAt(_AnimationDlg->getTime()); } // ******************************************************** void CSoundAnimView::save() { CAnimationVector::iterator iter; for (iter = _Animations.begin(); iter != _Animations.end(); iter++) { CSoundAnimationHolder &h = *iter; CSoundAnimation* anim = h._Anim; if (anim->isDirty()) { string filename = anim->getFilename(); // Ask user for filename if (filename.empty()) { filename.append(anim->getName()).append(".sound_anim"); // Create a dialog char BASED_CODE szFilter[] = "NeL Sound Animations (*.sound_anim)|*.sound_anim|All Files (*.*)|*.*||"; CFileDialog fileDlg( FALSE, ".sound_anim", filename.c_str(), OFN_HIDEREADONLY|OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, szFilter); if (fileDlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { filename = (const char*) fileDlg.GetPathName(); } else { continue; } } // Open the file try { CSoundAnimManager::instance()->saveAnimation(anim, filename); } catch (Exception& e) { MessageBox (e.what(), "NeL object viewer", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } } } Invalidate(); } // ******************************************************** void CSoundAnimView::deleteMarker() { if (_SelectedMarker != 0) { _SelectedAnim._Anim->removeMarker(_SelectedMarker); _SelectedAnim._Anim->setDirty(true); Invalidate(); } } // ******************************************************** bool CSoundAnimView::getAnimationAt(CSoundAnimationHolder& holder, float time) { CAnimationVector::iterator iter; for (iter = _Animations.begin(); iter != _Animations.end(); iter++) { CSoundAnimationHolder &h = *iter; if ((h._AnimStart <= time) && (time < h._AnimEnd)) { holder = h; return true; } } return false; } // ******************************************************** void CSoundAnimView::refresh(BOOL update) { _Animations.clear(); uint selected = _ObjView->getEditedObject(); if (selected == 0xffffffff) { return; } CSoundAnimManager* animManager = CSoundAnimManager::instance(); // Make sure the sound anim manager is already instanciated if (animManager == 0) { return; } CInstanceInfo *instanceInfo = _ObjView->getInstance(selected); // Some animation in the list ? if (instanceInfo->Saved.PlayList.size() > 0) { // Accumul time float startTime = 0; float endTime = 0; // Get start time of the animation that starts before the current time for (uint index = 0; index < instanceInfo->Saved.PlayList.size(); index++) { // Pointer on the animation string& name = instanceInfo->Saved.PlayList[index]; CAnimation *anim = instanceInfo->AnimationSet.getAnimation (instanceInfo->AnimationSet.getAnimationIdByName(name)); // Add start time startTime = endTime; endTime = startTime + anim->getEndTime() - anim->getBeginTime(); CSoundAnimation* soundAnim = animManager->findAnimation(name); if (soundAnim == 0) { bool needCreate = false; try { TSoundAnimId res = animManager->loadAnimation(name); if(res == CSoundAnimationNoId) needCreate = true; else soundAnim = animManager->findAnimation(name); } catch (exception& e) { nlwarning("Couldn't find sound animation <%s>: %s", name.c_str(), e.what()); needCreate = true; } if(needCreate) { animManager->createAnimation(name); soundAnim = animManager->findAnimation(name); } } CSoundAnimationHolder holder(soundAnim, startTime, endTime); _Animations.push_back(holder); } } Invalidate(); } // ******************************************************** void CSoundAnimView::updateCursor() { sint cursor = timeToPixel(_AnimationDlg->getTime()); if (cursor != _Cursor) { RECT r; r.left = (cursor < _Cursor)? cursor : _Cursor; r.right = (cursor < _Cursor)? _Cursor + 1 : cursor + 1; r.top = 0; r.bottom = _PixelsViewV; // correct for offset r.left -= _PixelsOffset; r.right -= _PixelsOffset; InvalidateRect(&r); _Cursor = cursor; } } // ******************************************************** CSoundAnimMarker* CSoundAnimView::getMarkerAt(CPoint point) { CSoundAnimationHolder holder; //nldebug("TIME=%f", pixelToTime(_PixelsOffset + point.x)); if (getAnimationAt(holder, pixelToTime(_PixelsOffset + point.x))) { CSoundAnimation* anim = holder._Anim; float offset = holder._AnimStart; uint32 nmarkers = anim->countMarkers(); for (uint32 i = 0; i < nmarkers; i++) { CSoundAnimMarker* marker = anim->getMarker(i); uint pixel = timeToPixel(offset + marker->getTime()) - _PixelsOffset; ::CRect r; r.left = pixel - 4; r.right = pixel + 5; r.top = 0; r.bottom = _PixelsViewV; if (r.PtInRect(point)) { return marker; } } } return 0; } // ******************************************************** void CSoundAnimView::insertMarkerAt(float time) { CSoundAnimationHolder holder; if (getAnimationAt(holder, time)) { CSoundAnimation* anim = holder._Anim; CSoundAnimMarker* marker = new CSoundAnimMarker((float)(time - holder._AnimStart)); anim->addMarker(marker); anim->setDirty(true); _SelectedMarker = marker; _SelectedAnim = holder; _SoundAnimDlg->selectMarker(marker); } Invalidate(); } // *************************************************************************** void CSoundAnimView::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { CSoundAnimMarker* marker = getMarkerAt(point); if (marker != 0) { float time = pixelToTime(_PixelsOffset + point.x); _Dragging = true; _DragStartPoint = point; _DragStartTime = marker->getTime(); _SelectedMarker = marker; getAnimationAt(_SelectedAnim, time); } else { _SelectedMarker = 0; _SelectedAnim = 0; } } // *************************************************************************** void CSoundAnimView::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { float time = pixelToTime(point.x); if (nFlags == MK_CONTROL) { insertMarkerAt(time); } else if (nFlags == 0) { _SoundAnimDlg->selectMarker(_SelectedMarker); if (_Dragging) { _Dragging = false; } } Invalidate(); } // ******************************************************** void CSoundAnimView::OnLButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { float time = pixelToTime(point.x); CSoundAnimationHolder holder; if (getAnimationAt(holder, time)) { nlwarning("CSoundAnimView::OnLButtonDblClk: x=%d, t=%.3f", point.x, time); } } // *************************************************************************** void CSoundAnimView::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { if (_Dragging && (_SelectedMarker != 0) && (point.x != _DragStartPoint.x)) { sint32 deltaPx = point.x - _DragStartPoint.x; float newTime = _DragStartTime + pixelToTime(point.x - _DragStartPoint.x); clamp(newTime, 0.0f, _SelectedAnim._AnimEnd - _SelectedAnim._AnimStart); _SelectedMarker->setTime(newTime); _SelectedAnim._Anim->setDirty(true); Invalidate(); } } // *************************************************************************** void CSoundAnimView::OnPaint() { PAINTSTRUCT ps; CDC* dc = BeginPaint(&ps); RECT r; GetClientRect(&r); dc->Rectangle(&r); // Shift the origin according to the scroll offset CPoint p = dc->GetViewportOrg(); p.Offset(- (sint) _PixelsOffset, 0); dc->SetViewportOrg(p); CAnimationVector::iterator iter; sint lastPixel = 0; dc->MoveTo(0, _PixelsViewV - 15); dc->LineTo(_PixelsTotal, _PixelsViewV - 15); for (iter = _Animations.begin(); iter != _Animations.end(); iter++) { CSoundAnimationHolder &holder = *iter; if (holder._Anim == NULL) continue; dc->MoveTo(timeToPixel(holder._AnimStart), 0); dc->LineTo(timeToPixel(holder._AnimStart), _PixelsViewV); r.left = timeToPixel(holder._AnimStart) + 3; r.right = timeToPixel(holder._AnimEnd) - 3; r.top = 0; r.bottom = 20; CGdiObject* oldFont = (CGdiObject*) dc->SelectObject(&_Font); _StringBuffer.erase(); _StringBuffer.append(holder._Anim->getName()); if (holder._Anim->isDirty()) { _StringBuffer.append("*"); } dc->DrawText(_StringBuffer.c_str(), &r, DT_VCENTER | DT_LEFT | DT_SINGLELINE); dc->SelectObject(oldFont); lastPixel = timeToPixel(holder._AnimEnd); // Draw the markers of the animation CSoundAnimation* anim = holder._Anim; float offset = holder._AnimStart; uint32 nmarkers = anim->countMarkers(); for (uint32 i = 0; i < nmarkers; i++) { CSoundAnimMarker* marker = anim->getMarker(i); sint pixel = timeToPixel(offset + marker->getTime()); r.left = pixel - 3; r.right = pixel + 3; r.top = _PixelsViewV - 20 ; r.bottom = _PixelsViewV - 10; dc->FillRect(&r, (_SelectedMarker == marker)? &_SelectBrush : &_MarkerBrush); } } dc->MoveTo(lastPixel, 0); dc->LineTo(lastPixel, _PixelsViewV); if (lastPixel < (sint) _PixelsViewH) { r.left = lastPixel + 1; r.right = _PixelsViewH - 1; r.top = 1; r.bottom = _PixelsViewV - 1; dc->FillRect(&r, &_FillBrush); } CPen* oldPen = (CPen*) dc->SelectObject(&_RedPen); dc->MoveTo(_Cursor, 0); dc->LineTo(_Cursor, _PixelsViewV); dc->SelectObject(oldPen); EndPaint(&ps); } #ifdef _DEBUG // *************************************************************************** void CSoundAnimView::AssertValid() const { CWnd::AssertValid(); } // *************************************************************************** void CSoundAnimView::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CWnd::Dump(dc); } #endif //_DEBUG