// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "stdpch.h" #include "3d_notes.h" #include "client_cfg.h" #include "init_main_loop.h" #include "user_entity.h" using namespace std; using namespace NLMISC; void cbNotesChanged() { nlinfo("cbNotesChanged called"); Notes.Notes.clear(); CConfigFile::CVar &var = Notes.NotesConfigFile.getVar("Notes"); for(sint i = 0; i < var.size(); i+=3) { sint id = var.asInt(i); if(i == 0 && id == 0) { // first is always 0 continue; } if(id == 0) { nlwarning("Malformated id 0 in note file '%s', discard all notes", ClientCfg.NotesFilename.c_str()); Notes.Notes.clear(); return; } CVector pos; vector posstr; explode(var.asString(i+1), ",", posstr); if(posstr.size() != 3) { nlwarning("Malformated position in note number %d in file '%s', discard all notes", id, ClientCfg.NotesFilename.c_str()); Notes.Notes.clear(); return; } NLMISC::fromString(posstr[0], pos.x); NLMISC::fromString(posstr[1], pos.y); NLMISC::fromString(posstr[2], pos.z); string note(var.asString(i+2)); if(note.empty()) { nlwarning("Malformated because empty note in note number %d in file '%s', skipping it", id, ClientCfg.NotesFilename.c_str()); } else { Notes.addNote(pos, note, id); } } } C3DNotes::CNote::CNote(const NLMISC::CVector &pos, const std::string ¬e, sint id) : Id(id), Position(pos), Note(note), Bubble(NULL) { nlassert(Id > 0); } C3DNotes::CNote::~CNote() { if(Bubble) { Bubble->setActive(false); Bubble->unlink(); Bubble = NULL; } } void C3DNotes::init() { if(!ClientCfg.NotesFilename.empty()) { // load the 3d notes try { NotesConfigFile.load(ClientCfg.NotesFilename); NotesConfigFile.setCallback(cbNotesChanged); NotesAvailable = true; cbNotesChanged(); } catch(Exception &e) { nlwarning("Error while loading '%s': %s", ClientCfg.NotesFilename.c_str(), e.what()); NotesAvailable = false; } } } void C3DNotes::update() { if (!NotesAvailable) return; // check if we need new bubble CVector userPos = UserEntity->pos(); for(list::iterator it = Notes.begin(); it != Notes.end(); it++) { if((*it).Bubble == NULL && ((*it).Position - userPos).norm() < 100) { string n = toString("NOTE: %d %s", (*it).Id, (*it).Note.c_str()); (*it).Bubble = InSceneBubbleManager.newBubble (ucstring(n)); if((*it).Bubble) { (*it).Bubble->link(NULL, 60*60*10); (*it).Bubble->setActive (true); nlinfo("NOTE: id %d pos(%f,%f,%f) note '%s'", (*it).Id, (*it).Position.x, (*it).Position.y, (*it).Position.z, (*it).Note.c_str()); } } else if((*it).Bubble && ((*it).Position - userPos).norm() >= 100) { (*it).Bubble->setActive(false); (*it).Bubble->unlink(); (*it).Bubble = NULL; } if((*it).Bubble) { (*it).Bubble->Position = (*it).Position; } } } void C3DNotes::release() { Notes.clear(); } void C3DNotes::saveNotes() { if (!NotesAvailable) return; vector vals; vals.push_back("0"); vals.push_back("0,0,0"); vals.push_back("0"); for(list::iterator it = Notes.begin(); it != Notes.end(); it++) { vals.push_back(toString("%d", (*it).Id)); vals.push_back(toString("%f,%f,%f", (*it).Position.x, (*it).Position.y, (*it).Position.z)); vals.push_back((*it).Note); } CConfigFile::CVar &var = NotesConfigFile.getVar("Notes"); var.setAsString(vals); var.SaveWrap = 3; NotesConfigFile.save(); } void C3DNotes::addNote(const NLMISC::CVector &pos, const string ¬e, sint id) { if (!NotesAvailable) return; bool needToSave = false; if(id == 0) { id = NextId++; needToSave = true; } Notes.push_back(CNote(pos, note, id)); if(id >= NextId) { NextId = id + 1; } if(needToSave) { saveNotes(); } } void C3DNotes::removeNote(sint id) { if (!NotesAvailable) return; for(list::iterator it = Notes.begin(); it != Notes.end(); it++) { if((*it).Id == id) { Notes.erase(it); saveNotes(); return; } } } NLMISC_COMMAND(note, "Add a 3d note at your location", "") { if(args.size() == 0) return false; #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS char un[256]; DWORD s = 256; GetUserName(un,&s); #else char *un=""; #endif string note = toString("%s %s", un, IDisplayer::dateToHumanString()); for (uint i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) { note += " " + args[i]; } CVector pos = UserEntity->pos(); Notes.addNote(pos, note); return true; } NLMISC_COMMAND(removeNote, "Remove a 3d note with its id", "") { if(args.size() == 0) return false; sint id = atoi(args[0].c_str()); if(id == 0) { log.displayNL("0 is an invalid note id"); return false; } Notes.removeNote(id); return true; } NLMISC_COMMAND(displayNotes, "display all notes", "") { if(args.size() != 0) return false; log.displayNL("Displaying %d notes:", Notes.Notes.size()); for(list::iterator it = Notes.Notes.begin(); it != Notes.Notes.end(); it++) { log.displayNL("id %d pos(%f,%f,%f) note '%s'", (*it).Id, (*it).Position.x, (*it).Position.y, (*it).Position.z, (*it).Note.c_str()); } return true; } NLMISC_COMMAND(gotoNote, "go to a note", "|") { if(args.size() == 0) return false; CVector pos(CVector::Null); sint id = atoi(args[0].c_str()); if(id == 0) { // it's a text string tok; for(uint i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) { if(i != 0) tok += " "; tok += args[i]; } tok = toLower(tok); list::iterator it; for(it = Notes.Notes.begin(); it != Notes.Notes.end(); it++) { string note = toLower((*it).Note); if(note.find(tok) != string::npos) { pos = (*it).Position; break; } } if(it == Notes.Notes.end()) { log.displayNL("No notes match the text '%s'", tok.c_str()); } } else { // it's an id list::iterator it; for(it = Notes.Notes.begin(); it != Notes.Notes.end(); it++) { if((*it).Id == id) { pos = (*it).Position; break; } } if(it == Notes.Notes.end()) { log.displayNL("No notes match the id %d", id); } } if(pos != CVector::Null) { string cmd; if (ClientCfg.Local) { cmd = toString("pos %f %f %f", pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); } else { cmd = toString("a Position %f,%f", pos.x, pos.y); } log.displayNL("Go to note at position (%f,%f,%f)", pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); ICommand::execute(cmd, *InfoLog); } return true; } #if !FINAL_VERSION NLMISC_COMMAND(debug, "open the debug window. alias to ah show_hide debug_info", "") { if(args.size() != 0) return false; string cmd("ah show debug_info"); ICommand::execute(cmd, log); return true; } #endif