{block name=content}

Ticket Queue {$queue_view}

Todo tickets All tickets All open tickets Ticket Archive Not Assigned Tickets
Show tickets to
{if isset($ACTION_RESULT) and $ACTION_RESULT eq "SUCCESS_ASSIGNED"} {$success_assigned} {else if isset($ACTION_RESULT) and $ACTION_RESULT eq "SUCCESS_UNASSIGNED"} {$success_unassigned} {else if isset($ACTION_RESULT) and $ACTION_RESULT eq "TICKET_NOT_EXISTING"} {$ticket_not_existing} {else if isset($ACTION_RESULT) and $ACTION_RESULT eq "ALREADY_ASSIGNED"} {$ticket_already_assigned} {else if isset($ACTION_RESULT) and $ACTION_RESULT eq "NOT_ASSIGNED"} {$ticket_not_assigned} {/if}
{foreach from=$tickets item=ticket} {/foreach}
ID Title Assigned Timestamp Category Status SupportGroup Actions
{$ticket.tId} {$ticket.title} {if $ticket.assignedText neq ""} {$ticket.assignedText} {else} {$not_assigned} {/if} {$ticket.timestamp} {$ticket.category} {$ticket.statusText} {if $ticket.forwardedGroupName eq "0"} {$public_sgroup} {else} {$ticket.forwardedGroupName} {/if} {if $ticket.assigned eq 0}
{else if $ticket.assigned eq $user_id}
« | {foreach from=$links item=link} {if $link == $currentPage}{/if}{$link}{if $link == $currentPage}{/if} | {/foreach} »