// NeL - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "nel/misc/stream.h" #include "nel/misc/file.h" #include "nel/misc/vector.h" #include "nel/misc/time_nl.h" #include "nel/misc/config_file.h" #include "nel/misc/path.h" #include "nel/3d/instance_lighter.h" #include "nel/3d/quad_grid.h" #include "nel/3d/scene_group.h" #include "nel/3d/shape.h" #include "nel/3d/transform_shape.h" #include "nel/3d/register_3d.h" #include "nel/pacs/global_retriever.h" #include "nel/pacs/local_retriever.h" #include "nel/pacs/retriever_bank.h" #include "../ig_lighter_lib/ig_lighter_lib.h" using namespace std; using namespace NLMISC; using namespace NL3D; using namespace NLPACS; // *************************************************************************** #define BAR_LENGTH 21 const char *progressbar[BAR_LENGTH]= { "[ ]", "[. ]", "[.. ]", "[... ]", "[.... ]", "[..... ]", "[...... ]", "[....... ]", "[........ ]", "[......... ]", "[.......... ]", "[........... ]", "[............ ]", "[............. ]", "[.............. ]", "[............... ]", "[................ ]", "[................. ]", "[.................. ]", "[................... ]", "[....................]" }; // My Ig lighter class CMyIgLighter : public CInstanceLighter { public: static void displayProgress(const char *message, float progress) { // Progress bar char msg[512]; uint pgId= (uint)(progress*(float)BAR_LENGTH); pgId= min(pgId, (uint)(BAR_LENGTH-1)); sprintf (msg, "\r%s: %s", message, progressbar[pgId]); uint i; for (i=(uint)strlen(msg); i<79; i++) msg[i]=' '; msg[i]=0; printf ("%s\r", msg); } protected: // Progress bar virtual void progress (const char *message, float progress) { displayProgress(message, progress); } }; // *************************************************************************** void lightIg(const NL3D::CInstanceGroup &igIn, NL3D::CInstanceGroup &igOut, NL3D::CInstanceLighter::CLightDesc &lightDesc, CIgLighterLib::CSurfaceLightingInfo &slInfo, const char *igName) { // Create an instance of MyIgLighter. CMyIgLighter lighter; // lightIg CIgLighterLib::lightIg(lighter, igIn, igOut, lightDesc, slInfo, igName); } // *************************************************************************** int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // Filter addSearchPath NLMISC::createDebug(); InfoLog->addNegativeFilter ("adding the path"); // Register 3d registerSerial3d (); // Good number of args ? if (argc<4) { // Help message printf ("ig_lighter [directoryIn] [pathOut] [parameter_file] \n"); } else { try { string directoryIn= argv[1]; string pathOut= argv[2]; string paramFile= argv[3]; CInstanceLighter::CLightDesc lighterDesc; string grFile, rbankFile; // Verify directoryIn. directoryIn= CPath::standardizePath(directoryIn); if( !CFile::isDirectory(directoryIn) ) { printf("DirectoryIn %s is not a directory", directoryIn.c_str()); return -1; } // Verify pathOut. pathOut= CPath::standardizePath(pathOut); if( !CFile::isDirectory(pathOut) ) { printf("PathOut %s is not a directory", pathOut.c_str()); return -1; } // Load and setup configFile. //================= CConfigFile parameter; // Load and parse the param file parameter.load (paramFile); // Get the search pathes CConfigFile::CVar &search_pathes = parameter.getVar ("search_pathes"); uint path; for (path = 0; path < (uint)search_pathes.size(); path++) { // Add to search path CPath::addSearchPath (search_pathes.asString(path)); } // Light direction CConfigFile::CVar &sun_direction = parameter.getVar ("sun_direction"); lighterDesc.LightDirection.x=sun_direction.asFloat(0); lighterDesc.LightDirection.y=sun_direction.asFloat(1); lighterDesc.LightDirection.z=sun_direction.asFloat(2); lighterDesc.LightDirection.normalize (); // Grid size CConfigFile::CVar &quad_grid_size = parameter.getVar ("quad_grid_size"); lighterDesc.GridSize=quad_grid_size.asInt(); // Grid size CConfigFile::CVar &quad_grid_cell_size = parameter.getVar ("quad_grid_cell_size"); lighterDesc.GridCellSize=quad_grid_cell_size.asFloat(); // Shadows enabled ? CConfigFile::CVar &shadow = parameter.getVar ("shadow"); lighterDesc.Shadow=shadow.asInt ()!=0; // OverSampling CConfigFile::CVar &ig_oversampling = parameter.getVar ("ig_oversampling"); lighterDesc.OverSampling= ig_oversampling.asInt (); // validate value: 0, 2, 4, 8, 16 lighterDesc.OverSampling= raiseToNextPowerOf2(lighterDesc.OverSampling); clamp(lighterDesc.OverSampling, 0U, 16U); if(lighterDesc.OverSampling<2) lighterDesc.OverSampling= 0; // gr CConfigFile::CVar &grbank = parameter.getVar ("grbank"); grFile= grbank.asString (); // rbank CConfigFile::CVar &rbank = parameter.getVar ("rbank"); rbankFile= rbank.asString (); // CellSurfaceLightSize; CConfigFile::CVar &cell_surface_light_size = parameter.getVar ("cell_surface_light_size"); float cellSurfaceLightSize= cell_surface_light_size.asFloat (); if(cellSurfaceLightSize<=0) throw Exception("cell_surface_light_size must be > 0"); // CellRaytraceDeltaZ CConfigFile::CVar &cell_raytrace_delta_z = parameter.getVar ("cell_raytrace_delta_z"); float cellRaytraceDeltaZ= cell_raytrace_delta_z.asFloat (); // colIdentifierPrefix CConfigFile::CVar &col_identifier_prefix = parameter.getVar ("col_identifier_prefix"); string colIdentifierPrefix= col_identifier_prefix.asString (); // colIdentifierSuffix CConfigFile::CVar &col_identifier_suffix = parameter.getVar ("col_identifier_suffix"); string colIdentifierSuffix= col_identifier_suffix.asString (); // colIdentifierSuffix CConfigFile::CVar &build_debug_surface_shape = parameter.getVar ("build_debug_surface_shape"); bool buildDebugSurfaceShape= build_debug_surface_shape.asInt()!=0; // try to open gr and rbank CRetrieverBank *retrieverBank= NULL; CGlobalRetriever *globalRetriever= NULL; uint32 grFileDate= 0; uint32 rbankFileDate= 0; if( !grFile.empty() && !rbankFile.empty()) { CIFile fin; // serial the retrieverBank. Exception if not found. fin.open(CPath::lookup(rbankFile)); retrieverBank= new CRetrieverBank; retrieverBank->setNamePrefix(CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(rbankFile).c_str ()); // Add the search path for LR files CPath::addSearchPath (CFile::getPath(rbankFile)); fin.serial(*retrieverBank); fin.close(); // serial the globalRetriever. Exception if not found. fin.open(CPath::lookup(grFile)); globalRetriever= new CGlobalRetriever; // set the RetrieverBank before loading globalRetriever->setRetrieverBank(retrieverBank); fin.serial(*globalRetriever); fin.close(); // Get File Dates rbankFileDate= CFile::getFileModificationDate(CPath::lookup(rbankFile)); grFileDate= CFile::getFileModificationDate(CPath::lookup(grFile)); // And init them. globalRetriever->initAll(); } // Scan and load all files .ig in directories //================= vector listFile; vector listIg; vector listIgFileName; vector listIgPathName; CPath::getPathContent(directoryIn, false, false, true, listFile); for(uint iFile=0; iFile CFile::getFileModificationDate(listIgPathName[iIg]) && fileOutDate > rbankFileDate && fileOutDate > grFileDate ) { printf("Skiping %s\n", fileNameIn.c_str()); continue; } } // progress printf("Processing %s\n", fileNameIn.c_str()); CInstanceGroup igOut; // Export a debugSun Name. string debugSunName; debugSunName= pathOut + "/" + CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(fileNameIn) + "_debug_sun_.shape"; string debugPLName; debugPLName= pathOut + "/" + CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(fileNameIn) + "_debug_pl_.shape"; // light the ig. CIgLighterLib::CSurfaceLightingInfo slInfo; slInfo.CellSurfaceLightSize= cellSurfaceLightSize; slInfo.CellRaytraceDeltaZ= cellRaytraceDeltaZ; slInfo.RetrieverBank= retrieverBank; slInfo.GlobalRetriever= globalRetriever; slInfo.IgFileName= CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(fileNameIn); slInfo.ColIdentifierPrefix= colIdentifierPrefix; slInfo.ColIdentifierSuffix= colIdentifierSuffix; slInfo.BuildDebugSurfaceShape= buildDebugSurfaceShape; slInfo.DebugSunName= debugSunName; slInfo.DebugPLName= debugPLName; lightIg(*listIg[iIg], igOut, lighterDesc, slInfo, fileNameIn.c_str ()); // Save this ig. COFile fout; fout.open(fileNameOut); fout.serial(igOut); fout.close(); // skip a line printf("\n"); } } catch (const Exception& except) { // Error message nlwarning ("ERROR %s\n", except.what()); } } // Landscape is not deleted, nor the instanceGroups, for faster quit. // Must disalbe BlockMemory checks (for pointLights). NL3D_BlockMemoryAssertOnPurge= false; // exit. return 0; }