// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . ///////////// // INCLUDE // ///////////// #include "stdpch.h" // Misc. #include "nel/misc/debug.h" #include "nel/misc/async_file_manager.h" #include "nel/misc/system_utils.h" // 3D Interface. #include "nel/3d/bloom_effect.h" #include "nel/3d/fxaa.h" #include "nel/3d/fasthls_modifier.h" #include "nel/3d/particle_system_manager.h" #include "nel/3d/particle_system.h" #include "nel/3d/particle_system_shape.h" #include "nel/3d/u_driver.h" #include "nel/3d/u_scene.h" #include "nel/3d/u_visual_collision_manager.h" #include "nel/3d/u_shape_bank.h" #include "nel/3d/stereo_hmd.h" // Client #include "global.h" #include "release.h" #include "actions.h" #include "ig_client.h" #include "entities.h" #include "net_manager.h" #include "pacs_client.h" #include "world_database_manager.h" #include "continent_manager.h" #include "sound_manager.h" #include "weather.h" #include "weather_manager_client.h" #include "prim_file.h" #include "interface_v3/input_handler_manager.h" #include "interface_v3/interface_manager.h" #include "interface_v3/people_interraction.h" #include "connection.h" #include "commands.h" #include "timed_fx_manager.h" #include "interface_v3/sphrase_manager.h" #include "interface_v3/chat_text_manager.h" #include "interface_v3/dbctrl_sheet.h" #include "projectile_manager.h" #include "init_main_loop.h" #include "fx_manager.h" #include "animation_fx_misc.h" #include "fx_manager.h" #include "micro_life_manager.h" #include "attack_list.h" #include "auto_anim.h" #include "string_manager_client.h" #include "precipitation_clip_grid.h" #include "interface_v3/music_player.h" #include "login.h" #include "actions_client.h" #include "login_progress_post_thread.h" // #include "r2/editor.h" #include "nel/misc/big_file.h" #include "nel/net/module_manager.h" #include "game_share/fame.h" #include "interface_v3/sbrick_manager.h" #include "interface_v3/skill_manager.h" #include "sheet_manager.h" #include "interface_v3/macrocmd_manager.h" #include "game_share/scenario_entry_points.h" #include "interface_v3/bar_manager.h" #include "landscape_poly_drawer.h" #include "game_share/visual_slot_manager.h" #include "door_manager.h" #include "interface_v3/encyclopedia_manager.h" #include "faction_war_manager.h" #include "interface_v3/interface_ddx.h" #include "bg_downloader_access.h" #include "nel/gui/lua_manager.h" /////////// // USING // /////////// using namespace NL3D; using namespace NLMISC; //////////// // EXTERN // //////////// extern UDriver *Driver; extern UScene *Scene; extern UCloudScape *CloudScape; extern UVisualCollisionManager *CollisionManager; extern CEventsListener EventsListener; // Inputs Manager extern ULandscape *Landscape; extern UCamera MainCam; extern UScene *SceneRoot; extern UScene *SkyScene; extern UInstanceGroup *BackgroundIG; extern bool LastScreenSaverEnabled; extern bool IsInRingSession; extern bool noUserChar; extern bool userChar; extern bool serverReceivedReady; extern bool CharNameValidArrived; extern void releaseContextualCursor(); extern void selectTipsOfTheDay (uint tips); /////////////// // FUNCTIONS // /////////////// // *************************************************************************** // 3D element release, called from both releaseMainLoopReselect() and releaseMainLoop() static void releaseMainLoopScenes() { if(!Driver) return; // Delete the main scene if(Scene) { // Release water envmap #ifdef USE_WATER_ENV_MAP Driver->deleteWaterEnvMap(WaterEnvMap); #endif // Release FX manager CTimedFXManager::getInstance().reset(); WeatherManager.release(); // Release the landscape. NB: all pending async loading zones are deleted here if (Landscape) { Scene->deleteLandscape (Landscape); Landscape = NULL; } // Release the collision manager Scene->deleteVisualCollisionManager(CollisionManager); CollisionManager = NULL; // release cloud scape if (CloudScape) { Scene->deleteCloudScape(CloudScape); CloudScape = NULL; } // remove the scene from the sound lib if (SoundMngr != NULL) SoundMngr->getMixer()->initClusteredSound((UScene*)NULL, 0.01f, 100.0f, 1.0f); // Stop any async loading. Actually all should have been stop before CAsyncFileManager::terminate(); // Release the scene. Driver->deleteScene(Scene); Scene = NULL; MainCam = NULL; // remove scene from bloom CBloomEffect::getInstance().setScene(NULL); } // Delete the scene with the Big Root if (SceneRoot) { if (BackgroundIG) { BackgroundIG->removeFromScene (*SceneRoot); SceneRoot->deleteInstanceGroup (BackgroundIG); BackgroundIG = NULL; } Driver->deleteScene(SceneRoot); SceneRoot = NULL; } } volatile bool TempResetShapeBankOnRetCharSelect = false; // *************************************************************************** // Release all the memory before come back to out game (real thing!) void releaseMainLoopReselect() { ProgressBar.release(); CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); // save keys loaded and interface cfg (not done in releaseMainLoop() because done at end of mainLoop()...) pIM->uninitInGame0(); // alredy called from farTPMainLoop() // --R2::getEditor().autoConfigRelease(IsInRingSession); // Pause any user played music MusicPlayer.pause(); // only really needed at exit // --STRING_MANAGER::CStringManagerClient::instance()->flushStringCache(); // Remove all entities. if (Driver) { nldebug("RCSR1: %u textures", Driver->getTotalAsyncTextureSizeAsked()); } EntitiesMngr.release(); if (Driver) { nldebug("RCSR2: %u textures", Driver->getTotalAsyncTextureSizeAsked()); } // Reset Fx manager (must be done after EntitiesMngr.release()) Important because may still point to 3D elements FXMngr.reset(); // Interface release CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->uninitInGame1(); // Remove key / action / some interface stuff (done through CInterfaceManager::destroy() in releaseMainLoop I think) ActionsContext.removeAllCombos(); EditActions.releaseAllKeyNoRunning(); Actions.releaseAllKeyNoRunning(); CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getParser()->removeAllTemplates(); CWidgetManager::getInstance()->setCaptureKeyboard(NULL); CWidgetManager::getInstance()->setCapturePointerLeft(NULL); CWidgetManager::getInstance()->setCapturePointerRight(NULL); // Yoyo: Don't release attack list manager, because I think it only owns static data (and 3D data created from Driver, not Scenes) // Note that in initMainLoop(), CAttackListManager::getInstance().init() will do nothing (since already created and not released here) // --CAttackListManager::getInstance().release(); // Still release the AnimFXMisc, because btw will still be released at AnimFXMisc.init() time init initMainLoop() AnimFXMisc.release(); // Don't care! // --selectTipsOfTheDay (rand()); // Reset the continent manager. NB: btw will be done at initMainLoop() (from preloadSheets) // and important to do before release of timedfx manager ContinentMngr.reset(); // Remove all projectile CProjectileManager::getInstance().reset(); // Remove micro-life (btw done at each CContinent::unselect()) CMicroLifeManager::getInstance().release(); // not really needed (static GuildMat Material created from Driver) // --CDBCtrlSheet::release (); // Release the Entities Animation Manager (Yoyo: fuckingly important because keep a pointer // on a _PlayListManager that is created from Scene) if (Driver) { nldebug("RCSR3: %u textures", Driver->getTotalAsyncTextureSizeAsked()); } CEntityAnimationManager::delInstance(); EAM= NULL; if (Driver) { nldebug("RCSR4: %u textures", Driver->getTotalAsyncTextureSizeAsked()); } // Not necessary I think because owns only static data (string + function ptrs) // --releaseContextualCursor(); // Release 3D components if(Driver) { // Release Scene, SceneRoot and their elements // Yoyo: important to do it else leak because recreated/reloaded in initMainLoop() on same pointer (=> old one not released)!!! releaseMainLoopScenes(); // release the auto animation (btw done in initMainLoop()...) releaseAutoAnimation(); // Don't Release the shape bank! => optimisation: preloading of character/objects shapes will not be redone! if (ClientCfg.ResetShapeBankOnRetCharSelect) { Driver->getShapeBank()->reset(); nldebug("RCSR5: %u textures", Driver->getTotalAsyncTextureSizeAsked()); } } // Release FX manager CTimedFXManager::getInstance().reset(); // Don't Purge memory because PointLight may still be present in other Scenes (sky scene...) for instance // --UDriver::purgeMemory(); // String manager: remove all waiting callbacks and removers // (if some interface stuff has not received its string yet, its remover will get useless) STRING_MANAGER::CStringManagerClient::release( false ); // release titles info CSkillManager::getInstance()->uninitInGame(); // Ugly globals userChar = false; noUserChar = false; serverReceivedReady = false; CharNameValidArrived = false; UserCharPosReceived = false; SabrinaPhraseBookLoaded = false; // Unlink the net manager NetMngr.setDataBase (NULL); // reset the client database and clear all observers. must do this while we are disconnected! // First remove the auto copy observers pIM->releaseServerToLocalAutoCopyObservers(); // Then remove the SERVER and LOCAL database (NB: "UI" node was removed by uninitIngame1()) ICDBNode::CTextId serverId("SERVER"), localId("LOCAL"); NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDB()->removeNode(serverId); NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDB()->removeNode(localId); nlassert(IngameDbMngr.getNodePtr()==NULL); // actually it is the "SERVER" node kept by CRefPtr => should be NULL IngameDbMngr.clear(); // still important for CDBBranch statics data release // NB: "SERVER" and "LOCAL" node will be recreated by initMainLoop // Don't destroy the whole interface manager. Hope it is not important.... // --CInterfaceManager::destroy (); // Leave Connection stuff to farTPMainLoop // --NetMngr..... } // *************************************************************************** // Release all the memory before come back to out game. // Yoyo: actually, because of change by AJM, this method is called only when the user quit the app. // see releaseMainLoopReselect() for the actual method called for reselection // Btw the 2 methods should have strong similarities void releaseMainLoop(bool closeConnection) { ProgressBar.release(); // Release R2 editor if applicable R2::getEditor().autoConfigRelease(IsInRingSession); // Pause any user played music MusicPlayer.pause(); // flush the server string cache STRING_MANAGER::CStringManagerClient::instance()->flushStringCache(); // Remove all entities. EntitiesMngr.release(); // Reset Fx manager (must be done after EntitiesMngr.release()) FXMngr.reset(); // Interface release CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->uninitInGame1(); // release attack list manager CAttackListManager::getInstance().release(); AnimFXMisc.release(); // Change the tips selectTipsOfTheDay (rand()); // Reset the continent manager ContinentMngr.reset(); // Remove all projectile CProjectileManager::getInstance().reset(); if (Landscape) { //Landscape->removeTileCallback(&HeightGrid); } // Remove micro-life CMicroLifeManager::getInstance().release(); // CCtrlSheetInfo release CDBCtrlSheet::release (); // Release the Entities Animation Manager CEntityAnimationManager::delInstance(); EAM= NULL; // Release the cursors releaseContextualCursor(); // Release 3D if(Driver) { // Release Scene, SceneRoot and their elements releaseMainLoopScenes(); // release the auto animation releaseAutoAnimation(); // Release the shape bank Driver->getShapeBank()->reset(); } // Release FX manager CTimedFXManager::getInstance().reset(); // Purge memory UDriver::purgeMemory(); // Unlink the net manager NetMngr.setDataBase (NULL); // Send a msg to server if(!ClientCfg.Local) { if (closeConnection) NetMngr.disconnect(); else NetMngr.quit(); /* // Quit game, return to select character CBitMemStream out; if(GenericMsgHeaderMngr.pushNameToStream("CONNECTION:QUIT_GAME", out)) { NetMngr.push(out); } else nlwarning(" unknown message name 'CONNECTION:QUIT_GAME'"); */ // to be sure server crash is not fault of client ConnectionReadySent= false; } }// release // // *************************************************************************** // Called when Quit from OutGame void releaseOutGame() { CBGDownloaderAccess::getInstance().release(); ProgressBar.release(); // flush the server string cache STRING_MANAGER::CStringManagerClient::instance()->flushStringCache(); // Disconnect the client from the server. NetMngr.disconnect(); // Interface release CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->uninitOutGame(); // delete the sound manager if(SoundMngr) { delete SoundMngr; SoundMngr = 0; } // Delete the driver. if(Driver) { // Stop any async loading. Actually nohting should be async loaded in outgame. CAsyncFileManager::terminate(); // If there is a scene. if(Scene) { // Release the scene. Driver->deleteScene(Scene); Scene = 0; } // Remove the Actions listener from the Events Server. EventsListener.removeFromServer(CInputHandlerManager::getInstance()->FilteredEventServer); // Release effects delete FXAA; FXAA = NULL; CBloomEffect::releaseInstance(); // Release Scene, textcontexts, materials, ... Driver->release(); // Delete the driver. delete Driver; Driver = 0; } ContinentMngr.reset(); } void releaseStereoDisplayDevice() { if (StereoDisplay) { StereoDisplay->getOriginalFrustum(0, &MainCam); if (SceneRoot) { UCamera cam = SceneRoot->getCam(); StereoDisplay->getOriginalFrustum(1, &cam); } nlassert(Driver); Driver->setViewport(NL3D::CViewport()); nlassert(Scene); Scene->setViewport(NL3D::CViewport()); delete StereoDisplay; StereoDisplay = NULL; StereoHMD = NULL; } IStereoDisplay::releaseAllLibraries(); } // *************************************************************************** // final release : Release before exit. void release() { if (StartPlayTime != 0) { CLoginProgressPostThread::getInstance().step(CLoginStep(LoginStep_GameExit, "login_step_game_exit&play_time=" + toString((NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime() - StartPlayTime) / 1000))); } CBGDownloaderAccess::getInstance().release(); ProgressBar.release(); R2::getEditor().release(); R2::CEditor::releaseInstance(); // flush the server string cache STRING_MANAGER::CStringManagerClient::instance()->flushStringCache(); STRING_MANAGER::CStringManagerClient::release(true); // restore screensaver state CSystemUtils::enableScreensaver(LastScreenSaverEnabled); // release PACS primitives deletePrimitiveBlocks(); // Release the commands releaseCommands(); // Exit config file stuff ClientCfg.release (); // Disconnect the client from the server. NetMngr.disconnect(); // delete the sound manager if(SoundMngr) { delete SoundMngr; SoundMngr = 0; } // Release the Entities Animation Manager CEntityAnimationManager::delInstance(); EAM= NULL; nldebug("VR [C]: VR Shutting down"); releaseStereoDisplayDevice(); // Delete the driver. if(Driver) { // Release the prim PrimFiles.release (*Driver); if (TextContext != NULL) Driver->deleteTextContext(TextContext); TextContext = NULL; // Release effects delete FXAA; FXAA = NULL; CBloomEffect::releaseInstance(); // Release Scene, textcontexts, materials, ... Driver->release(); // Delete the driver. delete Driver; Driver = 0; } NetMngr.getConnection().close(); HttpClient.disconnect(); // Remove the Actions listener from the Events Server. EventsListener.removeFromServer(CInputHandlerManager::getInstance()->FilteredEventServer); IDisplayer *clientLogDisplayer = ErrorLog->getDisplayer("CLIENT.LOG"); if( clientLogDisplayer ) { DebugLog->removeDisplayer (clientLogDisplayer); InfoLog->removeDisplayer (clientLogDisplayer); WarningLog->removeDisplayer (clientLogDisplayer); ErrorLog->removeDisplayer (clientLogDisplayer); AssertLog->removeDisplayer (clientLogDisplayer); delete clientLogDisplayer; } CSheetId::uninit(); // shutdown a few other singletons CLoginProgressPostThread::releaseInstance(); CAttackListManager::releaseInstance(); CFactionWarManager::release(); CEncyclopediaManager::releaseInstance(); CDoorManager::releaseInstance(); NL3D::CParticleSystemManager::release(); CUserCommand::release(); CStaticFames::releaseInstance(); CSPhraseManager::releaseInstance(); // must release before BrickManager, SkillManager CSBrickManager::releaseInstance(); CSkillManager::releaseInstance(); CVisualSlotManager::releaseInstance(); CEntityAnimationManager::delInstance(); CBarManager::releaseInstance(); CInterfaceManager::destroy(); CDDXManager::releaseInstance(); R2::CObjectSerializer::releaseInstance(); NLMISC::CBigFile::getInstance().removeAll(); NLMISC::CBigFile::releaseInstance(); NL3D::CFastHLSModifier::releaseInstance(); CLandscapePolyDrawer::releaseInstance(); NL3D::CParticleSystemShape::releaseInstance(); NLMISC::CPath::releaseInstance(); SheetMngr.release(); // releaseWeather(); // AJM FIXME conflicting ownership with SheetManager R2::CScenarioEntryPoints::releaseInstance(); CMacroCmdManager::releaseInstance(); CInputHandlerManager::releaseInstance(); ICDBNode::releaseStringMapper(); CClassRegistry::release(); CReflectSystem::release(); CInterfaceExpr::release(); CPdrTokenRegistry::releaseInstance(); NLNET::IModuleManager::releaseInstance(); delete &CLuaManager::getInstance(); NLGUI::CDBManager::release(); CWidgetManager::release(); #if FINAL_VERSION // openURL ("http://www.ryzomcore.org/exit/"); #endif }// release //